Пример #1
SemOffset SemStartResource( void )
    if( StopInvoked ) {
        RcFatalError( ERR_STOP_REQUESTED );
    if (CurrResFile.IsWatcomRes) {
        return( ResTell( CurrResFile.handle ) );
    } else {
        /* open a temporary file and trade handles with the RES file */
        RcTmpFileName( MSFormatTmpFile );
        MSFormatHandle = CurrResFile.handle;
        CurrResFile.handle = MResOpenNewFile( MSFormatTmpFile );
        if (CurrResFile.handle == -1) {
            CurrResFile.handle = MSFormatHandle;
            ResCloseFile( CurrResFile.handle );
            remove( CurrResFile.filename );
            RcFatalError( ERR_OPENING_TMP, MSFormatTmpFile, LastWresErrStr() );
        } else {
            RegisterTmpFile( MSFormatTmpFile );
            CurrResFile.filename = MSFormatTmpFile;
        /* The start position should be 0 but to be safe call ResTell */
        return( ResTell( CurrResFile.handle ) );
Пример #2
static int openNewExeFileInfo( char *filename, ExeFileInfo *info )
    info->Handle = RcOpen( filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, PMODE_RW );
    if( info->Handle == NIL_HANDLE ) {
        RcError( ERR_OPENING_TMP, filename, strerror( errno ) );
        return( FALSE );
    RegisterTmpFile( filename );
    info->IsOpen = TRUE;
    info->DebugOffset = 0;
    info->name = filename;

    return( TRUE );
} /* openNewExeFileInfo */
Пример #3
static int Pass1InitRes( void )
    WResID        null_id;
    ResMemFlags   null_memflags;
    ResLocation   null_loc;

    /* put the temporary file in the same location as the output file */
    CurrResFile.filename = CurrResFile.namebuf;
    MakeTmpInSameDir( CmdLineParms.OutResFileName, CurrResFile.filename,
                    "res" );
    strcpy( CurrResFile.filename, CmdLineParms.OutResFileName );

    /* initialize the directory */
    CurrResFile.dir = WResInitDir();
    if( CurrResFile.dir == NULL ) {
        RcError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
        CurrResFile.IsOpen = false;
        return( TRUE );

    if( CmdLineParms.TargetOS == RC_TARGET_OS_WIN16 ) {
        WResSetTargetOS( CurrResFile.dir, WRES_OS_WIN16 );
    } else if( CmdLineParms.TargetOS == RC_TARGET_OS_WIN32 ) {
        WResSetTargetOS( CurrResFile.dir, WRES_OS_WIN32 );
    } else {
        WResSetTargetOS( CurrResFile.dir, WRES_OS_OS2 );

    /* open the temporary file */
    if( CmdLineParms.MSResFormat ) {
        CurrResFile.IsWatcomRes = FALSE;
        CurrResFile.handle = MResOpenNewFile( CurrResFile.filename );

    /* write null header here if it is win32 */
        if( CmdLineParms.TargetOS == RC_TARGET_OS_WIN32 &&
                                     CmdLineParms.MSResFormat ) {
            null_loc.start = SemStartResource();
            null_loc.len = SemEndResource( null_loc.start );
            null_id.IsName = FALSE;
            null_id.ID.Num = 0;
            null_memflags = 0;
            SemAddResource( &null_id, &null_id, null_memflags, null_loc );
    } else {
        CurrResFile.IsWatcomRes = TRUE;
        CurrResFile.handle = WResOpenNewFile( CurrResFile.filename );
    if( CurrResFile.handle == NIL_HANDLE ) {
        RcError( ERR_OPENING_TMP, CurrResFile.filename, LastWresErrStr() );
        CurrResFile.IsOpen = false;
        return( TRUE );
    RegisterTmpFile( CurrResFile.filename );

    CurrResFile.IsOpen = true;
    CurrResFile.StringTable = NULL;
    CurrResFile.ErrorTable = NULL;
    CurrResFile.FontDir = NULL;
    CurrResFile.NextCurOrIcon = 1;
    return( FALSE );
} /* Pass1InitRes */