Пример #1

  This function adjusts the period of timer interrupts to the value specified
  by TimerPeriod.  If the timer period is updated, then the selected timer
  period is stored in EFI_TIMER.TimerPeriod, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.  If
  the timer hardware is not programmable, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
  If an error occurs while attempting to update the timer period, then the
  timer hardware will be put back in its state prior to this call, and
  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.  If TimerPeriod is 0, then the timer interrupt
  is disabled.  This is not the same as disabling the CPU's interrupts.
  Instead, it must either turn off the timer hardware, or it must adjust the
  interrupt controller so that a CPU interrupt is not generated when the timer
  interrupt fires.

  @param  This             The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param  TimerPeriod      The rate to program the timer interrupt in 100 nS units. If
                           the timer hardware is not programmable, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is
                           returned. If the timer is programmable, then the timer period
                           will be rounded up to the nearest timer period that is supported
                           by the timer hardware. If TimerPeriod is set to 0, then the
                           timer interrupts will be disabled.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The timer period was changed.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The platform cannot change the period of the timer interrupt.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The timer period could not be changed due to a device error.

SP805SetTimerPeriod (
  IN UINT64                                   TimerPeriod   // In 100ns units
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  UINT64      Ticks64bit;

  SP805Unlock ();

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  if (TimerPeriod == 0) {
    // This is a watchdog stop request
    SP805Stop ();
  } else {
    // Calculate the Watchdog ticks required for a delay of (TimerTicks * 100) nanoseconds
    // The SP805 will count down to zero and generate an interrupt.
    // WatchdogTicks = ((TimerPeriod * 100 * SP805_CLOCK_FREQUENCY) / 1GHz);
    // i.e.:
    // WatchdogTicks = (TimerPeriod * SP805_CLOCK_FREQUENCY) / 10 MHz ;

    Ticks64bit = MultU64x32 (TimerPeriod, PcdGet32 (PcdSP805WatchdogClockFrequencyInHz));
    Ticks64bit = DivU64x32 (Ticks64bit, 10 * 1000 * 1000);

    // The registers in the SP805 are only 32 bits
    if (Ticks64bit > MAX_UINT32) {
      // We could load the watchdog with the maximum supported value but
      // if a smaller value was requested, this could have the watchdog
      // triggering before it was intended.
      // Better generate an error to let the caller know.
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto EXIT;

    // Update the watchdog with a 32-bit value.
    MmioWrite32 (SP805_WDOG_LOAD_REG, (UINT32)Ticks64bit);

    // Start the watchdog
    SP805Start ();

  mTimerPeriod = TimerPeriod;

  // Ensure the watchdog is locked before exiting.
  SP805Lock ();
  return Status;
Пример #2

  This function adjusts the period of timer interrupts to the value specified
  by TimerPeriod.  If the timer period is updated, then the selected timer
  period is stored in EFI_TIMER.TimerPeriod, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.  If
  the timer hardware is not programmable, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
  If an error occurs while attempting to update the timer period, then the
  timer hardware will be put back in its state prior to this call, and
  EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned.  If TimerPeriod is 0, then the timer interrupt
  is disabled.  This is not the same as disabling the CPU's interrupts.
  Instead, it must either turn off the timer hardware, or it must adjust the
  interrupt controller so that a CPU interrupt is not generated when the timer
  interrupt fires.

  @param  This             The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param  TimerPeriod      The rate to program the timer interrupt in 100 nS units. If
                           the timer hardware is not programmable, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is
                           returned. If the timer is programmable, then the timer period
                           will be rounded up to the nearest timer period that is supported
                           by the timer hardware. If TimerPeriod is set to 0, then the
                           timer interrupts will be disabled.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The timer period was changed.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The platform cannot change the period of the timer interrupt.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The timer period could not be changed due to a device error.

SP805SetTimerPeriod (
  IN UINT64                                   TimerPeriod   // In 100ns units
  UINT64      Ticks64bit;


  if( TimerPeriod == 0 ) {
    // This is a watchdog stop request
    goto EXIT;
  } else {
    // Calculate the Watchdog ticks required for a delay of (TimerTicks * 100) nanoseconds
    // The SP805 will count down to ZERO once, generate an interrupt and
    // then it will again reload the initial value and start again.
    // On the second time when it reaches ZERO, it will actually reset the board.
    // Therefore, we need to load half the required delay.
    // WatchdogTicks = ((TimerPeriod * 100 * SP805_CLOCK_FREQUENCY) / 1GHz) / 2 ;
    // i.e.:
    // WatchdogTicks = (TimerPeriod * SP805_CLOCK_FREQUENCY) / 20 MHz ;

    Ticks64bit = DivU64x32(MultU64x32(TimerPeriod, (UINTN)PcdGet32(PcdSP805WatchdogClockFrequencyInHz)), 20000000);

    // The registers in the SP805 are only 32 bits
    if(Ticks64bit > (UINT64)0xFFFFFFFF) {
      // We could load the watchdog with the maximum supported value but
      // if a smaller value was requested, this could have the watchdog
      // triggering before it was intended.
      // Better generate an error to let the caller know.
      Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
      goto EXIT;

    // Update the watchdog with a 32-bit value.
    MmioWrite32(SP805_WDOG_LOAD_REG, (UINT32)Ticks64bit);

    // Start the watchdog

  // Ensure the watchdog is locked before exiting.
  return Status;