Пример #1
/* _ml_P_Process_waitpid : int * word -> int * int * int
 * Wait for child processes to stop or terminate
ml_val_t _ml_P_Process_waitpid (ml_state_t *msp, ml_val_t arg)
    int       pid;
    int       status, how, val;
    ml_val_t  r;

    pid = waitpid(REC_SELINT(arg, 0), &status, REC_SELWORD(arg, 1));
    if (pid < 0)
	return RAISE_SYSERR(msp, pid);

    if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
	how = 0;
	val = WEXITSTATUS(status);
    else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
	how = 1;
	val = WTERMSIG(status);
    else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
	how = 2;
	val = WSTOPSIG(status);
	return RAISE_ERROR(msp, "unknown child status");

    REC_ALLOC3(msp, r, INT_CtoML(pid), INT_CtoML(how), INT_CtoML(val));

    return r;

} /* end of _ml_P_Process_waitpid */
Пример #2
Val   _lib7_P_SysDB_getgrnam   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   String -> (String, Unt, List(String))
    // Get group file entry by name.
    // This fn gets bound as   getgrname'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-etc.pkg

    struct group*  info =  getgrnam( HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( arg ));

    if (info == NULL)   return RAISE_SYSERR(task, -1);
    Val  gr_name =  make_ascii_string_from_c_string( task, info->gr_name );

    Val               gr_gid;
    WORD_ALLOC (task, gr_gid, (Val_Sized_Unt)(info->gr_gid));

    Val gr_mem =  make_ascii_strings_from_vector_of_c_strings( task, info->gr_mem );

    Val              result;
    REC_ALLOC3(task, result, gr_name, gr_gid, gr_mem);
    return           result;
Пример #3
Val   make_mythryl_signal_handler_arg   (
    Task* task,
    Val*  resume_after_handling_signal
) {
    // We're handling a POSIX inteprocess signal for
    //     src/c/main/run-mythryl-code-and-runtime-eventloop.c
    // Depending on platform,    resume_after_handling_signal
    // is from one of
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.intel32.asm
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.intel32.masm
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.sun.asm
    //     src/c/machine-dependent/prim.pwrpc32.asm
    // Our job is to build the Mythryl argument record for
    // the Mythryl signal handler.  The handler has type
    //   posix_interprocess_signal_handler : (Int, Int, Fate(Void)) -> X
    // where
    //     The first  argument is  the signal id 		// For example SIGALRM,
    //     the second argument is  the signal count		// I.e., number of times signal has been recieved since last handled.
    //     the third  argument is  the resumption fate.
    // The return type is X because the Mythryl
    // signal handler should never return.
    // NOTE: Maybe this should be combined with choose_signal???	XXX BUGGO FIXME

    Pthread* pthread = task->pthread;

    Val resume_fate =  make_resumption_fate( task,  resume_after_handling_signal );

    // Allocate the Mythryl signal handler's argument record:
    Val	              arg;
    REC_ALLOC3( task, arg,
                TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( pthread->next_posix_signal_id		),
                TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( pthread->next_posix_signal_count	),

    debug_say( "make_mythryl_signal_handler_arg: resumeC = %#x, arg = %#x\n", resume_fate, arg );

    return arg;
Пример #4
Val   _lib7_P_Process_waitpid   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:  (Int, Unt) -> (Int, Int, Int)
    // Wait for child processes to stop or terminate.
    // This fn gets bound as   waitpid'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-process.pkg

    int status;
    int how;
    int val;

    int  pid;

/*  do { */						// Backed out 2010-02-26 CrT: See discussion at bottom of src/c/lib/socket/connect.c

        pid = waitpid(GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT(arg, 0), &status, TUPLE_GETWORD(arg, 1));

/*  } while (pid < 0 && errno == EINTR);	*/	// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.

    if (pid < 0)   return RAISE_SYSERR(task, pid);

    if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
	how = 0;
	val = WEXITSTATUS(status);

    } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {

	how = 1;
	val = WTERMSIG(status);

    } else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {

	how = 2;
	val = WSTOPSIG(status);

    } else {

        return RAISE_ERROR(task, "unknown child status");

    Val              result;
    return           result;
Пример #5
/* _lib7_NetDB_getprotbyname : String -> (String * String list * int) option
lib7_val_t _lib7_NetDB_getprotbyname (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg)
    lib7_val_t	    name, aliases, res;
    struct protoent *pentry;

    pentry = getprotobyname (STR_LIB7toC(arg));

    if (pentry == NULL)
	return OPTION_NONE;
    else {
	name = LIB7_CString (lib7_state, pentry->p_name);
	aliases = LIB7_CStringList (lib7_state, pentry->p_aliases);
	REC_ALLOC3 (lib7_state, res, name, aliases, INT_CtoLib7(pentry->p_proto));
	OPTION_SOME (lib7_state, res, res);
	return res;

} /* end of _lib7_NetDB_getprotbyname */
Пример #6
/* MakeHandlerArg:
 * Build the argument record for the Lib7 signal handler.
 * It has the type
 *   sigHandler : (Int, Int, Fate(Void)) -> X
 * where
 *     The first  argument is  the signal code,
 *     the second argument is  the signal count and
 *     the third  argument is  the resumption fate.
 * The Lib7 signal handler should never return.
 * NOTE: maybe this should be combined with ChooseSignal???	XXX BUGGO FIXME
lib7_val_t MakeHandlerArg (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t resume[])
    lib7_val_t	resumeCont, arg;
    vproc_state_t *vsp = lib7_state->lib7_vproc;

    resumeCont = MakeResumeCont(lib7_state, resume);

    /* Allocate the Lib7 signal handler's argument record:
    REC_ALLOC3(lib7_state, arg,
	INT_CtoLib7(vsp->vp_sigCode), INT_CtoLib7(vsp->vp_sigCount),

    #ifdef SIGNAL_DEBUG
    SayDebug ("MakeHandlerArg: resumeC = %#x, arg = %#x\n", resumeCont, arg);

    return arg;
Пример #7
Val   _lib7_NetDB_getrpcbynum   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:  Int ->   Null_Or(   (String, List(String), Int)   )
    // This fn is NOWHERE INVOKED.  Nor listed in   src/c/lib/socket/cfun-list.h   Presumably should be either called or deleted:  XXX BUGGO FIXME.

    struct rpcent*  rentry
        getrpcbynumber( TAGGED_INT_TO_C_INT( arg ));

    if (rentry == NULL)   return OPTION_NULL;

    Val name    =  make_ascii_string_from_c_string(     task, rentry->r_name   );
    Val aliases =  make_ascii_strings_from_vector_of_c_strings( task, rentry->r_aliases);

    Val                result;
    REC_ALLOC3(  task, result, name, aliases, TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(rentry->r_number));
    OPTION_THE( task, result, result);
    return             result;