Пример #1
void Resource::ResourceFileModified()
    QFileInfo newFileInfo(m_FullFilePath);
    const QDateTime lastModifiedDate = newFileInfo.lastModified();
    qint64 latestWrittenTo = lastModifiedDate.isValid() ? lastModifiedDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() : 0;
    qint64 latestWrittenSize = newFileInfo.size();

    if (latestWrittenTo == m_LastSaved) {
        // The FileChangedOnDisk has triggered even though the data in the file has not changed.
        // This can happen if the FileWatcher is monitoring a file that Sigil has just performed
        // a disk operation with, such as Saving before a Merge. In this circumstance the data
        // loaded in memory by Sigil may be more up to date than that on disk (such as after the
        // merge but before user has chosen to Save) so we want to ignore the file change notification.

    if ((latestWrittenTo != m_LastWrittenTo) || (latestWrittenSize != m_LastWrittenSize)) {
        // The file is still being written to.
        m_LastWrittenTo = latestWrittenTo;
        m_LastWrittenSize = latestWrittenSize;
        QTimer::singleShot(WAIT_FOR_WRITE_DELAY, this, SLOT(ResourceFileModified()));
    } else {
        if (LoadFromDisk()) {
            // will trigger marking the book as modified
            emit ResourceUpdatedFromDisk(this);

        // will trigger updates in other resources that link to this resource
        emit ResourceUpdatedOnDisk();
Пример #2
void TextResource::SaveToDisk(bool book_wide_save)
    if (!m_IsLoaded) {

    // We can't perform the document modified check
    // here because that causes problems with epub export
    // when the user has not changed the text file.
    // (some text files have placeholder text on disk)
        QWriteLocker locker(&GetLock());
        Utility::WriteUnicodeTextFile(GetText(), GetFullPath());

    if (!book_wide_save) {
        emit ResourceUpdatedOnDisk();

Пример #3
void AVTab::ConnectSignalsToSlots()
    connect(&m_Resource, SIGNAL(ResourceUpdatedOnDisk()), this, SLOT(RefreshContent()));
    connect(&m_Resource, SIGNAL(Deleted(Resource)), this, SLOT(Close()));