void wxHtmlHelpController::UseConfig(wxConfigBase *config, const wxString& rootpath) { m_Config = config; m_ConfigRoot = rootpath; if (m_helpWindow) m_helpWindow->UseConfig(config, rootpath); ReadCustomization(config, rootpath); }
void wxHtmlHelpController::CreateHelpWindow() { wxBusyCursor cur; wxString oldpath; wxStatusBar *sbar; if (m_Frame) { m_Frame -> Raise(); m_Frame -> Show(TRUE); return; } #if wxUSE_BUSYINFO wxBusyInfo busyinfo(_("Preparing help window...")); #endif if (m_Config) ReadCustomization(m_Config, m_ConfigRoot); m_Frame = new wxFrame(NULL, -1, "", wxPoint(m_Cfg.x, m_Cfg.y), wxSize(m_Cfg.w, m_Cfg.h)); m_Frame -> PushEventHandler(this); sbar = m_Frame -> CreateStatusBar(); { wxToolBar *toolBar; toolBar = m_Frame -> CreateToolBar(wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_HORIZONTAL | wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_DOCKABLE); toolBar -> SetMargins(2, 2); wxBitmap* toolBarBitmaps[3]; #ifdef __WXMSW__ toolBarBitmaps[0] = new wxBitmap("panel"); toolBarBitmaps[1] = new wxBitmap("back"); toolBarBitmaps[2] = new wxBitmap("forward"); int width = 24; #else toolBarBitmaps[0] = new wxBitmap(panel_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[1] = new wxBitmap(back_xpm); toolBarBitmaps[2] = new wxBitmap(forward_xpm); int width = 16; #endif int currentX = 5; toolBar -> AddTool(wxID_HTML_PANEL, *(toolBarBitmaps[0]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, _("Show/hide navigation panel")); currentX += width + 5; toolBar -> AddSeparator(); toolBar -> AddTool(wxID_HTML_BACK, *(toolBarBitmaps[1]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, _("Go back to the previous HTML page")); currentX += width + 5; toolBar -> AddTool(wxID_HTML_FORWARD, *(toolBarBitmaps[2]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, _("Go forward to the next HTML page")); currentX += width + 5; toolBar -> Realize(); // Can delete the bitmaps since they're reference counted for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete toolBarBitmaps[i]; } { m_Splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(m_Frame); m_HtmlWin = new wxHtmlWindow(m_Splitter); m_HtmlWin -> SetRelatedFrame(m_Frame, m_TitleFormat); m_HtmlWin -> SetRelatedStatusBar(0); if (m_Config) m_HtmlWin -> ReadCustomization(m_Config, m_ConfigRoot); m_NavigPan = new wxNotebook(m_Splitter, wxID_HTML_NOTEBOOK, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); { m_ContentsBox = new wxTreeCtrl(m_NavigPan, wxID_HTML_TREECTRL, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxSUNKEN_BORDER); m_ContentsBox -> SetImageList(m_ContentsImageList); m_NavigPan -> AddPage(m_ContentsBox, _("Contents")); } { wxWindow *dummy = new wxPanel(m_NavigPan, wxID_HTML_INDEXPAGE); wxLayoutConstraints *b1 = new wxLayoutConstraints; b1 -> top.SameAs (dummy, wxTop, 0); b1 -> left.SameAs (dummy, wxLeft, 0); b1 -> width.PercentOf (dummy, wxWidth, 100); b1 -> bottom.SameAs (dummy, wxBottom, 0); m_IndexBox = new wxListBox(dummy, wxID_HTML_INDEXLIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0); m_IndexBox -> SetConstraints(b1); dummy -> SetAutoLayout(TRUE); m_NavigPan -> AddPage(dummy, _("Index")); } { wxWindow *dummy = new wxPanel(m_NavigPan, wxID_HTML_SEARCHPAGE); wxLayoutConstraints *b1 = new wxLayoutConstraints; m_SearchText = new wxTextCtrl(dummy, wxID_HTML_SEARCHTEXT); b1 -> top.SameAs (dummy, wxTop, 0); b1 -> left.SameAs (dummy, wxLeft, 0); b1 -> right.SameAs (dummy, wxRight, 0); b1 -> height.AsIs(); m_SearchText -> SetConstraints(b1); wxLayoutConstraints *b2 = new wxLayoutConstraints; m_SearchButton = new wxButton(dummy, wxID_HTML_SEARCHBUTTON, _("Search!")); b2 -> top.Below (m_SearchText, 10); b2 -> right.SameAs (dummy, wxRight, 10); b2 -> width.AsIs(); b2 -> height.AsIs(); m_SearchButton -> SetConstraints(b2); wxLayoutConstraints *b3 = new wxLayoutConstraints; m_SearchList = new wxListBox(dummy, wxID_HTML_SEARCHLIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0); b3 -> top.Below (m_SearchButton, 10); b3 -> left.SameAs (dummy, wxLeft, 0); b3 -> right.SameAs (dummy, wxRight, 0); b3 -> bottom.SameAs (dummy, wxBottom, 0); m_SearchList -> SetConstraints(b3); dummy -> SetAutoLayout(TRUE); dummy -> Layout(); m_NavigPan -> AddPage(dummy, _("Search")); } RefreshLists(); m_NavigPan -> Show(TRUE); m_HtmlWin -> Show(TRUE); m_Splitter -> SetMinimumPaneSize(20); m_Splitter -> SplitVertically(m_NavigPan, m_HtmlWin, m_Cfg.sashpos); if (!m_Cfg.navig_on) m_Splitter -> Unsplit(m_NavigPan); wxYield(); } m_Frame -> Show(TRUE); wxYield(); }