static void *hfa_read(void *arg) { struct thr_info *thr = (struct thr_info *)arg; struct cgpu_info *hashfast = thr->cgpu; struct hashfast_info *info = hashfast->device_data; char threadname[24]; snprintf(threadname, 24, "hfa_read/%d", hashfast->device_id); RenameThread(threadname); while (likely(!hashfast->shutdown)) { char buf[512]; struct hf_header *h = (struct hf_header *)buf; bool ret = hfa_get_packet(hashfast, h); if (unlikely(!ret)) continue; switch (h->operation_code) { case OP_GWQ_STATUS: hfa_parse_gwq_status(hashfast, info, h); break; case OP_DIE_STATUS: hfa_update_die_status(hashfast, info, h); break; case OP_NONCE: hfa_parse_nonce(thr, hashfast, info, h); break; case OP_STATISTICS: hfa_update_die_statistics(info, h); break; case OP_USB_STATS1: hfa_update_stats1(hashfast, info, h); break; default: applog(LOG_WARNING, "HFA %d: Unhandled operation code %d", hashfast->device_id, h->operation_code); break; } } return NULL; }
void static HonghuoMiner(CWallet *pwallet,int targetConter) { LogPrint("INFO","Miner started\n"); SetThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); RenameThread("Honghuo-miner"); auto CheckIsHaveMinerKey = [&]() { LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet); set<CKeyID> setMineKey; setMineKey.clear(); pwalletMain->GetKeys(setMineKey, true); return !setMineKey.empty(); }; if (!CheckIsHaveMinerKey()) { LogPrint("INFO", "HonghuoMiner terminated\n"); ERRORMSG("ERROR:%s ", "no key for minering\n"); return ; } auto getcurhigh = [&]() { LOCK(cs_main); return chainActive.Height(); }; targetConter = targetConter+getcurhigh(); try { SetMinerStatus(true); while (true) { if (SysCfg().NetworkID() != CBaseParams::REGTEST) { // Busy-wait for the network to come online so we don't waste time mining // on an obsolete chain. In regtest mode we expect to fly solo. while (vNodes.empty() || (chainActive.Tip() && chainActive.Tip()->nHeight>1 && GetAdjustedTime()-chainActive.Tip()->nTime > 60*60)) MilliSleep(1000); } // // Create new block // unsigned int LastTrsa = mempool.GetTransactionsUpdated(); CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip(); CAccountViewCache accview(*pAccountViewTip, true); CTransactionDBCache txCache(*pTxCacheTip, true); CScriptDBViewCache ScriptDbTemp(*pScriptDBTip, true); int64_t lasttime1 = GetTimeMillis(); shared_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate(CreateNewBlock(accview, txCache, ScriptDbTemp)); if (!pblocktemplate.get()){ throw runtime_error("Create new block fail."); } LogPrint("MINER", "CreateNewBlock tx count:%d used time :%d ms\n", pblocktemplate.get()->block.vptx.size(), GetTimeMillis() - lasttime1); CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate.get()->block; MiningBlock(pblock, pwallet, pindexPrev, LastTrsa, accview, txCache, ScriptDbTemp); if (SysCfg().NetworkID() != CBaseParams::MAIN) if(targetConter <= getcurhigh()) { throw boost::thread_interrupted(); } } } catch (...) { LogPrint("INFO","HonghuoMiner terminated\n"); SetMinerStatus(false); throw; } }
static bool gridseed_check_new_task(struct cgpu_info *gridseed, GRIDSEED_INFO *info) { cgtimer_t ts_now, ts_res; bool ret = false; cgtimer_time(&ts_now); mutex_lock(&info->qlock); cgtimer_sub(&ts_now, &info->query_ts, &ts_res); #ifndef WIN32 if (ts_res.tv_sec > 0 || ts_res.tv_nsec > 350000000) { #else if (ts_res.QuadPart > 3500000) { #endif info->query_qlen = false; info->dev_queue_len = 1; info->needworks = 1; cgtimer_time(&info->query_ts); } mutex_unlock(&info->qlock); } /* * Thread to read response from Miner device */ static void *gridseed_get_results(void *userdata) { struct cgpu_info *gridseed = (struct cgpu_info *)userdata; GRIDSEED_INFO *info = gridseed->device_data; struct thr_info *thr = info->thr; char threadname[24]; unsigned char readbuf[GRIDSEED_READBUF_SIZE]; int offset = 0, ret; snprintf(threadname, sizeof(threadname), "GridSeed_Recv/%d", gridseed->device_id); RenameThread(threadname); applog(LOG_NOTICE, "GridSeed: recv thread running, %s", threadname); while(likely(!gridseed->shutdown)) { unsigned char buf[GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE]; if (offset >= GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE) gridseed_parse_results(gridseed, info, thr, readbuf, &offset); if (unlikely(offset + GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE >= GRIDSEED_READBUF_SIZE)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Read buffer overflow, resetting %d", gridseed->device_id); offset = 0; } ret = gc3355_get_data(gridseed, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret == LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE) gridseed->shutdown = true; if (unlikely(ret != 0)) continue; if (opt_debug) { applog(LOG_DEBUG, "GridSeed: get %d bytes", GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE); hexdump((uint8_t *)buf, GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE); } memcpy(readbuf + offset, buf, GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE); offset += GRIDSEED_READ_SIZE; } return NULL; } /* * Thread to send task and queue length query command to device */ static void *gridseed_send_command(void *userdata) { struct cgpu_info *gridseed = (struct cgpu_info *)userdata; GRIDSEED_INFO *info = gridseed->device_data; char threadname[24]; int i; snprintf(threadname, sizeof(threadname), "GridSeed_Send/%d", gridseed->device_id); RenameThread(threadname); applog(LOG_NOTICE, "GridSeed: send thread running, %s", threadname); while(likely(!gridseed->shutdown)) { cgsleep_ms(10); if (info->usefifo == 0) { /* mark the first work in queue as complete after several ms */ if (gridseed_check_new_task(gridseed, info)) continue; } else { /* send query command to device */ if (gridseed_send_query_cmd(gridseed, info)) continue; } /* send task to device */ mutex_lock(&info->qlock); for(i=0; i<info->soft_queue_len; i++) { if (info->workqueue[i] && info->workqueue[i]->devflag == false) { if (gridseed_send_task(gridseed, info, info->workqueue[i])) { info->workqueue[i]->devflag = true; break; } } } mutex_unlock(&info->qlock); /* recv LTC task and send to device */ gridseed_recv_ltc(gridseed, info); } return NULL; } /*========== functions for struct device_drv ===========*/ static void gridseed_detect(bool __maybe_unused hotplug) { usb_detect(&gridseed_drv, gridseed_detect_one); }
int64_t DoReq(SOCKET sockfd, socklen_t servlen, struct sockaddr cliaddr) { #ifdef WIN32 u_long nOne = 1; if (ioctlsocket(sockfd, FIONBIO, &nOne) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("ConnectSocket() : ioctlsocket non-blocking setting failed, error %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); #else if (fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("ConnectSocket() : fcntl non-blocking setting failed, error %d\n", errno); #endif return -2; } struct timeval timeout = {10, 0}; struct pkt *msg = new pkt; struct pkt *prt = new pkt; time_t seconds_transmit; int len = 48; msg->li_vn_mode=227; msg->stratum=0; msg->ppoll=4; msg->precision=0; msg->rootdelay=0; msg->rootdispersion=0; msg->ref.Ul_i.Xl_i=0; msg->ref.Ul_f.Xl_f=0; msg->org.Ul_i.Xl_i=0; msg->org.Ul_f.Xl_f=0; msg->rec.Ul_i.Xl_i=0; msg->rec.Ul_f.Xl_f=0; msg->xmt.Ul_i.Xl_i=0; msg->xmt.Ul_f.Xl_f=0; int retcode = sendto(sockfd, (char *) msg, len, 0, &cliaddr, servlen); if (retcode < 0) { printf("sendto() failed: %d\n", retcode); seconds_transmit = -3; goto _end; } fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(sockfd, &fdset); retcode = select(sockfd + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (retcode <= 0) { printf("recvfrom() error\n"); seconds_transmit = -4; goto _end; } recvfrom(sockfd, (char *) msg, len, 0, NULL, NULL); ntohl_fp(&msg->xmt, &prt->xmt); Ntp2Unix(prt->xmt.Ul_i.Xl_ui, seconds_transmit); _end: delete msg; delete prt; return seconds_transmit; } int64_t NtpGetTime(CNetAddr& ip) { struct sockaddr cliaddr; SOCKET sockfd; socklen_t servlen; if (!InitWithRandom(sockfd, servlen, &cliaddr)) return -1; ip = CNetAddr(((sockaddr_in *)&cliaddr)->sin_addr); int64_t nTime = DoReq(sockfd, servlen, cliaddr); closesocket(sockfd); return nTime; } int64_t NtpGetTime(const std::string &strHostName) { struct sockaddr cliaddr; SOCKET sockfd; socklen_t servlen; if (!InitWithHost(strHostName, sockfd, servlen, &cliaddr)) return -1; int64_t nTime = DoReq(sockfd, servlen, cliaddr); closesocket(sockfd); return nTime; } // NTP server, which we unconditionally trust. This may be your own installation of ntpd somewhere, for example. // "localhost" means "trust no one" std::string strTrustedUpstream = "localhost"; // Current offset int64_t nNtpOffset = INT64_MAX; int64_t GetNtpOffset() { return nNtpOffset; } void ThreadNtpSamples(void* parg) { const int64_t nMaxOffset = 86400; // Not a real limit, just sanity threshold. printf("Trying to find NTP server at localhost...\n"); std::string strLocalHost = ""; if (NtpGetTime(strLocalHost) == GetTime()) { printf("There is NTP server active at localhost, we don't need NTP thread.\n"); nNtpOffset = 0; return; } printf("ThreadNtpSamples started\n"); vnThreadsRunning[THREAD_NTP]++; // Make this thread recognisable as time synchronization thread RenameThread("Chipcoin-ntp-samples"); CMedianFilter<int64_t> vTimeOffsets(200,0); while (!fShutdown) { if (strTrustedUpstream != "localhost") { // Trying to get new offset sample from trusted NTP server. int64_t nClockOffset = NtpGetTime(strTrustedUpstream) - GetTime(); if (abs64(nClockOffset) < nMaxOffset) { // Everything seems right, remember new trusted offset. printf("ThreadNtpSamples: new offset sample from %s, offset=%" PRId64 ".\n", strTrustedUpstream.c_str(), nClockOffset); nNtpOffset = nClockOffset; } else { // Something went wrong, disable trusted offset sampling. nNtpOffset = INT64_MAX; strTrustedUpstream = "localhost"; int nSleepMinutes = 1 + GetRandInt(9); // Sleep for 1-10 minutes. for (int i = 0; i < nSleepMinutes * 60 && !fShutdown; i++) MilliSleep(1000); continue; } } else { // Now, trying to get 2-4 samples from random NTP servers. int nSamplesCount = 2 + GetRandInt(2); for (int i = 0; i < nSamplesCount; i++) { CNetAddr ip; int64_t nClockOffset = NtpGetTime(ip) - GetTime(); if (abs64(nClockOffset) < nMaxOffset) { // Skip the deliberately wrong timestamps printf("ThreadNtpSamples: new offset sample from %s, offset=%" PRId64 ".\n", ip.ToString().c_str(), nClockOffset); vTimeOffsets.input(nClockOffset); } } if (vTimeOffsets.size() > 1) { nNtpOffset = vTimeOffsets.median(); } else { // Not enough offsets yet, try to collect additional samples later. nNtpOffset = INT64_MAX; int nSleepMinutes = 1 + GetRandInt(4); // Sleep for 1-5 minutes. for (int i = 0; i < nSleepMinutes * 60 && !fShutdown; i++) MilliSleep(1000); continue; } } if (GetNodesOffset() == INT_MAX && abs64(nNtpOffset) > 40 * 60) { // If there is not enough node offsets data and NTP time offset is greater than 40 minutes then give a warning. std::string strMessage = _("Warning: Please check that your computer's date and time are correct! If your clock is wrong Chipcoin will not work properly."); strMiscWarning = strMessage; printf("*** %s\n", strMessage.c_str()); uiInterface.ThreadSafeMessageBox(strMessage+" ", std::string("Chipcoin"), CClientUIInterface::OK | CClientUIInterface::ICON_EXCLAMATION); } printf("nNtpOffset = %+" PRId64 " (%+" PRId64 " minutes)\n", nNtpOffset, nNtpOffset/60); int nSleepHours = 1 + GetRandInt(5); // Sleep for 1-6 hours. for (int i = 0; i < nSleepHours * 3600 && !fShutdown; i++) MilliSleep(1000); } vnThreadsRunning[THREAD_NTP]--; printf("ThreadNtpSamples exited\n"); }
/** Simple wrapper to set thread name and run work queue */ static void HTTPWorkQueueRun(WorkQueue<HTTPClosure>* queue) { RenameThread("bitcoin-httpworker"); queue->Run(); }