void Polecat::Fart() { // particles must be exactly the same accross the network Double norme = Double(RandomSync().GetInt(0, 500))/100; Double angle = Double(RandomSync().GetInt(0, 3000))/100; ParticleEngine::AddNow(GetPosition(), 3, particle_POLECAT_FART, true, angle, norme); last_fart_time = GameTime::GetInstance()->Read(); JukeBox::GetInstance()->Play("default", "weapon/polecat_fart"); }
Weapon * WeaponsList::GetRandomWeaponToDrop() { std::list<Weapon*>::iterator it; Double probability_sum = 0; for (it = m_weapons_list.begin(); it != m_weapons_list.end(); ++it) { probability_sum += (*it)->GetDropProbability(); } ASSERT(probability_sum > 0); MSG_DEBUG("random.get", "WeaponList::GetRandomWeaponToDrop()"); Double num = RandomSync().GetDouble(0, probability_sum); Double total_bf_weapon = 0; Double total_after_weapon = 0; for (it = m_weapons_list.begin(); it != m_weapons_list.end(); it++) { Weapon * weapon = *it; total_after_weapon = total_bf_weapon + weapon->GetDropProbability(); if (total_bf_weapon < num && num <= total_after_weapon) { MSG_DEBUG("bonus","Weapon choosed: %s", weapon->GetName().c_str()); return weapon; } total_bf_weapon = total_after_weapon; } ASSERT(false); return NULL; }
void Plane::Refresh() { UpdatePosition(); image->Update(); // First shoot !! if (OnTopOfTarget() && nb_dropped_bombs == 0) { DropBomb(); m_ignore_movements = true; MSG_DEBUG("random.get", "Plane::Refresh() first bomb"); next_height = RandomSync().GetInt(20,100); } else if (nb_dropped_bombs > 0 && nb_dropped_bombs < cfg.nbr_obus) { // Get the last rocket and check the position to be sure to not collide with it if (!last_dropped_bomb || last_dropped_bomb->GetY() > GetY()+GetHeight()+next_height) { MSG_DEBUG("random.get", "Plane::Refresh() another bomb"); next_height = RandomSync().GetInt(20,100); DropBomb(); } } }
BodyMemberParticle::BodyMemberParticle(Sprite& spr, const Point2i& position) : Particle("body_member_particle") , angle_rad(0) { SetCollisionModel(true, false, false); m_time_left_to_live = 100; // Bug #17408: make sure there's an available surface for the sprite spr.RefreshSurface(); image = new Sprite(spr.GetSurface()); image->EnableCaches(false, 0); // Some generic particle code requires it to be flipped ASSERT(image->GetWidth() && image->GetHeight()); SetXY(position); SetSize(image->GetSize()); SetOnTop(true); MSG_DEBUG("random.get", "BodyMemberParticle::BodyMemberParticle(...) speed vector length"); Double speed_vector_length = (Double)RandomSync().GetInt(10, 15); MSG_DEBUG("random.get", "BodyMemberParticle::BodyMemberParticle(...) speed vector angle"); Double speed_vector_angle = - RandomSync().GetDouble(0, 3); SetSpeed(speed_vector_length, speed_vector_angle); }
void Plane::DropBomb() { Obus * instance = new Obus(cfg); instance->SetXY(Point2i(GetX(), obus_dy)); Point2d speed_vector = GetSpeedXY(); int fx = RandomSync().GetInt(FORCE_X_MIN, FORCE_X_MAX); fx *= GetDirection(); int fy = RandomSync().GetInt(FORCE_Y_MIN, FORCE_Y_MAX); speed_vector.SetValues(speed_vector.x + fx/(Double)30.0, speed_vector.y + fy/(Double)30.0); instance->SetSpeedXY(speed_vector); ObjectsList::GetRef().AddObject(instance); last_dropped_bomb = instance; nb_dropped_bombs++; if (nb_dropped_bombs == 1) Camera::GetInstance()->FollowObject(instance); }
void SpriteAnimation::CalculateWait() { MSG_DEBUG("eye", "CalculateWait stat : wait = %d , random = %d", loop_wait, loop_wait_random); MSG_DEBUG("eye", "CalculateWait 1 : %d", last_update); if (loop_wait != 0) { last_update += loop_wait; if (loop_wait_random != 0) { MSG_DEBUG("random.get","SpriteAnimation::CalculateWait()"); last_update += RandomSync().GetInt(0, loop_wait_random) - loop_wait_random/2; } } MSG_DEBUG("eye", "CalculateWait 2 : %d", last_update); }
void FootBomb::DoExplosion() { WeaponProjectile::DoExplosion(); if (!m_recursions) return; FootBombConfig &config = static_cast<FootBombConfig &>(cfg); Double half_angle_range = config.nb_angle_dispersion * PI / 180; Point2i pos = GetPosition(); for (uint i=0; i<config.nb_fragments; ++i) { Double angle = -PI / 2; // this angle is "upwards" here Double cluster_deviation = RandomSync().GetDouble(-half_angle_range, half_angle_range); Double speed = RandomSync().GetDouble(config.nb_min_speed, config.nb_max_speed); FootBomb *cluster = new FootBomb(config, launcher); cluster->Shoot(pos, speed, angle+cluster_deviation, m_recursions-1); cluster->SetTimeOut(cfg.timeout + m_timeout_modifier); ObjectsList::GetRef().AddObject(cluster); } }
void ObjMine::StartTimeout() { if (!animation) { animation=true; // is it a fake mine ? (here because Constructor is called before random // number generator is synchronized over the network) fake = !(RandomSync().GetUint(0, 9)); Camera::GetInstance()->FollowObject(this); MSG_DEBUG("mine", "EnableDetection - CurrentTime : %d",GameTime::GetInstance()->ReadSec() ); attente = GameTime::GetInstance()->ReadSec() + cfg.timeout; MSG_DEBUG("mine", "EnableDetection : %d", attente); timeout_sound.Play("default", "weapon/mine_beep", -1); } }
void ClusterBomb::DoExplosion() { WeaponProjectile::DoExplosion(); const uint fragments = static_cast<ClusterBombConfig &>(cfg).nb_fragments; Cluster * cluster; const Double angle_range = HALF_PI; Point2i pos = GetPosition(); for (uint i = 0; i < fragments; ++i ) { Double angle = -HALF_PI; // this angle is "upwards" here Double cluster_deviation = angle_range * i / ( Double )fragments - angle_range / TWO; Double speed = RandomSync().GetDouble(10, 25); cluster = new Cluster(static_cast<ClusterBombConfig &>(cfg), launcher); cluster->Shoot( pos, speed, angle + cluster_deviation ); ObjectsList::GetRef().AddObject(cluster); } }
void CluzookaCluster::Shoot(const Point2i & start_pos, Double strength, Double angle, uint recurse_times) { m_recursion_depth = recurse_times; #else void CluzookaCluster::Shoot(const Point2i & start_pos, Double strength, Double angle) { #endif Camera::GetInstance()->FollowObject(this); ResetConstants(); SetCollisionModel(true, true, false ); // a bit hackish... // we do need to collide with objects, but if we allow for this, the clusters // will explode on spawn (because of colliding with each other) SetXY(start_pos); SetSpeed(strength, angle); explode_with_timeout = true; StartTimeout(); m_time_before_spawn = 750; // make time a bit random to unsychronize particles m_time_before_spawn += RandomSync().GetDouble(-300, 100); }
void Polecat::Refresh() { if (m_energy == 0) { Explosion(); return; } int tmp = GetMSSinceTimeoutStart(); if (cfg.timeout && tmp > 1000 * (GetTotalTimeout())) { if (!last_fart_time) { std::string txt = Format(_("%s has done something for the environment, he has not ordered the polecat to fart."), ActiveCharacter().GetName().c_str()); Weapon::Message(txt); } SignalTimeout(); } Double norm, angle; if (last_fart_time && last_fart_time + TIME_BETWEEN_FART < GameTime::GetInstance()->Read()) { Fart(); } //When we hit the ground, jump ! if(!IsMoving() && !FootsInVacuum()) { // Limiting number of rebound to avoid desync if(last_rebound_time + TIME_BETWEEN_REBOUND > GameTime::GetInstance()->Read()) { image->SetRotation_rad(0.0); return; } last_rebound_time = GameTime::GetInstance()->Read(); MSG_DEBUG("weapon.polecat", "Jump ! (time = %d)", last_rebound_time); //If the GNU is stuck in ground -> change direction int x = GetX(); int y = GetY(); if(x == save_x && y == save_y) m_sens = -m_sens; save_x = x; save_y = y; //Do the jump norm = RandomSync().GetDouble(1.0, 2.0); PutOutOfGround(); SetSpeedXY(Point2d(m_sens * norm , -norm * THREE)); } //Due to a bug in the physic engine //sometimes, angle==infinite (according to gdb) ?? GetSpeed(norm, angle); angle = RestrictAngle(angle) * ONE_HALF; bool flipped = m_sens == -1; if (flipped) { if (angle > 0) angle -= HALF_PI; else angle += HALF_PI; } image->SetRotation_rad(angle); image->SetFlipped(flipped); image->Scale(ONE, ONE); image->Update(); }
bool BenchmarkMenu::Launch(BenchItem *b) { if (!b) return false; bool ok = false; float score = 0.0f; const char *fmt = ""; switch (b->type) { case BENCH_MENU: { Stopwatch clock; delete (new OptionMenu()); score = 1000.0f / clock.GetValue(); fmt = "%.3f"; ok = true; break; } case BENCH_GRAPHICS: { graph->UnsetResults(); // Backup and set playing teams std::vector<Team*> list_bak = GetTeamsList().GetPlayingList(); std::list<uint> sel; sel.push_back(1); sel.push_back(2); GetTeamsList().ChangeSelection(sel); // Backup and set team configuration - make it quick ;) std::vector<Team*>& list = GetTeamsList().GetPlayingList(); for (uint i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { printf("Setting %s\n", list[i]->GetName().c_str()); list[i]->SetPlayerName("CPU"); list[i]->SetNbCharacters(10); list[i]->SetAIName(STRONG_AI_NAME); list[i]->SetGroup(i); } // Backup and set game mode Config *cfg = Config::GetInstance(); std::string game_mode = cfg->GetGameMode(); cfg->SetGameMode("benchmark"); GameMode::GetInstance()->Load(); // Backup and set some config options uint wind_particles = cfg->GetWindParticlesPercentage(); cfg->SetWindParticlesPercentage(100); bool display_energy = cfg->GetDisplayEnergyCharacter(); cfg->SetDisplayEnergyCharacter(true); bool display_multisky = cfg->GetDisplayMultiLayerSky(); cfg->SetDisplayMultiLayerSky(false); // Mute all sounds JukeBox *jbox = JukeBox::GetInstance(); bool music = cfg->GetSoundMusic(); jbox->ActiveMusic(false); bool sfx = cfg->GetSoundEffects(); cfg->SetSoundEffects(false); // Backup and set default map - should I save the config? std::string map_name = cfg->GetMapName(); MapsList *maps = MapsList::GetInstance(); int map_id_bak = maps->GetActiveMapIndex(); maps->SelectMapByName("banquise"); if (!maps->lst[maps->GetActiveMapIndex()]->LoadBasicInfo()) { fmt = "Error!"; break; } // Set max FPS Video *video = AppWarmux::GetInstance()->video; int fps = video->GetMaxFps(); video->SetMaxFps(60); // Set seeds - we'll set random ones afterwards RandomLocal().SetSeed(0xABADCAFE); RandomSync().SetSeed(0xABADCAFE); // All set, run the game! float num = Game::UpdateGameRules()->Start(true); if (num) { GraphCanvas::Result res; res.list = Game::GetInstance()->GetBenchResults(); GraphCanvas::FindMax(res); float time = res.xmax - res.list[0].first; score = (num * video->window.GetWidth()*video->window.GetHeight()) / (1000.0f * time); fmt = "%.0f"; res.item = NULL; res.color = primary_red_color; graph->AddResult(res); } else { fmt = "Aborted"; } graph->NeedRedrawing(); // Restore all! video->SetMaxFps(fps); jbox->ActiveMusic(music); cfg->SetSoundEffects(sfx); maps->SelectMapByIndex(map_id_bak); cfg->SetMapName(map_name); cfg->SetDisplayMultiLayerSky(display_multisky); cfg->SetDisplayEnergyCharacter(display_energy); cfg->SetWindParticlesPercentage(wind_particles); cfg->SetGameMode(game_mode); GetTeamsList().SetPlayingList(list_bak); ok = num == 0; break; } default: break; } b->SetScore(fmt, score); return ok; }
void ParseArgs(int argc, char * argv[]) { int c; int option_index = 0; struct option long_options[] = { {"unrandom", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"force-refresh", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"play", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"quick-quit", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, {"client", optional_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"server", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"index-server", optional_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"game-mode", required_argument, NULL, 'g'}, {"debug", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"reset-config", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"size", required_argument, NULL, 'S'}, {"replay", required_argument, NULL, 'R'}, {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0 } }; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "ufhvpqc::si::g:d:rS:R:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'u': RandomSync().UnRandom(); RandomLocal().UnRandom(); break; case 'f': // This option is useful to run with valgrind extern bool force_refresh; force_refresh = true; break; case 'h': PrintUsage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': DisplayWelcomeMessage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'p': choice = MainMenu::PLAY; skip_menu = true; break; case 'c': choice = MainMenu::NETWORK; net_action = NetworkConnectionMenu::NET_CONNECT; if (optarg) { Config::GetInstance()->SetNetworkClientHost(optarg); } skip_menu = true; break; case 'd': #ifdef WMX_LOG printf("Debug: %s\n", optarg); AddDebugMode(optarg); #else fprintf(stderr, "Option -d is not available. Warmux has not been compiled with debug/logging option.\n"); #endif break; case 'R': replay = optarg; break; case 's': choice = MainMenu::NETWORK; net_action = NetworkConnectionMenu::NET_HOST; skip_menu = true; break; case 'i': { std::string index_server_address; if (optarg) index_server_address = optarg; else index_server_address = ""; printf("Using %s as address for index server. This option must be used only for debugging.\n", index_server_address.c_str()); IndexServer::GetInstance()->SetAddress(index_server_address.c_str()); } break; case 'g': printf("Game-mode: %s\n", optarg); Config::GetInstance()->SetGameMode(optarg); break; case 'q': quit_game = true; // immediately exit the game after first run break; case 'r': { bool r; r = Config::GetInstance()->RemovePersonalConfigFile(); if (!r) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; case 'S': { uint width, height; int ret = sscanf(optarg, "%ux%u", &width, &height); if (ret == 2) { Config::GetInstance()->SetVideoWidth(width); Config::GetInstance()->SetVideoHeight(height); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is not a valid resolution\n", optarg); } } break; case '?': /* returns by getopt if option was invalid */ PrintUsage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, it seems that option '-%c' is not implemented!\n", c); ASSERT(false); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } }
bool Keyboard::HandleKeyEvent(const SDL_Event& evnt) { // Not a registred event if (!IsRegistredEvent(evnt.type)) return false; Key_Event_t event_type; switch(evnt.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: event_type = KEY_PRESSED; break; case SDL_KEYUP: event_type = KEY_RELEASED; break; default: return false; } //Handle input text for Chat session in Network game if (Game::GetInstance()->chatsession.CheckInput()) { if (event_type == KEY_PRESSED) Game::GetInstance()->chatsession.HandleKeyPressed(evnt); else if (event_type == KEY_RELEASED) Game::GetInstance()->chatsession.HandleKeyReleased(evnt); return false; } SDLKey basic_key_code = evnt.key.keysym.sym; #ifdef DEBUG if (IsLOGGING("killsynchro") && basic_key_code == SDLK_k && event_type == KEY_RELEASED) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\nKILLING NETWORK SYNCHRONISATION!\n\n"); RandomSync().SetSeed(0); } #endif // Also ignore real key code of a modifier, fix bug #15238 if (IsModifier(basic_key_code)) { int modifier_changed = modifier_only_bits ^ GetModifierBits(); if (event_type == KEY_RELEASED) { for (std::set<SDLKey>::const_iterator it = pressed_keys.begin(); it != pressed_keys.end(); it++ ) { int key_code = *it + MODIFIER_OFFSET * modifier_changed; HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_RELEASED); } } else if (modifier_only_bits && event_type == KEY_PRESSED) { for (std::set<SDLKey>::const_iterator it = pressed_keys.begin(); it != pressed_keys.end(); it++ ) { int key_code = *it + MODIFIER_OFFSET * modifier_only_bits; HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_RELEASED); } } modifier_only_bits = GetModifierBits(); return false; } #ifdef MAEMO if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_MODE) { if (basic_key_code == SDLK_LEFT) basic_key_code = SDLK_UP; if (basic_key_code == SDLK_RIGHT) basic_key_code = SDLK_DOWN; } #endif int key_code; int previous_modifier_bits = modifier_bits; modifier_bits = GetModifierBits(); if (modifier_bits != previous_modifier_bits) { std::set<SDLKey>::const_iterator it = pressed_keys.find(basic_key_code); if (it != pressed_keys.end()) { key_code = basic_key_code + MODIFIER_OFFSET * previous_modifier_bits; HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_RELEASED); if (key_code != basic_key_code) HandleKeyComboEvent(basic_key_code, KEY_RELEASED); pressed_keys.erase(basic_key_code); if (event_type == KEY_PRESSED) { key_code = basic_key_code + MODIFIER_OFFSET * modifier_bits; HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_PRESSED); pressed_keys.insert(basic_key_code); } return true; } } if (event_type == KEY_PRESSED) { key_code = basic_key_code + (MODIFIER_OFFSET * modifier_bits); HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_PRESSED); if (previous_modifier_bits ^ modifier_bits) { key_code = basic_key_code + (MODIFIER_OFFSET * previous_modifier_bits); HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_RELEASED); } pressed_keys.insert(basic_key_code); } else { ASSERT(event_type == KEY_RELEASED); key_code = basic_key_code + (MODIFIER_OFFSET * previous_modifier_bits); HandleKeyComboEvent(key_code, KEY_RELEASED); if (key_code != basic_key_code) HandleKeyComboEvent(basic_key_code, KEY_RELEASED); pressed_keys.erase(basic_key_code); } return true; }