Пример #1
void CInput::ReadInput(HANDLE h)
	m_hInputLock = h;
	HANDLE ah[4] = { m_hInputLock , m_hMouseInput , m_hKeyboardInput, m_hJoystickInput };
//	Acquire();
	DWORD dwResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(4, ah, FALSE, 
	//CLog::Println("Input lock broken");
    switch (dwResult) { 
    case WAIT_OBJECT_0: 
        // Input Lock is broken . Exit method
			CLog::Println("Broken Lock");
    case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: 
        ReadMouseInput(); // read mouse input
    case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: 

	case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 3: 
		// error
		CLog::Println("Event Error ");
Пример #2
void control_ship( USERCONFIG *conf, SHIPCONTROL *ctrl )
  int   j, joystick;
  float mouse_dx;
  float mouse_dy;
  float pitch_sign;
  float turn_sign;
  float MaxMove, MaxTurbo, MaxTurn, MaxRoll, MaxBank;

  ctrl->pitch   = 0.0F;
  ctrl->yaw   = 0.0F;
  ctrl->roll    = 0.0F;
  ctrl->bank    = 0.0F;
  ctrl->right   = 0.0F;
  ctrl->up    = 0.0F;
  ctrl->forward = 0.0F;
  ctrl->cruise_control = 0;
  ctrl->turbo   = 0;
  ctrl->fire_primary = 0;
  ctrl->fire_secondary = 0;
  ctrl->fire_mine = 0;
  ctrl->select_primary = 0;
  ctrl->select_secondary = 0;
  ctrl->select_next_primary = 0;
  ctrl->select_prev_primary = 0;
  ctrl->select_next_secondary = 0;
  ctrl->select_prev_secondary = 0;
  ctrl->drop_primary = 0;
  ctrl->drop_secondary = 0;
  ctrl->drop_shield = 0;
  ctrl->drop_ammo = 0;

  if ( !conf )
    return; // bail if no config supplied

  if ( CurrentMenu )
    return; // disable bike controls if using menus

  mouse_dx = mouse_states[ new_input ].xrel * conf->mouse_x_sensitivity * 4.0F;
  mouse_dy = mouse_states[ new_input ].yrel * conf->mouse_y_sensitivity * 4.0F;

#if 0
  if ( mouse_dx < -MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_X )
    mouse_dx = -MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_X;
  else if ( mouse_dx > MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_X )
    mouse_dx = MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_X;
  if ( mouse_dy < -MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_Y )
    mouse_dy = -MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_Y;
  else if ( mouse_dy > MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_Y )
    mouse_dy = MAX_MOUSE_DELTA_Y;

// win32 appear to return greator values even in some resolution
// we should also configure a fine control setting for the mouse to turn on/off the fabs() trick
#ifdef WIN32
	mouse_dx = mouse_dx * (float) fabs( mouse_dx ) * MouseXFactor; // factor = 0.000625
	mouse_dy = mouse_dy * (float) fabs( mouse_dy ) * MouseYFactor; // factor = -0.000625
	mouse_dx = mouse_dx * (float) fabs( mouse_dx ) * 0.01f; // tweaked for linux
	mouse_dy = mouse_dy * (float) fabs( mouse_dy ) * -0.01f;

#if 0
  if ( mouse_dx < -framelag )
    mouse_dx = -framelag;
  if ( mouse_dx > framelag )
    mouse_dx = framelag;
  if ( mouse_dy < -framelag )
    mouse_dy = -framelag;
  if ( mouse_dy > framelag )
    mouse_dy = framelag;

  pitch_sign = ( conf->invert_pitch ) ? -1.0F : 1.0F;
  turn_sign = ( conf->invert_turn ) ? -1.0F : 1.0F;

  if ( key_held( &conf->full_rear_view ) )
    FullRearView = true;
    FullRearView = false;

  if( key_held( &conf->show_messages))
	  ShowMessages = true;
	  ShowMessages = false;

  if( key_held( &conf->show_stats))
	  ShowStatistics = true;
	  ShowStatistics = false;

  if( key_held( &conf->show_networkinfo))
	  ShowNetworkInfo = true;
	  ShowNetworkInfo = false;

  if ( key_pressed( &conf->headlights ) )
		Ships[WhoIAm].headlights = !Ships[WhoIAm].headlights;

  ctrl->slide_mode = key_held( &conf->move );
  ctrl->roll_mode = key_held( &conf->roll );
  if ( ctrl->slide_mode )
    if ( key_held( &conf->left ) )
      ctrl->right -= MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
    if ( key_held( &conf->right ) )
      ctrl->right += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
    if ( mouse_dx != 0.0F )
      ctrl->right += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * mouse_dx;

    if ( key_held( &conf->up ) )
      ctrl->up += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
    if ( key_held( &conf->down ) )
      ctrl->up -= MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
    if ( mouse_dy != 0.0F )
      ctrl->up += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * mouse_dy;
    if ( ctrl->roll_mode )
      if ( key_held( &conf->left ) )
        ctrl->roll += RollAccell * MaxRollSpeed * framelag;
      if ( key_held( &conf->right ) )
        ctrl->roll -= RollAccell * MaxRollSpeed * framelag;
      if ( mouse_dx != 0.0F )
        ctrl->roll -= RollAccell * MaxRollSpeed* mouse_dx;
      if ( key_held( &conf->left ) )
        ctrl->yaw  -= TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * framelag;
        ctrl->bank += BankAccell * MaxBankAngle * framelag;
      if ( key_held( &conf->right ) )
        ctrl->yaw  += TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * framelag;
        ctrl->bank -= BankAccell * MaxBankAngle * framelag;
      if ( mouse_dx != 0.0F )
        ctrl->yaw  += TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * mouse_dx * turn_sign;
        ctrl->bank -= BankAccell * MaxBankAngle * mouse_dx * turn_sign;
    if ( key_held( &conf->down ) )
      ctrl->pitch -= TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * framelag;
    if ( key_held( &conf->up ) )
      ctrl->pitch += TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * framelag;
    if ( mouse_dy != 0.0F )
      ctrl->pitch += TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * pitch_sign * mouse_dy ;

  if ( key_held( &conf->move_left ) )
    ctrl->right -= MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  if ( key_held( &conf->move_right ) )
    ctrl->right += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  if ( key_held( &conf->move_down ) )
    ctrl->up -= MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  if ( key_held( &conf->move_up ) )
    ctrl->up += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  if ( key_held( &conf->roll_left ) )
    ctrl->roll += RollAccell * MaxRollSpeed * framelag;
  if ( key_held( &conf->roll_right ) )
    ctrl->roll -= RollAccell * MaxRollSpeed * framelag;

  if( NitroFuel && ( key_pressed ( &conf->turbo ) ) )
    PlaySfx( SFX_NitroStart, 0.66F );

  ctrl->turbo = key_held( &conf->turbo );
  if ( ctrl->turbo )
    if ( NitroFuel > 0.0F )
      ctrl->forward += TurboAccell * MaxTurboSpeed * framelag;
      ctrl->forward += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  else if ( key_held( &conf->move_forward ) )
    ctrl->forward += MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  if ( key_held( &conf->move_backward ) )
    ctrl->forward -= MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;

  if ( key_pressed( &conf->cruise_faster ) )
  if ( key_pressed( &conf->cruise_slower ) )

  ctrl->fire_primary      = key_held( &conf->fire_primary );
  ctrl->fire_secondary    = key_held( &conf->fire_secondary );
  ctrl->fire_mine       = key_pressed( &conf->fire_mine );

  ctrl->select_next_primary = key_pressed( &conf->select_next_primary );
  ctrl->select_prev_primary = key_pressed( &conf->select_prev_primary );
  ctrl->select_next_secondary = key_pressed( &conf->select_next_secondary );
  ctrl->select_prev_secondary = key_pressed( &conf->select_prev_secondary );
  ctrl->drop_primary      = key_pressed( &conf->drop_primary );
  ctrl->drop_secondary    = key_pressed( &conf->drop_secondary );
  ctrl->drop_shield     = key_pressed( &conf->drop_shield );
  ctrl->drop_ammo       = key_pressed( &conf->drop_ammo );

  ctrl->select_primary = 0;
  for ( j = 0; j < MAX_PRIMARY_WEAPONS; j++ )
    if ( key_pressed( &conf->select_primary[ j ] ) )
      ctrl->select_primary = j + 1;
  ctrl->select_secondary = 0;
  for ( j = 0; j < MAX_SECONDARY_WEAPONS; j++ )
    if ( key_pressed( &conf->select_secondary[ j ] ) )
      ctrl->select_secondary = j + 1;

  if ( ( SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL ) && key_pressed( &conf->send_msg ) && MyGameStatus == STATUS_Normal )
    MenuRestart( &MENU_QuickTextSendWhisper );
  else if ( ( key_pressed( &conf->send_msg ) ) && MyGameStatus == STATUS_Normal )
    MenuRestart( &MENU_QuickTextSend );

  if( key_pressed( &conf->send_speech )  )
    PlaySpecificBikerSpeech( SFX_BIKER_TN, Ships[ WhoIAm ].Object.Group, &Ships[WhoIAm].Object.Pos, 0.0F, player_config->bike, -1, false ); // don't update
    if( MyGameStatus == STATUS_Normal )
		SendBikerTaunt(); // (Sfx.c)
      //SendGameMessage(MSG_TEXTMSG, 0, 0, TEXTMSGTYPE_SpeechTaunt, 0);
	if ( JoystickInput )
		for (joystick = 0; joystick < Num_Joysticks; joystick++)
			if (JoystickInfo[joystick].connected && JoystickInfo[joystick].assigned)
				ReadJoystickInput(ctrl, joystick);

#ifdef LUA_BOT

  MaxMove = MoveAccell * MaxMoveSpeed * framelag;
  MaxTurbo = TurboAccell * MaxTurboSpeed * framelag;
  MaxTurn = TurnAccell * MaxTurnSpeed * framelag;
  MaxRoll = RollAccell * MaxRollSpeed * framelag;
  MaxBank = BankAccell * MaxBankAngle * framelag;

  CLAMP( ctrl->pitch, MaxTurn );
  CLAMP( ctrl->yaw, MaxTurn );
  CLAMP( ctrl->roll, MaxRoll );
  CLAMP( ctrl->bank, MaxBank );
  CLAMP( ctrl->right, MaxMove );
  CLAMP( ctrl->up, MaxMove );

  if ( ctrl->turbo && NitroFuel > 0.0F )
    if ( ctrl->forward > MaxTurbo )
      ctrl->forward = MaxTurbo;
    else if ( ctrl->forward < -MaxMove )
      ctrl->forward = -MaxMove;
    CLAMP( ctrl->forward, MaxMove );