Пример #1
void SCR_RSShot_f (void) 
	int     	x, y;
	unsigned char	*src, *dest;
	char		pcxname[80];
#if 0
        int		i;
	char		checkname[MAX_OSPATH];
	unsigned char		*newbuf; //, *srcbuf;
//	int srcrowbytes;
	int w, h;
	int dx, dy, dex, dey, nx;
	int r, b, g;
	int count;
	float fracw, frach;
	char st[80];
	time_t now;

	if (CL_IsUploading())
		return; // already one pending

	if (cls.state < ca_onserver)
		return; // gotta be connected

	if (!scr_allowsnap.value) {
		MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
		SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, "snap\n");
		Con_Printf("Refusing remote screen shot request.\n");

	Con_Printf("Remote screen shot requested.\n");

#if 0
// find a file name to save it to 
	for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++) 
		pcxname[6] = i/10 + '0'; 
		pcxname[7] = i%10 + '0'; 
#if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (MACOSX)
		snprintf (checkname, MAX_OSPATH, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
		sprintf (checkname, "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
#endif /* __APPLE__ || MACOSX */
		if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1)
			break;	// file doesn't exist
	if (i==100) 
		Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX"); 
// save the pcx file 
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();	// enable direct drawing of console to back
									//  buffer

	w = (vid.width < RSSHOT_WIDTH) ? vid.width : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	h = (vid.height < RSSHOT_HEIGHT) ? vid.height : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	fracw = (float)vid.width / (float)w;
	frach = (float)vid.height / (float)h;

	newbuf = malloc(w*h);

	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		dest = newbuf + (w * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			r = g = b = 0;

			dx = x * fracw;
			dex = (x + 1) * fracw;
			if (dex == dx) dex++; // at least one
			dy = y * frach;
			dey = (y + 1) * frach;
			if (dey == dy) dey++; // at least one

			count = 0;
			for (/* */; dy < dey; dy++) {
				src = vid.buffer + (vid.rowbytes * dy) + dx;
				for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) {
					r += host_basepal[*src * 3];
					g += host_basepal[*src * 3+1];
					b += host_basepal[*src * 3+2];
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = MipColor(r, g, b);

	strcpy(st, ctime(&now));
	st[strlen(st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - ((int) strlen(st))*8, 0, w);

	strncpy(st, cls.servername, sizeof(st));
	st[sizeof(st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - ((int) strlen(st))*8, 10, w);

	strncpy(st, name.string, sizeof(st));
	st[sizeof(st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - ((int) strlen(st))*8, 20, w);

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true);


	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();	// for adapters that can't stay mapped in
									//  for linear writes all the time

//	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	Con_Printf ("Sending shot to server...\n");
Пример #2
SCR_RSShot_f (void)
	int         x, y;
	unsigned char *src, *dest;
	char        pcxname[80];
	unsigned char *newbuf;
	int         w, h;
	int         dx, dy, dex, dey, nx;
	int         r, b, g;
	int         count;
	float       fracw, frach;
	char        st[80];
	time_t      now;

	if (CL_IsUploading ())
		return;							// already one pending

	if (cls.state < ca_onserver)
		return;							// gotta be connected

	Con_Printf ("Remote screen shot requested.\n");

	snprintf (pcxname, sizeof (pcxname), "rss.pcx");

	// save the pcx file 
	D_EnableBackBufferAccess ();		// enable direct drawing of console
	// to back
	// buffer

	w = (vid.width < RSSHOT_WIDTH) ? vid.width : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	h = (vid.height < RSSHOT_HEIGHT) ? vid.height : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	fracw = (float) vid.width / (float) w;
	frach = (float) vid.height / (float) h;

	newbuf = calloc (1, w * h);

	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		dest = newbuf + (w * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			r = g = b = 0;

			dx = x * fracw;
			dex = (x + 1) * fracw;
			if (dex == dx)
				dex++;					// at least one
			dy = y * frach;
			dey = (y + 1) * frach;
			if (dey == dy)
				dey++;					// at least one

			count = 0;
			for ( /* */ ; dy < dey; dy++) {
				src = vid.buffer + (vid.rowbytes * dy) + dx;
				for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) {
					r += host_basepal[*src * 3];
					g += host_basepal[*src * 3 + 1];
					b += host_basepal[*src * 3 + 2];
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = MipColor (r, g, b);

	time (&now);
	strcpy (st, ctime (&now));
	st[strlen (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, 0, w);

	strncpy (st, cls.servername, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, 10, w);

	strncpy (st, name->string, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, 20, w);

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true, false);

	free (newbuf);

	D_DisableBackBufferAccess ();		// for adapters that can't stay
	// mapped in
	// for linear writes all the time

	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	Con_Printf ("Sending shot to server...\n");
Пример #3
void R_CaptureRemoteScreenShot( const char* string1, const char* string2, const char* string3, idList<byte>& buffer ) {
	byte* newbuf = new byte[ glConfig.vidHeight * glConfig.vidWidth * 3 ];

	qglReadPixels( 0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, newbuf );

	int w = glConfig.vidWidth < RSSHOT_WIDTH ? glConfig.vidWidth : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	int h = glConfig.vidHeight < RSSHOT_HEIGHT ? glConfig.vidHeight : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	float fracw = ( float )glConfig.vidWidth / ( float )w;
	float frach = ( float )glConfig.vidHeight / ( float )h;

	for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
		byte* dest = newbuf + ( w * 3 * y );

		for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
			int r = 0;
			int g = 0;
			int b = 0;

			int dx = x * fracw;
			int dex = ( x + 1 ) * fracw;
			if ( dex == dx ) {
				dex++;	// at least one
			int dy = y * frach;
			int dey = ( y + 1 ) * frach;
			if ( dey == dy ) {
				dey++;	// at least one

			int count = 0;
			for (; dy < dey; dy++ ) {
				byte* src = newbuf + ( glConfig.vidWidth * 3 * dy ) + dx * 3;
				for ( int nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++ ) {
					r += *src++;
					g += *src++;
					b += *src++;
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = r;
			*dest++ = b;
			*dest++ = g;

	// convert to eight bit
	for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ ) {
		byte* src = newbuf + ( w * 3 * y );
		byte* dest = newbuf + ( w * y );

		for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ ) {
			*dest++ = MipColor( src[ 0 ], src[ 1 ], src[ 2 ] );
			src += 3;

	char st[ 80 ];

	String::NCpyZ( st, string1, sizeof ( st ) );
	st[ String::Length( st ) - 1 ] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap( st, newbuf, w - String::Length( st ) * 8, h - 1, w );

	String::NCpyZ( st, string2, sizeof ( st ) );
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap( st, newbuf, w - String::Length( st ) * 8, h - 11, w );

	String::NCpyZ( st, string3, sizeof ( st ) );
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap( st, newbuf, w - String::Length( st ) * 8, h - 21, w );

	R_SavePCXMem( buffer, newbuf, w, h, host_basepal );
	delete[] newbuf;
Пример #4
SCR_RSShot_f (void)
	int         x, y;
	unsigned char *src, *dest;
	char        pcxname[80];
	unsigned char *newbuf;
	int         w, h;
	int         dx, dy, dex, dey, nx;
	int         r, b, g;
	int         count;
	float       fracw, frach;
	char        st[80];
	time_t      now;

	if (CL_IsUploading ())
		return;							// already one pending

	if (cls.state < ca_onserver)
		return;							// gotta be connected

	Con_Printf ("Remote screen shot requested.\n");

	snprintf (pcxname, sizeof (pcxname), "rss.pcx");

	// save the pcx file 
	newbuf = malloc (glheight * glwidth * 3);

	glReadPixels (glx, gly, glwidth, glheight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,

	w = (vid.width < RSSHOT_WIDTH) ? glwidth : RSSHOT_WIDTH;
	h = (vid.height < RSSHOT_HEIGHT) ? glheight : RSSHOT_HEIGHT;

	fracw = (float) glwidth / (float) w;
	frach = (float) glheight / (float) h;

	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		dest = newbuf + (w * 3 * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			r = g = b = 0;

			dx = x * fracw;
			dex = (x + 1) * fracw;
			if (dex == dx)
				dex++;					// at least one
			dy = y * frach;
			dey = (y + 1) * frach;
			if (dey == dy)
				dey++;					// at least one

			count = 0;
			for ( /* */ ; dy < dey; dy++) {
				src = newbuf + (glwidth * 3 * dy) + dx * 3;
				for (nx = dx; nx < dex; nx++) {
					r += *src++;
					g += *src++;
					b += *src++;
			r /= count;
			g /= count;
			b /= count;
			*dest++ = r;
			*dest++ = b;
			*dest++ = g;

	// convert to eight bit
	for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
		src = newbuf + (w * 3 * y);
		dest = newbuf + (w * y);

		for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
			*dest++ = MipColor (src[0], src[1], src[2]);
			src += 3;

	time (&now);
	strcpy (st, ctime (&now));
	st[strlen (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, h - 1, w);

	strncpy (st, cls.servername, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, h - 11, w);

	strncpy (st, name->string, sizeof (st));
	st[sizeof (st) - 1] = 0;
	SCR_DrawStringToSnap (st, newbuf, w - strlen (st) * 8, h - 21, w);

	WritePCXfile (pcxname, newbuf, w, h, w, host_basepal, true, true);

	free (newbuf);

	Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
	Con_Printf ("Sending shot to server...\n");