Пример #1
    void Matrix4x4<T>::orthographic(T inLeft, T inRight, T inBottom, T inTop,
        T inNear, T inFar)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = SCT(2) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[12] = (inRight + inLeft) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[5] = SCT(2) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[13] = (inTop + inBottom) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[10] = SCT(2) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[14] = (inFar + inNear) / (inFar - inNear);

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);
Пример #2
    void Matrix4x4<T>::frustum(T inLeft, T inRight, T inBottom, T inTop,
        T inNear, T inFar)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = (SCT(2) * inNear) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[8] = (inRight + inLeft) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[5] = (SCT(2) * inNear) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[9] = (inTop + inBottom) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[10] = (inFar + inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[14] = (SCT(2) * inFar * inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[11] = SCT(-1);
        transform[15] = SCT(0);

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);
Пример #3
 void Matrix4x4<T>::orthographic(T inRange, T inRatio)
     if (inRatio < SCT(1))
         orthographic(-inRange, inRange, -inRange / inRatio,
             inRange / inRatio, -inRange, inRange);
         orthographic(-inRange * inRatio, inRange * inRatio, -inRange,
             inRange, -inRange, inRange);
Пример #4
    void Matrix4x4<T>::rotate(T inDegrees, T inX, T inY, T inZ)
        /// arbitrary rotation about an axis
        /// http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glRotate.xml

        T r = DEG2RAD(inDegrees);
        T c = cos(r);
        T ci = SCT(1) - c;
        T s = sin(r);
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = inX * inX * ci + c;
        transform[4] = inX * inY * ci - (inZ * s);
        transform[8] = inX * inZ * ci + (inY * s);
        transform[1] = inY * inX * ci + (inZ * s);
        transform[5] = inY * inY * ci + c;
        transform[9] = inY * inZ * ci - (inX * s);
        transform[2] = inX * inZ * ci - (inY * s);
        transform[6] = inY * inZ * ci + (inX * s);
        transform[10] = inZ * inZ * ci + c;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);
Пример #5
    void Matrix4x4<T>::perspective(T inFieldOfView, T inRatio, T inNear,
        T inFar, bool inSmartAdjustment)
        /// adaptation of gluPerspective
        /// http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/gluPerspective.xml
        T r = DEG2RAD(inFieldOfView);
        if (inSmartAdjustment && inRatio < SCT(1))
            r /= inRatio;
        T f = SCT(1) / tan(r / SCT(2));

        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = f / inRatio;
        transform[5] = f;
        transform[10] = (inFar + inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[14] = (SCT(2) * inFar * inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[11] = SCT(-1);
        transform[15] = SCT(0);

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);
Пример #6
BOOL WINAPI PlugServerCommand(LPVOID pInst, CESERVER_REQ* pIn, CESERVER_REQ* &ppReply, DWORD &pcbReplySize, DWORD &pcbMaxReplySize, LPARAM lParam)
    BOOL lbRc = FALSE;
    BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
    MSectionThread SCT(csTabs);

    if (pIn->hdr.cbSize < sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) || /*in.nSize < cbRead ||*/ pIn->hdr.nVersion != CESERVER_REQ_VER)
        return FALSE;

    UINT nDataSize = pIn->hdr.cbSize - sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR);

    // Все данные из пайпа получены, обрабатываем команду и возвращаем (если нужно) результат
    switch (pIn->hdr.nCmd)
        _ASSERTE(nDataSize>=4); //-V112
        // LayoutName: "00000409", "00010409", ...
        // А HKL от него отличается, так что передаем DWORD
        // HKL в x64 выглядит как: "0x0000000000020409", "0xFFFFFFFFF0010409"
        DWORD hkl = pIn->dwData[0];
        DWORD dwLastError = 0;
        HKL hkl1 = NULL, hkl2 = NULL;

        if (hkl)
            WCHAR szLoc[10];
            _wsprintf(szLoc, SKIPLEN(countof(szLoc)) L"%08x", hkl);
            hkl2 = ActivateKeyboardLayout(hkl1, KLF_SETFORPROCESS|KLF_REORDER);

            if (!hkl2)
                dwLastError = GetLastError();
                fSuccess = TRUE;

        pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD)*2;
        if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
            lbRc = TRUE;
            ppReply->dwData[0] = fSuccess;
            ppReply->dwData[1] = fSuccess ? ((DWORD)(LONG)(LONG_PTR)hkl2) : dwLastError;


#if 0
    case CMD_DEFFONT:
        // исключение - асинхронный, результат не требуется
        SetConsoleFontSizeTo(FarHwnd, 4, 6);
        MoveWindow(FarHwnd, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), 1); // чтобы убрать возможные полосы прокрутки...

    case CMD_REQTABS:
        MSectionLock SC;
        SC.Lock(csTabs, FALSE, 1000);
        DWORD nSetWindowWait = (DWORD)-1;

        if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_SETWINDOW)

            // Для FAR2 - сброс QSearch выполняется в том же макро, в котором актирируется окно
            if (gFarVersion.dwVerMajor == 1 && pIn->dwData[1])
                // А вот для FAR1 - нужно шаманить
                Plugin()->ProcessCommand(CMD_CLOSEQSEARCH, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->dwData/*хоть и не нужно?*/);

            // Пересылается 2 DWORD
            BOOL bCmdRc = Plugin()->ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->dwData);

            DEBUGSTRCMD(L"Plugin: PlugServerThreadCommand: CMD_SETWINDOW waiting...\n");

            WARNING("Почему для FAR1 не ждем? Есть возможность заблокироваться в 1.7 или что?");
            if ((gFarVersion.dwVerMajor >= 2) && bCmdRc)
                DWORD nTimeout = 2000;
#ifdef _DEBUG
                if (IsDebuggerPresent()) nTimeout = 120000;

                nSetWindowWait = WaitForSingleObject(ghSetWndSendTabsEvent, nTimeout);

            if (nSetWindowWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
                gbForceSendTabs = TRUE;
                DEBUGSTRCMD(L"Plugin: PlugServerThreadCommand: CMD_SETWINDOW timeout !!!\n");
                DEBUGSTRCMD(L"Plugin: PlugServerThreadCommand: CMD_SETWINDOW finished\n");

        if (gpTabs && (nSetWindowWait != WAIT_TIMEOUT))
            //fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, gpTabs, gpTabs->hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);
            pcbReplySize = gpTabs->hdr.cbSize;
            if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
                memmove(ppReply->Data, gpTabs->Data, pcbReplySize - sizeof(ppReply->hdr));
                lbRc = TRUE;


        // Установить переменные окружения
        // Плагин это получает в ответ на CECMD_RESOURCES, посланное в GUI при загрузке плагина


        pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD);
        if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
            lbRc = TRUE;
            ppReply->dwData[0] = TRUE;

        //gbMonitorEnvVar = false;
        //// Плагин FarCall "нарушает" COMSPEC (копирует содержимое запускаемого процесса)
        //bool lbOk = false;

        //if (nDataSize<sizeof(gsMonitorEnvVar))
        //	memcpy(gsMonitorEnvVar, pszName, nDataSize);
        //	lbOk = true;

        ////while (*pszName && *pszValue) {
        ////	const wchar_t* pszChanged = pszValue;
        ////	// Для ConEmuOutput == AUTO выбирается по версии ФАРа
        ////	if (!lstrcmpi(pszName, L"ConEmuOutput") && !lstrcmp(pszChanged, L"AUTO")) {
        ////		if (gFarVersion.dwVerMajor==1)
        ////			pszChanged = L"ANSI";
        ////		else
        ////			pszChanged = L"UNICODE";
        ////	}
        ////	// Если в pszValue пустая строка - удаление переменной
        ////	SetEnvironmentVariableW(pszName, (*pszChanged != 0) ? pszChanged : NULL);
        ////	//
        ////	pszName = pszValue + lstrlenW(pszValue) + 1;
        ////	if (*pszName == 0) break;
        ////	pszValue = pszName + lstrlenW(pszName) + 1;
        //gbMonitorEnvVar = lbOk;


    case CMD_DRAGFROM:
#ifdef _DEBUG
        BOOL  *pbClickNeed = (BOOL*)pIn->Data;
        COORD *crMouse = (COORD *)(pbClickNeed+1);

        Plugin()->ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data);
        CESERVER_REQ* pCmdRet = NULL;
        Plugin()->ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data, &pCmdRet);

        if (pCmdRet)
            //fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, pCmdRet, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);
            pcbReplySize = pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize;
            if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
                lbRc = TRUE;
                memmove(ppReply->Data, pCmdRet->Data, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize - sizeof(ppReply->hdr));


    case CMD_EMENU:
        COORD *crMouse = (COORD *)pIn->Data;
#ifdef _DEBUG
        const wchar_t *pszUserMacro = (wchar_t*)(crMouse+1);
        DWORD ClickArg[2] = {(DWORD)TRUE, (DWORD)MAKELONG(crMouse->X, crMouse->Y)};

        // Выделить файл под курсором
        DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC) begin\n");
        BOOL lb1 = Plugin()->ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, ClickArg/*pIn->Data*/);
        DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC) done\n");

        // А теперь, собственно вызовем меню
        DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_EMENU) begin\n");
        BOOL lb2 = Plugin()->ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data);
        DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_EMENU) done\n");

        pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD)*2;
        if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
            lbRc = TRUE;
            ppReply->dwData[0] = lb1;
            ppReply->dwData[1] = lb1;

    } // CMD_EMENU

        int nWindowType = -1;
        //CESERVER_REQ Out;
        //ExecutePrepareCmd(&Out, CMD_ACTIVEWNDTYPE, sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR)+sizeof(DWORD));

        if (gFarVersion.dwVerMajor>=2)
            nWindowType = Plugin()->GetActiveWindowType();

        //fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, &Out, Out.hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);

        pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD);
        if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
            lbRc = TRUE;
            ppReply->dwData[0] = nDataSize;


        BOOL bAttached = Plugin()->Attach2Gui();
        pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD);
        if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
            lbRc = TRUE;
            ppReply->dwData[0] = bAttached;

        CESERVER_REQ* pCmdRet = NULL;
        BOOL lbCmd = Plugin()->ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data, &pCmdRet);

        if (pCmdRet)
            //fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, pCmdRet, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);
            pcbReplySize = pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize;
            if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
                lbRc = TRUE;
                memmove(ppReply->Data, pCmdRet->Data, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize - sizeof(ppReply->hdr));

    } // default
    } // switch (pIn->hdr.nCmd)

    return lbRc;
Пример #7
BOOL WINAPI PlugServerCommand(LPVOID pInst, CESERVER_REQ* pIn, CESERVER_REQ* &ppReply, DWORD &pcbReplySize, DWORD &pcbMaxReplySize, LPARAM lParam)
	//HANDLE hPipe = (HANDLE)ahPipe;
	//BYTE cbBuffer[64]; // Для большей части команд нам хватит
	//DWORD cbRead = 0, cbWritten = 0, dwErr = 0;
	BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
	MSectionThread SCT(csTabs);
	// Send a message to the pipe server and read the response.
	//fSuccess = ReadFile(hPipe, cbBuffer, sizeof(cbBuffer), &cbRead, NULL);
	//dwErr = GetLastError();

	//if (!fSuccess && (dwErr != ERROR_MORE_DATA))
	//	_ASSERTE("ReadFile(pipe) failed"==NULL);
	//	CloseHandle(hPipe);
	//	return 0;

	//pIn = (CESERVER_REQ*)cbBuffer; // Пока cast, если нужно больше - выделим память
	//_ASSERTE(pIn->hdr.cbSize>=sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) && cbRead>=sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR));
	//_ASSERTE(pIn->hdr.nVersion == CESERVER_REQ_VER);

	if (pIn->hdr.cbSize < sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) || /*in.nSize < cbRead ||*/ pIn->hdr.nVersion != CESERVER_REQ_VER)
		return FALSE;

	//int nAllSize = pIn->hdr.cbSize;
	//pIn = (CESERVER_REQ*)Alloc(nAllSize,1);

	//if (!pIn)
	//	CloseHandle(hPipe);
	//	return 0;

	//memmove(pIn, cbBuffer, cbRead);
	//LPBYTE ptrData = ((LPBYTE)pIn)+cbRead;
	//nAllSize -= cbRead;

	//	//_tprintf(TEXT("%s\n"), chReadBuf);

	//	// Break if TransactNamedPipe or ReadFile is successful
	//	if (fSuccess)
	//		break;

	//	// Read from the pipe if there is more data in the message.
	//	fSuccess = ReadFile(
	//	               hPipe,      // pipe handle
	//	               ptrData,    // buffer to receive reply
	//	               nAllSize,   // size of buffer
	//	               &cbRead,    // number of bytes read
	//	               NULL);      // not overlapped

	//	// Exit if an error other than ERROR_MORE_DATA occurs.
	//	if (!fSuccess && ((dwErr = GetLastError()) != ERROR_MORE_DATA))
	//		break;

	//	ptrData += cbRead;
	//	nAllSize -= cbRead;

	//TODO("Может возникнуть ASSERT, если консоль была закрыта в процессе чтения");

	//if (nAllSize>0)
	//	if (((LPVOID)cbBuffer) != ((LPVOID)pIn))
	//		Free(pIn);

	//	CloseHandle(hPipe);
	//	return 0; // удалось считать не все данные

	UINT nDataSize = pIn->hdr.cbSize - sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR);

	// Все данные из пайпа получены, обрабатываем команду и возвращаем (если нужно) результат
	//fSuccess = WriteFile( hPipe, pOut, pOut->nSize, &cbWritten, NULL);

	if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_LANGCHANGE)
		_ASSERTE(nDataSize>=4); //-V112
		// LayoutName: "00000409", "00010409", ...
		// А HKL от него отличается, так что передаем DWORD
		// HKL в x64 выглядит как: "0x0000000000020409", "0xFFFFFFFFF0010409"
		DWORD hkl = pIn->dwData[0];
		DWORD dwLastError = 0;
		HKL hkl1 = NULL, hkl2 = NULL;

		if (hkl)
			WCHAR szLoc[10]; _wsprintf(szLoc, SKIPLEN(countof(szLoc)) L"%08x", hkl);
			hkl2 = ActivateKeyboardLayout(hkl1, KLF_SETFORPROCESS|KLF_REORDER);

			if (!hkl2)
				dwLastError = GetLastError();
				fSuccess = TRUE;

		pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD)*2;
		if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
			lbRc = TRUE;
			ppReply->dwData[0] = fSuccess;
			ppReply->dwData[1] = fSuccess ? ((DWORD)(LONG)(LONG_PTR)hkl2) : dwLastError;

	//} else if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_DEFFONT) {
	//	// исключение - асинхронный, результат не требуется
	//	SetConsoleFontSizeTo(FarHwnd, 4, 6);
	//	MoveWindow(FarHwnd, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), 1); // чтобы убрать возможные полосы прокрутки...
	else if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_REQTABS || pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_SETWINDOW)
		MSectionLock SC; SC.Lock(csTabs, FALSE, 1000);
		DWORD nSetWindowWait = (DWORD)-1;

		if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_SETWINDOW)

			// Для FAR2 - сброс QSearch выполняется в том же макро, в котором актирируется окно
			if (gFarVersion.dwVerMajor == 1 && pIn->dwData[1])
				// А вот для FAR1 - нужно шаманить
				ProcessCommand(CMD_CLOSEQSEARCH, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->dwData/*хоть и не нужно?*/);

			// Пересылается 2 DWORD
			BOOL bCmdRc = ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->dwData);

			DEBUGSTRCMD(L"Plugin: PlugServerThreadCommand: CMD_SETWINDOW waiting...\n");

			WARNING("Почему для FAR1 не ждем? Есть возможность заблокироваться в 1.7 или что?");
			if ((gFarVersion.dwVerMajor >= 2) && bCmdRc)
				DWORD nTimeout = 2000;
				#ifdef _DEBUG
				if (IsDebuggerPresent()) nTimeout = 120000;
				nSetWindowWait = WaitForSingleObject(ghSetWndSendTabsEvent, nTimeout);

			DEBUGSTRCMD(L"Plugin: PlugServerThreadCommand: CMD_SETWINDOW finished\n");

		if (gpTabs)
			//fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, gpTabs, gpTabs->hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);
			pcbReplySize = gpTabs->hdr.cbSize;
			if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
				memmove(ppReply->Data, gpTabs->Data, pcbReplySize - sizeof(ppReply->hdr));
				lbRc = TRUE;

	else if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_FARSETCHANGED)
		// Установить переменные окружения
		// Плагин это получает в ответ на CECMD_RESOURCES, посланное в GUI при загрузке плагина


		pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD);
		if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
			lbRc = TRUE;
			ppReply->dwData[0] = TRUE;

		//gbMonitorEnvVar = false;
		//// Плагин FarCall "нарушает" COMSPEC (копирует содержимое запускаемого процесса)
		//bool lbOk = false;

		//if (nDataSize<sizeof(gsMonitorEnvVar))
		//	memcpy(gsMonitorEnvVar, pszName, nDataSize);
		//	lbOk = true;

		////while (*pszName && *pszValue) {
		////	const wchar_t* pszChanged = pszValue;
		////	// Для ConEmuOutput == AUTO выбирается по версии ФАРа
		////	if (!lstrcmpi(pszName, L"ConEmuOutput") && !lstrcmp(pszChanged, L"AUTO")) {
		////		if (gFarVersion.dwVerMajor==1)
		////			pszChanged = L"ANSI";
		////		else
		////			pszChanged = L"UNICODE";
		////	}
		////	// Если в pszValue пустая строка - удаление переменной
		////	SetEnvironmentVariableW(pszName, (*pszChanged != 0) ? pszChanged : NULL);
		////	//
		////	pszName = pszValue + lstrlenW(pszValue) + 1;
		////	if (*pszName == 0) break;
		////	pszValue = pszName + lstrlenW(pszName) + 1;
		//gbMonitorEnvVar = lbOk;
	else if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_DRAGFROM)
		#ifdef _DEBUG
		BOOL  *pbClickNeed = (BOOL*)pIn->Data;
		COORD *crMouse = (COORD *)(pbClickNeed+1);

		ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data);
		ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data, &pCmdRet);

		if (pCmdRet)
			//fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, pCmdRet, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);
			pcbReplySize = pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize;
			if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
				lbRc = TRUE;
				memmove(ppReply->Data, pCmdRet->Data, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize - sizeof(ppReply->hdr));

		//if (gpCmdRet && gpCmdRet == pCmdRet)
		//	Free(gpCmdRet);
		//	gpCmdRet = NULL; gpData = NULL; gpCursor = NULL;
	else if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_EMENU)
		COORD *crMouse = (COORD *)pIn->Data;
#ifdef _DEBUG
		const wchar_t *pszUserMacro = (wchar_t*)(crMouse+1);
		DWORD ClickArg[2] = {TRUE, MAKELONG(crMouse->X, crMouse->Y)};
		// Выделить файл под курсором
		DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC) begin\n");
		BOOL lb1 = ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, ClickArg/*pIn->Data*/);
		DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_LEFTCLKSYNC) done\n");

		// А теперь, собственно вызовем меню
		DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_EMENU) begin\n");
		BOOL lb2 = ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data);
		DEBUGSTRMENU(L"\n*** ServerThreadCommand->ProcessCommand(CMD_EMENU) done\n");

		pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD)*2;
		if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
			lbRc = TRUE;
			ppReply->dwData[0] = lb1;
			ppReply->dwData[1] = lb1;
	else if (pIn->hdr.nCmd == CMD_ACTIVEWNDTYPE)
		int nWindowType = -1;
		//ExecutePrepareCmd(&Out, CMD_ACTIVEWNDTYPE, sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR)+sizeof(DWORD));

		if (gFarVersion.dwVerMajor>=2)
			nWindowType = GetActiveWindowType();

		//fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, &Out, Out.hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);

		pcbReplySize = sizeof(CESERVER_REQ_HDR) + sizeof(DWORD);
		if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
			lbRc = TRUE;
			ppReply->dwData[0] = nDataSize;
		BOOL lbCmd = ProcessCommand(pIn->hdr.nCmd, TRUE/*bReqMainThread*/, pIn->Data, &pCmdRet);

		if (pCmdRet)
			//fSuccess = WriteFile(hPipe, pCmdRet, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize, &cbWritten, NULL);
			pcbReplySize = pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize;
			if (ExecuteNewCmd(ppReply, pcbMaxReplySize, pIn->hdr.nCmd, pcbReplySize))
				lbRc = TRUE;
				memmove(ppReply->Data, pCmdRet->Data, pCmdRet->hdr.cbSize - sizeof(ppReply->hdr));

		//if (gpCmdRet && gpCmdRet == pCmdRet) {
		//	Free(gpCmdRet);
		//	gpCmdRet = NULL; gpData = NULL; gpCursor = NULL;

	//// Освободить память
	//if (((LPVOID)cbBuffer) != ((LPVOID)pIn))
	//	Free(pIn);

	return lbRc;
Пример #8
namespace XPG
    template<typename T>
    class Matrix4x4
        Matrix4x4(const T* inArray = mIdentity);
        Matrix4x4(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix);
        Matrix4x4(const Matrix4x4<T>& inLMatrix,
            const Matrix4x4<T>& inRMatrix);

        void loadIdentity();

        /// model view
        void rotate(T inDegrees, T inX, T inY, T inZ);
        void rotateX(T inDegrees);
        void rotateY(T inDegrees);
        void rotateZ(T inDegrees);
        void scale(T inScale);
        void scaleX(T inScale);
        void scaleY(T inScale);
        void scaleZ(T inScale);
        void scale(T inX, T inY, T inZ);
        void translate(T inX, T inY, T inZ);
        void smartMove(T inRX, T inRY, T inRZ, T inTX, T inTY, T inTZ);

        /// projection
        void frustum(T inLeft, T inRight, T inBottom, T inTop, T inNear,
            T inFar);
        void perspective(T inFieldOfView, T inRatio, T inNear, T inFar,
            bool inSmartAdjustment = false);
        void orthographic(T inLeft, T inRight, T inBottom, T inTop,
            T inNear, T inFar);
        void orthographic(T inRange, T inRatio);

        /// matrix operators
        Matrix4x4<T>& operator=(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix);
        void multiply(const Matrix4x4<T>& inLMatrix,
            const Matrix4x4<T>& inRMatrix);
        void inverse();
        void copyInverseTo(Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix) const;
        const Matrix4x4<T> inversed() const;

        /// Allow this object to behave as a simple array.
        inline operator T*() { return mData; }
        inline operator const T*() const { return mData; }

        /// Allow simply access by row and column.
        inline T& operator()(size_t inRow, size_t inCol)
            return mData[inCol * 4 + inRow];

        inline T operator()(size_t inRow, size_t inCol) const
            return mData[inCol * 4 + inRow];

        /// simple comparison operators
        inline bool operator==(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix) const
            return !memcmp(mData, inMatrix.mData, 16 * sizeof(T));

        inline bool operator!=(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix) const
            return memcmp(mData, inMatrix.mData, 16 * sizeof(T));

        inline Matrix4x4<T>& operator*=(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix)
            multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), inMatrix);
            return *this;

        inline const Matrix4x4<T> operator*(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix)
            return Matrix4x4<T>(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), inMatrix);

        inline void copy(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix)
            memcpy(mData, inMatrix.mData, 16 * sizeof(T));

        inline T& at(size_t inRow, size_t inCol)
            return mData[inCol * 4 + inRow];

        inline T at(size_t inRow, size_t inCol) const
            return mData[inCol * 4 + inRow];

        T mData[16]; // stored in column-major order

        static const T mIdentity[16];

    /// The identity matrix is pre-built so that it can just be copied to newly
    /// born matrices. This makes it faster than manually filling the identity
    /// matrix and/or having to iterate through a loop.
    template<typename T>
    const T Matrix4x4<T>::mIdentity[16] = {
        SCT(1), SCT(0), SCT(0), SCT(0),
        SCT(0), SCT(1), SCT(0), SCT(0),
        SCT(0), SCT(0), SCT(1), SCT(0),
        SCT(0), SCT(0), SCT(0), SCT(1)

    /// For increased compatibility, this matrix can read its data in from an
    /// array. This also doubles as the default constructor: if no array is
    /// specified, the pointer to the static identity matrix is passed in.
    /// IMPORTANT -- Because the array stores the matrix in column-major order,
    /// it is assumed the incoming data is sorted the same way.
    template<typename T>
    Matrix4x4<T>::Matrix4x4(const T* inArray)
        memcpy(mData, inArray, 16 * sizeof(T));

    /// This is a very simple copy constructor. It does a byte-for-byte copy of
    /// target matrix's data.
    template<typename T>
    Matrix4x4<T>::Matrix4x4(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix)

    /// It is common for matrices to be created on the fly specifically for
    /// capturing the product of two matrices. This constructor defaults its
    /// data to that product (bypasses any other setting of the array).
    template<typename T>
    Matrix4x4<T>::Matrix4x4(const Matrix4x4<T>& inLMatrix,
        const Matrix4x4<T>& inRMatrix)
        multiply(inLMatrix, inRMatrix);

    /// The destructor has nothing to do. It is here primarily to satisfy the
    /// sacred Rule of Three.
    template<typename T>

    /// There are many instances where the programmer needs to reset the matrix
    /// back to the identity matrix.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::loadIdentity()
        memcpy(mData, mIdentity, 16 * sizeof(T));

    /// This is a spiritual recreation of glRotatef
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::rotate(T inDegrees, T inX, T inY, T inZ)
        /// arbitrary rotation about an axis
        /// http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glRotate.xml

        T r = DEG2RAD(inDegrees);
        T c = cos(r);
        T ci = SCT(1) - c;
        T s = sin(r);
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = inX * inX * ci + c;
        transform[4] = inX * inY * ci - (inZ * s);
        transform[8] = inX * inZ * ci + (inY * s);
        transform[1] = inY * inX * ci + (inZ * s);
        transform[5] = inY * inY * ci + c;
        transform[9] = inY * inZ * ci - (inX * s);
        transform[2] = inX * inZ * ci - (inY * s);
        transform[6] = inY * inZ * ci + (inX * s);
        transform[10] = inZ * inZ * ci + c;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// Rather than deal with the mathematical nightmare involved with rotating
    /// about an arbitrary axis, it is much simpler and faster to rotate about
    /// X, Y, or Z. This function rotates about X axis.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::rotateX(T inDegrees)
        T r = DEG2RAD(inDegrees);
        T c = cos(r);
        T s = sin(r);
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[5] = c;
        transform[9] = -s;
        transform[6] = s;
        transform[10] = c;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// Rather than deal with the mathematical nightmare involved with rotating
    /// about an arbitrary axis, it is much simpler and faster to rotate about
    /// X, Y, or Z. This function rotates about Y axis.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::rotateY(T inDegrees)
        T r = DEG2RAD(inDegrees);
        T c = cos(r);
        T s = sin(r);
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = c;
        transform[8] = s;
        transform[2] = -s;
        transform[10] = c;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// Rather than deal with the mathematical nightmare involved with rotating
    /// about an arbitrary axis, it is much simpler and faster to rotate about
    /// X, Y, or Z. This function rotates about Z axis.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::rotateZ(T inDegrees)
        T r = DEG2RAD(inDegrees);
        T c = cos(r);
        T s = sin(r);
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = c;
        transform[4] = -s;
        transform[1] = s;
        transform[5] = c;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// This is a uniform scale transformations. All three components are scaled
    /// by the same value specified by inScale.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::scale(T inScale)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = inScale;
        transform[5] = inScale;
        transform[10] = inScale;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// A common error with scaling along one axis is that it is natural to set
    /// the other scales to zero instead of one. This function mitigates that.
    /// It scales along the X axis only.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::scaleX(T inScale)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = inScale;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// A common error with scaling along one axis is that it is natural to set
    /// the other scales to zero instead of one. This function mitigates that.
    /// It scales along the Y axis only.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::scaleY(T inScale)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[5] = inScale;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// A common error with scaling along one axis is that it is natural to set
    /// the other scales to zero instead of one. This function mitigates that.
    /// It scales along the Z axis only.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::scaleZ(T inScale)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[10] = inScale;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// The standard scale transformation can resize geometry along the X, Y,
    /// and/or the Z axes. It functions like that of glScale.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::scale(T inX, T inY, T inZ)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = inX;
        transform[5] = inY;
        transform[10] = inZ;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// This transformation serves as a direct offset for vertices. It functions
    /// like that of glTranslate.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::translate(T inX, T inY, T inZ)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[12] = inX;
        transform[13] = inY;
        transform[14] = inZ;

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// When positioning an object in the scene, there is a particular optimal
    /// order to applying those transformations: rotate Z, rotate X, rotate Y,
    /// translate.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::smartMove(T inRX, T inRY, T inRZ, T inTX, T inTY, T inTZ)
        translate(inTX, inTY, inTZ);

    /// This is a spiritual recreation of glFrustum.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::frustum(T inLeft, T inRight, T inBottom, T inTop,
        T inNear, T inFar)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = (SCT(2) * inNear) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[8] = (inRight + inLeft) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[5] = (SCT(2) * inNear) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[9] = (inTop + inBottom) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[10] = (inFar + inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[14] = (SCT(2) * inFar * inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[11] = SCT(-1);
        transform[15] = SCT(0);

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// This is a recreation of gluPerspective (more commonly used than
    /// glFrustum).
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::perspective(T inFieldOfView, T inRatio, T inNear,
        T inFar, bool inSmartAdjustment)
        /// adaptation of gluPerspective
        /// http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/gluPerspective.xml
        T r = DEG2RAD(inFieldOfView);
        if (inSmartAdjustment && inRatio < SCT(1))
            r /= inRatio;
        T f = SCT(1) / tan(r / SCT(2));

        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = f / inRatio;
        transform[5] = f;
        transform[10] = (inFar + inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[14] = (SCT(2) * inFar * inNear) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[11] = SCT(-1);
        transform[15] = SCT(0);

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// This is a recreation of glOrtho. It creates a basic orthographic
    /// projection.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::orthographic(T inLeft, T inRight, T inBottom, T inTop,
        T inNear, T inFar)
        Matrix4x4<T> transform;

        transform[0] = SCT(2) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[12] = (inRight + inLeft) / (inRight - inLeft);
        transform[5] = SCT(2) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[13] = (inTop + inBottom) / (inTop - inBottom);
        transform[10] = SCT(2) / (inNear - inFar);
        transform[14] = (inFar + inNear) / (inFar - inNear);

        multiply(Matrix4x4<T>(mData), transform);

    /// This is an intelligent orthographic projection. Rather than manually
    /// request all sides of the canonical viewing volume (as in glOrtho), this
    /// function simply takes the aspect ratio and requested object space range.
    /// The range is fixated along the shorter axis of the display. In other
    /// words, in a widescreen display, the top and bottom will exactly reach
    /// the range specified by inRange. In a tall display, the left and right
    /// will reach that range.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::orthographic(T inRange, T inRatio)
        if (inRatio < SCT(1))
            orthographic(-inRange, inRange, -inRange / inRatio,
                inRange / inRatio, -inRange, inRange);
            orthographic(-inRange * inRatio, inRange * inRatio, -inRange,
                inRange, -inRange, inRange);

    /// This is a rudimentary assignment operator. It just makes a byte-perfect
    /// copy of the target matrix.
    template<typename T>
    Matrix4x4<T>& Matrix4x4<T>::operator=(const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix)
        if (this != &inMatrix) copy(inMatrix);
        return *this;

    /// This function multiplies inLMatrix and inRMatrix together and stores the
    /// result into THIS matrix. In other words, it OVERWRITES its own data with
    /// the product of the two incoming matrices. This is done for performance
    /// reasons as it prevents an extra temporary copy from being made.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::multiply(const Matrix4x4<T>& inLMatrix,
        const Matrix4x4<T>& inRMatrix)
        /// The actual math has been completely unrolled (out of for loops) for
        /// performance improvements.

        mData[0] = (inLMatrix[0] * inRMatrix[0])
            + (inLMatrix[4] * inRMatrix[1])
            + (inLMatrix[8] * inRMatrix[2])
            + (inLMatrix[12] * inRMatrix[3]);

        mData[4] = (inLMatrix[0] * inRMatrix[4])
            + (inLMatrix[4] * inRMatrix[5])
            + (inLMatrix[8] * inRMatrix[6])
            + (inLMatrix[12] * inRMatrix[7]);

        mData[8] = (inLMatrix[0] * inRMatrix[8])
            + (inLMatrix[4] * inRMatrix[9])
            + (inLMatrix[8] * inRMatrix[10])
            + (inLMatrix[12] * inRMatrix[11]);

        mData[12] = (inLMatrix[0] * inRMatrix[12])
            + (inLMatrix[4] * inRMatrix[13])
            + (inLMatrix[8] * inRMatrix[14])
            + (inLMatrix[12] * inRMatrix[15]);

        mData[1] = (inLMatrix[1] * inRMatrix[0])
            + (inLMatrix[5] * inRMatrix[1])
            + (inLMatrix[9] * inRMatrix[2])
            + (inLMatrix[13] * inRMatrix[3]);

        mData[5] = (inLMatrix[1] * inRMatrix[4])
            + (inLMatrix[5] * inRMatrix[5])
            + (inLMatrix[9] * inRMatrix[6])
            + (inLMatrix[13] * inRMatrix[7]);

        mData[9] = (inLMatrix[1] * inRMatrix[8])
            + (inLMatrix[5] * inRMatrix[9])
            + (inLMatrix[9] * inRMatrix[10])
            + (inLMatrix[13] * inRMatrix[11]);

        mData[13] = (inLMatrix[1] * inRMatrix[12])
            + (inLMatrix[5] * inRMatrix[13])
            + (inLMatrix[9] * inRMatrix[14])
            + (inLMatrix[13] * inRMatrix[15]);

        mData[2] = (inLMatrix[2] * inRMatrix[0])
            + (inLMatrix[6] * inRMatrix[1])
            + (inLMatrix[10] * inRMatrix[2])
            + (inLMatrix[14] * inRMatrix[3]);

        mData[6] = (inLMatrix[2] * inRMatrix[4])
            + (inLMatrix[6] * inRMatrix[5])
            + (inLMatrix[10] * inRMatrix[6])
            + (inLMatrix[14] * inRMatrix[7]);

        mData[10] = (inLMatrix[2] * inRMatrix[8])
            + (inLMatrix[6] * inRMatrix[9])
            + (inLMatrix[10] * inRMatrix[10])
            + (inLMatrix[14] * inRMatrix[11]);

        mData[14] = (inLMatrix[2] * inRMatrix[12])
            + (inLMatrix[6] * inRMatrix[13])
            + (inLMatrix[10] * inRMatrix[14])
            + (inLMatrix[14] * inRMatrix[15]);

        mData[3] = (inLMatrix[3] * inRMatrix[0])
            + (inLMatrix[7] * inRMatrix[1])
            + (inLMatrix[11] * inRMatrix[2])
            + (inLMatrix[15] * inRMatrix[3]);

        mData[7] = (inLMatrix[3] * inRMatrix[4])
            + (inLMatrix[7] * inRMatrix[5])
            + (inLMatrix[11] * inRMatrix[6])
            + (inLMatrix[15] * inRMatrix[7]);

        mData[11] = (inLMatrix[3] * inRMatrix[8])
            + (inLMatrix[7] * inRMatrix[9])
            + (inLMatrix[11] * inRMatrix[10])
            + (inLMatrix[15] * inRMatrix[11]);

        mData[15] = (inLMatrix[3] * inRMatrix[12])
            + (inLMatrix[7] * inRMatrix[13])
            + (inLMatrix[11] * inRMatrix[14])
            + (inLMatrix[15] * inRMatrix[15]);

    /// This finds the inverse matrix and stores it into THIS matrix.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::inverse()
        const Matrix4x4<T> m(*this);

    /// This finds the inverse matrix and returns it as a copy.
    template<typename T>
    const Matrix4x4<T> Matrix4x4<T>::inversed() const
        Matrix4x4<T> outMatrix;
        return outMatrix;

    /// This finds the inverse matrix and stores it into inMatrix.
    template<typename T>
    void Matrix4x4<T>::copyInverseTo(Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix) const
#define SWAP_ROWS(a, b) { T* _tmp = a; (a) = (b); (b) = _tmp; }

        T wtmp[4][8];
        T m0;
        T m1;
        T m2;
        T m3;
        T s;
        T* r0;
        T* r1;
        T* r2;
        T* r3;

        r0 = wtmp[0];
        r1 = wtmp[1];
        r2 = wtmp[2];
        r3 = wtmp[3];

        r0[0] = at(0, 0);
        r0[1] = at(0, 1);
        r0[2] = at(0, 2);
        r0[3] = at(0, 3);
        r0[4] = 1.0;
        r0[5] = r0[6] = r0[7] = 0.0;
        r1[0] = at(1, 0);
        r1[1] = at(1, 1);
        r1[2] = at(1, 2);
        r1[3] = at(1, 3);
        r1[5] = 1.0;
        r1[4] = r1[6] = r1[7] = 0.0;
        r2[0] = at(2, 0);
        r2[1] = at(2, 1);
        r2[2] = at(2, 2);
        r2[3] = at(2, 3);
        r2[6] = 1.0;
        r2[4] = r2[5] = r2[7] = 0.0;
        r3[0] = at(3, 0);
        r3[1] = at(3, 1);
        r3[2] = at(3, 2);
        r3[3] = at(3, 3);
        r3[7] = 1.0;
        r3[4] = r3[5] = r3[6] = 0.0;

        if (fabs(r3[0]) > fabs(r2[0])) SWAP_ROWS(r3, r2);
        if (fabs(r2[0]) > fabs(r1[0])) SWAP_ROWS(r2, r1);
        if (fabs(r1[0]) > fabs(r0[0])) SWAP_ROWS(r1, r0);
        if (0.0 == r0[0]) return;

        m1 = r1[0] / r0[0];
        m2 = r2[0] / r0[0];
        m3 = r3[0] / r0[0];
        s = r0[1];
        r1[1] -= m1 * s;
        r2[1] -= m2 * s;
        r3[1] -= m3 * s;
        s = r0[2];
        r1[2] -= m1 * s;
        r2[2] -= m2 * s;
        r3[2] -= m3 * s;
        s = r0[3];
        r1[3] -= m1 * s;
        r2[3] -= m2 * s;
        r3[3] -= m3 * s;
        s = r0[4];

        if (s != 0.0)
            r1[4] -= m1 * s;
            r2[4] -= m2 * s;
            r3[4] -= m3 * s;
        s = r0[5];
        if (s != 0.0)
            r1[5] -= m1 * s;
            r2[5] -= m2 * s;
            r3[5] -= m3 * s;
        s = r0[6];
        if (s != 0.0)
            r1[6] -= m1 * s;
            r2[6] -= m2 * s;
            r3[6] -= m3 * s;
        s = r0[7];
        if (s != 0.0)
            r1[7] -= m1 * s;
            r2[7] -= m2 * s;
            r3[7] -= m3 * s;

        if (fabs(r3[1]) > fabs(r2[1])) SWAP_ROWS(r3, r2);
        if (fabs(r2[1]) > fabs(r1[1])) SWAP_ROWS(r2, r1);
        if (0.0 == r1[1]) return;

        m2 = r2[1] / r1[1];
        m3 = r3[1] / r1[1];
        r2[2] -= m2 * r1[2];
        r3[2] -= m3 * r1[2];
        r2[3] -= m2 * r1[3];
        r3[3] -= m3 * r1[3];
        s = r1[4];
        if (0.0 != s)
            r2[4] -= m2 * s;
            r3[4] -= m3 * s;
        s = r1[5];
        if (0.0 != s)
            r2[5] -= m2 * s;
            r3[5] -= m3 * s;
        s = r1[6];
        if (0.0 != s)
            r2[6] -= m2 * s;
            r3[6] -= m3 * s;
        s = r1[7];
        if (0.0 != s)
            r2[7] -= m2 * s;
            r3[7] -= m3 * s;

        if (fabs(r3[2]) > fabs(r2[2])) SWAP_ROWS(r3, r2);
        if (0.0 == r2[2]) return;

        m3 = r3[2] / r2[2];
        r3[3] -= m3 * r2[3];
        r3[4] -= m3 * r2[4];
        r3[5] -= m3 * r2[5];
        r3[6] -= m3 * r2[6];
        r3[7] -= m3 * r2[7];

        if (0.0 == r3[3]) return;

        s = 1.0 / r3[3];
        r3[4] *= s;
        r3[5] *= s;
        r3[6] *= s;
        r3[7] *= s;

        m2 = r2[3];
        s = 1.0 / r2[2];
        r2[4] = s * (r2[4] - r3[4] * m2);
        r2[5] = s * (r2[5] - r3[5] * m2);
        r2[6] = s * (r2[6] - r3[6] * m2);
        r2[7] = s * (r2[7] - r3[7] * m2);
        m1 = r1[3];
        r1[4] -= r3[4] * m1;
        r1[5] -= r3[5] * m1;
        r1[6] -= r3[6] * m1;
        r1[7] -= r3[7] * m1;
        m0 = r0[3];
        r0[4] -= r3[4] * m0;
        r0[5] -= r3[5] * m0;
        r0[6] -= r3[6] * m0;
        r0[7] -= r3[7] * m0;

        m1 = r1[2];
        s = 1.0 / r1[1];
        r1[4] = s * (r1[4] - r2[4] * m1);
        r1[5] = s * (r1[5] - r2[5] * m1);
        r1[6] = s * (r1[6] - r2[6] * m1);
        r1[7] = s * (r1[7] - r2[7] * m1);
        m0 = r0[2];
        r0[4] -= r2[4] * m0;
        r0[5] -= r2[5] * m0;
        r0[6] -= r2[6] * m0;
        r0[7] -= r2[7] * m0;

        m0 = r0[1];
        s = 1.0 / r0[0];
        r0[4] = s * (r0[4] - r1[4] * m0);
        r0[5] = s * (r0[5] - r1[5] * m0);
        r0[6] = s * (r0[6] - r1[6] * m0);
        r0[7] = s * (r0[7] - r1[7] * m0);

        inMatrix(0, 0) = r0[4];
        inMatrix(0, 1) = r0[5];
        inMatrix(0, 2) = r0[6];
        inMatrix(0, 3) = r0[7];
        inMatrix(1, 0) = r1[4];
        inMatrix(1, 1) = r1[5];
        inMatrix(1, 2) = r1[6];
        inMatrix(1, 3) = r1[7];
        inMatrix(2, 0) = r2[4];
        inMatrix(2, 1) = r2[5];
        inMatrix(2, 2) = r2[6];
        inMatrix(2, 3) = r2[7];
        inMatrix(3, 0) = r3[4];
        inMatrix(3, 1) = r3[5];
        inMatrix(3, 2) = r3[6];
        inMatrix(3, 3) = r3[7];

    /// For easy display/debugging and/or serialization, the extraction operator
    /// has been overloaded to allow matrices in output streams.
    template<typename T>
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& inStream,
        const Matrix4x4<T>& inMatrix)
        inStream << std::setprecision(2);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
            if (i) inStream << '\n';
            for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                inStream << std::setw(6) << inMatrix(i, j);

        return inStream;
