Пример #1
void test_EKF_Panonly_noise_ptz_data()
    vcl_string ptz_file("/Users/jimmy/Desktop/images/33_slam_data/ptz_145420_145719.txt");
    vcl_vector<PTZData> ptzs;
    bool isRead = readPTZCameraFile(ptz_file.c_str(), ptzs, 1);
    vcl_vector<double> gdPans;
    vcl_vector<double> gdTilts;
    vcl_vector<double> gdZooms;
    vcl_vector<double> observedPans;
    vcl_vector<double> observedTilts;
    vcl_vector<double> observedZooms;
    vcl_vector<vcl_vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > > observedImagePts;
    const int width = 1280;
    const int height = 720;
    vnl_random rnd;
    double delta = 2.0;
    vgl_point_2d<double> pp(width/2, height/2);
    vcl_vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > firstWorldPts;
    for (int i = 0; i<ptzs.size(); i++) {
        vpgl_perspective_camera<double> gdCamera;
        bool isCamera = VxlPTZCamera::PTZToCamera(ptzs[i].fl, ptzs[i].pan, ptzs[i].tilt, gdCamera);
        // project image position
        vcl_vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > worldPts;
        vcl_vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > dump;
        vcl_vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > imagePts;
        DisneyWorldBasketballCourt::projectCalibPoints(gdCamera, width, height, worldPts, dump, imagePts, 10000);
        //  assert(worldPts.size() == 35);
        if (firstWorldPts.size() == 0) {
            firstWorldPts = worldPts;
        assert(firstWorldPts.size() == worldPts.size());
        // add noise to image points
        for (int j = 0; j<imagePts.size(); j++) {
            double x = imagePts[j].x();
            double y = imagePts[j].y();
            x += delta * rnd.normal();
            y += delta * rnd.normal();
            imagePts[j].set(x, y);
        // recalibrate camera
        vpgl_perspective_camera<double> initCamera;
        vpgl_perspective_camera<double> finalCamera;
        bool isInit = VpglPlus::init_calib(worldPts, imagePts, pp, initCamera);
        if (!isInit) {
            printf("initiate camera error\n");
        bool isFinal = VpglPlus::optimize_perspective_camera(worldPts, imagePts, initCamera, finalCamera);
        if (!isFinal) {
            printf("final camera error\n");
        double pan = 0;
        double tilt = 0;
        double zoom = 0;
        bool isPTZ = VxlPTZCamera::CameraToPTZ(finalCamera, pan, tilt, zoom);
    assert(gdPans.size() == observedPans.size());
    assert(gdTilts.size() == observedTilts.size());
    assert(gdZooms.size() == observedZooms.size());
    double pan0 = gdPans[0];
    const int C_M = 2; //camera state length
    PanCalibrationEKF panEKF;
    vnl_vector<double> x0(C_M + (int)firstWorldPts.size() * 3, 0);
    x0[0] = pan0; x0[1] = 1e-10;
    for (int i = 0; i<firstWorldPts.size(); i++) {
        x0[C_M + 3 * i + 0] = firstWorldPts[i].x();
        x0[C_M + 3 * i + 1] = firstWorldPts[i].y();
        x0[C_M + 3 * i + 2] = 0.0;
    //todo, needs to improve
    vnl_matrix<double> P0(x0.size(), x0.size(), 0);
    // P0(0, 0) = 0.1;  P0(1, 1) = INT_MAX;
    panEKF.init(x0, P0);
    const int M = (int)firstWorldPts.size();
    vnl_matrix<double> Q(C_M + M * 3, C_M + M * 3, 0);
    Q(0, 0) = 0.0004; Q(1, 1) = 0.0001;
    for (int i = 0; i<M; i++) {
        Q(C_M + i, C_M + i) = 0.0;
    vnl_matrix<double> Rk(M*2, M*2, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i<M*2; i++) {
        Rk(i, i) = 0.05;
    panEKF.initNoiseCovariance(Q, Rk);
    vcl_vector<vnl_vector<double> > states;
    vcl_vector<double> smoothedPan;
    for (int i = 0; i<observedPans.size(); i++) {
        vnl_vector<double> zk(2 * M, 0);  // initialize landmarks
        printf("observed pan             is %f\n", observedPans[i]);
        // add observed point in the image space
        for (int j = 0; j<M; j++) {
            zk[j * 2]     = observedImagePts[i][j].x();
            zk[j * 2 + 1] = observedImagePts[i][j].y();
        vnl_vector<double> xk;
        vnl_matrix<double> pk;
        panEKF.set_tilt_focal_length(gdTilts[i], gdZooms[i]);
        panEKF.update(zk, xk, pk);
        printf("final  pan, pan_velocity is %f %f\n", xk[0], xk[1]);
        printf("gd    pan,               is %f \n\n", gdPans[i]);
        //  break;
    vcl_string save_file("EKF_panOnly_simulated_noise.mat");
    vnl_matlab_filewrite awriter(save_file.c_str());
    awriter.write(vnl_vector<double>(&observedPans[0], (int)observedPans.size()), "observed_pan");
    awriter.write(vnl_vector<double>(&smoothedPan[0], (int)smoothedPan.size()), "smoothed_pan");
    awriter.write(vnl_vector<double>(&gdPans[0], (int)gdPans.size()), "gdPans");
    printf("save to %s\n", save_file.c_str());
Пример #2
void System::get_kalman_path( vector<State>& obs, vector<double>& obs_times, list<State>& kalman_path)

#if 0

    Matrix3d Q;
    Q << init_var[0], 0, 0, 0, init_var[1], 0, 0, 0, init_var[2];
    Vector3d curr_state;
    curr_state(0) = init_state.x[0];
    curr_state(1) = init_state.x[1];
    curr_state(2) = init_state.x[2];
    MatrixXd Rk(3,3);
    Rk << obs_noise[0], 0, 0, 0, obs_noise[1], 0, 0, 0, obs_noise[2];
    Matrix3d Cd = Matrix3d::Identity();

    double prev_time = 0;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i< obs.size(); i++)
        State& next_obs = obs[i];
        Vector3d noisy_obs;
        noisy_obs(0) = next_obs.x[0];
        noisy_obs(1) = next_obs.x[1];
        noisy_obs(2) = next_obs.x[2];

        double delta_t = obs_times[i] - prev_time;
        //cout<<"delta_t: "<< delta_t << endl;
        State stmp1;
        stmp1.x[0] = curr_state(0);
        stmp1.x[1] = curr_state(1);
        stmp1.x[2] = curr_state(2);
        State next_state = integrate(stmp1, delta_t, true);
        State clean_obs = observation(next_state, true);
        Matrix3d Ad;
        Ad << 0, 0, -sin(stmp1.x[2]), 0, 0, cos(stmp1.x[2]), 0, 0, 0; 
        Matrix3d Wk;
        Wk << process_noise[0]*delta_t, 0, 0, 0, process_noise[1]*delta_t, 0, 0, 0, process_noise[2]*delta_t;
        Matrix3d Q_new = Ad * Q * Ad.transpose() + Wk;
        Matrix3d Lk = Q_new*Cd.transpose()*(Cd*Q_new*Cd.transpose() + Rk).inverse();
        Vector3d Sk;
        curr_state(0) = next_state.x[0];
        curr_state(1) = next_state.x[1];
        curr_state(2) = next_state.x[2];
        Sk = noisy_obs - Cd*curr_state;
        Vector3d estimate = curr_state + Lk*Sk;
        Matrix3d covar = (Matrix3d::Identity() - Lk*Cd)*Q_new;

        Q = covar;
        curr_state = estimate;

        State stmp2;
        stmp2.x[0] = curr_state(0);
        stmp2.x[1] = curr_state(1);
        stmp2.x[2] = curr_state(2);
        prev_time = obs_times[i];
