Пример #1
// ImageIO Function Definitions
std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]> ReadImage(const std::string &name,
                                         Point2i *resolution) {
    if (name.size() >= 5) {
        size_t suffixOffset = name.size() - 4;
        if (!strcmp(name.c_str() + suffixOffset, ".exr") ||
            !strcmp(name.c_str() + suffixOffset, ".EXR"))
            return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(
                ReadImageEXR(name, &resolution->x, &resolution->y));
        if (!strcmp(name.c_str() + suffixOffset, ".tga") ||
            !strcmp(name.c_str() + suffixOffset, ".TGA"))
            return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(
                ReadImageTGA(name, &resolution->x, &resolution->y));
        if (!strcmp(name.c_str() + suffixOffset, ".pfm") ||
            !strcmp(name.c_str() + suffixOffset, ".PFM"))
            return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(
                ReadImagePFM(name, &resolution->x, &resolution->y));
        "Unable to load image stored in format \"%s\" for filename \"%s\". "
        "Returning a constant grey image instead.",
        strrchr(name.c_str(), '.') ? (strrchr(name.c_str(), '.') + 1)
                                   : "(unknown)",
    RGBSpectrum *ret = new RGBSpectrum[1];
    ret[0] = RGBSpectrum(0.5f);
    resolution->x = resolution->y = 1;
    return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(ret);
Пример #2
RGBSpectrum BlockedRenderer::LightSampling(
        const Scene::ConstLightIterator &light, const Point2 &lightSample,
        const Intersection &isect, const Vector &wo, Vector *wi, float *pdf) const {
    Ray shadowRay;
    RGBSpectrum Le = (*light)->SampleDirect(lightSample, isect, shadowRay, pdf);
    *wi = shadowRay.dir;
    if(Le.IsBlack() || *pdf == 0.f)
        return RGBSpectrum(0.f);
    Normal Ns = isect.Ns;
    float cos = Ns.dot(shadowRay.dir);
    if(cos <= 0.f)
        return RGBSpectrum(0.f);
    bool hit = m_Scene->Occluded(shadowRay);
        return RGBSpectrum(0.f);    
    return Le*isect.bsdf->Eval(isect, wo, shadowRay.dir)*cos / *pdf;    
Пример #3
RGBSpectrum BlockedRenderer::BSDFSampling(const Scene::ConstLightIterator &light,
        const Point2 &bsdfSample, const Intersection &isect, const Vector &wo, 
        Vector *wi, float *pdf) const {    

    RGBSpectrum w = isect.bsdf->Sample(bsdfSample, isect, wo, wi, pdf);
    Normal Ns = isect.Ns;
    float cos = Ns.dot(*wi);
    if(cos <= 0.f)
        return RGBSpectrum(0.f);

    Ray ray(isect.p, *wi, isect.rayEpsilon, std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), isect.time);
    Intersection newIsect;
    RGBSpectrum L(0.f);
    if(m_Scene->Intersect(ray, &newIsect)) {
        // TODO: add area light contribution
    } else {
        L += (*light)->EvalDirect(*wi);

    return w * L * cos / *pdf;
Пример #4
static RGBSpectrum *ReadImageTGA(const std::string &name, int *width,
                                 int *height) {
    tga_image img;
    tga_result result;
    if ((result = tga_read(&img, name.c_str())) != TGA_NOERR) {
        Error("Unable to read from TGA file \"%s\" (%s)", name.c_str(),
        return nullptr;

    if (tga_is_right_to_left(&img)) tga_flip_horiz(&img);
    if (!tga_is_top_to_bottom(&img)) tga_flip_vert(&img);
    if (tga_is_colormapped(&img)) tga_color_unmap(&img);

    *width = img.width;
    *height = img.height;

    // "Unpack" the pixels (origin in the lower left corner).
    // TGA pixels are in BGRA format.
    RGBSpectrum *ret = new RGBSpectrum[*width * *height];
    RGBSpectrum *dst = ret;
    for (int y = *height - 1; y >= 0; y--)
        for (int x = 0; x < *width; x++) {
            uint8_t *src = tga_find_pixel(&img, x, y);
            if (tga_is_mono(&img))
                *dst++ = RGBSpectrum(*src / 255.f);
            else {
                Float c[3];
                c[2] = src[0] / 255.f;
                c[1] = src[1] / 255.f;
                c[0] = src[2] / 255.f;
                *dst++ = RGBSpectrum::FromRGB(c);

    Info("Read TGA image %s (%d x %d)", name.c_str(), *width, *height);

    return ret;
Пример #5
// ImageIO Function Definitions
std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]> ReadImage(const std::string &name,
        Point2i *resolution) {
    if (HasExtension(name, ".exr"))
        return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(
                   ReadImageEXR(name, &resolution->x, &resolution->y));
    else if (HasExtension(name, ".tga"))
        return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(
                   ReadImageTGA(name, &resolution->x, &resolution->y));
    else if (HasExtension(name, ".pfm"))
        return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(
                   ReadImagePFM(name, &resolution->x, &resolution->y));
        "Unable to load image stored in format \"%s\" for filename \"%s\". "
        "Returning a constant gray image instead.",
        strrchr(name.c_str(), '.') ? (strrchr(name.c_str(), '.') + 1)
        : "(unknown)",
    RGBSpectrum *ret = new RGBSpectrum[1];
    ret[0] = RGBSpectrum(0.5f);
    resolution->x = resolution->y = 1;
    return std::unique_ptr<RGBSpectrum[]>(ret);
Пример #6
static RGBSpectrum *ReadImagePFM(const std::string &filename, int *xres,
                                 int *yres) {
    float *data = nullptr;
    RGBSpectrum *rgb = nullptr;
    char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    unsigned int nFloats;
    int nChannels, width, height;
    float scale;
    bool fileLittleEndian;

    FILE *fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
    if (!fp) goto fail;

    // read either "Pf" or "PF"
    if (readWord(fp, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == -1) goto fail;

    if (strcmp(buffer, "Pf") == 0)
        nChannels = 1;
    else if (strcmp(buffer, "PF") == 0)
        nChannels = 3;
        goto fail;

    // read the rest of the header
    // read width
    if (readWord(fp, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == -1) goto fail;
    width = atoi(buffer);
    *xres = width;

    // read height
    if (readWord(fp, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == -1) goto fail;
    height = atoi(buffer);
    *yres = height;

    // read scale
    if (readWord(fp, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE) == -1) goto fail;
    sscanf(buffer, "%f", &scale);

    // read the data
    nFloats = nChannels * width * height;
    data = new float[nFloats];
    if (fread(data, sizeof(float), nFloats, fp) != nFloats) goto fail;

    // apply endian conversian and scale if appropriate
    fileLittleEndian = (scale < 0.f);
    if (hostLittleEndian ^ fileLittleEndian) {
        uint8_t bytes[4];
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFloats; ++i) {
            memcpy(bytes, &data[i], 4);
            std::swap(bytes[0], bytes[3]);
            std::swap(bytes[1], bytes[2]);
            memcpy(&data[i], bytes, 4);
    if (std::abs(scale) != 1.f)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFloats; ++i) data[i] *= std::abs(scale);

    // create RGBs...
    rgb = new RGBSpectrum[width * height];
    if (nChannels == 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) rgb[i] = RGBSpectrum(data[i]);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) {
            Float frgb[3] = {data[3 * i], data[3 * i + 1], data[3 * i + 2]};
            rgb[i] = RGBSpectrum::FromRGB(frgb);

    delete[] data;
    return rgb;

    Error("Error reading PFM file \"%s\"", filename.c_str());
    delete[] data;
    delete[] rgb;
    return nullptr;
Пример #7
Spectrum GonioPhotometricLight::Power() const {
    return 4 * Pi * I * Spectrum(mipmap ? mipmap->Lookup(Point2f(.5f, .5f), .5f)
                                        : RGBSpectrum(1.f),