Пример #1
Material* SceneImporter<real>::ReadBlinnPhongMaterial( std::istream& stream, const std::string& name )
	BlinnPhongMaterial<real>* material = new BlinnPhongMaterial<real>;

	material->SetSurface( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetAmbient( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetDiffuse( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetSpecular( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetMetallic( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetReflection( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetRefraction( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetRefractionIndex( ReadReal( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetShininess( ReadReal( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	material->SetWireframe( ReadBoolean( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );

	material->SetTexture( GetTexture( ReadNextToken( stream ) ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	Texture<real>* environment = GetTexture( ReadNextToken( stream ) );

	if ( environment && ( environment->GetTextureType() != Texture<real>::TypeCubeMap ) )
		throw "Environment must be a CubeMap";

	material->SetEnvironment( (CubeMap<real>*)environment );
	material->SetName( name );

	return material;
Пример #2
T ReadNext(std::istream& stream, int& line)
  std::string s;
  ReadNextToken(stream, s, line);
  if (s == "")
    throw EndOfFile();
  return ParseType<T>(s);
Пример #3
inline std::string ReadNext<std::string>(std::istream& stream, int& line)
  std::string s;
  ReadNextToken(stream, s, line);
  if (s == "")
    throw EndOfFile();
  return s;
Пример #4
std::string SceneImporter<real>::ReadNextExactToken( std::istream& stream, const std::string& tokenToMatch )
	std::string nextToken = ReadNextToken( stream );

	if ( nextToken != tokenToMatch )
		throw ( std::string( "Cannot read token: " ) + tokenToMatch ).c_str();

	return nextToken;
Пример #5
void SceneImporter<real>::ReadVisualNodeHeader( std::istream& stream, VisualNode<real>* ioNode )
	ReadNodeHeader( stream, ioNode ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	std::string materialName = ReadNextToken( stream ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	bool isVisible = ReadBoolean( stream );

	ioNode->SetMaterial( GetMaterial( materialName ) );
	ioNode->SetVisible( isVisible );
MetaTagList* ParseMetaTagValues( Tokenizer* tokenizer ) {
	MetaTagDataStorage* metaTagStorage = tokenizer->metaTagData;
	Token* token = ReadNextToken( tokenizer );

	MetaTagList* valueList = &metaTagStorage->lists[ metaTagStorage->listCount++ ];
	valueList->tagCount = 0;

	int tokenType = token->tokenType;
	while( tokenType != TokenType::CloseParen && tokenType != TokenType::EndOfStream ) {
		if( tokenType == TokenType::StringLiteral || tokenType == TokenType::Number) {
			valueList->tagTokens[ valueList->tagCount++ ] = token;
		token = ReadNextToken( tokenizer );
		tokenType = token->tokenType;

	tokenizer->tokensSinceLastMeta = 0;

	return valueList;
Пример #7
/* ExtractWordsIntoList
 * --------------------
 * This uses the Scanner to extract the words from the file, by looping
 * calling ReadNextToken until it returns false (which indicates end of
 * file).  If the word is over the minimum length, we add it to the list 
 * if not already present.  Since we know that we are parsing HTML files, 
 * we make a specific effort to exclude tags by checking if the token 
 * begins with '<', and if so, we quickly skip everything up to the 
 * closing '>'. This avoids entering HTML tag words in our list. 
 * We use the stack for the storage for the word (again since the stack
 * is cheap and quick), but if we need to store the word permanently
 * in the list, we have to make a new heap copy, since the stack buffer 
 * will be overwritten each time we read a new token. This copy is made
 * when adding the word to the list (see function AddWordIfAbsent).
static void ExtractWordsIntoList(Scanner s, struct wordlist *list)
    char word[MAX_WORD_LEN];

    while (ReadNextToken(s, word, MAX_WORD_LEN)) {
         if (word[0] == '<')     // if HTML opening tag
             SkipUntil(s, ">");  // skip to end of tag
         else if (strlen(word) >= MIN_WORD_LEN && ContainsOnlyAscii(word)) // long enough to list  
             AddWordIfAbsent(word, list);
Пример #8
bool mcMapParser::GetNextToken (csString& str)
  str.Replace (m_next_token);

  if (m_next_token.IsEmpty() && !m_empty_token)
    return false;

  ReadNextToken (m_next_token);
  return true;
Пример #9
void SceneImporter<real>::ReadNodeHeader( std::istream& stream, Node<real>* ioNode )
	std::string parentName = ReadNextToken( stream ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	Transformation<real> transformation = ReadTransformation( stream );

	Node<real>* parent = GetNode( parentName );

	if ( parent )
		parent->AddChild( ioNode );

	ioNode->SetLocalTransformation( transformation );
Пример #10
Material* SceneImporter<real>::ReadEnvironmentMaterial( std::istream& stream, const std::string& name )
	EnvironmentMaterial<real>* material = new EnvironmentMaterial<real>;
	Texture<real>* cubeMap = GetTexture( ReadNextToken( stream ) );

	assert( cubeMap->GetTextureType() == Texture<real>::TypeCubeMap );
	material->SetTexture( cubeMap );

	material->SetName( name );

	return material;
Пример #11
   IExpression *ReadNonNumberedToken(std::list<char>& tokenList)
      std::list<char>::iterator itr = tokenList.begin();
      char c = (*itr);

      IExpression *left  = ReadNextToken(tokenList);
      IExpression *right = ReadNextToken(tokenList);
      if (c == '+')
         return new AddExpression(left, right);
      else if (c == '-')
         return new SubstractExpression(left, right);
         return NULL;
Пример #12
bool SceneImporter<real>::ReadBoolean( std::istream& stream )
	std::string token = ReadNextToken( stream );

	if ( token == "true" )
		return true;
	else if ( token == "false" )
		return false;

	throw "Cannot read boolean";

	return false;
Пример #13
bool mcMapParser::Open(const char* filename)
  csRef<iVFS> vfs = csQueryRegistry<iVFS>(m_object_reg);

  m_file = vfs->Open(filename, VFS_FILE_READ);

  if (!m_file.IsValid())
    ReportError("Error opening map \"%s\"", filename);
    return false;

  m_current_line = 1;

  if ( !ReadNextToken(m_next_token) )

  return true;
Пример #14
void SceneImporter<real>::ReadScene( std::istream& stream, Scene<real>& oScene )
	// Read the 'Scene' token
	ReadNextExactToken( stream, "Scene" );
	ReadNextExactToken( stream, "{" );

	// Read scene components
	std::string token = ReadNextToken( stream );

	while( token != "}" )
		if ( token == "SceneInfo" )
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			ReadSceneInfo( stream, oScene );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );
		else if ( token == "TurntableCamera" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Camera<real>* camera = ReadTurntableCamera( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( camera, true );
		else if ( token == "DirectionalLight" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Light<real>* light = ReadDirectionalLight( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( light, true );
		else if ( token == "PointLight" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Light<real>* light = ReadPointLight( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( light, true );
		else if ( token == "SpotLight" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Light<real>* light = ReadSpotLight( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( light, true );
		else if ( token == "BlinnPhongMaterial" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Material* material = ReadBlinnPhongMaterial( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( material, true );
		else if ( token == "EnvironmentMaterial" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Material* material = ReadEnvironmentMaterial( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( material, true );
		else if ( token == "CubeMap" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Texture<real>* cubeMap = ReadCubeMap( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( cubeMap, true );
		else if ( token == "Texture2D" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Texture<real>* texture = ReadTexture2D( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( texture, true );
		else if ( token == "Box" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* box = ReadBox( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( box, true );
		else if ( token == "Cone" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* cone = ReadCone( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( cone, true );
		else if ( token == "Cylinder" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* cylinder = ReadCylinder( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( cylinder, true );
		else if ( token == "Plane" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* plane = ReadPlane( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( plane, true );
		else if ( token == "Sphere" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* sphere = ReadSphere( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( sphere, true );
		else if ( token == "TriMesh" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* triMesh = ReadTriMesh( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( triMesh, true );
		else if ( token == "Node" )
			std::string name = ReadNextToken( stream );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, "(" );
			Node<real>* node = ReadNode( stream, name );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ")" );
			ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );

			oScene.AddObject( node, true );
			throw ( std::string( "Unknown token: " ) + token ).c_str();

		token = ReadNextToken( stream );

	// Read scene ending token
	ReadNextExactToken( stream, ";" );
Пример #15
void SceneImporter<real>::ReadSceneInfo( std::istream& stream, Scene<real>& oScene )
	oScene.SetBackground( ReadColor( stream ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	oScene.SetActiveCamera( GetCamera( ReadNextToken( stream ) ) ); ReadNextExactToken( stream, "," );
	oScene.SetSceneGraphNode( GetNode( ReadNextToken( stream ) ) );
void main( int argc, char** argv ) {
	//Reminder for self
	if( strcmp( argv[1], "-h" ) == 0 || argc < 3 ) {
		printf("Format: input src file, out file path------\n\n" );

	char* headerName = "Meta.h";
	char* cppName = "Meta.cpp";

	char* fileToProcess = argv[1];
	char* outputBasePath = argv[2];

	int outputBasePathLen = strlen( outputBasePath );
	char generatedHeaderFilePath [128] = { };
	char generatedCPPFilePath [128] = { };
	memcpy( &generatedHeaderFilePath[0], outputBasePath, outputBasePathLen );
	memcpy( &generatedCPPFilePath[0], outputBasePath, outputBasePathLen );
		&generatedHeaderFilePath[ outputBasePathLen ], 
		strlen( headerName ) 
		&generatedCPPFilePath[ outputBasePathLen ],
		strlen( cppName )

	char* sourceFileToProcess = ReadSourceFileIntoMemoryAndNullTerminate( 

	if( !sourceFileToProcess ) {
		printf("Error reading source file\n" );

	outFile_H = fopen( generatedHeaderFilePath, "w" );
	outFile_CPP = fopen( generatedCPPFilePath, "w" );

	writeConstStringToFile( "#define meta(...)\n\n", outFile_H );
	writeConstStringToFile( "#if 1\n", outFile_H );
	writeConstStringToFile( "#if 1\n", outFile_CPP );

	int structPattern [3] = { 
	PatternTrackingState structPatternTracking = { structPattern, 3, 0 };

	int metaTagPattern [2] = {
	MetaTagDataStorage metaTagStorage = {
		(MetaTagList*)calloc( 64, sizeof(MetaTagList) ),
		{ metaTagPattern, 2, 0 }

	Tokenizer tokenizer = { };
	tokenizer.at = sourceFileToProcess;
	tokenizer.tokenCount = 0;
	tokenizer.tokens = (Token*)calloc( MAX_TOKENS, sizeof(Token) );
	tokenizer.tokensSinceLastMeta = 1;
	tokenizer.metaTagData = &metaTagStorage;

	StructDefinitionList sdList = {
		(StructDefinition*)calloc( 120, sizeof(StructDefinition) ),

	while( tokenizer.at[0] ) {
		Token* token = ReadNextToken( &tokenizer );

		if( UpdatePatternTracker( &metaTagStorage.metaTagPatternTracker, token ) ) {
			ParseMetaTagValues( &tokenizer );
		if( UpdatePatternTracker( &structPatternTracking, token ) ) {
			StructDefinition structDefinition = 
			ParseStructDefinition( &tokenizer );

				//Add to list of definitions
			if( sdList.count < sdList.maxCount ) {
				sdList.definitions[ sdList.count++ ] = structDefinition;

	writeConstStringToFile( "\n#endif", outFile_H );
	writeConstStringToFile( "\n#endif", outFile_CPP );

	fclose( outFile_H );
	fclose( outFile_CPP );
StructDefinition ParseStructDefinition( Tokenizer* tokenizer ) {
	StructDefinition definition = { };

	bool hasMetaData = tokenizer->tokensSinceLastMeta <= 3;
	MetaTagDataStorage* allMetaData = tokenizer->metaTagData;
	MetaTagList* metaData = &allMetaData->lists[ allMetaData->listCount - 1 ];
	definition.typeNameToken = &tokenizer->tokens[ tokenizer->tokenCount - 2 ];

	if( hasMetaData ) {
		definition.metaData = metaData;
	} else {
		definition.metaData = NULL;

	int stdMemberPattern [3] = { 
	PatternTrackingState stdMemberChecking = { stdMemberPattern, 3, 0 };
	int ptrLevel = 0;

	MetaTagList* metaTags = NULL;
	while( tokenizer->at[0] ) {
		Token* token = ReadNextToken( tokenizer );
		if( token->tokenType == TokenType::CloseBrace ) break;

 		if( UpdatePatternTracker( &tokenizer->metaTagData->metaTagPatternTracker, token ) ) {
 			metaTags = ParseMetaTagValues( tokenizer );
 			ptrLevel = 0;

		//The idea here, is skip any indicaters of pointers, just check for the
		//identifier - identifier - semicolon pattern but retain how deep
		//the pointer reference level is
		//(i.e. char vs char* vs char**  is 0 vs 1 vs 2, etc. )
		if( token->tokenType == TokenType::Star ) {
			//Skip updating the memberDef tracker

		//the 'Static' keyword should reset pattern tracking logic, since
		//members definitions only start with that, so for now we ignore such
		if( token->tokenType == TokenType::kwStatic ) {
			stdMemberChecking.trackingIndex = 0;
			ptrLevel = 0;

		if( UpdatePatternTracker( &stdMemberChecking, token ) ) {
			int memberTypeTokenIndex = tokenizer->tokenCount - ptrLevel - 3;
			int memberNameTokenIndex = tokenizer->tokenCount - 2;

			definition.memberDefinitions[ definition.memberCount ] = { 
				&tokenizer->tokens[ memberTypeTokenIndex ],
				&tokenizer->tokens[ memberNameTokenIndex ],
			metaTags = NULL;

		if( token->tokenType == TokenType::SemiColon ) {
			ptrLevel = 0;

	//Forward declare struct type
	writeConstStringToFile( "\nstruct ", outFile_H );
	writeTokenDataToFile( definition.typeNameToken, outFile_H );
	writeConstStringToFile( ";", outFile_H );

	//Check for meta programming code generation flags
	if( hasMetaData ) {
		//Output introspection data, assume its functionality is needed
		GenerateIntrospectionCode( &definition );

		char* editableMetaFlag = "Editable";
		char* serializableMetaFlag = "Serializable";

		char* prevMetaString = metaData->tagTokens[0]->tokenStart;

		if( IsStringMatch( prevMetaString, editableMetaFlag ) ) {
			GenerateImguiEditor( &definition );
		} else if( IsStringMatch( prevMetaString, serializableMetaFlag ) ) {
			//GenerateSerializationCode( &definition );

	return definition;
Пример #18
 IExpression *ReadToken(std::list<char>& tokenList)
    return ReadNextToken(tokenList);