  // Actor@named(Name name) <ThisClass_>
  static void mthdc_named(SkInvokedMethod * scope_p, SkInstance ** result_pp)
    if (result_pp) // Do nothing if result not desired
      // Find actor
      SkClass *    sk_class_p;
      UClass *     ue_class_p;
      SkInstance * instance_p;
      SkInstance * name_p = scope_p->get_arg(SkArg_1);
      AActor *     actor_p = find_named(
        name_p->get_class() == SkUEName::get_class()
          ? name_p->as<SkUEName>()
          : AStringToFName(name_p->as<SkString>()),

      #if (SKOOKUM & SK_DEBUG)
        if (!actor_p)
          SK_ERRORX(a_str_format("Tried to get instance named '%s' from class '%s', but no such instance exists!\n", scope_p->get_arg<SkString>(SkArg_1).as_cstr(), ((SkMetaClass *)scope_p->get_topmost_scope())->get_class_info()->get_name().as_cstr_dbg()));

      // Create instance from our actor, even if null
      *result_pp = instance_p ? instance_p : SkUEActor::new_instance(actor_p, ue_class_p, sk_class_p);
void SkUEBlueprintInterface::exec_coroutine(FFrame & stack, void * const result_p)
  const FunctionEntry & function_entry = static_cast<const FunctionEntry &>(*ms_singleton_p->m_binding_entry_array[stack.CurrentNativeFunction->RepOffset]);
  SK_ASSERTX(function_entry.m_type == BindingType_Function, "BindingEntry has bad type!");
  SK_ASSERTX(function_entry.m_sk_invokable_p->get_invoke_type() == SkInvokable_coroutine, "Must not be coroutine at this point.");

  // Create invoked coroutine
  SkInvokedCoroutine * icoroutine_p = SkInvokedCoroutine::pool_new(static_cast<SkCoroutine *>(function_entry.m_sk_invokable_p));

  // Get instance of this object
  SkInstance * this_p = SkUEEntity::new_instance(stack.Object);

  // Set parameters
  icoroutine_p->reset(SkCall_interval_always, nullptr, this_p, nullptr, nullptr);

  #if defined(SKDEBUG_COMMON)
    // Set with SKDEBUG_ICALL_STORE_GEXPR stored here before calls to argument expressions
    // overwrite it.
    const SkExpressionBase * call_expr_p = SkInvokedContextBase::ms_last_expr_p;

  SKDEBUG_ICALL_SET_EXPR(icoroutine_p, call_expr_p);

  // Fill invoked coroutine's argument list
  const SkParamEntry * param_entry_array = function_entry.get_param_entry_array();
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < function_entry.m_num_params; ++i)
    const SkParamEntry & param_entry = param_entry_array[i];

  // Done with stack - now increment the code ptr unless it is null
  stack.Code += !!stack.Code;

  SKDEBUG_HOOK_EXPR(call_expr_p, icoroutine_p, nullptr);

    if (!this_p->get_class()->is_class(*function_entry.m_sk_class_p))
      SK_ERRORX(a_str_format("Attempted to invoke coroutine '%s@%s' via a blueprint of type '%s'. You might have forgotten to specify the SkookumScript type of this blueprint as '%s' in its SkookumScript component.", function_entry.m_sk_class_p->get_name_cstr(), function_entry.m_invokable_name.as_cstr(), this_p->get_class()->get_name_cstr(), function_entry.m_sk_class_p->get_name_cstr()));
      // Invoke the coroutine on this_p - might return immediately

  // Free if not in use by our invoked coroutine
void SkUEBlueprintInterface::exec_method(FFrame & stack, void * const result_p, SkInstance * this_p)
  const FunctionEntry & function_entry = static_cast<const FunctionEntry &>(*ms_singleton_p->m_binding_entry_array[stack.CurrentNativeFunction->RepOffset]);
  SK_ASSERTX(function_entry.m_type == BindingType_Function, "BindingEntry has bad type!");
  SK_ASSERTX(function_entry.m_sk_invokable_p->get_invoke_type() == SkInvokable_method, "Must not be coroutine or atomic at this point.");

  SkInvokedMethod imethod(nullptr, this_p, static_cast<SkMethodBase *>(function_entry.m_sk_invokable_p), a_stack_allocate(function_entry.m_sk_invokable_p->get_invoked_data_array_size(), SkInstance*));


  // Fill invoked method's argument list
  const SkParamEntry * param_entry_array = function_entry.get_param_entry_array();
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < function_entry.m_num_params; ++i)
    const SkParamEntry & param_entry = param_entry_array[i];

  // Done with stack - now increment the code ptr unless it is null
  stack.Code += !!stack.Code;

    if (!this_p->get_class()->is_class(*function_entry.m_sk_class_p))
      SK_ERRORX(a_str_format("Attempted to invoke method '%s@%s' via a blueprint of type '%s'. You might have forgotten to specify the SkookumScript type of this blueprint as '%s' in its SkookumScript component.", function_entry.m_sk_class_p->get_name_cstr(), function_entry.m_invokable_name.as_cstr(), this_p->get_class()->get_name_cstr(), function_entry.m_sk_class_p->get_name_cstr()));
      // Call method
      SkInstance * result_instance_p = SkBrain::ms_nil_p;
      static_cast<SkMethod *>(function_entry.m_sk_invokable_p)->SkMethod::invoke(&imethod, nullptr, &result_instance_p); // We know it's a method so call directly
      if (function_entry.m_result_getter)
        (*function_entry.m_result_getter)(result_p, result_instance_p);

int32_t SkUEBlueprintInterface::try_add_binding_entry(UClass * ue_class_p, SkInvokableBase * sk_invokable_p)
  // Only look at methods that are annotated as blueprint
  if (sk_invokable_p->get_annotation_flags() & SkAnnotation_Blueprint)
    // If it's a method with no body...
    if (sk_invokable_p->get_invoke_type() == SkInvokable_method_func
     || sk_invokable_p->get_invoke_type() == SkInvokable_method_mthd)
      { // ...it's an event
      return add_event_entry(ue_class_p, static_cast<SkMethodBase *>(sk_invokable_p));
    else if (sk_invokable_p->get_invoke_type() == SkInvokable_method
          || sk_invokable_p->get_invoke_type() == SkInvokable_coroutine)
      { // ...otherwise it's a function/coroutine
      return add_function_entry(ue_class_p, sk_invokable_p);
      SK_ERRORX(a_str_format("Trying to export coroutine %s to Blueprints which is atomic. Currently only scripted coroutines can be invoked via Blueprints.", sk_invokable_p->get_name_cstr()));

  return -1;