Пример #1
PRIVATE ScriptLineCond * _CondBuildTree(CondDatStack & condStack)
	//there should at least be one item
	if(condStack.size() == 0) return 0;

	ScriptLineCond *newCond = (ScriptLineCond *)SCRIPT_MALLOC(sizeof(ScriptLineCond));

	if(!newCond) { ASSERT_MSG(0, "Unable to allocate new script line condition!", "_CondBuildTree"); return 0; }

	//pop first item
	newCond->dat = *condStack.begin();

	//check if var.paramVarType != eVarNULL
	if(newCond->dat.var.paramVarType != eVarNULL)
		newCond->dat.condTest = eCONDTSTNONE;
		return newCond;

	//build up the branching conditions
	newCond->right = _CondBuildTree(condStack);
	newCond->left  = _CondBuildTree(condStack);

	return newCond;
Пример #2
// Name:	ScriptVarCreate
// Purpose:	create a variable from file
// Output:	variable added to global list
//			if bGlobal == true
// Return:	new variable
PROTECTED hVAR ScriptVarCreate(void *owner, FILE *fp, const ScriptInd & sInd, bool bGlobal)
	hVAR newVar = (hVAR)SCRIPT_MALLOC(sizeof(Variable));

	if(!newVar) { ASSERT_MSG(0, "Unable to allocate new variable!", "ScriptVarCreate"); return 0; }

	//set type
	newVar->type = sInd;

	//get name from file
	ParserReadWordFile(fp, newVar->name, MAXCHARNAME, 0);

	if(ScriptVarCall(owner, newVar, VAR_CREATE, 0, 0) != RETCODE_SUCCESS)
	{ ASSERT_MSG(0, "Error initializing new variable!", "ScriptVarCreate"); ScriptVarDestroy(owner, &newVar); return 0; }

	//add to global if bGlobal is true

	return newVar;
Пример #3
// Name:	ScriptLineCreate
// Purpose:	creates a script line
//			depending on initType:
//			func call -> sInd -> function type call
//			var set   -> sInd.ind -> variable index in variables, also uses bGlobal
//			condition -> sInd.ind -> (eCondition)
// Output:	
// Return:	
PROTECTED ScriptLine * ScriptLineCreate(void			*owner, 
										FILE			*fp, 
										VarPtrArray		*variables,
										const ScriptInd & sInd,
										bool			bGlobal,
										eScriptLineInit initType)
	ScriptLine *newScriptLine = (ScriptLine *)SCRIPT_MALLOC(sizeof(ScriptLine));

	if(!newScriptLine) { ASSERT_MSG(0, "Unable to allocate new script line!", "ScriptLineCreate"); return 0; }

	//do something depending on init type
	case eScriptLine_Function:
			//initialize function
			newScriptLine->func = ScriptFuncCreate(owner, sInd); assert(newScriptLine->func);

			//create parameters
			newScriptLine->params = new ParamArray; assert(newScriptLine->params);

			//get parameters
			char *buff;
			int buffSize;

			if(ParserCountStringFile(fp, &buffSize, '(', ')') != RETCODE_ENDREACHED)
			{ ASSERT_MSG(0, "Error reading parameters", "ScriptLineCreate"); ScriptLineDestroy(owner, &newScriptLine); return 0; }

			buff = (char*)SCRIPT_MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(buffSize+1));

			ParserReadStringFile(fp, buff, buffSize+1, '(', ')');

			//now parse the buffer containing stuff inside '(...)'
			//insert them in param
			ScriptInd fInd = ScriptFuncGetTypeInd(newScriptLine->func);

			ScriptParamParseBuff(buff, variables,
				&SCRIPT_FUNCTYPE(fInd.ascii, fInd.ind).funcParam,

	case eScriptLine_VarSet:
			//set var ind
			newScriptLine->var.bGlobal = bGlobal;
			newScriptLine->var.dat._varInd = sInd.ind;
			newScriptLine->var.paramVarType = eVarPtr;

			//get the variable
			hVAR var = bGlobal ? ScriptTeaseGetGlobalVar(sInd.ind) : ScriptGetVar(sInd.ind, variables);

			assert(var); //this can't be null!

			//create parameters
			newScriptLine->params = new ParamArray; assert(newScriptLine->params);

			//get parameters
			char *buff;
			int buffSize;

			if(ParserCountStringFile(fp, &buffSize, '(', ')') != RETCODE_ENDREACHED)
			{ ASSERT_MSG(0, "Error reading parameters", "ScriptLineCreate"); ScriptLineDestroy(owner, &newScriptLine); return 0; }

			buff = (char*)SCRIPT_MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(buffSize+1));

			ParserReadStringFile(fp, buff, buffSize+1, '(', ')');

			//now parse the buffer containing stuff inside '(...)'
			//insert them in param
			ScriptInd vInd = ScriptVarGetTypeInd(var);

			ScriptParamParseBuff(buff, variables,
				&SCRIPT_VARTYPE(vInd.ascii, vInd.ind).funcParam,

	case eScriptLine_Condition:
		//extra precaution...
		newScriptLine->func = 0;
		newScriptLine->var.paramVarType = eVarNULL;

		//intialize some stuff
		newScriptLine->curSubLine = -1; //this is so that we only check the condition
		newScriptLine->prevRet    = SCRIPTLINERET_DONE;

		//create script condition
		newScriptLine->condition = (eCondition)sInd.ind;

		//create conditions
		if(newScriptLine->condition != eCondNone 
			&& newScriptLine->condition != eElse)
			//get conditions tests, eg: if (...)
			char *buff;
			int buffSize;

			if(ParserCountStringFile(fp, &buffSize, '(', ')') != RETCODE_ENDREACHED)
			{ ASSERT_MSG(0, "Error reading parameters", "ScriptLineCreate"); ScriptLineDestroy(owner, &newScriptLine); return 0; }

			buff = (char*)SCRIPT_MALLOC(sizeof(char)*(buffSize+1));

			ParserReadStringFile(fp, buff, buffSize+1, '(', ')');

			newScriptLine->condDat = ScriptCondCreate(buff, variables);


		//allocate the sub lines
		newScriptLine->subLines = new ScriptLinePtrArray; assert(newScriptLine->subLines);

		//now get the sub lines inside the condition
		if(ScriptParseFile(owner, fp, variables, newScriptLine->subLines, "{", "}") != RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		{ ScriptLineDestroy(owner, &newScriptLine); return 0; }


	return newScriptLine;
Пример #4
 * init script
int __init script_init(void)
    int     i, j, count;

    script_origin_head_t        *script_hdr = __va(SYS_CONFIG_MEMBASE);

    script_origin_main_key_t    *origin_main;
    script_origin_sub_key_t     *origin_sub;

    script_main_key_t           *main_key;
    script_sub_key_t            *sub_key, *tmp_sub, swap_sub;

    script_item_u               *sub_val, *tmp_val, swap_val, *pval_temp;

    printk("%s enter!\n", __func__);
    if(!script_hdr) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "script buffer is NULL!\n");
        return -1;

    /* alloc memory for main keys */
    g_script = SCRIPT_MALLOC(script_hdr->main_cnt*sizeof(script_main_key_t));
    if(!g_script) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "try to alloc memory for main keys!\n");
        return -1;

    origin_main = &script_hdr->main_key;
    for(i=0; i<script_hdr->main_cnt; i++) {
        main_key = &g_script[i];

        /* copy main key name */
        strncpy(main_key->name, origin_main[i].name, SCRIPT_NAME_SIZE_MAX);
        /* calculate hash value */
        main_key->hash = hash(main_key->name);

	if (origin_main[i].sub_cnt == 0) {
		/* this mainkey have no subkey, skip subkey initialize */
		main_key->subkey = NULL;
		main_key->subkey_val = NULL;
		count = 0;
		goto next_mainkey;
        /* allock memory for sub-keys */
        main_key->subkey = SCRIPT_MALLOC(origin_main[i].sub_cnt*sizeof(script_sub_key_t));
        main_key->subkey_val = SCRIPT_MALLOC(origin_main[i].sub_cnt*sizeof(script_item_u));
        if(!main_key->subkey || !main_key->subkey_val) {
            printk(KERN_ERR "try alloc memory for sub keys failed!\n");
            goto err_out;

        sub_key = main_key->subkey;
        sub_val = main_key->subkey_val;
        origin_sub = (script_origin_sub_key_t *)((unsigned int)script_hdr + (origin_main[i].offset<<2));

        /* process sub keys */
        for(j=0; j<origin_main[i].sub_cnt; j++) {
            strncpy(sub_key[j].name, origin_sub[j].name, SCRIPT_NAME_SIZE_MAX);
            sub_key[j].hash = hash(sub_key[j].name);
            sub_key[j].type = (script_item_value_type_e)origin_sub[j].pattern.type;
            sub_key[j].value = &sub_val[j];
            if(origin_sub[j].pattern.type == SCIRPT_PARSER_VALUE_TYPE_SINGLE_WORD) {
                sub_val[j].val = *(int *)((unsigned int)script_hdr + (origin_sub[j].offset<<2));
                sub_key[j].type = SCIRPT_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_INT;
            } else if(origin_sub[j].pattern.type == SCIRPT_PARSER_VALUE_TYPE_STRING) {
                sub_val[j].str = SCRIPT_MALLOC((origin_sub[j].pattern.cnt<<2) + 1);
                memcpy(sub_val[j].str, (char *)((unsigned int)script_hdr + (origin_sub[j].offset<<2)), origin_sub[j].pattern.cnt<<2);
                sub_key[j].type = SCIRPT_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR;
            } else if(origin_sub[j].pattern.type == SCIRPT_PARSER_VALUE_TYPE_GPIO_WORD) {
                script_origin_gpio_t    *origin_gpio = (script_origin_gpio_t *)((unsigned int)script_hdr + (origin_sub[j].offset<<2) - 32);
		u32 gpio_tmp = port_to_index(origin_gpio->port, origin_gpio->port_num);

		if(GPIO_INDEX_INVALID == gpio_tmp)
			printk(KERN_ERR "%s:%s->%s gpio cfg invalid, please check sys_config.fex!\n",__func__,main_key->name,sub_key[j].name);
                sub_val[j].gpio.gpio = gpio_tmp;
                sub_val[j].gpio.mul_sel = (u32)origin_gpio->mul_sel;
                sub_val[j].gpio.pull = (u32)origin_gpio->pull;
                sub_val[j].gpio.drv_level = (u32)origin_gpio->drv_level;
		sub_val[j].gpio.data = (u32)origin_gpio->data;
                sub_key[j].type = SCIRPT_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_PIO;
            } else {
                sub_key[j].type = SCIRPT_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_INVALID;

        /* process gpios */
        tmp_sub = main_key->subkey;
        tmp_val = main_key->subkey_val;
        count = 0;
        for(j=0; j<origin_main[i].sub_cnt; j++) {
            if(sub_key[j].type == SCIRPT_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_PIO) {
                /* swap sub key */
                swap_sub = *tmp_sub;
                *tmp_sub = sub_key[j];
                sub_key[j] = swap_sub;
		/* swap sub key value ptr */
		pval_temp = tmp_sub->value;
		tmp_sub->value = sub_key[j].value;
		sub_key[j].value = pval_temp;
                /* swap key value */
                swap_val = *tmp_val;
                *tmp_val = main_key->subkey_val[j];
                main_key->subkey_val[j] = swap_val;

        /* process sub key link */
        for(j=0; j<origin_main[i].sub_cnt-1; j++) {
            main_key->subkey[j].next = &main_key->subkey[j+1];
        /* set gpio infermation */
        main_key->gpio = main_key->subkey_val;
        main_key->gpio_cnt = count;
	main_key->next = &g_script[i+1];
    g_script[script_hdr->main_cnt-1].next = 0;

    /* dump all the item */
    printk("%s exit!\n", __func__);
    return 0;


    /* script init failed, release resource */
    printk(KERN_ERR "init sys_config script failed!\n");
    if(g_script) {
        for(i=0; i<script_hdr->main_cnt; i++) {
            main_key = &g_script[i];
            origin_sub = (script_origin_sub_key_t *)((unsigned int)script_hdr + (origin_main[i].offset<<2));

            if(main_key->subkey_val) {
                for(j=0; j<origin_main[i].sub_cnt; j++) {
                    if(main_key->subkey[j].type == SCIRPT_ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR) {
                        if (main_key->subkey_val[j].str) {
				SCRIPT_FREE(main_key->subkey_val[j].str, (origin_sub[j].pattern.cnt<<2) + 1);
                SCRIPT_FREE(main_key->subkey_val, sizeof(script_item_u));

            if(main_key->subkey) {
                SCRIPT_FREE(main_key->subkey, sizeof(script_sub_key_t));

        SCRIPT_FREE(g_script, script_hdr->main_cnt*sizeof(script_main_key_t));
        g_script = 0;

    return -1;