Пример #1
	0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
	0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
	0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }

#define SHDR_NULL	((struct fire_specific *)0)
#define SHDR_O(m)	bu_offsetof(struct fire_specific, m)
#define SHDR_AO(m)	bu_offsetofarray(struct fire_specific, m)

/* description of how to parse/print the arguments to the shader
 * There is at least one line here for each variable in the shader specific
 * structure above
struct bu_structparse fire_print_tab[] = {
    {"%d",  1, "debug",	SHDR_O(fire_debug),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",  1, "flicker",	SHDR_O(fire_flicker),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",  1, "stretch",	SHDR_O(fire_stretch),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",	1, "lacunarity", SHDR_O(noise_lacunarity),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",	1, "H", 	SHDR_O(noise_h_val),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",	1, "octaves", 	SHDR_O(noise_octaves),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",  3, "scale",	SHDR_O(noise_size),		bu_mm_cvt },
    {"%f",  3, "vscale",	SHDR_AO(noise_vscale),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",  3, "delta",	SHDR_AO(noise_delta),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",	3,  "max",	SHDR_AO(fire_max),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"%f",	3,  "min",	SHDR_AO(fire_min),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
    {"",	0, (char *)0,		0,			BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL }

struct bu_structparse fire_parse_tab[] = {
    {"i",	bu_byteoffset(fire_print_tab[0]), "fire_print_tab", 0, BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL },
Пример #2
    4.0,		/* octaves */
    1.0,		/* scale */
    VINITALL(1.0),	/* vscale */
    { 1000.0, 1200.0, 2100.0 },	/* delta */
    0.01,		/* max_d_p_mm */
    0.0,		/* min_d_p_mm */
    MAT_INIT_IDN,	/* mtos */
    MAT_INIT_IDN	/* stom */

#define SHDR_NULL ((struct scloud_specific *)0)
#define SHDR_O(m) bu_offsetof(struct scloud_specific, m)

struct bu_structparse scloud_pr[] = {
    {"%g", 1, "lacunarity",	SHDR_O(lacunarity),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "H", 		SHDR_O(h_val),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "octaves",	SHDR_O(octaves),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "scale",		SHDR_O(scale),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3, "vscale",		SHDR_O(vscale),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3, "delta",		SHDR_O(delta),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "Max", 		SHDR_O(max_d_p_mm),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "min", 		SHDR_O(min_d_p_mm),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"",   0, (char *)0,	0,			BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }
struct bu_structparse scloud_parse[] = {
    {"%g", 1, "lacunarity",	SHDR_O(lacunarity),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "H", 		SHDR_O(h_val),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "octaves",	SHDR_O(octaves),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "scale",		SHDR_O(scale),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3, "delta",		SHDR_O(delta),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
Пример #3
 * There is at least one line here for each variable in the shader specific
 * structure above.
 * color := is a 0.0 to 1.0 or 0.0 to 255.0 color intensity triplet
 * representing the RGB color values.
 * rgb := the same as color, just shorter (and implies 0 to 255)
 * bright := sets all three color channels to the same single given intensity.
 * e.g. a grey value (bright==.2 => color=={.2 .2 .2}==rgb
 * transparency := a color intensity triplet mask to indicate how much of
 * background object light are visible through this object.
 * alpha := similar to bright, sets this object's alpha transparency to a
 * single mask value that gets set for each channel.  e.g. 40% opaque
 * is alpha==.4 which is equiv to transparency=={.4 .4 .4}).
struct bu_structparse flat_parse_tab[] = {
    { "%f", 3, "color",        SHDR_O(color),        normalizedInput_hook, NULL, NULL }, /* for 0->1 color values */
    { "%f", 3, "rgb",          SHDR_O(color),        normalizedInput_hook, NULL, NULL }, /* for 0->255 color values */
    { "%f", 1, "bright",       SHDR_O(color),        singleNormalizedInput_hook, NULL, NULL }, /* for luminosity gray value */
    { "%f", 3, "transparency", SHDR_O(transparency), normalizedInput_hook, NULL, NULL }, /* for rgb 0->1 transparency */
    { "%f", 1, "alpha",        SHDR_O(transparency), singleNormalizedInput_hook, NULL, NULL }, /* for single channel alpha transparency */
    { "",   0, (char *)0,      0,		     BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }

/* The "mfuncs" structure defines the external interface to the shader.
 * Note that more than one shader "name" can be associated with a given
 * shader by defining more than one mfuncs struct in this array.
 * See sh_phong.c for an example of building more than one shader "name"
 * from a set of source functions.  There you will find that "glass" "mirror"
 * and "plastic" are all names for the same shader with different default
 * values for the parameters.
    VINIT_ZERO, /* min */
    VINIT_ZERO, /* max */
    MAT_INIT_ZERO, /* gauss_m_to_sh */
    {0, NULL, NULL}

#define SHDR_NULL ((struct gauss_specific *)0)
#define SHDR_O(m) bu_offsetof(struct gauss_specific, m)

/* description of how to parse/print the arguments to the shader
 * There is at least one line here for each variable in the shader specific
 * structure above
struct bu_structparse gauss_print_tab[] = {
    {"%g", 1, "sigma",		SHDR_O(gauss_sigma),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"",   0, (char *)0,		0,			BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }

struct bu_structparse gauss_parse_tab[] = {
    {"%p", 1, "gauss_print_tab", bu_byteoffset(gauss_print_tab[0]), BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "s",			SHDR_O(gauss_sigma),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"",   0, (char *)0,		0,			BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }

HIDDEN int gauss_setup(register struct region *rp, struct bu_vls *matparm, void **dpp, const struct mfuncs *mfp, struct rt_i *rtip);
HIDDEN int gauss_render(struct application *ap, const struct partition *pp, struct shadework *swp, void *dp);
HIDDEN void gauss_print(register struct region *rp, void *dp);
HIDDEN void gauss_free(void *cp);

#define SHDR_NULL ((struct bbd_specific *)0)
#define SHDR_O(m) bu_offsetof(struct bbd_specific, m)

/* local sp_hook function */
void new_image(const struct bu_structparse *, const char *, void *, const char *, void *);

/* description of how to parse/print the arguments to the shader
 * There is at least one line here for each variable in the shader specific
 * structure above
struct bu_structparse bbd_print_tab[] = {
    {"%ld",  1, "w",	SHDR_O(img_width),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%ld",  1, "n",	SHDR_O(img_height),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%d",  1, "t",	SHDR_O(img_threshold),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g",  1, "h",	SHDR_O(img_scale),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%V",  1, "f",	SHDR_O(img_filename),	new_image, NULL, NULL },
    {"",    0, (char *)0, 0,			BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }
struct bu_structparse bbd_parse_tab[] = {
    {"%p", 1, "bbd_print_tab", bu_byteoffset(bbd_print_tab[0]), BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"",	0, (char *)0,	0,		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }

new_image(const struct bu_structparse *UNUSED(sdp),
	  const char *UNUSED(name),
Пример #6
    MAT_INIT_IDN,	/* fire_m_to_sh */
    MAT_INIT_IDN,	/* fire_sh_to_noise */
    MAT_INIT_ZERO	/* fire_colorspline_mat */

#define SHDR_NULL ((struct fire_specific *)0)
#define SHDR_O(m) bu_offsetof(struct fire_specific, m)

/* description of how to parse/print the arguments to the shader
 * There is at least one line here for each variable in the shader specific
 * structure above
struct bu_structparse fire_print_tab[] = {
    {"%d", 1, "debug",		SHDR_O(fire_debug),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 1, "flicker",	SHDR_O(fire_flicker),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 1, "stretch",	SHDR_O(fire_stretch),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "lacunarity",	SHDR_O(noise_lacunarity),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "H", 		SHDR_O(noise_h_val),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 1, "octaves", 	SHDR_O(noise_octaves),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%g", 3, "scale",		SHDR_O(noise_size),		bu_mm_cvt, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3, "vscale",		SHDR_O(noise_vscale),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3, "delta",		SHDR_O(noise_delta),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3,  "max",		SHDR_O(fire_max),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f", 3,  "min",		SHDR_O(fire_min),		BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"",   0, (char *)0,	0,				BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }

struct bu_structparse fire_parse_tab[] = {
    {"%p", 1, "fire_print_tab", bu_byteoffset(fire_print_tab[0]), BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
Пример #7
    mat_t tthrm_m_to_sh;	/* model to shader space matrix */

/* The default values for the variables in the shader specific structure */
#define SHDR_NULL ((struct tthrm_specific *)0)
#define SHDR_O(m) bu_offsetof(struct tthrm_specific, m)
#define SHDR_AO(m) bu_offsetofarray(struct tthrm_specific, m)

/* description of how to parse/print the arguments to the shader
 * There is at least one line here for each variable in the shader specific
 * structure above
struct bu_structparse tthrm_parse[] = {
    {"%f",	1, "l",			SHDR_O(tt_min_temp),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%f",	1, "h", 		SHDR_O(tt_max_temp),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"%s",	64, "file",		SHDR_O(tt_name),	BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL },
    {"",	0, (char *)0,		0,			BU_STRUCTPARSE_FUNC_NULL, NULL, NULL }

HIDDEN int tthrm_setup(register struct region *rp, struct bu_vls *matparm, genptr_t *dpp, const struct mfuncs *mfp, struct rt_i *rtip);
HIDDEN int tthrm_render(struct application *ap, const struct partition *pp, struct shadework *swp, genptr_t dp);
HIDDEN void tthrm_print(register struct region *rp, genptr_t dp);
HIDDEN void tthrm_free(genptr_t cp);

/* The "mfuncs" structure defines the external interface to the shader.
 * Note that more than one shader "name" can be associated with a given
 * shader by defining more than one mfuncs struct in this array.
 * See sh_phong.c for an example of building more than one shader "name"