Пример #1
// frees an item (may crash if allocation in progess)
void DHCPDestroyItem (struct LL_IP *pCur)
	if (pCur!=NULL)
		LOG (5, "Freeing item %s %s", 
							 inet_ntoa (pCur->dwIP),
							 haddrtoa  (pCur->sMacAddr, 6,':') ) ;
		// put item at the end of the list and resort array
		SetIP(pCur, INADDR_NONE);   // will be the last item
		memset(pCur->sMacAddr, 0, 6);
		qsort (tFirstIP, nAllocatedIP, sizeof *tFirstIP, QsortCompare);
		qsort (tMAC, nAllocatedIP, sizeof *tMAC, MACCompare);
		free ( tFirstIP[nAllocatedIP] ); // free the last item
 // wake up DHCP thread --> actualizes GUI with SendLeases
    WakeUpThread (TH_DHCP);
} // DHCPDestroyItem
Пример #2
// Create or realloc an item
struct LL_IP *DHCPReallocItem (struct LL_IP *pCur, DWORD dwNewIP, const unsigned char *pMac, int nMacLen)
   if (pCur==NULL)
      pCur = tFirstIP[nAllocatedIP] = malloc (sizeof *tFirstIP[0]);
      pCur->dwAllocNum = nAllocatedIP;
	  tMAC[nAllocatedIP] = pCur;
   SetIP(pCur, dwNewIP);
   SetMacAddr(pCur, pMac, nMacLen);
   // sort whole array
   qsort (tFirstIP, nAllocatedIP, sizeof *tFirstIP, QsortCompare);
   qsort (tMAC, nAllocatedIP, sizeof *tMAC, MACCompare);
return pCur;
} // DHCPReallocItem
Пример #3
//Read in and initialize the leases
void LoadLeases(void)
   //We need to make sure the leases we load actually fit in the address pool, so we'll be
   //tracking the index to the lease file and the index to the allocated list
   int leaseindex, allocindex;
   // From Nick : I realized that there was a race condition in that code, 
   // particularly with the reading and saving of KEY_LEASE_NUMLEASES
   // I’ve added a function, which LoadLeases calls immediately on entry:
   WaitForMsgQueueToFinish (LL_ID_SETTINGS);

   nAllocatedIP = 0;
   ReadKey(TFTPD32_DHCP_KEY, KEY_LEASE_NUMLEASES, &nAllocatedIP, sizeof(nAllocatedIP), REG_DWORD, szTftpd32IniFile);

   if (nAllocatedIP > sParamDHCP.nPoolSize)
      SVC_WARNING ("The pool size is too small for the number of leases, ignoring extra leases");
      nAllocatedIP = sParamDHCP.nPoolSize;

   allocindex = 0;
   for(leaseindex = 0; leaseindex < nAllocatedIP; ++leaseindex)
     char key [_MAX_PATH];
     char tmpval [_MAX_PATH];

     tFirstIP[allocindex] = malloc (sizeof(struct LL_IP));
     memset(tFirstIP[allocindex], 0, sizeof(struct LL_IP));

     tFirstIP[allocindex]->dwAllocNum = leaseindex;
     sprintf(key, "%s%d%s", KEY_LEASE_PREFIX, leaseindex, KEY_LEASE_MAC);
     if(ReadKey(TFTPD32_DHCP_KEY, key, tmpval, _MAX_PATH, REG_SZ, szTftpd32IniFile))
        atohaddr(tmpval, tFirstIP[allocindex]->sMacAddr, 6);
     sprintf(key, "%s%d%s", KEY_LEASE_PREFIX, leaseindex, KEY_LEASE_IP);
     if(ReadKey(TFTPD32_DHCP_KEY, key, tmpval, _MAX_PATH, REG_SZ, szTftpd32IniFile))
        tFirstIP[allocindex]->dwIP.s_addr = inet_addr(tmpval);
     sprintf(key, "%s%d%s", KEY_LEASE_PREFIX, leaseindex, KEY_LEASE_ALLOC);
     if(ReadKey(TFTPD32_DHCP_KEY, key, tmpval, _MAX_PATH, REG_SZ, szTftpd32IniFile))     
        tFirstIP[allocindex]->tAllocated = atotime(tmpval);
     sprintf(key, "%s%d%s", KEY_LEASE_PREFIX, leaseindex, KEY_LEASE_RENEW);
     if(ReadKey(TFTPD32_DHCP_KEY, key, tmpval, _MAX_PATH, REG_SZ, szTftpd32IniFile))
        tFirstIP[allocindex]->tRenewed = atotime(tmpval);

    // fix errors in date conversion (registry modified at hand)
    if (tFirstIP[allocindex]->tAllocated == -1) tFirstIP[allocindex]->tAllocated = 0;
    if (tFirstIP[allocindex]->tRenewed   == -1) tFirstIP[allocindex]->tRenewed   = 0;

     //If the address doesn't fit in the pool, don't add it after all
	 //Since we are assuming the leases were written in order, do a quick check for dups
	 //and invalid macaddrs
     if((!AddrFitsPool(&tFirstIP[allocindex]->dwIP)) || (IsMacEmpty(tFirstIP[allocindex])) ||
		((allocindex > 0) && (tFirstIP[allocindex]->dwIP.s_addr == tFirstIP[allocindex - 1]->dwIP.s_addr)))
        tFirstIP[allocindex] = NULL;
		tMAC[allocindex] = tFirstIP[allocindex];  //Copy to cross index
        ++allocindex;   //Move on to the next one

   if(allocindex != nAllocatedIP)

    // ensure that data base is sorted (especially if we've dropped some leases in the load)
    qsort (tMAC, nAllocatedIP, sizeof *tMAC, MACCompare);
    qsort (tFirstIP, nAllocatedIP, sizeof *tFirstIP, QsortCompare);

} // LoadLeases