Пример #1
// 道を作る
void CDunHard::CreateRoad(int uRoomA, int uRoomB)
	RECT *pRectA, *pRectB;
	RECT *pRoomA, *pRoomB;

	pRectA = &m_Rect[uRoomA].Rect;
	pRectB = &m_Rect[uRoomB].Rect;
	pRoomA = &m_Rect[uRoomA].Room;
	pRoomB = &m_Rect[uRoomB].Room;

	//-- 区画は上下か左右のどちらで繋がっているかで処理をわける --
	// 上下で繋がっているか?
	if(pRectA->bottom == pRectB->top || pRectA->top == pRectB->bottom) {
		int uX1, uX2, uY;

		uX1 = GetRand(RECT_W(*pRoomA)) + pRoomA->left;
		uX2 = GetRand(RECT_W(*pRoomB)) + pRoomB->left;
		if(pRectA->top > pRectB->top) {
			// B
			// A
			uY = pRectA->top;
			FillRect(uX1, uY + 1, uX1 + 1, pRoomA->top + 1, FALSE, FALSE);	// Aと横道をつなぐ道を作る
			FillRect(uX2, pRoomB->bottom - 1, uX2 + 1, uY, FALSE, FALSE);	// Bと横道をつなぐ道を作る
		else {
			// A
			// B
			uY = pRectB->top;
			FillRect(uX1, pRoomA->bottom - 1, uX1 + 1, uY, FALSE, FALSE);
			FillRect(uX2, uY, uX2 + 1, pRoomB->top + 1, FALSE, FALSE);
		FillHLine(uX1, uX2, uY, FALSE);	// 横道を作る
	// 左右で繋がっているか?
	else if(pRectA->right == pRectB->left || pRectA->left == pRectB->right ) {
		int uY1, uY2, uX;

		uY1 = GetRand(pRoomA->bottom - pRoomA->top) + pRoomA->top;
		uY2 = GetRand(pRoomB->bottom - pRoomB->top) + pRoomB->top;
		if(pRectA->left > pRectB->left) {
			// BA
			uX = pRectA->left;
			FillRect(pRoomB->right - 1, uY2, uX, uY2 + 1, FALSE, FALSE);
			FillRect(uX + 1, uY1, pRoomA->left + 1, uY1 + 1, FALSE, FALSE);
		else {
			// AB
			uX = pRectB->left;
			FillRect(pRoomA->right - 1, uY1, uX, uY1 + 1, FALSE, FALSE);
			FillRect(uX, uY2, pRoomB->left + 1, uY2 + 1, FALSE, FALSE);

		FillVLine(uY1, uY2, uX, FALSE);	// 横道を作る
Пример #2
void render_line_sel( struct text_rendition *info, struct line_layout *ll )
  int base_x = ll->base_x;
  int base_y = ll->base_y;
  UINT_32 line_start = ll->line_start;
  UINT_32 line_end = ll->line_end;
  int sel_start_x = ll->sel_start_x;
  int sel_end_x = ll->sel_end_x;

  if (info->sel_from <= line_end && info->sel_to >= line_start)
      int x, y, w, h;

      if (info->sel_from >= line_start)
	x = sel_start_x;
	x = base_x;

      if (info->sel_to <= line_end)
	w = sel_end_x - x;
	w = (base_x + info->line_width) - x;
      x += info->origin_x;
      h = info->line_height;
      y = base_y - h;

      XFillRectangle( info->ctx_dsp, info->ctx_win, info->ctx_gc,
		      x + RECT_X(info->sel_bleed),
		      y + RECT_Y(info->sel_bleed),
		      w + RECT_W(info->sel_bleed),
		      h + RECT_H(info->sel_bleed) );
Пример #3
// それぞれの区画から部屋を作る
void CDunHard::CreateRoom(int uRectIndex )
	int w, h, cw, ch, sw, sh, rw, rh, rx ,ry;

	RECT *pRect = &m_Rect[uRectIndex].Rect;	// 区画情報
	RECT *pRoom = &m_Rect[uRectIndex].Room;	// これから作る部屋情報

	// 矩形の大きさを計算
	w = RECT_W(*pRect) - 3;
	h = RECT_H(*pRect) - 3;

	// 区画に入る最小部屋の余裕を求める
	cw = w - MIN_ROOM_SIZE;
	ch = h - MIN_ROOM_SIZE;

	// 部屋の大きさを決定する
	sw = GetRand(cw);
	sh = GetRand(ch);
	rw = w - sw;
	rh = h - sh;

	// 迷路を作る関係上、部屋サイズが奇数になるようにする
	if (rw % 2 == 0) {
		if (rw >= w) {
			rw -= 2;
	if (rh % 2 == 0) {
		if (rh >= h) {
			rh -= 2;

	// 部屋の位置を決定する
	rx = GetRand(sw) + 2;
	ry = GetRand(sh) + 2;

	// 求めた結果から部屋の情報を設定
	pRoom->left		= pRect->left + rx;
	pRoom->top		= pRect->top  + ry;
	pRoom->right	= pRoom->left + rw;
	pRoom->bottom	= pRoom->top  + rh;

	// 部屋を作る
	FillRect( pRoom->left, pRoom->top, pRoom->right, pRoom->bottom, FALSE, TRUE);

	// 迷路化
	m_Rect[uRectIndex].bMaze = false;
	if (rw >= MIN_MAZING ||
		rh >= MIN_MAZING) {
		// ランダムで、1/2
		if (GetRand(2)) {
			m_Rect[uRectIndex].bMaze = true;
Пример #4
 * OnInitDialog()
BOOL sd_OnInitDialog(HWND storeDlg, HWND focusCtrl, LPARAM lParam)
    int firstItem;
    int listItemCnt;
    int i, j;
    RECT clientRect;
    RECT lbxRect;
    RECT lbxPosRect;
    int lbxHeight;
    HWND okBtn;
    HWND cancelBtn;
    AREA otherCtrlArea;
    DWORD style;
    DWORD exStyle;
    BOOL loaded;

     * Set up the window.
    Window_Center(storeDlg, sd_parentWnd);
    sd_nameLcd = GetDlgItem(storeDlg, IDC_NAME_LCD);
    LcdCtrl_TextInit(sd_nameLcd, TX81Z_NAME_LEN);

     * Cache control handles
    okBtn = GetDlgItem(storeDlg, IDOK);
    cancelBtn = GetDlgItem(storeDlg, IDCANCEL);
    sd_lbx[0] = GetDlgItem(storeDlg, IDC_STORE1_LBX);
    sd_lbx[1] = GetDlgItem(storeDlg, IDC_STORE2_LBX);

     * Initialize the list boxes.
    TxLbx_Init(sd_lbx[0], &sd_txProps);
    TxLbx_Init(sd_lbx[1], &sd_txProps);

     * Initialize control settings.
    LcdCtrl_SetText(sd_nameLcd, sd_srcItemName);
    if (sd_itemToStore == SI_VCED) {
        firstItem = SI_VMEM;
        listItemCnt = 16;
    } else { /* sd_itemToStore == SI_PCED */
        firstItem = SI_PMEM;
        listItemCnt = 12;
     * Resize list boxes to fit their items exactly.
    GetClientRect(sd_lbx[0], &lbxRect);
    lbxRect.bottom = listItemCnt * 13;
    style = (DWORD) GetWindowLong(sd_lbx[0], GWL_STYLE);
    exStyle = (DWORD) GetWindowLong(sd_lbx[0], GWL_EXSTYLE);
    AdjustWindowRectEx(&lbxRect, style, FALSE, exStyle);
    lbxHeight = RECT_H(lbxRect);
    Window_GetParentRelativeRect(sd_lbx[0], storeDlg, &lbxPosRect);
#define SPACING 6
     * Move the OK button.
    Window_GetParentRelativeArea(okBtn, storeDlg, &otherCtrlArea);
    SetWindowPos(okBtn, NULL, otherCtrlArea.x
            , lbxPosRect.top + lbxHeight + SPACING, 0, 0
            , SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);
     * Move the cancel button.
    Window_GetParentRelativeArea(cancelBtn, storeDlg, &otherCtrlArea);
    otherCtrlArea.y = lbxPosRect.top + lbxHeight + SPACING;
    SetWindowPos(cancelBtn, NULL, otherCtrlArea.x, otherCtrlArea.y, 0, 0
            , SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER);
     * Set the dialog position.
    GetClientRect(storeDlg, &clientRect);
    style = (DWORD) GetWindowLong(storeDlg, GWL_STYLE);
    exStyle = (DWORD) GetWindowLong(storeDlg, GWL_EXSTYLE);
    clientRect.bottom = AREA_B(otherCtrlArea) + SPACING;
    AdjustWindowRectEx(&clientRect, style, FALSE, exStyle);
    SetWindowPos(storeDlg, NULL, 0, 0, RECT_W(clientRect), RECT_H(clientRect)
            , SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER);

     * For each list box.
    loaded = Snapshot_IsItemGroupLoaded(&Prog_snapshot, firstItem);
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
         * Size the list box vertically to fit the number of items.
        SetWindowPos(sd_lbx[j], NULL, 0, 0, RECT_W(lbxRect), lbxHeight
                , SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER);
         * Add the list items.
        for (i = 0; i < listItemCnt; i++) {
            _TUCHAR text[40];
            int index = i + j * listItemCnt;
            TXLBX_ATTR itemAttr;

            Snapshot_FormatName(&Prog_snapshot, firstItem + index
                    , NF_NUMBER_AND_NAME, text);
            if (Snapshot_IsItemDirty(&Prog_snapshot, firstItem + index)) {
                itemAttr = TA_DIRTY;
            } else if (loaded) {
                itemAttr = TA_NORMAL;
            } else {
                itemAttr = TA_UNLOADED;
            TxLbx_AddItem(sd_lbx[j], text, 0, itemAttr);

    return TRUE;
Пример #5
// 区画を分ける
void CDunHard::SplitRect(int nParentRectIndex, int nFlagHV)
	DUNRECT *pParent, *pChild;
	RECT *pRect;
	int nChildIndex1 = 0, nChildIndex2 = 0;

	// わける区画情報を取得
	pParent = &m_Rect[nParentRectIndex];
	pRect   = &pParent->Rect;

	// 分割する
	if((nFlagHV & 1) == 0) {
		// 横に分割する
		nFlagHV |= 1;

		// 区分を分割できるか?チェック
		if(RECT_W(*pRect) >= (MIN_ROOM_SIZE + 3) * 2 + 1) {
			int a, b, ab, p;
			// 左端のA点を求める
			a = MIN_ROOM_SIZE + 3;

			// 右端のB点を求める
			b = RECT_W(*pRect) - MIN_ROOM_SIZE - 4;

			// ABの距離を求める
			ab = b - a;

			// AB間のどこかに決定する
			p = a + GetRand(ab + 1);

			// 新しく右の区画を作成する
			pChild = CreateRect(pRect->left + p,

			// 元の区画の右を p 地点に移動させて、左側の区画とする
			pParent->Rect.right = pChild->Rect.left;

			// 子の部屋をさらに分割する
			nChildIndex1 = DunrectToIndex(pChild);
			SplitRect(nChildIndex1, 0);

	if((nFlagHV & 2) == 0) {
		// 縦に分割する
		nFlagHV |= 2;

		// 区分を分割できるか?チェック
		if( RECT_H(*pRect) >= (MIN_ROOM_SIZE+3)*2+1 ) {
			int a, b, ab, p;
			a = MIN_ROOM_SIZE + 3;
			b = RECT_H(*pRect) - MIN_ROOM_SIZE - 4;
			ab = b - a;

			p = a + GetRand(ab + 1);

			// 新しく下の区画を作成する
			pChild = CreateRect(pRect->left,
								pRect->top + p,

			// 元の区画の下を p 地点に移動させて、上側の区画とする
			pParent->Rect.bottom = pChild->Rect.top;

			// 子の部屋をさらに分割する
			nChildIndex2 = DunrectToIndex(pChild);
			SplitRect(nChildIndex2, 0);

	// 部屋を作る

	// 子供とつなげる
	if(nChildIndex1) {
		CreateRoad( nParentRectIndex, nChildIndex1 );
	if(nChildIndex2) {
		CreateRoad( nParentRectIndex, nChildIndex2 );
Пример #6
 * Create - displays the dialog box
HWND RemoteWnd_Create(HWND parentWnd)
    HWND remoteWnd;

    if (Prog_remoteWnd) {
        if (IsIconic(Prog_remoteWnd)) {
        remoteWnd = Prog_remoteWnd;
    } else {
        RECT wndRect = { 60, 60, 685, 120 };
        DWORD wndExStyles = WS_EX_LEFT;
        int i;

        if (!AdjustWindowRectEx(&wndRect, wndStyles, FALSE, wndExStyles)) {
            MsgBox_LastErrorF(parentWnd, _T("Error adjusting window rect"));
        remoteWnd = CreateWindowEx(
                wndExStyles                               /* extended styles */
                , RemoteWnd_className                     /* window class */
                , _T("Remote")                            /* caption text */
                , wndStyles                               /* styles */
                , wndRect.left, wndRect.top               /* left, top */
                , RECT_W(wndRect), RECT_H(wndRect)        /* width, height */
                , NULL                                    /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) NULL                            /* menu */
                , Prog_instance                           /* program instance */
                , NULL                                    /* creation data */
        if (!remoteWnd) {
                    , _T("Error creating remote control window"));
            return NULL;
         * Add "Stay On Top" system menu item.
        Window_AddSysMenuItem(remoteWnd, _T("Stay On Top"), IDM_STAY_ON_TOP
                , TRUE);

         * Initialize buttons.
        for (i = 0; i < btnInitCnt; i++) {
            HWND btn = CreateWindowEx(
                    0                                         /* extended styles */
                    , _T("BUTTON")                            /* window class */
                    , _T("TX81Z Remote")                      /* caption text */
                    , BS_OWNERDRAW | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE    /* styles */
                    , btnInits[i].x, btnInits[i].y            /* left, top */
                    , btnInits[i].w, btnInits[i].h            /* width, height */
                    , remoteWnd                               /* parent window */
                    , (HMENU) btnInits[i].btnID               /* menu */
                    , Prog_instance                           /* program instance */
                    , NULL                                    /* creation data */
            if (!btn) {
                        , _T("Error creating remote control button"));
                return NULL;
            rw_origBtnProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLong(btn, GWL_WNDPROC
                    , (long) rw_BtnProc);
        ShowWindow(remoteWnd, SW_SHOW);

    return remoteWnd;
Пример #7
 * OnInitDialog()
BOOL mfd_OnInitDialog(HWND mtfDlg, HWND focusCtrl, LPARAM lParam)
    HWND ctrl;
    int i;
    SPECIALLCDINIT noteLcdInit = { IDC_MT_NOTE_1,  3, 13, 109
        , Prog_keyNameStrings[13], NULL };
    NUMLCDINIT fineLcdInit = { IDC_MT_FINE_1,  3,  0,   63, -31, NULL };
    NUMLCDINIT fullLcdInit = { IDC_MT_FULL_1,  4,  0, 6143,   0, NULL };
    _TUCHAR noteName[5];

    mfd_dlgData.wnd = Prog_mtfDlg = mtfDlg;
     * Adjust the window position.
    if (IsRectEmpty(&Prog_mtfDlgPlacement.rcNormalPosition)) {
        Window_Center(mtfDlg, mfd_parentWnd);
        GetWindowPlacement(mtfDlg, &Prog_mtfDlgPlacement);
     * Set up dialog controls.
    for (i = 0; i < mfd_initCnt; i++) {
        int topOffset = 34 * i;

         * Create note label.
        KybdCtrl_KeyToText(i, noteName);
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("Static")                           /* window class */
                , noteName                             /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP | WS_VISIBLE     /* styles */
                    | SS_LEFT
                , 3, 7 + topOffset                    /* left, top */
                , 26, 13                               /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) IDC_STATIC                   /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s note label"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        SetWindowFont(ctrl, Prog_tahomaFont, FALSE);
         * Create Note LCD.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("LcdCtrl")                          /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE   /* styles */
                    | LCS_SMALL | LCS_TEXT | LCS_LEFT_SB
                , 32, topOffset                        /* left, top */
                , 324, 13                              /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_NOTE_1 + (i << 1))   /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s note LCD"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        LcdCtrl_SpecialInit(ctrl, &noteLcdInit);
         * Create fine LCD.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("LcdCtrl")                          /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE   /* styles */
                , 360, topOffset                       /* left, top */
                , 143, 13                              /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FINE_1 + (i << 1))   /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s fine LCD"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        LcdCtrl_NumInit(ctrl, &fineLcdInit);
         * Create full range LCD.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("LcdCtrl")                          /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE   /* styles */
                    | LCS_SMALL | LCS_NUMERIC | LCS_LEFT_SB
                , 32, 15 + topOffset                   /* left, top */
                , 471, 13                              /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FULL_1 + i)          /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s full range LCD"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        LcdCtrl_NumInit(ctrl, &fullLcdInit);
         * Create frequency static control.
        ctrl = CreateWindow(
                _T("Static")                           /* window class */
                , NULL                                 /* caption text */
                , WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_RIGHT     /* styles */
                    | SS_SUNKEN
                , 508, 7 + topOffset                   /* left, top */
                , 40, 16                               /* width, height */
                , mtfDlg                               /* parent window */
                , (HMENU) (IDC_MT_FREQ_1 + i)          /* control ID */
                , Prog_instance                        /* program instance */
                , NULL                                 /* creation data */
        if (!ctrl) {
            Error_LastErrorF(_T("Error creating %s frequency display"), noteName);
            return FALSE;
        SetWindowFont(ctrl, Prog_tahomaFont, FALSE);
     * Set up the undo infrastructure.
    mfd_dlgData.menu = GetMenu(mtfDlg);
    mfd_dlgData.undo = Undo_Create();
     * Init control values.
     * Set up the scrolling dialog module.
    if (!(mfd_dialog = Dialog_Create(mtfDlg)))
        return FALSE;
     * Adjust and display the window.
#define RC Prog_mtfDlgPlacement.rcNormalPosition
    MoveWindow(mtfDlg, RC.left, RC.top
            , RECT_W(RC) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL)
            , RECT_H(RC) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVSCROLL), TRUE);
    MoveWindow(mtfDlg, RC.left, RC.top, RECT_W(RC), RECT_H(RC), TRUE);
#undef RC
    ShowWindow(mtfDlg, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

    return TRUE;