Пример #1
 * Validates the user specified name.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   pszName             The name to validate.
 * @param   fNative             Whether it's a native name or a portable name.
static int rtLocalIpcPosixValidateName(const char *pszName, bool fNative)
    AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    AssertReturn(*pszName, VERR_INVALID_NAME);

    if (!fNative)
        for (;;)
            char ch = *pszName++;
            if (!ch)
            AssertReturn(!RT_C_IS_CNTRL(ch), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
            AssertReturn((unsigned)ch < 0x80, VERR_INVALID_NAME);
            AssertReturn(ch != '\\', VERR_INVALID_NAME);
            AssertReturn(ch != '/', VERR_INVALID_NAME);
        int rc = RTStrValidateEncoding(pszName);
        AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * Input file parsing.
static int ParseAlias(char *pszLine, size_t& id, std::string& desc)
    /* First there's a hexadeciman number. */
    uint32_t uVal;
    char *pszNext;
    int rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(pszLine, &pszNext, 16, &uVal);
    if (   rc == VWRN_TRAILING_CHARS
        || rc == VWRN_TRAILING_SPACES
        || rc == VINF_SUCCESS)
        /* Skip the whipespace following it and at the end of the line. */
        pszNext = RTStrStripL(pszNext);
        if (*pszNext != '\0')
            rc = RTStrValidateEncoding(pszNext);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                size_t cchDesc = strlen(pszNext);
                if (cchDesc <= USB_ID_DATABASE_MAX_STRING)
                    id   = uVal;
                    desc = pszNext;
                    g_cbRawStrings += cchDesc + 1;
                    return RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS;
                RTMsgError("String to long: %zu", cchDesc);
                RTMsgError("Invalid encoding: '%s' (rc=%Rrc)", pszNext, rc);
            RTMsgError("Error parsing '%s'", pszLine);
        RTMsgError("Error converting number at the start of '%s': %Rrc", pszLine, rc);
Пример #3
RTDECL(int) RTUriFilePathEx(const char *pszUri, uint32_t fPathStyle, char **ppszPath, size_t cbPath, size_t *pcchPath)
     * Validate and adjust input.
    if (pcchPath)
        AssertPtrReturn(pcchPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
        *pcchPath = ~(size_t)0;
    AssertPtrReturn(ppszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    if (fPathStyle == RTPATH_STR_F_STYLE_HOST)
        fPathStyle = RTPATH_STYLE;
    AssertPtrReturn(pszUri, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);

     * Check that this is a file URI.
    if (RTStrNICmp(pszUri, RT_STR_TUPLE("file:")) == 0)
    { /* likely */ }
        return VERR_URI_NOT_FILE_SCHEME;

     * We may have a number of variations here, mostly thanks to
     * various windows software.  First the canonical variations:
     *     - file:///C:/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
     *     - file:///C|/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
     *     - file:///C:%5CWindows%5CSystem32%5Ckernel32.dll
     *     - file://localhost/C:%5CWindows%5CSystem32%5Ckernel32.dll
     *     - file://cifsserver.dev/systemshare%5CWindows%5CSystem32%5Ckernel32.dll
     *     - file://cifsserver.dev:139/systemshare%5CWindows%5CSystem32%5Ckernel32.dll  (not quite sure here, but whatever)
     * Legacy variant without any slashes after the schema:
     *     - file:C:/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
     *     - file:C|/Windows/System32%5Ckernel32.dll
     *     - file:~/.bashrc
     *            \--path-/
     * Legacy variant with exactly one slashes after the schema:
     *     - file:/C:/Windows/System32%5Ckernel32.dll
     *     - file:/C|/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
     *     - file:/usr/bin/env
     *            \---path---/
     * Legacy variant with two slashes after the schema and an unescaped DOS path:
     *     - file://C:/Windows/System32\kernel32.dll (**)
     *     - file://C|/Windows/System32\kernel32.dll
     *                \---path---------------------/
     *              -- authority, with ':' as non-working port separator
     * Legacy variant with exactly four slashes after the schema and an unescaped DOS path.
     *     - file:////C:/Windows\System32\user32.dll
     * Legacy variant with four or more slashes after the schema and an unescaped UNC path:
     *     - file:////cifsserver.dev/systemshare/System32%\kernel32.dll
     *     - file://///cifsserver.dev/systemshare/System32\kernel32.dll
     *              \---path--------------------------------------------/
     * The the two unescaped variants shouldn't be handed to rtUriParse, which
     * is good as we cannot actually handle the one marked by (**).  So, handle
     * those two special when parsing.
    int         rc;
    size_t      cSlashes = 0;
    while (pszUri[5 + cSlashes] == '/')
    if (   (cSlashes == 2 || cSlashes == 4)
        && RT_C_IS_ALPHA(pszUri[5 + cSlashes])
        && (pszUri[5 + cSlashes + 1] == ':' || pszUri[5 + cSlashes + 1] == '|'))
        RT_ZERO(Parsed); /* RTURIPARSED_F_CONTAINS_ESCAPED_CHARS is now clear. */
        Parsed.offPath = 5 + cSlashes;
        Parsed.cchPath = strlen(&pszUri[Parsed.offPath]);
        rc = RTStrValidateEncoding(&pszUri[Parsed.offPath]);
    else if (cSlashes >= 4)
        Parsed.fFlags  = cSlashes > 4 ? RTURIPARSED_F_CONTAINS_ESCAPED_CHARS : 0;
        Parsed.offPath = 5 + cSlashes - 2;
        Parsed.cchPath = strlen(&pszUri[Parsed.offPath]);
        rc = RTStrValidateEncoding(&pszUri[Parsed.offPath]);
        rc = rtUriParse(pszUri, &Parsed);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
         * Ignore localhost as hostname (it's implicit).
        static char const s_szLocalhost[] = "localhost";
        if (    Parsed.cchAuthorityHost == sizeof(s_szLocalhost) - 1U
            &&  RTStrNICmp(&pszUri[Parsed.offAuthorityHost], RT_STR_TUPLE(s_szLocalhost)) == 0)
            Parsed.cchAuthorityHost = 0;
            Parsed.cchAuthority     = 0;

         * Ignore leading path slash/separator if we detect a DOS drive letter
         * and we don't have a host name.
        if (   Parsed.cchPath >= 3
            && Parsed.cchAuthorityHost    == 0
            && pszUri[Parsed.offPath]     == '/'           /* Leading path slash/separator. */
            && (   pszUri[Parsed.offPath + 2] == ':'       /* Colon after drive letter. */
                || pszUri[Parsed.offPath + 2] == '|')      /* Colon alternative. */
            && RT_C_IS_ALPHA(pszUri[Parsed.offPath + 1]) ) /* Drive letter. */

         * Calculate the size of the encoded result.
         * Since we're happily returning "C:/Windows/System32/kernel.dll"
         * style paths when the caller requested UNIX style paths, we will
         * return straight UNC paths too ("//cifsserver/share/dir/file").
        size_t cchDecodedHost = 0;
        size_t cbResult;
            cchDecodedHost = rtUriCalcDecodedLength(&pszUri[Parsed.offAuthorityHost], Parsed.cchAuthorityHost);
            cbResult = cchDecodedHost + rtUriCalcDecodedLength(&pszUri[Parsed.offPath], Parsed.cchPath) + 1;
            cchDecodedHost = 0;
            cbResult = Parsed.cchAuthorityHost + Parsed.cchPath + 1;
        if (pcchPath)
            *pcchPath = cbResult - 1;
        if (cbResult > 1)
             * Prepare the necessary buffer space for the result.
            char  *pszDst;
            char  *pszFreeMe = NULL;
            if (!cbPath || *ppszPath == NULL)
                cbPath = RT_MAX(cbPath, cbResult);
                *ppszPath = pszFreeMe = pszDst = RTStrAlloc(cbPath);
                AssertReturn(pszDst, VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY);
            else if (cbResult <= cbPath)
                pszDst = *ppszPath;
                return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

             * Compose the result.
            if (Parsed.fFlags & RTURIPARSED_F_CONTAINS_ESCAPED_CHARS)
                rc = rtUriDecodeIntoBuffer(&pszUri[Parsed.offAuthorityHost],Parsed.cchAuthorityHost,
                                           pszDst, cchDecodedHost + 1);
                Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) && strlen(pszDst) == cchDecodedHost);
                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                    rc = rtUriDecodeIntoBuffer(&pszUri[Parsed.offPath], Parsed.cchPath,
                                               &pszDst[cchDecodedHost], cbResult - cchDecodedHost);
                Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) && strlen(pszDst) == cbResult - 1);
                memcpy(pszDst, &pszUri[Parsed.offAuthorityHost], Parsed.cchAuthorityHost);
                memcpy(&pszDst[Parsed.cchAuthorityHost], &pszUri[Parsed.offPath], Parsed.cchPath);
                pszDst[cbResult - 1] = '\0';
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                 * Convert colon DOS driver letter colon alternative.
                 * We do this regardless of the desired path style.
                if (   RT_C_IS_ALPHA(pszDst[0])
                    && pszDst[1] == '|')
                    pszDst[1] = ':';

                 * Fix slashes.
                if (fPathStyle == RTPATH_STR_F_STYLE_DOS)
                    RTPathChangeToDosSlashes(pszDst, true);
                else if (fPathStyle == RTPATH_STR_F_STYLE_UNIX)
                    RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(pszDst, true); /** @todo not quite sure how this actually makes sense... */
                return rc;

            /* bail out */
            rc = VERR_PATH_ZERO_LENGTH;
    return rc;
Пример #4
static int rtUriParse(const char *pszUri, PRTURIPARSED pParsed)
     * Validate the input and clear the output.
    AssertPtrReturn(pParsed, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
    pParsed->uAuthorityPort = UINT32_MAX;

    AssertPtrReturn(pszUri, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);

    size_t const cchUri = strlen(pszUri);
    if (RT_LIKELY(cchUri >= 3)) { /* likely */ }
    else return cchUri ? VERR_URI_TOO_SHORT : VERR_URI_EMPTY;

     * Validating escaped text sequences is much simpler if we know that
     * that the base URI string is valid.  Also, we don't necessarily trust
     * the developer calling us to remember to do this.
    int rc = RTStrValidateEncoding(pszUri);
    AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);

     * RFC-3986, section 3.1:
     *      scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
     * The scheme ends with a ':', which we also skip here.
    size_t off = 0;
    char ch = pszUri[off++];
    if (RT_LIKELY(RT_C_IS_ALPHA(ch))) { /* likely */ }
    else return VERR_URI_INVALID_SCHEME;
    for (;;)
        ch = pszUri[off];
        if (ch == ':')
        if (RT_LIKELY(RT_C_IS_ALNUM(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '-' || ch == '+')) { /* likely */ }
        else return VERR_URI_INVALID_SCHEME;
    pParsed->cchScheme = off;

    /* Require the scheme length to be at least two chars so we won't confuse
       it with a path starting with a DOS drive letter specification. */
    if (RT_LIKELY(off >= 2)) { /* likely */ }
    else return VERR_URI_INVALID_SCHEME;

    off++;                              /* (skip colon) */

     * Find the end of the path, we'll need this several times.
     * Also, while we're potentially scanning the whole thing, check for '%'.
    size_t const offHash         = RTStrOffCharOrTerm(&pszUri[off], '#') + off;
    size_t const offQuestionMark = RTStrOffCharOrTerm(&pszUri[off], '?') + off;

    if (memchr(pszUri, '%', cchUri) != NULL)

     * RFC-3986, section 3.2:
     *      The authority component is preceeded by a double slash ("//")...
    if (   pszUri[off] == '/'
        && pszUri[off + 1] == '/')
        off += 2;
        pParsed->offAuthority = pParsed->offAuthorityUsername = pParsed->offAuthorityPassword = pParsed->offAuthorityHost = off;
        pParsed->fFlags |= RTURIPARSED_F_HAVE_AUTHORITY;

         * RFC-3986, section 3.2:
         *      ...and is terminated by the next slash ("/"), question mark ("?"),
         *       or number sign ("#") character, or by the end of the URI.
        const char *pszAuthority = &pszUri[off];
        size_t      cchAuthority = RTStrOffCharOrTerm(pszAuthority, '/');
        cchAuthority = RT_MIN(cchAuthority, offHash - off);
        cchAuthority = RT_MIN(cchAuthority, offQuestionMark - off);
        pParsed->cchAuthority     = cchAuthority;

        /* The Authority can be empty, like for: file:///usr/bin/grep  */
        if (cchAuthority > 0)
            pParsed->cchAuthorityHost = cchAuthority;

             * If there is a userinfo part, it is ended by a '@'.
            const char *pszAt = (const char *)memchr(pszAuthority, '@', cchAuthority);
            if (pszAt)
                size_t cchTmp = pszAt - pszAuthority;
                pParsed->offAuthorityHost += cchTmp + 1;
                pParsed->cchAuthorityHost -= cchTmp + 1;

                /* If there is a password part, it's separated from the username with a colon. */
                const char *pszColon = (const char *)memchr(pszAuthority, ':', cchTmp);
                if (pszColon)
                    pParsed->cchAuthorityUsername = pszColon - pszAuthority;
                    pParsed->offAuthorityPassword = &pszColon[1] - pszUri;
                    pParsed->cchAuthorityPassword = pszAt - &pszColon[1];
                    pParsed->cchAuthorityUsername = cchTmp;
                    pParsed->offAuthorityPassword = off + cchTmp;

             * If there is a port part, its after the last colon in the host part.
            const char *pszColon = (const char *)memrchr(&pszUri[pParsed->offAuthorityHost], ':', pParsed->cchAuthorityHost);
            if (pszColon)
                size_t cchTmp = &pszUri[pParsed->offAuthorityHost + pParsed->cchAuthorityHost] - &pszColon[1];
                pParsed->cchAuthorityHost -= cchTmp + 1;

                pParsed->uAuthorityPort = 0;
                while (cchTmp-- > 0)
                    ch = *++pszColon;
                    if (   RT_C_IS_DIGIT(ch)
                        && pParsed->uAuthorityPort < UINT32_MAX / UINT32_C(10))
                        pParsed->uAuthorityPort *= 10;
                        pParsed->uAuthorityPort += ch - '0';
                        return VERR_URI_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER;

        /* Skip past the authority. */
        off += cchAuthority;
        pParsed->offAuthority = pParsed->offAuthorityUsername = pParsed->offAuthorityPassword = pParsed->offAuthorityHost = off;

     * RFC-3986, section 3.3: Path
     *      The path is terminated by the first question mark ("?")
     *      or number sign ("#") character, or by the end of the URI.
    pParsed->offPath = off;
    pParsed->cchPath = RT_MIN(offHash, offQuestionMark) - off;
    off += pParsed->cchPath;

     * RFC-3986, section 3.4: Query
     *      The query component is indicated by the first question mark ("?")
     *      character and terminated by a number sign ("#") character or by the
     *      end of the URI.
    if (   off == offQuestionMark
        && off < cchUri)
        Assert(pszUri[offQuestionMark] == '?');
        pParsed->offQuery = ++off;
        pParsed->cchQuery = offHash - off;
        off = offHash;
        pParsed->offQuery = off;

     * RFC-3986, section 3.5: Fragment
     *      A fragment identifier component is indicated by the presence of a
     *      number sign ("#") character and terminated by the end of the URI.
    if (   off == offHash
        && off < cchUri)
        pParsed->offFragment = ++off;
        pParsed->cchFragment = cchUri - off;
        pParsed->offFragment = off;

     * If there are any escape sequences, validate them.
     * This is reasonably simple as we already know that the string is valid UTF-8
     * before they get decoded.  Thus we only have to validate the escaped sequences.
        const char *pchSrc  = (const char *)memchr(pszUri, '%', cchUri);
        AssertReturn(pchSrc, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);
            char        szUtf8Seq[8];
            unsigned    cchUtf8Seq = 0;
            unsigned    cchNeeded  = 0;
            size_t      cchLeft    = &pszUri[cchUri] - pchSrc;
                if (cchLeft >= 3)
                    char chHigh = pchSrc[1];
                    char chLow  = pchSrc[2];
                    if (   RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(chHigh)
                        && RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(chLow))
                        uint8_t b = RT_C_IS_DIGIT(chHigh) ? chHigh - '0' : (chHigh & ~0x20) - 'A' + 10;
                        b <<= 4;
                        b |= RT_C_IS_DIGIT(chLow) ? chLow - '0' : (chLow & ~0x20) - 'A' + 10;

                        if (!(b & 0x80))
                            /* We don't want the string to be terminated prematurely. */
                            if (RT_LIKELY(b != 0)) { /* likely */ }
                            else return VERR_URI_ESCAPED_ZERO;

                            /* Check that we're not expecting more UTF-8 bytes. */
                            if (RT_LIKELY(cchNeeded == 0)) { /* likely */ }
                            else return VERR_URI_MISSING_UTF8_CONTINUATION_BYTE;
                        /* Are we waiting UTF-8 bytes? */
                        else if (cchNeeded > 0)
                            if (RT_LIKELY(!(b & 0x40))) { /* likely */ }
                            else return VERR_URI_INVALID_ESCAPED_UTF8_CONTINUATION_BYTE;

                            szUtf8Seq[cchUtf8Seq++] = (char)b;
                            if (--cchNeeded == 0)
                                szUtf8Seq[cchUtf8Seq] = '\0';
                                rc = RTStrValidateEncoding(szUtf8Seq);
                                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                                    return VERR_URI_ESCAPED_CHARS_NOT_VALID_UTF8;
                                cchUtf8Seq = 0;
                        /* Start a new UTF-8 sequence. */
                            if ((b & 0xf8) == 0xf0)
                                cchNeeded = 3;
                            else if ((b & 0xf0) == 0xe0)
                                cchNeeded = 2;
                            else if ((b & 0xe0) == 0xc0)
                                cchNeeded = 1;
                                return VERR_URI_INVALID_ESCAPED_UTF8_LEAD_BYTE;
                            szUtf8Seq[0] = (char)b;
                            cchUtf8Seq = 1;
                        pchSrc  += 3;
                        cchLeft -= 3;
                        return VERR_URI_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQ;
                    return VERR_URI_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQ;
            } while (cchLeft > 0 && pchSrc[0] == '%');

            /* Check that we're not expecting more UTF-8 bytes. */
            if (RT_LIKELY(cchNeeded == 0)) { /* likely */ }

            /* next */
            pchSrc = (const char *)memchr(pchSrc, '%', cchLeft);
        } while (pchSrc);

    pParsed->u32Magic = RTURIPARSED_MAGIC;
    return VINF_SUCCESS;