Пример #1
bstr_as_string(DEBUGHELPER *pH,  DWORDLONG addr, std::string *ret )
	if( addr == 0)
		*ret = "@\"\"";
		long len;
		if(!ReadMem(pH, addr - sizeof(len), &len) ) return false;
		std::ostringstream os;
		os << '\"';
		if(len >0 )
			char *val = new char[len+2];
			if(!ReadMem(pH, addr, len, val) ) return false;

			// Null terminate
			val[len]='\0'; val[len+1]='\0';
			wchar_t *wval = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(val);
			std::string sret;
			if (!string_as_string( wval, wval+(len/2), &sret ) ) return false;

			delete [] val;
			os << sret;
		os << '\"';
		*ret = os.str();
	return true;
Пример #2
 * doStartTask:
 * handle NFY_STARTTASK notification
 * If we are waiting for the debuggee to load, then this is the task.
 * We remember the module and task ID's, and plant a breakpoint at the
 * starting address of the application.  We can do that now, since we
 * now know the code selector for the segment with the start address.
 * Otherwise, we simply record it so that we can notify the debugger
 * about a loaded module later.
static BOOL doStartTask( DWORD data )
    char        val;
    TASKENTRY   te;

    te.dwSize = sizeof( te );
    TaskFindHandle( &te, TaskAtNotify );

    if( DebuggerState == LOADING_DEBUGEE ) {
        DebugeeModule = te.hModule;
        DebugeeTask = TaskAtNotify;
        StopNewTask.loc.segment = HIWORD( data );
        ReadMem( StopNewTask.loc.segment, StopNewTask.loc.offset,
                &StopNewTask.value, 1 );
        val = '\xcc';
        WriteMem( StopNewTask.loc.segment, StopNewTask.loc.offset,
                    &val, 1 );
        ReadMem( StopNewTask.loc.segment, StopNewTask.loc.offset,
                &val, 1 );
        Out((OUT_RUN,"           wrote breakpoint at %04x:%04lx, oldbyte=%02x(is now %02x)",
                    StopNewTask.loc.segment, StopNewTask.loc.offset,
                    StopNewTask.value, val ));
        Out((OUT_RUN,"   StartTask: cs:ip = %Fp", data ));
        ToDebugger( TASK_LOADED );
    } else {
        AddModuleLoaded( te.hModule, FALSE );
    return( FALSE );

} /* doStartTask */
Пример #3
 * CheckIsModuleWin32App - check if a given module handle is a win32 app
bool CheckIsModuleWin32App( HMODULE hmod, WORD *win32ds, WORD *win32cs,
                            DWORD *win32initialeip )
    winext_data wedata;
    int         segnum;

    *win32cs = *win32ds = 0;
    ge.dwSize = sizeof( GLOBALENTRY );
    if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, hmod, 1 ) ) {
        return( false );
    ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, 0, (LPVOID) &wedata, sizeof( wedata ) );
    if( memcmp( wedata.sig, win386Sig, sizeof( win386Sig) ) == 0 ||
        memcmp( wedata.sig, win386Sig2, sizeof( win386Sig2) ) == 0 ) {
        if( memcmp( wedata.new_sig, win386Sig, sizeof( win386Sig ) ) == 0 ) {
            segnum = 2;
        } else {
            segnum = 3;
        if( !GlobalEntryModule( &ge, hmod, segnum ) ) {
            return( false );
        ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, wedata.dataseg_off, (LPVOID)win32ds, sizeof( WORD ) );
        ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, wedata.stacksize_off, (LPVOID)win32initialeip,
                 sizeof( DWORD ) );
        ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, wedata.codeinfo_off + 4, (LPVOID)win32cs,
                 sizeof( WORD ) );
        return( true );
    return( false );

} /* CheckIsModuleWin32App */
Пример #4
HRESULT WINAPI DISPPARAMS_Eval( DWORD addr, DEBUGHELPER *pH, int nBase, BOOL bUniStrings, char *pResult, size_t maxlen, DWORD reserved )
	DWORDLONG llAddr =GetAddress(pH,addr); 
	if(!ReadMem(pH, llAddr, &dparam) ) return E_FAIL;

	std::ostringstream os;
	if( dparam.cArgs == 0 )
		os << "()";
	else if(  dparam.cArgs > 20)
		os << "(.." << dparam.cArgs << "..)";
		VARIANT *vars= new VARIANT[dparam.cArgs];

			if(!ReadMem(pH, reinterpret_cast<DWORDLONG>( dparam.rgvarg ) , sizeof(VARIANT) * dparam.cArgs, vars ) )
				delete [] vars;
				return E_FAIL;
			bool first = true;
			os << '(';
			for( long i = dparam.cArgs-1; i>= 0 ; --i)
				std::string ret;
				if(! variant_as_string(pH, vars[i], &ret) )
					delete [] vars;  return false;

				if(!first) os << ',' ; first = false;
				os << ret;

			os << ')';
		} catch (...){}

		delete [] vars;

	strncpy(pResult, os.str().c_str(),  maxlen);
	pResult[maxlen-1] ='\0';
	return S_OK;
Пример #5
 * SoftwareDisableImc - Software disable IMC strap
 * @param[in] FchDataPtr Fch configuration structure pointer.
SoftwareDisableImc (
  IN  VOID     *FchDataPtr
  UINT8    ValueByte;
  UINT8    PortStatusByte;
  UINT32   AbValue;
  UINT32   ABStrapOverrideReg;
  AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader;

  StdHeader = ((FCH_DATA_BLOCK *) FchDataPtr)->StdHeader;
  GetChipSysMode (&PortStatusByte, StdHeader);

  RwPci ((LPC_BUS_DEV_FUN << 16) + FCH_LPC_REGC8 + 3, AccessWidth8, 0x7F, BIT7, StdHeader);
  ReadPmio (FCH_PMIOA_REGBF, AccessWidth8, &ValueByte, StdHeader);

  ReadMem ((ACPI_MMIO_BASE + MISC_BASE + FCH_MISC_REG80), AccessWidth32, &AbValue);
  ABStrapOverrideReg = AbValue;
  ABStrapOverrideReg &= ~BIT2;                           // bit2=0 EcEnableStrap
  WriteMem ((ACPI_MMIO_BASE + MISC_BASE + FCH_MISC_REG84), AccessWidth32, &ABStrapOverrideReg);

  ReadPmio (FCH_PMIOA_REGD7, AccessWidth8, &ValueByte, StdHeader);
  ValueByte |= BIT1;        // Set GenImcClkEn to 1
  WritePmio (FCH_PMIOA_REGD7, AccessWidth8, &ValueByte, StdHeader);

  ValueByte = 06;
  LibAmdIoWrite (AccessWidth8, 0xcf9, &ValueByte, StdHeader);
  FchStall (0xffffffff, StdHeader);
Пример #6
/* Handle profiler marks (hardcoded breakpoints with a string) */
static bool ProcessMark( pid_t pid, user_regs_struct *regs )
    if( (regs->edx & 0xffff) != 0 ) {   /* this is a mark */
        char            buff[BUFF_SIZE];
        int             len = 0;
        seg_offset      where;

        /* read the mark string char by char */
        for( ;; ) {
            if( len >= (BUFF_SIZE - 1) )
            ReadMem( pid, buff + len, regs->eax + len, 1 );
            if( buff[len] == '\0' )
        buff[len] = '\0';
        where.segment = FlatSeg;
        where.offset = regs->eip;
        WriteMark( buff, where );
        return( true );
    } else {
        dbg_printf( "hardcoded breakpoint was not a mark!\n" );
        return( false );
Пример #7
//extern "C" {
HRESULT WINAPI DateTime_Evaluate( DWORD dwAddress, DEBUGHELPER *pHelper, int nBase, BOOL bUniStrings, char *pResult, size_t maxlen, DWORD reserved )
	DATE Time;
	DWORDLONG address = GetAddress( pHelper, dwAddress);

	if( !ReadMem( pHelper, address, &Time) )
		return E_FAIL;

	if(Time == 0.)
		strcpy(pResult, "zero");
		return S_OK;
	if(Time == ( 65535. * 2147483647. ) || Time == (2147483647.))
		strcpy(pResult, "invalid");
		return S_OK;
	if(Time == ( 65535. * 2147483648. ) || Time == (2147483648.))
		strcpy(pResult, "null");
		return S_OK;

	CComBSTR strDate ;
	HRESULT hr = VarBstrFromDate(Time, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &strDate);
	if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
	if(strDate != 0)
		WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strDate, strDate.Length(), pResult, maxlen , NULL, NULL);

	return S_OK;
Пример #8
void *aes128_init(void *key)
	int i = 0;
    	uint32_t *RK;
	uint8_t b0,b1,b2,b3;
	RK = (uint32_t *)malloc(176);
	RK[0] = *((uint32_t*)key);
	RK[1] = *((uint32_t*)key + 1);
	RK[2] = *((uint32_t*)key + 2);
	RK[3] = *((uint32_t*)key + 3);
		b3 = (uint8_t)(RK[3]  & 0xff); 
		b2 = (uint8_t)((RK[3]  >> 8)& 0xff); 
		b1 = (uint8_t)((RK[3]  >> 16)& 0xff);
		b0 = (uint8_t)((RK[3]  >> 24)& 0xff);
		b3 = ReadMem( SBox[(b3>>4) & 0xf][b3 & 0xf]);
		b2 = ReadMem(SBox[(b2>>4) & 0xf][b2 & 0xf]) ^ ReadMem(RCon[i]);
		b1 = ReadMem(SBox[(b1>>4) & 0xf][b1 & 0xf]);	
		b0 = ReadMem(SBox[(b0>>4) & 0xf][b0 & 0xf]);
		RK[4] = ((uint32_t)b3 << 24) ^ ((uint32_t)b0 << 16) ^ ((uint32_t)b1 << 8) ^ (uint32_t)b2 ^ RK[0] ;
        	RK[5] = RK[1] ^ RK[4];
        	RK[6] = RK[2] ^ RK[5];
        	RK[7] = RK[3] ^ RK[6];
         	if (++i==10) 
			return (RK-36);
Пример #9
unsigned ReqChecksum_mem( void )
    DWORD       offset;
    WORD        length,value;
    DWORD       sum;
    checksum_mem_req    *acc;
    checksum_mem_ret    *ret;

    acc = GetInPtr(0);
    ret = GetOutPtr(0);

    length = acc->len;
    sum = 0;
    if( DebugeeTask != NULL ) {
        offset = acc->in_addr.offset;
        while( length != 0 ) {
            ReadMem( acc->in_addr.segment, offset, (LPVOID)&value, 2 );
            sum += value & 0xff;
            if( length != 0 ) {
                sum += value >> 8;
Пример #10
trap_retval ReqSet_watch( void )
    set_watch_req   *acc;
    set_watch_ret   *ret;
    u_long          value;
    watch_point     *curr;
    u_long          linear;
    unsigned        i,needed;

    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    ret->multiplier = 100000;
    ret->err = 1;
    if( wpCount < MAX_WP ) {
        ret->err = 0;
        curr = wpList + wpCount;
        curr->loc.segment = acc->watch_addr.segment;
        curr->loc.offset = acc->watch_addr.offset;
        ReadMem( pid, &value, acc->watch_addr.offset, sizeof( dword ) );
        curr->value = value;
        curr->len = acc->size;
        curr->linear = linear = acc->watch_addr.offset;
        curr->linear &= ~(curr->len-1);
        curr->dregs = (linear & (curr->len-1) ) ? 2 : 1;
        needed = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < wpCount; ++i ) {
            needed += wpList[ i ].dregs;
        if( needed <= 4 ) ret->multiplier |= USING_DEBUG_REG;
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
Пример #11
void Trace( struct TDebug *obj )
    char Instr[2] = {0, 0};
    int Sel;
    long Offset;

    if( obj->CurrentThread ) {
        Sel = obj->CurrentThread->Cs;
        Offset = obj->CurrentThread->Eip;

        ReadMem( obj->CurrentThread, Sel, Offset, Instr, 2 );

        if ( Instr[0] == 0xF && Instr[1] == 0xB ) {
            Offset += 7;
            AddBreak( obj, Sel, Offset );
            Go( obj );
            ClearBreak( obj, Sel, Offset );
        } else {
            RdosResetSignal( obj->UserSignal );

            SetupTrace( obj->CurrentThread );
            RdosContinueDebugEvent( obj->FHandle, obj->CurrentThread->ThreadID);

            RdosWaitForever( obj->UserWait );
Пример #12
unsigned ReqChecksum_mem( void )
    char                buf[256];
    addr_off            offv;
    u_short             length;
    u_short             size;
    int                 i;
    u_short             amount;
    u_long              sum;
    checksum_mem_req    *acc;
    checksum_mem_ret    *ret;

    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    ret = GetOutPtr( 0 );
    sum = 0;
    if( pid != 0 ) {
        length = acc->len;
        offv = acc->in_addr.offset;
        for( ;; ) {
            if( length == 0 )
            size = (length > sizeof( buf )) ? sizeof( buf ) : length;
            amount = ReadMem( pid, buf, offv, size );
            for( i = amount; i != 0; --i )
                sum += buf[ i - 1 ];
            offv += amount;
            length -= amount;
            if( amount != size ) break;
    ret->result = sum;
    return( sizeof( *ret ) );
Пример #13
 * MemWndGetNextByte
int_16 MemWndGetNextByte( void )
    char            buf;

    ReadMem( Sel, _Offset, &buf, 1 );
    return( buf );

} /* MemWndGetNextByte */
Пример #14
signed_32 GetDataLong( void )
    signed_32   d;

    ReadMem( DbgAddr, sizeof( d ), &d );
    DbgAddr.mach.offset += sizeof( d );
    return( d );
Пример #15
 * accessSegment:
 * Access a segment to cause the windows loader to load it. We find
 * the segment by looking through the module entry (which is a lot like
 * an NE header, except that where segment numbers would be, the selector
 * value is). We then have the app we are debugging execute an instruction that
 * references the seqment in question.
static void accessSegment( GLOBALHANDLE gh, WORD segment )
    WORD                i;
    WORD                sel;
    WORD                offset;

    ReadMem( (WORD)gh, 0x22, &offset, sizeof( offset ) );
    i = 0;
    while( i < segment ) {
        ReadMem( (WORD)gh, offset+8, &sel, sizeof( sel ) );
        offset += 10;
    SegmentToAccess = sel;
    DebuggerWaitForMessage( RUNNING_DEBUGEE, TaskAtFault, ACCESS_SEGMENT );

} /* accessSegment */
Пример #16
signed_16 GetDataWord( void )
    signed_16   d;

    ReadMem( DbgAddr, sizeof( d ), &d );
    DbgAddr.mach.offset += sizeof( d );
    return( d );
Пример #17
 * GcpuRelatedSetting - Program Gcpu C related function
 * @param[in] FchDataPtr   Fch configuration structure pointer.
GcpuRelatedSetting (
  IN  VOID     *FchDataPtr
  UINT8        FchAcDcMsg;
  UINT8        FchTimerTickTrack;
  UINT8        FchClockInterruptTag;
  UINT8        FchOhciTrafficHanding;
  UINT8        FchEhciTrafficHanding;
  UINT8        FchGcpuMsgCMultiCore;
  UINT8        FchGcpuMsgCStage;
  UINT32       Value;
  FCH_DATA_BLOCK         *LocalCfgPtr;

  LocalCfgPtr = (FCH_DATA_BLOCK *) FchDataPtr;

  FchAcDcMsg = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.AcDcMsg;
  FchTimerTickTrack = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.TimerTickTrack;
  FchClockInterruptTag = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.ClockInterruptTag;
  FchOhciTrafficHanding = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.OhciTrafficHanding;
  FchEhciTrafficHanding = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.EhciTrafficHanding;
  FchGcpuMsgCMultiCore = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.GcpuMsgCMultiCore;
  FchGcpuMsgCStage = (UINT8) LocalCfgPtr->Gcpu.GcpuMsgCStage;

  ReadMem (ACPI_MMIO_BASE + PMIO_BASE + FCH_PMIOA_REGA0, AccessWidth32, &Value);
  Value = Value & 0xC07F00A0;

  if ( FchAcDcMsg ) {
    Value = Value | BIT0;

  if ( FchTimerTickTrack ) {
    Value = Value | BIT1;

  if ( FchClockInterruptTag ) {
    Value = Value | BIT10;

  if ( FchOhciTrafficHanding ) {
    Value = Value | BIT13;

  if ( FchEhciTrafficHanding ) {
    Value = Value | BIT15;

  if ( FchGcpuMsgCMultiCore ) {
    Value = Value | BIT23;

  if ( FchGcpuMsgCMultiCore ) {
    Value = (Value | (BIT6 + BIT4 + BIT3 + BIT2));

  WriteMem (ACPI_MMIO_BASE + PMIO_BASE + FCH_PMIOA_REGA0, AccessWidth32, &Value);
Пример #18
 * MemWndGetDataLong
long MemWndGetDataLong( void )
    long        buf;

    ReadMem( Sel, _Offset, (char *)&buf, sizeof( long ) );
    _Offset += sizeof( long );
    return( buf );

} /* MemWndGetDataLong */
Пример #19
 * MemWndGetDataLong
int_32 MemWndGetDataLong( void )
    int_32      buf;

    ReadMem( Sel, _Offset, (char *)&buf, sizeof( buf ) );
    _Offset += sizeof( buf );
    return( buf );

} /* MemWndGetDataLong */
Пример #20
 * IsExternalClockMode - Is External Clock Mode?
 * @retval  TRUE or FALSE
IsExternalClockMode (
  IN  VOID     *FchDataPtr
  UINT8    MISC80;
  ReadMem (ACPI_MMIO_BASE + MISC_BASE + FCH_MISC_REG80 + 2, AccessWidth8, &MISC80);
  return ( (BOOLEAN) ((MISC80 & BIT1) == 0) );
Пример #21
 * MemWndGetDataByte
int_16 MemWndGetDataByte( void )
    char            buf;

    ReadMem( Sel, _Offset, &buf, 1 );
    return( buf );

} /* GetDataByte */
Пример #22
 * MemWndGetDataWord
int_16 MemWndGetDataWord( void )
    int_16      buf;

    ReadMem( Sel, _Offset, (char *)&buf, sizeof( int_16 ) );
    _Offset += sizeof( int_16 );
    return( buf );

} /* GetDataWord */
Пример #23
 * FchSataDriveDetectionFpga
 * @param[in]   LocalCfgPtr
 * @param[in]   Bar5
FchSataDriveDetectionFpga (
  IN       FCH_DATA_BLOCK     *LocalCfgPtr,
  IN       UINT32             *Bar5
  UINT32                 SataBarFpgaInfo;
  UINT8                  PortNum;
  UINT8                  SataFpaPortType;
  UINT16                 IoBase;
  UINT32                 SataFpgaLoopVarWord;
  AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader;

  StdHeader = LocalCfgPtr->StdHeader;

  TRACE ((DMSG_FCH_TRACE, "FCH - Entering sata drive detection procedure\n\n"));
  TRACE ((DMSG_FCH_TRACE, "SATA BAR5 is %X \n", *pBar5));

  for ( PortNum = 0; PortNum < 4; PortNum++ ) {
    ReadMem (*Bar5 + FCH_SATA_BAR5_REG128 + PortNum * 0x80, AccWidthUint32, &SataBarFpgaInfo);
    if ( ( SataBarFpgaInfo & 0x0F ) == 0x03 ) {
      if ( PortNum & BIT0 ) {
        //this port belongs to secondary channel
        ReadPci (((UINT32) (SATA_BUS_DEV_FUN_FPGA << 16) + FCH_SATA_REG18), AccWidthUint16, &IoBase);
      } else {
        //this port belongs to primary channel
        ReadPci (((UINT32) (SATA_BUS_DEV_FUN_FPGA << 16) + FCH_SATA_REG10), AccWidthUint16, &IoBase);

      //if legacy ide mode, then the bar registers don't contain the correct values. So we need to hardcode them
      if ( LocalCfgPtr->Sata.SataClass == SataLegacyIde ) {
        IoBase = ( (0x170) | ((UINT16) ( (~((UINT8) (PortNum & BIT0) << 7)) & 0x80 )) );

      if ( PortNum & BIT1 ) {
        //this port is slave
        SataFpaPortType = 0xB0;
      } else {
        //this port is master
        SataFpaPortType = 0xA0;

      IoBase &= 0xFFF8;
      LibAmdIoWrite (AccessWidth8, IoBase + 6, &SataFpaPortType, StdHeader);

      //Wait in loop for 30s for the drive to become ready
      for ( SataFpgaLoopVarWord = 0; SataFpgaLoopVarWord < 300000; SataFpgaLoopVarWord++ ) {
        LibAmdIoRead (AccessWidth8, IoBase + 7, &SataFpaPortType, StdHeader);
        if ( (SataFpaPortType & 0x88) == 0 ) {
        FchStall (100, StdHeader);
Пример #24
 * horkyFindSegment - runs and tries to find a segment.  It does this by
 * finding the module entry in the global heap for this task.  The module
 * entry is a lot like an NE header, except that instead of segment numbers,
 * it has the selector values themselves.  For the format of the module entry
 * see p 319 of Undocumented Windows
static WORD horkyFindSegment( HMODULE mod, WORD seg ) {

    WORD        sel;
    WORD        offset;

    if( !GlobalFirst( &ge, GLOBAL_ALL ) ) {
        return( 0 );
    do {
        if( ge.hOwner == mod && ge.wType == GT_MODULE ) {
            ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, 0x22, &offset, sizeof( offset ) );
            offset += 8 + ( 10 * seg );
            ReadMem( (WORD)ge.hBlock, offset, &sel, sizeof( sel ) );
            return( sel );
    } while( GlobalNext( &ge, GLOBAL_ALL ) );
    return( 0 );
Пример #25
HRESULT WINAPI string_Eval( DWORD dwAddress, DEBUGHELPER *pHelper, int nBase, BOOL bUniStrings, char *pResult, size_t maxlen, DWORD reserved )
	DWORDLONG address = GetAddress( pHelper, dwAddress);

	long begin,end;
	if (!ReadMem( pHelper, address, &begin) || !ReadMem( pHelper, address + sizeof(long), &end) ) return E_FAIL;

	long size  =(end-begin);
	if ( begin == 0 )
		strcpy(pResult, "@");
		return S_OK;
	if( size == 0)
		strcpy(pResult, "\"\"");
		return S_OK;

	unsigned char *eval = new unsigned char[size+2];
	if (!ReadMem(pHelper, begin, size, eval) )
		delete [] eval;
		return E_FAIL;
	char *chbegin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(eval);
	char *chend = reinterpret_cast<char *>(eval + size);

	std::string res;
	if (!string_as_string( chbegin, chend, &res) )
		delete [] eval;
		return E_FAIL;
	delete [] eval;
	res.insert(res.begin(), '\"');
	res += '\"';
	strncpy(pResult,res.c_str(),  maxlen);
	pResult[maxlen-1] ='\0';

	return S_OK;
Пример #26
unsigned ReqRead_mem( void )
    read_mem_req    *acc;
    unsigned        len;

    acc = GetInPtr( 0 );
    CONV_LE_32( acc->mem_addr.offset );
    CONV_LE_16( acc->mem_addr.segment );
    CONV_LE_16( acc->len );
    len = ReadMem( pid, GetOutPtr( 0 ), acc->mem_addr.offset, acc->len );
    return( len );
Пример #27
unsigned ReqRead_mem( void )
    read_mem_req        *acc;
    LPVOID              data;
    unsigned            len;

    acc = GetInPtr(0);
    data = GetOutPtr(0);

    len = ReadMem( acc->mem_addr.segment, acc->mem_addr.offset, data, acc->len );
    return( len );
Пример #28
	bool result= false;
			result= ReadMem((VPVOID)sp,&val,sizeof(val));
	return result;
Пример #29
void ForthDumpDict(ushort latest)
	ushort dictEnd=latest+64;
	// The format is: flags, name (not zero terminated), previous NFA,
	// currentNFA.
	while(latest<dictEnd) {
		Emit(' ');
		byte dictbyte;
		ReadMem(dictbyte,latest++);	// get the byte at here.
Пример #30
void GetCommArea( void )
    if( CommonAddr.segment == 0 ) {     /* can't get the common region yet */
        Comm.cgraph_top = 0;
        Comm.top_ip = 0;
        Comm.top_cs = 0;
        Comm.pop_no = 0;
        Comm.push_no = 0;
        Comm.in_hook = 1;               /* don't record this sample */
    } else {
        ReadMem( Pid, &Comm, CommonAddr.offset, sizeof( Comm ) );