Пример #1
void RpcServer(const SOCKET sock, const DWORD RpcAssocGroup)
	RPC_HEADER  _Header;


	while (_recv(sock, &_Header, sizeof(_Header)))
		unsigned int  _st, request_len, response_len, _a;
		BYTE  *_Request /* =  NULL */; //uncomment to avoid false warnings when compiling with -Og

		#if defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)
		CheckRpcHeader(&_Header, _Header.PacketType, &logger);
		#endif // defined(_PEDANTIC) && !defined(NO_LOG)

		switch (_Header.PacketType)
			case RPC_PT_BIND_REQ: _a = 0; break;
			case RPC_PT_REQUEST:  _a = 1; break;
			default: return;

		if ( (_st = ( (signed)( request_len = LE16(_Header.FragLength) - sizeof(_Header) )) > 0
					&& (_Request = (BYTE*)malloc(request_len) )))
			BYTE *_Response /* = NULL */; //uncomment to avoid warnings when compiling with -Og

			if ((_st = (_recv(sock, _Request, request_len))
						&& ( response_len = _Actions[_a].GetResponseSize(_Request, request_len) )
						&& (_Response = (BYTE*)malloc( response_len += sizeof(_Header) ))))
				if ( (_st = _Actions[_a].GetResponse(_Request, _Response + sizeof(_Header), RpcAssocGroup, sock, request_len)) )
					RPC_HEADER *rh = (RPC_HEADER *)_Response;

					if (_Actions[_a].ResponsePacketType == RPC_PT_RESPONSE)
						response_len = LE32(((RPC_RESPONSE*)(_Response + sizeof(_Header)))->AllocHint) + 24;

					/* *((WORD*)rh)           = *((WORD*)&_Header);
					rh->PacketFlags        = RPC_PF_FIRST | RPC_PF_LAST;
					rh->DataRepresentation = _Header.DataRepresentation;
					rh->AuthLength         = _Header.AuthLength;
					rh->CallId             = _Header.CallId;*/
					memcpy(rh, &_Header, sizeof(RPC_HEADER));
					rh->PacketType = _Actions[_a].ResponsePacketType;
					rh->FragLength = LE16(response_len);

					_st = _send(sock, _Response, response_len);

					if (DisconnectImmediately && rh->PacketType == RPC_PT_RESPONSE)
						shutdown(sock, VLMCSD_SHUT_RDWR);
		if (!_st) return;
Пример #2
void MyModuleInit(RTC::Manager* manager)
  RTC::RtcBase* comp;

  // Create a component
  comp = manager->createComponent("RandomNumber");

  if (comp==NULL)
    std::cerr << "Component create failed." << std::endl;

  // Example
  // The following procedure is examples how handle RT-Components.
  // These should not be in this function.

  // Get the component's object reference
//  RTC::RTObject_var rtobj;
//  rtobj = RTC::RTObject::_narrow(manager->getPOA()->servant_to_reference(comp));

  // Get the port list of the component
//  PortServiceList* portlist;
//  portlist = rtobj->get_ports();

  // getting port profiles
//  std::cout << "Number of Ports: ";
//  std::cout << portlist->length() << std::endl << std::endl; 
//  for (CORBA::ULong i(0), n(portlist->length()); i < n; ++i)
//  {
//    PortService_ptr port;
//    port = (*portlist)[i];
//    std::cout << "Port" << i << " (name): ";
//    std::cout << port->get_port_profile()->name << std::endl;
//    RTC::PortInterfaceProfileList iflist;
//    iflist = port->get_port_profile()->interfaces;
//    std::cout << "---interfaces---" << std::endl;
//    for (CORBA::ULong i(0), n(iflist.length()); i < n; ++i)
//    {
//      std::cout << "I/F name: ";
//      std::cout << iflist[i].instance_name << std::endl;
//      std::cout << "I/F type: ";
//      std::cout << iflist[i].type_name << std::endl;
//      const char* pol;
//      pol = iflist[i].polarity == 0 ? "PROVIDED" : "REQUIRED";
//      std::cout << "Polarity: " << pol << std::endl;
//    }
//    std::cout << "---properties---" << std::endl;
//    NVUtil::dump(port->get_port_profile()->properties);
//    std::cout << "----------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
//  }
