Пример #1
aubio_wavetable_t *new_aubio_wavetable(uint_t samplerate, uint_t blocksize)
  uint_t i = 0;
  aubio_wavetable_t *s = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_wavetable_t);
  if ((sint_t)samplerate <= 0) {
    AUBIO_ERR("Can not create wavetable with samplerate %d\n", samplerate);
    goto beach;
  s->samplerate = samplerate;
  s->blocksize = blocksize;
  s->wavetable_length = WAVETABLE_LEN;
  s->wavetable = new_fvec(s->wavetable_length + 3);
  for (i = 0; i < s->wavetable_length; i++) {
    s->wavetable->data[i] = SIN(TWO_PI * i / (smpl_t) s->wavetable_length );
  s->wavetable->data[s->wavetable_length] = s->wavetable->data[0];
  s->wavetable->data[s->wavetable_length + 1] = s->wavetable->data[1];
  s->wavetable->data[s->wavetable_length + 2] = s->wavetable->data[2];
  s->playing = 0;
  s->last_pos = 0.;
  s->freq = new_aubio_parameter( 0., s->samplerate / 2., 10 );
  s->amp = new_aubio_parameter( 0., 1., 100 );
  return s;
  return NULL;
Пример #2
int lfoset(CSOUND *csound, LFO *p)
  /* Types: 0:  sine
            1:  triangles
            2:  square (biplar)
            3:  square (unipolar)
            4:  saw-tooth
            5:  saw-tooth(down)
    int type = (int)*p->type;
    if (type == 0) {            /* Sine wave so need to create */
      int i;
      if (p->auxd.auxp==NULL) {
        csound->AuxAlloc(csound, sizeof(MYFLT)*4097L, &p->auxd);
        p->sine = (MYFLT*)p->auxd.auxp;
      for (i=0; i<4096; i++)
        p->sine[i] = SIN(TWOPI_F*(MYFLT)i/FL(4096.0));
/*        csound->Message(csound,"Table set up (max is %d)\n", MAXPHASE>>10); */
    else if (UNLIKELY(type>5 || type<0)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("LFO: unknown oscilator type %d"),
    p->lasttype = type;
    p->phs = 0;
    return OK;
Пример #3
void DCT::calcDCTI(float *data) {
    int n = 1 << _bits;

    float next = -0.5f * (data[0] - data[n]);

    for (int i = 0; i < (n / 2); i++) {
        float tmp1 = data[i    ];
        float tmp2 = data[n - i];

        float s = SIN(n, 2 * i);
        float c = COS(n, 2 * i);

        c *= tmp1 - tmp2;
        s *= tmp1 - tmp2;

        next += c;

        tmp1 = (tmp1 + tmp2) * 0.5f;

        data[i    ] = tmp1 - s;
        data[n - i] = tmp1 + s;


    data[n] = data[1];
    data[1] = next;

    for (int i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
        data[i] = data[i - 2] - data[i];
Пример #4
static void ff_dct_calc_III_c(DCTContext *ctx, FFTSample *data)
    int n = 1 << ctx->nbits;
    int i;

    float next  = data[n - 1];
    float inv_n = 1.0f / n;

    for (i = n - 2; i >= 2; i -= 2) {
        float val1 = data[i];
        float val2 = data[i - 1] - data[i + 1];
        float c    = COS(ctx, n, i);
        float s    = SIN(ctx, n, i);

        data[i]     = c * val1 + s * val2;
        data[i + 1] = s * val1 - c * val2;

    data[1] = 2 * next;

    ctx->rdft.rdft_calc(&ctx->rdft, data);

    for (i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
        float tmp1 = data[i]         * inv_n;
        float tmp2 = data[n - i - 1] * inv_n;
        float csc  = ctx->csc2[i] * (tmp1 - tmp2);

        tmp1            += tmp2;
        data[i]          = tmp1 + csc;
        data[n - i - 1]  = tmp1 - csc;
Пример #5
void aubio_fft_get_imag(cvec_t * spectrum, fvec_t * compspec) {
  uint_t i;
  for (i = 1; i < ( compspec->length + 1 ) / 2 /*- 1 + 1*/; i++) {
    compspec->data[compspec->length - i] =
Пример #6
void spRegionAttachment_updateOffset (spRegionAttachment* self) {
	float regionScaleX = self->width / self->regionOriginalWidth * self->scaleX;
	float regionScaleY = self->height / self->regionOriginalHeight * self->scaleY;
	float localX = -self->width / 2 * self->scaleX + self->regionOffsetX * regionScaleX;
	float localY = -self->height / 2 * self->scaleY + self->regionOffsetY * regionScaleY;
	float localX2 = localX + self->regionWidth * regionScaleX;
	float localY2 = localY + self->regionHeight * regionScaleY;
	float radians = self->rotation * DEG_RAD;
	float cosine = COS(radians), sine = SIN(radians);
	float localXCos = localX * cosine + self->x;
	float localXSin = localX * sine;
	float localYCos = localY * cosine + self->y;
	float localYSin = localY * sine;
	float localX2Cos = localX2 * cosine + self->x;
	float localX2Sin = localX2 * sine;
	float localY2Cos = localY2 * cosine + self->y;
	float localY2Sin = localY2 * sine;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_X1] = localXCos - localYSin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_Y1] = localYCos + localXSin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_X2] = localXCos - localY2Sin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_Y2] = localY2Cos + localXSin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_X3] = localX2Cos - localY2Sin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_Y3] = localY2Cos + localX2Sin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_X4] = localX2Cos - localYSin;
	self->offset[SP_VERTEX_Y4] = localYCos + localX2Sin;
Пример #7
void DCT::calcDSTI(float *data) {
	int n = 1 << _bits;

	data[0] = 0;

	for (int i = 1; i < (n / 2); i++) {
		float tmp1 = data[i    ];
		float tmp2 = data[n - i];
		float s = SIN(n, 2 * i);

		s   *=  tmp1 + tmp2;
		tmp1 = (tmp1 - tmp2) * 0.5;

		data[i    ] = s + tmp1;
		data[n - i] = s - tmp1;

	data[n / 2] *= 2;


	data[0] *= 0.5;

	for (int i = 1; i < (n - 2); i += 2) {
		data[i + 1] +=  data[i - 1];
		data[i    ]  = -data[i + 2];

	data[n - 1] = 0;
Пример #8
static void ff_dst_calc_I_c(DCTContext *ctx, FFTSample *data)
    int n = 1 << ctx->nbits;
    int i;

    data[0] = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < n / 2; i++) {
        float tmp1   = data[i    ];
        float tmp2   = data[n - i];
        float s      = SIN(ctx, n, 2 * i);

        s           *= tmp1 + tmp2;
        tmp1         = (tmp1 - tmp2) * 0.5f;
        data[i]      = s + tmp1;
        data[n - i]  = s - tmp1;

    data[n / 2] *= 2;
    ctx->rdft.rdft_calc(&ctx->rdft, data);

    data[0] *= 0.5f;

    for (i = 1; i < n - 2; i += 2) {
        data[i + 1] +=  data[i - 1];
        data[i]      = -data[i + 2];

    data[n - 1] = 0;
Пример #9
static void ff_dct_calc_I_c(DCTContext *ctx, FFTSample *data)
    int n = 1 << ctx->nbits;
    int i;
    float next = -0.5f * (data[0] - data[n]);

    for (i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
        float tmp1 = data[i];
        float tmp2 = data[n - i];
        float s    = SIN(ctx, n, 2 * i);
        float c    = COS(ctx, n, 2 * i);

        c *= tmp1 - tmp2;
        s *= tmp1 - tmp2;

        next += c;

        tmp1        = (tmp1 + tmp2) * 0.5f;
        data[i]     = tmp1 - s;
        data[n - i] = tmp1 + s;

    ctx->rdft.rdft_calc(&ctx->rdft, data);
    data[n] = data[1];
    data[1] = next;

    for (i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
        data[i] = data[i - 2] - data[i];
Пример #10
void spTransformConstraint_apply (spTransformConstraint* self) {
	float rotateMix = self->rotateMix, translateMix = self->translateMix, scaleMix = self->scaleMix, shearMix = self->shearMix;
	spBone* target = self->target;
	float ta = target->a, tb = target->b, tc = target->c, td = target->d;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < self->bonesCount; ++i) {
		spBone* bone = self->bones[i];

		if (rotateMix > 0) {
			float a = bone->a, b = bone->b, c = bone->c, d = bone->d;
			float r = ATAN2(tc, ta) - ATAN2(c, a) + self->data->offsetRotation * DEG_RAD;
			float cosine, sine;
			if (r > PI) r -= PI2;
			else if (r < -PI) r += PI2;
			r *= rotateMix;
			cosine = COS(r);
			sine = SIN(r);
			CONST_CAST(float, bone->a) = cosine * a - sine * c;
			CONST_CAST(float, bone->b) = cosine * b - sine * d;
			CONST_CAST(float, bone->c) = sine * a + cosine * c;
			CONST_CAST(float, bone->d) = sine * b + cosine * d;

		if (translateMix > 0) {
			float x, y;
			spBone_localToWorld(target, self->data->offsetX, self->data->offsetY, &x, &y);
			CONST_CAST(float, bone->worldX) += (x - bone->worldX) * translateMix;
			CONST_CAST(float, bone->worldY) += (y - bone->worldY) * translateMix;
Пример #11
int esweep_imag(esweep_object *obj) { /* UNTESTED */
    Complex *cpx;
    Polar *polar;
    int i;


    switch (obj->type) {
    case COMPLEX:
        cpx=(Complex*) obj->data;
        for (i=0; i<obj->size; i++) cpx[i].real=0;
    case POLAR:
        polar=(Polar*) obj->data;
        cpx=(Complex*) polar;
        for (i=0; i<obj->size; i++) {
    ESWEEP_ASSERT(correctFpException(obj), ERR_FP);
    return ERR_OK;
Пример #12
static void DrawSpans(UBYTE *bpl) {
  UBYTE *frame = anim->frame[anim->current];
  WORD f = normfx(SIN(frameCount * 32) * 48);
  WORD n = anim->height;
  WORD stride = screen->bytesPerRow;


  while (--n >= 0) {
    WORD m = *frame++;

    while (--m >= 0) {
      WORD x = *frame++;
      x += f;
      bset(bpl + (x >> 3), ~x);

    bpl += stride;


  if (anim->current >= anim->count)
    anim->current -= anim->count;
Пример #13
Vector3D Vector3D::rotateAroundAxis(const Vector3D& axis,
                                    const Angle& theta) const {
  const double u = axis._x;
  const double v = axis._y;
  const double w = axis._z;
//  const double cosTheta = theta.cosinus();
//  const double sinTheta = theta.sinus();
  const double cosTheta = COS(theta._radians);
  const double sinTheta = SIN(theta._radians);

  const double ms = axis.squaredLength();
  const double m = IMathUtils::instance()->sqrt(ms);
  return Vector3D(
                  ((u * (u * _x + v * _y + w * _z)) +
                   (((_x * (v * v + w * w)) - (u * (v * _y + w * _z))) * cosTheta) +
                   (m * ((-w * _y) + (v * _z)) * sinTheta)) / ms,
                  ((v * (u * _x + v * _y + w * _z)) +
                   (((_y * (u * u + w * w)) - (v * (u * _x + w * _z))) * cosTheta) +
                   (m * ((w * _x) - (u * _z)) * sinTheta)) / ms,
                  ((w * (u * _x + v * _y + w * _z)) +
                   (((_z * (u * u + v * v)) - (w * (u * _x + v * _y))) * cosTheta) +
                   (m * (-(v * _x) + (u * _y)) * sinTheta)) / ms
Пример #14
		Vec2 Vec2::rotateBy(REAL angle) const
			REAL c,s;
			return Vec2(x*c-y*s,y*c+x*s);
Пример #15
void DCT::calcDCTIII(float *data) {
	int n = 1 << _bits;

	float next  = data[n - 1];
	float inv_n = 1.0 / n;

	for (int i = n - 2; i >= 2; i -= 2) {
		float val1 = data[i    ];
		float val2 = data[i - 1] - data[i + 1];

		float c = COS(n, i);
		float s = SIN(n, i);

		data[i    ] = c * val1 + s * val2;
		data[i + 1] = s * val1 - c * val2;

	data[1] = 2 * next;


	for (int i = 0; i < (n / 2); i++) {
		float tmp1 = data[i        ] * inv_n;
		float tmp2 = data[n - i - 1] * inv_n;

		float csc = _csc2[i] * (tmp1 - tmp2);

		tmp1 += tmp2;

		data[i        ] = tmp1 + csc;
		data[n - i - 1] = tmp1 - csc;
Пример #16
 * gnome_vfs_address_get_sockaddr:
 * @address: A #GnomeVFSAddress
 * @port: A valid port in host byte order to set in the returned sockaddr
 * structure.
 * @len: A pointer to an int which will contain the length of the
 * return sockaddr structure.
 * This function tanslates @address into a equivalent
 * sockaddr structure. The port specified at @port will
 * be set in the structure and @len will be set to the length
 * of the structure.
 * Return value: A newly allocated sockaddr structure the caller must free
 * or %NULL if @address did not point to a valid #GnomeVFSAddress.
struct sockaddr *
gnome_vfs_address_get_sockaddr (GnomeVFSAddress *address,
				guint16          port,
				int             *len)
	struct sockaddr *sa;

	g_return_val_if_fail (address != NULL, NULL);

	sa = g_memdup (address->sa, SA_SIZE (address->sa));

	switch (address->sa->sa_family) {
#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
	case AF_INET6:
		SIN6 (sa)->sin6_port = g_htons (port);

		if (len != NULL) {
			*len = SIN6_LEN;
	case AF_INET:
		SIN (sa)->sin_port = g_htons (port);

		if (len != NULL) {
			*len = SIN_LEN;


	return sa;
Пример #17
 * gnome_vfs_address_to_string:
 * @address: A pointer to a #GnomeVFSAddress
 * Translate @address to a printable string.
 * Returns: A newly alloced string representation of @address which
 * the caller must free.
 * Since: 2.8
char *
gnome_vfs_address_to_string (GnomeVFSAddress *address)
#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
	char text_addr[100];
	DWORD text_length = sizeof (text_addr);

	if (WSAAddressToString (address->sa, SA_SIZE (address->sa),
				NULL, text_addr, &text_length) == 0)
		return g_strdup (text_addr);

	return NULL;
	const char *text_addr;
	char buf[MAX_ADDRSTRLEN];
	g_return_val_if_fail (address != NULL, NULL);

	text_addr = NULL;

	switch (address->sa->sa_family) {
#if defined (ENABLE_IPV6) && defined (HAVE_INET_NTOP)	
	case AF_INET6:
		text_addr = inet_ntop (AF_INET6,
				       &SIN6 (address->sa)->sin6_addr,
				       sizeof (buf));
	case AF_INET:
		text_addr = inet_ntop (AF_INET,
				       &SIN (address->sa)->sin_addr,
				       sizeof (buf));
		text_addr = inet_ntoa (SIN (address->sa)->sin_addr);
#endif  /* HAVE_INET_NTOP */
	return text_addr != NULL ? g_strdup (text_addr) : NULL;
Пример #18
void adjust_speed(FLOAT *speedx, FLOAT *speedy, double adjust)
	double angle;

	angle = ATAN2(*speedy, *speedx);
	*speedx += (FLOAT)(adjust * COS(angle));
	*speedy += (FLOAT)(adjust * SIN(angle));
Пример #19
void SimulatorStereoDisplay (void)
	float fltEyeX, fltEyeY, fltEyeZ, fltCenterX, fltCenterY, fltCenterZ;


	glViewport (0, 0, (GLsizei) g_nSimulatorWindowWidth, (GLsizei) g_nSimulatorWindowHeight);
	glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
	glLoadIdentity ();
	gluPerspective (g_fltSimulatorFovy, (float) g_nSimulatorWindowWidth / (float) g_nSimulatorWindowHeight, g_fltSimulatorNear, g_fltSimulatorFar);	
	glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
	glLoadIdentity ();

	glDrawBuffer (GL_BACK_LEFT);
	fltEyeX = g_pRobot->position.x + g_pRobot->leftEye->position.z * SIN (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0) + g_pRobot->leftEye->position.x * COS (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);
	fltEyeY = g_pRobot->position.y + g_pRobot->leftEye->position.y;
	fltEyeZ = g_pRobot->position.z + g_pRobot->leftEye->position.z * COS (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0) - g_pRobot->leftEye->position.x * SIN (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);
	fltCenterX = fltEyeX + SIN (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);
	fltCenterY = fltEyeY;
	fltCenterZ = fltEyeZ + COS (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);

	gluLookAt (fltEyeX,fltEyeY, fltEyeZ, fltCenterX, fltCenterY, fltCenterZ, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

	g_pTerrain->Draw ();
	g_pTarget->Draw ();
	glDrawBuffer (GL_BACK_RIGHT);
	fltEyeX = g_pRobot->position.x + g_pRobot->rightEye->position.z * SIN (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0) + g_pRobot->rightEye->position.x * COS (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);
	fltEyeY = g_pRobot->position.y + g_pRobot->rightEye->position.y;
	fltEyeZ = g_pRobot->position.z + g_pRobot->rightEye->position.z * COS (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0) - g_pRobot->rightEye->position.x * SIN (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);
	fltCenterX = fltEyeX + SIN (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);
	fltCenterY = fltEyeY;
	fltCenterZ = fltEyeZ + COS (g_pRobot->rotation.z * M_PI / 180.0);

	gluLookAt (fltEyeX,fltEyeY, fltEyeZ, fltCenterX, fltCenterY, fltCenterZ, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

	g_pTerrain->Draw ();
	g_pTarget->Draw ();

Пример #20
polartorect(int radius, int degrees)
    coord cc;
    cc.x = radius * COS(degrees);
    cc.y = radius * SIN(degrees);
    return cc;
Пример #21
points_arc(Arc a, int *sx, int *sy, int *ex, int *ey)
{ int cx = valInt(a->position->x);
  int cy = valInt(a->position->y);
  float start = valReal(a->start_angle);
  float size = valReal(a->size_angle);

  if ( sx )
    *sx = cx + rfloat((float) valInt(a->size->w) * COS(start));
  if ( sy )
    *sy = cy - rfloat((float) valInt(a->size->h) * SIN(start));
  if ( ex )
    *ex = cx + rfloat((float) valInt(a->size->w) * COS(start + size));
  if ( ey )
    *ey = cy - rfloat((float) valInt(a->size->h) * SIN(start + size));
Пример #22
void init (char **argv) {
    int argc = 0;
    while (argv[++argc]);
    if (3 > argc) usage(argv[0]);
    /* convert degrees to rotation matrix and store for later */
    theta = strtold(argv[1], NULL) * M_PI / 180;
    theta = COS(theta) + SIN(theta) * I;
    real_sample = (sampler())get_sampler(&argv[2]);
Пример #23
Bool AnimateObject(object_node *obj, int dt)
   Bool need_redraw = False;
   list_type over_list;

   if (OF_FLICKERING == (OF_FLICKERING & obj->flags))
      obj->lightAdjust = rand() % FLICKER_LEVEL;
      need_redraw = TRUE;

   if (OF_FLASHING == (OF_FLASHING & obj->flags))
      DWORD angleFlash;
      obj->bounceTime += min(dt,50);
      if (obj->bounceTime > TIME_FLASH)
         obj->bounceTime -= TIME_FLASH;
      angleFlash = NUMDEGREES * obj->bounceTime / TIME_FLASH;
      obj->lightAdjust = FIXED_TO_INT(fpMul(FLASH_LEVEL, SIN(angleFlash)));
      need_redraw = TRUE;

   if (obj->animate->animation != ANIMATE_NONE)
      object_bitmap_type obj_bmap;
      obj_bmap = FindObjectBitmap(obj->icon_res);
      if (obj_bmap != NULL)
    need_redraw |= AnimateSingle(obj->animate, BitmapsNumGroups(obj_bmap->bmaps), dt);
   if (OF_PHASING == (OF_PHASING & obj->flags))
      int anglePhase;
      obj->phaseTime += min(dt,40);
      if (obj->phaseTime > TIME_FULL_OBJECT_PHASE)
         obj->phaseTime -= TIME_FULL_OBJECT_PHASE;
      anglePhase = numPhases * obj->phaseTime / TIME_FULL_OBJECT_PHASE;
      obj->drawingtype = phaseStates[anglePhase];
      need_redraw = TRUE;
   // Animate object's overlays
   for (over_list = *(obj->overlays); over_list != NULL; over_list = over_list->next)
      object_bitmap_type obj_bmap;
      Overlay *overlay = (Overlay *) (over_list->data);
      if (overlay->animate.animation == ANIMATE_NONE)

      obj_bmap = FindObjectBitmap(overlay->icon_res);
      if (obj_bmap != NULL)
    need_redraw |= AnimateSingle(&overlay->animate, BitmapsNumGroups(obj_bmap->bmaps), dt);
   return need_redraw;
Пример #24
void pmove(void) 
  int i,j;
  double dir, dx,dy ;

    if (rotcore) 
      for (j =0; j < 4; j++)
	for (i =0; i < 4; i++) {
	  dir =(atan2((double) (planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_y - planets[pl_home[j]].pl_y),
                       (double) (planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_x - planets[pl_home[j]].pl_x))
	  if (dir > pi) dir = dir - 2.0*pi;
	  if (dir >= 0.0)
	     dir = (dir*incrementrecip+1.5);
	     dir = (dir*incrementrecip+0.5);
          planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_x = planets[pl_home[j]].pl_x + pl_dist1[j][i] * COS(dir);
          planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_y = planets[pl_home[j]].pl_y + pl_dist1[j][i] * SIN(dir);
	  dx = (double) (planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_x - GWIDTH/2);
	  dy = (double) (GWIDTH/2 - planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_y);
	  pl_dist[i] = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
          planets[pl_core[j][i]].pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;

    if (rotall) 
      for (i = 0; i < MAXPLANETS; i++) {
	dir = atan2((double) (planets[i].pl_y - GWIDTH/2),
		    (double) (planets[i].pl_x - GWIDTH/2));
/*	printf("Atan2 Dir is %f (%d,%d).\n", dir, planets[i].pl_x,
	if (dir > pi) dir = dir - 2.0*pi;
/*	printf("dir = %f, dir*100 = %f, rint() = %f. %f = %d.\n", dir, dir*100.0, rint(dir*100.0), rint(dir*100.0+1.5), (int) (rint(dir*100.0) + 1.0));*/
	if (dir >= 0.0)
	    dir = (dir*incrementrecip+1.5);
	    dir = (dir*incrementrecip+0.5);

	planets[i].pl_x = GWIDTH/2 + (int) (pl_dist[i] * COS(dir));
	planets[i].pl_y = GWIDTH/2 + (int) (pl_dist[i] * SIN(dir));

	planets[i].pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;
int main()
  double a, r;

  a = __VERIFIER_nondet_double();
  __VERIFIER_assume(a >= -1e10 && a <= 1e10);

  r = SIN(a);
  return 0;
Пример #26
void SinSampler::sample(long* result, long sample, long nsamples) {
  long max_sample = MIN(END(this), sample + nsamples);
  nsamples = max_sample - sample;

  sample = sampler_offset(this, sample);

  for(int ii = 0; ii < nsamples; ++ii) {
    result[ii] += amp * SIN(phase + radians_per_sample * (sample + ii));
Пример #27
int vibraphnset(CSOUND *csound, VIBRAPHN *p)
    Modal4      *m = &(p->m4);
    MYFLT       temp;
    FUNC        *ftp;

    if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL))
      p->m4.wave = ftp;         /* Expect an impulslything */
    else {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("No table for Vibraphone strike"));

    if (UNLIKELY(make_Modal4(csound, m, p->ivfn, *p->vibAmt, *p->vibFreq)==NOTOK))
      return NOTOK;

    p->m4.w_phaseOffset = FL(0.0);
/*     p->m4.w_rate = 13.33; */
    OnePole_setPole(&p->m4.onepole, FL(0.2));
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 0, FL(1.0), FL(0.99995)); /*  Set         */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 1, FL(2.01),FL(0.99991)); /*  our         */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 2, FL(3.9), FL(0.99992)); /*  resonance   */
    Modal4_setRatioAndReson(csound, m, 3,FL(14.37),FL(0.99990)); /*  values here */
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 0, FL(0.025));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 1, FL(0.015));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 2, FL(0.015));
    Modal4_setFiltGain(m, 3, FL(0.015));
    p->m4.directGain = FL(0.0);
/*     vibrGain = 0.2; */
    p->m4.w_rate = FL(2.0) + (FL(22.66) * *p->hardness);
    p->m4.masterGain = FL(0.2) + (*p->hardness * FL(1.6));
                                /* Set Strike position */
    temp = (p->strikePosition = *p->spos) * PI_F;
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[0], FL(0.025) * SIN(temp));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[1], FL(0.015) *
                   SIN(FL(0.1) + (FL(2.01) * temp)));
    BiQuad_setGain(p->m4.filters[2], FL(0.015) * SIN(FL(3.95) * temp));
                                /* Strike */
    Modal4_strike(csound, m, *p->amplitude * AMP_RSCALE);
    Modal4_setFreq(csound, m, *p->frequency);
    p->first = 1;
    return OK;
Пример #28
static void DrawPlotter() {
  WORD i, a;
  WORD t = frameCount * 5;
  WORD da = 2 * SIN_PI / NUM;

  for (i = 0, a = t; i < NUM; i++, a += da) {
    WORD g = SIN(ARMS * a);
    WORD x = normfx(normfx(SIN(t + a) * g) * 96) + 96;
    WORD y = normfx(normfx(COS(t + a) * g) * 96) + 96;
    WORD f = normfx(g * 3);

    if (f < 0)
      f = -f;

    if ((i & 1) && (frameCount & 15) < 3)
      f = 7;

    BitmapAddSaturated(screen[active], x, y, flare[f], carry);
Пример #29
 * gnome_vfs_address_get_ipv4:
 * @address: A #GnomeVFSAddress.
 * Returns: The associated IPv4 address in network byte order.
 * Note that you should avoid using this function because newly written
 * code should be protocol independent.
 * Since: 2.8
gnome_vfs_address_get_ipv4 (GnomeVFSAddress *address)
	g_return_val_if_fail (address != NULL, 0);
	g_return_val_if_fail (address->sa != NULL, 0);

	if (address->sa->sa_family != AF_INET)
		return 0;

	return (guint32) SIN (address->sa)->sin_addr.s_addr;
Пример #30
// Name:	
// Purpose:	
// Output:	
// Return:	
PUBLIC void CameraYawPitchRoll(hCAMERA cam, angle yaw, angle pitch, angle roll)
	cam->aYaw+=yaw; cam->aPitch+=pitch; cam->aRoll+=roll;

	float cosY,cosP,cosR, sinY,sinP,sinR;

	cosY = COS(cam->aYaw);   sinY = SIN(cam->aYaw);
	cosP = COS(cam->aPitch); sinP = SIN(cam->aPitch);
	cosR = COS(cam->aRoll);  sinR = SIN(cam->aRoll);

	//set up dir(fwd vect)
	float *dir = (float*)cam->vDir;

	dir[eX] = sinY*cosP;
	dir[eY] = sinP;
	dir[eZ] = cosP*-cosY;

	//set up look-at
	cam->vTarget = cam->vDir+cam->vEye;