Пример #1
void HDP::sample_first_level_concentration(double gamma_a, double gamma_b) {
  /// (p 585 in escobar and west)
  double shape = gamma_a;
  double scale = gamma_b;
  int n = 0;
  RNGScope scope;
  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    n += hdp_state_->beta_u_[k];

  double eta = Rf_rbeta(hdp_state_->gamma_ + 1, n);
  double pi = shape + hdp_state_->num_topics_ - 1;
  double rate = 1.0 / scale - log(eta);
  pi = pi / (pi + rate * n);

  unsigned int cc = Rf_rbinom(1,pi);
  if (cc == 1)
    hdp_state_->gamma_ = Rf_rgamma(shape + hdp_state_->num_topics_, 1.0 / rate);
    hdp_state_->gamma_ = Rf_rgamma(shape + hdp_state_->num_topics_ - 1, 1.0 / rate);
Пример #2
void HDP::sample_top_level_proportions() {	
  double total = 0;
  RNGScope scope;
  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    hdp_state_->pi_[k] = Rf_rgamma(hdp_state_->beta_u_[k], 1.0);
    total += hdp_state_->pi_[k];
  hdp_state_->pi_left_ = Rf_rgamma(hdp_state_->gamma_, 1.0);
  total += hdp_state_->pi_left_;

  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    hdp_state_->pi_[k] /= total;
  hdp_state_->pi_left_ /= total;

  double etaW = hdp_state_->size_vocab_ * hdp_state_->eta_;
  smoothing_prob_sum_ = 0.0;
  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    smoothing_prob_[k] = hdp_state_->alpha_ * hdp_state_->pi_[k] / (hdp_state_->word_counts_by_topic_[k] + etaW);    
    smoothing_prob_sum_ += smoothing_prob_[k];
Пример #3
// [[Rcpp::interfaces(cpp)]]
arma::rowvec dir(arma::rowvec a)

int l=a.n_cols;
arma::rowvec x(l);

for (int i=0;i<l;i++){

double sm=sum(x);

return x/sm;
Пример #4
void HDP::sample_second_level_concentration(double alpha_a, double alpha_b) {
  double  shape = alpha_a;
  double  scale = alpha_b;
  RNGScope scope;
  int n = 0;
  for (int k = 0; k < hdp_state_->num_topics_; ++k) {
    n += hdp_state_->beta_u_[k];
  double rate, sum_log_w, sum_s;

  for (int step = 0; step < 20; ++step) {
    sum_log_w = 0.0;
    sum_s = 0.0;
    for (int d = 0; d < num_docs_; ++d) {
      sum_log_w += log(Rf_rbeta(hdp_state_->alpha_ + 1, doc_states_[d]->doc_length_));
      sum_s += (double)Rf_rbinom(1,doc_states_[d]->doc_length_ / (doc_states_[d]->doc_length_ + hdp_state_->alpha_));
    rate = 1.0 / scale - sum_log_w;
    hdp_state_->alpha_ = Rf_rgamma(shape + n - sum_s, 1.0 / rate);
Пример #5
Type rgamma(Type shape, Type scale)
  return Rf_rgamma(asDouble(shape), asDouble(scale));
Пример #6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector bayes_lm_rcpp_arma_(int n,
					int p,
					int nsamp,
					double prop_nonzero,
					double true_beta_sd,
					double true_sigma,
					double sd_x,
					bool print_stats,
					bool write_samples,
					Rcpp::CharacterVector samples_file_loc,
					char decomp_method) {

    // Declare model data structures -----------------------

    arma::vec true_beta;         // true coefficient vector

    arma::vec y;                 // response values
    arma::mat X;                 // predictor coefficient matrix

    arma::vec beta;              // current value of beta sample
    double gamma;                // current value of gamma sample

    arma::mat Sigma_inv_0;       // inverse of beta variance hyperparam
    double nu_0;                 // hyperparam 1 for inverse-gamma prior
    double sigma_sq_0;           // hyperparam 2 for inverse-gamma prior

    arma::mat out_beta;          // memory for beta samples
    arma::vec out_gamma;         // memory for gamma samples

    // Declare storage and timer data structures -----------

    std::ofstream ctime_file;         // sampler loop computational time file
    std::ofstream samples_file;       // samples file

    struct timespec start[3];         // store event starting time information
    struct timespec finish[3];        // store event ending time information
    double elapsed[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };  // tracks event cumulative elapsed time

    arma::vec::iterator curr;         // iterator steps through current val
    arma::vec::iterator end;          // iterator to mark one past the last val

    // Set values of model objects -------------------------

    // Set values of beta
    true_beta = sample_beta(p, prop_nonzero, true_beta_sd);

    // Sample data
    X.randn(n, p);
    X *= sd_x;
    y = (X * true_beta) + (true_sigma * arma::vec(n, arma::fill::randn));

    /* Set the priors; see Hoff pgs. 154-155 for the meanings of the priors.
     * Note: we are implicitely specifying the mean hyperparameter for beta to
     * be 0 by ommitting the term in the Gibbs sampler conditional mean
     * calculation.
    Sigma_inv_0.eye(p, p);
    nu_0 = 1;
    sigma_sq_0 = 1;

    // Write param vals to file ----------------------------

    // Write true values of beta, sigma^{-2} to the first row of output file
    if (write_samples) {
	curr = true_beta.begin();
	end = true_beta.end();
	for ( ; (curr != end); curr++) {
	    samples_file << *curr << " ";
	samples_file << 1 / (true_sigma * true_sigma) << "\n";

    // Preliminary calculations ----------------------------

    arma::mat tXX;         // value of X^{T} X
    arma::vec tXy;         // value of X^{T} y
    double shapeval;       // shape parameter for gamma distribution samples
    double nu_sigma_sq_0;  // product of nu_0 and sigma^2_0

    tXX           = X.t() * X;
    tXy           = X.t() * y;
    nu_sigma_sq_0 = nu_0 * sigma_sq_0;
    shapeval      = (nu_0 + n) / 2;

    // Sampler loop ----------------------------------------

    arma::mat V;      // variance of current beta sample
    arma::vec m;      // mean of current beta sample
    arma::vec err;    // model error, i.e. y - X \beta
    double root_SSR;  // square root of SSR
    double SSR;       // SSR (sum of squared errors)
    double scaleval;  // scale parameter for gamma distribution samples

    // Set pointer to desired multivariate normal sampling function
    arma::vec (*samp_mvnorm)(arma::vec&, arma::mat&);
    switch (decomp_method) {
    case 'c':
    	samp_mvnorm = &mvrnorm_chol;
    case 'e':
    	samp_mvnorm = &mvrnorm_eigen;
    	throw std::runtime_error("Illegal value of decomp_method");

    // Conditionally allocate memory for samples
    if (print_stats) {
	out_beta.set_size(p, nsamp);
    // Conditionally open samples file stream
    if (write_samples) {
	samples_file.open(samples_file_loc[0].begin(), std::fstream::app);

    // Clock timer objects and initialization; requires POSIX system

    // Initial value for gamma
    gamma = 1;

    for (int s = 0; s < nsamp; s++) {
	// Sample beta
	    V = inv_sympd(Sigma_inv_0 + (gamma * tXX));
	m = gamma * V * tXy;
	    beta = samp_mvnorm(m, V);

	// Sample gamma
	err = y - (X * beta);
	root_SSR = norm(err);
	SSR = root_SSR * root_SSR;
	scaleval = 2 / (nu_sigma_sq_0 + SSR);
	gamma = Rf_rgamma(shapeval, scaleval);

	// Conditionally store data in memory / write to file
	if (write_samples) {
	    curr = beta.begin();
	    end = beta.end();
	    for ( ; (curr != end); curr++) {
		samples_file << *curr << " ";
	    samples_file << gamma << "\n";
	if (print_stats) {
	    out_beta.col(s) = beta;
	    out_gamma(s) = gamma;

	// Allow user to interrupt and return to the R REPL
	if (s % 1000 == 0) {

    // Calculate elapsed time

    // Print summary statistics ----------------------------

    if (print_stats) {

	// Create tables with true values and empirical quantiles
	arma::mat table_beta_quant;
	arma::mat table_gamma_quant;

	// Declare and initialize probs, true_gamma
	arma::vec probs;
	arma::vec true_gamma;
	probs << 0.025 << 0.500 << 0.975;
	true_gamma << 1 / (true_sigma * true_sigma);

	// Calculate empirical quantiles
	out_beta = out_beta.t();
	table_beta_quant = quantile_table(true_beta, out_beta, probs);
	table_gamma_quant = quantile_table(true_gamma, out_gamma, probs);

	Rcpp::Rcout << "\n"
		    << "Parameter specifications:\n"
		    << "-------------------------\n"
		    << "n:  " << n << "\n"
		    << "p:  " << p << "\n"
		    << "prop_nonzero:  " << prop_nonzero << "\n"
		    << "true_beta_sd:  " << true_beta_sd << "\n"
		    << "true_sigma:  " << true_sigma << "\n"
		    << "sd_x:  " << sd_x << "\n"
		    << "nsamp:  " << nsamp << "\n"
		    << "print_stats:  " << print_stats << "\n"
		    << "write_samples:  " << write_samples << "\n"
		    << "samples_file_loc:  " << samples_file_loc << "\n"
		    << "decomp_method:  " << decomp_method << "\n";

	Rcpp::Rcout << "\n"
		    << "Elapsed time:\n"
		    << "-------------\n"
		    << "Inverse:          " << elapsed[INVERSE] << "\n"
		    << "Sampling normal:  " << elapsed[SAMP_NORM] << "\n"
		    << "Overall:          " << elapsed[OVERALL] << "\n"
		    << "\n";
	Rcpp::Rcout << "true beta     2.5%      50%    97.5%\n"
		    << "------------------------------------\n"
		    << table_beta_quant
		    << "\n"
		    << " true gam     2.5%      50%    97.5%\n"
		    << "------------------------------------\n"
		    << table_gamma_quant
		    << "\n";

    // Return computational time 
    return Rcpp::NumericVector::create(Rcpp::Named("inverse")  = elapsed[INVERSE],
    				       Rcpp::Named("mvnsamp") = elapsed[SAMP_NORM],
    				       Rcpp::Named("overall")  = elapsed[OVERALL]);