Пример #1
EXPORT int speex_buffer_writezeros(SpeexBuffer *st, int len)
   /* This is almost the same as for speex_buffer_write() but using 
   SPEEX_MEMSET() instead of SPEEX_COPY(). Update accordingly. */
   int end;
   int end1;
   if (len > st->size)
      len = st->size;
   end = st->write_ptr + len;
   end1 = end;
   if (end1 > st->size)
      end1 = st->size;
   SPEEX_MEMSET(st->data + st->write_ptr, 0, end1 - st->write_ptr);
   if (end > st->size)
      end -= st->size;
      SPEEX_MEMSET(st->data, 0, end);
   st->available += len;
   if (st->available > st->size)
      st->available = st->size;
      st->read_ptr = st->write_ptr;
   st->write_ptr += len;
   if (st->write_ptr > st->size)
      st->write_ptr -= st->size;
   return len;
Пример #2
void noise_codebook_quant(
spx_word16_t target[],			/* target vector */
spx_coef_t ak[],			/* LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk1[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
spx_coef_t awk2[],			/* Weighted LPCs for this subframe */
const void *par,                      /* Codebook/search parameters*/
int   p,                        /* number of LPC coeffs */
int   nsf,                      /* number of samples in subframe */
spx_sig_t *exc,
spx_word16_t *r,
SpeexBits *bits,
char *stack,
int   complexity,
int   update_target
   int i;
   VARDECL(spx_word16_t *tmp);
   ALLOC(tmp, nsf, spx_word16_t);
   residue_percep_zero16(target, ak, awk1, awk2, tmp, nsf, p, stack);

   for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
   SPEEX_MEMSET(target, 0, nsf);
Пример #3
EXPORT int speex_buffer_read(SpeexBuffer *st, void *_data, int len)
   int end, end1;
   char *data = _data;
   if (len > st->available)
      SPEEX_MEMSET(data+st->available, 0, st->size-st->available);
      len = st->available;
   end = st->read_ptr + len;
   end1 = end;
   if (end1 > st->size)
      end1 = st->size;
   SPEEX_COPY(data, st->data + st->read_ptr, end1 - st->read_ptr);

   if (end > st->size)
      end -= st->size;
      SPEEX_COPY(data+end1 - st->read_ptr, st->data, end);
   st->available -= len;
   st->read_ptr += len;
   if (st->read_ptr > st->size)
      st->read_ptr -= st->size;
   return len;
Пример #4
void pitch_unquant_3tap(
    spx_word16_t exc[],             /* Input excitation */
    spx_word32_t exc_out[],         /* Output excitation */
    int   start,                    /* Smallest pitch value allowed */
    int   end,                      /* Largest pitch value allowed */
    spx_word16_t pitch_coef,        /* Voicing (pitch) coefficient */
    const void* par,
    int   nsf,                      /* Number of samples in subframe */
    int* pitch_val,
    spx_word16_t* gain_val,
    SpeexBits* bits,
    char* stack,
    int count_lost,
    int subframe_offset,
    spx_word16_t last_pitch_gain,
    int cdbk_offset
) {
    int i;
    int pitch;
    int gain_index;
    spx_word16_t gain[3];
    const signed char* gain_cdbk;
    int gain_cdbk_size;
    const ltp_params* params;

    params = (const ltp_params*) par;
    gain_cdbk_size = 1 << params->gain_bits;
    gain_cdbk = params->gain_cdbk + 4 * gain_cdbk_size * cdbk_offset;

    pitch = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, params->pitch_bits);
    pitch += start;
    gain_index = speex_bits_unpack_unsigned(bits, params->gain_bits);
    /*printf ("decode pitch: %d %d\n", pitch, gain_index);*/
    gain[0] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4]);
    gain[1] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 1]);
    gain[2] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 2]);
    gain[0] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4] + .5;
    gain[1] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 1] + .5;
    gain[2] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[gain_index * 4 + 2] + .5;

    if (count_lost && pitch > subframe_offset) {
        spx_word16_t gain_sum;
        if (1) {
            spx_word16_t tmp = count_lost < 4 ? last_pitch_gain : SHR16(last_pitch_gain, 1);
            if (tmp > 62)
                tmp = 62;
            spx_word16_t tmp = count_lost < 4 ? last_pitch_gain : 0.5 * last_pitch_gain;
            if (tmp > .95)
                tmp = .95;
            gain_sum = gain_3tap_to_1tap(gain);

            if (gain_sum > tmp) {
                spx_word16_t fact = DIV32_16(SHL32(EXTEND32(tmp), 14), gain_sum);
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    gain[i] = MULT16_16_Q14(fact, gain[i]);



    *pitch_val = pitch;
    gain_val[0] = gain[0];
    gain_val[1] = gain[1];
    gain_val[2] = gain[2];
    gain[0] = SHL16(gain[0], 7);
    gain[1] = SHL16(gain[1], 7);
    gain[2] = SHL16(gain[2], 7);
    SPEEX_MEMSET(exc_out, 0, nsf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int j;
        int tmp1, tmp3;
        int pp = pitch + 1 - i;
        tmp1 = nsf;
        if (tmp1 > pp)
            tmp1 = pp;
        for (j = 0; j < tmp1; j++)
            exc_out[j] = MAC16_16(exc_out[j], gain[2 - i], exc[j - pp]);
        tmp3 = nsf;
        if (tmp3 > pp + pitch)
            tmp3 = pp + pitch;
        for (j = tmp1; j < tmp3; j++)
            exc_out[j] = MAC16_16(exc_out[j], gain[2 - i], exc[j - pp - pitch]);
    /*for (i=0;i<nsf;i++)
Пример #5
/** Finds the best quantized 3-tap pitch predictor by analysis by synthesis */
int pitch_search_3tap(
    spx_word16_t target[],                 /* Target vector */
    spx_word16_t* sw,
    spx_coef_t ak[],                     /* LPCs for this subframe */
    spx_coef_t awk1[],                   /* Weighted LPCs #1 for this subframe */
    spx_coef_t awk2[],                   /* Weighted LPCs #2 for this subframe */
    spx_sig_t exc[],                    /* Excitation */
    const void* par,
    int   start,                    /* Smallest pitch value allowed */
    int   end,                      /* Largest pitch value allowed */
    spx_word16_t pitch_coef,               /* Voicing (pitch) coefficient */
    int   p,                        /* Number of LPC coeffs */
    int   nsf,                      /* Number of samples in subframe */
    SpeexBits* bits,
    char* stack,
    spx_word16_t* exc2,
    spx_word16_t* r,
    int complexity,
    int cdbk_offset,
    int plc_tuning,
    spx_word32_t* cumul_gain
) {
    int i;
    int cdbk_index, pitch = 0, best_gain_index = 0;
    VARDECL(spx_sig_t * best_exc);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * new_target);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * best_target);
    int best_pitch = 0;
    spx_word32_t err, best_err = -1;
    int N;
    const ltp_params* params;
    const signed char* gain_cdbk;
    int   gain_cdbk_size;
    int scaledown = 0;

    VARDECL(int * nbest);

    params = (const ltp_params*) par;
    gain_cdbk_size = 1 << params->gain_bits;
    gain_cdbk = params->gain_cdbk + 4 * gain_cdbk_size * cdbk_offset;

    N = complexity;
    if (N > 10)
        N = 10;
    if (N < 1)
        N = 1;

    ALLOC(nbest, N, int);
    params = (const ltp_params*) par;

    if (end < start) {
        speex_bits_pack(bits, 0, params->pitch_bits);
        speex_bits_pack(bits, 0, params->gain_bits);
        SPEEX_MEMSET(exc, 0, nsf);
        return start;

    /* Check if we need to scale everything down in the pitch search to avoid overflows */
    for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++) {
        if (ABS16(target[i]) > 16383) {
            scaledown = 1;
    for (i = -end; i < nsf; i++) {
        if (ABS16(exc2[i]) > 16383) {
            scaledown = 1;
    if (N > end - start + 1)
        N = end - start + 1;
    if (end != start)
        open_loop_nbest_pitch(sw, start, end, nsf, nbest, NULL, N, stack);
        nbest[0] = start;

    ALLOC(best_exc, nsf, spx_sig_t);
    ALLOC(new_target, nsf, spx_word16_t);
    ALLOC(best_target, nsf, spx_word16_t);

    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        pitch = nbest[i];
        SPEEX_MEMSET(exc, 0, nsf);
        err = pitch_gain_search_3tap(target, ak, awk1, awk2, exc, gain_cdbk, gain_cdbk_size, pitch, p, nsf,
                                     bits, stack, exc2, r, new_target, &cdbk_index, plc_tuning, *cumul_gain, scaledown);
        if (err < best_err || best_err < 0) {
            SPEEX_COPY(best_exc, exc, nsf);
            SPEEX_COPY(best_target, new_target, nsf);
            best_err = err;
            best_pitch = pitch;
            best_gain_index = cdbk_index;
    /*printf ("pitch: %d %d\n", best_pitch, best_gain_index);*/
    speex_bits_pack(bits, best_pitch - start, params->pitch_bits);
    speex_bits_pack(bits, best_gain_index, params->gain_bits);
    *cumul_gain = MULT16_32_Q13(SHL16(params->gain_cdbk[4 * best_gain_index + 3], 8), MAX32(1024, *cumul_gain));
    *cumul_gain = 0.03125 * MAX32(1024, *cumul_gain) * params->gain_cdbk[4 * best_gain_index + 3];
    /*printf ("%f\n", cumul_gain);*/
    /*printf ("encode pitch: %d %d\n", best_pitch, best_gain_index);*/
    SPEEX_COPY(exc, best_exc, nsf);
    SPEEX_COPY(target, best_target, nsf);
    /* Scale target back up if needed */
    if (scaledown) {
        for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++)
            target[i] = SHL16(target[i], 1);
    return pitch;
Пример #6
/** Finds the best quantized 3-tap pitch predictor by analysis by synthesis */
static spx_word32_t pitch_gain_search_3tap(
    const spx_word16_t target[],       /* Target vector */
    const spx_coef_t ak[],          /* LPCs for this subframe */
    const spx_coef_t awk1[],        /* Weighted LPCs #1 for this subframe */
    const spx_coef_t awk2[],        /* Weighted LPCs #2 for this subframe */
    spx_sig_t exc[],                /* Excitation */
    const signed char* gain_cdbk,
    int gain_cdbk_size,
    int   pitch,                    /* Pitch value */
    int   p,                        /* Number of LPC coeffs */
    int   nsf,                      /* Number of samples in subframe */
    SpeexBits* bits,
    char* stack,
    const spx_word16_t* exc2,
    const spx_word16_t* r,
    spx_word16_t* new_target,
    int*  cdbk_index,
    int plc_tuning,
    spx_word32_t cumul_gain,
    int scaledown
) {
    int i, j;
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * tmp1);
    VARDECL(spx_word16_t * e);
    spx_word16_t* x[3];
    spx_word32_t corr[3];
    spx_word32_t A[3][3];
    spx_word16_t gain[3];
    spx_word32_t err;
    spx_word16_t max_gain = 128;
    int          best_cdbk = 0;

    ALLOC(tmp1, 3 * nsf, spx_word16_t);
    ALLOC(e, nsf, spx_word16_t);

    if (cumul_gain > 262144)
        max_gain = 31;

    x[0] = tmp1;
    x[1] = tmp1 + nsf;
    x[2] = tmp1 + 2 * nsf;

    for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
        new_target[j] = target[j];

        VARDECL(spx_mem_t * mm);
        int pp = pitch - 1;
        ALLOC(mm, p, spx_mem_t);
        for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++) {
            if (j - pp < 0)
                e[j] = exc2[j - pp];
            else if (j - pp - pitch < 0)
                e[j] = exc2[j - pp - pitch];
                e[j] = 0;
        /* Scale target and excitation down if needed (avoiding overflow) */
        if (scaledown) {
            for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
                e[j] = SHR16(e[j], 1);
            for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
                new_target[j] = SHR16(new_target[j], 1);
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            mm[j] = 0;
        iir_mem16(e, ak, e, nsf, p, mm, stack);
        for (j = 0; j < p; j++)
            mm[j] = 0;
        filter_mem16(e, awk1, awk2, e, nsf, p, mm, stack);
        for (j = 0; j < nsf; j++)
            x[2][j] = e[j];
    for (i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        spx_word16_t e0 = exc2[-pitch - 1 + i];
        /* Scale excitation down if needed (avoiding overflow) */
        if (scaledown)
            e0 = SHR16(e0, 1);
        x[i][0] = MULT16_16_Q14(r[0], e0);
        for (j = 0; j < nsf - 1; j++)
            x[i][j + 1] = ADD32(x[i + 1][j], MULT16_16_P14(r[j + 1], e0));

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        corr[i] = inner_prod(x[i], new_target, nsf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
            A[i][j] = A[j][i] = inner_prod(x[i], x[j], nsf);

        spx_word32_t C[9];
        spx_word16_t C16[9];
        spx_word16_t* C16 = C;
        C[0] = corr[2];
        C[1] = corr[1];
        C[2] = corr[0];
        C[3] = A[1][2];
        C[4] = A[0][1];
        C[5] = A[0][2];
        C[6] = A[2][2];
        C[7] = A[1][1];
        C[8] = A[0][0];

        /*plc_tuning *= 2;*/
        if (plc_tuning < 2)
            plc_tuning = 2;
        if (plc_tuning > 30)
            plc_tuning = 30;
        C[0] = SHL32(C[0], 1);
        C[1] = SHL32(C[1], 1);
        C[2] = SHL32(C[2], 1);
        C[3] = SHL32(C[3], 1);
        C[4] = SHL32(C[4], 1);
        C[5] = SHL32(C[5], 1);
        C[6] = MAC16_32_Q15(C[6], MULT16_16_16(plc_tuning, 655), C[6]);
        C[7] = MAC16_32_Q15(C[7], MULT16_16_16(plc_tuning, 655), C[7]);
        C[8] = MAC16_32_Q15(C[8], MULT16_16_16(plc_tuning, 655), C[8]);
        normalize16(C, C16, 32767, 9);
        C[6] *= .5 * (1 + .02 * plc_tuning);
        C[7] *= .5 * (1 + .02 * plc_tuning);
        C[8] *= .5 * (1 + .02 * plc_tuning);

        best_cdbk = pitch_gain_search_3tap_vq(gain_cdbk, gain_cdbk_size, C16, max_gain);

        gain[0] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4]);
        gain[1] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 1]);
        gain[2] = ADD16(32, (spx_word16_t)gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 2]);
        /*printf ("%d %d %d %d\n",gain[0],gain[1],gain[2], best_cdbk);*/
        gain[0] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4]  + .5;
        gain[1] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 1] + .5;
        gain[2] = 0.015625 * gain_cdbk[best_cdbk * 4 + 2] + .5;
        *cdbk_index = best_cdbk;

    SPEEX_MEMSET(exc, 0, nsf);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        int j;
        int tmp1, tmp3;
        int pp = pitch + 1 - i;
        tmp1 = nsf;
        if (tmp1 > pp)
            tmp1 = pp;
        for (j = 0; j < tmp1; j++)
            exc[j] = MAC16_16(exc[j], SHL16(gain[2 - i], 7), exc2[j - pp]);
        tmp3 = nsf;
        if (tmp3 > pp + pitch)
            tmp3 = pp + pitch;
        for (j = tmp1; j < tmp3; j++)
            exc[j] = MAC16_16(exc[j], SHL16(gain[2 - i], 7), exc2[j - pp - pitch]);
    for (i = 0; i < nsf; i++) {
        spx_word32_t tmp = ADD32(ADD32(MULT16_16(gain[0], x[2][i]), MULT16_16(gain[1], x[1][i])),
                                 MULT16_16(gain[2], x[0][i]));
        new_target[i] = SUB16(new_target[i], EXTRACT16(PSHR32(tmp, 6)));
    err = inner_prod(new_target, new_target, nsf);

    return err;