Пример #1
inline void RotateAndMove(float dX, float dY, float dZ, float rotation, float& x, float& y, float& z) {
	if (rotation != 0) {
		Rotate2D(rotation, x, z);
	x += dX;
	y += dY;
	z += dZ;
Пример #2
void Projectile::TurnToTarget( float _dt )
	// Calculate the vector from this token to the Target's position
	D3DXVECTOR2 vToTarget(0,0);
	D3DXVECTOR2 tDefault(0,-1);

	D3DXVECTOR2 pos = ((BaseEntity*)m_Target)->GetPos() + ((BaseEntity*)m_Target)->GetImgCenter();
	vToTarget.x = pos.x - (this->GetPos().x + this->GetImgCenter().x);
	vToTarget.y = pos.y - (this->GetPos().y + this->GetImgCenter().y);

	// Calculate forward vector
	D3DXVECTOR2 forward = Rotate2D( tDefault, this->GetRot() );
	// calculate the angle between the vectors
	float angle = AngleBetweenVectors( vToTarget, forward );

	if(Steering(forward, vToTarget) < 0.0f)
		this->SetRot(this->GetRot() - 3.0f*_dt);
		this->SetRot(this->GetRot() + 3.0f*_dt);

	forward = Rotate2D( tDefault, this->GetRot() );
Пример #3
bool PolygonOrientation2D::PolygonRoationExperiment(const double & angle,
                              double& mbr_area_after_rotation)
    //reverse the angle, then apply the rotation
    double reverse_angle = angle * (-1);

    Point2DArray rotated_vetices;

    std::vector<Point2D>::iterator itVetex = m_polygon_centralized.begin();
    for( ; itVetex!=m_polygon_centralized.end();itVetex++)
        Point2D newp= Rotate2D(*itVetex,reverse_angle);

    Point2D lt,rb;


    mbr_area_after_rotation = (fabs(lt.X-rb.X)+m_extended_baseline)*fabs(lt.Y-rb.Y);

    return true;

Пример #4
void EQS_UVS2D_AI::Region( ELEM*    elem,
                            PROJECT* project,
                            double** estifm,
                            double*  force )
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // initializations

  SHAPE* lShape = elem->GetLShape();
  SHAPE* qShape = elem->GetQShape();

  int ngp = qShape->ngp;         // number of GAUSS points
  int nnd = qShape->nnd;         // number of nodes in all
  int ncn = lShape->nnd;         // number of corner nodes

  TYPE* type = TYPE::Getid( elem->type );

  int eqidV = nnd;
  int eqidS = 2 * nnd;

  if( force )
    for( int i=0; i<maxEleq; i++ )  force[i] = 0.0;

  if( estifm )
    for( int i=0; i<maxEleq; i++ )
      for( int j=0; j<maxEleq; j++ )
        estifm[i][j] = 0.0;

  double gravity = project->g;
  double area    = 0.0;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // compute coordinates relative to first node

  double x[kMaxNodes2D], y[kMaxNodes2D];

  x[0] = elem->nd[0]->x;
  y[0] = elem->nd[0]->y;

  for( int i=1; i<nnd; i++ )
    x[i] = elem->nd[i]->x - x[0];
    y[i] = elem->nd[i]->y - y[0];

  x[0] = y[0] = 0.0;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // use GAUSS point integration to solve momentum equations for x- and
  // y-direction (U and V) and continuity equation (H)

  for( int g=0; g<ngp; g++ ) // START of loop over all GAUSS point
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // form JACOBIAN transformation matrix with quadratic shape functions

    double* dfdxPtr = qShape->dfdx[g];
    double* dfdyPtr = qShape->dfdy[g];

    double trafo[2][2];

    double detj = qShape->jacobi2D( nnd, dfdxPtr, dfdyPtr, x, y, trafo );

    double weight = detj * qShape->weight[g];

    area += weight;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute values of quadratic shape functions at GP g

    double dndx[kMaxNodes2D], dndy[kMaxNodes2D];

    double* n = qShape->f[g];

    for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
      dndx[j] = trafo[0][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[0][1] * dfdyPtr[j];
      dndy[j] = trafo[1][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[1][1] * dfdyPtr[j];

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute values of linear shape functions at GP g

    dfdxPtr = lShape->dfdx[g];
    dfdyPtr = lShape->dfdy[g];

    double dmdx[kMaxNodes2D], dmdy[kMaxNodes2D];

    double* m = lShape->f[g];

    for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
      dmdx[j] = trafo[0][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[0][1] * dfdyPtr[j];
      dmdy[j] = trafo[1][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[1][1] * dfdyPtr[j];

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute flow parameters and their derivatives at GP g
    //             horizontal velocities: U and V
    //             flow depth           : H
    //             Source or Sink       : SS
    //             bottom elevation     : a
    //             eddy viscosity       : vt, cf
    //             Reynolds stresses    : uu, uv, and vv

    // integrate H, a and cf with linear shape

    double H    = 0.0;
    double dHdt = 0.0;
    double dHdx = 0.0;
    double dHdy = 0.0;

    double dadx = 0.0;
    double dady = 0.0;

    double cf   = 0.0;

    double SS   = 0.0;

    for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
      NODE* node = elem->nd[j];
      BCON* bcon = &node->bc;

      double ndZ = node->z;
      double ndH = node->v.S - ndZ;

      if( ndH <= 0.0 )  ndH = project->hmin;

      double ndSS;

      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Source or Sink
      // ndSS = -Q * ncn / A;
      // bcon->val->Q  - Q
      // bcon->val->A  - area of connected elements (see BCONSET::InitBcon)
      // ncn           - number of corner nodes
      if( isFS(bcon->kind, BCON::kSource) )
        ndSS = -bcon->val->Q * ncn / bcon->val->A;
        ndSS = 0.0;
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      H    +=    m[j] * ndH;
      dHdx += dmdx[j] * ndH;
      dHdy += dmdy[j] * ndH;

      dadx += dmdx[j] * ndZ;
      dady += dmdy[j] * ndZ;

      dHdt +=    m[j] * node->v.dSdt;

      cf   +=    m[j] * node->cf;

      SS   +=    m[j] * ndSS;            // Source or Sink

//  if( H <= 0.0 )  H = project->hmin;

    // integrate U, V, uu, uv and vv with quadratic shape

    double U    = 0.0;
    double dUdt = 0.0;
    double dUdx = 0.0;
    double dUdy = 0.0;

    double V    = 0.0;
    double dVdt = 0.0;
    double dVdx = 0.0;
    double dVdy = 0.0;

    double uu   = 0.0;
    double uv   = 0.0;
    double vv   = 0.0;

    for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
      NODE* node = elem->nd[j];

      double ndU = node->v.U;
      double ndV = node->v.V;

      U     +=    n[j] * ndU;
      dUdt  +=    n[j] * node->v.dUdt;
      dUdx  += dndx[j] * ndU;
      dUdy  += dndy[j] * ndU;

      V     +=    n[j] * ndV;
      dVdt  +=    n[j] * node->v.dVdt;
      dVdx  += dndx[j] * ndV;
      dVdy  += dndy[j] * ndV;

      uu    +=    n[j] * node->uu;
      uv    +=    n[j] * node->uv;
      vv    +=    n[j] * node->vv;

    // compute dispersion coefficients ---------------------------------------------------

    double Dxx = 0.0;
    double Dxy = 0.0;
    double Dyy = 0.0;

    if( project->actualDisp > 0 )
      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        NODE* node = elem->nd[j];
        Dxx += n[j] * node->Dxx;
        Dxy += n[j] * node->Dxy;
        Dyy += n[j] * node->Dyy;

    // compute eddy viscosity according to ELDER's assumption ----------------------------

    double vtxx = 0.0;
    double vtxy = 0.0;
    double vtyy = 0.0;

    for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
      NODE* node = elem->nd[j];

      vtxx += n[j] * node->exx * node->vt;
      vtxy += n[j] * node->exy * node->vt;
      vtyy += n[j] * node->eyy * node->vt;

    if( isFS(project->actualTurb, BCONSET::kVtMin) )
      if( vtxx < type->vt )  vtxx = type->vt;
      if( vtyy < type->vt )  vtyy = type->vt;

    // add eddy viscosity to kinematic viscosity -----------------------------------------

    vtxx += project->vk;
    vtxy += project->vk;
    vtyy += project->vk;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute UVH-equation and coefficients of NEWTON-RAPHSON matrix

    double  Ures = sqrt( U*U + V*V );          // absolute velocity

    if( force )
      double  f, fx, fy;
      double* forcePtr;

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // compute x-momentum equation

      f   = H * dUdt;                                  // time

      f  += H * (U * dUdx  +  V * dUdy);               // convection

      fx  = H * (vtxx * dUdx + vtxy * dUdy);           // eddy viscosity (approximation)
      fy  = H * (vtxy * dUdx + vtyy * dUdy);

      fx -= H * uu;                                    // turbulence
      fy -= H * uv;

      f  += H * gravity * dadx;                        // gravity
      fx -= H * H * gravity / 2.0;

      f  += cf * Ures * U;                             // bottom friction

      // ------------------------------------------------ dispersion
      // fx += H * Duu;
      // fy += H * Duv;

      fx += H * ( U*U*Dxx - 2.0*U*V*Dxy + V*V*Dyy );
      fy += H * ( U*V*(Dxx-Dyy) + (U*U-V*V)*Dxy );

      f  *= weight;
      fx *= weight;
      fy *= weight;

      forcePtr = force;

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        forcePtr[j] -= n[j] * f  +  dndx[j] * fx  +  dndy[j] * fy;

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // compute y-momentum equation

      f   = H * dVdt;                                  // time

      f  += H * (U * dVdx  +  V * dVdy);               // convection

      fx  = H * (vtxx * dVdx + vtxy * dVdy);           // eddy viscosity (approximation)
      fy  = H * (vtxy * dVdx + vtyy * dVdy);

      fx -= H * uv;                                    // turbulence
      fy -= H * vv;

      f  += H * gravity * dady;                        // gravity
      fy -= H * H * gravity / 2.0;

      f  += cf * Ures * V;                             // bottom friction

      // ------------------------------------------------ dispersion
      // fx += H * Duv;
      // fy += H * Dvv;

      fx += H * ( U*V*(Dxx-Dyy) + (U*U-V*V)*Dxy );
      fy += H * ( V*V*Dxx + 2.0*U*V*Dxy + U*U*Dyy );

      f  *= weight;
      fx *= weight;
      fy *= weight;

      forcePtr = force + eqidV;

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        forcePtr[j] -= n[j] * f  +  dndx[j] * fx  +  dndy[j] * fy;

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // compute continuity equation (solve only for corner nodes)

      f  = dHdt  +  H * (dUdx + dVdy)  +  U * dHdx  +  V * dHdy;
      f += SS;      // Source or Sink

      f *= weight;

      forcePtr = force + eqidS;

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        forcePtr[j] -= m[j] * f;

    if( estifm )
      double  t[kMaxNodes2D], tx[kMaxNodes2D], ty[kMaxNodes2D];
      double  df__, df_x, df_y, dfx_, dfxx, dfxy, dfy_, dfyx, dfyy;
      double* estifmPtr;

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // compute components of NEWTON-RAPHSON Jacobi matrix

      double iUres;

      if( Ures > 1.0e-8 ) iUres = 1.0 / Ures;
      else                iUres = 0.0;

      // U-derivative of x-momentum ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  =  weight * H * relaxThdt_UV;

      df__ +=  weight * H * dUdx;
      df_x  =  weight * H * U;
      df_y  =  weight * H * V;

      dfxx  =  weight * H * vtxx;
      dfxy  =  weight * H * vtxy;

      dfyx  =  weight * H * vtxy;
      dfyy  =  weight * H * vtyy;

      df__ +=  weight * cf * (iUres * U*U  +  Ures);

      dfx_  =  weight * H * ( 2.0*U*Dxx - 2.0*V*Dxy );
      dfy_  =  weight * H * ( V*(Dxx-Dyy) + 2.0*U*Dxy );

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        t[j]  = df__ * n[j]  +  df_x * dndx[j]  +  df_y * dndy[j];
        tx[j] = dfx_ * n[j]  +  dfxx * dndx[j]  +  dfxy * dndy[j];
        ty[j] = dfy_ * n[j]  +  dfyx * dndx[j]  +  dfyy * dndy[j];

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j];

        for( int k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j]*t[k] + dndx[j]*tx[k] + dndy[j]*ty[k];

      // V-derivative of x-momentum ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  =  weight * H * dUdy;

      df__ +=  weight * cf * iUres * U * V;

      dfx_  =  weight * H * ( 2.0*V*Dyy - 2.0*V*Dxy );
      dfy_  =  weight * H * ( V*(Dxx-Dyy) - 2.0*V*Dxy );

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        t[j]  = df__ * n[j];
        tx[j] = dfx_ * n[j];
        ty[j] = dfy_ * n[j];

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j] + eqidV;

        for( int k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j]*t[k] + dndx[j]*tx[k] + dndy[j]*ty[k];

      // H-derivative of x-momentum ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  =  weight * dUdt;

      df__ +=  weight * (U * dUdx + V * dUdy);

      dfx_  =  weight * (vtxx * dUdx  +  vtxy * dUdy);
      dfy_  =  weight * (vtxy * dUdx  +  vtyy * dUdy);

      dfx_ -=  weight * uu;
      dfy_ -=  weight * uv;

      df__ +=  weight * gravity * dadx;
      dfx_ -=  weight * gravity * H;

      dfx_ +=  weight * ( U*U*Dxx - 2.0*U*V*Dxy + V*V*Dyy );
      dfy_ +=  weight * ( U*V*(Dxx-Dyy) + (U*U-V*V)*Dxy );

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        t[j]  = df__ * m[j];
        tx[j] = dfx_ * m[j];
        ty[j] = dfy_ * m[j];

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j] + eqidS;

        for( int k=0; k<ncn; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j]*t[k] + dndx[j]*tx[k] + dndy[j]*ty[k];

      // U-derivative of y-momentum ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  =  weight * H * dVdx;

      df__ +=  weight * cf * iUres * U * V;

      dfx_  =  weight * H * ( V*(Dxx-Dyy) + 2.0*U*Dxy );
      dfy_  =  weight * H * ( 2.0*V*Dxy + 2.0*U*Dyy );

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        t[j]  = df__ * n[j];
        tx[j] = dfx_ * n[j];
        ty[j] = dfy_ * n[j];

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + eqidV];

        for( int k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j]*t[k] + dndx[j]*tx[k] + dndy[j]*ty[k];

      // V-derivative of y-momentum ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  =  weight * H * relaxThdt_UV;

      df__ +=  weight * H * dVdy;
      df_x  =  weight * H * U;
      df_y  =  weight * H * V;

      dfxx  =  weight * H * vtxx;
      dfxy  =  weight * H * vtxy;

      dfyx  =  weight * H * vtxy;
      dfyy  =  weight * H * vtyy;

      df__ +=  weight * cf * (iUres * V*V  +  Ures);

      dfx_  =  weight * H * ( U*(Dxx-Dyy) - 2.0*V*Dxy );
      dfy_  =  weight * H * ( 2.0*V*Dxx + 2.0*U*Dxy );

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        t[j]  = df__ * n[j]  +  df_x * dndx[j]  +  df_y * dndy[j];
        tx[j] = dfx_ * n[j]  +  dfxx * dndx[j]  +  dfxy * dndy[j];
        ty[j] = dfy_ * n[j]  +  dfyx * dndx[j]  +  dfyy * dndy[j];

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + eqidV] + eqidV;

        for( int k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j]*t[k] + dndx[j]*tx[k] + dndy[j]*ty[k];

      // H-derivative of y-momentum ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  =  weight * dVdt;

      df__ +=  weight * (U * dVdx + V * dVdy);

      dfx_  =  weight * (vtxx * dVdx + vtxy * dVdy);
      dfy_  =  weight * (vtxy * dVdx + vtyy * dVdy);

      dfx_ -=  weight * uv;
      dfy_ -=  weight * vv;

      df__ +=  weight * gravity * dady;
      dfy_ -=  weight * gravity * H;

      dfx_ +=  weight * ( U*V*(Dxx-Dyy) + (U*U-V*V)*Dxy );
      dfy_ +=  weight * ( V*V*Dxx + 2.0*U*V*Dxy + U*U*Dyy );

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        t[j]  = df__ * m[j];
        tx[j] = dfx_ * m[j];
        ty[j] = dfy_ * m[j];

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + eqidV] + eqidS;

        for( int k=0; k<ncn; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j]*t[k] + dndx[j]*tx[k] + dndy[j]*ty[k];

      // U-derivative of continuity ------------------------------------------------------

      df__ = weight * dHdx;
      df_x = weight * H;

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        t[j] = df__ * n[j]  +  df_x * dndx[j];

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + eqidS];

        for( int k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += m[j]*t[k];

      // V-derivative of continuity ------------------------------------------------------

      df__ = weight * dHdy;
      df_y = weight * H;

      for( int j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        t[j] = df__ * n[j] + df_y * dndy[j];

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + eqidS] + eqidV;

        for( int k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += m[j]*t[k];

      // H-derivative of continuity ------------------------------------------------------

      df__  = weight * relaxThdt_H;
      df__ += weight * (dUdx + dVdy);
      df_x  = weight * U;
      df_y  = weight * V;

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        t[j] = df__ * m[j]  +  df_x * dmdx[j]  +  df_y * dmdy[j];

      for( int j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + eqidS] + eqidS;

        for( int k=0; k<ncn; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += m[j]*t[k];
  } // END of loop over all GAUSS point

  // apply transformation ----------------------------------------------------------------

  Rotate2D( nnd, eqidV, elem->nd, estifm, force );

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // insert experimental upstream boundary forces at nodes with inflow
  // boundary condition  (qfix = constant):
  // flow depth at midside nodes is computed from values at corner nodes
  // the x-momentum equation is replaced by:
  //                     f  =  area * (qfix - Un * H)
  //                     where: Un, H are computed values

  for( int i=0; i<ncn; i++ )      // corner nodes
    NODE* node = elem->nd[i];
    BCON* bcon = &node->bc;

    if(isFS(bcon->kind,BCON::kInlet) )
      // set equation row dfU to zero ----------------------------------------------------

      if( estifm )
        for( int j=0; j<maxEleq; j++ )
          estifm[i][j] = 0.0;

      // compute flow in normal direction at node i --------------------------------------

      double Un    = node->v.U * bcon->niox  +  node->v.V * bcon->nioy;
      double H     = node->v.S - node->z;
      double specQ = bcon->val->U;

      if( H <= 0.0 )
        H = project->hmin;
        specQ = 0.0;

      // force vector --------------------------------------------------------------------

      if( force )  force[i] = area * (specQ - Un*H);

      // jacobi matrix -------------------------------------------------------------------

      if( estifm )
        estifm[i][i]          = area * H;
        estifm[i][i + eqidS] = area * Un;

  for( int i=ncn; i<nnd; i++ )    // midside nodes
    NODE* node = elem->nd[i];
    BCON* bcon = &node->bc;

    if( isFS(bcon->kind, BCON::kInlet) )
      // get left and right corner node to midside node i --------------------------------

      int l, r;

      qShape->getCornerNodes( i, &l, &r );

      NODE* lnode = elem->nd[l];
      NODE* rnode = elem->nd[r];

      int nofeqHl = eqidS + l;    // dfH at left corner node
      int nofeqHr = eqidS + r;    // dfH at right corner node

      // set equation row dfU to zero ----------------------------------------------------

      if( estifm )
        for( int j=0; j<maxEleq; j++ )
          estifm[i][j] = 0.0;

      // compute flow in normal direction at node i --------------------------------------

      double Un    = node->v.U * bcon->niox  +  node->v.V * bcon->nioy;
      double Hl    = lnode->v.S - lnode->z;
      double Hr    = rnode->v.S - rnode->z;
      double H     = ( Hl + Hr ) / 2.0;
      double specQ = bcon->val->U;

      if( H <= 0.0 )
        H     = project->hmin;
        specQ = 0.0;

      // force vector --------------------------------------------------------------------

      if( force )  force[i] = area * (specQ - Un*H);

      // jacobi matrix -------------------------------------------------------------------

      if( estifm )
        estifm[i][i]       = area * H;
        estifm[i][nofeqHl] = area * Un / 2.0;
        estifm[i][nofeqHr] = area * Un / 2.0;
Пример #5
void EQS_PPE2D::Bound( ELEM*    elem,
                       PROJECT* project,
                       double** estifm,
                       double*  force )
  int     i, j;
  double* estifmPtr;

  SHAPE* lShape = elem->GetLShape();
  SHAPE* qShape = elem->GetQShape();

  int nnd    = qShape->nnd;
  int startY = nnd;
  int startP = 2 * nnd;

  if( force ) for( i=0; i<maxEleq; i++ ) force[i] = 0.0;

  if( estifm )
    for( i=0; i<maxEleq; i++ )
      estifmPtr = estifm[i];

      for( j=0; j<maxEleq; j++ )  estifmPtr[j] = 0.0;

  if( !estifm ) return;

  if( isFS(elem->flag, ELEM::kOutlet) )  return;

  NODE   *node[3];

  node[0] = elem->nd[0];      /* corner nodes */
  node[1] = elem->nd[1];
  node[2] = elem->nd[2];      /* midside node */

  // row index -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  int r0X = 0;            int r1X = 1;                int r2X = 2;
  int r0Y = startY;       int r1Y = startY + 1;       int r2Y = startY + 2;

  // column index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  int c0P = startP;       int c1P = startP + 1;

  for( j=0; j<qShape->ngp; j++ )       // loop on GAUSS points
    double weight, nx, ny;

    double* m  = lShape->f[j];         // linear shape
    double* n  = qShape->f[j];         // quadratic shape
    double* dn = qShape->dfdx[j];

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute normal vector
    // notice: the normal is not reduced to unit length

    nx =  dn[0]*node[0]->y + dn[1]*node[1]->y + dn[2]*node[2]->y;
    ny = -dn[0]*node[0]->x - dn[1]*node[1]->x - dn[2]*node[2]->x;

    // weight of Gauss point j -------------------------------------------------------------------

    weight = qShape->weight[j];

    // compute estifm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    estifm[r0X][c0P] -= n[0] * weight * nx * m[0];
    estifm[r0X][c1P] -= n[0] * weight * nx * m[1];

    estifm[r1X][c0P] -= n[1] * weight * nx * m[0];
    estifm[r1X][c1P] -= n[1] * weight * nx * m[1];

    estifm[r2X][c0P] -= n[2] * weight * nx * m[0];
    estifm[r2X][c1P] -= n[2] * weight * nx * m[1];

    estifm[r0Y][c0P] -= n[0] * weight * ny * m[0];
    estifm[r0Y][c1P] -= n[0] * weight * ny * m[1];

    estifm[r1Y][c0P] -= n[1] * weight * ny * m[0];
    estifm[r1Y][c1P] -= n[1] * weight * ny * m[1];

    estifm[r2Y][c0P] -= n[2] * weight * ny * m[0];
    estifm[r2Y][c1P] -= n[2] * weight * ny * m[1];

  // apply transformation ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Rotate2D( nnd, elem->nd, 3, estifm, force );
Пример #6
void EQS_PPE2D::Region( ELEM*    elem,
                        PROJECT* project,
                        double** estifm,
                        double*  force )
  int     i, j, k;
  double* forcePtr;
  double* estifmPtr;
  double f;
  double weight, detj;
  double wh, wdhdx, wdhdy;
  double h, dhdt, dhdx, dhdy;
  double u, dudx;
  double v, dvdy;
  double trafo[2][2];
  double x[kMaxNodes2D], y[kMaxNodes2D];
  double dmdx[kMaxNodes2D], dmdy[kMaxNodes2D],
         dndx[kMaxNodes2D], dndy[kMaxNodes2D];

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // initializations

  SHAPE* lShape = elem->GetLShape();
  SHAPE* qShape = elem->GetQShape();

  int ngp = qShape->ngp;         // number of GAUSS points
  int ncn = lShape->nnd;         // number of corner nodes
  int nnd = qShape->nnd;         // number of all nodes

  if( force ) for( i=0; i<maxEleq; i++ ) force[i] = 0.0;

  if( estifm )
    for( i=0; i<maxEleq; i++ )
      estifmPtr = estifm[i];

      for( j=0; j<maxEleq; j++ )  estifmPtr[j] = 0.0;

  int startY = nnd;
  int startP = 2 * nnd;

  NODE** nd = elem->nd;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // compute coordinates relative to first node

  x[0] = nd[0]->x;
  y[0] = nd[0]->y;

  for( i=1; i<nnd; i++ )
    x[i] = nd[i]->x - *x;
    y[i] = nd[i]->y - *y;

  x[0] = y[0] = 0.0;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // GAUSS point integration loop

  for( i=0; i<ngp; i++ )
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // form JACOBIAN transformation matrix with shape functions

    double* dfdxPtr = qShape->dfdx[i];
    double* dfdyPtr = qShape->dfdy[i];

    detj = qShape->jacobi2D( nnd, dfdxPtr, dfdyPtr, x, y, trafo );

    weight = detj * qShape->weight[i];

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute values of quadaratic shape functions at GP i

    double* n = qShape->f[i];

    for( j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
      dndx[j] = trafo[0][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[0][1] * dfdyPtr[j];
      dndy[j] = trafo[1][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[1][1] * dfdyPtr[j];

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute values of linear shape functions at GP i

    dfdxPtr = lShape->dfdx[i];
    dfdyPtr = lShape->dfdy[i];

    double* m = lShape->f[i];

    for( j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
      dmdx[j] = trafo[0][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[0][1] * dfdyPtr[j];
      dmdy[j] = trafo[1][0] * dfdxPtr[j]  +  trafo[1][1] * dfdyPtr[j];

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute linear parameters at GP i

    h = dhdt = dhdx = dhdy = 0.0;

    for( j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
      double ndH;

      ndH  = nd[j]->v.S     - nd[j]->z;

      h    +=    m[j] * ndH;
      dhdx += dmdx[j] * ndH;
      dhdy += dmdy[j] * ndH;

      dhdt +=    m[j] * nd[j]->v.dSdt;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute right side

    if( force )
      // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // compute qadratic parameters at GP i

      u = dudx = v = dvdy = 0.0;

// #  double duhdx = 0.0;
// #  double dvhdy = 0.0;

      for( j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
// # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// #    the following version, the minimisation of U*H and V*H instead of
// #    U and V, does not lead to acceptable results !!
// #
// #    double H = nd[j]->v.S - nd[j]->z;

// #    duhdx += dndx[j] * (H * nd[j]->v.U);
// #    dvhdy += dndy[j] * (H * nd[j]->v.V);

        u    +=    n[j] * nd[j]->v.U;
        dudx += dndx[j] * nd[j]->v.U;

        v    +=    n[j] * nd[j]->v.V;
        dvdy += dndy[j] * nd[j]->v.V;

      // 3. equation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      f = weight * ( dhdt + h*(dudx+dvdy) + u*dhdx + v*dhdy );
// #  f = weight * ( dhdt + duhdx + dvhdy );

      forcePtr = force + startP;

      for( j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        forcePtr[j] -= m[j] * f;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // compute coefficients of element stiffness matrix

    if( estifm )
      // 1. equation, x-derivative of phi --------------------------------------------------------

      for( j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j];

        for( k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j] * weight * n[k];

        estifmPtr = estifm[j] + startP;

        for( k=0; k<ncn; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += dndx[j] * weight * m[k];

      // 2. equation, y-derivative of phi --------------------------------------------------------

      for( j=0; j<nnd; j++ )
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + startY] + startY;

        for( k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += n[j] * weight * n[k];

        estifmPtr = estifm[j + startY] + startP;

        for( k=0; k<ncn; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += dndy[j] * weight * m[k];

      // 3. equation, phi ------------------------------------------------------------------------

      wdhdx = weight * dhdx;
      wdhdy = weight * dhdy;
      wh    = weight * h;

      for( j=0; j<ncn; j++ )
        // ----------------------------
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + startP];

        for( k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += m[j] * (wh * dndx[k] + wdhdx * n[k]);
// #      estifmPtr[k] += weight * m[j] * dndx[k];

        // -------------------------------------
        estifmPtr = estifm[j + startP] + startY;

        for( k=0; k<nnd; k++ )
          estifmPtr[k] += m[j] * (wh * dndy[k] + wdhdy * n[k]);
// #      estifmPtr[k] += weight * m[j] * dndy[k];

        // -------------------------------------
        //estifmPtr = estifm[j + startP] + startP;

        //for( k=0; k<ncn; k++ )
        //  estifmPtr[k] += m[j] * weight * diagWeightPPE;

  // apply transformation ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Rotate2D( nnd, nd, 3, estifm, force );
Пример #7
void SimulateParticleSpawn(PartSysEmitter* emitter, int particleIdx, float timeToSimulate) {

	const auto& spec = emitter->GetSpec();
	auto partSpawnTime = emitter->GetParticleSpawnTime(particleIdx);

	auto& worldPosVar = emitter->GetWorldPosVar();
	auto particleX = worldPosVar.x;
	auto particleY = worldPosVar.y;
	auto particleZ = worldPosVar.z;

	auto emitOffsetX = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, emit_offset_X, partSpawnTime);
	auto emitOffsetY = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, emit_offset_Y, partSpawnTime);
	auto emitOffsetZ = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, emit_offset_Z, partSpawnTime);

	if (spec->GetOffsetCoordSys() == PartSysCoordSys::Polar) {
		auto coords = SphericalDegToCartesian(emitOffsetX, emitOffsetY, emitOffsetZ);
		particleX += coords.x;
		particleY += coords.y;
		particleZ += coords.z;
	} else {
		particleX += emitOffsetX;
		particleY += emitOffsetY;
		particleZ += emitOffsetZ;

	switch (spec->GetSpace()) {
	case PartSysEmitterSpace::ObjectPos:
	case PartSysEmitterSpace::ObjectYpr: {
		if (spec->GetParticleSpace() != PartSysParticleSpace::SameAsEmitter) {
			// TODO: Figure out this formula...
			auto scale = 1.0f - emitter->GetParticleAge(particleIdx) / timeToSimulate;
			auto prevObjPos = emitter->GetPrevObjPos();
			auto objPos = emitter->GetObjPos();
			auto dX = prevObjPos.x + (objPos.x - prevObjPos.x) * scale;
			auto dY = prevObjPos.y + (objPos.y - prevObjPos.y) * scale;
			auto dZ = prevObjPos.z + (objPos.z - prevObjPos.z) * scale;
			auto rotation = 0.0f;
			if (spec->GetSpace() == PartSysEmitterSpace::ObjectYpr) {
				rotation = emitter->GetPrevObjRotation() + (emitter->GetObjRotation() - emitter->GetPrevObjRotation()) * scale;
			RotateAndMove(dX, dY, dZ, rotation, particleX, particleY, particleZ);

	case PartSysEmitterSpace::Bones: {
		auto scale = 1.0f - emitter->GetParticleAge(particleIdx) / timeToSimulate;
		if (!emitter->GetBoneState()) {

		XMFLOAT3 bonePos;
		if (emitter->GetBoneState()->GetRandomPos(scale, &bonePos)) {
			particleX = bonePos.x;
			particleY = bonePos.y;
			particleZ = bonePos.z;

	case PartSysEmitterSpace::NodePos:
	case PartSysEmitterSpace::NodeYpr: {
		if (spec->GetParticleSpace() != PartSysParticleSpace::SameAsEmitter) {
			auto scale = 1.0f - emitter->GetParticleAge(particleIdx) / timeToSimulate;
			if (spec->GetSpace() == PartSysEmitterSpace::NodeYpr) {
				auto external = IPartSysExternal::GetCurrent();
				Matrix4x4 matrix;
				XMStoreFloat4x4(&matrix, DirectX::XMMatrixIdentity());
				external->GetBoneWorldMatrix(emitter->GetAttachedTo(), spec->GetNodeName(), matrix);
				auto boneM = DirectX::XMLoadFloat4x4(&matrix);
				auto ppos = DirectX::XMVectorSet(particleX, particleY, particleZ, 1);
				auto newpos = DirectX::XMVector3TransformCoord(ppos, boneM);
				particleX = DirectX::XMVectorGetX(newpos);
				particleY = DirectX::XMVectorGetY(newpos);
				particleZ = DirectX::XMVectorGetZ(newpos);
			} else {
				auto prevObjPos = emitter->GetPrevObjPos();
				auto objPos = emitter->GetObjPos();
				auto dX = prevObjPos.x + (objPos.x - prevObjPos.x) * scale;
				auto dY = prevObjPos.y + (objPos.y - prevObjPos.y) * scale;
				auto dZ = prevObjPos.z + (objPos.z - prevObjPos.z) * scale;
				RotateAndMove(dX, dY, dZ, 0.0f, particleX, particleY, particleZ);


	auto& state = emitter->GetParticleState();
	state.SetState(PSF_X, particleIdx, particleX);
	state.SetState(PSF_Y, particleIdx, particleY);
	state.SetState(PSF_Z, particleIdx, particleZ);

	// Initialize particle color
	SetParticleParam(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_red, partSpawnTime, PSF_RED, 255.0f);
	SetParticleParam(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_green, partSpawnTime, PSF_GREEN, 255.0f);
	SetParticleParam(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_blue, partSpawnTime, PSF_BLUE, 255.0f);
	SetParticleParam(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_alpha, partSpawnTime, PSF_ALPHA, 255.0f);

	// Initialize particle velocity
	auto partVelX = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_vel_X, partSpawnTime);
	auto partVelY = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_vel_Y, partSpawnTime);
	auto partVelZ = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, emit_init_vel_Z, partSpawnTime);

	if (spec->GetSpace() == PartSysEmitterSpace::ObjectYpr) {
		if (spec->GetParticleSpace() != PartSysParticleSpace::SameAsEmitter) {
			auto scale = 1.0f - emitter->GetParticleAge(particleIdx) / timeToSimulate;

			auto rotation = 0.0f;
			if (spec->GetSpace() == PartSysEmitterSpace::ObjectYpr)
				rotation = (emitter->GetObjRotation() - emitter->GetPrevObjRotation()) * scale + emitter->GetPrevObjRotation();

			// Rotate the velocity vector according to the current object rotation in the world
			// TODO: Even for rotation == 0, this will flip the velocity vector
			Rotate2D(rotation, partVelX, partVelZ);

	} else if (spec->GetSpace() == PartSysEmitterSpace::NodeYpr) {

		if (spec->GetParticleSpace() != PartSysParticleSpace::SameAsEmitter) {
			auto external = IPartSysExternal::GetCurrent();
			auto objId = emitter->GetAttachedTo();

			Matrix4x4 boneMatrix;
			XMStoreFloat4x4(&boneMatrix, DirectX::XMMatrixIdentity());

			external->GetBoneWorldMatrix(objId, spec->GetNodeName(), boneMatrix);

			// Construct a directional vector (not a positional one, w=0 here) for the velocity
			auto dirVec = DirectX::XMVectorSet(partVelX, partVelY, partVelZ, 0);
			auto transMat = DirectX::XMLoadFloat4x4(&boneMatrix);
			dirVec = DirectX::XMVector3TransformNormal(dirVec, transMat);

			partVelX = DirectX::XMVectorGetX(dirVec);
			partVelY = DirectX::XMVectorGetY(dirVec);
			partVelZ = DirectX::XMVectorGetZ(dirVec);

	// Are particle coordinates defined as polar coordinates? Convert them to cartesian here
	if (spec->GetParticleVelocityCoordSys() == PartSysCoordSys::Polar) {
		auto cartesianVel = SphericalDegToCartesian(partVelX, partVelY, partVelZ);
		partVelX = cartesianVel.x;
		partVelY = cartesianVel.y;
		partVelZ = cartesianVel.z;

	state.SetState(PSF_VEL_X, particleIdx, partVelX);
	state.SetState(PSF_VEL_Y, particleIdx, partVelY);
	state.SetState(PSF_VEL_Z, particleIdx, partVelZ);

	// I don't know why it's taken at lifetime 0.
	// TODO: Figure out if this actually *never* changes?
	auto posVarX = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, part_posVariation_X, 0);
	auto posVarY = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, part_posVariation_Y, 0);
	auto posVarZ = GetParticleValue(emitter, particleIdx, part_posVariation_Z, 0);

	// For a polar system, convert these positions to cartesian to apply them to the
	// rendering position
	if (spec->GetParticlePosCoordSys() == PartSysCoordSys::Polar) {
		state.SetState(PSF_POS_AZIMUTH, particleIdx, 0);
		state.SetState(PSF_POS_INCLINATION, particleIdx, 0);
		state.SetState(PSF_POS_RADIUS, particleIdx, 0);

		// Convert to cartesian and add to the actual current particle position
		// As usual, x, y, z here are (azimuth, inclination, radius)
		auto cartesianPos = SphericalDegToCartesian(posVarX, posVarY, posVarZ);
		posVarX = cartesianPos.x;
		posVarY = cartesianPos.y;
		posVarZ = cartesianPos.z;

	// Apply the position variation to the initial position and store it
	posVarX += particleX;
	posVarY += particleY;
	posVarZ += particleZ;
	state.SetState(PSF_POS_VAR_X, particleIdx, posVarX);
	state.SetState(PSF_POS_VAR_Y, particleIdx, posVarY);
	state.SetState(PSF_POS_VAR_Z, particleIdx, posVarZ);

	The following code will apply particle movement after
	spawning a particle retroactively. This should only happen
	for high frequency particle systems that spawn multiple particles
	per frame.
	Also note how particle age instead of particle lifetime is used here
	to access parameters of the emitter.
	auto partAge = emitter->GetParticleAge(particleIdx);
	if (partAge != 0) {
		auto partAgeSquared = partAge * partAge;

		particleX += partVelX * partAge;
		particleY += partVelY * partAge;
		particleZ += partVelZ * partAge;

		auto param = emitter->GetParamState(part_accel_X);
		if (param) {
			auto accelX = param->GetValue(emitter, particleIdx, partAge);
			particleX += accelX * partAgeSquared * 0.5f;
			partVelX += accelX * partAge;

		param = emitter->GetParamState(part_accel_Y);
		if (param) {
			auto accelY = param->GetValue(emitter, particleIdx, partAge);
			particleY += accelY * partAgeSquared * 0.5f;
			partVelY += accelY * partAge;

		param = emitter->GetParamState(part_accel_Z);
		if (param) {
			auto accelZ = param->GetValue(emitter, particleIdx, partAge);
			particleZ += accelZ * partAgeSquared * 0.5f;
			partVelZ += accelZ * partAge;

		state.SetState(PSF_VEL_X, particleIdx, partVelX);
		state.SetState(PSF_VEL_Y, particleIdx, partVelY);
		state.SetState(PSF_VEL_Z, particleIdx, partVelZ);

		param = emitter->GetParamState(part_velVariation_X);
		if (param) {
			particleX += param->GetValue(emitter, particleIdx, partAge) * partAge;

		param = emitter->GetParamState(part_velVariation_Y);
		if (param) {
			particleY += param->GetValue(emitter, particleIdx, partAge) * partAge;

		param = emitter->GetParamState(part_velVariation_Z);
		if (param) {
			particleZ += param->GetValue(emitter, particleIdx, partAge) * partAge;

		state.SetState(PSF_X, particleIdx, particleX);
		state.SetState(PSF_Y, particleIdx, particleY);
		state.SetState(PSF_Z, particleIdx, particleZ);

	// Simulate rotation for anything other than a point particle
	if (spec->GetParticleType() != PartSysParticleType::Point) {
		auto emitterAge = emitter->GetParticleSpawnTime(particleIdx);
		auto rotation = emitter->GetParamValue(emit_yaw, particleIdx, emitterAge, 0.0f);
		emitter->GetParticleState().SetState(PSF_ROTATION, particleIdx, rotation);
Пример #8
void Painter::Rotate(double a)