Пример #1
SimWheelUpdateRide(tCar *car, int index)
	tWheel *wheel = &(car->wheel[index]);
	tdble Zroad;

	// compute suspension travel
	RtTrackGlobal2Local(car->trkPos.seg, wheel->pos.x, wheel->pos.y, &(wheel->trkPos), TR_LPOS_SEGMENT);
	wheel->zRoad = Zroad = RtTrackHeightL(&(wheel->trkPos));

	tdble prexwheel = wheel->susp.x / wheel->susp.spring.bellcrank;

    tdble new_susp_x= prexwheel - wheel->rel_vel * SimDeltaTime;
    tdble max_extend = wheel->pos.z - Zroad;
	wheel->rideHeight = max_extend;

    if (max_extend < new_susp_x) {
        new_susp_x = max_extend;
        wheel->rel_vel = 0.0f;
    } else if (new_susp_x < wheel->susp.spring.packers) {
		wheel->rel_vel = 0.0f;

	tdble prex = wheel->susp.x;
	wheel->susp.x = new_susp_x;

	// verify the suspension travel
	wheel->susp.v = (prex - wheel->susp.x) / SimDeltaTime;
	// update wheel brake
	SimBrakeUpdate(car, wheel, &(wheel->brake));
Пример #2
void SimWheelUpdateRide(tCar *car, int index)
	tWheel *wheel = &(car->wheel[index]);
	tdble Zroad;

	// compute suspension travel
	RtTrackGlobal2Local(car->trkPos.seg, wheel->pos.x, wheel->pos.y, &(wheel->trkPos), TR_LPOS_SEGMENT);
	wheel->zRoad = Zroad = RtTrackHeightL(&(wheel->trkPos));

	// Wheel susp.x is not the wheel movement, look at SimSuspCheckIn, it becomes there scaled with
	// susp->spring.bellcrank, so we invert this here.
	tdble prexwheel = wheel->susp.x / wheel->susp.spring.bellcrank;

	tdble new_susp_x= prexwheel - wheel->rel_vel * SimDeltaTime;
    tdble max_extend =  wheel->pos.z - Zroad;
	wheel->rideHeight = max_extend;

	if (max_extend < new_susp_x) {
		new_susp_x = max_extend;
		wheel->rel_vel = 0.0f;
	} else if (new_susp_x < wheel->susp.spring.packers) {
		wheel->rel_vel = 0.0f;
	tdble prex = wheel->susp.x;
	wheel->susp.x = new_susp_x;

	// verify the suspension travel, beware, wheel->susp.x will be scaled by SimSuspCheckIn
	wheel->susp.v = (prex - wheel->susp.x) / SimDeltaTime;
	// update wheel brake
	SimBrakeUpdate(car, wheel, &(wheel->brake));
Пример #3
static void
SimCarUpdatePos(tCar *car)
    tdble vx, vy, vz;

    vx = car->DynGCg.vel.x;
    vy = car->DynGCg.vel.y;
    vz = car->DynGCg.vel.z;
    car->DynGCg.pos.x = car->DynGC.pos.x;
    car->DynGCg.pos.y = car->DynGC.pos.y;
    car->DynGCg.pos.z = car->DynGC.pos.z;

    car->DynGCg.pos.x += vx * SimDeltaTime;
    car->DynGCg.pos.y += vy * SimDeltaTime;
    car->DynGCg.pos.z += vz * SimDeltaTime;

    car->DynGC.pos.x = car->DynGCg.pos.x;
    car->DynGC.pos.y = car->DynGCg.pos.y;
    car->DynGC.pos.z = car->DynGCg.pos.z;



    car->DynGCg.pos.ax = car->DynGC.pos.ax;
    car->DynGCg.pos.ay = car->DynGC.pos.ay;
    car->DynGCg.pos.az = car->DynGC.pos.az;    
    //printf ("a %f %f %f\n", car->DynGC.pos.ax, car->DynGC.pos.ay, car->DynGC.pos.az);
    RtTrackGlobal2Local(car->trkPos.seg, car->DynGCg.pos.x, car->DynGCg.pos.y, &(car->trkPos), TR_LPOS_MAIN);
Пример #4
static void
SimCarUpdatePos(tCar *car)
	tdble vx, vy;
	vx = car->DynGCg.vel.x;
	vy = car->DynGCg.vel.y;
	car->DynGCg.pos.x += vx * SimDeltaTime;
	car->DynGCg.pos.y += vy * SimDeltaTime;
	car->DynGCg.pos.z += car->DynGCg.vel.z * SimDeltaTime;
	car->DynGCg.pos.ax += car->DynGCg.vel.ax * SimDeltaTime;
	car->DynGCg.pos.ay += car->DynGCg.vel.ay * SimDeltaTime;
	car->DynGCg.pos.az += car->DynGCg.vel.az * SimDeltaTime;
	if (car->DynGCg.pos.ax > aMax) car->DynGCg.pos.ax = aMax;
	if (car->DynGCg.pos.ax < -aMax) car->DynGCg.pos.ax = -aMax;
	if (car->DynGCg.pos.ay > aMax) car->DynGCg.pos.ay = aMax;
	if (car->DynGCg.pos.ay < -aMax) car->DynGCg.pos.ay = -aMax;
	car->DynGC.pos.x = car->DynGCg.pos.x;
	car->DynGC.pos.y = car->DynGCg.pos.y;
	car->DynGC.pos.z = car->DynGCg.pos.z;
	car->DynGC.pos.ax = car->DynGCg.pos.ax;
	car->DynGC.pos.ay = car->DynGCg.pos.ay;
	car->DynGC.pos.az = car->DynGCg.pos.az;
	RtTrackGlobal2Local(car->trkPos.seg, car->DynGCg.pos.x, car->DynGCg.pos.y, &(car->trkPos), TR_LPOS_MAIN);
Пример #5
/** Returns the absolute height in meters of the road
    at the Global position (segment, X, Y)
    @ingroup	tracktools
    @param	seg	Segment
    @param	X	Global X position
    @param	Y	Global Y position
    @return	Height in meters
RtTrackHeightG(tTrackSeg *seg, tdble X, tdble Y)
    tTrkLocPos p;

    RtTrackGlobal2Local(seg, X, Y, &p, TR_LPOS_SEGMENT);
    return RtTrackHeightL(&p);
Пример #6
double MyTrack::CalcPos( double x, double y, const Seg* hint, bool sides ) const
  tTrackSeg* pTrackSeg = m_pSegs[0].pSeg;
  if( hint != 0 )
    pTrackSeg = hint->pSeg;

  tTrkLocPos pos;
  RtTrackGlobal2Local( pTrackSeg, x, y, &pos, sides );
  double dist = RtGetDistFromStart2(&pos);
  return dist;
Пример #7
// Calc position from coordinates
double TTrackDescription::CalcPos
  (float X, float Y, const TSection* Hint, bool Sides) const
  tTrackSeg* Seg = oSections[0].Seg;
  if(Hint != 0)
    Seg = Hint->Seg;

  tTrkLocPos Pos;
  RtTrackGlobal2Local(Seg, X, Y, &Pos, Sides );
  return RtGetDistFromStart2(&Pos);
Пример #8
// Collision of car/track borders.
// Be aware that it does not work for convex edges (e.g. e-track-2, end of the straight, left),
// because under these conditions it is possible that all car corners are on the track and
// the car body is partially outside the track.
void SimCarCollideXYScene(tCar *car)
	tTrackSeg *seg = car->trkPos.seg;
	tTrkLocPos trkpos;
	int i;
	tDynPt *corner;
	tdble initDotProd;
	tdble dotProd, cx, cy, dotprod2;
	tTrackBarrier *curBarrier;
	tdble dmg;

	if (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) {

	corner = &(car->corner[0]);
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, corner++) {
		seg = car->trkPos.seg;
		RtTrackGlobal2Local(seg, corner->pos.ax, corner->pos.ay, &trkpos, TR_LPOS_TRACK);
		seg = trkpos.seg;
		tdble toSide;

		if (trkpos.toRight < 0.0) {
			// collision with right border.
			curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_RGT];
			toSide = trkpos.toRight;
		} else if (trkpos.toLeft < 0.0) {
			// collision with left border.
			curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_LFT];
			toSide = trkpos.toLeft;
		} else {

		const tdble& nx = curBarrier->normal.x;
		const tdble& ny = curBarrier->normal.y;

		car->DynGCg.pos.x -= nx * toSide;
		car->DynGCg.pos.y -= ny * toSide;

		// Corner position relative to center of gravity.
		cx = corner->pos.ax - car->DynGCg.pos.x;
		cy = corner->pos.ay - car->DynGCg.pos.y;

		car->blocked = 1;
		car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION;

		// Impact speed perpendicular to barrier (of corner).
		initDotProd = nx * corner->vel.x + ny * corner->vel.y;

		// Compute dmgDotProd (base value for later damage) with a heuristic.
		tdble absvel = MAX(1.0, sqrt(car->DynGCg.vel.x*car->DynGCg.vel.x + car->DynGCg.vel.y*car->DynGCg.vel.y));
		tdble GCgnormvel = car->DynGCg.vel.x*nx + car->DynGCg.vel.y*ny;
		tdble cosa = GCgnormvel/absvel;
		tdble dmgDotProd = GCgnormvel*cosa;

		dotProd = initDotProd * curBarrier->surface->kFriction;
		car->DynGCg.vel.x -= nx * dotProd;
		car->DynGCg.vel.y -= ny * dotProd;
		dotprod2 = (nx * cx + ny * cy);

		// Angular velocity change caused by friction of colliding car part with wall.
		static tdble VELSCALE = 10.0f;
		static tdble VELMAX = 6.0f;
		car->DynGCg.vel.az -= dotprod2 * dotProd / VELSCALE;
		if (fabs(car->DynGCg.vel.az) > VELMAX) {
			car->DynGCg.vel.az = SIGN(car->DynGCg.vel.az) * VELMAX;

		// Damage.
		dotProd = initDotProd;
		if (dotProd < 0.0f && (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0) {
			dmg = curBarrier->surface->kDammage * fabs(0.5*dmgDotProd*dmgDotProd) * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel];
			car->dammage += (int)dmg;
		} else {
			dmg = 0.0f;

		dotProd *= curBarrier->surface->kRebound;

		// If the car moves toward the barrier, rebound.
		if (dotProd < 0.0f) {
			car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_XYSCENE;
			car->normal.x = nx * dmg;
			car->normal.y = ny * dmg;
			car->collpos.x = corner->pos.ax;
			car->collpos.y = corner->pos.ay;
			car->DynGCg.vel.x -= nx * dotProd;
			car->DynGCg.vel.y -= ny * dotProd;
Пример #9
SimWheelUpdateRide(tCar *car, int index)
    tWheel *wheel = &(car->wheel[index]);
    tdble Zroad;

    /* compute suspension travel */
    RtTrackGlobal2Local(car->trkPos.seg, wheel->pos.x, wheel->pos.y, &(wheel->trkPos), TR_LPOS_SEGMENT);
    wheel->zRoad = Zroad = RtTrackHeightL(&(wheel->trkPos));

	tdble prexwheel = wheel->susp.x / wheel->susp.spring.bellcrank;

	tdble new_susp_x= prexwheel - wheel->rel_vel * SimDeltaTime;
    tdble max_extend;

    t3Dd normal;
    t3Dd rel_normal;
    // Find normal of track.
    RtTrackSurfaceNormalL(&(wheel->trkPos), &normal);
    wheel->normal = normal; 
		sgQuat Q;
		sgCopyQuat (Q, car->posQuat);
		sgPreRotQuat (Q, FLOAT_RAD2DEG(wheel->relPos.ax), 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		sgVec3 P = {normal.x, normal.y, normal.z};
		sgRotateVecQuat (P, Q);
		sg2t3 (P, rel_normal);
    tdble dZ = wheel->pos.z - Zroad;

    //NaiveRotate (d, angles, &d);
	int seg_id = ((int) ((tdble) N_THICKNESS_SEGMENTS *  (wheel->relPos.ay/(2*M_PI)))) % N_THICKNESS_SEGMENTS;
	if (seg_id<0) seg_id += N_THICKNESS_SEGMENTS;
	tdble adjRadius = wheel->radius + wheel->thickness[seg_id];
	tdble adjRadius = wheel->radius;
    if (rel_normal.z > MIN_NORMAL_Z) {		
		wheel->susp.fx = adjRadius - adjRadius/rel_normal.z;
		wheel->susp.fy = 0.0;
		//wheel->susp.x = wheel->rideHeight =
		max_extend = adjRadius + ((dZ)*normal.z - adjRadius)/rel_normal.z;
    } else {
		//wheel->susp.x = wheel->rideHeight = (wheel->pos.z - Zroad);
		//	wheel->susp.x = wheel->rideHeight = wheel->susp.spring.packers; 
		wheel->susp.fx = 0.0;
		wheel->state = wheel->state | SIM_SUSP_COMP;
		max_extend = 0.0;

	/* Note from Christos about the 'max_extend' variable set right above :
	   This variable's name a left-over from simuv2. It has a slightly extended use.
	   Perhaps the name should be changed.

	   In simuv2, when the suspension was fully compressed then the suspension reaction
	   was ignored, the car speed was set to be tangential to the track,
	   and the car height was set to be just above the track.

	   Now it basically signifies that the car is not a 'normal' regime, meaning either:
	   a) The suspension is maxed out, and perhaps the car is touching the ground.
	   b) The car has rolled over more than a certain amount.

	   In either case, the collision code is used to see how to react.
	   In the collision code, we check if the car is upright :
	   If the car is upright:
	   * If the car is not very low, then the simuv2 approach is used.
	   * If the car is under the track (beyond a margin) then damages are taken
	     and there is some friction.
	   If the car is not upright, then we use the collision code with the ground.

	   Now, this collision code with the ground (collidez) seems to be somewhat problematic,
	   but I do not know why. Virtually the same code is used for collisions with the walls,
	   and there the car behaves nicely.
	   Possibly there is a mixup with the frames of reference.
	wheel->rideHeight = max_extend;

    wheel->bump_force = 0.0; // force of the wheel bumping up into the frame
	if (max_extend < new_susp_x) {
		new_susp_x = max_extend;
		wheel->rel_vel = 0.0f;
	} else if (new_susp_x <= wheel->susp.spring.packers) {
        wheel->bump_force = wheel->mass * wheel->rel_vel / SimDeltaTime;
        wheel->susp.x = wheel->susp.spring.packers;
		wheel->rel_vel = 0.0f; 
	tdble prex = wheel->susp.x;
	wheel->susp.x = new_susp_x;

	wheel->relPos.az = wheel->steer + wheel->staticPos.az;
    // Transform from world to suspension FOR
    if (index % 2) {
		wheel->relPos.ax = -wheel->staticPos.ax;
    } else {
		wheel->relPos.ax =  wheel->staticPos.ax;

    wheel->relPos.ax += wheel->dynamic_camber*wheel->steer;
	if (car->options->alignment_damage && wheel->rotational_damage_x>0.0) {
		wheel->relPos.ax += wheel->rotational_damage_x*sin(wheel->relPos.ay + wheel->bent_damage_x);
		wheel->relPos.az += wheel->rotational_damage_z*cos(wheel->relPos.ay + wheel->bent_damage_z);

    //wheel->relPos.z = - wheel->susp.x / wheel->susp.spring.bellcrank + wheel->radius; /* center relative to GC */
    /* verify the suspension travel */
    //wheel->rideHeight = wheel->susp.x / wheel->susp.spring.bellcrank;
    if (index % 2) {
		wheel->relPos.ax -= wheel->susp.dynamic_angles.x;
    } else {
		wheel->relPos.ax += wheel->susp.dynamic_angles.x;

    wheel->susp.v = (prex - wheel->susp.x) / SimDeltaTime;
    /* update wheel brake */
    SimBrakeUpdate(car, wheel, &(wheel->brake));
Пример #10
SimCarCollideZ(tCar *car)
    int         i;
    t3Dd        car_normal;
    t3Dd        rel_car_normal;
    tdble       dotProd;
    tWheel      *wheel;
    tdble corner_factor = 0.9f; // how much to shrink the bounding box

    if (car->collide_timer < 10.0) {
        car->collide_timer += SimDeltaTime;

    if (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) {

    tdble energy_restitution = 0.99f;
    tdble E_prev = SimCarEnergy(car);
    bool collide = false;
    // Get normal N
    //RtTrackSurfaceNormalL(&(car->trkPos), &car_normal);
    car_normal = car->normal; // Use precalculated values

    // Get normal N_q in local coordinate system
    QuatInverseRotate(car_normal, car->posQuat, rel_car_normal);

    // Increment the upside down timer.  This can be used later to
    // remove cars that have been upside down for too long.
    if (rel_car_normal.z > 0) {
        car->upside_down_timer = 0.0f;
    } else {
        car->upside_down_timer += (float)(0.01*SimDeltaTime);

    tdble gc_height_difference = (float)MIN(0.0, car->DynGCg.pos.z - RtTrackHeightL(&(car->trkPos)));
    // Go through all corners and check for collision.
    tdble min_height_difference = (float)MIN(0.0, gc_height_difference);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        wheel = &(car->wheel[i]);
        // We only need to check for body collision with the floor if
        // the suspension is maximally compressed or the car is upside
        // down.
        for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
            t3Dd orig; // corner position in local coordinates
            t3Dd delta; // corner position in global coordinates
            t3Dd normal; // normal at corner position
            t3Dd rel_normal; // normal at corner position (local coords)
            tDynPt *corner = &(car->corner[i]);
            //if (rel_car_normal.z <= 0) {
            if (j==0) {
                // check top of car
                orig.x = corner->pos.x;
                orig.y = corner->pos.y;
                orig.z = car->dimension.z - car->statGC.z;
            } else {
                // check bottom of car
                orig.x = corner->pos.x;
                orig.y = corner->pos.y;
                orig.z = - car->statGC.z;
                /*if (!(wheel->state & SIM_SUSP_COMP)) {

            orig.x*= corner_factor;
            orig.y*= corner_factor;
            orig.z*= corner_factor;
            // get relative coordinates in global frame
            QuatRotate (orig, car->posQuat, delta);
            tTrkLocPos trkPos;
            //car->DynGCg.pos.x + orig.x,
            //car->DynGCg.pos.y + orig.y,
            //&trkPos, TR_LPOS_SEGMENT);
                                &trkPos, TR_LPOS_SEGMENT);
            tdble height_difference = car->DynGCg.pos.z + delta.z -  RtTrackHeightL(&trkPos);
            //printf ("%d %d %f %f %f\n", i, j, height_difference, car->statGC.z, car->DynGCg.pos.z -  RtTrackHeightL(&trkPos));
            if (height_difference > 0) {
            } else if (height_difference < min_height_difference) {
                min_height_difference = height_difference;

            // get the track normal n_g for the wheel
            //RtTrackSurfaceNormalL(&(wheel->trkPos), &normal);
		    normal = wheel->normal; 

            // transform it to local coordinates: n = q' n_g q
            QuatInverseRotate (normal, car->posQuat, rel_normal);

            // calculate the velocity of the corner
#if 1
            // option 1: just use the car velocity
            // this works fine when more than 1 corner hits at the same time
            tdble cvx = (car->DynGCg.vel.x);
            tdble cvy = (car->DynGCg.vel.y);
            tdble cvz = (car->DynGCg.vel.z);
            // option 2: add the hopefully correctly calculated corner velocity
            // to use this, the code must take special consideration
            // of multiple corner hits, or we can just update corner
            // velocity and position after every hit
            tdble cvx = corner->vel.x;
            tdble cvy = corner->vel.y;
            tdble cvz = corner->vel.z; // NOTE: this last one is an approximation, sadly
            // option 3: recalculate the velocity
            // TODO

            // c = K n'v,  v|n = cn
            dotProd = (cvx * normal.x
                       + cvy * normal.y
                       + cvz * normal.z); 
            if (dotProd < 0) {
                //tdble dotProd2 = 0.25*dotProd *car->mass / SimDeltaTime;
                tdble mu = 0.5;
                // normal
                tdble nx = normal.x;
                tdble ny = normal.y;
                tdble nz = normal.z;
                printf("CollideZ:  %d %d %f\n          N = (%f %f %f)\n", i, j, dotProd, nx, ny, nz);

                // veolcity projected to normal
                tdble vPx = nx * cvx;
                tdble vPy = ny * cvy;
                tdble vPz = nz * cvz;
                //tdble vP = sqrt(vPx*vPx + vPy*vPy + vPz*vPz);
                printf("           V = (%.2f %.2f %.2f) -(P)-> (%.2f %.2f %.2f)\n",
                       cvx, cvy, cvz,
                       vPx, vPy, vPz);
                // veolcity projected to tangent plane
                tdble vQx = cvx - vPx;
                tdble vQy = cvy - vPy;
                tdble vQz = cvz - vPz;
                tdble vQ =  sqrt(vQx*vQx + vQy*vQy + vQz*vQz);

                // v|n = n'v'n = cn
                // reaction force - by definition has the
                // same direction as the normal
                t3Dd forces;
                forces.x = - dotProd * nx;
                forces.y = - dotProd * ny;
                forces.z = - dotProd * nz;
                tdble dP3 = (float)(dotProd * mu / (0.001 + vQ));
                t3Dd friction;
                friction.x = vQx * dP3;
                friction.y = vQy * dP3;
                friction.z = vQz * dP3;
                printf ("        Fn= %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
                printf ("        Ff= %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
                // propagate damage to deformation
                //car->normal.x = nx * dmg;
                //car->normal.y = ny * dmg;
                //car->normal.z = nz * dmg;
                // change car physical state
                // TODO: duplicate code: fix
                // Calculate change in rotational momentum.
                // ----------------------------------------
                // Put the impulse in a 3d vector
                sgVec3 impulse = {(forces.x + friction.x),
                                  (forces.y + friction.y),
                                  forces.z + friction.z};
                printf ("        F = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
                // rotate it to the car's frame
                sgRotateVecQuat (impulse, car->posQuat);

                //tdble E_prev = SimCarEnergy(car);

                // add to local-frame speed
                car->DynGC.vel.x += impulse[SG_X];
                car->DynGC.vel.y += impulse[SG_Y];
                car->DynGC.vel.z += impulse[SG_Z];

                // Put the point of impact in a 3d vector
                sgVec3 v = {orig.x,


                printf ("        F' = %.2f %.2f %.2f @ %.2f %.2f %.2f (%.2f %.2f)\n",
                        v[SG_Z], orig.x, orig.y);
                // Calculate moments
                tdble Mx = + impulse[SG_Z] * v[SG_Y] - impulse[SG_Y] * v[SG_Z];
                tdble My = - impulse[SG_Z] * v[SG_X] + impulse[SG_X] * v[SG_Z];
                tdble Mz = - impulse[SG_X] * v[SG_Y] + impulse[SG_Y] * v[SG_X];
                // Add moments to rotational inertia
                tdble rot_mom_scale = 0.25f*car->mass;
                printf ("          J = (%f %f %f)\n",
                car->rot_mom[SG_X] -= rot_mom_scale * Mx;// * car->Iinv.x;
                car->rot_mom[SG_Y] -= rot_mom_scale * My;// * car->Iinv.y; 
                car->rot_mom[SG_Z] -= rot_mom_scale * Mz;// * car->Iinv.z; 
          for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
              if (fabs(car->rot_mom[i]) >500.0) {
                  //printf ("rot_mom: %f\n", (car->rot_mom[i]));
                    car->rot_mom[i] = (float)(250*SIGN(car->rot_mom[i]));
                printf ("          M = (%f %f %f), s = %f\n",
                        Mx, My, Mz, rot_mom_scale);
                printf ("       -> J = (%f %f %f)\n",

                // transform velocity to global frame
                if (1) {
                    t3Dd original;
                    t3Dd updated;
                    original.x = car->DynGC.vel.x;
                    original.y = car->DynGC.vel.y;
                    original.z = car->DynGC.vel.z;
                    QuatRotate(original, car->posQuat, updated);
                    car->DynGCg.vel.x = updated.x;
                    car->DynGCg.vel.y = updated.y;
                    car->DynGCg.vel.z = updated.z;
                    // Translate angular momentum to angular velocity
                    // NOTE: This translation is done again in SimCarAddAngularVelocity()
                    car->DynGCg.vel.ax = car->DynGC.vel.ax = -2.0f*car->rot_mom[SG_X] * car->Iinv.x;
                    car->DynGCg.vel.ay = car->DynGC.vel.ay = -2.0f*car->rot_mom[SG_Y] * car->Iinv.y;
                    car->DynGCg.vel.az = car->DynGC.vel.az = -2.0f*car->rot_mom[SG_Z] * car->Iinv.z;
                SimCarLimitEnergy(car, E_prev);
                collide = true;


            if (dotProd < 0) {
                // should be this way..
                if (dotProd <-5.0) {
                    // if it's hard, do a damage thing
                    static tdble WHEEL_ROT_DAMAGE = 0.001f;
                    static tdble WHEEL_BENT_DAMAGE = 0.01f;
                    static tdble WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT = 0.25f;
                    static tdble SUSP_DAMAGE_CONST = 1.0f;
                    static tdble SUSP_DAMAGE = 0.1f;
                    car->collision |= 16;
                    wheel->rotational_damage_x -= dotProd*WHEEL_ROT_DAMAGE*urandom();
                    wheel->rotational_damage_z -= dotProd*WHEEL_ROT_DAMAGE*urandom();
                    wheel->bent_damage_x += (float)(WHEEL_BENT_DAMAGE*(urandom()-0.5));
                    wheel->bent_damage_z += (float)(WHEEL_BENT_DAMAGE*(urandom()-0.5));
                    if (wheel->rotational_damage_x > WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT) {
                        wheel->rotational_damage_x = WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT;
                    if (wheel->rotational_damage_z > WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT) {
                        wheel->rotational_damage_z = WHEEL_DAMAGE_LIMIT;
                    if (car->options->suspension_damage) {
                        SimSuspDamage (&wheel->susp,
                                       SUSP_DAMAGE*dotProd + SUSP_DAMAGE_CONST);
                    car->collision |= 1;
                car->collision |= 1;
                car->collision |= 8;
                if (wheel->susp.state & SIM_SUSP_OVERCOMP) {
                    car->collision |= 1;
                if ((car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0) {
                    car->dammage += (int)(wheel->trkPos.seg->surface->kDammage * fabs(dotProd) * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel]);

        } // for j
        //if (wheel->state & SIM_SUSP_COMP) {
        //car->DynGCg.pos.z += wheel->susp.spring.packers - wheel->rideHeight;

    } // for i

    car->DynGCg.pos.z -= MIN(gc_height_difference, min_height_difference);
    gc_height_difference = car->DynGCg.pos.z - RtTrackHeightL(&(car->trkPos));
    if (gc_height_difference < 0) {
        car->DynGCg.pos.z -= gc_height_difference;
    } else if (gc_height_difference > 100) {
        car->DynGCg.pos.z = RtTrackHeightL(&(car->trkPos)) + 100;
        car->DynGCg.vel.x = car->DynGCg.vel.y = car->DynGCg.vel.z = 
            car->DynGC.vel.x = car->DynGC.vel.y = car->DynGC.vel.z = 0.0;
        // Translate angular momentum to angular velocity
        // NOTE: This translation is done again in SimCarAddAngularVelocity()
        car->DynGCg.vel.ax = car->DynGC.vel.ax = 
            car->DynGCg.vel.ay = car->DynGC.vel.ay = 
            car->DynGCg.vel.az = car->DynGC.vel.az = 0.0;
        car->rot_mom[0] = car->rot_mom[1] = car->rot_mom[2] = 0.0;
    car->DynGC.pos.z = car->DynGCg.pos.z;
    if (collide) {
        SimCarLimitEnergy(car, energy_restitution * E_prev);
        car->collide_timer = 0.0;
Пример #11
SimCarCollideXYScene(tCar *car)
    tTrackSeg   *seg = car->trkPos.seg;
    tTrkLocPos  trkpos;
    int         i;
    tDynPt      *corner;
    //t3Dd      normal;
    tdble       initDotProd;
    tdble       dotProd;
    tTrackBarrier *curBarrier;
    tdble       dmg;
    if (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) {

    tdble energy_restitution = 0.999f;

    corner = &(car->corner[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, corner++) {
        seg = car->trkPos.seg;
        RtTrackGlobal2Local(seg, corner->pos.ax, corner->pos.ay, &trkpos, TR_LPOS_TRACK);
        seg = trkpos.seg;
        tdble toSide;

        if (trkpos.toRight < 0.0) {
            // collision with right border.
            curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_RGT];
            toSide = trkpos.toRight;
        } else if (trkpos.toLeft < 0.0) {
            // collision with left border.
            curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_LFT];
            toSide = trkpos.toLeft;
        } else {

        const tdble& nx = curBarrier->normal.x;
        const tdble& ny = curBarrier->normal.y;
        t3Dd normal = {nx, ny, 0.0f};
        car->DynGCg.pos.x -= nx * toSide;
        car->DynGCg.pos.y -= ny * toSide;
        car->DynGC.pos.x = car->DynGCg.pos.x;
        car->DynGC.pos.y = car->DynGCg.pos.y;
        // Corner position relative to center of gravity.
        //tdble cx = corner->pos.ax - car->DynGCg.pos.x;
        //tdble cy = corner->pos.ay - car->DynGCg.pos.y;

        car->blocked = 1;
        car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION;

        // Impact speed perpendicular to barrier (of corner).
        initDotProd = nx * corner->vel.x + ny * corner->vel.y;
        //printf("%f = (%f %f)'(%f %f)\n", initDotProd, nx, ny, corner->vel.x, corner->vel.y);
        // Compute dmgDotProd (base value for later damage) with a heuristic.
        tdble absvel = (float)MAX(1.0, sqrt(car->DynGCg.vel.x*car->DynGCg.vel.x + car->DynGCg.vel.y*car->DynGCg.vel.y));
        tdble GCgnormvel = car->DynGCg.vel.x*nx + car->DynGCg.vel.y*ny;
        tdble cosa = GCgnormvel/absvel;
        tdble dmgDotProd = GCgnormvel*cosa;

        // veolcity projected to normal
        tdble vPx = nx * corner->vel.x;
        tdble vPy = ny * corner->vel.y;
        //tdble vP = sqrt(vPx*vPx + vPy*vPy);

        // veolcity projected to tangent plane
        tdble vQx = corner->vel.x - vPx;
        tdble vQy = corner->vel.y - vPy;
        tdble vQ = sqrt(vQx*vQx + vQy*vQy);

        // Fix this to be applied only perpendicular to the normal
        dotProd = initDotProd * curBarrier->surface->kFriction;

        // calculate projection of velocity to perpendicular

            // this is only used for propagating response to other layers
            sgVec3 normal_l; 
            tdble d2 = dotProd;
            t2sg3(normal, normal_l);
            sgRotateVecQuat (normal_l, car->posQuat);
            car->DynGC.acc.x -= normal_l[SG_X] * d2;
            car->DynGC.acc.y -= normal_l[SG_Y] * d2;
            car->carElt->_accel_x -= normal_l[SG_X] * d2;
            car->carElt->_accel_y -= normal_l[SG_Y] * d2;          

        // Dammage.
        dotProd = initDotProd;
        dmg = 0.0f;

        if (curBarrier->surface->kRebound > 1.0) {
            printf("warning: rebound constant %f > 1\n", curBarrier->surface->kRebound);
        } else {
            dotProd *=  curBarrier->surface->kRebound;
        // If the car moves toward the barrier, rebound.
        tdble normal_impulse_x = - nx * dotProd;
        tdble normal_impulse_y = - ny * dotProd;
        tdble dP3 = initDotProd * curBarrier->surface->kFriction / vQ;// could divide by vQ, but it's better (I think) to have it proportional to speed.
        tdble friction_impulse_x = vQx * dP3;
        tdble friction_impulse_y = vQy * dP3;
        if (dotProd < 0.0f) {
            //printf ("CollideXY\n");

            tdble E_prev = SimCarDynamicEnergy(car);

            // propagate damages
            if ((car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0) {
                dmgDotProd = (float)(dmgDotProd*dmgDotProd*0.5
                    + friction_impulse_x*friction_impulse_x
                    + friction_impulse_y*friction_impulse_y);
                dmg = curBarrier->surface->kDammage * dmgDotProd * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel];
                car->dammage += (int)dmg;
            car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_XYSCENE;
            car->normal.x = nx * dmg;
            car->normal.y = ny * dmg;
            car->collpos.x = corner->pos.ax;
            car->collpos.y = corner->pos.ay;

            //printf ("ColXY: (%f %f) + (%f %f)\n",
            //normal_impulse_x, normal_impulse_y,
            //friction_impulse_x, friction_impulse_y);

            // Calculate change in rotational momentum.
            // ----------------------------------------
            // Put the impulse in a 3d vector
            sgVec3 impulse = {normal_impulse_x + friction_impulse_x,
                              normal_impulse_y + friction_impulse_y,
            // rotate it to the target frame
            sgRotateVecQuat (impulse, car->posQuat);
            car->DynGC.vel.x += impulse[SG_X];
            car->DynGC.vel.y += impulse[SG_Y];
            car->DynGC.vel.z += impulse[SG_Z];

            // Put the point of impact in a 3d vector
            sgVec3 v = {car->statGC.x + corner->pos.x,
                        car->statGC.y + corner->pos.y,

            // Calculate moments
            tdble Mx = + impulse[SG_Z] * v[SG_Y] - impulse[SG_Y] * v[SG_Z];
            tdble My = - impulse[SG_Z] * v[SG_X] + impulse[SG_X] * v[SG_Z];
            tdble Mz = - impulse[SG_X] * v[SG_Y] + impulse[SG_Y] * v[SG_X];
            // Add moments to rotational inertia
            tdble rot_mom_scale = 0.25f*car->mass;// * SimDeltaTime;
            car->rot_mom[SG_X] -= rot_mom_scale * Mx;// * car->Iinv.x;
            car->rot_mom[SG_Y] -= rot_mom_scale * My;// * car->Iinv.y;
            car->rot_mom[SG_Z] -= rot_mom_scale * Mz; //* car->Iinv.z;
            //printf ("M_w:%f J:%f M_c:%g\n", car->rot_acc[SG_Z], car->rot_mom[SG_Z], rot_mom_scale * Mz);
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                if (fabs(car->rot_mom[i]) > 2000.0) {
                    //printf ("rot_mom: %f\n", (car->rot_mom[i]));
                    car->rot_mom[i] = (float)(2000*SIGN(car->rot_mom[i]));
            // transform velocity to global frame
            if (1) {
                t3Dd original;
                t3Dd updated;
                original.x = car->DynGC.vel.x;
                original.y = car->DynGC.vel.y;
                original.z = car->DynGC.vel.z;
                QuatRotate(original, car->posQuat, updated);
                car->DynGCg.vel.x = updated.x;
                car->DynGCg.vel.y = updated.y;
                car->DynGCg.vel.z = updated.z;
            SimCarLimitDynamicEnergy(car, energy_restitution*E_prev); 
#if 0
        static tdble DEFORMATION_THRESHOLD = 0.01f;
        if (car->options->aero_damage
            || sgLengthVec3(force) > DEFORMATION_THRESHOLD) {
            sgVec3 poc;
            poc[0] = corner->pos.x;
            poc[1] = corner->pos.y;
            poc[2] = (urandom()-0.5)*2.0;
            sgRotateVecQuat (force, car->posQuat);
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            // just compute values, gr does deformation later.
            // must average position and add up force.
            SimCarCollideAddDeformation(car, poc, force);

            // add aero damage if applicable
            if (car->options->aero_damage) {
                SimAeroDamage (car, poc, sgLengthVec3(force));