Пример #1
/* IsWave: check config parms to see if target is a waveform */
Boolean IsWave(char *srcFile)
   FILE *f;
   long nSamp,sampP, hdrS;
   short sampS,kind;
   Boolean isPipe,bSwap,isWave;
   isWave = tgtPK == WAVEFORM;
   if (tgtPK == ANON){
      if ((srcFF == HTK || srcFF == ESIG) && srcFile != NULL){
         if ((f=FOpen(srcFile,WaveFilter,&isPipe)) == NULL)
            HError(1011,"IsWave: cannot open File %s",srcFile);
         switch (srcFF) {
         case HTK:
            if (!ReadHTKHeader(f,&nSamp,&sampP,&sampS,&kind,&bSwap))
               HError(1013, "IsWave: cannot read HTK Header in File %s",
         case ESIG:
            if (!ReadEsignalHeader(f, &nSamp, &sampP, &sampS,
                                   &kind, &bSwap, &hdrS, isPipe))
               HError(1013, "IsWave: cannot read Esignal Header in File %s",
         isWave = kind == WAVEFORM;
      } else
         isWave = TRUE;
   return isWave;
Пример #2
         frcDisc = TRUE; break;

      case 'e':

         gen = GetChkedLong(gst,LONG_MAX,s); break;

      case 'h':

         srcHdr = TRUE; break;

      case 'i':

         nItems = GetChkedInt(1,100,s); break;

      case 'n':

         numS = GetChkedInt(1,SMAX-1,s); break;

      case 'o':

         obsFmt = TRUE; break;

      case 'p':

         replay = TRUE; break;

      case 'r':

         rawOut = TRUE; break;

      case 's':

         gst = GetChkedLong(0,LONG_MAX,s); break;

      case 't':

         tgtHdr = TRUE; break;

      case 'z':

         prData = FALSE; break;

      case 'F':

         if (NextArg() != STRINGARG)
Пример #3
 FLOAT *ReadHTKFeatures(
   char *                pFileName,
   bool                  swap,
   int                   extLeft,
   int                   extRight,
   int                   targetKind,
   int                   derivOrder,
   int *                 derivWinLen,
   HtkHeader *           pHeader,
   const char *          pCmnFile,
   const char *          pCvnFile,
   const char *          pCvgFile,
   RHFBuffer *           pBuff)
   FLOAT *               fea_mx;
   int                   from_frame;
   int                   to_frame;
   int                   tot_frames;
   int                   trg_vec_size;
   int                   src_vec_size;
   int                   src_deriv_order;
   int                   lo_src_tgz_deriv_order;
   int                   i;
   int                   j;
   int                   k;
   int                   e;
   int                   coefs;
   int                   trg_E;
   int                   trg_0;
   int                   trg_N;
   int                   src_E;
   int                   src_0;
   int                   src_N;
   int                   comp;
   int                   coef_size;
   char *                chptr;
   //IStkStream            istr;
   // remove final spaces from file name
   for (i = strlen(pFileName) - 1; i >= 0 && isspace(pFileName[i]); i--)
     pFileName[i] = '\0';
   // read frame range definition if any ( physical_file.fea[s,e] )
   if ((chptr = strrchr(pFileName, '[')) == NULL ||
       ((i=0), sscanf(chptr, "[%d,%d]%n", &from_frame, &to_frame, &i), chptr[i] != '\0')) 
     chptr = NULL;
   if (chptr != NULL) 
     *chptr = '\0';
   if ((strcmp(pFileName, "-"))
   &&  (pBuff->mpLastFileName != NULL) 
   &&  (!strcmp(pBuff->mpLastFileName, pFileName))) 
     *pHeader = pBuff->last_header;
     if (pBuff->mpLastFileName) 
       if (pBuff->mpFp != stdin) 
       pBuff->mpLastFileName = NULL;
     if (!strcmp(pFileName, "-")) 
       pBuff->mpFp = stdin;
       pBuff->mpFp = fopen(pFileName, "rb");
     if (pBuff->mpFp == NULL) 
       Error("Cannot open feature file: '%s'", pFileName);
     istr.open(pFileName, ios::binary);
     if (!istr.good())
       Error("Cannot open feature file: '%s'", pFileName);
     pBuff->mpFp = istr.file();  
     if (ReadHTKHeader(pBuff->mpFp, pHeader, swap)) 
       Error("Invalid HTK header in feature file: '%s'", pFileName);
     if (pHeader->mSampleKind & PARAMKIND_C) 
       // File is in compressed form, scale and pBias vectors
       // are appended after HTK header.
       int coefs = pHeader->mSampleSize/sizeof(INT_16);
       pBuff->A = (FLOAT*) realloc(pBuff->A, coefs * sizeof(FLOAT_32));
       pBuff->B = (FLOAT*) realloc(pBuff->B, coefs * sizeof(FLOAT_32));
       if (pBuff->A == NULL || pBuff->B == NULL) Error("Insufficient memory");
       e  = ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, pBuff->A, coefs, swap, 0, 0, 0);
       e |= ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, pBuff->B, coefs, swap, 0, 0, 0);
       if (e) 
         Error("Cannot read feature file: '%s'", pFileName);
       pHeader->mNSamples -= 2 * sizeof(FLOAT_32) / sizeof(INT_16);
     if ((pBuff->mpLastFileName = strdup(pFileName)) == NULL) 
       Error("Insufficient memory");
     pBuff->last_header = * pHeader;
   if (chptr != NULL) 
     *chptr = '[';
   if (chptr == NULL) 
   { // Range [s,e] was not specified
     from_frame = 0;
     to_frame   = pHeader->mNSamples-1;
   src_deriv_order = PARAMKIND_T & pHeader->mSampleKind ? 3 :
                     PARAMKIND_A & pHeader->mSampleKind ? 2 :
                     PARAMKIND_D & pHeader->mSampleKind ? 1 : 0;
   src_E =  (PARAMKIND_E & pHeader->mSampleKind) != 0;
   src_0 =  (PARAMKIND_0 & pHeader->mSampleKind) != 0;
   src_N = ((PARAMKIND_N & pHeader->mSampleKind) != 0) * (src_E + src_0);
   comp =    PARAMKIND_C & pHeader->mSampleKind;
   pHeader->mSampleKind &= ~PARAMKIND_C;
   if (targetKind == PARAMKIND_ANON) 
     targetKind = pHeader->mSampleKind;
   else if ((targetKind & 077) == PARAMKIND_ANON) 
     targetKind &= ~077;
     targetKind |= pHeader->mSampleKind & 077;
   trg_E = (PARAMKIND_E & targetKind) != 0;
   trg_0 = (PARAMKIND_0 & targetKind) != 0;
   trg_N =((PARAMKIND_N & targetKind) != 0) * (trg_E + trg_0);
   coef_size     = comp ? sizeof(INT_16) : sizeof(FLOAT_32);
   coefs         = (pHeader->mSampleSize/coef_size + src_N) / 
                   (src_deriv_order+1) - src_E - src_0;
   src_vec_size  = (coefs + src_E + src_0) * (src_deriv_order+1) - src_N;
   //Is coefs dividable by 1 + number of derivatives specified in header
   if (src_vec_size * coef_size != pHeader->mSampleSize) 
     Error("Invalid HTK header in feature file: '%s'. "
           "mSampleSize do not match with parmKind", pFileName);
   if (derivOrder < 0) 
     derivOrder = src_deriv_order;
   if ((!src_E && trg_E) || (!src_0 && trg_0) || (src_N && !trg_N) ||
       (trg_N && !trg_E && !trg_0) || (trg_N && !derivOrder) ||
       (src_N && !src_deriv_order && derivOrder) ||
       ((pHeader->mSampleKind & 077) != (targetKind & 077) &&
        (pHeader->mSampleKind & 077) != PARAMKIND_ANON)) 
     char srcParmKind[64], trgParmKind[64];
     ParmKind2Str(pHeader->mSampleKind, srcParmKind);
     ParmKind2Str(targetKind,       trgParmKind);
     Error("Cannot convert %s to %s", srcParmKind, trgParmKind);
   lo_src_tgz_deriv_order = LOWER_OF(src_deriv_order, derivOrder);
   trg_vec_size  = (coefs + trg_E + trg_0) * (derivOrder+1) - trg_N;
   i =  LOWER_OF(from_frame, extLeft);
   from_frame  -= i;
   extLeft     -= i;
   i =  LOWER_OF(pHeader->mNSamples-to_frame-1, extRight);
   to_frame    += i;
   extRight    -= i;
   if (from_frame > to_frame || from_frame >= pHeader->mNSamples || to_frame < 0)
     Error("Invalid frame range for feature file: '%s'", pFileName);
   tot_frames = to_frame - from_frame + 1 + extLeft + extRight;
   fea_mx = (FLOAT *) malloc((trg_vec_size * tot_frames + 1) * sizeof(FLOAT));
   // + 1 needed for safe reading unwanted _E and _0
   if (fea_mx == NULL) 
     Error("Insufficient memory");
   for (i = 0; i <= to_frame - from_frame; i++) 
     FLOAT *A = pBuff->A, *B = pBuff->B;
     FLOAT *mxPtr = fea_mx + trg_vec_size * (i+extLeft);
     fseek(pBuff->mpFp, sizeof(HtkHeader) + 
                        (comp ? src_vec_size * 2 * sizeof(FLOAT_32) : 0) +
                        (from_frame + i) * src_vec_size * coef_size, 
     e  = ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, mxPtr, coefs, swap, comp, A, B);
     mxPtr += coefs; 
     A     += coefs; 
     B     += coefs;
     if (src_0 && !src_N) e |= ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, mxPtr, 1, swap, comp, A++, B++);
     if (trg_0 && !trg_N) mxPtr++;
     if (src_E && !src_N) e |= ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, mxPtr, 1, swap, comp, A++, B++);
     if (trg_E && !trg_N) mxPtr++;
     for (j = 0; j < lo_src_tgz_deriv_order; j++) 
       e |= ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, mxPtr, coefs, swap, comp, A, B);
       mxPtr += coefs; 
       A     += coefs; 
       B     += coefs;
       if (src_0) e |= ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, mxPtr, 1, swap, comp, A++, B++);
       if (trg_0) mxPtr++;
       if (src_E) e |= ReadHTKFeature(pBuff->mpFp, mxPtr, 1, swap, comp, A++, B++);
       if (trg_E) mxPtr++;
     if (e) 
       Error("Cannot read feature file: '%s' frame %d/%d", pFileName, i, to_frame - from_frame + 1);
   // From now, coefs includes also trg_0 + trg_E !
   coefs += trg_0 + trg_E; 
   for (i = 0; i < extLeft; i++) 
     memcpy(fea_mx + trg_vec_size * i,
           fea_mx + trg_vec_size * extLeft,
           (coefs * (1+lo_src_tgz_deriv_order) - trg_N) * sizeof(FLOAT));
   for (i = tot_frames - extRight; i < tot_frames; i++) 
     memcpy(fea_mx + trg_vec_size * i,
           fea_mx + trg_vec_size * (tot_frames - extRight - 1),
           (coefs * (1+lo_src_tgz_deriv_order) - trg_N) * sizeof(FLOAT));
   // Sentence cepstral mean normalization
   if(pCmnFile == NULL && 
     !(PARAMKIND_Z & pHeader->mSampleKind) && 
       (PARAMKIND_Z & targetKind)) 
     // for each coefficient
     for(j=0; j < coefs; j++) 
       FLOAT norm = 0.0;
       for(i=0; i < tot_frames; i++)      // for each frame
         norm += fea_mx[i*trg_vec_size - trg_N + j];
       norm /= tot_frames;
       for(i=0; i < tot_frames; i++)      // for each frame
         fea_mx[i*trg_vec_size - trg_N + j] -= norm;
   // Compute missing derivatives
   for (; src_deriv_order < derivOrder; src_deriv_order++) 
     int winLen = derivWinLen[src_deriv_order];
     FLOAT norm = 0.0;
     for (k = 1; k <= winLen; k++) 
       norm += 2 * k * k;
     // for each frame
     for (i=0; i < tot_frames; i++) 
       // for each coefficient
       for (j=0; j < coefs; j++) 
         FLOAT *src = fea_mx + i*trg_vec_size + src_deriv_order*coefs - trg_N + j;
         *(src + coefs) = 0.0;
         if (i < winLen || i >= tot_frames-winLen) 
         { // boundaries need special treatment
           for (k = 1; k <= winLen; k++) 
             *(src+coefs) += k*(src[ LOWER_OF(tot_frames-1-i,k)*trg_vec_size]
                               -src[-LOWER_OF(i,            k)*trg_vec_size]);
         { // otherwice use more efficient code
           for (k = 1; k <= winLen; k++) 
             *(src+coefs) += k*(src[ k * trg_vec_size]
                               -src[-k * trg_vec_size]);
         *(src + coefs) /= norm;
   pHeader->mNSamples    = tot_frames;
   pHeader->mSampleSize  = trg_vec_size * sizeof(FLOAT_32);
   pHeader->mSampleKind  = targetKind & ~(PARAMKIND_D | PARAMKIND_A | PARAMKIND_T);
   /////////////// Cepstral mean and variance normalization ///////////////////
   if (pCmnFile != NULL) 
     ReadCepsNormFile(pCmnFile, &pBuff->mpLastCmnFile, &pBuff->cmn,
                     pHeader->mSampleKind & ~PARAMKIND_Z, CNF_Mean, coefs);
     for (i=0; i < tot_frames; i++) 
       for (j=trg_N; j < coefs; j++) 
         fea_mx[i*trg_vec_size + j - trg_N] -= pBuff->cmn[j];
   pHeader->mSampleKind |= derivOrder==3 ? PARAMKIND_D | PARAMKIND_A | PARAMKIND_T :
                           derivOrder==2 ? PARAMKIND_D | PARAMKIND_A :
                           derivOrder==1 ? PARAMKIND_D : 0;
   if (pCvnFile != NULL) 
     ReadCepsNormFile(pCvnFile, &pBuff->mpLastCvnFile, &pBuff->cvn,
                     pHeader->mSampleKind, CNF_Variance, trg_vec_size);
     for (i=0; i < tot_frames; i++) 
       for (j=trg_N; j < trg_vec_size; j++) 
         fea_mx[i*trg_vec_size + j - trg_N] *= pBuff->cvn[j];
   if (pCvgFile != NULL) 
     ReadCepsNormFile(pCvgFile, &pBuff->mpLastCvgFile, &pBuff->cvg,
                     -1, CNF_VarScale, trg_vec_size);
     for (i=0; i < tot_frames; i++) 
       for (j=trg_N; j < trg_vec_size; j++) 
         fea_mx[i*trg_vec_size + j - trg_N] *= pBuff->cvg[j];
   return fea_mx;