static double_trans_t * new_trans(trans_splitter_t *ts) { double_trans_t *ret; if (ts->pool[ts->pool_current].used) { int id; for (id = 0; id < TABLE_SPLITTER_SIZE; id++) { if (&ts->pool[ts->pool_current] == ts->table[id]) break; } #ifdef TRANS_POOL_DEBUG SIM_log_error(&ts->log, 0, "transaction pool overflowed, caused by mem_op with ID: %d arrived: %lld", id, ts->pool[ts->pool_current].arrived); #else SIM_log_error(&ts->log, 0, "transaction pool overflowed, caused by mem_op with ID: %d.", id); #endif SIM_break_simulation(""); } ret = &ts->pool[ts->pool_current]; ret->used = 1; ts->pool_current = (ts->pool_current + 1) & (TRANS_POOL_TOTAL - 1); #ifdef TRANS_POOL_DEBUG ret->arrived = SIM_cycle_count((conf_object_t *)ts); #endif return ret; }
static exception_type_t operation(conf_object_t *obj, generic_transaction_t *mop, map_info_t info) { byte_dump_device_t *bdd = (byte_dump_device_t *)obj; int offset = mop->physical_address + info.start - info.base; if (SIM_mem_op_is_read(mop)) { if (mop->inquiry) return Sim_PE_Inquiry_Unhandled; SIM_log_error(&bdd->log, 0,"Only write accesses allowed."); SIM_set_mem_op_value_le(mop, 0); } else { uint8 value = SIM_get_mem_op_value_le(mop); if (mop->size != 1) { SIM_log_error(&bdd->log, 0, "Only byte accesses allowed."); } SIM_log_info(2, &bdd->log, 0, "Write to offset %d, value 0x%x: '%c'", offset, value, isprint(value) ? value : ' '); if (bdd->fd >= 0) write(bdd->fd, &value, 1); } return Sim_PE_No_Exception; }
/* timing model */ static set_error_t set_timing_model(void *dont_care, conf_object_t *obj, attr_value_t *val, attr_value_t *idx) { trans_splitter_t *ts = (trans_splitter_t *) obj; if (val->kind == Sim_Val_Nil) { ts->tm_ifc = NULL; ts->timing_model = NULL; } else { /* get the timing model interface */ ts->tm_ifc = SIM_get_interface(val->u.object, TIMING_MODEL_INTERFACE); if (SIM_clear_exception()) { SIM_log_error(&ts->log, 0, "set_timing_model: " "object does not provide the " "timing model interface."); return Sim_Set_Illegal_Value; } ts->timing_model = val->u.object; } return Sim_Set_Ok; }
/* next_cache_line_size */ static set_error_t set_nc_line_size(void *dont_care, conf_object_t *obj, attr_value_t *val, attr_value_t *idx) { trans_splitter_t *ts = (trans_splitter_t *) obj; if ((1 << ln2(val->u.integer)) != val->u.integer) { SIM_log_error(&ts->log, 0, "next_cache_line_size: must be a power of 2"); return Sim_Set_Illegal_Value; } ts->next_cache_line_size = val->u.integer; ts->ncls_ln2 = ln2(ts->next_cache_line_size); return Sim_Set_Ok; }
int gc_set_config_repl(generic_cache_t *gc, const char *repl) { repl_interface_t *ri; int i = 0; if (!VLEN(repl_policies)) { SIM_log_error(&gc->log, GC_Log_Repl, "Cache has no replacement policies registered."); return -1; } ri = VGET(repl_policies, i); while (ri != NULL) { if (strcmp(repl, ri->get_name()) == 0) { MM_FREE(gc->config.repl_data); memcpy(&gc->config.repl_fun, ri, sizeof(*ri)); gc->config.repl_data = gc->config.repl_fun.new_instance(gc); gc->config.repl_fun.update_config( gc->config.repl_data, gc); return 0; } i++; ri = VGET(repl_policies, i); } SIM_log_info(1, &gc->log, GC_Log_Repl, "replacement: possible values are :"); i = 0; ri = VGET(repl_policies, i); while (ri != NULL) { SIM_log_info(1, &gc->log, GC_Log_Repl, " %s", ri->get_name()); i++; ri = VGET(repl_policies, i); } return -1; }
cycles_t consistency_controller_operate(conf_object_t *obj, conf_object_t *space, map_list_t *map, generic_transaction_t *mem_op) { instruction_id_t current, ii; instr_type_t type; log_object_t *log = (log_object_t *)obj; conf_object_t *cpu = mem_op->ini_ptr; instruction_phase_t phase; consistency_controller_object_t *cc = (consistency_controller_object_t *)obj; if (!SIM_mem_op_is_from_cpu(mem_op) || SIM_mem_op_is_instruction(mem_op)) { if (cc->next_level_timing_interface) { return cc->next_level_timing_interface->operate(cc->next_level_object, space, map, mem_op); } else { return 0; } } if (SIM_instruction_nth_id(cpu, 0)) { if (!(current = SIM_instruction_id_from_mem_op_id(cpu, mem_op->id))) { /* No entry -> dangling transaction - pass on */ SIM_log_info(3, log, 0, "Passing dangling transaction on (id = %d)", mem_op->id); return cc->next_level_timing_interface->operate(cc->next_level_object, space, map, mem_op); } if (SIM_instruction_type(current) & It_Load) { for(ii = SIM_instruction_parent(current); ii; ii = SIM_instruction_parent(ii)) { type = SIM_instruction_type(ii); phase = SIM_instruction_phase(ii); /* if the instruction is retired, skip */ if (phase >= Sim_Phase_Retired) continue; if (((type & It_Store) && cc->store_load && phase < Sim_Phase_Retired) || ((type & It_Load) && cc->load_load && phase < Sim_Phase_Executed)) { if (!mem_op->may_stall) ASSERT_MSG(0,"Must stall but can not."); SIM_log_info(2, log, 0, "Obeying %s#load consistency @ %lld for %s", (type & It_Store) ? "store":"load", SIM_cycle_count(cpu), cpu->name); goto stall; } } } if (SIM_instruction_type(current) & It_Store) { for(ii = SIM_instruction_parent(current); ii; ii = SIM_instruction_parent(ii)) { type = SIM_instruction_type(ii); phase = SIM_instruction_phase(ii); /* if the instruction is executed, skip */ if (phase >= Sim_Phase_Retired) continue; if (((type & It_Load) && cc->load_store && phase < Sim_Phase_Executed) || ((type & It_Store) && cc->store_store && phase < Sim_Phase_Retired)) { if (!mem_op->may_stall) ASSERT_MSG(0,"Must stall but can not."); SIM_log_info(2, log, 0, "Obeying %s#store consistency @ %lld for %s", (type & It_Store) ? "store":"load", SIM_cycle_count(cpu), cpu->name); goto stall; } } } if (SIM_get_pending_exception()) SIM_log_error(log, 0, "*** Exception in consistency_controller_operate *** %lld", SIM_cycle_count(cpu)); } mem_op->ma_no_reissue = 0; if (cc->next_level_timing_interface) { return cc->next_level_timing_interface->operate(cc->next_level_object, space, map, mem_op); } else { return 0; } stall: /* if ma_no_reissue is 0 it is the first time we CC-stall this op, we will only prefetch once */ if (cc->prefetch && !mem_op->ma_no_reissue && cc->next_level_timing_interface) { mem_op_type_t type; cycles_t time; int may_stall; v9_memory_transaction_t *v9_mem_op = 0; uint16 p_fcn = 0; if (SIM_mem_op_is_from_cpu_arch(mem_op, Sim_Initiator_CPU_V9)) { v9_mem_op = (v9_memory_transaction_t *)mem_op; p_fcn = v9_mem_op->prefetch_fcn; v9_mem_op->prefetch_fcn = SIM_mem_op_is_write(mem_op) ? 3 : 1; } type = mem_op->type; mem_op->type = Sim_Trans_Prefetch; may_stall = mem_op->may_stall; mem_op->may_stall = 0; /* Prefetches may not stall */ SIM_log_info(2, log, 0, "Sending prefetch for id %d", (int)mem_op->id); time = cc->next_level_timing_interface->operate(cc->next_level_object, space, map, mem_op); if (v9_mem_op) v9_mem_op->prefetch_fcn = p_fcn; mem_op->type = type; mem_op->may_stall = may_stall; } /* do not reissue if squashed */ mem_op->ma_no_reissue = 1; return 1; }