Пример #1
// This function plays all "off" events
// Should be called on sequencer reset/restart/pause to avoid hanging notes
static s32 SEQ_PlayOffEvents(void)
  // play "off events"

  // here you could send additional events, e.g. "All Notes Off" CC

  return 0; // no error
Пример #2
void MClock_Reset(void) {
    SEQ_MIDI_OUT_FlushQueue();                                                  // flush the SEQ_MIDI queues which should be empty anyways
    midiclockcounter = 0;                                                       // reset the counter
    reset_Req = 0;                                                              // we just did that
    mClock.ticked = 0;                                                          // and we need to reset this too
    SEQ_BPM_TickSet(0);                                                         // reset BPM tick

    SEQ_BPM_Timestamp = mod_Tick_Timestamp = 0;                                 // we'll force this to zero in case it's already advanced
    mClock.status.reset_req = 1;                                                // Set global reset flag
    Mod_PreProcess(DEAD_NODEID);                                                // preprocess all modules, so they can catch the reset
    mClock.status.reset_req = 0;                                                // Clear the flag
Пример #3
// This function plays all "off" events
// Should be called on sequencer reset/restart/pause to avoid hanging notes
static s32 SEQ_PlayOffEvents(void)
  // play "off events"

  // send Note Off to all channels
  // TODO: howto handle different ports?
  // TODO: should we also send Note Off events? Or should we trace Note On events and send Off if required?
  int chn;
  mios32_midi_package_t midi_package;
  midi_package.type = CC;
  midi_package.event = CC;
  midi_package.evnt2 = 0;
  for(chn=0; chn<16; ++chn) {
    midi_package.chn = chn;
    midi_package.evnt1 = 123; // All Notes Off
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendPackage(DEFAULT, midi_package);
    midi_package.evnt1 = 121; // Controller Reset
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendPackage(DEFAULT, midi_package);

  return 0; // no error
Пример #4
void MClock_Stop(void) {
    mClock.status.run = 0;                                                      // clear the bit
    SEQ_MIDI_OUT_FlushQueue();                                                  // and flush the queues