Пример #1
void HitRectSur::Ellipse2(const float centerx, const float centery, const int radius)
   if (m_fFailedAlready)

   const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);

   const int circleleft = ix - radius;
   const int circletop = iy - radius;
   const int circleright = ix + radius;
   const int circlebottom = iy + radius;

   const int left = SCALEXf(m_rcRect.left);
   const int top = SCALEYf(m_rcRect.top);
   const int right = SCALEXf(m_rcRect.right);
   const int bottom = SCALEYf(m_rcRect.bottom);

   if (circleleft < left || circletop < top || circleright > right || circlebottom > bottom)
Пример #2
void HitSur::Rectangle(const float x, const float y, const float x2, float y2)
	if (m_pcur == NULL)

	int ix = SCALEXf(x);
	int iy = SCALEYf(y);
	int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
	int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

	if (ix > ix2)
		const int temp = ix;
		ix = ix2;
		ix2 = temp;

	if (iy > iy2)
		const int temp = iy;
		iy = iy2;
		iy2 = temp;

	if (m_hitx >= ix && m_hitx <= ix2 && m_hity >= iy && m_hity <= iy2)
		m_pselected = m_pcur;
Пример #3
void ShadowSur::Image(const float x, const float y, const float x2, const float y2, HDC hdcSrc, const int width, const int height)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
	const int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
	const int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

	StretchBlt(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2-ix, iy2-iy, hdcSrc, 0, 0, width, height, SRCCOPY);
Пример #4
void ShadowSur::Rectangle(const float x, const float y, const float x2, float y2)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
	const int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
	const int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

	::Rectangle(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2, iy2);
Пример #5
void PaintSur::Image(const float x, const float y, const float x2, const float y2, HDC hdcSrc, const int width, const int height)
   const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
   const int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
   const int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

   SetStretchBltMode(m_hdc, HALFTONE); // somehow enables filtering
   StretchBlt(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2 - ix, iy2 - iy, hdcSrc, 0, 0, width, height, SRCCOPY);
Пример #6
void PaintSur::Rectangle(const float x, const float y, const float x2, float y2)
   const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
   const int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
   const int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbr);
   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnOutline);

   ::Rectangle(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2, iy2);
Пример #7
void ShadowSur::Line(const float x, const float y, const float x2, const float y2)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
	const int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
	const int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnLine);

	::MoveToEx(m_hdc, ix, iy, NULL);
	::LineTo(m_hdc, ix2, iy2);
Пример #8
void PaintSur::Line(const float x, const float y, const float x2, const float y2)
   const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
   const int ix2 = SCALEXf(x2);
   const int iy2 = SCALEYf(y2);

   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnLine);

   ::MoveToEx(m_hdc, ix, iy, NULL);
   ::LineTo(m_hdc, ix2, iy2);
   ::LineTo(m_hdc, ix, iy); // To get the last pixel drawn //!! meh
Пример #9
// copy-pasted from above
void HitSur::Polygon(const std::vector<RenderVertex> &rgv)
	if (m_pcur == NULL)

	int x1 = SCALEXf(rgv[rgv.size()-1].x);
	int y1 = SCALEYf(rgv[rgv.size()-1].y);
	bool hx1 = (m_hitx >= x1);
	bool hy1 = (m_hity > y1);
	int crosscount=0;	// count of lines which the hit point is to the left of
	for (unsigned i=0;i<rgv.size();++i)
		const int x2 = x1;
		const int y2 = y1;
		const bool hx2 = hx1;
		const bool hy2 = hy1;
		x1 = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x);
		y1 = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y);
		hx1 = (m_hitx >= x1);
		hy1 = (m_hity > y1);

		if ((y1==y2) ||
		    (!hy1 && !hy2) || (hy1 && hy2) || // if out of y range, forget about this segment
			(hx1 && hx2)) // Hit point is on the right of the line
		if (!hx1 && !hx2)

		if (x2 == x1)
			if (!hx2)
		// Now the hard part - the hit point is in the line bounding box
		if (x2 - (y2 - m_hity)*(x1 - x2)/(y1 - y2) > m_hitx)
	if (crosscount & 1)
		m_pselected = m_pcur;
Пример #10
void ShadowSur::Arc(const float x, const float y, const float radius, const float pt1x, const float pt1y, const float pt2x, const float pt2y)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(x);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(y);
	const int ir = SCALEDf(radius);

	const int x1 = SCALEXf(pt1x);
	const int y1 = SCALEYf(pt1y);
	const int x2 = SCALEXf(pt2x);
	const int y2 = SCALEYf(pt2y);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnLine);

	::Arc(m_hdc, ix-ir, iy-ir, ix+ir, iy+ir, x1, y1, x2, y2);
Пример #11
void HitSur::Line(const float x, const float y, const float x2, const float y2)
	if (m_pcur == NULL)

	const int x_1 = SCALEXf(x);
	const int y_1 = SCALEYf(y);
	const int x_2 = SCALEXf(x2);
	const int y_2 = SCALEYf(y2);

	if (abs(x_2-x_1) > abs(y_2-y_1))
		int lineY = m_hity+4;
		if (x_1>x_2)
			if (m_hitx>=x_2 && m_hitx<=x_1)
				lineY = ((y_1-y_2)*(m_hitx-x_2))/(x_1-x_2) + y_2;
			if (m_hitx>=x_1 && m_hitx<=x_2)
				lineY = ((y_2-y_1)*(m_hitx-x_1))/(x_2-x_1) + y_1;

		if (m_hity+4>lineY && m_hity<lineY+4)
			m_pselected = m_pcur;
	else if (abs(x_2-x_1) < abs(y_2-y_1))

		int lineX = m_hitx+4;
		if (y_1>y_2)
			if (m_hity>=y_2 && m_hity<=y_1)
				lineX = ((x_1-x_2)*(m_hity-y_2))/(y_1-y_2) + x_2;
			if (m_hity>=y_1 && m_hity<=y_2)
				lineX = ((x_2-x_1)*(m_hity-y_1))/(y_2-y_1) + x_1;

		if (m_hitx+4>lineX && m_hitx<lineX+4)	
			m_pselected = m_pcur;
Пример #12
void ShadowSur::PolygonSkew(const Vector<RenderVertex> &rgv, const float z1, const float z2) const
	const int basepixel = SCALEXf(m_z);
	const int top = SCALEXf(z2) - basepixel;

	if (top <= 0)
		return; //This entire polygon is underneath this shadow level

	int bottom = SCALEXf(z1) - basepixel;
	if (bottom < 0)
		bottom = 0; // Polygon crosses shadow level

	const int count = rgv.Size();
	POINT * const rgpt = new POINT[count];

	for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
		rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv.ElementAt(i)->x);
		rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv.ElementAt(i)->y);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	for (int i=bottom;i<top;i++)
		//SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, i, -i, NULL);
		SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, (int)((float)i*m_shadowDirX), (int)((float)i*m_shadowDirY), NULL);
		::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt, count);

	delete [] rgpt;

	SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
Пример #13
// copy-pasted from above
void PaintSur::Polygon(const std::vector<RenderVertex> &rgv)
   std::vector<POINT> rgpt(rgv.size());

   for (size_t i = 0; i < rgv.size(); i++)
      rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x);
      rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y);

   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbr);
   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnOutline);

   ::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt.data(), (int)rgv.size());

   if (rgv.size() == 4)
      POINT pnt;
      ::MoveToEx(m_hdc, rgpt[0].x, rgpt[0].y, &pnt);
      ::LineTo(m_hdc, rgpt[2].x, rgpt[2].y);
      ::MoveToEx(m_hdc, rgpt[1].x, rgpt[1].y, NULL);
      ::LineTo(m_hdc, rgpt[3].x, rgpt[3].y);
      ::MoveToEx(m_hdc, pnt.x, pnt.y, NULL);
Пример #14
void ShadowSur::EllipseSkew(const float centerx, const float centery, const float radius, const float z1, const float z2) const
	const int basepixel = SCALEXf(m_z);
	const int top = SCALEXf(z2) - basepixel;

	if (top <= 0)
		return; //This entire polygon is underneath this shadow level

	int bottom = SCALEXf(z1) - basepixel;
	if (bottom < 0)
		bottom = 0; // Polygon crosses shadow level

	const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);
	const int ir = SCALEDf(radius);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	for (int i=bottom;i<top;i++)
		//SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, i, -i, NULL);
		SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, (int)((float)i*m_shadowDirX), (int)((float)i*m_shadowDirY), NULL);
		::Ellipse(m_hdc, ix - ir, iy - ir, ix + ir, iy + ir);

	SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
Пример #15
void ShadowSur::PolylineSkew(const Vertex2D * const rgv, const int count, const float * const rgz, const float z1, const float z2) const
	//const int basepixel = SCALEXf(m_z);
	//const int bottom = SCALEX(z1) - basepixel;
	//const int top = SCALEX(z2) - basepixel;

	POINT * const rgpt = new POINT[count];

	int cpoints = 0; // points above the shadow level

	if (rgz)
		for (int i=0;i<count;++i)
			if (rgz[i] > m_z)
				rgpt[cpoints].x = SCALEXf(rgv[cpoints].x + rgz[cpoints]);
				rgpt[cpoints].y = SCALEYf(rgv[cpoints].y - rgz[cpoints]);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnLine);

	for (int i=0;i<1;++i)
		//SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, i, -i, NULL);
		SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, (int)((float)i*m_shadowDirX), (int)((float)i*m_shadowDirY), NULL);

		::Polyline(m_hdc, rgpt, cpoints);

	delete [] rgpt;

	SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
Пример #16
void PaintSur::PolygonImage(const std::vector<RenderVertex> &rgv, HBITMAP hbm, const float left, const float top, const float right, const float bottom, const int bitmapwidth, const int bitmapheight)
   const int ix = SCALEXf(left);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(top);
   const int ix2 = SCALEXf(right);
   const int iy2 = SCALEYf(bottom);

   const HDC hdcNew = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hdc);
   const HBITMAP hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdcNew, hbm);

   std::vector<POINT> rgpt(rgv.size());
   for (size_t i = 0; i < rgv.size(); i++)
      rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x);
      rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y);

   if (GetWinVersion() >= 2600) // For everything newer than Windows XP: use the alpha in the bitmap (RGB needs to be premultiplied with alpha, too, then! see CopyTo_ConvertAlpha())
      const HRGN hrgn = CreatePolygonRgn(rgpt.data(), (int)rgv.size(), WINDING);
      SelectClipRgn(m_hdc, hrgn);

      const BLENDFUNCTION blendf = { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA };
      AlphaBlend(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2 - ix, iy2 - iy, hdcNew, 0, 0, bitmapwidth, bitmapheight, blendf);

      SelectClipRgn(m_hdc, NULL);
   else // do XOR trick for masking (draw image, draw black polygon, draw image again, and the XOR will do an implicit mask op)
      SetStretchBltMode(m_hdc, HALFTONE); // somehow enables filtering
      StretchBlt(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2 - ix, iy2 - iy, hdcNew, 0, 0, bitmapwidth, bitmapheight, SRCINVERT);

      SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
      SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));

      ::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt.data(), (int)rgv.size());

      SetStretchBltMode(m_hdc, HALFTONE); // somehow enables filtering
      StretchBlt(m_hdc, ix, iy, ix2 - ix, iy2 - iy, hdcNew, 0, 0, bitmapwidth, bitmapheight, SRCINVERT);

   SelectObject(hdcNew, hbmOld);
Пример #17
void ShadowSur::Ellipse2(const float centerx, const float centery, const int radius)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	::Ellipse(m_hdc, ix - radius, iy - radius, ix + radius + 1, iy + radius + 1);
Пример #18
void PaintSur::Ellipse(float centerx, float centery, float radius)
   const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);
   const int ir = SCALEDf(radius);

   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbr);
   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnOutline);

   ::Ellipse(m_hdc, ix - ir, iy - ir, ix + ir, iy + ir);
Пример #19
void ShadowSur::Ellipse(const float centerx, const float centery, const float radius)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);
	const int ir = SCALEDf(radius);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	::Ellipse(m_hdc, ix - ir, iy - ir, ix + ir, iy + ir);
Пример #20
void PaintSur::Ellipse2(const float centerx, const float centery, const int radius)
   const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
   const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);
   const int ir = radius;

   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbr);
   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnOutline);

   ::Ellipse(m_hdc, ix - ir, iy - ir, ix + ir + 1, iy + ir + 1);
Пример #21
void ShadowSur::EllipseImage(const float centerx, const float centery, const float radius, HBITMAP hbm, const float left, const float top, const float right, const float bottom, const int bitmapwidth, const int bitmapheight)
	const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);
	const int ir = SCALEDf(radius);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	::Ellipse(m_hdc, ix - ir, iy - ir, ix + ir, iy + ir);
Пример #22
void PaintSur::Polygon(const Vertex2D * const rgv, const int count)
   std::vector<POINT> rgpt(count);

   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x);
      rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y);

   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hbr);
   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnOutline);

   ::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt.data(), count);
Пример #23
void ShadowSur::Polyline(const Vertex2D * const rgv, const int count)
	POINT * const rgpt = new POINT[count];

	for (int i=0;i<count;++i)
		rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x);
		rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnLine);

	::Polyline(m_hdc, rgpt, count);

	delete [] rgpt;
Пример #24
void ShadowSur::Polygon(const Vertex2D * const rgv, const int count)
	POINT * const rgpt = new POINT[count];

	for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
		rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x);
		rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt, count);

	delete [] rgpt;
Пример #25
// copy-pasted from above
void ShadowSur::Polygon(const Vector<RenderVertex> &rgv)
	POINT * const rgpt = new POINT[rgv.Size()];

	for (int i=0;i<rgv.Size();i++)
		rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv.ElementAt(i)->x);
		rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv.ElementAt(i)->y);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt, rgv.Size());

	delete [] rgpt;
Пример #26
void HitSur::Ellipse(const float centerx, const float centery, const float radius)
	if (m_pcur == NULL)

	const int ix = SCALEXf(centerx);
	const int iy = SCALEYf(centery);
	const int ir = SCALEDf(radius);

	const int dx = m_hitx - ix;
	const int dy = m_hity - iy;
	const int dist = dx*dx + dy*dy;

	if (dist <= ir*ir)
		m_pselected = m_pcur;
Пример #27
void ShadowSur::PolygonSkew(const Vertex2D * const rgv, const int count, const float * const rgz) const
	POINT * const rgpt = new POINT[count];

	for (int i=0;i<count;i++)
		rgpt[i].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i].x + rgz[i]);
		rgpt[i].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i].y - rgz[i]);

	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
	SelectObject(m_hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

	SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
	::Polygon(m_hdc, rgpt, count);

	delete [] rgpt;

	SetViewportOrgEx(m_hdc, 0, 0, NULL);
Пример #28
void PaintSur::Polyline(const Vertex2D * const rgv, const int count)
   SelectObject(m_hdc, m_hpnLine);

    * There seems to be a known GDI bug where drawing very large polylines in one
    * call freezes the system shortly, so we batch them into groups of MAX_SUR_PT_CACHE.

   for (int i = 0; i < count; i += MAX_SUR_PT_CACHE)
      const int batchSize = std::min(count - i, MAX_SUR_PT_CACHE + 1);

      for (int i2 = 0; i2 < batchSize; i2++)
         m_ptCache[i2].x = SCALEXf(rgv[i + i2].x);
         m_ptCache[i2].y = SCALEYf(rgv[i + i2].y);

      ::Polyline(m_hdc, m_ptCache, batchSize);