int chdir_for_file(char const *dir, bool is_filename) { char *redir; if (is_filename) { redir = tempstr_printf("%s", dir); char *last_slash = redir; for (char *c = redir; *c; c++) if (*c == '/') last_slash = c; *last_slash = '\0'; } else { redir = (char *)dir; } SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "chdir into '%s'", redir); if (redir[0] == '\0') return 0; if (0 != chdir(redir)) { SLOG(LOG_ERR, "Cannot chdir(%s) : %s", redir, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; }
static enum proto_parse_status tns_parse_login_property(struct sql_proto_info *info, struct cursor *cursor) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Parsing tns login property"); // We are only interested in response if (info->is_query) return PROTO_OK; if (info->msg_type != SQL_UNKNOWN && info->msg_type != SQL_STARTUP) return PROTO_PARSE_ERR; // Drop Server version DROP_FIX(cursor, 3); // Drop Server version text uint8_t marker = 0x00; enum proto_parse_status status = cursor_drop_until(cursor, &marker, sizeof(marker)); if (status != PROTO_OK) return status; // Drop Null byte DROP_FIX(cursor, 1); CHECK(2); uint16_t charset = cursor_read_u16le(cursor); SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Found a charset of 0x%02x", charset); switch (charset) { case 0x01: case 0x02: case 0x1f: case 0xb2: sql_set_encoding(info, SQL_ENCODING_LATIN1); break; case 0x366: case 0x367: case 0x369: sql_set_encoding(info, SQL_ENCODING_UTF8); break; default: SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Unknown charset"); break; } // We don't care of the rest... cursor_drop(cursor, cursor->cap_len); return PROTO_OK; }
static gid_t get_gid(const char * const group) { assert(group); gid_t gid = getgid(); // default one struct group *g = getgrnam(group); if (NULL == g) SLOG(LOG_ERR, "getgrnam: can't get the uid of '%s'", group); else gid = g->gr_gid; return gid; }
static int netbios_parser_ctor(struct netbios_parser *netbios_parser, struct proto *proto) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Constructing netbios_parser@%p", netbios_parser); assert(proto == proto_netbios); if (0 != parser_ctor(&netbios_parser->parser, proto)) return -1; netbios_parser->msg_parser = NULL; timeval_reset(&netbios_parser->first_packet_tv[0]); timeval_reset(&netbios_parser->first_packet_tv[1]); if (0 != streambuf_ctor(&netbios_parser->sbuf, netbios_sbuf_parse, 30000, NULL)) { parser_dtor(&netbios_parser->parser); return -1; } return 0; }
ssize_t file_size(char const *file_name) { int fd = file_open(file_name, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return -1; off_t sz = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (sz == (off_t)-1) { SLOG(LOG_ERR, "Cannot lseek at end of '%s' : %s", file_name, strerror(errno)); return -1; } file_close(fd); return sz; }
static enum proto_parse_status rtp_parse(struct parser *parser, struct proto_layer *parent, unsigned way, uint8_t const *packet, size_t cap_len, size_t wire_len, struct timeval const *now, proto_okfn_t *okfn) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Starting RTP analysis"); /* Parse */ struct rtp_header *rtph = (struct rtp_header *)packet; if (wire_len < sizeof(*rtph)) return PROTO_PARSE_ERR; if (cap_len < sizeof(*rtph)) return PROTO_TOO_SHORT; SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "RTP header, version=%u, CSRC_count=%u, payload_type=%u", rtph->version, rtph->csrc_count, rtph->payload_type); size_t head_len = sizeof(*rtph) + rtph->csrc_count * 4; if (wire_len < head_len) return PROTO_PARSE_ERR; if (cap_len < head_len) return PROTO_TOO_SHORT; struct rtp_proto_info info; rtp_proto_info_ctor(&info, rtph, head_len, wire_len - head_len); struct proto_layer layer; proto_layer_ctor(&layer, parent, parser, &; return proto_parse(NULL, &layer, way, NULL, 0, 0, now, okfn); }
static int log_x25_facilities (int fd, int coc, char *caption) { FACILITY_DB f; if (ioctl (fd, X25_RD_FACILITY, (char *) &f) == NOTOK) { SLOG (compat_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, "failed", ("X25_RD_FACILITY")); return NOTOK; } print_x25_facilities (f, coc, caption); return OK; }
void on_unload(void) { SLOG(LOG_INFO, "Duplicogram unloading"); term_fini(); hook_subscriber_dtor(&dup_hook, &dup_subscription); hook_subscriber_dtor(&proto_cap->hook, &cap_subscription); cli_unregister(duplicogram_opts); //mutex_dtor(&dup_lock); no since we can have some callbacks called even after we unsubscribed (in another thread) ext_param_bucket_width_fini(); log_category_duplicogram_fini(); }
int ip_addr_ctor_from_str_any(struct ip_addr *ip, char const *str) { if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, str, &ip->u.v4)) { ip->family = AF_INET; return 0; } if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET6, str, &ip->u.v6)) { ip->family = AF_INET6; return 0; } SLOG(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot convert string to IP address: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; }
/* CRelationMgr::Insert()和CRelationMgr::Remove()时调用, 用于添加网关上下线记录。 */ bool CClientInfo::AddOnoffRecord(const char * name, char * add, int onoff) { char sql_line_exist[NORMAL_XG_BUF_LEN]; int sql_len_exist = _snprintf_s(sql_line_exist, NORMAL_XG_BUF_LEN-1, _TRUNCATE, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE serial='%s'", m_onoff_record_table, name); sql_line_exist[sql_len_exist] = '\0'; SLOG(4)("AddOnoffRecord = %s", sql_line_exist); MYSQL_RES * existresults = BeginQuery(sql_line_exist); if (NULL == existresults) { return FALSE; } int recordnum = strtoul(*mysql_fetch_row(existresults), NULL, 0); EndQuery(existresults); if( recordnum == 120) // 如果已有的该网关上下线记录等于120条 { SLOG(4)("此处应当删除前21条记录"); DelOnoffRecord(name); } InsertOnoffRecord(name, add, onoff); return TRUE; }
static enum proto_parse_status rtp_parse(struct parser *parser, struct proto_info *parent, unsigned way, uint8_t const *packet, size_t cap_len, size_t wire_len, struct timeval const *now, size_t tot_cap_len, uint8_t const *tot_packet) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Starting RTP analysis"); /* Parse */ struct rtp_hdr *rtph = (struct rtp_hdr *)packet; if (wire_len < sizeof(*rtph)) return PROTO_PARSE_ERR; if (cap_len < sizeof(*rtph)) return PROTO_TOO_SHORT; unsigned const version = READ_U8(&rtph->flags0) >> 6U; unsigned const csrc_count = READ_U8(&rtph->flags0) & F0_CSRC_COUNT_MASK; unsigned const payload_type = READ_U8(&rtph->flags1) & F1_PLD_TYPE_MASK; SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "RTP header, version=%u, CSRC_count=%u, payload_type=%u", version, csrc_count, payload_type); size_t head_len = sizeof(*rtph) + csrc_count * 4; if (wire_len < head_len) return PROTO_PARSE_ERR; if (cap_len < head_len) return PROTO_TOO_SHORT; struct rtp_proto_info info; rtp_proto_info_ctor(&info, parser, parent, rtph, head_len, wire_len - head_len); return proto_parse(NULL, &, way, NULL, 0, 0, now, tot_cap_len, tot_packet); }
static int ftw_copy_link(const struct FTW *p, const char *spath, const struct stat *sstp, int exists) { int len; char llink[PATH_MAX]; if ((len = readlink(spath, llink, sizeof(llink) - 1)) == -1) { SLOG("readlink: %s: %s", spath, strerror(errno)); return (1); } llink[len] = '\0'; if (exists && unlink(to.p_path)) { SLOG("unlink: %s: %s", to.p_path, strerror(errno)); return (1); } if (symlink(llink, to.p_path)) { SLOG("symlink: %s: %s", llink, strerror(errno)); return (1); } return (pflag ? setfile(sstp, -1) : 0); }
static Eina_Bool __tts_notify_utt_completed(void *data) { tts_h tts = (tts_h)data; tts_client_s* client = tts_client_get(tts); /* check handle */ if (NULL == client) { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSC, "[WARNING] Fail to notify utt completed : A handle is not valid"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (NULL != client->utt_completeted_cb) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_TTSC, "Call callback function of utterance completed \n"); tts_client_use_callback(client); client->utt_completeted_cb(client->tts, client->utt_id, client->utt_completed_user_data); tts_client_not_use_callback(client); } else { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSC, "No registered callback function of utterance completed \n"); } return EINA_FALSE; }
static Eina_Bool __tts_notify_state_changed(void *data) { tts_h tts = (tts_h)data; tts_client_s* client = tts_client_get(tts); /* check handle */ if (NULL == client) { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSC, "Fail to notify error : A handle is not valid"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (NULL != client->state_changed_cb) { tts_client_use_callback(client); client->state_changed_cb(client->tts, client->before_state, client->current_state, client->state_changed_user_data); tts_client_not_use_callback(client); SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_TTSC, "State changed callback is called"); } else { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSC, "[WARNING] State changed callback is null"); } return EINA_FALSE; }
static Eina_Bool __tts_notify_error(void *data) { tts_h tts = (tts_h)data; tts_client_s* client = tts_client_get(tts); /* check handle */ if (NULL == client) { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSC, "Fail to notify error : A handle is not valid"); return EINA_FALSE; } if (NULL != client->error_cb) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_TTSC, "Call callback function of error"); tts_client_use_callback(client); client->error_cb(client->tts, client->utt_id, client->reason, client->error_user_data ); tts_client_not_use_callback(client); } else { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSC, "No registered callback function of error \n"); } return EINA_FALSE; }
void CSocket::socketSystemDestroy() { // errorOut("debuglog.txt", ":: Destroying socket system..."); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) int intTimeCheck = 0; while (intTimeCheck++ < 3) { if (WSACleanup() == SOCKET_ERROR) SLOG("[CSocket::socketSystemDestroy] WSACleanup() returned error: %s\n", errorMessage(identifyError())); sleep(1000); } #endif }
int ttsd_server_initialize(int pid, int uid) { if (false == g_is_engine) { if (0 != ttsd_engine_agent_initialize_current_engine()) { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSD, "[Server WARNING] No Engine !!! " ); g_is_engine = false; return TTSD_ERROR_ENGINE_NOT_FOUND; } else { g_is_engine = true; } } if (-1 != ttsd_data_is_client(uid)) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSD, "[Server ERROR] Uid has already been registered "); return TTSD_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (0 == ttsd_data_get_client_count()) { if (0 != ttsd_engine_agent_load_current_engine()) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSD, "[Server ERROR] Fail to load current engine "); return TTSD_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED; } } if (0 != ttsd_data_new_client(pid, uid)) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSD, "[Server ERROR] Fail to add client info "); return TTSD_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED; } if (0 != ttsd_player_create_instance(uid)) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSD, "[Server ERROR] Fail to create player "); return TTSD_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED; } return TTSD_ERROR_NONE; }
static int callid_2_sdp_ctor(struct callid_2_sdp *c2s, char const *call_id, struct timeval const *now) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Construct callid_2_sdp@%p for callid '%s'", c2s, call_id); c2s->sdp_parser = proto_sdp->ops->parser_new(proto_sdp); if (! c2s->sdp_parser) return -1; memset(c2s->call_id, 0, sizeof c2s->call_id); // because it's used as a hash key snprintf(c2s->call_id, sizeof(c2s->call_id), "%s", call_id); c2s->last_used = *now; mutex_lock(&callids_2_sdps_mutex); callids_2_sdps_timeout(now); HASH_INSERT(&callids_2_sdps, c2s, &c2s->call_id, entry); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&callids_2_sdps_used, c2s, used_entry); mutex_unlock(&callids_2_sdps_mutex); return 0; }
int tts_get_max_text_count(tts_h tts, int* count) { if (NULL == tts || NULL == count) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSC, "[ERROR] Get max text count : Input parameter is null"); return TTS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } tts_client_s* client = tts_client_get(tts); if (NULL == client) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSC, "[ERROR] Get max text count : A handle is not valid"); return TTS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (TTS_STATE_READY != client->current_state) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSC, "[ERROR] Get max text count : Current state is NOT 'READY'."); return TTS_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } *count = MAX_TEXT_COUNT; SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_TTSC, "[Suceess] Get max text count"); return TTS_ERROR_NONE; }
void ip_addr_deserialize(struct ip_addr *addr, uint8_t const **buf) { unsigned version = deserialize_1(buf); if (version == 4) { addr->family = AF_INET; addr->u.v4.s_addr = deserialize_4(buf); } else if (version == 6) { addr->family = AF_INET6; deserialize_n(buf, &addr->u.v6, sizeof(addr->u.v6)); } else { SLOG(LOG_ERR, "Cannot deserialize ip_addr of version %u", version); addr->family = AF_INET; // run forest, run! addr->u.v4.s_addr = 0U; } }
static void __my_sig_child(int signo, siginfo_t *info, void *data) { int status; pid_t child_pid, child_pgid; child_pgid = getpgid(info->si_pid); SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, TAG_TTSC, "Signal handler: dead pid = %d, pgid = %d\n", info->si_pid, child_pgid); while (0 < (child_pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG))) { if(child_pid == child_pgid) killpg(child_pgid, SIGKILL); } return; }
static int tds_parser_ctor(struct tds_parser *tds_parser, struct proto *proto) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Constructing tds_parser@%p", tds_parser); assert(proto == proto_tds); if (0 != parser_ctor(&tds_parser->parser, proto)) return -1; tds_parser->msg_parser = NULL; tds_parser->had_gap = false; tds_parser->data_left = 0; tds_parser->channels[0] = 0; tds_parser->channels[1] = 0; tds_parser->pkt_number = 1; if (0 != streambuf_ctor(&tds_parser->sbuf, tds_sbuf_parse, 30000, NULL)) return -1; return 0; }
void* CD_RunHTTPd (CDHTTPd* self) { self->event.handle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(self->event.httpd, self->server->config->cache.httpd.connection.bind.ipv4, self->server->config->cache.httpd.connection.port); SLOG(self->server, LOG_NOTICE, "Started HTTPd at http://%s:%d", self->server->config->cache.httpd.connection.bind.ipv4, self->server->config->cache.httpd.connection.port); event_base_dispatch(self->event.base); return NULL; }
int start_x25_client (struct NSAPaddr *local, int priv) { int sd; if ((sd = socket (AF_X25, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == NOTOK) { SLOG (compat_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, "failed", ("socket")); return NOTOK; } #ifdef AEF_NSAP if (local && local -> na_stack == NA_NSAP) { FACILITY f; f.type = T_CALLING_AEF; if (nsap2if (local, &f.f_calling_aef) == NOTOK || ioctl (sd, X25_SET_FACILITY, &f) == NOTOK) { SLOG (compat_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, "failed", ("set calling AEF")); close_x25_socket (sd); return NOTOK; } } #endif return sd; }
static enum proto_parse_status parse_rpc_call(struct cursor *cursor, struct rpc_proto_info *info) { CHECK(28); info->u.call_msg.rpc_version = cursor_read_u32n(cursor); if (info->u.call_msg.rpc_version != 2) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Rpc version should be 2, got %"PRIu32, info->u.call_msg.rpc_version); return PROTO_PARSE_ERR; } info->u.call_msg.program = cursor_read_u32n(cursor); info->u.call_msg.program_version = cursor_read_u32n(cursor); info->u.call_msg.procedure = cursor_read_u32n(cursor); RPC_CHECK_AUTH(credential); RPC_CHECK_AUTH(auth); return PROTO_OK; }
// Decode the flow in src into flow. We already checked there are enough bytes to read in src. static int nf_flow_decode(struct nf_flow *flow, struct nf_msg const *head, void const *src) { struct nf_flow_ll const *flow_ll = src; // FIXME: won't work if not properly aligned CONV_IP(flow, addr[0]); CONV_IP(flow, addr[1]); CONV_IP(flow, next_hop); CONV_16(flow, port[0]); CONV_16(flow, port[1]); CONV_16(flow, in_iface); CONV_16(flow, out_iface); CONV_32(flow, packets); CONV_32(flow, bytes); CONV_8(flow, tcp_flags); CONV_8(flow, ip_proto); CONV_8(flow, ip_tos); CONV_16(flow, as[0]); CONV_16(flow, as[1]); CONV_8(flow, mask[0]); CONV_8(flow, mask[1]); /* The first/last fields of the netflow are the uptime at the first/last pkt of the flow. * We find a timestamp more interesting, so we get it from sysuptime and localtime of the header. * But this imply trusting the netflow header localtime. */ SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Decoding a flow which sys_uptime=%"PRIu32", now=%s, first=%u, last=%u", head->sys_uptime, timeval_2_str(&head->ts), ntohl(flow_ll->first), ntohl(flow_ll->last)); flow->first = head->ts; timeval_sub_usec(&flow->first, (int64_t)(head->sys_uptime - ntohl(flow_ll->first)) * 1000); flow->last = head->ts; timeval_sub_usec(&flow->last, (int64_t)(head->sys_uptime - ntohl(flow_ll->last)) * 1000); SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "...yielding: %s->%s", timeval_2_str(&flow->first), timeval_2_str(&flow->last)); return 0; }
int ttsd_server_pause(int uid, int* utt_id) { app_state_e state; if (0 > ttsd_data_get_client_state(uid, &state)) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSD, "[Server ERROR] ttsd_server_pause : uid is not valid "); return TTSD_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (APP_STATE_PLAYING != state) { SLOG(LOG_WARN, TAG_TTSD, "[Server WARNING] Current state is not 'play' "); return TTSD_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; } int ret = 0; ret = ttsd_player_pause(uid); if (0 != ret) { SLOG(LOG_ERROR, TAG_TTSD, "[Server ERROR] fail player_pause() : ret(%d)", ret); return TTSD_ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED; } ttsd_data_set_client_state(uid, APP_STATE_PAUSED); return TTSD_ERROR_NONE; }
int join_x25_client (int fd, struct NSAPaddr *remote) { CONN_DB sbuf; CONN_DB *sock = &sbuf; int len = sizeof *sock; int nfd; #ifdef AEF_NSAP FACILITY f; #endif if ((nfd = accept (fd, (struct sockaddr *) sock, &len)) == NOTOK) { if (compat_log -> ll_events & LLOG_EXCEPTIONS) log_cause_and_diag(fd); /* Sun's documentation throwns no light as to whether, or not this will result in any useful information */ } #ifdef DEBUG else if (compat_log -> ll_events & LLOG_DEBUG) log_x25_facilities(fd, CALLED, "Effective Called"); #endif if (nfd < 0) return nfd; /* May also need to send call accept packet if using * FAST_ACPT_CLR, or X25_CALL_ACPT_APPROVAL * there was a SUNLINK bug in this area * * May as well try it -- if it fails, so what ?? */ if (ioctl(nfd,X25_SEND_CALL_ACPT, NULLCP) < 0) SLOG (compat_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, "failed", ("X25_SEND_CALL_ACPT")); #ifdef AEF_NONE /* sunnet 7.0 or > */ /* * For sunnet 7.0 - see if we have a real nsap and use that. */ f.type = T_CALLING_AEF; if (ioctl (nfd, X25_GET_FACILITY, &f) == NOTOK || if2nsap (&f.f_calling_aef, remote) == NOTOK) #endif remote = if2gen (remote, sock, ADDR_REMOTE); return nfd; }
int streambuf_ctor(struct streambuf *sbuf, parse_fun *parse, size_t max_size, struct mutex_pool *pool) { SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Constructing a streambuf@%p of max size %zu", sbuf, max_size); sbuf->parse = parse; sbuf->max_size = max_size; sbuf->mutex = mutex_pool_anyone(pool ? pool : &streambuf_locks); for (unsigned d = 0; d < 2; d++) { sbuf->dir[d].buffer = NULL; sbuf->dir[d].buffer_size = 0; sbuf->dir[d].restart_offset = 0; } return 0; }
static bool check_fixed_query(struct cursor *cursor, uint8_t current, uint8_t next, struct query_candidate *candidate) { if (is_print(current) && is_print(next)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < candidate->num_candidate_size; ++i) { uint64_t size = candidate->candidate_sizes[i]; if (is_query_valid(cursor, size, 0)) { candidate->query_size = candidate->candidate_sizes[i]; SLOG(LOG_DEBUG, " Found a fixed query string of size %u", candidate->query_size); candidate->is_chunked = false; return true; } } } return false; }