Пример #1
 * _fill_idt_interrupts_sys
 *   DESCRIPTION: Fill in the interrupt entries in the IDT.
 *   INPUTS: none
 *   OUTPUTS: none
 *   RETURN VALUE: none
 *   SIDE EFFECTS: Change contents in the IDT table.
void _fill_idt_interrupts_sys(){
	idt_desc_t idt_temp;

	// Exception and interrupts use interrupt gate
	idt_temp.seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
	idt_temp.size = 1;					// Indicates 32 Bits
	idt_temp.dpl = 0x0;					// Kernel level privilege.
	idt_temp.present = 1;				// Mark as present
	idt_temp.reserved4 = 0;				// Reserved.
	idt_temp.reserved3 = 0;
	idt_temp.reserved2 = 1;
	idt_temp.reserved1 = 1;
	idt_temp.reserved0 = 0;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &PIT_handler);
	idt[PIT_IDT_ENTRY] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &KB_handler);
	idt[KB_IDT_ENTRY] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &RTC_handler);
	idt[RTC_IDT_ENTRY] = idt_temp;

	// Using TRAP Gates
	idt_temp.dpl = 3;
	idt_temp.reserved3 = 1;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &syscall_handler);
	idt[0x80] = idt_temp;
Пример #2
* void populate_idt();
*   Inputs: none
*   Return Value: void
*	Function: Fills the idt with the correct functions
void populate_idt()
	int i;
	/*initializing the specific interrupts 0 - 20*/ 
	void (* arr[NUM_VEC]) = 
	{ &divide_by_zero, &reserved_1, &non_maskable_interrupt, 
	&breakpoint, &overflow, &BOUND_range_exceeded, &invalid_opcode,
	&device_not_available, &double_fault, &coprocessor_segment_overrun, 
	&invalid_TSS, &segment_not_present, &stack_segment_fault, &general_protection,
	&page_fault, &common_interrupt, &floating_point_error, &alignment_check, 
	&machine_check, &SIMD_floating_point_exception

	/*iterating through idt, populating with correct interrupts*/
	for(i = 0; i< NUM_VEC; i++)
		idt[i].present = 1;
		idt[i].dpl = 0;
		idt[i].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[i].size = 1;
		idt[i].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[i].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[i].reserved3 = 0;
		idt[i].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[i].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;

		/*Do not set IDT_ENTRY for 20 - 32 (Intel Reserved) */ 
			/*Set common interrupt for user defined*/ 
		else if(i < 20)
			if( i == 15 )
				/*DO NOTHING, Intel Reserved*/ 
				SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[i], arr[i]); 
	/*setting more specific interrupts*/ 
	idt[SYS_CALLS_INDEX].dpl = 3;
	idt[SYS_CALLS_INDEX].reserved3 = 1;

	/*loading IDTR*/ 
Пример #3
/* Set IDT value helper function 
 * @param table_idx: entry index in the IDT table to be set
 * @param type: the type of the IDT entry
 * @param handler: function pointer to the exception or interrupt handler
 * @param dpl: descriptor priviledge level of the interrupt
 * @param segment: segment pointer
 * @return NONE
void set_gate(unsigned int table_idx, int type, void* handler,
			  unsigned dpl, unsigned segment)
	// Declare a interrupt descriptor struct
	idt_desc_t desc = idt[table_idx];

	// First set the offset (pointer to the handler function)
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(desc, handler);

	desc.seg_selector = (uint16_t)segment;	// seg_selector is KERNEL_CS
	desc.dpl = (uint32_t)dpl;				// set dpl
	desc.reserved4 = 0;						// set reserved bit 4, this is always 0
	desc.present = 1;						// Make this entry visible

	// Set the value of the reserved bits based on the type of the gate
		// Reserved bits for EXCEPTIONS
		case TRAP_GATE:
			desc.reserved0 = 0;
			desc.size = 1;					// This is always 1
			desc.reserved1 = 1;
			desc.reserved2 = 1;
			desc.reserved3 = 1;

		// Reserved bits for HARDWARE and SOFTWARE INTERRUPTS
		case SYS_GATE:
		case INTR_GATE:
			desc.reserved0 = 0;
			desc.size = 1;					// This is always 1
			desc.reserved1 = 1;
			desc.reserved2 = 1;
			desc.reserved3 = 0;

	// Insert the new entry into the IDT table
	idt[table_idx] = desc;
Пример #4
/* Check if MAGIC is valid and print the Multiboot information structure
   pointed by ADDR. */
entry (unsigned long magic, unsigned long addr)
	multiboot_info_t *mbi;

	/* Clear the screen. */


	/* Am I booted by a Multiboot-compliant boot loader? */
		printf ("Invalid magic number: 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) magic);

	/* Set MBI to the address of the Multiboot information structure. */
	mbi = (multiboot_info_t *) addr;

	/* Print out the flags. */
	printf ("flags = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->flags);

	/* Are mem_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 0))
		printf ("mem_lower = %uKB, mem_upper = %uKB\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mem_lower, (unsigned) mbi->mem_upper);

	/* Is boot_device valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 1))
		printf ("boot_device = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->boot_device);

	/* Is the command line passed? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 2))
		printf ("cmdline = %s\n", (char *) mbi->cmdline);

	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 3)) {
		int mod_count = 0;
		int i;
		module_t* mod = (module_t*)mbi->mods_addr;
		while(mod_count < mbi->mods_count) {
			printf("Module %d loaded at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_start);
			printf("Module %d ends at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_end);
			printf("First few bytes of module:\n");
			for(i = 0; i<16; i++) {
				printf("0x%x ", *((char*)(mod->mod_start+i)));
	/* Bits 4 and 5 are mutually exclusive! */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 4) && CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		printf ("Both bits 4 and 5 are set.\n");

	/* Is the section header table of ELF valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		elf_section_header_table_t *elf_sec = &(mbi->elf_sec);

		printf ("elf_sec: num = %u, size = 0x%#x,"
				" addr = 0x%#x, shndx = 0x%#x\n",
				(unsigned) elf_sec->num, (unsigned) elf_sec->size,
				(unsigned) elf_sec->addr, (unsigned) elf_sec->shndx);

	/* Are mmap_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 6))
		memory_map_t *mmap;

		printf ("mmap_addr = 0x%#x, mmap_length = 0x%x\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mmap_addr, (unsigned) mbi->mmap_length);
		for (mmap = (memory_map_t *) mbi->mmap_addr;
				(unsigned long) mmap < mbi->mmap_addr + mbi->mmap_length;
				mmap = (memory_map_t *) ((unsigned long) mmap
					+ mmap->size + sizeof (mmap->size)))
			printf (" size = 0x%x,     base_addr = 0x%#x%#x\n"
					"     type = 0x%x,  length    = 0x%#x%#x\n",
					(unsigned) mmap->size,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_low,
					(unsigned) mmap->type,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_low);

	/* Construct an LDT entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_ldt_desc;
		the_ldt_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.opsize         = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.present        = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_ldt_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.type           = 0x2;

		SET_LDT_PARAMS(the_ldt_desc, &ldt, ldt_size);
		ldt_desc_ptr = the_ldt_desc;

	/* Construct a TSS entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_tss_desc;
		the_tss_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_tss_desc.opsize         = 0;
		the_tss_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_tss_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_19_16  = TSS_SIZE & 0x000F0000;
		the_tss_desc.present        = 1;
		the_tss_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_tss_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_tss_desc.type           = 0x9;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_15_00  = TSS_SIZE & 0x0000FFFF;

		SET_TSS_PARAMS(the_tss_desc, &tss, tss_size);

		tss_desc_ptr = the_tss_desc;

		tss.ldt_segment_selector = KERNEL_LDT;
		tss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
		tss.esp0 = 0x800000;

	idt_desc_t interrupt;

	interrupt.seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
	interrupt.dpl = 0;
	interrupt.size = 1;
	interrupt.reserved0 = 0;
	interrupt.reserved1 = 1;
	interrupt.reserved2 = 1;
	interrupt.reserved3 = 0;
	interrupt.reserved4 = 0;
	interrupt.present = 1;

	idt_desc_t divide_error_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(divide_error_desc, divide_error);
	idt[0] = divide_error_desc;

	idt_desc_t reserved_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(reserved_desc, reserved);
	idt[1] = reserved_desc;

	idt_desc_t nmi_interrupt_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(nmi_interrupt_desc, nmi_interrupt);
	idt[2] = nmi_interrupt_desc;

	idt_desc_t breakpoint_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(breakpoint_desc, breakpoint);
	idt[3] = breakpoint_desc;

	idt_desc_t overflow_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(overflow_desc, overflow);
	idt[4] = overflow_desc;

	idt_desc_t bound_range_exceeded_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(bound_range_exceeded_desc, bound_range_exceeded);
	idt[5] = bound_range_exceeded_desc;

	idt_desc_t invalid_opcode_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(invalid_opcode_desc, invalid_opcode);
	idt[6] = invalid_opcode_desc;

	idt_desc_t device_not_available_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(device_not_available_desc, device_not_available);
	idt[7] = device_not_available_desc;

	idt_desc_t double_fault_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(double_fault_desc, double_fault);
	idt[8] = double_fault_desc;

	idt_desc_t coprocessor_segment_overrun_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(coprocessor_segment_overrun_desc, coprocessor_segment_overrun);
	idt[9] = divide_error_desc;

	idt_desc_t invalid_tss_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(invalid_tss_desc, invalid_tss);
	idt[10] = invalid_tss_desc;

	idt_desc_t segment_not_present_desc = interrupt;
	segment_not_present_desc.present = 0;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(segment_not_present_desc, segment_not_present);
	idt[11] = segment_not_present_desc;

	idt_desc_t stack_segment_fault_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(stack_segment_fault_desc, stack_segment_fault);
	idt[12] = stack_segment_fault_desc;

	idt_desc_t general_protection_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(general_protection_desc, general_protection);
	idt[13] = general_protection_desc;

	idt_desc_t page_fault_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(page_fault_desc, page_fault);
	idt[14] = page_fault_desc;

	idt_desc_t math_fault_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(math_fault_desc, math_fault);
	idt[16] = math_fault_desc;

	idt_desc_t alignment_check_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(alignment_check_desc, alignment_check);
	idt[17] = alignment_check_desc;

	idt_desc_t machine_check_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(machine_check_desc, machine_check);
	idt[18] = machine_check_desc;

	idt_desc_t simd_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(simd_desc, simd_floating_exception);
	idt[19] = simd_desc;

	idt_desc_t keyboard_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(keyboard_desc, &keyboard_wrapper);
	idt[0x21] = keyboard_desc;

	idt_desc_t rtc_desc = interrupt;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(rtc_desc, &rtc_wrapper);
	idt[0x28] = rtc_desc;

	// load idt

	/* Init the PIC */

	/* Initialize devices, memory, filesystem, enable device interrupts on the
	 * PIC, any other initialization stuff... */

	// initialize rtc

	// enable irq1 for keyboard

	/* Enable interrupts */
	/* Do not enable the following until after you have set up your
	 * IDT correctly otherwise QEMU will triple fault and simple close
	 * without showing you any output */
	printf("Enabling Interrupts\n");

	int freq = 0x0010;
	write_rtc((char *) (&freq));

	// while(1) {
	// 	printf("h");
	// 	read_rtc();
	// }

	// int x = 3 / 0;
	// int * x = 0x12345000;
	// int y;
	// y = *x;

	/* Execute the first program (`shell') ... */

	/* Spin (nicely, so we don't chew up cycles) */
	asm volatile(".1: hlt; jmp .1;");
Пример #5
/* Check if MAGIC is valid and print the Multiboot information structure
   pointed by ADDR. */
entry (unsigned long magic, unsigned long addr)
	uint32_t fileptr;// start of file system
	multiboot_info_t *mbi;

	/* Initialize the screen. */

	/* Am I booted by a Multiboot-compliant boot loader? */
		printf ("Invalid magic number: 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) magic);

	/* Set MBI to the address of the Multiboot information structure. */
	mbi = (multiboot_info_t *) addr;

	/* Print out the flags. */
	printf ("flags = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->flags);

	/* Are mem_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 0))
		printf ("mem_lower = %uKB, mem_upper = %uKB\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mem_lower, (unsigned) mbi->mem_upper);

	/* Is boot_device valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 1))
		printf ("boot_device = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->boot_device);

	/* Is the command line passed? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 2))
		printf ("cmdline = %s\n", (char *) mbi->cmdline);

	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 3)) {
		int mod_count = 0;
		int i;
		module_t* mod = (module_t*)mbi->mods_addr;
		fileptr = mod->mod_start;
		while(mod_count < mbi->mods_count) {
			printf("Module %d loaded at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_start);
			printf("Module %d ends at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_end);
			printf("First few bytes of module:\n");
			for(i = 0; i<16; i++) {
				printf("0x%x ", *((char*)(mod->mod_start+i)));
	/* Bits 4 and 5 are mutually exclusive! */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 4) && CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		printf ("Both bits 4 and 5 are set.\n");

	/* Is the section header table of ELF valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		elf_section_header_table_t *elf_sec = &(mbi->elf_sec);

		printf ("elf_sec: num = %u, size = 0x%#x,"
				" addr = 0x%#x, shndx = 0x%#x\n",
				(unsigned) elf_sec->num, (unsigned) elf_sec->size,
				(unsigned) elf_sec->addr, (unsigned) elf_sec->shndx);

	/* Are mmap_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 6))
		memory_map_t *mmap;

		printf ("mmap_addr = 0x%#x, mmap_length = 0x%x\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mmap_addr, (unsigned) mbi->mmap_length);
		for (mmap = (memory_map_t *) mbi->mmap_addr;
				(unsigned long) mmap < mbi->mmap_addr + mbi->mmap_length;
				mmap = (memory_map_t *) ((unsigned long) mmap
					+ mmap->size + sizeof (mmap->size)))
			printf (" size = 0x%x,     base_addr = 0x%#x%#x\n"
					"     type = 0x%x,  length    = 0x%#x%#x\n",
					(unsigned) mmap->size,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_low,
					(unsigned) mmap->type,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_low);

	/* Construct an LDT entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_ldt_desc;
		the_ldt_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.opsize         = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.present        = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_ldt_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.type           = 0x2;

		SET_LDT_PARAMS(the_ldt_desc, &ldt, ldt_size);
		ldt_desc_ptr = the_ldt_desc;

	/* Construct a TSS entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_tss_desc;
		the_tss_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_tss_desc.opsize         = 0;
		the_tss_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_tss_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_19_16  = TSS_SIZE & 0x000F0000;
		the_tss_desc.present        = 1;
		the_tss_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_tss_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_tss_desc.type           = 0x9;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_15_00  = TSS_SIZE & 0x0000FFFF;

		SET_TSS_PARAMS(the_tss_desc, &tss, tss_size);

		tss_desc_ptr = the_tss_desc;

		tss.ldt_segment_selector = KERNEL_LDT;
		tss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
		tss.esp0 = 0x800000;
	/* Mask all IRQs again*/
	int j;
	/* Init the PIC */
	/* Init IDT vector 0-20*/
		int i;
				//Define an idt_desc_t structure
				idt_desc_t idt_desc;
				//populate w/ correct values
				SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_desc, ehandlers[i]);
				//Set new entry in table
	/* Init IRQ Interrupts*/
	//Timer Chip
		//Define an idt_desc_t structure
		idt_desc_t idt_desc;
		//populate w/ correct values
		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_desc, irqhandlers[0]);
		//Set new entry in table
		//Disable IRQ masking
		//Define an idt_desc_t structure
		idt_desc_t idt_desc;
		//populate w/ correct values
		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_desc, irqhandlers[1]);
		//Set new entry in table
		//Disable IRQ masking
	//Real Time Clock
		//Define an idt_desc_t structure
		idt_desc_t idt_desc;
		//populate w/ correct values
		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_desc, irqhandlers[2]);
		//Set new entry in table
	//Disable IRQ masking
	/* Init System Call 0x80 */
	//Define an idt_desc_t structure
	idt_desc_t idt_desc;
	//populate w/ correct values
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_desc, systemcall);
	//Set new entry in table
	//Load new IDT

	/* Initialize devices, memory, filesystem, enable device interrupts on the
	 * PIC, any other initialization stuff... */
	//Enable IRQ interrupts. 
	/* Enable interrupts */
	/* Do not enable the following until after you have set up your
	 * IDT correctly otherwise QEMU will triple fault and simple close
	 * without showing you any output */
	printf("Enabling Interrupts\n");
	/* This will be replaced by a system call after CP3 */
	filesys_init(fileptr); // start of filesystem
		printf("Reading-> ");
		uint8_t buf[1024];
		int cnt = terminal_read(buf, 1024);
		buf[cnt] = '\0';
		puts ((int8_t*)"Typed:    ");
		puts ((int8_t*)buf);
	/* Execute the first program (`shell') ... */
	/* Spin (nicely, so we don't chew up cycles) */
	asm volatile(".1: hlt; jmp .1;");
Пример #6
 * idt_initialize
 *   DESCRIPTION: The function to initilize the idt table
 *   INPUTS: none
 *   OUTPUTS: none
 *   RETURN VALUE: none
 *   SIDE EFFECTS: Call SET_IDT_ENTRY to set all the idt
void idt_initialize()
    /*Loop variables*/
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < EXCEPTION_COUNT; ++i)
        idt[i].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
        idt[i].reserved4 = 0;
        idt[i].reserved3 = 0;
        idt[i].reserved2 = 1;
        idt[i].reserved1 = 1;
        idt[i].size = 1;
        idt[i].reserved0 = 0;
        idt[i].dpl = 0;
        idt[i].present = 1;

    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0], division_by_zero);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[1], debug_exception);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[2], non_maskable_int);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[3], break_point);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[4], into_overflow);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[5], out_of_bounds);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[6], invalid_opcode);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[7], device_not_available);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[8], double_fault);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[9], co_segment_overrun);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[10], invalid_tss);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[11], segment_not_present);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[12], stack_fault);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[13], general_protection);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[14], page_fault);

    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[16], x87_floating_point);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[17], alignment_check);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[18], machine_check);
    SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[19], SIMD_floating_point);
    /*Scheduler part*/

    idt[PIT_IDX].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
    idt[PIT_IDX].reserved4 = 0;
    idt[PIT_IDX].reserved3 = 0;
    idt[PIT_IDX].reserved2 = 1;
    idt[PIT_IDX].reserved1 = 1;
    idt[PIT_IDX].size = 1;
    idt[PIT_IDX].reserved0 = 0;
    idt[PIT_IDX].dpl = 0;
    idt[PIT_IDX].present = 1;

    /*Keyboard part*/

    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].reserved4 = 0;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].reserved3 = 0;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].reserved2 = 1;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].reserved1 = 1;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].size = 1;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].reserved0 = 0;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].dpl = 0;
    idt[KEYBOARD_IDX].present = 1;

    /*RTC part*/

    idt[RTC_IDX].reserved4 = 0;
    idt[RTC_IDX].reserved3 = 0;
    idt[RTC_IDX].reserved2 = 1;
    idt[RTC_IDX].reserved1 = 1;
    idt[RTC_IDX].size = 1;
    idt[RTC_IDX].reserved0 = 0;
    idt[RTC_IDX].dpl = 0;
    idt[RTC_IDX].present= 1 ;

    /*Mouse part*/
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].reserved4 = 0;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].reserved3 = 0;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].reserved2 = 1;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].reserved1 = 1;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].size = 1;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].reserved0 = 0;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].dpl = 0;
    idt[MOUSE_IDX].present= 1 ;

    /*System call part*/
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].reserved4 = 0;
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].reserved3 = 0;
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].reserved2 = 1;
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].reserved1 = 1;
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].size = 1;
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].reserved0 = 0;
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].dpl = 3; /*Specially for sys call*/
    idt[SYSCALL_IDX].present= 1 ;

Пример #7
 * idt_init
 *   DESCRIPTION: set IDT entries for interrupts
 *   INPUTS: none
 *   OUTPUTS: none
 *   RETURN VALUE: none
 *   SIDE EFFECTS: interrupts are assigned to proper INTs
void idt_init() {
	idt_desc_t idt_interrupt;
    idt_interrupt.seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
    idt_interrupt.reserved4 = 0x0;
    idt_interrupt.reserved3 = 0x0;
    idt_interrupt.reserved2 = 0x1;
    idt_interrupt.reserved1 = 0x1;
    idt_interrupt.reserved0 = 0x0;
	idt_interrupt.size = 0x1;
    idt_interrupt.dpl = 0x0;
    idt_interrupt.present = 0x1;
	idt_desc_t idt_exception = idt_interrupt;
	idt_exception.reserved3 = 1;
	idt_desc_t idt_syscall = idt_interrupt;
	idt_syscall.dpl = 3;
	idt_syscall.reserved3 = 1;

	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
		idt[i]= idt_exception;
	for (i = 32; i < 256; i++) {
		idt[i] = idt_interrupt;
	idt[0x80] = idt_syscall;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0], &divide_error);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[1], &debug_exception);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[2], &nmi_interrupt);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[3], &breakpoint);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[4], &overflow);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[5], &bound_range_exceeded);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[6], &invalid_opcode);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[7], &device_not_available);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[8], &double_fault);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[9], &coprocessor_segment_overrun);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[10], &invalid_tss);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[11], &segment_not_present);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[12], &stack_fault);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[13], &general_protection);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[14], &page_fault);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[15], &common_exception);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[16], &floating_point_error);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[17], &alignment_check);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[18], &machine_check);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[19], &simd_floating_point_exception);

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0x20], irq_pit);

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0x21], irq_keyboard);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0x28], irq_rtc);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0x80], START_SYS_CALLS);			//call sys calls
Пример #8
/* Check if MAGIC is valid and print the Multiboot information structure
   pointed by ADDR. */
entry (unsigned long magic, unsigned long addr)
	uint32_t file_system_start;
	multiboot_info_t *mbi;

	/* Clear the screen. */

	/* Am I booted by a Multiboot-compliant boot loader? */
		printf ("Invalid magic number: 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) magic);

	/* Set MBI to the address of the Multiboot information structure. */
	mbi = (multiboot_info_t *) addr;

	/* Print out the flags. */
	printf ("flags = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->flags);

	/* Are mem_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 0))
		printf ("mem_lower = %uKB, mem_upper = %uKB\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mem_lower, (unsigned) mbi->mem_upper);

	/* Is boot_device valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 1))
		printf ("boot_device = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->boot_device);

	/* Is the command line passed? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 2))
		printf ("cmdline = %s\n", (char *) mbi->cmdline);

	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 3)) {
		int mod_count = 0;
		int i;
		module_t* mod = (module_t*)mbi->mods_addr;

		file_system_start = mod->mod_start;  // store mod_start as start address of file system
		while(mod_count < mbi->mods_count) {
			printf("Module %d loaded at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_start);
			printf("Module %d ends at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_end);
			printf("First few bytes of module:\n");
			for(i = 0; i<16; i++) {
				printf("0x%x ", *((char*)(mod->mod_start+i)));
	/* Bits 4 and 5 are mutually exclusive! */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 4) && CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		printf ("Both bits 4 and 5 are set.\n");

	/* Is the section header table of ELF valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		elf_section_header_table_t *elf_sec = &(mbi->elf_sec);

		printf ("elf_sec: num = %u, size = 0x%#x,"
				" addr = 0x%#x, shndx = 0x%#x\n",
				(unsigned) elf_sec->num, (unsigned) elf_sec->size,
				(unsigned) elf_sec->addr, (unsigned) elf_sec->shndx);

	/* Are mmap_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 6))
		memory_map_t *mmap;

		printf ("mmap_addr = 0x%#x, mmap_length = 0x%x\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mmap_addr, (unsigned) mbi->mmap_length);
		for (mmap = (memory_map_t *) mbi->mmap_addr;
				(unsigned long) mmap < mbi->mmap_addr + mbi->mmap_length;
				mmap = (memory_map_t *) ((unsigned long) mmap
					+ mmap->size + sizeof (mmap->size)))
			printf (" size = 0x%x,     base_addr = 0x%#x%#x\n"
					"     type = 0x%x,  length    = 0x%#x%#x\n",
					(unsigned) mmap->size,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_low,
					(unsigned) mmap->type,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_low);

	/* Construct an LDT entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_ldt_desc;
		the_ldt_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.opsize         = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.present        = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_ldt_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.type           = 0x2;

		SET_LDT_PARAMS(the_ldt_desc, &ldt, ldt_size);
		ldt_desc_ptr = the_ldt_desc;

	/* Construct a TSS entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_tss_desc;
		the_tss_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_tss_desc.opsize         = 0;
		the_tss_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_tss_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_19_16  = TSS_SIZE & 0x000F0000;
		the_tss_desc.present        = 1;
		the_tss_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_tss_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_tss_desc.type           = 0x9;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_15_00  = TSS_SIZE & 0x0000FFFF;

		SET_TSS_PARAMS(the_tss_desc, &tss, tss_size);

		tss_desc_ptr = the_tss_desc;

		tss.ldt_segment_selector = KERNEL_LDT;
		tss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
		tss.esp0 = 0x800000 - 4;


	/* Initialize first 20 IDT entries for exceptions */
	/* Initialize interrupt descriptor entries defined in x86_desc.h*/
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<EXCEPTION_NUM; i++)

		idt[i].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;    // set up elements in the exception entry
		idt[i].reserved4 = 0;			
		idt[i].reserved3 = 0;		
		idt[i].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[i].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[i].size = 1;
		idt[i].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[i].dpl = 0;          
		idt[i].present = 1;

		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[i], reserved);

	// /* set 20 idt entries for exceptions */

	// set idt entry for RTC
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;   // set up elements in the RTC entry
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].reserved4 = 0;			
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].reserved3 = 0;		
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].size = 1;
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].dpl = 0;          
		idt[RTC_ENTRY].present = 1;

		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[RTC_ENTRY], rtc_wrapper);   // set idt entry for RTC

	// set idt entry for keyboard
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;   // set up elements in the keyboard entry
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].reserved4 = 0;			
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].reserved3 = 0;		
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].size = 1;
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].dpl = 0;          
		idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY].present = 1;

		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[KEYBRD_ENTRY], keybrd_wrapper);   // set idt entry for keyboard


	//set idt entry for system call
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;		
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].reserved3 = 0;
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].reserved2 = 1;		
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].size = 1;
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].dpl = 3;
		idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY].present = 1;
		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[SYSCALL_ENTRY], syscall_wrapper);
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;		
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].reserved3 = 0;
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].reserved2 = 1;		
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].size = 1;
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].dpl = 0;
		idt[MOUSE_VECTOR].present = 1;
		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[MOUSE_VECTOR], mouse_linkage);      

	// set idt entry for pit
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;		
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].reserved3 = 0;
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].reserved2 = 1;		
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].size = 1;
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].dpl = 3;
		idt[PIT_ENTRY].present = 1;
		SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[PIT_ENTRY], pit_wrapper);


	// keyboard_handler(); 

	 //	test divide_error
	 // i=1/0;  

	// initialize devices
	// enable associated interrupts on PIC
	/* devices initialization ends*/	

	/* Initialize devices, memory, filesystem, enable device interrupts on the
	 * PIC, any other initialization stuff... */

	/* Enable interrupts */
	/* Do not enable the following until after you have set up your
	 * IDT correctly otherwise QEMU will triple fault and simple close
	 * without showing you any output */

	 i8259_init();   /* Init the PIC */ 

     // printf("Enabling Interrupts\n");

	 paging_init();    // set up paging

	 //testing purpose of paging
	 // uint8_t * test_ptr = 0x000B8000;
	 // * test_ptr = 1;
	 // // uint8_t * test_ptr = 0xB6000;
	 // *test_ptr = 1;

	 // printf("paging works!!\n");

	 // clear();   
	 rtc_init();     // init rtc  

	 fs_init(file_system_start);   // init file system, test case: test_fs_init() is commented in the fs_init function
	 for(i = 0; i < 30; i++){
		pid_status[i] = 0;
	 pid = -1;

   // enable interrupts on processor
	 /*****test cases*****/

	 // uint8_t* filename;
	 /*test rtc open*/
	 // rtc_open(filename);

	 /*test rtc write*/
	 // int32_t fd;
	 // uint8_t* buf;
	 // rtc_write(fd, buf, 2);

	 // // /*test rtc read*/ 
	 // while(1){
	 // 	rtc_read(fd, buf, 16);
	 // 	printf("rtc_read\n");
	 // }

	  // read_test_text();  // read file depends on the READ_TEXT and READ_TXT flag on the top of file_system_driver.c 
	 /*****test cases*****/

	 enable_irq(8);  //enable rtc interrupt 
	 enable_irq(1);  //enable keyboard interrupt

		dentry_t tmp_dentry;
		uint32_t tmp_eip, user_esp;
		uint8_t buf[4];
		read_dentry_by_name((uint8_t*)"testprint", &tmp_dentry);
		read_data(tmp_dentry.inode_num, 0, (uint8_t*)(0x08048000), 0x400000);	
		read_data(tmp_dentry.inode_num, 24, buf, 4);
		tmp_eip = 0x080481a4;	
		user_esp = 0x8000000 + 0x400000 - 4; //user space stack = 132MB - 4B
		tss.esp0 =0x800000-4;	//kernel stack = 128MB - 4B
		tss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
		asm volatile ("							\n\
				 cli 						\n\
				 movw %0, %%ax				\n\
				 movw %%ax, %%ds 			\n\
    			 pushl %0 					\n\
    			 pushl %1 					\n\
				 pushfl						\n\
				 popl %%eax 				\n\
    			 orl %2, %%eax 				\n\
    			 pushl %%eax 				\n\
    			 pushl %3 					\n\
    			 pushl %4 					\n\
				 iret 						\n\
    			 :"i"(USER_DS), "r"(user_esp), "r"(0x200), "i"(USER_CS), "r"(tmp_eip)
    			 :"eax", "memory"
	execute((uint8_t *) "shell");

	/* Spin (nicely, so we don't chew up cycles) */

	// uint8_t test_read_buffer[TEST_READ_BUFFER_SIZE];										//initialize buffer for testing terminal_read
	// uint8_t test_write_buffer[TEST_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE] = "teststringforwritefunction\n";     //initialize buffer for testing terminal_write
	// while(1){
	// 	memset(test_read_buffer, 0, TEST_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
	// 	printf("Number of bytes read: %d\n", terminal_read(0, test_read_buffer, TEST_READ_BUFFER_SIZE-1));		//testing terminal_read
	// 	terminal_write(1, test_read_buffer, TEST_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);										//testing terminal _write
	// 	terminal_write(1, test_write_buffer, TEST_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE);			
	// }

	asm volatile(".1: hlt; jmp .1;");
Пример #9
 * _fill_idt_exceptions
 *   DESCRIPTION: Fill in all the exception entries in the IDT.
 *   INPUTS: none
 *   OUTPUTS: none
 *   RETURN VALUE: none
 *   SIDE EFFECTS: Change contents in the IDT table.
void _fill_idt_exceptions(){
	idt_desc_t idt_temp;
	// uint32_t i;
	// Exception and interrupts use interrupt gate
	idt_temp.seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
	idt_temp.size = 1;		// Indicates 32 Bits
	idt_temp.dpl = 0x0;		// Kernel level privilege.
	idt_temp.present = 1;	// Mark as present
	idt_temp.reserved4 = 0;	// Reserved.
	idt_temp.reserved3 = 0;
	idt_temp.reserved2 = 1;
	idt_temp.reserved1 = 1;
	idt_temp.reserved0 = 0;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_0);
	idt[0] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_1);
	idt[1] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_2);
	idt[2] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_3);
	idt[3] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_4);
	idt[4] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_5);
	idt[5] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_6);
	idt[6] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_7);
	idt[7] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_8);
	idt[8] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_9);
	idt[9] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_10);
	idt[10] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_11);
	idt[11] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_12);
	idt[12] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_13);
	idt[13] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_14);
	idt[14] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_15);
	idt[15] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_16);
	idt[16] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_17);
	idt[17] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_18);
	idt[18] = idt_temp;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_temp, &exception_19);
	idt[19] = idt_temp;
Пример #10
 * create_exceptions
 *   DESCRIPTION: Calls respective exception in handler.c. Loads exceptions in IDT by iterating through k values, where k is the interrupt vector number
 *   INPUTS: none
 *   OUTPUTS: Calls respective exception in handler.c
 *   RETURN VALUE: none
 *   SIDE EFFECTS: none
void create_exceptions()
	int k=0; //Divide By Zero
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 1; //Debugger
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 2; //NMI
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 3; //Breakpoint
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 4; //Overflow
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 5; //Bounds
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 6; //Invalid Opcode
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 7; //Coprocessor Not Available
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 8; //Double Fault
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 9; //Coprocessor Segment Overrun
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 10; //Invalid Task State Segment
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 11; //Segment Not Present
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 12; //Stack Fault
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 13; //General Protection Fault
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 14; //Page Fault
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 15; //Reserved
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 16; //Math Fault
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 17; //Alignment Check
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 18; //Machine Check
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k = 19; //SIMD Floating Point
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k = 0x20; //PIT
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k =0x21 ; //Keyboard Vector
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k =0x28 ; //RTC
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	

	k =0x80 ; //Generic System Call
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 3;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
	k =0x20+12 ; // mouse
		idt[k].present = 1;
		idt[k].dpl = 0;
		idt[k].reserved0 = 0;
		idt[k].size = 1;
		idt[k].reserved1 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved2 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved3 = 1;
		idt[k].reserved4 = 0;
		idt[k].seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;	
Пример #11
/* Check if MAGIC is valid and print the Multiboot information structure
   pointed by ADDR. */
entry (unsigned long magic, unsigned long addr)
	multiboot_info_t *mbi;

	/* Clear the screen. */

	/* Am I booted by a Multiboot-compliant boot loader? */
		printf ("Invalid magic number: 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) magic);

	/* Set MBI to the address of the Multiboot information structure. */
	mbi = (multiboot_info_t *) addr;

	/* Print out the flags. */
	printf ("flags = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->flags);

	/* Are mem_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 0))
		printf ("mem_lower = %uKB, mem_upper = %uKB\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mem_lower, (unsigned) mbi->mem_upper);

	/* Is boot_device valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 1))
		printf ("boot_device = 0x%#x\n", (unsigned) mbi->boot_device);

	/* Is the command line passed? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 2))
		printf ("cmdline = %s\n", (char *) mbi->cmdline);

	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 3)) {
		int mod_count = 0;
		int i;
		module_t* mod = (module_t*)mbi->mods_addr;
		while(mod_count < mbi->mods_count) {
			printf("Module %d loaded at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_start);
			printf("Module %d ends at address: 0x%#x\n", mod_count, (unsigned int)mod->mod_end);
			printf("First few bytes of module:\n");
			for(i = 0; i<16; i++) {
				printf("0x%x ", *((char*)(mod->mod_start+i)));
	/* Bits 4 and 5 are mutually exclusive! */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 4) && CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		printf ("Both bits 4 and 5 are set.\n");

	/* Is the section header table of ELF valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 5))
		elf_section_header_table_t *elf_sec = &(mbi->elf_sec);

		printf ("elf_sec: num = %u, size = 0x%#x,"
				" addr = 0x%#x, shndx = 0x%#x\n",
				(unsigned) elf_sec->num, (unsigned) elf_sec->size,
				(unsigned) elf_sec->addr, (unsigned) elf_sec->shndx);

	/* Are mmap_* valid? */
	if (CHECK_FLAG (mbi->flags, 6))
		memory_map_t *mmap;

		printf ("mmap_addr = 0x%#x, mmap_length = 0x%x\n",
				(unsigned) mbi->mmap_addr, (unsigned) mbi->mmap_length);
		for (mmap = (memory_map_t *) mbi->mmap_addr;
				(unsigned long) mmap < mbi->mmap_addr + mbi->mmap_length;
				mmap = (memory_map_t *) ((unsigned long) mmap
					+ mmap->size + sizeof (mmap->size)))
			printf (" size = 0x%x,     base_addr = 0x%#x%#x\n"
					"     type = 0x%x,  length    = 0x%#x%#x\n",
					(unsigned) mmap->size,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->base_addr_low,
					(unsigned) mmap->type,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_high,
					(unsigned) mmap->length_low);

	/* Construct an LDT entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_ldt_desc;
		the_ldt_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.opsize         = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.present        = 1;
		the_ldt_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_ldt_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_ldt_desc.type           = 0x2;

		SET_LDT_PARAMS(the_ldt_desc, &ldt, ldt_size);
		ldt_desc_ptr = the_ldt_desc;

	/* Construct a TSS entry in the GDT */
		seg_desc_t the_tss_desc;
		the_tss_desc.granularity    = 0;
		the_tss_desc.opsize         = 0;
		the_tss_desc.reserved       = 0;
		the_tss_desc.avail          = 0;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_19_16  = TSS_SIZE & 0x000F0000;
		the_tss_desc.present        = 1;
		the_tss_desc.dpl            = 0x0;
		the_tss_desc.sys            = 0;
		the_tss_desc.type           = 0x9;
		the_tss_desc.seg_lim_15_00  = TSS_SIZE & 0x0000FFFF;

		SET_TSS_PARAMS(the_tss_desc, &tss, tss_size);

		tss_desc_ptr = the_tss_desc;

		tss.ldt_segment_selector = KERNEL_LDT;
		tss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
		tss.esp0 = 0x800000;

 /* Setup Trap Entries */                                                                       

  idt_desc_t idt_entry;       // setup idt_entry                                                 
  idt_entry.dpl       = 0;
  idt_entry.present     = 1;
  idt_entry.seg_selector    =KERNEL_CS;
  idt_entry.reserved3     =1; //40    
  idt_entry.reserved2     =1; //41   
  idt_entry.reserved1     =1; //42  
  idt_entry.size        =1; //43   
  idt_entry.reserved0     =0; //44   

  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, divide_by_zero);
  idt[0x00] = idt_entry;
  /* Setup System Call Entry */
 idt_entry.dpl       = 3;
  idt_entry.present     = 1;
  idt_entry.seg_selector    =KERNEL_CS;
  idt_entry.reserved3     =1; //40
  idt_entry.reserved2     =1; //41
  idt_entry.reserved1     =1; //42
  idt_entry.size        =1; //43
  idt_entry.reserved0     =0; //44
  /* Setup Interrupt Entries */
  idt_entry.dpl       = 0;
  idt_entry.present     = 1;
  idt_entry.seg_selector    =KERNEL_CS;
  idt_entry.reserved3     =0; //40
  idt_entry.reserved2     =1; //41
  idt_entry.reserved1     =1; //42
  idt_entry.size        =1; //43
  idt_entry.reserved0     =0; //44

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, divide_by_zero);
	idt[0x00] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, debugger_interrupt);
	idt[0x01] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, non_maskable_interrupt);
	idt[0x02] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, breakpoint_interrupt);
	idt[0x03] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, overflow_error);
	idt[0x04] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, out_of_bounds_error);
	idt[0x05] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, invalid_opcode_interrupt);
	idt[0x06] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, coprocessor_not_avaliable);
	idt[0x07] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, coprocessor_not_avaliable);
	idt[0x08] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, coprocessor_segment_overrun);
	idt[0x09] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, invalid_task_state_segment);
	idt[0x0A] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, segment_not_present);
	idt[0x0B] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, page_fault);
	idt[0x0C] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, general_protection_fault);
	idt[0x0D] = idt_entry;
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, page_fault);
	idt[0x0E] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
	idt[0x0F] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
	idt[0x10] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
	idt[0x11] = idt_entry;	
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
	idt[0x12] = idt_entry;	
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x13] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x14] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x15] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x16] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x17] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x18] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x19] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x1A] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x1B] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x1C] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x1D] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x1E] = idt_entry;
  SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, reserved_error);
  idt[0x1F] = idt_entry;

	/*Interrupt Entries setup*/

	printf("Testing if its even coming here");

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt_entry, &_kb_wrapper);
	idt[0x21] = idt_entry;	
	/* Init the PIC */
	/* Initialize devices, memory, filesystem, enable device interrupts on the
	 * PIC, any other initialization stuff... */

	/* Enable interrupts */
	/* Do not enable the following until after you have set up your
	 * IDT correctly otherwise QEMU will triple fault and simple close
	 * without showing you any output */
	printf("Enabling Interrupts");

	/* Execute the first program (`shell') ... */
	/* Spin (nicely, so we don't chew up cycles) */
	asm volatile(".1: hlt; jmp .1;");
Пример #12
void idt_initialize()
	int i;

	idt_desc_t exception;

	exception.seg_selector = KERNEL_CS;
	exception.reserved4 = set_0;
	exception.reserved3 = set_0;
	exception.reserved2 = set_1;
	exception.reserved1 = set_1;
	exception.size = set_1;
	exception.reserved0 = set_0;
	exception.dpl = set_0;
	exception.present = set_1;

	idt_desc_t interrupt;
	interrupt = exception;

	//interrupt.reserved3 = set_1;

	idt_desc_t syscall;
	syscall = interrupt;

	syscall.dpl = set_3;
	syscall.reserved3 = set_1;

	for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		idt[i] = exception;

	for(i = 32; i < 41; i++)
		idt[i] = interrupt;

	idt[0x80] = syscall;

	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0], &divide_by_zero_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[1], &debug_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[2], &nmi_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[3], &breakpoint_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[4], &overflow_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[5], &bound_range_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[6], &invalid_op_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[7], &device_na_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[8], &double_fault_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[9], &coprocessor_seg_overrun_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[10], &invalid_tss_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[11], &seg_not_present_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[12], &stack_seg_fault_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[13], &general_protection_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[14], &page_fault_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[15], &reserved_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[16], &math_fault_linkage);			
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[17], &alignment_check_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[18], &machine_check_linkage);
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[19], &floating_point_linkage);

	// we add 32 to the IRQ number because of the offset
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[32], &irq0_wrapper); // add PIT irq (IRQ0+32 = 32)
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[33], &irq1_wrapper); // add keyboard irq (IRQ1+32 = 33)
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[40], &irq8_wrapper); // add rtc irq      (IRQ8+32 = 40)

	// add system call handler
	SET_IDT_ENTRY(idt[0x80], &syscall_wrapper);

