Пример #1
 * SPI_registerDeviceEventListener:
 * @listener:  a pointer to the #AccessibleDeviceListener which requests
 *             the events.
 * @eventmask: an #AccessibleDeviceEventMask mask indicating which
 *             types of key events are requested (#SPI_KEY_PRESSED, etc.).
 * @filter: Unused parameter.
 * Register a listener for device events, for instance button events.
 * Returns: #TRUE if successful, otherwise #FALSE.
SPI_registerDeviceEventListener (AccessibleDeviceListener  *listener,
				 AccessibleDeviceEventMask  eventmask,
				 void                      *filter)
  SPIBoolean                          retval = FALSE;
  dbus_uint32_t event_types = 0;
  gint                                i;
  gchar *path = cspi_device_listener_get_path (listener);
  DBusError error;

  if (!listener)
      return retval;

  /* copy the event filter values from the C api into the CORBA KeyEventTypeSeq */
  if (eventmask & SPI_BUTTON_PRESSED)
      event_types |= (1 << Accessibility_BUTTON_PRESSED_EVENT);
  if (eventmask & SPI_BUTTON_RELEASED)
      event_types |= (1 << Accessibility_BUTTON_RELEASED_EVENT);

  dbus_error_init (&error);
    dbind_method_call_reentrant (SPI_bus(), spi_bus_registry, spi_path_dec, spi_interface_dec, "registerDeviceEventListener", &error, "ou=>b", path, event_types, &retval);
  g_free (path);
  return retval;
Пример #2
 * SPI_generateMouseEvent:
 * @x: a #long indicating the screen x coordinate of the mouse event.
 * @y: a #long indicating the screen y coordinate of the mouse event.
 * @name: a string indicating which mouse event to be synthesized
 *        (e.g. "b1p", "b1c", "b2r", "rel", "abs").
 * Synthesize a mouse event at a specific screen coordinate.
 * Most AT clients should use the #AccessibleAction interface when
 * tempted to generate mouse events, rather than this method.
 * Event names: b1p = button 1 press; b2r = button 2 release;
 *              b3c = button 3 click; b2d = button 2 double-click;
 *              abs = absolute motion; rel = relative motion.
 * Returns: #TRUE if successful, otherwise #FALSE.
SPI_generateMouseEvent (long x, long y, char *name)
  dbus_int32_t dbus_x = x, dbus__y = y;
  DBusError error;

  dbus_error_init (&error);
    dbind_method_call_reentrant (SPI_bus(), spi_bus_registry, spi_path_dec, spi_interface_dec, "generateMouseEvent", &error, "iis", x, y, name);
  return TRUE;
cspi_dbus_handle_deviceEvent (DBusConnection *bus, DBusMessage *message, void *data)
  const char *path = dbus_message_get_path (message);
  int id;
  Accessibility_DeviceEvent event;
    CSpiDeviceListener *listener;
  DBusMessageIter iter;
  CSpiDeviceListenerClass *klass;
  dbus_bool_t retval = FALSE;
  GList *l;
  DBusMessage *reply;
  void *p = &event;

  if (sscanf (path, "/org/freedesktop/atspi/listeners/%d", &id) != 1)
    g_warning ("Bad listener path: %s\n", path);
    goto done;
  for (l = device_listeners; l; l = g_list_next (l))
    listener = l->data;
    if (listener->id == id) break;
  if (!l)
    goto done;
  dbus_message_iter_init (message, &iter);
  dbind_any_demarshal (&iter, (char **) &deviceEvent_type, &p);
  klass = CSPI_DEVICE_LISTENER_GET_CLASS (listener);
  if (klass->device_event)
    retval = (*klass->device_event) (listener, &event);
  reply = dbus_message_new_method_return (message);
  if (reply)
    dbus_message_append_args (reply, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &retval, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
    dbus_connection_send (SPI_bus(), reply, NULL);
    dbus_message_unref (reply);
Пример #4
 * SPI_deregisterDeviceEventListener:
 * @listener: a pointer to the #AccessibleDeviceListener for which
 *            device events are requested.
 * @filter: Unused parameter.
 * Removes a device event listener from the registry's listener queue,
 *            ceasing notification of events of the specified type.
 * Returns: #TRUE if successful, otherwise #FALSE.
SPI_deregisterDeviceEventListener (AccessibleDeviceListener *listener,
				   void                     *filter)
  dbus_uint32_t event_types = 0;
  gchar *path = cspi_device_listener_get_path (listener);
  DBusError error;

  if (!listener)
      return FALSE;

  event_types |= (1 << Accessibility_BUTTON_PRESSED_EVENT);
  event_types |= (1 << Accessibility_BUTTON_RELEASED_EVENT);

  dbus_error_init (&error);
    dbind_method_call_reentrant (SPI_bus(), spi_bus_registry, spi_path_dec, spi_interface_dec, "deregisterDeviceEventListener", &error, "ou", path, event_types);
  g_free (path);
  return TRUE;
Пример #5
 * SPI_deregisterAccessibleKeystrokeListener:
 * @listener: a pointer to the #AccessibleKeystrokeListener for which
 *            keystroke events are requested.
 * @modmask:  the key modifier mask for which this listener is to be
 *            'deregistered' (of type #AccessibleeyMaskType).
 * Removes a keystroke event listener from the registry's listener queue,
 *            ceasing notification of events with modifiers matching @modmask.
 * Returns: #TRUE if successful, otherwise #FALSE.
SPI_deregisterAccessibleKeystrokeListener (AccessibleKeystrokeListener *listener,
					   AccessibleKeyMaskType        modmask)
  gchar *path = cspi_device_listener_get_path (listener);
  Accessibility_ControllerEventMask   controller_event_mask;
  GArray *key_set;
  dbus_uint32_t key_events = 0;
  DBusError error;

  if (!listener)
      return FALSE;

  controller_event_mask = (dbus_uint32_t) modmask;

      key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (Accessibility_KeyDefinition), 0);
    dbind_method_call_reentrant (SPI_bus(), spi_bus_registry, spi_path_dec, spi_interface_dec, "deregisterKeystrokeListener", &error, "oa(iisi)uu", path, &key_set, key_events, controller_event_mask);
  g_free (path);
  return TRUE;
Пример #6
 * SPI_generateKeyboardEvent:
 * @keyval: a long integer indicating the keycode or keysym of the key event
 *           being synthesized.
 * @keystring: an (optional) UTF-8 string which, if @keyval is NULL,
 *           indicates a 'composed' keyboard input string which is 
 *           being synthesized; this type of keyboard event synthesis does
 *           not emulate hardware keypresses but injects the string 
 *           as though a composing input method (such as XIM) were used.
 * @synth_type: a #AccessibleKeySynthType flag indicating whether @keyval
 *           is to be interpreted as a keysym rather than a keycode
 *           (CSPI_KEYSYM), or whether to synthesize
 * Synthesize a keyboard event (as if a hardware keyboard event occurred in the
 * current UI context).
 * Returns: #TRUE if successful, otherwise #FALSE.
SPI_generateKeyboardEvent (long int keyval,
			   char *keystring,
			   AccessibleKeySynthType synth_type)
  dbus_uint32_t keysynth_type;
  dbus_int32_t keycode = keyval;
  DBusError error;

  switch (synth_type)
      case SPI_KEY_PRESS:
	  keysynth_type = Accessibility_KEY_PRESS;
      case SPI_KEY_RELEASE:
	  keysynth_type = Accessibility_KEY_RELEASE;
	  keysynth_type = Accessibility_KEY_PRESSRELEASE;
      case SPI_KEY_SYM:
	  keysynth_type = Accessibility_KEY_SYM;
      case SPI_KEY_STRING:
	  keysynth_type = Accessibility_KEY_STRING;
          return FALSE;

  if (!keystring) keystring = "";
  dbus_error_init (&error);
    dbind_method_call_reentrant (SPI_bus(), spi_bus_registry, spi_path_dec, spi_interface_dec, "generateKeyboardEvent", &error, "isu", keycode, keystring, keysynth_type);

  return TRUE;
main (int argc, char **argv)
	int leaked, i;
	TestWindow *win;
	const char *modules;
	AccessibleEventListener *global_listener;

	modules = g_getenv ("GTK_MODULES");
	if (!modules || modules [0] == '\0')
		putenv ("GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge");
	modules = NULL;

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (!g_strcasecmp (argv [i], "--poke"))
			do_poke = TRUE;

	gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

	g_assert (!SPI_init ());
	g_assert (SPI_init ());
	g_assert (SPI_getDesktopCount () == 1);

	test_roles ();
	test_misc ();
	test_desktop ();
	test_keylisteners (); 

	win = create_test_window ();

	global_listener = SPI_createAccessibleEventListener (global_listener_cb, win);

	g_assert (SPI_registerGlobalEventListener (global_listener, "focus:"));

	fprintf (stderr, "Waiting for focus event ...\n");
	gtk_main ();

	g_assert (SPI_deregisterGlobalEventListenerAll (global_listener));
	AccessibleEventListener_unref (global_listener);

	test_window_destroy (win);

	/* Wait for any pending events from the registry */
	g_usleep (500*1000);
	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
		dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch (SPI_bus(), 5);

	if ((leaked = SPI_exit ()))
		g_error ("Leaked %d SPI handles", leaked);

	g_assert (!SPI_exit ());

	fprintf (stderr, "All tests passed\n");

	if (g_getenv ("_MEMPROF_SOCKET")) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Waiting for memprof\n");
		gtk_main ();

	putenv ("AT_BRIDGE_SHUTDOWN=1");

	return 0;
Пример #8
 * SPI_registerAccessibleKeystrokeListener:
 * @listener:  a pointer to the #AccessibleKeystrokeListener for which
 *             keystroke events are requested.
 * @keys:      a pointer to the #AccessibleKeySet indicating which
 *             keystroke events are requested, or #SPI_KEYSET_ALL_KEYS
 *             to indicate that all keycodes and keyvals for the specified
 *             modifier set are to be included.
 * @modmask:   an #AccessibleKeyMaskType mask indicating which
 *             key event modifiers must be set in combination with @keys,
 *             events will only be reported for key events for which all
 *             modifiers in @modmask are set.  If you wish to listen for
 *             events with multiple modifier combinations you must call
 *             registerAccessibleKeystrokeListener() once for each combination.
 * @eventmask: an #AccessibleKeyMaskType mask indicating which
 *             types of key events are requested (#SPI_KEY_PRESSED, etc.).
 * @sync_type: a #AccessibleKeyListenerSyncType parameter indicating
 *             the behavior of the notification/listener transaction.
 * Register a listener for keystroke events, either pre-emptively for
 *             all windows (SPI_KEYLISTENER_ALL_WINDOWS),
 *             non-preemptively (SPI_KEYLISTENER_NOSYNC), or
 *             pre-emptively at the toolkit level (SPI_KEYLISTENER_CANCONSUME).
 *             If ALL_WINDOWS or CANCONSUME are used, the event is consumed
 *             upon receipt if one of @listener's callbacks returns #TRUE.
 *             ( Other sync_type values may be available in the future )
 * Returns: #TRUE if successful, otherwise #FALSE.
SPI_registerAccessibleKeystrokeListener (AccessibleKeystrokeListener  *listener,
					 AccessibleKeySet             *keys,
					 AccessibleKeyMaskType         modmask,
					 AccessibleKeyEventMask        eventmask,
					 AccessibleKeyListenerSyncType sync_type)
  gchar *path = cspi_device_listener_get_path (listener);
  gint                                i;
  GArray *key_set;
  dbus_uint32_t key_events = 0;
  Accessibility_ControllerEventMask   controller_event_mask;
  Accessibility_EventListenerMode     listener_mode;
  DBusError error;
  SPIBoolean                          retval = FALSE;

  if (!listener)
      return retval;

  /* copy the keyval filter values from the C api into the DBind KeySet */
  if (keys)
      key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (Accessibility_KeyDefinition), keys->len);
      key_set->len = keys->len;
      for (i = 0; i < keys->len; ++i)
	  Accessibility_KeyDefinition *kd =  ((Accessibility_KeyDefinition *) key_set->data) + i;
          kd->keycode = keys->keycodes[i];
	  kd->keysym = keys->keysyms[i];
	  if (keys->keystrings && keys->keystrings[i])
	      kd->keystring = keys->keystrings[i];
	      kd->keystring = "";
      key_set = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (Accessibility_KeyDefinition), 0);
  /* copy the event filter values from the C api into the DBus key_events */
  if (eventmask & SPI_KEY_PRESSED)
      key_events |= (1 << Accessibility_KEY_PRESSED_EVENT);
  if (eventmask & SPI_KEY_RELEASED)
      key_events |= (1 << Accessibility_KEY_RELEASED_EVENT);
  controller_event_mask = (dbus_uint32_t) modmask;

  listener_mode.synchronous =
	  (dbus_bool_t) ((sync_type & SPI_KEYLISTENER_SYNCHRONOUS)!=0);
  listener_mode.preemptive =
	  (dbus_bool_t) ((sync_type & SPI_KEYLISTENER_CANCONSUME)!=0);
  listener_mode.global =
	  (dbus_bool_t) ((sync_type & SPI_KEYLISTENER_ALL_WINDOWS)!=0);

    dbus_error_init (&error);
    dbind_method_call_reentrant (SPI_bus(), spi_bus_registry, spi_path_dec, spi_interface_dec, "registerKeystrokeListener", &error, "oa(iisi)uu(bbb)=>b", path, key_set, controller_event_mask, key_events, &listener_mode, &retval);

  g_array_free (key_set, TRUE);
  g_free (path);

  return retval;