Пример #1
void LoadTransform( Transformation *trans, TiXmlElement *element, int level )
    for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) {
        if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "scale" ) ) {
            Point3 s(1,1,1);
            ReadVector( child, s );
            printf("   scale %f %f %f\n",s.x,s.y,s.z);
        } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "rotate" ) ) {
            Point3 s(0,0,0);
            ReadVector( child, s );
            float a;
            printf("   rotate %f degrees around %f %f %f\n", a, s.x, s.y, s.z);
        } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "translate" ) ) {
            Point3 t(0,0,0);
            printf("   translate %f %f %f\n",t.x,t.y,t.z);
Пример #2
NgramVector::Deserialize(FILE *inFile) {
    _length = ReadUInt64(inFile);
    ReadVector(inFile, _words);
    ReadVector(inFile, _hists);
    _Reindex(nextPowerOf2(_length + _length / 4));

    // Build truncated view into words and hists.
Пример #3
bool CMorphDictionary::Load(MorphLanguageEnum Language, const string& path)
	m_Language = Language;

	if (!m_Flex2FlexiaModels.LoadVectorMap(path + FLEX2PARADIGMS_BIN_PATH))
		return false;

	if (!m_Base2LemmaInfos.LoadVectorMap(path + BASE2PARADIGMS_BIN_PATH))
		return false;

	if (!m_FlexModels.LoadVectorMap(path + PARADIGMS_BIN_PATH))
		return false;

	if (!m_AccentModels.LoadVectorMap(path + ACCENT_MODELS_BIN_PATH))
		return false;

	ReadVector(path + FLEXLEN_BIN_PATH, m_FlexLengthTable);

	if (m_FlexLengthTable.empty()) //  there should be at least empty flexia in m_FlexLengthTable
		return false;

	m_Flexs.ReadShortStringHolder(path + FLEXS_BIN_PATH);
	m_Infos.ReadShortStringHolder(path + INFOS_BIN_PATH);
	m_Bases.ReadShortStringHolder(path + BASES_BIN_PATH);

	m_Predict.Load(path + PREDICT_BIN_PATH);

	return true;
Пример #4
static bool ReadSubindices(MZFile& file, std::vector<std::array<u16, 6>>& subindices)
	V(ReadVector(file, subindices));
	u32 size; V(file.Read(size));
	V(file.Seek((64 + 2) * size));
	return true;
Пример #5
	CVector CQuakePacket::ReadVector()
		CVector	vReturnMe;

		return vReturnMe;
Пример #6
	void Int_SVQ(u32 op)
		int imm = (signed short)(op&0xFFFC);
		int rs = _RS;
		int vt = (((op >> 16) & 0x1f)) | ((op&1) << 5);

		u32 addr = R(rs) + imm;

		switch (op >> 26)
		case 53: //lvl.q/lvr.q
			if (addr & 0x3)
				_dbg_assert_msg_(CPU, 0, "Misaligned lvX.q");
			if ((op&2) == 0)
				// It's an LVL
				float d[4];
				ReadVector(d, V_Quad, vt);
				int offset = (addr >> 2) & 3;
				for (int i = 0; i < offset + 1; i++)
					d[3 - i] = Memory::Read_Float(addr - i * 4);
				WriteVector(d, V_Quad, vt);
Пример #7
static bool ReadVertexData(MZFile& file, EluMesh& mesh, VertexData& data,
	const VertexAttributeOrder (&Order)[6])
	for (auto& Attribute : Order)
		switch (Attribute)
		case Pos: V(ReadVector(file, data.Positions)); break;
		case Nor: V(ReadVector(file, data.Normals)); break;
		case Tan: V(ReadVector(file, data.Tangents)); break;
		case Tex: V(ReadVector(file, data.TexCoords)); break;
		case Skip4: V(file.Seek(4)); break;
		case SkipVecV3: V(SkipVector<v3>(file)); break;

	return true;
Пример #8
/* GetNode: read a node definition and create node */
static VQNode GetNode(Source *src, CovKind ck, short width)
   char buf[MAXSTRLEN];
   VQNode n;
   short vqidx,nid,lid,rid;
   Vector mean;
   Covariance cov;
   vqidx = GetVal(src,0,0,"VQ Index");
   nid = GetVal(src,0,0,"Node Id");
   lid = GetVal(src,0,0,"Left Id");
   rid = GetVal(src,0,0,"Right Id");
   mean = CreateVector(&vqHeap,width);
   if (!ReadVector(src, mean, FALSE))
      HError(6150,"GetNode: cannot read mean vector at %s",
             SrcPosition(*src, buf));   
   case NULLC:
      cov.var = NULL;
      n = CreateVQNode(vqidx,nid,lid,rid,mean,ck,cov);
   case INVDIAGC:
      cov.var = CreateVector(&vqHeap,width);
      if (!ReadVector(src, cov.var, FALSE))
         HError(6150,"GetNode: cannot read variance vector at %s",
                SrcPosition(*src, buf));   
      n = CreateVQNode(vqidx,nid,lid,rid,mean,ck,cov);
   case FULLC:
      cov.inv = CreateTriMat(&vqHeap,width);
      if (!ReadTriMat(src, cov.inv, FALSE))
         HError(6150,"GetNode: cannot read covariance matrix at %s",
                SrcPosition(*src, buf));
      n = CreateVQNode(vqidx,nid,lid,rid,mean,ck,cov);
      n = CreateVQNode(vqidx,nid,lid,rid,mean,ck,cov);
   return n;
Пример #9
//  Read parameters
int CLoadCell::Read (SStream *stream, Tag tag)
  int rc = TAG_IGNORED;

  switch (tag) {
  case 'name':
    // Name of loadout position
    ReadString (name, 64, stream);
    name[63]  = 0;
    rc = TAG_READ;

  case 'bPos':
    // Offset from default center of gravity
    ReadVector (&bPos, stream);
    bPos = bPos + mveh->wgh.svh_cofg;
    rc = TAG_READ;

  case 'load':
    // Default load value in pounds
    ReadFloat (&load, stream);
    rc = TAG_READ;

  case 'hiLm':
    // Maximum load value in pounds
    ReadFloat (&hiLm, stream);
    rc = TAG_READ;

  case 'utyp':
    // UI type
    ReadString (utyp, 64, stream);
    rc = TAG_READ;

  if (rc != TAG_READ) {
    // Tag was not processed by this object, it is unrecognized
    WARNINGLOG ("CLoadCell::Read : Unrecognized tag <%s>", TagToString(tag));

  return rc;
Пример #10
void TrainModel() {
  long long a, b;
  double len;


  FILE *fo;
  fo = fopen(output_file, "wb");
  fprintf(fo, "%lld %lld\n", num_vertices, vector_dim1 + vector_dim2);
  for (a = 0; a < num_vertices; a++) {
    fprintf(fo, "%s ", vertex[a].name);

    len = 0;
    for (b = 0; b < vector_dim1; b++) len += vec1[b + a * vector_dim1] * vec1[b + a * vector_dim1];
    len = sqrt(len);
    for (b = 0; b < vector_dim1; b++) vec1[b + a * vector_dim1] /= len;

    len = 0;
    for (b = 0; b < vector_dim2; b++) len += vec2[b + a * vector_dim2] * vec2[b + a * vector_dim2];
    len = sqrt(len);
    for (b = 0; b < vector_dim2; b++) vec2[b + a * vector_dim2] /= len;

    if (binary)
      for (b = 0; b < vector_dim1; b++)
        fwrite(&vec1[a * vector_dim1 + b], sizeof(real), 1, fo);
      for (b = 0; b < vector_dim2; b++)
        fwrite(&vec2[a * vector_dim2 + b], sizeof(real), 1, fo);
      for (b = 0; b < vector_dim1; b++)
        fprintf(fo, "%lf ", vec1[a * vector_dim1 + b]);
      for (b = 0; b < vector_dim2; b++)
        fprintf(fo, "%lf ", vec2[a * vector_dim2 + b]);
    fprintf(fo, "\n");
Пример #11
static void ReadCamera(FILE *f, camera_params_t &camera)
    ReadVector(f, 9, camera.R);
    ReadVector(f, 3, camera.t);
    fscanf(f, "%lf\n", &(camera.f));
Пример #12
zreadhb_dist(int iam, FILE *fp, int_t *nrow, int_t *ncol, int_t *nonz,
	     doublecomplex **nzval, int_t **rowind, int_t **colptr)

    register int_t i, numer_lines, rhscrd = 0;
    int_t tmp, colnum, colsize, rownum, rowsize, valnum, valsize;
    char buf[100], type[4];

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(0, "Enter zreadhb_dist()");

    /* Line 1 */
    fgets(buf, 100, fp);

    /* Line 2 */
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0;
	tmp = atoi(buf); /*sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);*/
	if (i == 3) numer_lines = tmp;
	if (i == 4 && tmp) rhscrd = tmp;

    /* Line 3 */
    fscanf(fp, "%3c", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */
    type[3] = 0;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam ) printf("Matrix type %s\n", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *nrow = atoi(buf); 
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *ncol = atoi(buf); 
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *nonz = atoi(buf); 
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); tmp = atoi(buf);   
    if (tmp != 0)
	if ( !iam ) printf("This is not an assembled matrix!\n");
    if (*nrow != *ncol)
	if ( !iam ) printf("Matrix is not square.\n");

    /* Allocate storage for the three arrays ( nzval, rowind, colptr ) */
    zallocateA_dist(*ncol, *nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

    /* Line 4: format statement */
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    ParseIntFormat(buf, &colnum, &colsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    ParseIntFormat(buf, &rownum, &rowsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
    ParseFloatFormat(buf, &valnum, &valsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);

    /* Line 5: right-hand side */    
    if ( rhscrd ) DumpLine(fp); /* skip RHSFMT */

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam ) {
	printf(IFMT " rows, " IFMT " nonzeros\n", *nrow, *nonz);
	printf("colnum " IFMT ", colsize " IFMT "\n", colnum, colsize);
	printf("rownum " IFMT ", rowsize " IFMT "\n", rownum, rowsize);
	printf("valnum " IFMT ", valsize " IFMT "\n", valnum, valsize);
    ReadVector(fp, *ncol+1, *colptr, colnum, colsize);
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam )	printf("read colptr[" IFMT "] = " IFMT "\n", *ncol, (*colptr)[*ncol]);
    ReadVector(fp, *nonz, *rowind, rownum, rowsize);
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam )	printf("read rowind[" IFMT "] = " IFMT "\n", *nonz-1, (*rowind)[*nonz-1]);
    if ( numer_lines ) {
        zReadValues(fp, *nonz, *nzval, valnum, valsize);

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(0, "Exit zreadhb_dist()");
Пример #13
void CFile::ReadMatrix (CFixMatrix& m)
ReadVector (m.RVec());
ReadVector (m.UVec());
ReadVector (m.FVec());
Пример #14
inline EBDB_ErrCode
CBDB_BvSplitDictStore<Key, Dictionary, BvStore, BV>::ReadVectorAnd(const Key& key,
                                                               TBitVector* bv)
    return ReadVector(key, bv, eOp_And);
Пример #15
bool  CDwdsThesaurus::LoadDwdsThesaurus ()
	//fprintf (stderr,"0\n");
	string fname =  GetThesaurusPath() + string("dwds_thes_hyper.dat");
	FILE* fp = fopen (fname.c_str(), "r");
	if (!fp) 
		fprintf (stderr,"Cannot open file %s\n", fname.c_str());
		return false;

	char buffer[10000];
	while (fgets(buffer, 10000, fp))
		if (strlen(buffer) == 0) 
			return false;
		if (strlen(buffer) == 0) 
			return false;
	fclose (fp);

	fname =  GetThesaurusPath() + string("dwds_thes_pathes.bin");
	if (access(fname.c_str(), 04) != 0)
		fprintf (stderr,"Cannot open file %s\n", fname.c_str());
		return false;

	//fprintf (stderr,"1\n");
	ReadVector(fname, Pathes);
	//fprintf (stderr,"2\n");

	fname =  GetThesaurusPath() + string("dwds_thes_pathes.idx");
	if (access(fname.c_str(), 04) != 0)
		fprintf (stderr,"Cannot open file %s\n", fname.c_str());
		return false;


	ReadVector(fname, PathEndIndex);

	fname =  GetThesaurusPath() + string("dwds_thes_lemmas_pathes.dat");
	if (access(fname.c_str(), 04) != 0)
		fprintf (stderr,"Cannot open file %s\n", fname.c_str());
		return false;

	ReadVector(fname, LeavesPathes);

	fname =  GetThesaurusPath() + string("dwds_thes_lemmas_str.dat");
	if (access(fname.c_str(), 04) != 0)
		fprintf (stderr,"Cannot open file %s\n", fname.c_str());
		return false;

	if (LeavesLemmas.size() != LeavesPathes.size() ) 
		fprintf (stderr,"Bad index in thesaurus %s\n", fname.c_str());
		return false;

	return true;
Пример #16
void MULTIPLAY::ReadState(Uint8 * s, int slot)
	//read a state

	//allocate function sync memory
	loadstates[slot].fnum = fnums[slot]; //set the number of funcs
	if (loadstates[slot].funcmem != NULL) //clear old func data
		delete [] loadstates[slot].funcmem;
		loadstates[slot].funcmem = NULL;
	//now, read the state 
	int len = 0;
	Uint8 tempchar;
	len = GetFromData(s, &tempchar, sizeof(Uint8), len);
	if (tempchar != replay.Get_FuncStateInfo())
		if (NET_DEBUG)
			cout << "net:  ReadState:  packet is not a state" << endl;
	len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].time, sizeof(double), len);
	//tplen = AddToData(tp, &GetCurState(0)->time, sizeof(double), tplen);
	//fwrite(&time, sizeof(double), 1, fout);
	len = ReadVector(loadstates[slot].chassispos, s, len);
	len = ReadMatrix(loadstates[slot].chassisorientation, s, len);
	len = ReadVector(loadstates[slot].chassisvel, s, len);
	len = ReadVector(loadstates[slot].chassisangvel, s, len);

	int i;	
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].suspdisp[i], sizeof(double), len);
		len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].suspcompvel[i], sizeof(double), len);
		len = ReadVector(loadstates[slot].whlangvel[i], s, len);
		len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].tirespeed[i], sizeof(double), len);
	len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].gear, sizeof(int), len);
	len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].enginespeed, sizeof(double), len);
	len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].clutchspeed, sizeof(double), len);
	len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].enginedrag, sizeof(double), len);
	len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].segment, sizeof(int), len);
	//read the function state block
	len = GetFromData(s, &(fnums[slot]), sizeof(int), len);
	loadstates[slot].funcmem = new FUNCTION_MEMORY_SYNC [fnums[slot]]; //allocate func data
	//len = AddToData(tp, &(fnums[0]), sizeof(int), tplen);
	if (MP_DEBUG)
		cout << "net:  ReadState:  " << fnums[slot] << " functions, active: ";
	for (i = 0; i < fnums[slot]; i++)
		//fwrite(&(funcmem[i]), sizeof(struct FUNCTION_MEMORY_SYNC), 1, fout);
		//tplen = AddToData(tp, &(GetFuncMem(0)[i]), sizeof(struct FUNCTION_MEMORY_SYNC), tplen);
		len = GetFromData(s, &loadstates[slot].funcmem[i], sizeof(struct FUNCTION_MEMORY_SYNC), len);
		if (MP_DEBUG && loadstates[slot].funcmem[i].active)
			cout << GetFuncMem(slot)[i].func_name << "(" << i << ") ";
	if (MP_DEBUG)
		cout << endl;
Пример #17
dreadhb(int *nrow, int *ncol, int *nonz,
	double **nzval, int **rowind, int **colptr)

    register int i, numer_lines = 0, rhscrd = 0;
    int tmp, colnum, colsize, rownum, rowsize, valnum, valsize;
    char buf[100], type[4], key[10];
    FILE *fp;

    fp = stdin;

    /* Line 1 */
    fgets(buf, 100, fp);
    fputs(buf, stdout);
#if 0
    fscanf(fp, "%72c", buf); buf[72] = 0;
    printf("Title: %s", buf);
    fscanf(fp, "%8c", key);  key[8] = 0;
    printf("Key: %s\n", key);

    /* Line 2 */
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0;
	sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);
	if (i == 3) numer_lines = tmp;
	if (i == 4 && tmp) rhscrd = tmp;

    /* Line 3 */
    fscanf(fp, "%3c", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */
    type[3] = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Matrix type %s\n", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);
    if (tmp != 0)
	  printf("This is not an assembled matrix!\n");
    if (*nrow != *ncol)
	printf("Matrix is not square.\n");

    /* Allocate storage for the three arrays ( nzval, rowind, colptr ) */
    dallocateA(*ncol, *nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

    /* Line 4: format statement */
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    dParseIntFormat(buf, &colnum, &colsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    dParseIntFormat(buf, &rownum, &rowsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
    dParseFloatFormat(buf, &valnum, &valsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);

    /* Line 5: right-hand side */    
    if ( rhscrd ) dDumpLine(fp); /* skip RHSFMT */
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("%d rows, %d nonzeros\n", *nrow, *nonz);
    printf("colnum %d, colsize %d\n", colnum, colsize);
    printf("rownum %d, rowsize %d\n", rownum, rowsize);
    printf("valnum %d, valsize %d\n", valnum, valsize);
    ReadVector(fp, *ncol+1, *colptr, colnum, colsize);
    ReadVector(fp, *nonz, *rowind, rownum, rowsize);
    if ( numer_lines ) {
        dReadValues(fp, *nonz, *nzval, valnum, valsize);

Пример #18
void JKG_LoadWeaponAssets ( weaponInfo_t *weaponInfo, const weaponData_t *weaponData )
    int i;
    char extensionlessModel[MAX_QPATH];
    const weaponVisual_t *weaponVisuals = &weaponData->visuals;
    weaponInfo->indicatorType = weaponVisuals->indicatorType;
	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        if ( weaponVisuals->groupedIndicatorShaders[i][0] )
			weaponInfo->groupedIndicators[i] = trap->R_RegisterShader (weaponVisuals->groupedIndicatorShaders[i]);
    if ( weaponVisuals->firemodeIndicatorShader[0] )
        weaponInfo->fireModeIndicator = trap->R_RegisterShader (weaponVisuals->firemodeIndicatorShader);
    VectorClear (weaponInfo->gunPosition);
    if ( weaponVisuals->gunPosition[0] )
        ReadVector (weaponVisuals->gunPosition, weaponInfo->gunPosition);
    VectorClear (weaponInfo->ironsightsPosition);
    if ( weaponVisuals->ironsightsPosition[0] )
        ReadVector (weaponVisuals->ironsightsPosition, weaponInfo->ironsightsPosition);
        VectorCopy (weaponInfo->gunPosition, weaponInfo->ironsightsPosition);
    weaponInfo->ironsightsFov = weaponVisuals->ironsightsFov;
    if ( CG_IsGhoul2Model (weaponVisuals->world_model) )
        trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model (&weaponInfo->g2WorldModel, weaponVisuals->world_model, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if ( !trap->G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models (weaponInfo->g2WorldModel) )
            weaponInfo->g2WorldModel = NULL;
    memset (weaponInfo->barrelModels, NULL_HANDLE, sizeof (weaponInfo->barrelModels));
    COM_StripExtension (weaponVisuals->view_model, extensionlessModel, sizeof(extensionlessModel));
    for ( i = 0; i < weaponVisuals->barrelCount; i++ )
        const char *barrelModel;
        int len;
        qhandle_t barrel;

		if( i == 0 )
			barrelModel = va("%s_barrel.md3", extensionlessModel);
			barrelModel = va("%s_barrel%i.md3", extensionlessModel, i+1);

		len = strlen( barrelModel );
        if ( (len + 1) > MAX_QPATH )
            trap->Print (S_COLOR_YELLOW "Warning: barrel model path %s is too long (%d chars). Max length is 63.\n", barrelModel, len);
        barrel = trap->R_RegisterModel (barrelModel);
        if ( barrel == NULL_HANDLE )
        weaponInfo->barrelModels[i] = barrel;
    // Scope render
    if ( weaponVisuals->scopeShader[0] )
        weaponInfo->scopeShader = trap->R_RegisterShader (weaponVisuals->scopeShader);
    // Scope toggle
    if ( weaponVisuals->scopeStartSound[0] )
        weaponInfo->scopeStartSound = trap->S_RegisterSound (weaponVisuals->scopeStartSound);
    if ( weaponVisuals->scopeStopSound[0] )
        weaponInfo->scopeStopSound = trap->S_RegisterSound (weaponVisuals->scopeStopSound);
    // Scope zoom
    if ( weaponVisuals->scopeLoopSound[0] )
        weaponInfo->scopeLoopSound = trap->S_RegisterSound (weaponVisuals->scopeLoopSound);
    weaponInfo->scopeSoundLoopTime = weaponVisuals->scopeSoundLoopTime;

    //JKG_LoadFireModeAssets (&weaponInfo->primDrawData, &weaponData->firemodes[0], &weaponVisuals->primary);
    //JKG_LoadFireModeAssets (&weaponInfo->altDrawData, &weaponData->firemodes[1], &weaponVisuals->secondary);
	for( i = 0; i < weaponData->numFiringModes; i++ )
		JKG_LoadFireModeAssets ( &weaponInfo->drawData[i], &weaponData->firemodes[i], &weaponVisuals->visualFireModes[i] );
Пример #19
dreadhb_dist(int iam, FILE *fp, int_t *nrow, int_t *ncol, int_t *nonz,
	     double **nzval, int_t **rowind, int_t **colptr)
 * -- Distributed SuperLU routine (version 1.0) --
 * Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Univ. of California Berkeley.
 * September 1, 1999
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * Read a DOUBLE PRECISION matrix stored in Harwell-Boeing format 
 * as described below.
 * Line 1 (A72,A8) 
 *  	Col. 1 - 72   Title (TITLE) 
 *	Col. 73 - 80  Key (KEY) 
 * Line 2 (5I14) 
 * 	Col. 1 - 14   Total number of lines excluding header (TOTCRD) 
 * 	Col. 15 - 28  Number of lines for pointers (PTRCRD) 
 * 	Col. 29 - 42  Number of lines for row (or variable) indices (INDCRD) 
 * 	Col. 43 - 56  Number of lines for numerical values (VALCRD) 
 *	Col. 57 - 70  Number of lines for right-hand sides (RHSCRD) 
 *                    (including starting guesses and solution vectors 
 *		       if present) 
 *           	      (zero indicates no right-hand side data is present) 
 * Line 3 (A3, 11X, 4I14) 
 *   	Col. 1 - 3    Matrix type (see below) (MXTYPE) 
 * 	Col. 15 - 28  Number of rows (or variables) (NROW) 
 * 	Col. 29 - 42  Number of columns (or elements) (NCOL) 
 *	Col. 43 - 56  Number of row (or variable) indices (NNZERO) 
 *	              (equal to number of entries for assembled matrices) 
 * 	Col. 57 - 70  Number of elemental matrix entries (NELTVL) 
 *	              (zero in the case of assembled matrices) 
 * Line 4 (2A16, 2A20) 
 * 	Col. 1 - 16   Format for pointers (PTRFMT) 
 *	Col. 17 - 32  Format for row (or variable) indices (INDFMT) 
 *	Col. 33 - 52  Format for numerical values of coefficient matrix (VALFMT) 
 * 	Col. 53 - 72 Format for numerical values of right-hand sides (RHSFMT) 
 * Line 5 (A3, 11X, 2I14) Only present if there are right-hand sides present 
 *    	Col. 1 	      Right-hand side type: 
 *	         	  F for full storage or M for same format as matrix 
 *    	Col. 2        G if a starting vector(s) (Guess) is supplied. (RHSTYP) 
 *    	Col. 3        X if an exact solution vector(s) is supplied. 
 *	Col. 15 - 28  Number of right-hand sides (NRHS) 
 *	Col. 29 - 42  Number of row indices (NRHSIX) 
 *          	      (ignored in case of unassembled matrices) 
 * The three character type field on line 3 describes the matrix type. 
 * The following table lists the permitted values for each of the three 
 * characters. As an example of the type field, RSA denotes that the matrix 
 * is real, symmetric, and assembled. 
 * First Character: 
 *	R Real matrix 
 *	C Complex matrix 
 *	P Pattern only (no numerical values supplied) 
 * Second Character: 
 *	S Symmetric 
 *	U Unsymmetric 
 *	H Hermitian 
 *	Z Skew symmetric 
 *	R Rectangular 
 * Third Character: 
 *	A Assembled 
 *	E Elemental matrices (unassembled) 

    register int_t i, numer_lines, rhscrd = 0;
    int_t tmp, colnum, colsize, rownum, rowsize, valnum, valsize;
    char buf[100], type[4];
    int_t sym;

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(0, "Enter dreadhb_dist()");

    /* Line 1 */
    fgets(buf, 100, fp);
    /*if ( !iam ) fflush(stdout);*/

    /* Line 2 */
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0;
	tmp = atoi(buf); /*sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);*/
	if (i == 3) numer_lines = tmp;
	if (i == 4 && tmp) rhscrd = tmp;

    /* Line 3 */
    fscanf(fp, "%3c", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */
    type[3] = 0;
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam ) printf("Matrix type %s\n", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *nrow = atoi(buf); /*sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow);*/
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *ncol = atoi(buf); /*sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol);*/
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *nonz = atoi(buf); /*sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz);*/
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); tmp = atoi(buf);   /*sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);*/
    if (tmp != 0)
	if ( !iam ) printf("This is not an assembled matrix!\n");
    if (*nrow != *ncol)
	if ( !iam ) printf("Matrix is not square.\n");

    /* Allocate storage for the three arrays ( nzval, rowind, colptr ) */
    dallocateA_dist(*ncol, *nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

    /* Line 4: format statement */
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    dParseIntFormat(buf, &colnum, &colsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    dParseIntFormat(buf, &rownum, &rowsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
    dParseFloatFormat(buf, &valnum, &valsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);

    /* Line 5: right-hand side */    
    if ( rhscrd ) dDumpLine(fp); /* skip RHSFMT */

#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam ) {
	printf("%d rows, %d nonzeros\n", *nrow, *nonz);
	printf("colnum %d, colsize %d\n", colnum, colsize);
	printf("rownum %d, rowsize %d\n", rownum, rowsize);
	printf("valnum %d, valsize %d\n", valnum, valsize);
    ReadVector(fp, *ncol+1, *colptr, colnum, colsize);
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam )	printf("read colptr[%d] = %d\n", *ncol, (*colptr)[*ncol]);
    ReadVector(fp, *nonz, *rowind, rownum, rowsize);
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    if ( !iam )	printf("read rowind[%d] = %d\n", *nonz-1, (*rowind)[*nonz-1]);
    if ( numer_lines ) {
        dReadValues(fp, *nonz, *nzval, valnum, valsize);
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
	if ( !iam ) printf("read nzval[%d] = %e\n", *nonz-1, (*nzval)[*nonz-1]);

    sym = (type[1] == 'S' || type[1] == 's');
    if ( sym ) {
	FormFullA(*ncol, nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

    /*if ( !iam ) fflush(stdout);*/
#if ( DEBUGlevel>=1 )
    CHECK_MALLOC(0, "Exit dreadhb_dist()");
Пример #20
dreadrb(int *nrow, int *ncol, int *nonz,
        double **nzval, int **rowind, int **colptr)

    register int i, numer_lines = 0;
    int tmp, colnum, colsize, rownum, rowsize, valnum, valsize;
    char buf[100], type[4];
    int sym;
    FILE *fp;

    fp = stdin;

    /* Line 1 */
    fgets(buf, 100, fp);
    fputs(buf, stdout);

    /* Line 2 */
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
        fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0;
        sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);
        if (i == 3) numer_lines = tmp;

    /* Line 3 */
    fscanf(fp, "%3c", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */
    type[3] = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Matrix type %s\n", type);

    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nrow);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", ncol);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", nonz);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);

    if (tmp != 0)
        printf("This is not an assembled matrix!\n");
    if (*nrow != *ncol)
        printf("Matrix is not square.\n");

    /* Allocate storage for the three arrays ( nzval, rowind, colptr ) */
    dallocateA(*ncol, *nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

    /* Line 4: format statement */
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    dParseIntFormat(buf, &colnum, &colsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    dParseIntFormat(buf, &rownum, &rowsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
    dParseFloatFormat(buf, &valnum, &valsize);

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("%d rows, %d nonzeros\n", *nrow, *nonz);
    printf("colnum %d, colsize %d\n", colnum, colsize);
    printf("rownum %d, rowsize %d\n", rownum, rowsize);
    printf("valnum %d, valsize %d\n", valnum, valsize);

    ReadVector(fp, *ncol+1, *colptr, colnum, colsize);
    ReadVector(fp, *nonz, *rowind, rownum, rowsize);
    if ( numer_lines ) {
        dReadValues(fp, *nonz, *nzval, valnum, valsize);

    sym = (type[1] == 'S' || type[1] == 's');
    if ( sym ) {
	FormFullA(*ncol, nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

Пример #21
dreadrb_dist(int iam, FILE *fp, int_t *nrow, int_t *ncol, int_t *nonz,
        double **nzval, int_t **rowind, int_t **colptr)
    register int_t i, numer_lines = 0;
    int_t tmp, colnum, colsize, rownum, rowsize, valnum, valsize;
    char buf[100], type[4];
    int sym;

    /* Line 1 */
    fgets(buf, 100, fp);
    fputs(buf, stdout);

    /* Line 2 */
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
        fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); buf[14] = 0;
        tmp = atoi(buf); /*sscanf(buf, "%d", &tmp);*/
        if (i == 3) numer_lines = tmp;

    /* Line 3 */
    fscanf(fp, "%3c", type);
    fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */
    type[3] = 0;
#if (DEBUGlevel >= 1)
    if ( !iam ) printf("Matrix type %s\n", type);

    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *nrow = atoi(buf);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *ncol = atoi(buf);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); *nonz = atoi(buf);
    fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); tmp = atoi(buf);

    if (tmp != 0)
        if ( !iam ) printf("This is not an assembled matrix!\n");
    if (*nrow != *ncol)
        if ( !iam ) printf("Matrix is not square.\n");

    /* Allocate storage for the three arrays ( nzval, rowind, colptr ) */
    dallocateA_dist(*ncol, *nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

    /* Line 4: format statement */
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    ParseIntFormat(buf, &colnum, &colsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
    ParseIntFormat(buf, &rownum, &rowsize);
    fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
    ParseFloatFormat(buf, &valnum, &valsize);

#if (DEBUGlevel >= 1)
    if ( !iam ) {
        printf(IFMT " rows, " IFMT " nonzeros\n", *nrow, *nonz);
        printf("colnum " IFMT ", colsize " IFMT "\n", colnum, colsize);
        printf("rownum " IFMT ", rowsize " IFMT "\n", rownum, rowsize);
        printf("valnum " IFMT ", valsize " IFMT "\n", valnum, valsize);

    ReadVector(fp, *ncol+1, *colptr, colnum, colsize);
    ReadVector(fp, *nonz, *rowind, rownum, rowsize);
    if ( numer_lines ) {
        dReadValues(fp, *nonz, *nzval, valnum, valsize);

    sym = (type[1] == 'S' || type[1] == 's');
    if ( sym ) {
	FormFullA(*ncol, nonz, nzval, rowind, colptr);

Пример #22
SMatrix ReadSparse(char *name, char *probName)
	FILE *fp;
	long n, m, i, j;
	long n_rows, tmp;
	long numer_lines;
	long colnum, colsize, rownum, rowsize;
	char buf[100], type[4];
	SMatrix M, F;

	if (!name || name[0] == 0) {
		fp = stdin;
	} else {
		fp = fopen(name, "r");

	if (!fp) {
		Error("Error opening file\n");

	fscanf(fp, "%72c", buf);

	fscanf(fp, "%8c", probName);
	probName[8] = 0;

	for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	  fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf);
	  sscanf(buf, "%ld", &tmp);
	  if (i == 3)
	    numer_lines = tmp;

	fscanf(fp, "%3c", type);
	type[3] = 0;
	if (!(type[0] != 'C' && type[1] == 'S' && type[2] == 'A')) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type: %s\n", type);

	fscanf(fp, "%11c", buf); /* pad */

	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%ld", &n_rows);

	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%ld", &n);

	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%ld", &m);

	fscanf(fp, "%14c", buf); sscanf(buf, "%ld", &tmp);
	if (tmp != 0)
	  printf("This is not an assembled matrix!\n");
	if (n_rows != n)
	  printf("Matrix is not symmetric\n");

	fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
	ParseIntFormat(buf, &colnum, &colsize);
	fscanf(fp, "%16c", buf);
	ParseIntFormat(buf, &rownum, &rowsize);
	fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
	fscanf(fp, "%20c", buf);
	DumpLine(fp); /* format statement */

	M = NewMatrix(n, m, 0);

	ReadVector(fp, n+1, M.col, colnum, colsize);

	ReadVector(fp, m, M.row, rownum, rowsize);

	for (i=0; i<numer_lines; i++) /* dump numeric values */

	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
		ISort(M, i);

	for (i=0; i<=n; i++)
	  M.startrow[i] = M.col[i];


	F = LowerToFull(M);

	maxm = 0;
	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
	  if (F.col[i+1]-F.col[i] > maxm)
	    maxm = F.col[i+1]-F.col[i];

	if (F.nz) {
	  for (j=0; j<n; j++)
	    for (i=F.col[j]; i<F.col[j+1]; i++)
	      F.nz[i] = Value(F.row[i], j);


Пример #23
void	CStatistic::Load(const string& path)
	ReadVector(path + HOMOWEIGHT_BIN_PATH, m_HomoWeights);
	ReadVector(path + WORDWEIGHT_BIN_PATH, m_WordWeights);
Пример #24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc < 3)
    printf("Invalid input parameters\n");
    return 1;
  int N = atoi(argv[1]);
  int NZ = atoi(argv[2]);
  char *mtxFileName = NULL;
  char *vecFileName = NULL;
  if (argc > 3 && argc < 6)
      mtxFileName = argv[3];
      vecFileName = argv[4];

  if ((NZ > N) || (N <= 0) || (NZ <= 0))
    printf("Incorrect arguments of main\n");
    return 1;

  crsMatrix A;
  double *x, *b, *bm;
  double timeM=0, timeM1=0, diff=0;

  if (ReadMatrix(A, mtxFileName) != 0)
    GenerateRegularCRS(1, N, NZ, A);
    WriteMatrix(A, "mtx.txt");
  if (ReadVector(&x, N, vecFileName) != 0)
    GenerateVector(2, N, &x);
    WriteVector(x, N, "vec.txt");

  InitializeVector(N, &b);
  Multiplicate(A, x, b, timeM);

  InitializeVector(N, &bm);
  SparseMKLMult(A, x, bm, timeM1);

  CompareVectors(b, bm, N, diff);

  if (diff < EPSILON)
    printf("not OK\n");
  printf("%d %d\n", A.N, A.NZ);
  printf("%.3f %.3f\n", timeM, timeM1);


  return 0;
Пример #25
void TwoFrameModel::Read(FILE *f)
    fscanf(f, "%d\n", &m_num_points);

    fscanf(f, "%lf\n", &m_angle);
    fscanf(f, "%lf\n", &m_error);

    v3_t *points_tmp = new v3_t[m_num_points];
    double *tracks_tmp = new double[m_num_points];
    int *k1_tmp = new int[m_num_points];
    int *k2_tmp = new int[m_num_points];

    m_points = new v3_t[m_num_points];
    m_tracks = new int[m_num_points];

    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_points; i++) {
        int tr, k1, k2;
        fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %lf %lf %lf\n", &tr, &k1, &k2,

        tracks_tmp[i] = (double) tr;
        k1_tmp[i] = k1;
        k2_tmp[i] = k2;

    bool use_tracks = true;
    if (tracks_tmp[0] < 0)
        use_tracks = false;

    if (use_tracks) {
        int *perm = new int[m_num_points];
        qsort_perm(m_num_points, tracks_tmp, perm);

        for (int i = 0; i < m_num_points; i++) {
            m_tracks[i] = iround(tracks_tmp[i]);
            m_points[i] = points_tmp[perm[i]];

        m_keys1 = m_keys2 = NULL;

        delete [] perm;
    } else {
        m_keys1 = new int[m_num_points];
        m_keys2 = new int[m_num_points];

        for (int i = 0; i < m_num_points; i++) {
            m_keys1[i] = k1_tmp[i];
            m_keys2[i] = k2_tmp[i];
            m_points[i] = points_tmp[i];
        m_tracks = NULL;

    delete [] points_tmp;
    delete [] tracks_tmp;
    delete [] k1_tmp;
    delete [] k2_tmp;

    ReadCamera(f, m_camera0);
    ReadCamera(f, m_camera1);
    ReadVector(f, 9, m_C0);
    ReadVector(f, 9, m_C1);
Пример #26
void LoadLight(TiXmlElement *element)
    Light *light = NULL;
    // name
    const char* name = element->Attribute("name");
    printf("Light [");
    if ( name ) printf("%s",name);
    // type
    const char* type = element->Attribute("type");
    if ( type ) {
        if ( COMPARE(type,"ambient") ) {
            printf(" - Ambient\n");
            AmbientLight *l = new AmbientLight();
            light = l;
            for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) {
                if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "intensity" ) ) {
                    Color c(1,1,1);
                    ReadColor( child, c );
                    printf("   intensity %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b);
        } else if ( COMPARE(type,"direct") ) {
            printf(" - Direct\n");
            DirectLight *l = new DirectLight();
            light = l;
            for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) {
                if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "intensity" ) ) {
                    Color c(1,1,1);
                    ReadColor( child, c );
                    printf("   intensity %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b);
                } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "direction" ) ) {
                    Point3 v(1,1,1);
                    ReadVector( child, v );
                    printf("   direction %f %f %f\n",v.x,v.y,v.z);
        } else if ( COMPARE(type,"point") ) {
            printf(" - Point\n");
            PointLight *l = new PointLight();
            light = l;
            for ( TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child!=NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement() ) {
                if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "intensity" ) ) {
                    Color c(1,1,1);
                    ReadColor( child, c );
                    printf("   intensity %f %f %f\n",c.r,c.g,c.b);
                } else if ( COMPARE( child->Value(), "position" ) ) {
                    Point3 v(0,0,0);
                    ReadVector( child, v );
                    printf("   position %f %f %f\n",v.x,v.y,v.z);
        } else {
            printf(" - UNKNOWN\n");
    if ( light ) {
Пример #27
bool mcBrush::Read(mcMapParser* parser)
  csString buffer;
  csString texture_name;

  if (!parser->GetTextToken(buffer)) 
    return false;

    if(buffer == "}")

    if (buffer != "(")
      parser->ReportError("Format error. Expected either \"(\" or \"}\""
                          ", Found\"%s\"", buffer.GetData());
      return false;

    //if this brush is not finished, then another plane must follow.
    csDVector3 v1, v2, v3;
    double x_off     = 0;
    double y_off     = 0;
    double rot_angle = 0;
    double x_scale = 1.0;
    double y_scale = 1.0;

    /* Read the three vectors, that define the position of the plane */
    if (!ReadVector(parser, v1))
      return false;

    if(!parser->GetTextToken(buffer) || buffer != ")")
      return false;

    if (!parser->GetTextToken(buffer) || buffer != "(")
      return false;

    if (!ReadVector(parser, v2))
      return false;

    if(!parser->GetTextToken(buffer) || buffer != ")")
      return false;

    if (!parser->GetTextToken(buffer) || buffer != "(")
      return false;

    if (!ReadVector(parser, v3))
      return false;

    if(!parser->GetTextToken(buffer) || buffer != ")")
      return false;

    //Get the name of the Texture
    if (!parser->GetTextToken(buffer)) return false;
    texture_name.Replace (buffer);

    if (!parser->GetFloatToken(x_off))  return false;
    if (!parser->GetFloatToken(y_off))  return false;

    if (!parser->GetFloatToken(rot_angle)) return false;
    if (!parser->GetFloatToken(x_scale))   return false;
    if (!parser->GetFloatToken(y_scale))   return false;

    if (!parser->GetTextToken(buffer)) return false;

    if ((buffer != "(") && (buffer != "}"))
      // Looks like a Quake3 Arena Map. I don't know the meaning of these
      // numbers, but there are always three of them
      for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
        bool malformed = false;
        bool intseen = false;
        const char *q = buffer.GetData();

        while (*q != '\0' && isspace(*q))

        while (*q != '\0' && isdigit(*q))
          intseen = true;

        malformed = (*q != '\0' && !isspace(*q));

        if (malformed || !intseen)
          parser->ReportError("Invalid Numeric format. "
                              "Expected int, found \"%s\"", 
          return false;

        if (!parser->GetTextToken(buffer))
          return false;

    m_planes.Push(mcMapTexturedPlane(v1, v2, v3, texture_name,
                                     x_off, y_off, rot_angle, 
                                     x_scale, y_scale));

  return true;
Пример #28
int LoadScene(const char *filename)
    TiXmlDocument doc(filename);
    if ( ! doc.LoadFile() ) {
        printf("Failed to load the file \"%s\"\n", filename);
        return 0;
    TiXmlElement *xml = doc.FirstChildElement("xml");
    if ( ! xml ) {
        printf("No \"xml\" tag found.\n");
        return 0;
    TiXmlElement *scene = xml->FirstChildElement("scene");
    if ( ! scene ) {
        printf("No \"scene\" tag found.\n");
        return 0;
    TiXmlElement *cam = xml->FirstChildElement("camera");
    if ( ! cam ) {
        printf("No \"camera\" tag found.\n");
        return 0;
    LoadScene( scene );
    // Assign materials
    int numNodes = nodeMtlList.size();
    for ( int i=0; i<numNodes; i++ ) {
        Material *mtl = materials.Find( nodeMtlList[i].mtlName );
        if ( mtl ) nodeMtlList[i].node->SetMaterial(mtl);
    // Load Camera
    camera.dir += camera.pos;
    TiXmlElement *camChild = cam->FirstChildElement();
    while ( camChild ) {
        if      ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "position"  ) ) ReadVector(camChild,camera.pos);
        else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "target"    ) ) ReadVector(camChild,camera.dir);
        else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "up"        ) ) ReadVector(camChild,camera.up);
        else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "fov"       ) ) ReadFloat (camChild,camera.fov);
        else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "width"     ) ) camChild->QueryIntAttribute("value", &camera.imgWidth);
        else if ( COMPARE( camChild->Value(), "height"    ) ) camChild->QueryIntAttribute("value", &camera.imgHeight);
        camChild = camChild->NextSiblingElement();
    camera.dir -= camera.pos;
    Point3 x = camera.dir ^ camera.up;
    camera.up = (x ^ camera.dir).GetNormalized();
    renderImage.Init( camera.imgWidth, camera.imgHeight );
    return 1;