Пример #1
** A configuration table has been loaded. It is now up to us
** to sort it out and use the information contained therein.
int RIONewTable(struct rio_info *p)
	int Host, Host1, Host2, NameIsUnique, Entry, SubEnt;
	struct Map *MapP;
	struct Map *HostMapP;
	struct Host *HostP;

	char *cptr;

	 ** We have been sent a new table to install. We need to break
	 ** it down into little bits and spread it around a bit to see
	 ** what we have got.
	 ** Things to check:
	 ** (things marked 'xx' aren't checked any more!)
	 ** (1) That there are no booted Hosts/RTAs out there.
	 ** (2) That the names are properly formed
	 ** (3) That blank entries really are.
	 ** xx (4)      That hosts mentioned in the table actually exist. xx
	 ** (5) That the IDs are unique (per host).
	 ** (6) That host IDs are zero
	 ** (7) That port numbers are valid
	 ** (8) That port numbers aren't duplicated
	 ** (9) That names aren't duplicated
	 ** xx (10) That hosts that actually exist are mentioned in the table. xx
	rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(1)\n");
	if (p->RIOSystemUp) {	/* (1) */
		return -EBUSY;

	p->RIOError.Entry = -1;
	p->RIOError.Other = -1;

	for (Entry = 0; Entry < TOTAL_MAP_ENTRIES; Entry++) {
		MapP = &p->RIOConnectTable[Entry];
		if ((MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT) == 0) {
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(2)\n");
			cptr = MapP->Name;	/* (2) */
			cptr[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
			if (cptr[0] == '\0') {
				memcpy(MapP->Name, MapP->RtaUniqueNum ? "RTA	NN" : "HOST NN", 8);
				MapP->Name[5] = '0' + Entry / 10;
				MapP->Name[6] = '0' + Entry % 10;
			while (*cptr) {
				if (*cptr < ' ' || *cptr > '~') {
					p->RIOError.Error = BAD_CHARACTER_IN_NAME;
					p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
					return -ENXIO;

		 ** If the entry saved was a tentative entry then just forget
		 ** about it.
		if (MapP->Flags & SLOT_TENTATIVE) {
			MapP->HostUniqueNum = 0;
			MapP->RtaUniqueNum = 0;

		rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(3)\n");
		if (!MapP->RtaUniqueNum && !MapP->HostUniqueNum) {	/* (3) */
			if (MapP->ID || MapP->SysPort || MapP->Flags) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "%s pretending to be empty but isn't\n", MapP->Name);
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "!RIO: Daemon: test (3) passes\n");

		rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(4)\n");
		for (Host = 0; Host < p->RIONumHosts; Host++) {	/* (4) */
			if (p->RIOHosts[Host].UniqueNum == MapP->HostUniqueNum) {
				HostP = &p->RIOHosts[Host];
				 ** having done the lookup, we don't really want to do
				 ** it again, so hang the host number in a safe place
				MapP->Topology[0].Unit = Host;

		if (Host >= p->RIONumHosts) {
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RTA %s has unknown host unique number 0x%x\n", MapP->Name, MapP->HostUniqueNum);
			MapP->HostUniqueNum = 0;
			/* MapP->RtaUniqueNum   = 0; */
			/* MapP->ID                     = 0; */
			/* MapP->Flags           = 0; */
			/* MapP->SysPort                 = 0; */
			/* MapP->Name[0]                 = 0; */

		rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(5)\n");
		if (MapP->RtaUniqueNum) {	/* (5) */
			if (!MapP->ID) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIO: RTA %s has been allocated an ID of zero!\n", MapP->Name);
				p->RIOError.Error = ZERO_RTA_ID;
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;
			if (MapP->ID > MAX_RUP) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIO: RTA %s has been allocated an invalid ID %d\n", MapP->Name, MapP->ID);
				p->RIOError.Error = ID_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE;
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;
			for (SubEnt = 0; SubEnt < Entry; SubEnt++) {
				if (MapP->HostUniqueNum == p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].HostUniqueNum && MapP->ID == p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].ID) {
					rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "Dupl. ID number allocated to RTA %s and RTA %s\n", MapP->Name, p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].Name);
					p->RIOError.Error = DUPLICATED_RTA_ID;
					p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
					p->RIOError.Other = SubEnt;
					return -ENXIO;
				 ** If the RtaUniqueNum is the same, it may be looking at both
				 ** entries for a 16 port RTA, so check the ids
				if ((MapP->RtaUniqueNum == p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].RtaUniqueNum)
				    && (MapP->ID2 != p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].ID)) {
					rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RTA %s has duplicate unique number\n", MapP->Name);
					rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RTA %s has duplicate unique number\n", p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].Name);
					p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
					p->RIOError.Other = SubEnt;
					return -ENXIO;
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(7a)\n");
			/* (7a) */
			if ((MapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) && (MapP->SysPort % PORTS_PER_RTA)) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "TTY Port number %d-RTA %s is not a multiple of %d!\n", (int) MapP->SysPort, MapP->Name, PORTS_PER_RTA);
				p->RIOError.Error = TTY_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE;
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(7b)\n");
			/* (7b) */
			if ((MapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) && (MapP->SysPort >= RIO_PORTS)) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "TTY Port number %d for RTA %s is too big\n", (int) MapP->SysPort, MapP->Name);
				p->RIOError.Error = TTY_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE;
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;
			for (SubEnt = 0; SubEnt < Entry; SubEnt++) {
				if (p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT)
				if (p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].RtaUniqueNum) {
					rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(8)\n");
					/* (8) */
					if ((MapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) && (MapP->SysPort == p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].SysPort)) {
						rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RTA %s:same TTY port # as RTA %s (%d)\n", MapP->Name, p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].Name, (int) MapP->SysPort);
						p->RIOError.Error = TTY_NUMBER_IN_USE;
						p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
						p->RIOError.Other = SubEnt;
						return -ENXIO;
					rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(9)\n");
					if (strcmp(MapP->Name, p->RIOConnectTable[SubEnt].Name) == 0 && !(MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT)) {	/* (9) */
						rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RTA name %s used twice\n", MapP->Name);
						p->RIOError.Error = NAME_USED_TWICE;
						p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
						p->RIOError.Other = SubEnt;
						return -ENXIO;
		} else {	/* (6) */
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: entering(6)\n");
			if (MapP->ID) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIO:HOST %s has been allocated ID that isn't zero!\n", MapP->Name);
				p->RIOError.Error = HOST_ID_NOT_ZERO;
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;
			if (MapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) {
				rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIO: HOST %s has been allocated port numbers!\n", MapP->Name);
				p->RIOError.Error = HOST_SYSPORT_BAD;
				p->RIOError.Entry = Entry;
				return -ENXIO;

	 ** wow! if we get here then it's a goody!

	 ** Zero the (old) entries for each host...
	for (Host = 0; Host < RIO_HOSTS; Host++) {
		for (Entry = 0; Entry < MAX_RUP; Entry++) {
			memset(&p->RIOHosts[Host].Mapping[Entry], 0, sizeof(struct Map));
		memset(&p->RIOHosts[Host].Name[0], 0, sizeof(p->RIOHosts[Host].Name));

	 ** Copy in the new table entries
	for (Entry = 0; Entry < TOTAL_MAP_ENTRIES; Entry++) {
		rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "RIONewTable: Copy table for Host entry %d\n", Entry);
		MapP = &p->RIOConnectTable[Entry];

		 ** Now, if it is an empty slot ignore it!
		if (MapP->HostUniqueNum == 0)

		 ** we saved the host number earlier, so grab it back
		HostP = &p->RIOHosts[MapP->Topology[0].Unit];

		 ** If it is a host, then we only need to fill in the name field.
		if (MapP->ID == 0) {
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "Host entry found. Name %s\n", MapP->Name);
			memcpy(HostP->Name, MapP->Name, MAX_NAME_LEN);

		 ** Its an RTA entry, so fill in the host mapping entries for it
		 ** and the port mapping entries. Notice that entry zero is for
		 ** ID one.
		HostMapP = &HostP->Mapping[MapP->ID - 1];

		if (MapP->Flags & SLOT_IN_USE) {
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "Rta entry found. Name %s\n", MapP->Name);
			 ** structure assign, then sort out the bits we shouldn't have done
			*HostMapP = *MapP;

			HostMapP->Flags = SLOT_IN_USE;
			if (MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT)
				HostMapP->Flags |= RTA16_SECOND_SLOT;

			RIOReMapPorts(p, HostP, HostMapP);
		} else {
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "TENTATIVE Rta entry found. Name %s\n", MapP->Name);

	for (Entry = 0; Entry < TOTAL_MAP_ENTRIES; Entry++) {
		p->RIOSavedTable[Entry] = p->RIOConnectTable[Entry];

	for (Host = 0; Host < p->RIONumHosts; Host++) {
		for (SubEnt = 0; SubEnt < LINKS_PER_UNIT; SubEnt++) {
			p->RIOHosts[Host].Topology[SubEnt].Unit = ROUTE_DISCONNECT;
			p->RIOHosts[Host].Topology[SubEnt].Link = NO_LINK;
		for (Entry = 0; Entry < MAX_RUP; Entry++) {
			for (SubEnt = 0; SubEnt < LINKS_PER_UNIT; SubEnt++) {
				p->RIOHosts[Host].Mapping[Entry].Topology[SubEnt].Unit = ROUTE_DISCONNECT;
				p->RIOHosts[Host].Mapping[Entry].Topology[SubEnt].Link = NO_LINK;
		if (!p->RIOHosts[Host].Name[0]) {
			memcpy(p->RIOHosts[Host].Name, "HOST 1", 7);
			p->RIOHosts[Host].Name[5] += Host;
		 ** Check that default name assigned is unique.
		Host1 = Host;
		NameIsUnique = 0;
		while (!NameIsUnique) {
			NameIsUnique = 1;
			for (Host2 = 0; Host2 < p->RIONumHosts; Host2++) {
				if (Host2 == Host)
				if (strcmp(p->RIOHosts[Host].Name, p->RIOHosts[Host2].Name)
				    == 0) {
					NameIsUnique = 0;
					if (Host1 >= p->RIONumHosts)
						Host1 = 0;
					p->RIOHosts[Host].Name[5] = '1' + Host1;
		 ** Rename host if name already used.
		if (Host1 != Host) {
			rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "Default name %s already used\n", p->RIOHosts[Host].Name);
			memcpy(p->RIOHosts[Host].Name, "HOST 1", 7);
			p->RIOHosts[Host].Name[5] += Host1;
		rio_dprintk(RIO_DEBUG_TABLE, "Assigning default name %s\n", p->RIOHosts[Host].Name);
	return 0;
Пример #2
int RIOAssignRta(struct rio_info *p, struct Map *MapP)
    int host;
    struct Map *HostMapP;
    char *sptr;
    int link;


    if ((MapP->ID != (u16) - 1) && ((int) MapP->ID < (int) 1 || (int) MapP->ID > MAX_RUP)) {
        p->RIOError.Error = ID_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE;
        return -EINVAL;
    if (MapP->RtaUniqueNum == 0) {
        p->RIOError.Error = RTA_UNIQUE_NUMBER_ZERO;
        return -EINVAL;
    if ((MapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) && (MapP->SysPort % PORTS_PER_RTA)) {
        p->RIOError.Error = TTY_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE;
        return -EINVAL;
    if ((MapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) && (MapP->SysPort >= RIO_PORTS)) {
        p->RIOError.Error = TTY_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE;
        return -EINVAL;

     ** Copy the name across to the map entry.
    MapP->Name[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';
    sptr = MapP->Name;
    while (*sptr) {
        if (*sptr < ' ' || *sptr > '~') {
            p->RIOError.Error = BAD_CHARACTER_IN_NAME;
            return -EINVAL;

    for (host = 0; host < p->RIONumHosts; host++) {
        if (MapP->HostUniqueNum == p->RIOHosts[host].UniqueNum) {
            if ((p->RIOHosts[host].Flags & RUN_STATE) != RC_RUNNING) {
                p->RIOError.Error = HOST_NOT_RUNNING;
                return -ENXIO;

             ** Now we have a host we need to allocate an ID
             ** if the entry does not already have one.
            if (MapP->ID == (u16) - 1) {
                int nNewID;

                 ** The idea here is to allow RTA's to be assigned
                 ** before they actually appear on the network.
                 ** This allows the addition of RTA's without having
                 ** to plug them in.
                 ** What we do is:
                 **  - Find a free ID and allocate it to the RTA.
                 **  - If this map entry is the second half of a
                 **    16 port entry then find the other half and
                 **    make sure the 2 cross reference each other.
                if (RIOFindFreeID(p, &p->RIOHosts[host], &nNewID, NULL) != 0) {
                    p->RIOError.Error = COULDNT_FIND_ENTRY;
                    return -EBUSY;
                MapP->ID = (u16) nNewID + 1;
                HostMapP = &p->RIOHosts[host].Mapping[nNewID];
                HostMapP->RtaUniqueNum = MapP->RtaUniqueNum;
                HostMapP->HostUniqueNum = MapP->HostUniqueNum;
                HostMapP->ID = MapP->ID;
                for (link = 0; link < LINKS_PER_UNIT; link++) {
                    HostMapP->Topology[link].Unit = ROUTE_DISCONNECT;
                    HostMapP->Topology[link].Link = NO_LINK;
                if (MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT) {
                    int unit;

                    for (unit = 0; unit < MAX_RUP; unit++)
                        if (p->RIOHosts[host].Mapping[unit].RtaUniqueNum == MapP->RtaUniqueNum)
                    if (unit == MAX_RUP) {
                        p->RIOError.Error = COULDNT_FIND_ENTRY;
                        return -EBUSY;
                    HostMapP->Flags |= RTA16_SECOND_SLOT;
                    HostMapP->ID2 = MapP->ID2 = p->RIOHosts[host].Mapping[unit].ID;
                    p->RIOHosts[host].Mapping[unit].ID2 = MapP->ID;

            HostMapP = &p->RIOHosts[host].Mapping[MapP->ID - 1];

            if (HostMapP->Flags & SLOT_IN_USE) {
                p->RIOError.Error = ID_ALREADY_IN_USE;
                return -EBUSY;

             ** Assign the sys ports and the name, and mark the slot as
             ** being in use.
            HostMapP->SysPort = MapP->SysPort;
            if ((MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT) == 0)
                memcpy(HostMapP->Name, MapP->Name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
            HostMapP->Flags = SLOT_IN_USE | RTA_BOOTED;
#ifdef NEED_TO_FIX
            RIO_SV_BROADCAST(p->RIOHosts[host].svFlags[MapP->ID - 1]);
            if (MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT)
                HostMapP->Flags |= RTA16_SECOND_SLOT;

            RIOReMapPorts(p, &p->RIOHosts[host], HostMapP);
             ** Adjust 2nd block of 8 phbs
            if (MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT)
                RIOFixPhbs(p, &p->RIOHosts[host], HostMapP->ID - 1);

            if (HostMapP->SysPort != NO_PORT) {
                if (HostMapP->SysPort < p->RIOFirstPortsBooted)
                    p->RIOFirstPortsBooted = HostMapP->SysPort;
                if (HostMapP->SysPort > p->RIOLastPortsBooted)
                    p->RIOLastPortsBooted = HostMapP->SysPort;
            if (MapP->Flags & RTA16_SECOND_SLOT)
            return 0;
    p->RIOError.Error = UNKNOWN_HOST_NUMBER;
    return -ENXIO;