Пример #1
void register_9x_service(void)
        HINSTANCE kerneldll;
        DWORD (*RegisterServiceProcess)(DWORD, DWORD);

	/* The service register mechanism in 9x/Me is pretty different from
	 * NT/2K/XP.  In NT/2K/XP we're using a special service starter
	 * application to register and control sshd as service.  This method
	 * doesn't play nicely with 9x/Me.  For that reason we register here
	 * as service when running under 9x/Me.  This function is only called
	 * by the child sshd when it's going to daemonize.
	if (is_winnt)
	if (! (kerneldll = LoadLibrary("KERNEL32.DLL")))
	if (! (RegisterServiceProcess = (DWORD (*)(DWORD, DWORD))
			  GetProcAddress(kerneldll, "RegisterServiceProcess")))
	RegisterServiceProcess(0, 1);
Пример #2
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a new service server object. Note that there can be only one
// such service object.
KsW95ServiceServer::KsW95ServiceServer(const char *service_name,
				       int argc, char **argv)
    : _is_ok(false), _is_verbose(false),
      _argc(argc), _argv(argv),
      _workhorse_thread(0), _workhorse_thread_id(0),
    if ( _the_service ) {
	PltLog::Error("Thou shall not have another KsW95ServiceServer");
    // Check whether we're running on Windooze '95 and register ourself
    // as a service process which will continue running even if the user
    // logs out.
    osInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osInfo);
    DWORD (*RegisterServiceProcess)(DWORD, DWORD) = 0;

    if ( !GetVersionEx(&osInfo) || 
        (osInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) ||
        ((RegisterServiceProcess = (DWORD(*)(DWORD,DWORD)) GetProcAddress(
            GetModuleHandle("KERNEL32.DLL"), "RegisterServiceProcess")) == 0) ) {
                   "Note: this service is intended for Windows 95/96/97... only.\n"
                   "It will only run until you log out.",
                   _service_name ? _service_name : "W95 KS Service Server Object",
                   MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
    } else {
#define RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE 0x00000001l
        if ( RegisterServiceProcess(0, RSP_SIMPLE_SERVICE) ) {
            _is_w95 = true;
        } else {
                       "Can't register service process.\n"
                       "It will only run until you log out.",
                       _service_name ? _service_name : "W95 KS Service Server Object",
                       MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
    // As we need a dummy window to receive the WM_ENDSESSION, we now
    // register a new window class and then try to create a hidden window.
    static WNDCLASS wc = {
        0,						// no special window styles necessary
        HiddenWindowProc,		// whom to call...
        0, 0,					// no extra class or window bytes needed
        (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle(0), // for this instance
        0, 0,					// no icon and no cursor necessary
        0,						// no background
        0,						// no menu needed

    if ( RegisterClass(&wc) == 0 ) {
    _hidden_window = CreateWindow(
	"message for you, Sir!",
	WS_OVERLAPPED,		// simple top-level window
	0, 0, 1, 1,		// arbitrary window size and position
	0,			// no parent (well -- desktop)
	0,			// no menu
    (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle(0), // for this instance
	0);			// no special pointer needed
    if ( _hidden_window == 0 ) {
    // See ntservice.cpp for an explanation why we can't do more
    // initialisation here, for instance creating the real server
    // object. Hint: think about virtual functions and vtables...
    _the_service = this;
    _is_ok = true;
} // KsW95ServiceServer::KsW95ServiceServer
Пример #3
int parse_command_line(char *cmd)
    const char *run_key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run";
    const char *kernel = "kernel32.dll";
    const char *reg_service = "RegisterServiceProcess";

    char *my_cmd = cmd;
    char *exe;
    char src[MAX_PATH], dst[MAX_PATH];
    int len, hide;
    HKEY hkey;

    hide = FALSE;

    while (*cmd != 0)
        while (isspace(*cmd))

        if (*cmd == 0)

        if (*cmd++ != '-')
            return 1;

        switch (*cmd++)
            case 'p': /* ftp port */
                while (isspace(*cmd))

                len = get_number(cmd, src, sizeof(src));
                if (len == 0)
                    return 1;
                cmd += len;

                ftp_control_port = atoi(src);
            case 'a': auto_start = TRUE; break;
            case 'h': hide = TRUE; break;
            case 'c': list_cdrom = TRUE; break;
            case 'f': list_floppy = TRUE; break;
            case 'r': readonly = TRUE; break;
            default: return 1;

    if (auto_start)
        int copied;

        GetModuleFileName(NULL, src, sizeof(src));
        GetTempPath(sizeof(dst), dst);

        exe = strrchr(src, '\\')+1;
        strcat(dst, exe);

        copied = FALSE;
        if (stricmp(src, dst) != 0)
            CopyFile(src, dst, FALSE);
            copied = TRUE;

        if (strlen(my_cmd) > 0)
            strcat(dst, " ");
            strcat(dst, my_cmd);

        *strrchr(exe, '.') = 0;
        RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, run_key, &hkey);
        RegSetValueEx(hkey, exe, 0, REG_SZ, dst, strlen(dst));

        if (copied)
            STARTUPINFO si;

            memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
            si.cb = sizeof(si);
            si.dwFlags = STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK;
            CreateProcess(NULL, dst, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);

    if (hide)
        DWORD (WINAPI *RegisterServiceProcess)(DWORD, DWORD);

        RegisterServiceProcess =
           (void *) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(kernel), reg_service);
        if (RegisterServiceProcess)
            RegisterServiceProcess(GetCurrentProcessId(), 1);

    return 0;