int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){ ClientServerHello *client_hello, *server_hello; Handshake *handshake, *server_handshake; RecordLayer *record, *server_message, *temp_record, record2; ClientKeyExchange *client_key_exchange; ServerKeyExchange *server_key_exchange; Certificate *certificate; CipherSuite *ciphersuite_choosen; Finished finished; Talker sender; int pre_master_secret_size, phase, key_block_size, enc_message_len, dec_message_len; unsigned int supported_ciphers; uint8_t **pre_master_secret; MD5_CTX md5; SHA_CTX sha; uint8_t *enc_message, *dec_message, *mac, *key_block, *client_write_MAC_secret, *server_write_MAC_secret, *master_secret, *sha_1, *md5_1, *sha_fin, *md5_fin, *mac_test; client_hello = NULL; server_hello = NULL; handshake = NULL; server_handshake = NULL; record = NULL; server_message = NULL; temp_record = NULL; client_key_exchange = NULL; server_key_exchange = NULL; certificate = NULL; ciphersuite_choosen = NULL; pre_master_secret_size = 0; key_block_size = 0; enc_message_len = 0; dec_message_len = 0; pre_master_secret = NULL; phase=0; enc_message = NULL; dec_message = NULL; mac = NULL; key_block = NULL; client_write_MAC_secret = NULL; server_write_MAC_secret = NULL; master_secret = NULL; sha_1 = NULL; md5_1 = NULL; sha_fin = NULL; md5_fin = NULL; mac_test = NULL; sender = client; SHA1_Init(&sha); MD5_Init(&md5); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PHASE 1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OpenCommunication(client); printf("Insert your favorite cipher:"); scanf("%x", &supported_ciphers); if (supported_ciphers < 0x03 || (0xB <= supported_ciphers && supported_ciphers <= 0x10) || supported_ciphers>=0x17){ perror("Not valid ciphersuite inserted."); exit(1); } printf("\n\n"); uint8_t code = (uint8_t)supported_ciphers; client_hello = ClientServerHello_init(CLIENT_HELLO, 0, &code, 1); //Wrapping handshake = ClientServerHelloToHandshake(client_hello); record = HandshakeToRecordLayer(handshake); //Sending client hello sendPacketByte(record); printRecordLayer(record); SHA1_Update(&sha, record->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(record->length-5)); MD5_Update(&md5, record->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(record->length-5)); FreeRecordLayer(record); FreeHandshake(handshake); //Opening the communication to the server and, when authorized, reading server hello OpenCommunication(server); while(CheckCommunication() == server){} server_message = readchannel(); printRecordLayer(server_message); server_handshake = RecordToHandshake(server_message); server_hello = HandshakeToClientServerHello(server_handshake); SHA1_Update(&sha, server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); MD5_Update(&md5, server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); FreeRecordLayer(server_message); FreeHandshake(server_handshake); ciphersuite_choosen = CodeToCipherSuite(server_hello->ciphersuite_code[0]); OpenCommunication(server); phase = 2; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PHASE 2////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while(phase == 2){ while(CheckCommunication() == server){} server_message = readchannel(); printRecordLayer(server_message); server_handshake = RecordToHandshake(server_message); switch (server_handshake->msg_type) { case CERTIFICATE: certificate = HandshakeToCertificate(server_handshake); SHA1_Update(&sha,server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); MD5_Update(&md5,server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); FreeRecordLayer(server_message); FreeHandshake(server_handshake); OpenCommunication(server); break; case SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE: server_key_exchange = HandshakeToServerKeyExchange(server_handshake, certificate); SHA1_Update(&sha, server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); MD5_Update(&md5, server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); Verify_(ciphersuite_choosen, client_hello, server_hello, server_key_exchange->parameters, server_key_exchange->len_parameters, server_key_exchange->signature, server_key_exchange->len_signature, certificate); FreeRecordLayer(server_message); FreeHandshake(server_handshake); OpenCommunication(server); break; case SERVER_DONE: SHA1_Update(&sha, server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); MD5_Update(&md5, server_message->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(server_message->length-5)); FreeRecordLayer(server_message); FreeHandshake(server_handshake); phase = 3; break; default: perror("ERROR: Unattended message in phase 2.\n"); exit(1); break; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PHASE 3////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while(phase == 3){ ///CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE/// pre_master_secret = (uint8_t**)calloc(1, sizeof(uint8_t*)); client_key_exchange = ClientKeyExchange_init(ciphersuite_choosen, certificate, server_key_exchange, pre_master_secret, &pre_master_secret_size); handshake = ClientKeyExchangeToHandshake(client_key_exchange); record = HandshakeToRecordLayer(handshake); sendPacketByte(record); printRecordLayer(record); OpenCommunication(server); SHA1_Update(&sha,record->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(record->length-5)); MD5_Update(&md5,record->message, sizeof(uint8_t)*(record->length-5)); FreeClientKeyExchange(client_key_exchange); FreeServerKeyExchange(server_key_exchange); FreeCertificate(certificate); FreeRecordLayer(record); FreeHandshake(handshake); //MASTER KEY COMPUTATION printf("PRE MASTER:\n"); for (int i = 0; i<pre_master_secret_size; i++) { printf("%02X ", (*pre_master_secret)[i]); } printf("\n"); master_secret = MasterSecretGen(*pre_master_secret, pre_master_secret_size, client_hello, server_hello); free(*pre_master_secret); free(pre_master_secret); //free(&pre_master_secret);//TODO:rivedere //TODO: rimuovere questi print printf("MASTER KEY:generated\n"); for (int i=0; i< 48; i++){ printf("%02X ", master_secret[i]); } printf("\n\n"); //KEYBLOCK GENERATION key_block = KeyBlockGen(master_secret, ciphersuite_choosen, &key_block_size, client_hello, server_hello); printf("KEY BLOCK\n"); for (int i=0; i< key_block_size; i++){ printf("%02X ", key_block[i]); } printf("\n\n"); phase = 4; FreeClientServerHello(client_hello); FreeClientServerHello(server_hello); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////PHASE 4////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while(CheckCommunication() == server){}; record = ChangeCipherSpecRecord(); sendPacketByte(record); printRecordLayer(record); FreeRecordLayer(record); OpenCommunication(server); while(CheckCommunication() == server){}; //building finished SHA1_Update(&sha, &sender, sizeof(uint32_t)); MD5_Update(&md5, &sender, sizeof(uint32_t)); SHA1_Update(&sha,master_secret,sizeof(uint8_t)*48); MD5_Update(&md5,master_secret,sizeof(uint8_t)*48); SHA1_Update(&sha, pad_1, sizeof(uint8_t)*40); MD5_Update(&md5, pad_1, sizeof(uint8_t)*48); md5_1 = calloc(16, sizeof(uint8_t)); sha_1 = calloc(20, sizeof(uint8_t)); SHA1_Final(sha_1,&sha); MD5_Final(md5_1,&md5); SHA1_Init(&sha); MD5_Init(&md5); SHA1_Update(&sha, master_secret,sizeof(uint8_t)*48); SHA1_Update(&sha, pad_2,sizeof(uint8_t)*40); SHA1_Update(&sha, sha_1,sizeof(uint8_t)*20); MD5_Update(&md5, master_secret,sizeof(uint8_t)*48); MD5_Update(&md5, pad_2,sizeof(uint8_t)*48); MD5_Update(&md5, md5_1,sizeof(uint8_t)*16); md5_fin = calloc(16, sizeof(uint8_t)); sha_fin = calloc(20, sizeof(uint8_t)); SHA1_Final(sha_fin, &sha); MD5_Final(md5_fin, &md5); //Finished allocation: finished.hash = (uint8_t*)calloc(36, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(finished.hash, md5_fin, 16*sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(finished.hash + 16, sha_fin, 20*sizeof(uint8_t)); free(sha_1); free(md5_1); free(md5_fin); free(sha_fin); /* MAC and ENCRYPTION*/ handshake = FinishedToHandshake(&finished); temp_record = HandshakeToRecordLayer(handshake); free(finished.hash); //compute MAC client_write_MAC_secret = NULL; server_write_MAC_secret = NULL; client_write_MAC_secret = key_block; mac = MAC(ciphersuite_choosen, handshake, client_write_MAC_secret); uint8_t *message_with_mac; message_with_mac = (uint8_t*)calloc(temp_record->length + ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size - 5, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(message_with_mac, temp_record->message, temp_record->length); memcpy(message_with_mac + (temp_record->length - 5) , mac, ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size); free(mac); // update length temp_record->length = temp_record->length + ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size; free(temp_record->message); temp_record->message = message_with_mac; uint8_t length_bytes[4]; int_To_Bytes(temp_record->length, length_bytes); //TODO: temp_record to record printf("FINISHED:to sent\n"); printf("%02X ", temp_record->type); printf("%02X ", temp_record->version.major); printf("%02X ", temp_record->version.minor); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[2]); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[3]); for(int i=0; i<temp_record->length - 5; i++){ printf("%02X ", temp_record->message[i]); } printf("\n\n"); enc_message = DecEncryptPacket(temp_record->message, temp_record->length - 5, &enc_message_len, ciphersuite_choosen, key_block, client, 1); FreeRecordLayer(temp_record); FreeHandshake(handshake); record2.type = HANDSHAKE; record2.length = enc_message_len + 5; record2.version = std_version; record2.message = enc_message; sendPacketByte(&record2); int_To_Bytes(record2.length, length_bytes); printf("ENCRYPED FINISHED: sent\n"); printf("%02X ", record2.type); printf("%02X ", record2.version.major); printf("%02X ", record2.version.minor); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[2]); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[3]); for(int i=0; i<record2.length - 5; i++){ printf("%02X ", record2.message[i]); } printf("\n\n"); free(record2.message); OpenCommunication(server); while(CheckCommunication() == server){}; //CHANGE CIPHER SPEC server_message = readchannel(); printRecordLayer(server_message); OpenCommunication(server); while(CheckCommunication() == server){}; FreeRecordLayer(server_message); //FINISHED server_message = readchannel(); int_To_Bytes(server_message->length, length_bytes); printf("FINISHED ENCRYPED: received\n"); printf("%02X ", server_message->type); printf("%02X ", server_message->version.major); printf("%02X ", server_message->version.minor); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[2]); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[3]); for(int i=0; i<server_message->length - 5; i++){ printf("%02X ", server_message->message[i]); } printf("\n\n"); dec_message = DecEncryptPacket(server_message->message, server_message->length - 5, &dec_message_len, ciphersuite_choosen, key_block, server, 0); int_To_Bytes(dec_message_len + 5, length_bytes); printf("FINISHED DECRYPTED\n"); printf("%02X ", server_message->type); printf("%02X ", server_message->version.major); printf("%02X ", server_message->version.minor); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[2]); printf("%02X ", length_bytes[3]); for(int i = 0; i < dec_message_len; i++){ printf("%02X ", dec_message[i]); } printf("\n\n"); //MAC verification free(server_message->message); server_message->message = dec_message; handshake = RecordToHandshake(server_message); handshake->length = dec_message_len; handshake->length = handshake->length - ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size; handshake->msg_type = FINISHED; server_write_MAC_secret = key_block + ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size; mac = dec_message + (dec_message_len - ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size); mac_test = MAC(ciphersuite_choosen, handshake, server_write_MAC_secret); if(ByteCompare(mac, mac_test, ciphersuite_choosen->hash_size)==0){ printf("\nmac verified\n"); } else{ printf("\nmac not verified\n"); exit(1); } free(ciphersuite_choosen); FreeRecordLayer(server_message); FreeHandshake(handshake); free(master_secret); free(key_block); free(mac_test); return 0; }
void Sha1Hash::UpdateData(const uint8* dta, int len) { SHA1_Update(&mC, dta, len); }
int asr_send_payload(asr_client_t asr, const char* filesystem) { int i = 0; char data[ASR_PAYLOAD_PACKET_SIZE]; FILE* file = NULL; uint32_t bytes = 0; uint32_t length = 0; double progress = 0; file = fopen(filesystem, "rb"); if (file == NULL) { return -1; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); int chunk = 0; int add_checksum = 0; SHA_CTX sha1; if (asr->checksum_chunks) { SHA1_Init(&sha1); } int size = 0; for (i = length; i > 0; i -= size) { size = ASR_PAYLOAD_PACKET_SIZE; if (i < ASR_PAYLOAD_PACKET_SIZE) { size = i; } if (add_checksum) { add_checksum = 0; } if (asr->checksum_chunks && ((chunk + size) >= ASR_CHECKSUM_CHUNK_SIZE)) { // reduce packet size to match checksum chunk size size -= ((chunk + size) - ASR_CHECKSUM_CHUNK_SIZE); add_checksum = 1; } if (fread(data, 1, size, file) != (unsigned int) size) { error("Error reading filesystem\n"); fclose(file); return -1; } if (asr_send_buffer(asr, data, size) < 0) { error("ERROR: Unable to send filesystem payload\n"); fclose(file); return -1; } if (asr->checksum_chunks) { SHA1_Update(&sha1, data, size); chunk += size; if (add_checksum) { // get sha1 of last chunk SHA1_Final((unsigned char*)data, &sha1); // send checksum if (asr_send_buffer(asr, data, 20) < 0) { error("ERROR: Unable to send chunk checksum\n"); fclose(file); return -1; } // reset SHA1 context SHA1_Init(&sha1); // reset chunk byte counter chunk = 0; } } bytes += size; progress = ((double) bytes/ (double) length); if (asr->progress_cb && ((int)(progress*100) > asr->lastprogress)) { asr->progress_cb(progress, asr->progress_cb_data); asr->lastprogress = (int)(progress*100); } } // if last chunk wasn't terminated with a checksum we do it here if (asr->checksum_chunks && !add_checksum) { // get sha1 of last chunk SHA1_Final((unsigned char*)data, &sha1); // send checksum if (asr_send_buffer(asr, data, 20) < 0) { error("ERROR: Unable to send chunk checksum\n"); fclose(file); return -1; } } fclose(file); return 0; }
/* Presently, this is only done wtih RSA PMS, and only on the server side, * so isRSA is always true. */ SECStatus ssl3_MasterKeyDeriveBypass( ssl3CipherSpec * pwSpec, const unsigned char * cr, const unsigned char * sr, const SECItem * pms, PRBool isTLS, PRBool isRSA) { unsigned char * key_block = pwSpec->key_block; SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; PRBool isFIPS = PR_FALSE; SECItem crsr; unsigned char crsrdata[SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH * 2]; PRUint64 md5buf[22]; PRUint64 shabuf[40]; #define md5Ctx ((MD5Context *)md5buf) #define shaCtx ((SHA1Context *)shabuf) /* first do the consistancy checks */ if (isRSA) { PORT_Assert(pms->len == SSL3_RSA_PMS_LENGTH); if (pms->len != SSL3_RSA_PMS_LENGTH) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return SECFailure; } /* caller must test PMS version for rollback */ } /* initialize the client random, server random block */ crsr.type = siBuffer; = crsrdata; crsr.len = sizeof crsrdata; PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata, cr, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH); PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata + SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH, sr, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH); PRINT_BUF(100, (NULL, "Master Secret CRSR",, crsr.len)); /* finally do the key gen */ if (isTLS) { SECItem master = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; = key_block; master.len = SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH; rv = TLS_PRF(pms, "master secret", &crsr, &master, isFIPS); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_SetError(SSL_ERROR_SESSION_KEY_GEN_FAILURE); } } else { int i; unsigned int made = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { unsigned int outLen; unsigned char sha_out[SHA1_LENGTH]; SHA1_Begin(shaCtx); SHA1_Update(shaCtx, (unsigned char*) mixers[i], i+1); SHA1_Update(shaCtx, pms->data, pms->len); SHA1_Update(shaCtx,, crsr.len); SHA1_End(shaCtx, sha_out, &outLen, SHA1_LENGTH); PORT_Assert(outLen == SHA1_LENGTH); MD5_Begin(md5Ctx); MD5_Update(md5Ctx, pms->data, pms->len); MD5_Update(md5Ctx, sha_out, outLen); MD5_End(md5Ctx, key_block + made, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH); PORT_Assert(outLen == MD5_LENGTH); made += outLen; } } /* store the results */ PORT_Memcpy(pwSpec->raw_master_secret, key_block, SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH); pwSpec-> = pwSpec->raw_master_secret; pwSpec->msItem.len = SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH; PRINT_BUF(100, (NULL, "Master Secret", pwSpec->, pwSpec->msItem.len)); return rv; }
static int update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,const void *data,size_t count) { return SHA1_Update(ctx->md_data,data,count); }
static int send_file(int sock, const char *filepath, long file_offset, unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]) { int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; ssize_t n = 0; static size_t total_bytes = 0; size_t total_bytes_session = 0, nread = 0; char sendbuf[SENDBUF_SIZE]; int stop_sending = 0; SHA_CTX ctx; FILE *f; if (!filepath) filepath = "/tmp/data"; f = fopen(filepath, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open file %s : %s\n", filepath, strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (file_offset > 0) { if (fseek(f, file_offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "fseek() failed, bad offset %ld\n", file_offset); fclose(f); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } SHA1_Init(&ctx); printf("sending file %s, starting at offset %ld\n", filepath, file_offset); while (!stop_sending) { long pos = ftell(f); size_t count = fread(sendbuf, SENDBUF_SIZE, 1, f); nread = ftell(f) - pos; if (count != 1) { if (feof(f) != 0) { if (nread == 0) { printf("\rEOF reached, file successfully sent\n"); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; break; } } else if (ferror(f) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\rError reading file\n"); break; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\rUnknown error when reading file\n"); break; } } //printf("Read %zu bytes from file %s\n", nread, filepath); count = 0; SHA1_Update(&ctx, sendbuf, nread); while (!stop_sending && count < nread) { n = send_sv(sock, sendbuf + count, nread - count, 0); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { fprintf(stderr, "\rEAGAIN, continuing..\n"); continue; } fprintf(stderr, "\rerror sending data: %s\n", strerror_sv(errno)); stop_sending = 1; break; } /* printf("Sent %zd bytes, total bytes=%zu\n", n, total_bytes_session); */ print_tick(); count =+ n; total_bytes += n; total_bytes_session += n; } } SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx); printf("Sent total %zu bytes, session %zu bytes\n", total_bytes, total_bytes_session); fclose(f); return ret; }
static bool VerifyAppSignature(const CStdString& appFile, const AppInfo& securityInfo, const AuthorityInfo& authorityInfo) { unsigned char hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA_CTX context; RSA *rsa = NULL; BIO *bio = NULL; bool bSuccedded = false; unsigned char buffer[4096]; unsigned char* signature = (unsigned char*)securityInfo.signature.c_str(); int signatureLen = securityInfo.signature.size(); XFILE::CFile file; unsigned int bytesRead = 0; if(!file.Open(appFile)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAppSecurity::%s - failed to open file [%s]", __func__, appFile.c_str()); return false; } SHA1_Init(&context); while((bytesRead = file.Read(buffer, sizeof buffer))) { SHA1_Update(&context, buffer, bytesRead); } SHA1_Final(hash, &context); file.Close(); #ifdef DEBUG dump_sha1(hash); #endif do { signatureLen = unbase64((unsigned char*)securityInfo.signature.c_str(), securityInfo.signature.size(), &signature); if(!signatureLen) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAppSecurity::%s - failed to decode signature [%s]", __func__, securityInfo.signature.c_str()); break; } bio = BIO_new_mem_buf((void*), authorityInfo.publicKey.size()); if(!bio) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAppSecurity::%s - failed to create BIO from public key[%s]", __func__, authorityInfo.publicKey.c_str()); break; } PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY(bio, &rsa, NULL, NULL); if(!rsa) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CAppSecurity::%s - failed to create RSA public key from BIO", __func__); break; } bSuccedded = RSA_verify(NID_sha1, hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, signature, signatureLen, rsa); } while(false); if (rsa) RSA_free(rsa); if (bio) BIO_free(bio); if (signature) free(signature); return bSuccedded; }
/*******************************************************************-o-****** * generate_Ku * * Parameters: * *hashtype MIB OID for the transform type for hashing. * hashtype_len Length of OID value. * *P Pre-allocated bytes of passpharase. * pplen Length of passphrase. * *Ku Buffer to contain Ku. * *kulen Length of Ku buffer. * * Returns: * SNMPERR_SUCCESS Success. * SNMPERR_GENERR All errors. * * * Convert a passphrase into a master user key, Ku, according to the * algorithm given in RFC 2274 concerning the SNMPv3 User Security Model (USM) * as follows: * * Expand the passphrase to fill the passphrase buffer space, if necessary, * concatenation as many duplicates as possible of P to itself. If P is * larger than the buffer space, truncate it to fit. * * Then hash the result with the given hashtype transform. Return * the result as Ku. * * If successful, kulen contains the size of the hash written to Ku. * * NOTE Passphrases less than USM_LENGTH_P_MIN characters in length * cause an error to be returned. * (Punt this check to the cmdline apps? XXX) */ int generate_Ku(const oid * hashtype, u_int hashtype_len, const u_char * P, size_t pplen, u_char * Ku, size_t * kulen) #if defined(NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_MD5) || defined(NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL) || defined(NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_CRYPTO) { int rval = SNMPERR_SUCCESS, nbytes = USM_LENGTH_EXPANDED_PASSPHRASE; #if defined(NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_MD5) || defined(NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_CRYPTO) int ret; #endif u_int i, pindex = 0; u_char buf[USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK], *bufp; #ifdef NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = (EVP_MD_CTX *)malloc(sizeof(EVP_MD_CTX)); unsigned int tmp_len; #elif NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_CRYPTO SHA_CTX csha1; MD5_CTX cmd5; char cryptotype = 0; unsigned int tmp_len; #define TYPE_MD5 1 #define TYPE_SHA1 2 #else MDstruct MD; #endif /* * Sanity check. */ if (!hashtype || !P || !Ku || !kulen || (*kulen <= 0) || (hashtype_len != USM_LENGTH_OID_TRANSFORM)) { QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, generate_Ku_quit); } if (pplen < USM_LENGTH_P_MIN) { snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "Error: passphrase chosen is below the length " "requirements of the USM (min=%d).\n",USM_LENGTH_P_MIN); snmp_set_detail("The supplied password length is too short."); QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, generate_Ku_quit); } /* * Setup for the transform type. */ #ifdef NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL #ifndef NETSNMP_DISABLE_MD5 if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACMD5Auth)) EVP_DigestInit(ctx, EVP_md5()); else #endif if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACSHA1Auth)) EVP_DigestInit(ctx, EVP_sha1()); else { free(ctx); return (SNMPERR_GENERR); } #elif NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_CRYPTO if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACMD5Auth)) { MD5_Init(&cmd5); cryptotype = TYPE_MD5; } else if (ISTRANSFORM(hashtype, HMACSHA1Auth)) { SHA1_Init(&csha1); cryptotype = TYPE_SHA1; } else { return (SNMPERR_GENERR); } #else MDbegin(&MD); #endif /* NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL */ while (nbytes > 0) { bufp = buf; for (i = 0; i < USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK; i++) { *bufp++ = P[pindex++ % pplen]; } #ifdef NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, buf, USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK); #elif NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_CRYPTO if (TYPE_SHA1 == cryptotype) { rval = !SHA1_Update(&csha1, buf, USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK); } else { rval = !MD5_Update(&cmd5, buf, USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK); } if (rval != 0) { return SNMPERR_USM_ENCRYPTIONERROR; } #elif NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_MD5 if (MDupdate(&MD, buf, USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK * 8)) { rval = SNMPERR_USM_ENCRYPTIONERROR; goto md5_fin; } #endif /* NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL */ nbytes -= USM_LENGTH_KU_HASHBLOCK; } #ifdef NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL tmp_len = *kulen; EVP_DigestFinal(ctx, (unsigned char *) Ku, &tmp_len); *kulen = tmp_len; /* * what about free() */ #elif NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_CRYPTO tmp_len = *kulen; if (TYPE_SHA1 == cryptotype) { SHA1_Final(Ku, &csha1); } else { MD5_Final(Ku, &cmd5); } ret = sc_get_properlength(hashtype, hashtype_len); if (ret == SNMPERR_GENERR) return SNMPERR_GENERR; *kulen = ret; #elif NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_MD5 if (MDupdate(&MD, buf, 0)) { rval = SNMPERR_USM_ENCRYPTIONERROR; goto md5_fin; } ret = sc_get_properlength(hashtype, hashtype_len); if (ret == SNMPERR_GENERR) return SNMPERR_GENERR; *kulen = ret; MDget(&MD, Ku, *kulen); md5_fin: memset(&MD, 0, sizeof(MD)); #endif /* NETSNMP_USE_INTERNAL_MD5 */ #ifdef NETSNMP_ENABLE_TESTING_CODE DEBUGMSGTL(("generate_Ku", "generating Ku (from %s): ", P)); for (i = 0; i < *kulen; i++) DEBUGMSG(("generate_Ku", "%02x", Ku[i])); DEBUGMSG(("generate_Ku", "\n")); #endif /* NETSNMP_ENABLE_TESTING_CODE */ generate_Ku_quit: memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); #ifdef NETSNMP_USE_OPENSSL free(ctx); #endif return rval; } /* end generate_Ku() */
/** *ハッシュ値生成関数 * @author University of Tsukuba * @param *ptr ハッシュ対象データ * @param lLenIn ハッシュデータ長 * @param lalgorithm ハッシュアルゴリズム * @param *ptrData ハッシュ値 * @param *lLenOut ハッシュ値データ長 * @return long 0:正常 -1:異常 * @since 2008.02 * @version 1.0 */ long IDMan_CmMkHash(void *ptr, long lLenIn, long lalgorithm, void *ptrData, long *lLenOut) { long lRet = -1L; SHA_CTX ctx; SHA256_CTX ctx2; SHA512_CTX ctx3; char szErrBuff[1024]; ERR_load_crypto_strings(); IDMan_StMemset(szErrBuff, 0x00, sizeof(szErrBuff)); /** ハッシュ対象データパラメータチェックを行う。 */ /** エラー発生した場合、 */ if ( ptr == 0x00 ) { /** −処理を中断する。 */ return lRet; } /** ハッシュデータ長パラメータチェックを行う。 */ /** エラー発生した場合、 */ if ( lLenIn == 0 ){ /** −処理を中断する。 */ return lRet; } /** ハッシュ値パラメータチェックを行う。 */ /** エラー発生した場合、 */ if ( ptrData == 0x00 ) { /** −処理を中断する。 */ return lRet; } /** ハッシュ値データ長パラメータチェックを行う。 */ /** エラー発生した場合、 */ if ( lLenOut == 0x00 ) { /** −処理を中断する。 */ return lRet; } else { /** −戻り値の初期化を行う。 */ *lLenOut=0; } /** ハッシュ化を行う。 */ switch(lalgorithm) { case 0: break; /** アルゴリズムが0x220の場合、 */ case ALGORITHM_SHA1: /** −ハッシュ変換 SHA1を行う。 */ SHA1_Init (&ctx); SHA1_Update (&ctx, ptr, lLenIn); SHA1_Final (ptrData, &ctx); OPENSSL_cleanse (&ctx, sizeof (ctx)); /** −ハッシュ変換が成功の場合、 */ if ( ptrData != 0x00) { /** −−長さを設定する。 */ *lLenOut = HASH_LEN_SHA1; lRet =0; } /** −ハッシュ変換が失敗の場合、 */ else { /** −−エラーログを出力する。 */ ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), szErrBuff); } break; /** アルゴリズムが0x250の場合、 */ case ALGORITHM_SHA256: /** −ハッシュ変換 SHA256を行う。 */ SHA256_Init (&ctx2); SHA256_Update (&ctx2, ptr, lLenIn); SHA256_Final (ptrData, &ctx2); OPENSSL_cleanse (&ctx2, sizeof (ctx2)); /** −ハッシュ変換が成功の場合、 */ if ( ptrData != 0x00) { /** −−長さを設定する。 */ *lLenOut = HASH_LEN_SHA256; lRet =0; } /** −ハッシュ変換が失敗の場合、 */ else { /** −−エラーログを出力する。 */ ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), szErrBuff); } break; /** アルゴリズムが0x270の場合、 */ case ALGORITHM_SHA512: /** −ハッシュ変換 SHA512を行う。 */ SHA512_Init (&ctx3); SHA512_Update (&ctx3, ptr, lLenIn); SHA512_Final (ptrData, &ctx3); OPENSSL_cleanse (&ctx3, sizeof (ctx3)); /** −ハッシュ変換が成功の場合、 */ if ( ptrData != 0x00) { /** −−長さを設定する。 */ *lLenOut = HASH_LEN_SHA512; lRet =0; } /** −ハッシュ変換が失敗の場合、 */ else { /** −−エラーログを出力する。 */ ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), szErrBuff); } break; default: break; } return lRet; }
void hashbd(metafile_t *m) { flist_t *f; long long ca,cb,f0,f1; /* pointer to a place in the file list */ unsigned char *pos; /* position in the hash string */ unsigned char *posf; /* position in the hash string */ unsigned char *read_buf; /* read buffer */ unsigned char *bf0; /* read buffer */ unsigned char *bf1; /* read buffer */ ulong remainder; SHA_CTX c; /* SHA1 hashing context */ SHA_CTX cf; /* SHA1 hashing context */ read_buf=malloc(1024*1024*10+10);//100000*32); bf0=malloc(1024*1024*10+10);//100000*32); bf1=malloc(1024*1024*10+10);//100000*32); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ca=0; cb=0; f0=0; f1=0; for (f = m->file_list; f; f = f->next) { if(f->bdmv) { memcpy(read_buf+ca,f->hash,32); ca+=32; cb+=f->size; //////////////////////// memcpy(bf1+f1,f->filehash,20); f1+=20; if(f->size>=1024*1024*1024) { memcpy(bf0+f0,f->filehash,20); f0+=20; } //////////////////////// } if(f->bdmv==2) { int i; void (*cycle)(ulong*, ulong*, char) = (big_endian) ? crc_be_cycle : crc_le_cycle; remainder= starting; ulong table2[CRC_TABLE_SIZE]; crc_fill_table(table2, big_endian, polynomial); for (i = 0; i < ca ; i++) cycle(table2, &remainder, read_buf[i]); if (xor_output) remainder ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (reflect_output) remainder = crc_reflect(remainder); f->hash[35]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[34]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[33]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[32]=remainder%256; pos = malloc(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); SHA1_Init(&c); SHA1_Update(&c,read_buf,ca); SHA1_Final(pos, &c); memcpy(f->hash+36,pos,20); char fsize[9]={0}; long long fs=cb; fsize[7]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[6]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[5]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[4]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[3]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[2]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[1]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[0]=fs%256; remainder= starting; ulong table[CRC_TABLE_SIZE]; crc_fill_table(table, big_endian, polynomial); for (i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) cycle(table, &remainder, fsize[i]); if (xor_output) remainder ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (reflect_output) remainder = crc_reflect(remainder); f->hash[59]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[58]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[57]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[56]=remainder%256; ///////////////////////////////// posf = malloc(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); SHA1_Init(&cf); if(f0) SHA1_Update(&cf,bf0,f0); else SHA1_Update(&cf,bf1,f1); SHA1_Final(posf, &cf); memcpy(f->hash+60,posf,20); ///////////////////////////////// f1=0; f0=0; ca=0; cb=0; free(pos); free(posf); } } free(read_buf); free(bf0); free(bf1); }
EXPORT unsigned char *make_hash(metafile_t *m) { char *cc; flist_t *f; /* pointer to a place in the file list */ unsigned char *hash_string; /* the hash string */ unsigned char *lthash_string; /* the hash string */ unsigned char *pos; /* position in the hash string */ unsigned char *ltpos; /* position in the hash string */ unsigned char *read_buf; /* read buffer */ unsigned char *read_buf2; /* read buffer */ unsigned char *read_buf3; /* read buffer */ int fd; /* file descriptor */ ssize_t r; /* number of bytes read from file(s) into the read buffer */ SHA_CTX c; /* SHA1 hashing context */ SHA_CTX ltc; /* SHA1 hashing context */ #ifndef NO_HASH_CHECK off_t counter = 0; /* number of bytes hashed should match size when done */ #endif /* allocate memory for the hash string every SHA1 hash is SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH (20) bytes long */ read_buf = malloc(m->piece_length*2); read_buf2 = malloc(m->piece_length); read_buf3 = malloc(m->piece_length); unsigned int piece_length=m->piece_length; unsigned int piece_length8=1<<23; hash_string = malloc(m->pieces * SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); /* allocate memory for the read buffer to store 1 piece */ /* check if we've run out of memory */ if (hash_string == NULL || read_buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* initiate pos to point to the beginning of hash_string */ pos = hash_string; /* and initiate r to 0 since we haven't read anything yet */ r = 0; /* go through all the files in the file list */ for (f = m->file_list; f; f = f->next) { lthash_string = malloc(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (lthash_string == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* open the current file for reading */ printf("Hashing %s\n", f->path); int loopi,pathlen=strlen(f->path); long long patha=0; long long pathb=0; long long pathc=0; long long pathe=0; f->rains=NULL; f->data=NULL; f->datalength=0; //let cut: py sh ini inf log cue txt avs vpy spy mpls bdmv clpi miniso qpfile // 6845230 7958574 1768843566 1718511918 1735355438 1702191918 1954051118 1937137966 2037413422 2037412654 495740546350 508641436206 452857717550 31370619076046126 28548172593787182 if(pathlen>3) for (loopi=1;loopi<=3;++loopi) { patha+=f->path[pathlen-loopi]; patha*=256; } if(pathlen>4) for (loopi=1;loopi<=4;++loopi) { pathb+=f->path[pathlen-loopi]; pathb*=256; } if(pathlen>5) for (loopi=1;loopi<=5;++loopi) { pathc+=f->path[pathlen-loopi]; pathc*=256; } if(pathlen>7) for (loopi=1;loopi<=7;++loopi) { pathe+=f->path[pathlen-loopi]; pathe*=256; } patha/=256; pathb/=256; pathc/=256; pathe/=256; if((!f->color)||patha==7958574||patha==6845230 ||pathb==1768843566 ||pathb==1718511918 ||pathb==1735355438 ||pathb==1702191918 ||pathb==1954051118 ||pathb==1937137966 ||pathb==2037413422 ||pathb==2037412654 ||pathc==495740546350 ||pathc==508641436206 ||pathc==452857717550 ||pathe==31370619076046126 ||pathe==28548172593787182) if(f->size<=2097152) { cc=(char *)malloc(2097152); f->datalength=mkgz(cc,f->path); if(f->datalength==0) free(cc); else f->data=cc; } if(pathb==879783214) { FILE *mp4; mp4=fopen(f->path,"rb"); char cmt[5]={0xA9,0x67,0x65,0x6E,0}; //char cmt[5]={0xA9,0x63,0x6d,0x74,0}; fseek(mp4,0,2); long lmp4=ftell(mp4); fseek(mp4,lmp4-10000,0); if(!rsfind("Koishi",mp4)) { fseek(mp4,lmp4-10000,0); if(!rsfind("Yuki",mp4)) { cmt[1]=0x63; cmt[2]=0x6d; cmt[3]=0x74; fseek(mp4,lmp4-10000,0); if(!rsfind("RainS!",mp4)) { fclose(mp4); mp4=NULL; } } } if(mp4&&rsfind(cmt,mp4)) { fseek(mp4,16,1); long fs=ftell(mp4); while(fgetc(mp4)!='U'); long rlen=ftell(mp4)-fs; fseek(mp4,fs,0); char *rains; rains=(char *)malloc(rlen); rains[rlen-1]=0; fread(rains,1,rlen-1,mp4); //printf("%s",rains); f->rains=rains; } fclose(mp4); } ////////////////////////////////////////// sha1 1M hash FILE *lt4; unsigned char *ltcc,*ltp; ltcc=malloc(1024*1024*10+10); long lti,ltflen,ltlen,partlen; lt4=fopen(f->path,"rb"); fseek(lt4,0,2); ltlen=ltflen=ftell(lt4); fseek(lt4,0,0); if(ltflen<1024*1024*10) fread(ltcc,ltlen,1,lt4); else { ltlen=1024*1024*10; partlen=(ltflen-1024*1024)/9; //printf("\n%ld\n",ltflen); for(lti=0;lti<9;++lti) { //printf("\n%ld\n",lti*partlen); ltp=ltcc+lti*1024*1024; fseek(lt4,lti*partlen,0); fread(ltp,1024*1024,1,lt4); } ltp=ltcc+9*1024*1024; fseek(lt4,-1024*1024,2); fread(ltp,1024*1024,1,lt4); } ltpos = lthash_string; SHA1_Init(<c); SHA1_Update(<c, ltcc, ltlen); SHA1_Final(ltpos, <c); //f->filehash[20]=0; memcpy(f->filehash,ltpos,20); free(ltpos); free(ltcc); fclose(lt4); ////////////////////////////////////////// fflush(stdout); #if defined _LARGEFILE_SOURCE && defined O_LARGEFILE if ((fd = open(f->path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY | O_LARGEFILE)) == -1) { #else if ((fd = open(f->path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) == -1) { #endif fprintf(stderr, "Error opening '%s' for reading: %s\n", f->path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* fill the read buffer with the contents of the file and append the SHA1 hash of it to the hash string when the buffer is full. repeat until we can't fill the read buffer and we've thus come to the end of the file */ ulong remainder = starting; ulong table[CRC_TABLE_SIZE]; crc_fill_table(table, big_endian, polynomial); /////////////////////////////////////// long ltpieces =(f->size + piece_length8 - 1) / piece_length8; f->sha1length=ltpieces*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; f->sha32length=(ltpieces-1)*4+2*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; f->sha1 = lthash_string = NULL; f->sha1 = malloc(f->sha1length); f->sha32 = malloc(f->sha32length); if (f->sha1 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ltpos = f->sha1; int tune=1; long long last=f->size; /////////////////////////////////////// while (1) { ssize_t d; if(tune) d = read(fd, read_buf + r, m->piece_length); // - r else { if(last<m->piece_length) d=last; else d=m->piece_length; } last=last-d; int err2=0; pthread_t sid2; if (d < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading from '%s': %s\n", f->path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (d == 0) /* end of file */ break; if(tune) { memcpy(read_buf2,read_buf+r*sizeof(char),d*sizeof(char)); //sha1 process distory string type_sha1 u_sha1; u_sha1.ltcp=<c; u_sha1.read_buf=read_buf2; u_sha1.d=d; u_sha1.ltpos=ltpos; if(f->color) { if(piece_length8!=piece_length) // main 24 this 23 (8) err2=pthread_create(&sid2, NULL, &sha1p24, &u_sha1); else err2=pthread_create(&sid2, NULL, &sha1p, &u_sha1); } if(err2!=0) { printf("Create pthread error!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // ltc read_buf2 d ltpos //SHA1_Init(<c); //SHA1_Update(<c, read_buf2, d); //SHA1_Final(ltpos, <c); if (f->color) r += d; if (f->color && r >= m->piece_length) { SHA1_Init(&c); SHA1_Final(pos, &c); pos += SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; #ifndef NO_HASH_CHECK counter += m->piece_length; /* r == piece_length */ #endif r -= m->piece_length; if(r!=0) memcpy(read_buf,read_buf+m->piece_length*sizeof(char),r*sizeof(char)); } if(f->color&&tune) pthread_join(sid2,NULL); tune=0; break; } //printf("%ld %ld\n",f->size,last); if (xor_output) remainder ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (reflect_output) remainder = crc_reflect(remainder); //printf("%08X\n", (int) remainder); //sprintf(f->hash,"%08X", (int) remainder); f->hash[32]=0; ///////////////////////////////// press crc32_file f->hash[3]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[2]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[1]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[0]=remainder%256; ///////////////////////////////// press sha1_file if(f->color) { ltpos=malloc(SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); SHA1_Init(<c); SHA1_Update(<c, f->sha1,f->sha1length); SHA1_Final(ltpos, <c); } int fori; for(fori=0;fori<20;++fori) { if(f->color) f->hash[fori+4]=ltpos[fori]^f->filehash[fori]; else f->hash[fori+4]=f->filehash[fori]; } //////////////////////////////// press crc32_size char fsize[9]={0}; long long fs=f->size; fsize[7]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[6]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[5]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[4]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[3]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[2]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[1]=fs%256; fs=fs/256; fsize[0]=fs%256; int i; void (*cycle)(ulong*, ulong*, char) = (big_endian) ? crc_be_cycle : crc_le_cycle; remainder = starting; crc_fill_table(table, big_endian, polynomial); for (i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) cycle(table, &remainder, fsize[i]); if (xor_output) remainder ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (reflect_output) remainder = crc_reflect(remainder); f->hash[27]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[26]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[25]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[24]=remainder%256; //////////////////////////////// press crc32_sha1 remainder = starting; crc_fill_table(table, big_endian, polynomial); for (i = 0; i < f->sha1length; i++) cycle(table, &remainder, f->sha1[i]); if (xor_output) remainder ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (reflect_output) remainder = crc_reflect(remainder); f->hash[31]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[30]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[29]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->hash[28]=remainder%256; if(f->color) { /* precess sha32 */ memcpy(f->sha32,f->sha1,SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); memcpy(f->sha32+SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH,ltpos,SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); remainder = starting; crc_fill_table(table, big_endian, polynomial); for (i = SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i < f->sha1length; i++) { cycle(table, &remainder, f->sha1[i]); if((i+1)%SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH==0) { if (xor_output) remainder ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; if (reflect_output) remainder = crc_reflect(remainder); f->sha32[ ( (i+1-40)/20 )*4+40+3 ]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->sha32[ ( (i+1-40)/20 )*4+40+2 ]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->sha32[ ( (i+1-40)/20 )*4+40+1 ]=remainder%256; remainder=remainder/256; f->sha32[ ( (i+1-40)/20 )*4+40 ]=remainder%256; remainder = starting; crc_fill_table(table, big_endian, polynomial); } } } /* now close the file */ if (close(fd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error closing '%s': %s\n", f->path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* finally append the hash of the last irregular piece to the hash string */ if (r) { SHA1_Init(&c); SHA1_Update(&c, read_buf, r); SHA1_Final(pos, &c); } /* free the read buffer before we return */ free(read_buf); free(read_buf2); free(read_buf3); hashbd(m); return hash_string; }
void sha1_file(char *out, int fd) { SHA_CTX c; unsigned char buf[BUFSIZ]; ssize_t len; static const char hex[]="0123456789abcdef"; int i; #ifdef HAS_MMAP struct stat st; #endif if(SHA1_Init(&c) == 0) { errno = 0; err(1, "SHA1_Init() failed; possible cause"); } #ifdef HAS_MMAP if(fstat(fd, &st) == -1) { err(1, "fstat()"); } char *mdata = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_NOCORE, fd, 0); if(mdata == MAP_FAILED) { goto mmap_failed; } if(SHA1_Update(&c, mdata, st.st_size) == 0) { errno = 0; err(1, "SHA1_Update() failed; possible cause"); } if(munmap(mdata, st.st_size) == -1) { warn("munmap"); } goto done; mmap_failed: #endif if(lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { err(1, "lseek"); } while((len = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if(SHA1_Update(&c, buf, len) == 0) { errno = 0; err(1, "SHA1_Update() failed; possible cause"); } } if(len == -1) { err(1, "read"); } #ifdef HAS_MMAP done: #endif assert(sizeof(buf) > 20); if(SHA1_Final(buf, &c) == 0) { errno = 0; err(1, "SHA1_Final() failed; possible cause"); } for(i = 0; 20 > i; i++) { out[i*2] = hex[buf[i] >> 4]; out[i*2+1] = hex[buf[i] & 0x0f]; } }
int SL_Crypto_SHA1::update(const unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len) { return SHA1_Update(&ctx_, input, input_len); }
int rc4_main(int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { int err=0; unsigned int i, j; unsigned char *p; RC4_KEY key; unsigned char obuf[512]; for (i=0; i<6; i++) { RC4_set_key(&key,keys[i][0],&(keys[i][1])); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } memset(obuf,0x00,sizeof(obuf)); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } RC4(&key,data_len[i],&(data[i][0]),obuf); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } if (memcmp(obuf,output[i],data_len[i]+1) != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"error calculating RC4\n"); fprintf(stdout,"output:"); for (j=0; j<data_len[i]+1U; j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",obuf[j]); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"expect:"); p= &(output[i][0]); for (j=0; j<data_len[i]+1U; j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",*(p++)); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); err++; } else fprintf(stdout,"test %d ok\n",i); } fprintf(stdout,"test end processing "); for (i=0; i<data_len[3]; i++) { RC4_set_key(&key,keys[3][0],&(keys[3][1])); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } memset(obuf,0x00,sizeof(obuf)); RC4(&key,i,&(data[3][0]),obuf); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } if ((memcmp(obuf,output[3],i) != 0) || (obuf[i] != 0)) { fprintf(stdout,"error in RC4 length processing\n"); fprintf(stdout,"output:"); for (j=0; j<i+1; j++) printf(" %02x",obuf[j]); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"expect:"); p= &(output[3][0]); for (j=0; j<i; j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",*(p++)); fprintf(stdout," 00\n"); err++; } else { fprintf(stdout,"."); fflush(stdout); } } fprintf(stdout,"done\n"); fprintf(stdout,"test multi-call "); for (i=0; i<data_len[3]; i++) { RC4_set_key(&key,keys[3][0],&(keys[3][1])); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } memset(obuf,0x00,sizeof(obuf)); RC4(&key,i,&(data[3][0]),obuf); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } RC4(&key,data_len[3]-i,&(data[3][i]),&(obuf[i])); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } if (memcmp(obuf,output[3],data_len[3]+1) != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"error in RC4 multi-call processing\n"); fprintf(stdout,"output:"); for (j=0; j<data_len[3]+1U; j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",obuf[j]); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"expect:"); p= &(output[3][0]); for (j=0; j<data_len[3]+1U; j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",*(p++)); err++; } else { fprintf(stdout,"."); fflush(stdout); } } fprintf(stdout,"done\n"); fprintf(stdout,"bulk test "); { unsigned char buf[513]; SHA_CTX c; unsigned char md[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; static unsigned char expected[]={ 0xa4,0x7b,0xcc,0x00,0x3d,0xd0,0xbd,0xe1,0xac,0x5f, 0x12,0x1e,0x45,0xbc,0xfb,0x1a,0xa1,0xf2,0x7f,0xc5 }; RC4_set_key(&key,keys[0][0],&(keys[3][1])); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } memset(buf,'\0',sizeof(buf)); SHA1_Init(&c); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } for (i=0;i<2571;i++) { RC4(&key,sizeof(buf),buf,buf); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } SHA1_Update(&c,buf,sizeof(buf)); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } } SHA1_Final(md,&c); if(errno==ENOMEM) { return 1; } if (memcmp(md,expected,sizeof(md))) { fprintf(stdout,"error in RC4 bulk test\n"); fprintf(stdout,"output:"); for (j=0; j<sizeof(md); j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",md[j]); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"expect:"); for (j=0; j<sizeof(md); j++) fprintf(stdout," %02x",expected[j]); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); err++; } else fprintf(stdout,"ok\n"); } #ifdef OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE if (err) fprintf(stdout,"ERROR: %d\n", err); #endif fprintf(stdout,"Test case Passed\n"); //EXIT(err); return(0); }
int main( int inNumArgs, char **inArgs ) { if( inNumArgs != 2 ) { usage( inArgs[0] ); } FILE *file = fopen( inArgs[1], "rb" ); if( file == NULL ) { printf( "Failed to open file %s for reading\n\n", inArgs[1] ); usage( inArgs[0] ); } SHA_CTX shaContext; SHA1_Init( &shaContext ); int bufferSize = 5000; unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[ bufferSize ]; int numRead = bufferSize; char error = false; // read bytes from file until we run out while( numRead == bufferSize && !error ) { numRead = fread( buffer, 1, bufferSize, file ); if( numRead > 0 ) { SHA1_Update( &shaContext, buffer, numRead ); } else{ error = true; } } fclose( file ); delete [] buffer; if( error ) { printf( "Error reading from file %s\n", inArgs[1] ); } else { unsigned char *rawDigest = new unsigned char[ SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH ]; SHA1_Final( rawDigest, &shaContext ); // else hash is correct char *digestHexString = hexEncode( rawDigest, SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH ); printf( "%s %s\n", digestHexString, inArgs[1] ); delete [] rawDigest; delete [] digestHexString; } return 0; }
int dec(char *sopath,char *filename) { //printf("you are in the enc program\n"); SHA_CTX md; DES_key_schedule schedule1; DES_key_schedule schedule2; DES_key_schedule schedule3; FILE *fp; char DES_output[9],DES_input[9]; unsigned char buffer[10]; char ch; unsigned char digest[20],file_digest[20]; int count,i,len_of_pass,verify=0,n,last_byte_size,to_read_upto,count_buf_size,temp_count; unsigned char random_bits1[20],random_bits2[20],DES_key1[8],DES_key2[8],DES_key3[8],IV[8]; char *buf,*buff; if(RAND_bytes(random_bits1,20)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error obtaining 20 bytes of random bits from OPENSSL\n"); exit(1); } if(RAND_bytes(random_bits2,20)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error obtaining 20 bytes of random bits from OPENSSL\n"); exit(1); } /************************************** COMPUTE SHA1 OF FILE **************************************/ if((fp=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"(%s file does not exist)\n",filename); exit(1); } count=0; while(fread(&ch,1,1,fp)) { if(count==0) { if(ch!='H') { fprintf(stderr,"(%s is not generated by the enc command)\n",filename); exit(1); } } if(count==1) { if(ch!='W') { fprintf(stderr,"(%s is not generated by the enc command)\n",filename); } } if(count==2) { if(ch!='4') { fprintf(stderr,"(%s is not generated by the enc command)\n",filename); } } count++; } fclose(fp); if((fp=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"(%s is not generated by enc command)\n",filename); exit(1); } SHA1_Init(&md); while((count=fread(&buffer,1,10,fp))) { SHA1_Update(&md,buffer,count); } SHA1_Final(file_digest,&md); /* for(i=0;i<20;i++) { printf("%02x",file_digest[i]); }*/ /************************************** ASK FOR PASSWORD FOR DES **************************************/ buf=(char *)malloc(4096*sizeof(char)); buff=(char *)malloc(4096*sizeof(char)); des_read_pw(buf,buff,4096,"Enter passphrase for DES decryption: ",verify); //printf("buff=%s",buf); //printf("buff2=%s\n",buff); len_of_pass=strlen(buf); //printf("len_of_pass=%d\n",len_of_pass); /************************************** GENERATE SHA1 OF THE PASSWORD **************************************/ SHA1_Init(&md); //free(&md); //SHA1_Update(&md,"yesnomaybe",10); SHA1_Update(&md,buf,strlen(buf)); SHA1_Final(digest,&md); //printf("The SHA1 of password is\n"); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { //printf("%02x",digest[i]); } //printf("\n"); /******************************************* COMPUTE SHA1 OF X AND RANDOM BITS(RB1) 1 *******************************************/ /* SHA1_Init(&md); SHA1_Update(&md,digest,20); SHA1_Update(&md,HW4_random_bits_1,20); SHA1_Final(X_RB1,&md); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { //printf("%02x",X_RB1[i]); } //printf("\n");*/ /****************************************** COMPUTE SHA1 OF RB1(Y) AND RANDOM BITS 2(RB2) ******************************************/ /* SHA1_Init(&md); SHA1_Update(&md,X_RB1,20); SHA1_Update(&md,HW4_random_bits_2,20); SHA1_Final(X_RB2,&md); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { //printf("%02x",X_RB2[i]); } //printf("\n");*/ /*************************************** COMPUTER IV AND 3 DES KEYS ***************************************/ // SC_3des_key_gen(NULL,digest,IV,DES_key1,DES_key2,DES_key3); SmartcardState pss=(SmartcardState)NULL; void *handle=NULL; //void *vp =NULL; SC_Init_Func *pfn_init=NULL; SC_Cleanup_Func *pfn_cleanup=NULL; SC_GetSignatureSize_Func *pfn_getsigsize=NULL; SC_3DesKeyGen_Func *pfn_sc_dec=NULL; handle = dlopen(sopath, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (handle==NULL) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",sopath); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); fprintf(stderr,"dlopen() failed\n"); exit(1); } pfn_init = (SC_Init_Func*)dlsym(handle,"SC_init"); pfn_cleanup = (SC_Cleanup_Func*)dlsym(handle,"SC_cleanup"); pfn_getsigsize = (SC_GetSignatureSize_Func*)dlsym(handle,"SC_get_signature_size"); pfn_sc_dec = (SC_3DesKeyGen_Func *)dlsym(handle,"SC_3des_key_gen"); if(pfn_init==NULL || pfn_cleanup==NULL || pfn_getsigsize==NULL || pfn_sc_dec==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"(cannot find smartcard functions in this library)\n"); exit(1); } pss = (pfn_init)(); //printf("sig size is %d\n", (pfn_getsigsize)(pss)); //int sz=(pfn_getsigsize)(pss); (pfn_sc_dec) (pss,digest,IV,DES_key1,DES_key2,DES_key3); (pfn_cleanup)(pss); dlclose(handle); /* for(i=0;i<8;i++) IV[i]=X_RB1[i]; for(i=8,j=0;i<16;i++,j++) DES_key1[j]=X_RB1[i]; for(i=0;i<8;i++) DES_key2[i]=X_RB2[i]; for(i=8,j=0;i<16;i++,j++) DES_key3[j]=X_RB2[i]; printf("IV="); for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf("%02x",IV[i]); printf("\nDES KEY 1="); for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf("%02x",DES_key1[i]); printf("\nDES key 2="); for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf("%02x",DES_key2[i]); printf("\nDES key 3="); for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf("%02x",DES_key3[i]); printf("\n");*/ DES_set_odd_parity((DES_cblock *)DES_key1); DES_set_odd_parity((DES_cblock *)DES_key2); DES_set_odd_parity((DES_cblock *)DES_key3); DES_key_sched((DES_cblock *)DES_key1,&schedule1); DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)DES_key1,&schedule1); DES_key_sched((DES_cblock *)DES_key2,&schedule2); DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)DES_key2,&schedule2); DES_key_sched((DES_cblock *)DES_key3,&schedule3); DES_set_key((DES_cblock *)DES_key3,&schedule3); /****************************************** READ FILE 8 BYTES AT A TIME AND ENCRYPT IT ******************************************/ if((fp=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"{input file %s does not exist}\n",filename); exit(1); } i=0; while((count=fread(&ch,1,1,fp))) { i++; if(i==4) { last_byte_size=(int)ch; } }//while ends fclose(fp); // printf("last_bytes_size=%d",last_byte_size); // printf("\ntotal count=%d\n",i); to_read_upto=i-20; // printf("to read upto=%d\n",to_read_upto); if((fp=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"{input file %s does not exist}\n",filename); exit(1); } n=0;count_buf_size=0;i=0;temp_count=0; for(i=0;i<4;i++) fread(&ch,1,1,fp); n=4; while(!feof(fp)) { if(n==(to_read_upto-8)) { // printf("\nlast byte reading\n"); for(i=0;i<8;i++) DES_input[i]=fgetc(fp); DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(DES_input,DES_output,8,&schedule1,&schedule2,&schedule3,(DES_cblock*)IV,DES_DECRYPT); for(i=0;i<last_byte_size;i++) printf("%c",DES_output[i]); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(n==(to_read_upto+1)) exit(1); n++; DES_input[i]=fgetc(fp); } DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(DES_input,DES_output,8,&schedule1,&schedule2,&schedule3,(DES_cblock*)IV,DES_DECRYPT); for(i=0;i<8;i++) printf("%c",DES_output[i]); }//while feof ends /* while((count=fread(&ch,1,1,fp))) { // printf("%c",ch); n++; if(n>4)//skip first four bytes of encrypted file { if(n==to_read_upto+1) break; DES_input[count_buf_size]=ch; printf("%c",DES_input[count_buf_size]); count_buf_size++; if(count_buf_size==7) { //for(i=0;i<8;i++) //printf("%c",DES_input[i]); temp_count++; DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(DES_input,DES_output,8,&schedule1,&schedule2,&schedule3,(DES_cblock*)IV,DES_DECRYPT); if(n==to_read_upto-7) { // printf("in other loop\n"); // for(i=0;i<last_byte_size;i++) // printf("%c",DES_output[i]); } else { // for(i=0;i<8;i++) // printf("%c",DES_output[i]); count_buf_size=0; } } }//if count >4 ends } // printf("count=%d\n",temp_count); // printf("loop count=%d\n",n); for(i=0;i<20;i++) printf("%c",file_digest[i]); //printf("%s\n",file_digest);*/ return 1; }
static int send_memory_buffer(int sock, size_t bytes_to_send, unsigned char digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]) { char sendbuf[SENDBUF_SIZE]; ssize_t n = 0; size_t total_bytes = 0; SHA_CTX ctx; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; SHA1_Init(&ctx); printf("Sending %zu bytes of randomized data\n", bytes_to_send); while (!should_exit) { size_t count = 0, i; size_t bufsize = bytes_to_send < SENDBUF_SIZE ? bytes_to_send : SENDBUF_SIZE; if (bytes_to_send == 0) { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; break; } for (i = 0; i < bufsize; i += sizeof(long)) { long *l = (long *)&sendbuf[i]; *l = random(); } SHA1_Update(&ctx, sendbuf, bufsize); while (!should_exit && count < bufsize) { n = send_sv(sock, sendbuf + count, bufsize - count, 0); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { fprintf(stderr, "client: EAGAIN\n"); continue; } else if (errno == EPIPE) { printf("client closed abruptly\n"); should_exit = 1; ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; break; } fprintf(stderr, "client: error: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror_sv(errno)); should_exit = 1; break; } count += n; total_bytes += n; /* printf("Sent %zd bytes, total %zu bytes\n", n, total_bytes); */ } bytes_to_send -= count; } SHA1_Final(digest, &ctx); printf("Sent total %zu bytes\n", total_bytes); return ret; }
/** * Test the SHA1_Update() function * @return int number of tests failed in this function */ int sha1_test_SHA1_Update(void) { unsigned char inputdata_1[65] = { 0x7C, 0x53, 0x50, 0x53, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x36, 0x00, }; unsigned char inputdata_2[28] = { 0x77, 0x68, 0x61, 0x74, 0x20, 0x64, 0x6F, 0x20, 0x79, 0x61, 0x20, 0x77, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x20, 0x66, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x20, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0x74, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x3F, }; unsigned char context_before_update_1[94] = { 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xDC, 0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10, 0xF0, 0xE1, 0xD2, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x30, 0x5A, 0x8B, 0x80, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0xC1, 0xCD, 0xC6, 0x21, 0x5A, 0xCD, 0x4A, 0xDC, 0xC1, 0x9D, 0xB7, 0xB4, 0x8E, 0x06, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; unsigned char context_after_update_1[94] = { 0xA7, 0x8E, 0x4D, 0x62, 0x03, 0x18, 0x2B, 0x3F, 0xE4, 0xB9, 0x54, 0x95, 0xF5, 0x65, 0xC0, 0x28, 0x8E, 0xB9, 0xFC, 0xA9, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x30, 0x5A, 0x8B, 0x80, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0xC1, 0xCD, 0xC6, 0x21, 0x5A, 0xCD, 0x4A, 0xDC, 0xC1, 0x9D, 0xB7, 0xB4, 0x8E, 0x06, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; unsigned char context_after_update_2[94] = { 0xA7, 0x8E, 0x4D, 0x62, 0x03, 0x18, 0x2B, 0x3F, 0xE4, 0xB9, 0x54, 0x95, 0xF5, 0x65, 0xC0, 0x28, 0x8E, 0xB9, 0xFC, 0xA9, 0xE0, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x74, 0x61, 0x68, 0x77, 0x20, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x20, 0x77, 0x20, 0x61, 0x79, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6E, 0x61, 0x20, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x66, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x3F, 0x67, 0x6E, 0x69, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1C, 0x00, }; int local_error_count = 0; SHA_CTX context; memcpy(&context, context_before_update_1, sizeof(context_before_update_1)); SHA1_Update(&context, inputdata_1, sizeof(inputdata_1) - 1); if(memcmp(&context, context_after_update_1, sizeof(context_after_update_1) - 1) != 0) { local_error_count++; IPSEC_LOG_TST("sha1_test_SHA1_Update", "FAILURE", ("SHA1_Update() failed")) ; printf(" INPUT:\n") ; IPSEC_DUMP_BUFFER(" ", inputdata_1, 0, sizeof(inputdata_1) - 1); printf(" OUTPUT:\n") ; IPSEC_DUMP_BUFFER(" ", (char*)&context, 0, sizeof(context)); printf(" EXPECTED OUTPUT:\n") ; IPSEC_DUMP_BUFFER(" ", context_after_update_1, 0, sizeof(context_after_update_1)); } memcpy(&context, context_after_update_1, sizeof(context_after_update_1)); SHA1_Update(&context, inputdata_2, sizeof(inputdata_2)); if(memcmp(&context, context_after_update_2, sizeof(context_after_update_2)) != 0) { local_error_count++; IPSEC_LOG_TST("sha1_test_SHA1_Update", "FAILURE", ("SHA1_Update() failed")) ; printf(" INPUT:\n") ; IPSEC_DUMP_BUFFER(" ", inputdata_2, 0, sizeof(inputdata_2)); printf(" OUTPUT:\n") ; IPSEC_DUMP_BUFFER(" ", (char*)&context, 0, sizeof(context)); printf(" EXPECTED OUTPUT:\n") ; IPSEC_DUMP_BUFFER(" ", context_after_update_2, 0, sizeof(context_after_update_2)); } return local_error_count; }
static bool verifyTorrent (tr_torrent * tor, bool * stopFlag) { time_t end; SHA_CTX sha; int fd = -1; int64_t filePos = 0; bool changed = 0; bool hadPiece = 0; time_t lastSleptAt = 0; uint32_t piecePos = 0; tr_file_index_t fileIndex = 0; tr_file_index_t prevFileIndex = !fileIndex; tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex = 0; const time_t begin = tr_time (); const size_t buflen = 1024 * 128; /* 128 KiB buffer */ uint8_t * buffer = tr_valloc (buflen); SHA1_Init (&sha); tr_logAddTorDbg (tor, "%s", "verifying torrent..."); tr_torrentSetChecked (tor, 0); while (!*stopFlag && (pieceIndex < tor->info.pieceCount)) { uint32_t leftInPiece; uint32_t bytesThisPass; uint64_t leftInFile; const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[fileIndex]; /* if we're starting a new piece... */ if (piecePos == 0) hadPiece = tr_cpPieceIsComplete (&tor->completion, pieceIndex); /* if we're starting a new file... */ if (!filePos && (fd<0) && (fileIndex!=prevFileIndex)) { char * filename = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, fileIndex); fd = filename == NULL ? -1 : tr_open_file_for_scanning (filename); tr_free (filename); prevFileIndex = fileIndex; } /* figure out how much we can read this pass */ leftInPiece = tr_torPieceCountBytes (tor, pieceIndex) - piecePos; leftInFile = file->length - filePos; bytesThisPass = MIN (leftInFile, leftInPiece); bytesThisPass = MIN (bytesThisPass, buflen); /* read a bit */ if (fd >= 0) { const ssize_t numRead = tr_pread (fd, buffer, bytesThisPass, filePos); if (numRead > 0) { bytesThisPass = (uint32_t)numRead; SHA1_Update (&sha, buffer, bytesThisPass); #if defined HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE && defined POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED posix_fadvise (fd, filePos, bytesThisPass, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); #endif } } /* move our offsets */ leftInPiece -= bytesThisPass; leftInFile -= bytesThisPass; piecePos += bytesThisPass; filePos += bytesThisPass; /* if we're finishing a piece... */ if (leftInPiece == 0) { time_t now; bool hasPiece; uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA1_Final (hash, &sha); hasPiece = !memcmp (hash, tor->info.pieces[pieceIndex].hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (hasPiece || hadPiece) { tr_torrentSetHasPiece (tor, pieceIndex, hasPiece); changed |= hasPiece != hadPiece; } tr_torrentSetPieceChecked (tor, pieceIndex); now = tr_time (); tor->anyDate = now; /* sleeping even just a few msec per second goes a long * way towards reducing IO load... */ if (lastSleptAt != now) { lastSleptAt = now; tr_wait_msec (MSEC_TO_SLEEP_PER_SECOND_DURING_VERIFY); } SHA1_Init (&sha); pieceIndex++; piecePos = 0; } /* if we're finishing a file... */ if (leftInFile == 0) { if (fd >= 0) { tr_close_file (fd); fd = -1; } fileIndex++; filePos = 0; } } /* cleanup */ if (fd >= 0) tr_close_file (fd); free (buffer); /* stopwatch */ end = tr_time (); tr_logAddTorDbg (tor, "Verification is done. It took %d seconds to verify %"PRIu64" bytes (%"PRIu64" bytes per second)", (int)(end-begin), tor->info.totalSize, (uint64_t)(tor->info.totalSize/ (1+ (end-begin)))); return changed; }
static void md5_sha1_update(EVP_MD_CTX *md_ctx, const void *data, size_t count) { MD5_SHA1_CTX *ctx = md_ctx->md_data; CHECK(MD5_Update(&ctx->md5, data, count) && SHA1_Update(&ctx->sha1, data, count)); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; struct stat sbuf; unsigned char databuff[65535]; /* data read work buffer */ unsigned char datahash[20]; /* hash of data file */ unsigned char digest[20]; SHA_CTX sha; FILE *datafile; const char *datafilename = NULL; FILE *sigfile; const char *sigfilename = NULL; FILE *keyfile; const char *kfilename = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey; RSA *rsa; uint16_t sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1; int plain; unsigned char padded[4096]; unsigned char plainarray[4096]; TPM_SIGN_INFO tsi; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tsi_ser); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(signature); int i; for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ss")) { i++; if (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "info")) { sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_INFO; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "der")) { sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER; } else { printf("Bad parameter for -ss\n"); printUsage(); } } else { printf("Missing parameter for -ss\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-if") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { datafilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-if option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); exit(2); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-is") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { sigfilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-is option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ik") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { kfilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-ik option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); exit(2); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { printUsage(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); printUsage(); } } if ((datafilename == NULL) || (sigfilename == NULL) || (kfilename == NULL)) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); printUsage(); } /* ** read and hash the data file */ datafile = fopen(datafilename,"rb"); if (datafile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open data file '%s'\n",datafilename); exit(2); } SHA1_Init(&sha); for (;;) { ret = fread(databuff,1,sizeof databuff,datafile); if (ret < 0) { printf("I/O Error while reading data file '%s'\n",datafilename); exit(3); } SHA1_Update(&sha,databuff,ret); if (ret < (int)sizeof(databuff)) break; } fclose(datafile); SHA1_Final(datahash,&sha); /* ** get size of signature file */ stat(sigfilename,&sbuf); signature.used = (int)sbuf.st_size; sigfile = fopen(sigfilename,"rb"); if (sigfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open signature file '%s'\n",sigfilename); exit(4); } /* ** read the signature file */ ret = fread(signature.buffer,1,signature.used,sigfile); if (ret != (int)signature.used) { printf("I/O Error while reading signature file '%s'\n",sigfilename); exit(5); } fclose(sigfile); /* ** read the key file */ keyfile = fopen(kfilename,"rb"); if (keyfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open public key file '%s'\n",kfilename); exit(6); } pkey = PEM_read_PUBKEY(keyfile,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (pkey == NULL) { printf("I/O Error while reading public key file '%s'\n",kfilename); exit(7); } rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey); if (rsa == NULL) { printf("Error while converting public key \n"); exit(8); } switch (sigscheme) { default: case TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1: ret = RSA_verify(NID_sha1,datahash,20, signature.buffer,signature.used, rsa); if (ret != 1) { printf("Verification Failed\n"); exit(100); } break; case TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER: plain = RSA_public_decrypt(signature.used, signature.buffer, plainarray, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING); if (plain == -1) { printf("Verification (DER) had an error\n"); exit(100); } ret = RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1(padded,plain,datahash,sizeof(datahash)); if (ret != 1) { printf("Could not add the padding.\n"); exit(100); } if (memcmp(padded, plainarray, plain) != 0) { printf("Verfication (DER) failed.\n"); exit(100); } break; case TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_INFO: // the nonce is the digest of the hashed data!! TSS_sha1(datahash, 20, digest); tsi.tag = TPM_TAG_SIGNINFO; memcpy(tsi.fixed,"SIGN",4); = TPM_HASH_SIZE; = datahash; memcpy(tsi.replay, digest, TPM_HASH_SIZE); /* need to calcualte the digest of the TPM_SIGN_INFO structure */ ret = TPM_WriteSignInfo(&tsi_ser, &tsi); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { printf("Could not serialize TPM_SIGN_INFO structure.\n"); exit(100); } ret = TPM_ValidateSignature(sigscheme, &tsi_ser, &signature, rsa); if (ret != 0) { printf("Verification (INFO) failed.\n"); exit(-1); } break; } RSA_free(rsa); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); exit(0); }
static void sha1_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t count) { CHECK(SHA1_Update(ctx->md_data, data, count)); }
SECStatus ssl3_KeyAndMacDeriveBypass( ssl3CipherSpec * pwSpec, const unsigned char * cr, const unsigned char * sr, PRBool isTLS, PRBool isExport) { const ssl3BulkCipherDef *cipher_def = pwSpec->cipher_def; unsigned char * key_block = pwSpec->key_block; unsigned char * key_block2 = NULL; unsigned int block_bytes = 0; unsigned int block_needed = 0; unsigned int i; unsigned int keySize; /* actual size of cipher keys */ unsigned int effKeySize; /* effective size of cipher keys */ unsigned int macSize; /* size of MAC secret */ unsigned int IVSize; /* size of IV */ SECStatus rv = SECFailure; SECStatus status = SECSuccess; PRBool isFIPS = PR_FALSE; SECItem srcr; SECItem crsr; unsigned char srcrdata[SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH * 2]; unsigned char crsrdata[SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH * 2]; PRUint64 md5buf[22]; PRUint64 shabuf[40]; #define md5Ctx ((MD5Context *)md5buf) #define shaCtx ((SHA1Context *)shabuf) static const SECItem zed = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 }; if (pwSpec-> == NULL || pwSpec->msItem.len != SSL3_MASTER_SECRET_LENGTH) { PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS); return rv; } PRINT_BUF(100, (NULL, "Master Secret", pwSpec->, pwSpec->msItem.len)); /* figure out how much is needed */ macSize = pwSpec->mac_size; keySize = cipher_def->key_size; effKeySize = cipher_def->secret_key_size; IVSize = cipher_def->iv_size; if (keySize == 0) { effKeySize = IVSize = 0; /* only MACing */ } block_needed = 2 * (macSize + effKeySize + ((!isExport) * IVSize)); /* * clear out our returned keys so we can recover on failure */ pwSpec->client.write_key_item = zed; pwSpec->client.write_mac_key_item = zed; pwSpec->server.write_key_item = zed; pwSpec->server.write_mac_key_item = zed; /* initialize the server random, client random block */ srcr.type = siBuffer; = srcrdata; srcr.len = sizeof srcrdata; PORT_Memcpy(srcrdata, sr, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH); PORT_Memcpy(srcrdata + SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH, cr, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH); /* initialize the client random, server random block */ crsr.type = siBuffer; = crsrdata; crsr.len = sizeof crsrdata; PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata, cr, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH); PORT_Memcpy(crsrdata + SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH, sr, SSL3_RANDOM_LENGTH); PRINT_BUF(100, (NULL, "Key & MAC CRSR",, crsr.len)); /* * generate the key material: */ if (isTLS) { SECItem keyblk; keyblk.type = siBuffer; = key_block; keyblk.len = block_needed; status = TLS_PRF(&pwSpec->msItem, "key expansion", &srcr, &keyblk, isFIPS); if (status != SECSuccess) { goto key_and_mac_derive_fail; } block_bytes = keyblk.len; } else { /* key_block = * MD5(master_secret + SHA('A' + master_secret + * ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) + * MD5(master_secret + SHA('BB' + master_secret + * ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) + * MD5(master_secret + SHA('CCC' + master_secret + * ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) + * [...]; */ unsigned int made = 0; for (i = 0; made < block_needed && i < NUM_MIXERS; ++i) { unsigned int outLen; unsigned char sha_out[SHA1_LENGTH]; SHA1_Begin(shaCtx); SHA1_Update(shaCtx, (unsigned char*)(mixers[i]), i+1); SHA1_Update(shaCtx, pwSpec->, pwSpec->msItem.len); SHA1_Update(shaCtx,, srcr.len); SHA1_End(shaCtx, sha_out, &outLen, SHA1_LENGTH); PORT_Assert(outLen == SHA1_LENGTH); MD5_Begin(md5Ctx); MD5_Update(md5Ctx, pwSpec->, pwSpec->msItem.len); MD5_Update(md5Ctx, sha_out, outLen); MD5_End(md5Ctx, key_block + made, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH); PORT_Assert(outLen == MD5_LENGTH); made += MD5_LENGTH; } block_bytes = made; } PORT_Assert(block_bytes >= block_needed); PORT_Assert(block_bytes <= sizeof pwSpec->key_block); PRINT_BUF(100, (NULL, "key block", key_block, block_bytes)); /* * Put the key material where it goes. */ key_block2 = key_block + block_bytes; i = 0; /* now shows how much consumed */ /* * The key_block is partitioned as follows: * client_write_MAC_secret[CipherSpec.hash_size] */ buildSSLKey(&key_block[i],macSize, &pwSpec->client.write_mac_key_item, \ "Client Write MAC Secret"); i += macSize; /* * server_write_MAC_secret[CipherSpec.hash_size] */ buildSSLKey(&key_block[i],macSize, &pwSpec->server.write_mac_key_item, \ "Server Write MAC Secret"); i += macSize; if (!keySize) { /* only MACing */ buildSSLKey(NULL, 0, &pwSpec->client.write_key_item, \ "Client Write Key (MAC only)"); buildSSLKey(NULL, 0, &pwSpec->server.write_key_item, \ "Server Write Key (MAC only)"); buildSSLKey(NULL, 0, &pwSpec->client.write_iv_item, \ "Client Write IV (MAC only)"); buildSSLKey(NULL, 0, &pwSpec->server.write_iv_item, \ "Server Write IV (MAC only)"); } else if (!isExport) { /* ** Generate Domestic write keys and IVs. ** client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] */ buildSSLKey(&key_block[i], keySize, &pwSpec->client.write_key_item, \ "Domestic Client Write Key"); i += keySize; /* ** server_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] */ buildSSLKey(&key_block[i], keySize, &pwSpec->server.write_key_item, \ "Domestic Server Write Key"); i += keySize; if (IVSize > 0) { /* ** client_write_IV[CipherSpec.IV_size] */ buildSSLKey(&key_block[i], IVSize, &pwSpec->client.write_iv_item, \ "Domestic Client Write IV"); i += IVSize; /* ** server_write_IV[CipherSpec.IV_size] */ buildSSLKey(&key_block[i], IVSize, &pwSpec->server.write_iv_item, \ "Domestic Server Write IV"); i += IVSize; } PORT_Assert(i <= block_bytes); } else if (!isTLS) { /* ** Generate SSL3 Export write keys and IVs. */ unsigned int outLen; /* ** client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] ** final_client_write_key = MD5(client_write_key + ** ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random); */ MD5_Begin(md5Ctx); MD5_Update(md5Ctx, &key_block[i], effKeySize); MD5_Update(md5Ctx,, crsr.len); MD5_End(md5Ctx, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH); i += effKeySize; buildSSLKey(key_block2, keySize, &pwSpec->client.write_key_item, \ "SSL3 Export Client Write Key"); key_block2 += keySize; /* ** server_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] ** final_server_write_key = MD5(server_write_key + ** ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random); */ MD5_Begin(md5Ctx); MD5_Update(md5Ctx, &key_block[i], effKeySize); MD5_Update(md5Ctx,, srcr.len); MD5_End(md5Ctx, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH); i += effKeySize; buildSSLKey(key_block2, keySize, &pwSpec->server.write_key_item, \ "SSL3 Export Server Write Key"); key_block2 += keySize; PORT_Assert(i <= block_bytes); if (IVSize) { /* ** client_write_IV = ** MD5(ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random); */ MD5_Begin(md5Ctx); MD5_Update(md5Ctx,, crsr.len); MD5_End(md5Ctx, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH); buildSSLKey(key_block2, IVSize, &pwSpec->client.write_iv_item, \ "SSL3 Export Client Write IV"); key_block2 += IVSize; /* ** server_write_IV = ** MD5(ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random); */ MD5_Begin(md5Ctx); MD5_Update(md5Ctx,, srcr.len); MD5_End(md5Ctx, key_block2, &outLen, MD5_LENGTH); buildSSLKey(key_block2, IVSize, &pwSpec->server.write_iv_item, \ "SSL3 Export Server Write IV"); key_block2 += IVSize; } PORT_Assert(key_block2 - key_block <= sizeof pwSpec->key_block); } else { /* ** Generate TLS Export write keys and IVs. */ SECItem secret ; SECItem keyblk ; secret.type = siBuffer; keyblk.type = siBuffer; /* ** client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] ** final_client_write_key = PRF(client_write_key, ** "client write key", ** client_random + server_random); */ = &key_block[i]; secret.len = effKeySize; i += effKeySize; = key_block2; keyblk.len = keySize; status = TLS_PRF(&secret, "client write key", &crsr, &keyblk, isFIPS); if (status != SECSuccess) { goto key_and_mac_derive_fail; } buildSSLKey(key_block2, keySize, &pwSpec->client.write_key_item, \ "TLS Export Client Write Key"); key_block2 += keySize; /* ** server_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] ** final_server_write_key = PRF(server_write_key, ** "server write key", ** client_random + server_random); */ = &key_block[i]; secret.len = effKeySize; i += effKeySize; = key_block2; keyblk.len = keySize; status = TLS_PRF(&secret, "server write key", &crsr, &keyblk, isFIPS); if (status != SECSuccess) { goto key_and_mac_derive_fail; } buildSSLKey(key_block2, keySize, &pwSpec->server.write_key_item, \ "TLS Export Server Write Key"); key_block2 += keySize; /* ** iv_block = PRF("", "IV block", client_random + server_random); ** client_write_IV[SecurityParameters.IV_size] ** server_write_IV[SecurityParameters.IV_size] */ if (IVSize) { = NULL; secret.len = 0; = key_block2; keyblk.len = 2 * IVSize; status = TLS_PRF(&secret, "IV block", &crsr, &keyblk, isFIPS); if (status != SECSuccess) { goto key_and_mac_derive_fail; } buildSSLKey(key_block2, IVSize, \ &pwSpec->client.write_iv_item, \ "TLS Export Client Write IV"); buildSSLKey(key_block2 + IVSize, IVSize, \ &pwSpec->server.write_iv_item, \ "TLS Export Server Write IV"); key_block2 += 2 * IVSize; } PORT_Assert(key_block2 - key_block <= sizeof pwSpec->key_block); } rv = SECSuccess; key_and_mac_derive_fail: MD5_DestroyContext(md5Ctx, PR_FALSE); SHA1_DestroyContext(shaCtx, PR_FALSE); if (rv != SECSuccess) { PORT_SetError(SSL_ERROR_SESSION_KEY_GEN_FAILURE); } return rv; }
void trap_init(const char *ver) { int r; uint8_t digest[20]; struct sigaction sa, old; char path[256]; SHA_CTX binsum; int fd; r = readlink("/proc/self/exe", self, sizeof(self) - 1); if(r == -1) self[0] = 0; else self[r] = 0; if((fd = open("/proc/self/exe", O_RDONLY)) != -1) { struct stat st; if(!fstat(fd, &st)) { char *m = malloc(st.st_size); if(m != NULL) { if(read(fd, m, st.st_size) == st.st_size) { SHA1_Init(&binsum); SHA1_Update(&binsum, (void *)m, st.st_size); SHA1_Final(digest, &binsum); } free(m); } } close(fd); } snprintf(line1, sizeof(line1), "PRG: %s (%s) " "[%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] " "CWD: %s ", ver, tvheadend_version, digest[0], digest[1], digest[2], digest[3], digest[4], digest[5], digest[6], digest[7], digest[8], digest[9], digest[10], digest[11], digest[12], digest[13], digest[14], digest[15], digest[16], digest[17], digest[18], digest[19], getcwd(path, sizeof(path))); memcpy(tvh_binshasum, digest, 20); dl_iterate_phdr(callback, NULL); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sigset_t m; sigemptyset(&m); sigaddset(&m, SIGSEGV); sigaddset(&m, SIGBUS); sigaddset(&m, SIGILL); sigaddset(&m, SIGABRT); sigaddset(&m, SIGFPE); sa.sa_sigaction = traphandler; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, &old); sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, &old); sigaction(SIGILL, &sa, &old); sigaction(SIGABRT, &sa, &old); sigaction(SIGFPE, &sa, &old); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &m, NULL); }
/** * Construct a new x509 object. * @return 0 if ok. < 0 if there was a problem. */ int x509_new(const uint8_t *cert, int *len, X509_CTX **ctx) { int begin_tbs, end_tbs; int ret = X509_NOT_OK, offset = 0, cert_size = 0; X509_CTX *x509_ctx; BI_CTX *bi_ctx; *ctx = (X509_CTX *)calloc(1, sizeof(X509_CTX)); x509_ctx = *ctx; /* get the certificate size */ asn1_skip_obj(cert, &cert_size, ASN1_SEQUENCE); if (asn1_next_obj(cert, &offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0) goto end_cert; begin_tbs = offset; /* start of the tbs */ end_tbs = begin_tbs; /* work out the end of the tbs */ asn1_skip_obj(cert, &end_tbs, ASN1_SEQUENCE); if (asn1_next_obj(cert, &offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0) goto end_cert; if (cert[offset] == ASN1_EXPLICIT_TAG) /* optional version */ { if (asn1_version(cert, &offset, x509_ctx)) goto end_cert; } if (asn1_skip_obj(cert, &offset, ASN1_INTEGER) || /* serial number */ asn1_next_obj(cert, &offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) < 0) goto end_cert; /* make sure the signature is ok */ if (asn1_signature_type(cert, &offset, x509_ctx)) { ret = X509_VFY_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DIGEST; goto end_cert; } if (asn1_name(cert, &offset, x509_ctx->ca_cert_dn) || asn1_validity(cert, &offset, x509_ctx) || asn1_name(cert, &offset, x509_ctx->cert_dn) || asn1_public_key(cert, &offset, x509_ctx)) { goto end_cert; } bi_ctx = x509_ctx->rsa_ctx->bi_ctx; #ifdef CONFIG_SSL_CERT_VERIFICATION /* only care if doing verification */ /* use the appropriate signature algorithm (SHA1/MD5/MD2) */ if (x509_ctx->sig_type == SIG_TYPE_MD5) { MD5_CTX md5_ctx; uint8_t md5_dgst[MD5_SIZE]; MD5_Init(&md5_ctx); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, &cert[begin_tbs], end_tbs-begin_tbs); MD5_Final(md5_dgst, &md5_ctx); x509_ctx->digest = bi_import(bi_ctx, md5_dgst, MD5_SIZE); } else if (x509_ctx->sig_type == SIG_TYPE_SHA1) { SHA1_CTX sha_ctx; uint8_t sha_dgst[SHA1_SIZE]; SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx); SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, &cert[begin_tbs], end_tbs-begin_tbs); SHA1_Final(sha_dgst, &sha_ctx); x509_ctx->digest = bi_import(bi_ctx, sha_dgst, SHA1_SIZE); } else if (x509_ctx->sig_type == SIG_TYPE_MD2) { MD2_CTX md2_ctx; uint8_t md2_dgst[MD2_SIZE]; MD2_Init(&md2_ctx); MD2_Update(&md2_ctx, &cert[begin_tbs], end_tbs-begin_tbs); MD2_Final(md2_dgst, &md2_ctx); x509_ctx->digest = bi_import(bi_ctx, md2_dgst, MD2_SIZE); } if (cert[offset] == ASN1_V3_DATA) { int suboffset; ++offset; get_asn1_length(cert, &offset); if ((suboffset = asn1_find_subjectaltname(cert, offset)) > 0) { if (asn1_next_obj(cert, &suboffset, ASN1_OCTET_STRING) > 0) { int altlen; if ((altlen = asn1_next_obj(cert, &suboffset, ASN1_SEQUENCE)) > 0) { int endalt = suboffset + altlen; int totalnames = 0; while (suboffset < endalt) { int type = cert[suboffset++]; int dnslen = get_asn1_length(cert, &suboffset); if (type == ASN1_CONTEXT_DNSNAME) { x509_ctx->subject_alt_dnsnames = (char**) realloc(x509_ctx->subject_alt_dnsnames, (totalnames + 2) * sizeof(char*)); x509_ctx->subject_alt_dnsnames[totalnames] = (char*)malloc(dnslen + 1); x509_ctx->subject_alt_dnsnames[totalnames+1] = NULL; memcpy(x509_ctx->subject_alt_dnsnames[totalnames], cert + suboffset, dnslen); x509_ctx->subject_alt_dnsnames[ totalnames][dnslen] = 0; ++totalnames; } suboffset += dnslen; } } } } } offset = end_tbs; /* skip the rest of v3 data */ if (asn1_skip_obj(cert, &offset, ASN1_SEQUENCE) || asn1_signature(cert, &offset, x509_ctx)) goto end_cert; #endif ret = X509_OK; end_cert: if (len) { *len = cert_size; } if (ret) { #ifdef CONFIG_SSL_FULL_MODE printf("Error: Invalid X509 ASN.1 file (%s)\n", x509_display_error(ret)); #endif x509_free(x509_ctx); *ctx = NULL; } return ret; }
void ssl_sha1_update(SSL_SHA1 * sha1, uint8 * data, uint32 len) { SHA1_Update(sha1, data, len); }
void crypto_sha1_update(CryptoSha1 sha1, const BYTE* data, UINT32 length) { SHA1_Update(&sha1->sha_ctx, data, length); }
void crypto_sha1_update(CryptoSha1 sha1, uint8* data, uint32 length) { SHA1_Update(&sha1->sha_ctx, data, length); }
static int radius_auth(struct radius_attrib **attriblist, chap_state *cstate) { int ret; struct radius_attrib *recvattriblist; struct radius_attrib *attrib; #ifdef CHAPMS int ms_chap2_success = 0; #endif #ifdef MPPE int mppe_send_key = 0, mppe_recv_key = 0, mppe_policy = 0, mppe_types = 0; #endif if (nas_ip_address != -1) { if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, nas_ip_address, NULL, 0)) { return 0; } } else if (nas_identifier[0]) { if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_NAS_IDENTIFIER, 0, nas_identifier, strlen(nas_identifier))) { return 0; } } if (nas_real_port_number != -1) { if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_NAS_PORT_ID, nas_real_port_number, NULL, 0)) { return 0; } } if (nas_port_type != -1) { if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_NAS_PORT_TYPE, nas_port_type, NULL, 0)) { return 0; } } if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_SERVICE_TYPE, PW_FRAMED_USER, NULL, 0)) { return 0; } if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_FRAMED_PROTOCOL, PW_PPP, NULL, 0)) { return 0; } if (ipcp_wantoptions[0].hisaddr) { if (!radius_add_attrib( attriblist, PW_VENDOR_NONE, PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, ntohl(ipcp_wantoptions[0].hisaddr), NULL, 0)) { return 0; } } recvattriblist = NULL; ret = radius_send_access_request( radius_server, radius_auth_port, radius_secret, *attriblist, &recvattriblist); if (ret < 0) { error("RADIUS: server failed"); ret = 0; } else if (ret == PW_AUTHENTICATION_ACK) { ret = 1; /* Default to success unless an attribute makes us fail */ for (attrib=recvattriblist; ret && attrib!=NULL; attrib=attrib->next) { if (attrib->vendor == PW_VENDOR_NONE) { switch (attrib->type) { case PW_SERVICE_TYPE: if (ntohl(attrib->u.value) != PW_FRAMED_USER) { error("RADIUS: service type '%d' is not framed", ntohl(attrib->u.value)); ret = 0; } break; case PW_FRAMED_PROTOCOL: if (ntohl(attrib->u.value) != PW_PPP) { error("RADIUS: framed protocol '%d' is not ppp", ntohl(attrib->u.value)); ret = 0; } break; case PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS: if (attrib->u.value == htonl(0xffffffff)) { radius_allow_any_ip = 1; } else if (attrib->u.value == htonl(0xfffffffe)) { radius_allow_server_ip = 1; } else { radius_remote_ip_addr = attrib->u.value; } break; case PW_FRAMED_IP_NETMASK: if (attrib->u.value && attrib->u.value != 0xffffffff) { netmask = attrib->u.value; } break; case PW_FRAMED_COMPRESSION: if (ntohl(attrib->u.value) == PW_NONE) { ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_vj = 0; ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_vj = 0; } else if (ntohl(attrib->u.value) == PW_VAN_JACOBSEN_TCP_IP) { ipcp_wantoptions[0].neg_vj = 1; ipcp_allowoptions[0].neg_vj = 1; } break; case PW_REPLY_MESSAGE: strncpy(radius_reply_message,attrib->u.string,AUTH_STRING_LEN); radius_reply_message[AUTH_STRING_LEN] = 0; notice(radius_reply_message); break; #if 0 case PW_FRAMED_ROUTE: /* XXX: store route for adding/removing in ip-up/ip-down */ break; case PW_FRAMED_MTU: /* XXX: set the MTU? */ break; #endif case PW_IDLE_TIMEOUT: if (attrib->u.value != 0) { idle_time_limit = ntohl(attrib->u.value); } break; case PW_SESSION_TIMEOUT: if (attrib->u.value != 0) { maxconnect = ntohl(attrib->u.value); } break; case PW_CLASS: radius_class_length = attrib->length; if (radius_class_length > sizeof(radius_class)) radius_class_length = sizeof(radius_class); memcpy(radius_class, attrib->u.string, radius_class_length); break; default: notice("RADIUS: ignoring unsupported attribute %d", attrib->type); break; } } #ifdef CHAPMS else if (attrib->vendor == PW_VENDOR_MICROSOFT) { switch (attrib->type) { case PW_MS_CHAP2_SUCCESS: if (ms_chap2_success) { error("RADIUS: duplicate MS_CHAP2_SUCCESS"); ret = 0; break; } ms_chap2_success = 1; if (!cstate || (cstate->chal_type != CHAP_MICROSOFT_V2)) { error("RADIUS: unexpected MS_CHAP2_SUCCESS"); ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->length != 43) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_CHAP2_SUCCESS length '%d'", attrib->length); ret = 0; break; } if (strncmp(attrib->u.string+1, "S=", 2)) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_CHAP2_SUCCESS"); ret = 0; break; } memcpy(cstate->response, attrib->u.string+1, attrib->length-1); cstate->response[attrib->length-1] = '\0'; break; #ifdef MPPE case PW_MS_CHAP_MPPE_KEYS: { unsigned char Digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA_CTX Context; if (!cstate || (cstate->chal_type != CHAP_MICROSOFT)) { error("RADIUS: unexpected MS_CHAP_MPPE_KEYS"); ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->length != 32) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_CHAP_MPPE_KEYS length '%d'", attrib->length); ret = 0; break; } memcpy(mppe_master_send_key_40, attrib->u.string, 8); memcpy(mppe_master_recv_key_40, attrib->u.string, 8); SHA1_Init(&Context); SHA1_Update(&Context, attrib->u.string + 8, 16); SHA1_Update(&Context, attrib->u.string + 8, 16); SHA1_Update(&Context, cstate->challenge, 8); SHA1_Final(Digest, &Context); memcpy(mppe_master_send_key_128, Digest, 16); memcpy(mppe_master_recv_key_128, Digest, 16); mppe_send_key = mppe_recv_key = 1; break; } case PW_MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY: if (!cstate || (cstate->chal_type != CHAP_MICROSOFT_V2)) { error("RADIUS: unexpected MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY"); ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->length != 34) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY length '%d'", attrib->length); ret = 0; break; } if ((attrib->u.string[0] & 0x80) == 0) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY salt '%02x%02x'", (unsigned char)attrib->u.string[0], (unsigned char)attrib->u.string[1]); ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->u.string[2] != 16) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_MPPE_SEND_KEY keylength '%d'", attrib->u.string[2]); ret = 0; break; } memcpy(mppe_master_send_key_128, attrib->u.string+3, 16); memcpy(mppe_master_send_key_40, attrib->u.string+3, 8); mppe_send_key = 1; break; case PW_MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY: if (!cstate || (cstate->chal_type != CHAP_MICROSOFT_V2)) { error("RADIUS: unexpected MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY"); ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->length != 34) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY length '%d'", attrib->length); ret = 0; break; } if ((attrib->u.string[0] & 0x80) == 0) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY salt '%02x%02x'", (unsigned char)attrib->u.string[0], (unsigned char)attrib->u.string[1]); ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->u.string[2] != 16) { error("RADIUS: invalid MS_MPPE_RECV_KEY keylength '%d'", attrib->u.string[2]); ret = 0; break; } memcpy(mppe_master_recv_key_128, attrib->u.string+3, 16); memcpy(mppe_master_recv_key_40, attrib->u.string+3, 8); mppe_recv_key = 1; break; case PW_MS_MPPE_ENCRYPTION_POLICY: if (!radius_check_integer_length(attrib)) { ret = 0; break; } if (attrib->u.value == htonl(1)) { /* Encryption allowed */ ccp_allowoptions[0].mppe = 1; ccp_wantoptions[0].mppe = 0; mppe_policy = 1; } else if (attrib->u.value == htonl(2)) { /* Encryption required */ /* XXX: current version of ppd doesn't support * requiring encryption. */ ccp_allowoptions[0].mppe = ccp_wantoptions[0].mppe = 1; mppe_policy = 1; } break; case PW_MS_MPPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPES: if (!radius_check_integer_length(attrib)) { ret = 0; break; } ccp_allowoptions[0].mppe_40 = ccp_wantoptions[0].mppe_40 = (attrib->u.value & htonl(2)) ? 1 : 0; ccp_allowoptions[0].mppe_128 = ccp_wantoptions[0].mppe_128 = (attrib->u.value & htonl(4)) ? 1 : 0; mppe_types = 1; break; #endif /* MPPE */ #if 0 case PW_MS_PRIMARY_DNS_SERVER: case PW_MS_SECONDARY_DNS_SERVER: case PW_MS_PRIMARY_NBNS_SERVER: case PW_MS_SECONDARY_NBNS_SERVER: break; #endif default: notice("RADIUS: ignoring Microsoft attribute %d", attrib->type); break; } } #endif /* CHAPMS */ else { notice("RADIUS: ignoring vendor %d attribute %d", attrib->vendor, attrib->type); } } #ifdef CHAPMS if (ret && cstate && (cstate->chal_type == CHAP_MICROSOFT_V2) && !ms_chap2_success) { error("RADIUS: MSCHAPv2 success attribute not found"); ret = 0; } #endif #ifdef MPPE if (mppe_send_key && mppe_recv_key) { if (mppe_policy && mppe_types) { mppe_allowed = 1; } else if (!mppe_policy) { mppe_allowed = 1; } } #endif } else if (ret == PW_AUTHENTICATION_REJECT) { for (attrib=recvattriblist; attrib!=NULL; attrib=attrib->next) { if (attrib->vendor == PW_VENDOR_NONE && attrib->type == PW_REPLY_MESSAGE) { strncpy(radius_reply_message,attrib->u.string,AUTH_STRING_LEN); radius_reply_message[AUTH_STRING_LEN] = 0; error("%s", radius_reply_message); } } ret = 0; } else if (ret == PW_ACCESS_CHALLENGE) { error("RADIUS: server sent unexpected CHAP challenge"); ret = 0; } else { error("RADIUS: server sent unexpected response '%d'", ret); ret = 0; } radius_free_attrib(recvattriblist); return ret; }
void command_read(GenericSocket &channel, int fd, int start, int length, int flash_sector_size, int chunk_size, bool verbose) { int64_t file_offset; unsigned char sector_buffer[flash_sector_size]; unsigned char sector_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned char file_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; int sector, sector_buffer_length, sector_attempt; int chunk_offset, chunk_attempt; uint64_t data_offset; int current, checksummed; struct timeval time_start, time_now; std::string sha_local_hash_text; std::string sha_remote_hash_text; std::string send_string; std::string reply; std::string operation; std::vector<int> int_value; std::vector<std::string> string_value; SHA_CTX sha_file_ctx; gettimeofday(&time_start, 0); std::cout << "start read from " << start << ", length: " << length << ", flash buffer size: " << flash_sector_size << ", chunk size: " << chunk_size << std::endl; SHA1_Init(&sha_file_ctx); sector = 0; current = start; checksummed = 0; for(current = start; current < (start + length); current += flash_sector_size) { for(sector_attempt = max_attempts; sector_attempt > 0; sector_attempt--) { if(verbose) std::cout << "receiving sector: " << sector << ", length: " << flash_sector_size << ", try #" << (max_attempts - sector_attempt) << std::endl; send_string = std::string("flash-read ") + std::to_string(current); process(channel, send_string, reply, "OK flash-read: read bytes: ([0-9]+), from address: ([0-9]+) \\([0-9]+\\), checksum: ([0-9a-f]+)", string_value, int_value, verbose); if(int_value[0] != flash_sector_size) throw(std::string("local sector size (") + std::to_string(flash_sector_size) + ") != remote sector size (" + std::to_string(int_value[0]) + ")"); if(int_value[1] != current) throw(std::string("local address (") + std::to_string(current) + ") != remote address (" + std::to_string(int_value[1]) + ")"); sha_remote_hash_text = string_value[2]; for(chunk_offset = 0; chunk_offset < (int)flash_sector_size; chunk_offset += chunk_size) { for(chunk_attempt = max_attempts; chunk_attempt > 0; chunk_attempt--) { try { if(verbose) std::cout << "receiving chunk: " << chunk_offset / chunk_size << " (offset " << chunk_offset << ", length: " << chunk_size << ", try #" << max_attempts - chunk_attempt << std::endl; send_string = std::string("flash-receive ") + std::to_string(chunk_offset) + " " + std::to_string(chunk_size); process(channel, send_string, reply, "OK flash-receive: sending bytes: ([0-9]+), from offset: ([0-9]+), data: @.*", string_value, int_value, verbose, 2000, chunk_size + 60, true); if(int_value[0] != chunk_size) throw(std::string("local chunk length (") + std::to_string(chunk_size) + ") != remote chunk length (" + std::to_string(int_value[0]) + ")"); if(int_value[1] != chunk_offset) throw(std::string("local chunk offset (") + std::to_string(chunk_offset) + ") != remote chunk offset (" + std::to_string(int_value[1]) + ")"); if((data_offset = reply.find('@')) == std::string::npos) throw(std::string("data offset could not be found")); if((reply.length() - data_offset - 1) != (unsigned int)chunk_size) throw(std::string("received data != chunk size")); memcpy(sector_buffer + chunk_offset, + data_offset + 1, chunk_size); break; } catch(const std::string &e) { if(!verbose) std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "! receive chunk failed: " << e; std::cout << ", sector " << sector << "/" << length / flash_sector_size; std::cout << ", chunk " << chunk_offset / chunk_size; std::cout << ", attempt #" << max_attempts - chunk_attempt; std::cout << std::endl; } } if(chunk_attempt <= 0) throw(std::string("sending chunk failed too many times")); } SHA1(sector_buffer, flash_sector_size, sector_hash); sha_local_hash_text = sha_hash_to_text(sector_hash); if(verbose) { std::cout << "sector " << sector << " read"; std::cout << ", local hash: " << sha_local_hash_text; std::cout << ", remote hash: " << sha_remote_hash_text; std::cout << ", try #" << (max_attempts - sector_attempt) << std::endl; } if(sha_local_hash_text != sha_remote_hash_text) throw(std::string("local hash (") + sha_local_hash_text + ") != remote hash (" + sha_remote_hash_text + ")"); break; } if(sector_attempt <= 0) throw(std::string("! receiving sector failed too many times")); if((file_offset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR)) < 0) throw(std::string("i/o error in seek")); if((int)(file_offset + flash_sector_size) < length) sector_buffer_length = flash_sector_size; else sector_buffer_length = length - file_offset; if(write(fd, sector_buffer, sector_buffer_length) <= 0) throw(std::string("i/o error in write")); SHA1_Update(&sha_file_ctx, sector_buffer, flash_sector_size); checksummed += flash_sector_size; sector++; if(verbose) std::cout << "receive sector success at " << current << std::endl; else { int seconds, useconds; double duration, rate; gettimeofday(&time_now, 0); seconds = time_now.tv_sec - time_start.tv_sec; useconds = time_now.tv_usec - time_start.tv_usec; duration = seconds + (useconds / 1000000.0); rate = file_offset / 1024.0 / duration; std::cout << std::setfill(' '); std::cout << "received " << std::setw(3) << (file_offset / 1024) << " kbytes"; std::cout << " in " << std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << duration << " seconds"; std::cout << " at rate " << std::setw(3) << std::setprecision(0) << std::fixed << rate << " kbytes/s"; std::cout << ", received " << std::setw(2) << sector << " sectors"; std::cout << ", " << std::setw(3) << ((file_offset * 100) / length) << "% \r"; std::cout.flush(); } } std::cout << std::endl << "checksumming " << checksummed / flash_sector_size << " sectors..." << std::endl; SHA1_Final(file_hash, &sha_file_ctx); sha_local_hash_text = sha_hash_to_text(file_hash); send_string = std::string("flash-checksum ") + std::to_string(start) + " " + std::to_string(checksummed); process(channel, send_string, reply, "OK flash-checksum: checksummed bytes: ([0-9]+), from address: ([0-9]+), checksum: ([0-9a-f]+)\\s*", string_value, int_value, verbose); if(verbose) { std::cout << "local checksum: " << sha_local_hash_text << std::endl; std::cout << "remote checksum: " << string_value[2] << std::endl; } if(int_value[0] != checksummed) throw(std::string("checksum failed: checksummed bytes differs, local: ") + std::to_string(checksummed) + ", remote: " + std::to_string(int_value[0])); if(int_value[1] != start) throw(std::string("checksum failed: start address differs, local: ") + std::to_string(start) + ", remote: " + std::to_string(int_value[1])); if(string_value[2] != sha_local_hash_text) throw(std::string("checksum failed: SHA hash differs, local: ") + sha_local_hash_text + ", remote: " + string_value[2]); std::cout << "checksumming done" << std::endl; }