Пример #1
void SG_repo__unpack(SG_context* pCtx, SG_repo * pRepo, SG_blob_encoding blob_encoding)
    SG_vhash* pvh = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count = 0;
    SG_uint32 i = 0;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx;

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, blob_encoding, SG_FALSE, SG_FALSE, 500, 0, &pvh)  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__count(pCtx, pvh, &count)  );
    for (i=0; i<count; i++)
        const char* psz_hid = NULL;
        const SG_variant* pv = NULL;
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get_nth_pair(pCtx, pvh, i, &psz_hid, &pv)  );

		// Not a lot of thought went into doing each of these in its own repo tx.  Consider alternatives.
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__change_blob_encoding(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, psz_hid, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)  );
		SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh);


    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh);
Пример #2
void u0048_multidag__add_dagnode(SG_context * pCtx,
								 char** ppszid, const char* pszidParent, SG_uint32 iDagNum, SG_repo* pRepo)
	char buf_tid[SG_TID_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
    SG_dagnode* pdn = NULL;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx;

	// create a TID just to get some random data.  use it to create a HID.
	// use the HID as the HID of a hypothetical changeset so that we can create the dagnode.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_tid__generate(pCtx, buf_tid, sizeof(buf_tid))  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_bytes(pCtx,
															   (SG_byte *)buf_tid,
															   ppszid)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__alloc(pCtx, &pdn,*ppszid, pszidParent ? 2: 1 )  );
    if (pszidParent)
        VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__add_parent(pCtx, pdn,pszidParent)  );
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__freeze(pCtx, pdn)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, iDagNum, pdn)  );
    pdn = NULL;
    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo,&pTx)  );


Пример #3
void MyFn(create_zero_byte_blob)(SG_context* pCtx,
								 SG_repo* pRepo)
	struct z
		const char * pszHashMethod;
		const char * pszTrivialHash;
	struct z az[] = { { "SHA1/160", 	"da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" },
					  { "SHA2/256",		"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" },
					  { "SHA2/384",		"38b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114be07434c0cc7bf63f6e1da274edebfe76f65fbd51ad2f14898b95b" },
					  { "SHA2/512",		"cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e" },

	char* pszidHidBlob1 = NULL;
	char * pbuf1 = NULL;
	char * pbuf2 = NULL;
	SG_uint64 lenBuf2;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenBuf1 = 0;
	char * pszHashMethod = NULL;
	SG_uint32 k, kLimit;

	pbuf1 = (char *)SG_calloc(1,lenBuf1+1);

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob_from_memory(pCtx, pRepo,pTx,NULL,SG_FALSE,(SG_byte *)pbuf1,lenBuf1,&pszidHidBlob1)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

	INFOP("create_zero_byte_blob",("Created blob [%s]",(pszidHidBlob1)));

	// fetch blob into a new buffer and verify that it matches.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_memory(pCtx, pRepo,pszidHidBlob1,(SG_byte **)&pbuf2,&lenBuf2)  );
	VERIFY_COND("create_zero_byte_blob(fetch blob)",(lenBuf2 == (SG_uint64)lenBuf1));


	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__get_hash_method(pCtx, pRepo, &pszHashMethod)  );
	kLimit = SG_NrElements(az);
	for (k=0; k<kLimit; k++)
		if (strcmp(pszHashMethod,az[k].pszHashMethod) == 0)
			// The empty blob should always have this hid
			VERIFY_COND("zero byte blob hid mismatch",
						strcmp(pszidHidBlob1, az[k].pszTrivialHash) == 0);

	// cleanup

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pbuf1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pbuf2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszHashMethod);
void MyFn(one_dagnode)(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo* pRepo)
	char* pId = NULL;
	SG_dagnode* pdnCreated = NULL;
	SG_dagnode* pdnFetched = NULL;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	char buf_tid[SG_TID_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_tid__generate(pCtx, buf_tid, sizeof(buf_tid))  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_bytes(pCtx,
															   (SG_byte *)buf_tid,
															   &pId)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__alloc(pCtx, &pdnCreated, pId, 1, 0)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__freeze(pCtx, pdnCreated)  );

	// Add dagnode.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_DAGNUM__TESTING__NOTHING, pdnCreated)  );
    pdnCreated = NULL;

	// Should fail: tx not committed.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__TESTING__NOTHING, pId, &pdnFetched),
										  SG_ERR_NOT_FOUND  );	// Dag node visible before repo tx committed.

	// Abort repo tx.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__abort_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__abort_tx should null/free the repo transaction.", !pTx);

	// Should fail: tx aborted.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__TESTING__NOTHING, pId, &pdnFetched),
										  SG_ERR_NOT_FOUND  ); // Dag node exists after repo tx abort

	// Write dagnode, commit tx.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__alloc(pCtx, &pdnCreated, pId, 1, 0)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__freeze(pCtx, pdnCreated)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_DAGNUM__TESTING__NOTHING, pdnCreated)  );
    pdnCreated = NULL;
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__commit_tx should null/free the repo transaction.", !pTx);

	// Read back the dagnode.  It should exist now.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__TESTING__NOTHING, pId, &pdnFetched)  );

	// Fall through to common cleanup.

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pId);
	SG_DAGNODE_NULLFREE(pCtx, pdnCreated);
	SG_DAGNODE_NULLFREE(pCtx, pdnFetched);
// Store a blob.  Make sure it doesn't show up until/unless the repo tx is committed.
void MyFn(one_blob)(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo* pRepo)
	SG_byte* pBufIn = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenBufIn = 0;

	SG_byte* pBufOut = NULL;
	SG_uint64 lenBufOut = 0;

	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx;
	char* pszHidReturned = NULL;

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  MyFn(alloc_random_buffer)(pCtx, &pBufIn, &lenBufIn)  );

	// Start writing blob.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob_from_memory(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_FALSE, pBufIn, lenBufIn, &pszHidReturned)  );

	// Should fail: tx not committed.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_memory(pCtx, pRepo, pszHidReturned, &pBufOut, &lenBufOut),
										  SG_ERR_BLOB_NOT_FOUND  );			// Blob visible before repo tx committed
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pBufOut);

	// Abort repo tx.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__abort_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__abort_tx should null/free the repo transaction.", !pTx);

	// Should fail: tx aborted.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_memory(pCtx, pRepo, pszHidReturned, &pBufOut, &lenBufOut),
										  SG_ERR_BLOB_NOT_FOUND  );			// Blob exists after repo tx abort
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pBufOut);

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszHidReturned);

	// Write blob, commit tx.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob_from_memory(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_FALSE, pBufIn, lenBufIn, &pszHidReturned)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__commit_tx should null/free the repo transaction.", !pTx);

	// Read back the blob.  It should exist now.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_memory(pCtx, pRepo, pszHidReturned, &pBufOut, &lenBufOut)  );
	// Just verify the length.  It's another test's job to roundtrip blobs and verify data.
	VERIFY_COND(  "blob length mismatch", lenBufOut == lenBufIn  );

	 // Fall through to common cleanup.

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszHidReturned);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pBufIn);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pBufOut);
Пример #6
void SG_repo__pack__zlib(SG_context* pCtx, SG_repo * pRepo)
    SG_vhash* pvh = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count = 0;
    SG_uint32 i = 0;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx;

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, SG_TRUE, SG_TRUE, 500, 0, &pvh)  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__count(pCtx, pvh, &count)  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
    for (i=0; i<count; i++)
        const char* psz_hid = NULL;
        const SG_variant* pv = NULL;
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_vhash__get_nth_pair(pCtx, pvh, i, &psz_hid, &pv)  );
        SG_repo__change_blob_encoding(pCtx, pRepo, pTx,  psz_hid, SG_BLOBENCODING__ZLIB, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

		if (SG_context__has_err(pCtx))
            if (!SG_context__err_equals(pCtx,SG_ERR_REPO_BUSY))
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh);


    SG_VHASH_NULLFREE(pCtx, pvh);
void MyFn(empty_tx)(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo* pRepo)
    SG_blobset* pbs = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count_blobs_before = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_encoded_before = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_full_before = 0;

    SG_uint32 count_blobs_after = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_encoded_after = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_full_after = 0;

	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	// Commit empty tx.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	VERIFY_COND("blob count mismatch", count_blobs_before == count_blobs_after);
	VERIFY_COND("len_encoded mismatch", len_encoded_before == len_encoded_after);
	VERIFY_COND("len_full mismatch", len_full_before == len_full_after);

	// Abort empty tx.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__abort_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	VERIFY_COND("blob count mismatch", count_blobs_before == count_blobs_after);
	VERIFY_COND("len_encoded mismatch", len_encoded_before == len_encoded_after);
	VERIFY_COND("len_full mismatch", len_full_before == len_full_after);


// Create 8 blobs, commit those whose bit is set in blobMask, abort the rest.  Verify results.
void MyFn(eight_blobs_commit_masked)(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo* pRepo, SG_uint8 blobMask)
    SG_blobset* pbs = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count_blobs_before = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_encoded_before = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_full_before = 0;

    SG_uint32 count_blobs_after = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_encoded_after = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_full_after = 0;

	SG_byte* pRandomBuf = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenRandomBuf;
	SG_uint64 lenTotal = 0;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_repo_store_blob_handle* pbh;
	SG_uint32 i,j;
	SG_uint32 iLenWritten = 0;
	char* apszHids[8];

	SG_uint8 countBlobsToAdd;
	SG_uint8 mask = blobMask;

	// Count the number of bits set in blobMask.
	for (countBlobsToAdd = 0; mask; mask >>= 1)
		countBlobsToAdd += mask & 1;

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

	for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
		VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  MyFn(alloc_random_buffer)(pCtx, &pRandomBuf, &lenRandomBuf)  );
		lenTotal = lenRandomBuf * 3;

		VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__begin(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, NULL, lenTotal, 0, NULL, &pbh)  );
		for (j=0; j < 3; j++)
			VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__chunk(pCtx, pRepo, pbh, lenRandomBuf, pRandomBuf, &iLenWritten)  );
			// This chunk is much smaller than SG_STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE, so the whole thing should be written.
			VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__store_blob__chunk length mismatch.", iLenWritten == lenRandomBuf);

			if ((1 == j) && ((1 << i & blobMask) == 0)) // we're mid-blob and blob is to be aborted (bit is unset)
		if ((1 << i & blobMask) != 0) // blob is to be commit (bit is set)
			// Finish the blob.
			VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__end(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, &pbh, &(apszHids[i]))  );
			// Abort the blob.
			VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__abort(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, &pbh)  );
			apszHids[i] = NULL;
		SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRandomBuf);

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	VERIFY_COND("blob count mismatch", (count_blobs_before + countBlobsToAdd)
		== count_blobs_after);

	// Verify HIDs we think we added, were.
	for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
		if (apszHids[i])
            SG_uint64 len = 0;

			VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_memory(pCtx, pRepo, apszHids[i], &pRandomBuf, &len)  );
			SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRandomBuf);

	// Fall through to common cleanup.

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRandomBuf);
	for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
		SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, apszHids[i]);
// Commit a repo tx while a blob is being stored.
// We jump through some awkward hoops to clean up memory in this case.  If it becomes more trouble than
// it's worth, this test might not be worth running.
void MyFn(commit_mid_blob)(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo* pRepo)
    SG_blobset* pbs = NULL;
    SG_uint32 count_blobs_before = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_encoded_before = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_full_before = 0;

    SG_uint32 count_blobs_after = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_encoded_after = 0;
    SG_uint64 len_full_after = 0;

	SG_byte* pRandomBuf = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenRandomBuf;
	SG_uint64 lenTotal = 0;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_repo_store_blob_handle* pbh;
	SG_uint32 i;
	SG_uint32 iLenWritten = 0;

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  MyFn(alloc_random_buffer)(pCtx, &pRandomBuf, &lenRandomBuf)  );
	lenTotal = lenRandomBuf * 5;

	// Start writing blob.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__begin(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, NULL, lenTotal, 0, NULL, &pbh)  );

	for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
		VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__chunk(pCtx, pRepo, pbh, lenRandomBuf, pRandomBuf, &iLenWritten)  );
		// This chunk is much smaller than SG_STREAMING_BUFFER_SIZE, so the whole thing should be written.
		VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__store_blob__chunk length mismatch.", iLenWritten == lenRandomBuf);

	// We're not done yet, so this should fail.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx),
										  SG_ERR_INCOMPLETE_BLOB_IN_REPO_TX  );	// SG_repo__commit_tx should return SG_ERR_INCOMPLETE_BLOB_IN_REPO_TX
	VERIFY_COND("SG_repo__commit_tx should free the repo transaction.", !pTx);

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRandomBuf);

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__list_blobs(pCtx, pRepo, 0, 0, 0, &pbs)  );

    VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_blobset__get_stats(
                )  );


	VERIFY_COND("blob count mismatch", count_blobs_before == count_blobs_after);
	VERIFY_COND("len_encoded mismatch", len_encoded_before == len_encoded_after);
	VERIFY_COND("len_full mismatch", len_full_before == len_full_after);


	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pRandomBuf);
void MyFn(no_repo_tx)(SG_context * pCtx, SG_repo* pRepo)
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_repo_store_blob_handle* pbh;

	SG_byte* pBufIn = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenBufIn = 0;
	char* pszHidReturned = NULL;

	char* pId = NULL;
	SG_dagnode* pdnCreated = NULL;

	char buf_tid[SG_TID_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, NULL),
										  SG_ERR_INVALIDARG  );		// commit_tx without repo tx didn't fail with INVALIDARG.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__abort_tx(pCtx, pRepo, NULL),
										  SG_ERR_INVALIDARG  );		// abort_tx without repo tx didn't fail with INVALIDARG.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob__begin(pCtx, pRepo, NULL, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, NULL, 10, 0, NULL, &pbh),
										  SG_ERR_INVALIDARG  );		// store_blob__begin without repo tx didn't fail with INVALIDARG.

	// Create a repo tx so we can test the other blob functions.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  MyFn(alloc_random_buffer)(pCtx, &pBufIn, &lenBufIn)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__begin(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, NULL, lenBufIn, 0, NULL, &pbh)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__chunk(pCtx, pRepo, pbh, lenBufIn, pBufIn, NULL)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob__end(pCtx, pRepo, NULL, &pbh, &pszHidReturned),
										  SG_ERR_INVALIDARG  );		// store_blob__end without repo tx didn't fail with INVALIDARG.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob__abort(pCtx, pRepo, NULL, &pbh),
										  SG_ERR_INVALIDARG  );		// store_blob__abort without repo tx didn't fail with INVALIDARG.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__store_blob__end(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, &pbh, &pszHidReturned)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

	// create a TID just to get some random data.  use it to create a HID.
	// use the HID as the HID of a hypothetical changeset so that we can create the dagnode.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_tid__generate(pCtx, buf_tid, sizeof(buf_tid))  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_bytes(pCtx,
															   (SG_byte *)buf_tid,
															   &pId)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__alloc(pCtx, &pdnCreated, pId, 1, 0)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK(  SG_dagnode__freeze(pCtx, pdnCreated)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_ERR_EQUALS_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_dagnode(pCtx, pRepo, NULL, SG_DAGNUM__TESTING__NOTHING, pdnCreated),
										  SG_ERR_INVALIDARG  );		// store_dagnode without repo tx didn't fail with INVALIDARG.

	// We're intentionally not testing the higher-level store_blob_from_memory and store_blob_from_file
	// routines here because they're just wrappers for the begin/chunk/end routines we do test.

	// Fall through to common cleanup.

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszHidReturned);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pBufIn);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pId);
	SG_DAGNODE_NULLFREE(pCtx, pdnCreated);
Пример #11
void MyFn(create_blob_from_file)(SG_context * pCtx,
								 SG_repo * pRepo,
								 const SG_pathname * pPathnameTempDir,
								 SG_uint64 lenFile,
								 const char * szSrc)
	// create a file of length "lenFile" in the temp directory.
	// use it to create a blob.
	// try to create it a second time and verify that we get an duplicate-hid error.

	char* pszidGidRandom1 = NULL;
	char* pszidGidRandom2 = NULL;
	SG_pathname * pPathnameTempFile1 = NULL;
	SG_pathname * pPathnameTempFile2 = NULL;
	SG_file * pFileTempFile1 = NULL;
	SG_file * pFileTempFile2 = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenSrc;
	SG_uint64 lenWritten;
	char* pszidHidBlob1 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidBlob1Dup = NULL;
	char* pszidHidBlob2 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidVerify1 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidVerify2 = NULL;
	SG_bool bEqual;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_uint64 iBlobFullLength = 0;

	// create temp-file-1 of length "lenFile" in the temp directory.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_gid__alloc(pCtx, &pszidGidRandom1)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_gid__alloc(pCtx, &pszidGidRandom2)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_PATHNAME__ALLOC__PATHNAME_SZ(pCtx, &pPathnameTempFile1,pPathnameTempDir,(pszidGidRandom1))  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__open__pathname(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile1,SG_FILE_RDWR|SG_FILE_CREATE_NEW,0644,&pFileTempFile1)  );

	// write random gid at the beginning of the file
	// so that we won't get collisions if we are called
	// multiple times.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__write(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,(SG_uint32)strlen(pszidGidRandom1),(SG_byte *)pszidGidRandom1,NULL)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__write(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,1,(SG_byte *)"\n",NULL)  );

	// generate lots of data in the file so that we'll cause the
	// blob routines to exercise the chunking stuff.

	lenSrc = (SG_uint32)strlen(szSrc);
	lenWritten = 0;
	while (lenWritten < lenFile)
		VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__write(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,lenSrc,(SG_byte *)szSrc,NULL)  );

		lenWritten += lenSrc;
	// the test file does NOT have a final LF.  i'm not sure it matters one way or the
	// other, but i'm just saying that we're not putting on a final LF.

	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_file__seek(pCtx, pFileTempFile1,0)  );

	// use currently open temp file to create a blob.
	// we get the HID back.  (we need to free it later.)

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob_from_file(pCtx, pRepo,pTx,NULL,SG_FALSE,pFileTempFile1,&pszidHidBlob1,&iBlobFullLength)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

	INFOP("create_blob_from_file",("Created blob [%s]",(pszidHidBlob1)));

	// try to create blob again and verify we get an duplicate-hid error.

	// Ian TODO: Put this back when SG_ERR_BLOBFILEALREADYEXISTS has been replaced.
// 	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
// 	err = SG_repo__store_blob_from_file(pRepo,pTx,SG_FALSE,pFileTempFile1,&pszidHidBlob1Dup);
// 	VERIFYP_CTX_ERR_IS("create_blob_from_file(duplicate)", pCtx, SG_ERR_BLOBFILEALREADYEXISTS, ("Duplicate create failed [%s][%s]",pszidHidBlob1,pszidHidBlob1Dup));
// 	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__NONE, NULL, &pTx)  );

	// create empty temp-file-2 and try to read the blob from the repo.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_PATHNAME__ALLOC__PATHNAME_SZ(pCtx, &pPathnameTempFile2,pPathnameTempDir,(pszidGidRandom2))  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_file__open__pathname(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile2,SG_FILE_RDWR|SG_FILE_CREATE_NEW,0644,&pFileTempFile2)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_file(pCtx, pRepo,pszidHidBlob1,pFileTempFile2,NULL)  );

	// verify that the contents of temp-file-2 is identical to the
	// contents of temp-file-1.  (we already know that the HIDs match
	// and was verified during the fetch, but there are times when the
	// HID is just being used as a key -- it doesn't mean that what we
	// actually restored is correct.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_file(pCtx, pRepo, pFileTempFile1, &pszidHidVerify1)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_file(pCtx, pRepo, pFileTempFile2, &pszidHidVerify2)  );

	bEqual = (0 == (strcmp(pszidHidVerify1,pszidHidVerify2)));
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_file(verify v1==v2)",bEqual);

	bEqual = (0 == (strcmp(pszidHidVerify1,pszidHidBlob1)));
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_file(verify v1==id)",bEqual);

	// TODO delete temp source file

	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_file__close(pCtx, &pFileTempFile1)  );
	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_file__close(pCtx, &pFileTempFile2)  );

	// cleanup

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidGidRandom1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidGidRandom2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1Dup);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidVerify1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidVerify2);
	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile1);
	SG_PATHNAME_NULLFREE(pCtx, pPathnameTempFile2);
Пример #12
void MyFn(create_blob_from_bytes)(SG_context * pCtx,
								  SG_repo * pRepo,
								  SG_uint32 lenBuf1,
								  const char * szSrc)
	// create a large buffer containing some known data.
	// use it to create a blob directly from the buffer.
	// read it back from the repo and verify it.

	char* pszidTidRandom1 = NULL;
	char* pszidTidRandom2 = NULL;
	SG_uint32 lenSrc;
	char* pszidHidBlob1 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidBlob1Dup = NULL;
	char* pszidHidBlob2 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidVerify1 = NULL;
	char* pszidHidVerify2 = NULL;
	SG_bool bEqual;
	char * pbuf1 = NULL;
	char * pbuf2 = NULL;
	char * pbuf1End;
	char * p1;
	SG_uint64 lenBuf2;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx = NULL;
	SG_repo_fetch_blob_handle* pFetchHandle = NULL;

	SG_uint64 lenAbortedBlob;
	SG_uint32 lenGotAbortedBlob;
    SG_bool b_done = SG_FALSE;


	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_tid__alloc2(pCtx, &pszidTidRandom1, 32)  );
	SG_ERR_IGNORE(  SG_tid__alloc2(pCtx, &pszidTidRandom2, 32)  );

	if (lenBuf1 < 100)
		lenBuf1 += 100;

	pbuf1 = (char *)SG_calloc(1,lenBuf1+1);
	pbuf1End = pbuf1+lenBuf1;
	p1 = pbuf1;

	// write random gid at the beginning of the buffer
	// so that we won't get collisions if we are called
	// multiple times.

	p1 += strlen(pszidTidRandom1);
	*p1++ = '\n';

	// generate lots of data in the file so that we'll cause the
	// blob routines to exercise the chunking stuff.

	lenSrc = (SG_uint32)strlen(szSrc);
	while (p1+lenSrc < pbuf1End)
		p1 += lenSrc;

	// use the buffer to create a blob in the repo.  we use lenBuf1 as the
	// length rather than (p1-pbuf1) so we may have some nulls at the end.
	// hope this is ok???  i guess we'll find out...

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__store_blob_from_memory(pCtx, pRepo,pTx,NULL,SG_FALSE,(SG_byte *)pbuf1,lenBuf1,&pszidHidBlob1)  );
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

	INFOP("create_blob_from_bytes",("Created blob [%s]",(pszidHidBlob1)));

	// try to create blob again and verify we get an duplicate-hid error.

	// Ian TODO: Put this back when SG_ERR_BLOBFILEALREADYEXISTS is replaced.
//	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );
// 	err = SG_repo__store_blob_from_memory(pRepo,pTx,SG_FALSE,(SG_byte *)pbuf1,lenBuf1,&pszidHidBlob1Dup);
// 	VERIFYP_CTX_ERR_IS("create_blob_from_bytes(duplicate)", pCtx, SG_ERR_BLOBFILEALREADYEXISTS, ("Duplicate create failed [%s][%s]",pszidHidBlob1,pszidHidBlob1Dup));
//	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, SG_DAGNUM__NONE, NULL, &pTx)  );

	// abort a fetch, ensure it doesn't interfere with subsequent complete fetch

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob__begin(pCtx, pRepo, pszidHidBlob1, SG_TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lenAbortedBlob, &pFetchHandle)  );

	// We want to abort mid-blob, so we set an arbitrary (but small) chunk size, and verify that the blob is
	// bigger than it.
	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob__chunk(pCtx, pRepo, pFetchHandle, 64, (SG_byte*)pbuf1, &lenGotAbortedBlob, &b_done)  );
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_bytes(fetch abort sufficient length)", lenAbortedBlob > lenGotAbortedBlob);

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob__abort(pCtx, pRepo, &pFetchHandle)  );
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_bytes(fetch abort freed handle)", !pFetchHandle);

	// fetch blob into a new buffer and verify that it matches.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__fetch_blob_into_memory(pCtx, pRepo,pszidHidBlob1,(SG_byte **)&pbuf2,&lenBuf2)  );
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_bytes(fetch blob)",(lenBuf2 == (SG_uint64)lenBuf1));

	// verify that the contents of buf-2 is identical to the contents of buf-1.
	// (we already know that the HIDs match and was verified during the fetch,
	// but there are times when the HID is just being used as a key -- it
	// doesn't mean that what we actually restored is correct.

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_bytes(pCtx, pRepo, lenBuf1, (SG_byte *)pbuf1, &pszidHidVerify1)  );

	VERIFY_ERR_CHECK_DISCARD(  SG_repo__alloc_compute_hash__from_bytes(pCtx, pRepo, (SG_uint32)lenBuf2, (SG_byte *)pbuf2, &pszidHidVerify2)  );

	bEqual = (0 == (strcmp(pszidHidVerify1,pszidHidVerify2)));
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_bytes(verify v1==v2)",bEqual);

	bEqual = (0 == (strcmp(pszidHidVerify1,pszidHidBlob1)));
	VERIFY_COND("create_blob_from_bytes(verify v1==id)",bEqual);


	// cleanup

	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pbuf1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pbuf2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidTidRandom1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidTidRandom2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob1Dup);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidBlob2);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidVerify1);
	SG_NULLFREE(pCtx, pszidHidVerify2);
Пример #13
void SG_repo__pack__vcdiff(SG_context* pCtx, SG_repo * pRepo)
	SG_rbtree* prb_leaves = NULL;
	SG_uint32 count_leaves = 0;
    const char* psz_hid_cs = NULL;
    SG_rbtree* prb_blobs = NULL;
    SG_bool b;
    SG_rbtree_iterator* pit = NULL;
    SG_rbtree_iterator* pit_for_gid = NULL;
    SG_bool b_for_gid;
    const char* psz_hid_ref = NULL;
    const char* psz_hid_blob = NULL;
    const char* psz_gid = NULL;
    SG_rbtree* prb = NULL;
    const char* psz_gen = NULL;
	SG_repo_tx_handle* pTx;

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__fetch_dag_leaves(pCtx, pRepo,SG_DAGNUM__VERSION_CONTROL,&prb_leaves)  );
    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb_leaves, &count_leaves)  );

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__first(pCtx, NULL, prb_leaves, &b, &psz_hid_cs, NULL)  );

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_RBTREE__ALLOC(pCtx, &prb_blobs)  );

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  sg_pack__do_changeset(pCtx, pRepo, psz_hid_cs, prb_blobs)  );

    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__first(pCtx, &pit, prb_blobs, &b, &psz_gid, (void**) &prb)  );
    while (b)
        SG_uint32 count_for_gid = 0;
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__count(pCtx, prb, &count_for_gid)  );
        if (count_for_gid > 1)
            psz_hid_ref = NULL;
            SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__first(pCtx, &pit_for_gid, prb, &b_for_gid, &psz_gen, (void**) &psz_hid_blob)  );
            while (b_for_gid)
				// Not a lot of thought went into doing each of these in its own repo tx.  Consider alternatives.
				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__begin_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

				if (psz_hid_ref)
                    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__change_blob_encoding(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, psz_hid_blob, SG_BLOBENCODING__VCDIFF, psz_hid_ref, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)  );
                    // TODO be tolerant here of SG_ERR_REPO_BUSY
                    psz_hid_ref = psz_hid_blob;

                    SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__change_blob_encoding(pCtx, pRepo, pTx, psz_hid_ref, SG_BLOBENCODING__FULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)  );
                    // TODO be tolerant here of SG_ERR_REPO_BUSY

				SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_repo__commit_tx(pCtx, pRepo, &pTx)  );

                SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__next(pCtx, pit_for_gid, &b_for_gid, &psz_gen, (void**) &psz_hid_blob)  );
            SG_RBTREE_ITERATOR_NULLFREE(pCtx, pit_for_gid);
            psz_hid_ref = NULL;
        SG_ERR_CHECK(  SG_rbtree__iterator__next(pCtx, pit, &b, &psz_gid, (void**) &prb)  );

	SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE_WITH_ASSOC(pCtx, prb_blobs, _sg_repo__free_rbtree);

    SG_RBTREE_NULLFREE(pCtx, prb_leaves);

