Пример #1
//! SLGLShader::createAndCompile creates & compiles the OpenGL shader object
SLbool SLGLShader::createAndCompile()
    // delete if object already exits
    if (_objectGL) glDeleteShader(_objectGL);

    if (_code!="")
        switch (_type)
        {   case VertexShader:
                _objectGL = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); break;
            case FragmentShader:
                _objectGL = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); break;
                SL_EXIT_MSG("SLGLShader::load: Unknown shader type.");
        //SLstring verGLSL = SLGLState::getInstance()->glSLVersionNO();
        //SLstring srcVersion = "#version " + verGLSL + "\n";

        //if (verGLSL > "120")
        //{   if (_type == VertexShader)
        //    {   SLUtils::replaceString(_code, "attribute", "in");
        //        SLUtils::replaceString(_code, "varying", "out");
        //    }
        //    if (_type == FragmentShader)
        //    {   SLUtils::replaceString(_code, "varying", "in");
        //    }
        //SLstring scrComplete = srcVersion + _code;

        SLstring scrComplete = _code;

        const char* src = scrComplete.c_str();
        glShaderSource(_objectGL, 1, &src, 0);

        // Check compiler log
        SLint compileSuccess = 0;
        glGetShaderiv(_objectGL, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compileSuccess);
        if (compileSuccess == GL_FALSE) 
        {   GLchar log[256];
            glGetShaderInfoLog(_objectGL, sizeof(log), 0, &log[0]);
            SL_LOG("*** COMPILER ERROR ***\n");
            SL_LOG("Source file: %s\n", _file.c_str());
            SL_LOG("%s\n\n", log);
            return false;
        return true;
    } else SL_WARN_MSG("SLGLShader::createAndCompile: Nothing to compile!");
    return false;
Пример #2
SLAssimpImporter::checkFilePath tries to build the full absolut texture file path. 
Some file formats have absolute path stored, some have relative paths.
1st attempt: modelPath + aiTexFile
2nd attempt: aiTexFile
3rd attempt: modelPath + getFileName(aiTexFile)
If a model contains absolute path it is best to put all texture files beside the
model file in the same folder.
SLstring SLAssimpImporter::checkFilePath(SLstring modelPath, SLstring aiTexFile)
    // Check path & file combination
    SLstring pathFile = modelPath + aiTexFile;
    if (SLFileSystem::fileExists(pathFile))
        return pathFile;

    // Check file alone
    if (SLFileSystem::fileExists(aiTexFile))
        return aiTexFile;

    // Check path & file combination
    pathFile = modelPath + SLUtils::getFileName(aiTexFile);
    if (SLFileSystem::fileExists(pathFile))
        return pathFile;

    SLstring msg = "SLAssimpImporter: Texture file not found: \n" + aiTexFile + 
                   "\non model path: " + modelPath + "\n";

    // Return path for texture not found image;
    return SLGLTexture::defaultPath + "TexNotFound.png";
Пример #3
/*! Loads the scene from a file and creates materials with textures, the 
meshes and the nodes for the scene graph. Materials, textures and meshes are
added to the according vectors of SLScene for later deallocation.
SLNode* SLAssimpImporter::load(SLstring file,           //!< File with path or on default path
                               SLbool loadMeshesOnly,   //!< Only load nodes with meshes
                               SLuint flags)            //!< Import flags (see assimp/postprocess.h)
    // clear the intermediate data

    // Check existance
    if (!SLFileSystem::fileExists(file))
    {   file = defaultPath + file;
        if (!SLFileSystem::fileExists(file))
        {   SLstring msg = "SLAssimpImporter: File not found: " + file + "\n";
            return nullptr;

    // Import file with assimp importer
    Assimp::Importer ai;
    const aiScene* scene = ai.ReadFile(file.c_str(), (SLuint)flags);
    if (!scene)
    {   SLstring msg = "Failed to load file: " + file + "\n" + ai.GetErrorString() + "\n";
        return nullptr;

    // initial scan of the scene

    // load skeleton
    loadSkeleton(nullptr, _skeletonRoot);

    // load materials
    SLstring modelPath = SLUtils::getPath(file);
    SLVMaterial materials;
    for(SLint i = 0; i < (SLint)scene->mNumMaterials; i++)
        materials.push_back(loadMaterial(i, scene->mMaterials[i], modelPath));

    // load meshes & set their material
    std::map<int, SLMesh*> meshMap;  // map from the ai index to our mesh
    for(SLint i = 0; i < (SLint)scene->mNumMeshes; i++)
    {   SLMesh* mesh = loadMesh(scene->mMeshes[i]);
        if (mesh != 0)
        {   mesh->mat = materials[scene->mMeshes[i]->mMaterialIndex];
            meshMap[i] = mesh;
        } else SL_LOG("SLAsssimpImporter::load failed: %s\nin path: %s\n", file.c_str(), modelPath.c_str());

    // load the scene nodes recursively
    _sceneRoot = loadNodesRec(nullptr, scene->mRootNode, meshMap, loadMeshesOnly);

    // load animations
    vector<SLAnimation*> animations;
    for (SLint i = 0; i < (SLint)scene->mNumAnimations; i++)

    logMessage(LV_minimal, "\n---------------------------\n\n");

    return _sceneRoot;