Пример #1
// Detruit une clé de registre et ses sous-clé
BOOL RegDelTree (HKEY hKeyRoot, LPCTSTR lpSubKey) {
    TCHAR lpEnd[MAX_PATH];
    LONG lResult;
    DWORD dwSize;
    TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH];
    HKEY hKey;
    FILETIME ftWrite;

    // First, see if we can delete the key without having
    // to recurse.
    lResult = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey);
    if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) return TRUE;

    lResult = RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyRoot, lpSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) ;

    if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
        if (lResult == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { printf("Key not found.\n"); return TRUE; } 
        else {printf("Error opening key.\n");return FALSE;}

    // Enumerate the keys
    dwSize = MAX_PATH;
    lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite) ;

    if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) 
        do {
            //StringCchCopy (lpEnd, MAX_PATH*2, szName);
            sprintf(lpEnd, "%s\\%s", lpSubKey, szName);

            //if( !RegDelTree( hKeyRoot, lpSubKey ) ) { break ; }
            if( !RegDelTree( hKeyRoot, lpEnd ) ) { break ; }
            dwSize = MAX_PATH;
            lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite) ;
        } while ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) ;

	RegCloseKey(hKey) ;

	// Try again to delete the key.
	lResult = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey);

	if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Пример #2
// Nettoie la clé de PuTTY pour enlever les clés et valeurs spécifique à KiTTY
BOOL RegCleanPuTTY( void ) {
	HKEY hKey, hSubKey ;
	DWORD retCode, i;
	TCHAR    achKey[MAX_KEY_LENGTH];   // buffer for subkey name
	DWORD    cbName;                   // size of name string 
	TCHAR    achClass[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");  // buffer for class name 
	DWORD    cchClassName = MAX_PATH;  // size of class string 
	DWORD    cSubKeys=0;               // number of subkeys 
	DWORD    cbMaxSubKey;              // longest subkey size 
	DWORD    cchMaxClass;              // longest class string 
	DWORD    cValues;              // number of values for key 
	DWORD    cchMaxValue;          // longest value name 
	DWORD    cbMaxValueData;       // longest value data 
	DWORD    cbSecurityDescriptor; // size of security descriptor 
	FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;      // last write time 
	char *buffer = NULL ;
#ifdef FDJ
return 1 ;
	if( (retCode = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY", 0, KEY_WRITE, &hSubKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Build" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Folders" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiCount" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiLastSe" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiLastUH" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiLastUp" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiPath" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiSess" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiVers" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "CtHelperPath" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "PSCPPath" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "WinSCPPath" ) ;
		RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "KiClassName" ) ;
		RegCloseKey(hSubKey) ;
	RegDelTree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Commands" ) ;
	RegDelTree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Folders" ) ;
	RegDelTree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Launcher" ) ;
	// On ouvre la clé
	if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Sessions", 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return 0;
	retCode = RegQueryInfoKey(
        hKey,                    // key handle 
        achClass,                // buffer for class name 
        &cchClassName,           // size of class string 
        NULL,                    // reserved 
        &cSubKeys,               // number of subkeys 
        &cbMaxSubKey,            // longest subkey size 
        &cchMaxClass,            // longest class string 
        &cValues,                // number of values for this key 
        &cchMaxValue,            // longest value name 
        &cbMaxValueData,         // longest value data 
        &cbSecurityDescriptor,   // security descriptor 
	// Enumerate the subkeys, until RegEnumKeyEx fails.
	if (cSubKeys) {  //printf( "\nNumber of subkeys: %d\n", cSubKeys);
		for (i=0; i<cSubKeys; i++) { 
			cbName = MAX_KEY_LENGTH;
			if( ( retCode = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, achKey, &cbName,NULL,NULL,NULL, &ftLastWriteTime) ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
				buffer = (char*) malloc( strlen( achKey ) + 50 ) ;
				sprintf( buffer, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Sessions\\%s\\Commands", achKey ) ;
				RegDelTree( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer );
				sprintf( buffer, "Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Sessions\\%s", achKey ) ;
				if( (retCode = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hSubKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BCDelay" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgOpacity" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgSlideshow" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgType" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgImageFile" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgImageStyle" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgImageAbsoluteX" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgImageAbsoluteY" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "BgImagePlacement" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Maximize" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "SendToTray" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "SaveOnExit" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Folder" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Icone" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "IconeFile" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "InitDelay" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Password" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Autocommand" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "AutocommandOut" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "AntiIdle" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "LogTimestamp" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Notes" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "CygtermCommand" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "WakeupReconnect" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "FailureReconnect" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "Scriptfile" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "TransparencyValue" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "TermXPos" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "TermYPos" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "AuthPKCS11" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "PKCS11LibFile" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "PKCS11TokenLabel" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "PKCS11CertLabel" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "CopyURLDetection" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "HyperlinkUnderline" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "HyperlinkUseCtrlClick" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "HyperlinkBrowserUseDefault" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "HyperlinkBrowser" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "HyperlinkRegularExpressionUseDefault" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "HyperlinkRegularExpression" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "rzCommand" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "rzOptions" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "szCommand" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "szOptions" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "zDownloadDir" ) ;
					RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "SaveWindowPos" ) ;
					//RegDeleteValue( hSubKey, "" ) ;
 					RegCloseKey(hSubKey) ;
				free( buffer );
	RegCloseKey( hKey ) ;
	return 1;
Пример #3
// Inititalise la clé de registre Launcher avec les sessions enregistrées
void InitLauncherRegistry( void ) {
	HKEY hKey ;
	char buffer[MAX_VALUE_NAME] ;
	int i;
	if( (IniFileFlag == SAVEMODE_REG)||(IniFileFlag == SAVEMODE_FILE) ) {
		TCHAR achValue[MAX_VALUE_NAME], folder[MAX_VALUE_NAME], achClass[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
		DWORD   cchClassName=MAX_PATH,cSubKeys=0,cbMaxSubKey,cchMaxClass;
		DWORD	cValues,cchMaxValue,cbMaxValueData,cbSecurityDescriptor;
		FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
		sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Launcher", PUTTY_REG_POS ) ;
		RegDelTree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer ) ;
		RegTestOrCreate( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer, NULL, NULL ) ;
		sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Sessions", PUTTY_REG_POS ) ;
		if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return ;


		if( cSubKeys>0 )
			for (i=0; i<cSubKeys; i++) {
				DWORD cchValue = MAX_VALUE_NAME; 
				DWORD dwDataSize=4096 ;
				char lpData[4096] ;
				dwDataSize = 4096 ;
				achValue[0] = '\0';
				if( RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, lpData, &cchValue, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
					sprintf( buffer,"%s\\Sessions\\%s", TEXT(PUTTY_REG_POS), lpData ) ;
					if( !GetValueData(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer, "Folder", folder ) ) 
						{ strcpy( folder, "Default" ) ; }
					CleanFolderName( folder ) ;
					if( !strcmp( folder, "Default" ) || (strlen(folder)<=0) ) 
						sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Launcher", TEXT(PUTTY_REG_POS) ) ;
						sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Launcher\\%s", TEXT(PUTTY_REG_POS), folder ) ;
					strcpy( folder, "" ) ;
					unmungestr( lpData, folder, MAX_VALUE_NAME ) ;
					if( strlen(folder) > 0 )
						RegTestOrCreate( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, buffer, folder, folder ) ;
		RegCloseKey( hKey ) ;
	else if( (IniFileFlag == SAVEMODE_DIR)&&(DirectoryBrowseFlag==0) ) {
		char fullpath[MAX_VALUE_NAME], folder[MAX_VALUE_NAME] ;
		DIR * dir ;
		struct dirent * de ;
		FILE * fp ;
		sprintf( fullpath, "%s\\Launcher", ConfigDirectory ) ;
		DelDir( fullpath ) ;
		MakeDir( fullpath ) ;
		sprintf( fullpath, "%s\\Sessions", ConfigDirectory ) ;
		if( (dir=opendir(fullpath)) != NULL ) {
			while( (de=readdir(dir)) != NULL ) 
			if( strcmp(de->d_name,".") && strcmp(de->d_name,"..") )	{
				sprintf( fullpath, "%s\\Sessions\\%s", ConfigDirectory, de->d_name ) ;
				if( !(GetFileAttributes( fullpath ) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
					strcpy( folder, "" ) ;
					unmungestr( de->d_name, buffer, MAX_VALUE_NAME) ;
					GetSessionFolderName( buffer, folder ) ;
					CleanFolderName( folder ) ;
					sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Launcher\\%s", ConfigDirectory, folder ) ;
					if( strcmp(folder,"Default") ) {
						MakeDir( buffer ) ;
						sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Launcher\\%s\\%s", ConfigDirectory, folder, de->d_name ) ;
					else sprintf( buffer, "%s\\Launcher\\%s", ConfigDirectory, de->d_name ) ;
					if( (fp=fopen(buffer,"wb")) != NULL ) {
						unmungestr( de->d_name, buffer, MAX_VALUE_NAME) ;
						fprintf( fp, "%s\\%s\\", buffer, buffer ) ;
						fclose( fp ) ; 
			closedir(dir) ;
	else if( (IniFileFlag == SAVEMODE_DIR)&&DirectoryBrowseFlag ) {
		char fullpath[MAX_VALUE_NAME] ;
		sprintf( fullpath, "%s\\Launcher", ConfigDirectory ) ;
		DelDir( fullpath ) ;
		MakeDir( fullpath ) ;
		InitLauncherDir( "" ) ;