const char *COdbcConnection::ErrorString() { SQLCHAR state[6]; SQLINTEGER error; SQLSMALLINT size = 512,len; m_lasterrorString.resize((int)size); SQLCHAR *pmsg = (SQLCHAR*); if(m_lastrsError.size()) { strcpy((char*)pmsg,m_lastrsError.c_str()); pmsg+=m_lastrsError.size(); size-=(SQLSMALLINT)m_lastrsError.size(); m_lastrsError=""; } if(m_hDbc) { for(int i=1; SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, m_hDbc, i, state, &error, pmsg, size, &len)); i++) { size-=len; pmsg+=len; } } if(m_hEnv) { for(int i=1; SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, m_hEnv, i, state, &error, pmsg, size, &len)); i++) { size-=len; pmsg+=len; } } m_lasterrorString.resize(512-size); return m_lasterrorString.c_str(); }
static void odbc_Error(SQLSMALLINT type, void *obj, t_eventlog_level level, const char *function) { SQLCHAR mState[6] = "\0"; long native = 0; SQLSMALLINT mTextLen; short i = 0; while(SQLGetDiagRec(type, obj, ++i, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &mTextLen) != SQL_NO_DATA) { SQLCHAR *mText = xcalloc(sizeof *mText, ++mTextLen); SQLGetDiagRec(type, obj, i, mState, &native, mText, mTextLen, NULL); eventlog(level, function, "ODBC Error: State %s, Native %i: %s", mState, native, mText); xfree(mText); } }
void HandleDiagnosticRecord (SQLHANDLE hHandle, SQLSMALLINT hType, RETCODE RetCode) { SQLSMALLINT iRec = 0; SQLINTEGER iError; char message[1000]; char state[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE+1]; if (RetCode == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid handle!\n"); return; } while (SQLGetDiagRec(hType, hHandle, ++iRec, state, &iError, message, (SQLSMALLINT)(sizeof(message) / sizeof(WCHAR)), (SQLSMALLINT *)NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { // Hide data truncated.. if (strncmp(state, "01004", 5)) { fprintf(stderr, "[%5.5s] %s (%d)\n", state, message, iError); } } }
void odbc_report_error(const char *errmsg, int line, const char *file) { SQLSMALLINT handletype; SQLHANDLE handle; SQLRETURN ret; SQLTCHAR sqlstate[6]; SQLTCHAR msg[256]; ODBC_BUF *odbc_buf = NULL; if (odbc_stmt) { handletype = SQL_HANDLE_STMT; handle = odbc_stmt; } else if (odbc_conn) { handletype = SQL_HANDLE_DBC; handle = odbc_conn; } else { handletype = SQL_HANDLE_ENV; handle = odbc_env; } if (errmsg[0]) { if (line) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d %s\n", file, line, errmsg); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errmsg); } ret = SQLGetDiagRec(handletype, handle, 1, sqlstate, NULL, msg, ODBC_VECTOR_SIZE(msg), NULL); if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) fprintf(stderr, "SQL error %s -- %s\n", C(sqlstate), C(msg)); odbc_disconnect(); ODBC_FREE(); exit(1); }
static void prerr(SQLSMALLINT tpe, SQLHANDLE hnd, const char *func, const char *pref) { SQLCHAR state[6]; SQLINTEGER errnr; SQLCHAR msg[256]; SQLSMALLINT msglen; switch (SQLGetDiagRec(tpe, hnd, 1, state, &errnr, msg, sizeof(msg), &msglen)) { case SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO: if (msglen >= (signed int) sizeof(msg)) fprintf(stderr, "(message truncated)\n"); case SQL_SUCCESS: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: SQLstate %s, Errnr %d, Message %s\n", func, pref, (char*)state, (int)errnr, (char*)msg); break; case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s, invalid handle passed to error function\n", func, pref); break; case SQL_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s, unexpected error from SQLGetDiagRec\n", func, pref); break; case SQL_NO_DATA: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s, no error message from driver\n", func, pref); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s, weird return value from SQLGetDiagRec\n", func, pref); break; } }
void getDiag(SQLSMALLINT type, SQLHANDLE handle, unsigned k, unsigned count) { char message[MAX_MESSAGE]; char state[6]; SQLINTEGER native; SQLSMALLINT length = -1; memset(message, 0, MAX_MESSAGE); int ret = SQLGetDiagRec(type, handle, k, (SQLCHAR*)state, &native, (SQLCHAR*)message, MAX_MESSAGE, &length); if (ret == SQL_NO_DATA) { ndbout << "No error diagnostics available" << endl; return; } ndbout << message << endl; if (k <= count && ret != SQL_SUCCESS) ndbout_c("SQLGetDiagRec %d of %d: return %d != SQL_SUCCESS", k, count, (int)ret); if (k <= count && (SQLSMALLINT) strlen(message) != length) ndbout_c("SQLGetDiagRec %d of %d: message length %d != %d", k, count, strlen(message), length); if (k > count && ret != SQL_NO_DATA) ndbout_c("SQLGetDiagRec %d of %d: return %d != SQL_NO_DATA", k, count, (int)ret); }
void odbc_report_error(const char *errmsg, int line, const char *file) { SQLSMALLINT handletype; SQLHANDLE handle; SQLRETURN ret; unsigned char sqlstate[6]; unsigned char msg[256]; if (odbc_stmt) { handletype = SQL_HANDLE_STMT; handle = odbc_stmt; } else if (odbc_conn) { handletype = SQL_HANDLE_DBC; handle = odbc_conn; } else { handletype = SQL_HANDLE_ENV; handle = odbc_env; } if (errmsg[0]) { if (line) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d %s\n", file, line, errmsg); else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errmsg); } ret = SQLGetDiagRec(handletype, handle, 1, sqlstate, NULL, msg, sizeof(msg), NULL); if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) fprintf(stderr, "SQL error %s -- %s\n", sqlstate, msg); odbc_disconnect(); exit(1); }
static void run_statement(char *statement) { SQLRETURN ret; char errmsg[500]; SQLSMALLINT textlen; char sqlstate[20]; /* * Skip empty lines. The server would just ignore them too, but might as * well avoid the round-trip. */ if (statement[0] == '\0' || statement[0] == '\n') return; /* Skip comment lines too. */ if (statement[0] == '-' && statement[1] == '-') return; ret = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) statement, SQL_NTS); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { printf("Statement failed: %s\n", statement); ret = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, 1, sqlstate, NULL, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), &textlen); if (ret == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) printf("Invalid handle\n"); else if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) printf("%s=%s\n", sqlstate, errmsg); exit(1); } (void) SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE); }
static void connect_to_db(char *dsn) { SQLRETURN ret; char errmsg[500]; SQLSMALLINT textlen; char sqlstate[20]; SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, env, &conn); ret = SQLDriverConnect(conn, NULL, (SQLCHAR *) dsn, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { printf("connection to %s failed\n", dsn); ret = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn, 1, sqlstate, NULL, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), &textlen); if (ret == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) printf("Invalid handle\n"); else if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) printf("%s=%s\n", sqlstate, errmsg); exit(1); } printf("connected to %s\n", dsn); ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conn, &hstmt); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { printf("SQLAllocHandle failed\n"); exit(1); } }
bool SetError(int nResult, bool bFree = true) { if (!myErrRes && !SQL_SUCCEEDED(nResult)) { myErrBuf.Grow(1024); myErrState.Grow(6); SQLSMALLINT tlen = 0; if (!SQLGetDiagRec(myType, myHandle, 1, (SQLCHAR*) myErrState.GetBuffer(), &myErrCode, (SQLCHAR*) (myErrBuf.GetBuffer())+8, myErrBuf.Length()-8, &tlen)) { myErrBuf[0] = '('; memcpy(myErrBuf+1, (const char *)myErrState, 5); myErrBuf[6] = ')'; myErrBuf[7] = ' '; myErrBuf.Grow(min(tlen+8,myErrBuf.Length()-8)); myErrRes = nResult; } else { myErrState = "00000"; myErrBuf = "(00000) No error."; myErrRes = nResult; } if (bFree) { SQLFreeHandle(myType, myHandle); myHandle = 0; } return false; } return true; }
// Get an error of an ODBC handle bool __get_error(SQLSMALLINT _handle_type, SQLHANDLE _handle, _tstring & _error_desc, _tstring & _status_code) { SQLTCHAR status_code[64], error_message[511]; SQLINTEGER i_native_error = 0; SQLSMALLINT total_bytes = 0; RETCODE rc; // Ask for info rc = SQLGetDiagRec( _handle_type, _handle, 1, status_code, &i_native_error, error_message, sizeof(error_message), &total_bytes); if (TIODBC_SUCCESS_CODE(rc)) { _status_code = sqltchar2ybstring(status_code, ""); _error_desc = sqltchar2ybstring(error_message, ""); return true; } _error_desc = _T("Can't get error message"); _status_code = _T("UNKNOWN"); return false; }
// Allocate environment handle, allocate connection handle, // connect to data source, and allocate statement handle. bool direxec::sqlconn(FILE* file) { logFile = file; unsigned int timeout = 10; // seconds SQLAllocEnv(&henv); SQLAllocConnect(henv,&hdbc); SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, &timeout, 0); rc=SQLConnect(hdbc,chr_ds_name,SQL_NTS,NULL,0,NULL,0); // Deallocate handles, display error message, and exit. if (!MYSQLSUCCESS(rc)) { SQLCHAR SqlState[6]; SQLINTEGER NativeError; SQLSMALLINT MsgLen; SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc, 1, SqlState, &NativeError, (unsigned char *) szData, 2048, &MsgLen); SQLFreeEnv(henv); SQLFreeConnect(hdbc); fprintf(logFile, "! Error while connecting to database: %s\n", szData); errorstate = TRUE; return FALSE; } rc=SQLAllocStmt(hdbc,&hstmt); errorstate = FALSE; return TRUE; }
void print_diag(char *msg, SQLSMALLINT htype, SQLHANDLE handle) { char sqlstate[32]; char message[1000]; SQLINTEGER nativeerror; SQLSMALLINT textlen; SQLRETURN ret; SQLSMALLINT recno = 0; if (msg) printf("%s\n", msg); do { recno++; ret = SQLGetDiagRec(htype, handle, recno, sqlstate, &nativeerror, message, sizeof(message), &textlen); if (ret == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) printf("Invalid handle\n"); else if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) printf("%s=%s\n", sqlstate, message); } while (ret == SQL_SUCCESS); if (ret == SQL_NO_DATA && recno == 1) printf("No error information\n"); }
void extract_error( char *fn, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLSMALLINT type) { SQLINTEGER i = 0; SQLINTEGER native; SQLCHAR state[ 7 ]; SQLCHAR text[256]; SQLSMALLINT len; SQLRETURN ret; fprintf(stderr, "\n" "The driver reported the following diagnostics whilst running " "%s\n\n", fn); do { ret = SQLGetDiagRec(type, handle, ++i, state, &native, text, sizeof(text), &len ); if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) printf("%s:%ld:%ld:%s\n", state, i, native, text); } while( ret == SQL_SUCCESS ); }
/** * When SQLExecute returns either SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, * an associated SQLSTATE value can be obtained by calling SQLGetDiagRec * with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_STMT and a Handle of StatementHandle. */ static SQLINTEGER print_error_message(SQLSMALLINT hType, SQLHANDLE handle) { int i; SQLINTEGER ndiag=0; SQLRETURN ret; SQLCHAR state[6]; SQLINTEGER error, maxerror=0; SQLCHAR text[1024]; SQLSMALLINT len; ret = SQLGetDiagField(hType, handle, 0, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER, &ndiag, sizeof(ndiag), NULL); assert(ret == SQL_SUCCESS); for(i=1; i <= ndiag; i++) { memset(text, '\0', sizeof(text)); ret = SQLGetDiagRec(hType, handle, i, state, &error, text, sizeof(text), &len); if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS && error == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "\"%s\"\n", text); continue; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: error %d: %s: %s\n", options.appname, (int)error, state, text); assert(ret == SQL_SUCCESS); if (error > maxerror) maxerror = error; } return maxerror; }
int db__driver_execute_immediate(dbString * sql) { char *s, msg[OD_MSG]; cursor *c; SQLRETURN ret; SQLINTEGER err; s = db_get_string(sql); /* allocate cursor */ c = alloc_cursor(); if (c == NULL) return DB_FAILED; ret = SQLExecDirect(c->stmt, s, SQL_NTS); if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, c->stmt, 1, NULL, &err, msg, sizeof(msg), NULL); db_d_append_error("SQLExecDirect():\n%s\n%s (%d)\n", s, msg, (int)err); db_d_report_error(); return DB_FAILED; } free_cursor(c); return DB_OK; }
void displayError (SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE handle) { SQLSMALLINT recNumber = 1; UCHAR sqlstate[10]; UCHAR errmsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; SDWORD nativeerr; SWORD actualmsglen; RETCODE rc; loop: rc = SQLGetDiagRec(handleType, handle, recNumber, sqlstate, &nativeerr, errmsg, strlen(errmsg), &actualmsglen); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf ("SQLGetDiagRec failed!\n"); getchar(); return; } if (rc != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) { printf ("SQLSTATE = %s\n",sqlstate); printf ("NATIVE ERROR = %d\n",nativeerr); errmsg[actualmsglen] = '\0'; printf ("MSG = %s\n\n",errmsg); recNumber++; goto loop; } }
SQLRETURN unixodbc_backend_debug::do_get_diagnostic_record(SQLSMALLINT handle_type, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLSMALLINT record_id, SQLCHAR * status_code_ptr, SQLINTEGER * native_error_ptr, SQLCHAR * message_text, SQLSMALLINT buffer_length, SQLSMALLINT * text_length_ptr) const { std::cout << " *DEBUG* get_diagnostic_record (handle_type = " << handle_type << ")"; auto const return_code = SQLGetDiagRec(handle_type, handle, record_id, status_code_ptr, native_error_ptr, message_text, buffer_length, text_length_ptr); std::cout << " (return code " << return_code << ")" << std::endl; return return_code; }
void HandleDiagnosticRecord(SQLHANDLE hHandle, SQLSMALLINT hType, RETCODE RetCode) { SQLSMALLINT iRec = 0; SQLINTEGER iError; SQLCHAR wszMessage[1000]; SQLCHAR wszState[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1]; if (RetCode == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { fwprintf(stderr, L"Invalid handle!\n"); return; } while (SQLGetDiagRec(hType, hHandle, ++iRec, wszState, &iError, wszMessage, (SQLSMALLINT)(sizeof(wszMessage) / sizeof(WCHAR)), (SQLSMALLINT *)NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { // Hide data truncated.. WCHAR state[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1]; //mbtowc(state, wszState, sizeof(wszState)); if (wcsncmp(state, L"01004", 5)) { fwprintf(stderr, L"[%5.5s] %s (%d)\n", wszState, wszMessage, iError); } } }
int dump_sql_error(SQLRETURN retcode, SQLSMALLINT type, SQLHANDLE hsql, unsigned int statflag) { SQLCHAR SqlState[6], Msg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; SQLINTEGER error; SQLSMALLINT len; SQLRETURN rc; if (statflag > 0) printf("err\n"); rc = SQLGetDiagRec(type, hsql, 1, SqlState, &error, Msg, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, &len); if (rc != SQL_NO_DATA) { if (len >= SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { Msg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = '\0'; } else { Msg[len] = '\0'; } fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %d -- %s\n%s\n", error, SqlState, Msg); } else { fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %d\n", retcode); } close_handles(); return 1; }
void HandleError(SQLHANDLE hHandle, SQLSMALLINT hType, RETCODE RetCode) { fprintf(stderr, "in handle error %i %i\n", RetCode, hType); SQLSMALLINT iRec = 0; SQLINTEGER iError; TCHAR szMessage[1000]; TCHAR szState[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE]; if (RetCode == SQL_INVALID_HANDLE) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid handle!\n"); return; } while (SQLGetDiagRec(hType, hHandle, ++iRec, (SQLCHAR*)szState, &iError, (SQLCHAR*)szMessage, (SQLSMALLINT)(sizeof(szMessage) / sizeof(TCHAR)), (SQLSMALLINT *)NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { // Hide data truncated.. if (_tcsncmp(szState, TEXT("01004"), 5)) _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("[%5.5s ] %s (%ld)\n"), szState, szMessage, iError); } }
void extract_error( char *fn, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLSMALLINT type, char* stret) { SQLINTEGER i = 0; SQLINTEGER native; SQLCHAR state[ 7 ]; SQLCHAR text[256]; SQLSMALLINT len; SQLRETURN ret; do { ret = SQLGetDiagRec(type, handle, ++i, state, &native, text, sizeof(text), &len ); if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) { LM_ERR("unixodbc:%s=%s:%ld:%ld:%s\n", fn, state, (long)i, (long)native, text); if(stret) strcpy( stret, (char*)state ); } } while( ret == SQL_SUCCESS ); }
/** * Check if query was executed * * @param chan R ODBC handle * @retval 0 if query not executed, 1 if query executed, -1 on error */ SEXP RODBCQueryStatus(SEXP chan){ pRODBCHandle thisHandle = R_ExternalPtrAddr(chan); SQLRETURN res = 0; SQLINTEGER len; SQLCHAR sqlState[6]; SQLINTEGER nativeError; SQLSMALLINT msgLen; res = SQLGetStmtAttr(thisHandle->hStmt, SQL_ATTR_ROW_NUMBER, NULL, 0, &len); if(res != SQL_SUCCESS && res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO){ /* get the error code */ res = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, thisHandle->hStmt, 1, sqlState, &nativeError, NULL, 0, &msgLen); if(res != SQL_SUCCESS && res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO){ return ScalarInteger(-1); } /* check if it is an INVALID CURSOR STATE error */ if(strncmp((const char *)sqlState, "24000", 5) == 0){ return ScalarInteger(0); } /* check if it is an NOT POSITIONED ON A VALID ROW error */ if(strncmp((const char *)sqlState, "07005", 5) == 0){ return ScalarInteger(1); } warning(_("SQL error code: %s"), sqlState); return ScalarInteger(-1); } return ScalarInteger(1); }
int dbd_db2_statement_create(lua_State *L, connection_t *conn, const char *sql_query) { SQLRETURN rc = SQL_SUCCESS; statement_t *statement = NULL; SQLHANDLE stmt; SQLCHAR message[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1]; SQLCHAR sqlstate[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE + 1]; SQLINTEGER sqlcode; SQLSMALLINT length; rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, conn->db2, &stmt); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, conn->db2, 1, sqlstate, &sqlcode, message, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &length); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, DBI_ERR_ALLOC_STATEMENT, message); return 2; } /* * turn off deferred prepare * statements will be sent to the server at prepare time, * and therefore we can catch errors now rather * than at execute time */ rc = SQLSetStmtAttr(stmt,SQL_ATTR_DEFERRED_PREPARE,(SQLPOINTER)SQL_DEFERRED_PREPARE_OFF,0); rc = SQLPrepare(stmt, (SQLCHAR *)sql_query, SQL_NTS); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt, 1, sqlstate, &sqlcode, message, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &length); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushfstring(L, DBI_ERR_PREP_STATEMENT, message); return 2; } statement = (statement_t *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(statement_t)); statement->stmt = stmt; statement->db2 = conn->db2; statement->resultset = NULL; statement->bind = NULL; luaL_getmetatable(L, DBD_DB2_STATEMENT); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); return 1; }
static void acf_odbc_error(SQLHSTMT stmt, int res) { char state[10] = "", diagnostic[256] = ""; SQLINTEGER nativeerror = 0; SQLSMALLINT diagbytes = 0; SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt, 1, state, &nativeerror, diagnostic, sizeof(diagnostic), &diagbytes); ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SQL return value %d: error %s: %s (len %d)\n", res, state, diagnostic, diagbytes); }
/** * Displays error message and prepare for program exit. */ int barf(SQLHENV c, char* failMsg) { char sqlhmsg[200], sqlhstat[10]; SQLSMALLINT junksmall; SQLINTEGER errint; SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, c, 1, sqlhstat, &errint, sqlhmsg, 100, &junksmall); return print2_ret(failMsg, sqlhmsg, 1); }
// 연결 핸들을 할당하고 연결한 후 명령핸들까지 같이 할당한다. // Type=1:ConStr은 MDB 파일의 경로를 가진다. 경로 생략시 현재 디렉토리에서 MDB를 찾는다. // Type=2:ConStr은 SQL 서버의 연결 정보를 가지는 DSN 파일의 경로를 가진다. // 경로는 반드시 완전 경로로 지정해야 한다. // Type=3:SQLConnect 함수로 DSN에 직접 연결한다. // 연결 또는 명령 핸들 할당에 실패하면 FALSE를 리턴한다. BOOL CQuery::Connect(int Type, char *ConStr, char *UID, char *PWD) { SQLCHAR InCon[255]; SQLCHAR OutCon[255]; SQLSMALLINT cbOutCon; int ii=1; SQLRETURN Ret; SQLINTEGER NativeError; SQLCHAR SqlState[6], Msg[255]; SQLSMALLINT MsgLen; char str[256]; m_Type = Type; strcpy(m_szConnect, ConStr); strcpy(m_Id, UID); strcpy(m_Pass, PWD); // 연결 타입에 따라 MDB 또는 SQL 서버, 또는 DSN에 연결한다. SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,hEnv,&hDbc); switch (Type) { case 1: wsprintf((char *)InCon,"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=%s;",ConStr); ret=SQLDriverConnect(hDbc,NULL,(SQLCHAR *)InCon,sizeof(InCon),OutCon, sizeof(OutCon),&cbOutCon, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT); break; case 2: wsprintf((char *)InCon, "FileDsn=%s",ConStr); ret=SQLDriverConnect(hDbc,NULL,(SQLCHAR *)InCon,sizeof(InCon),OutCon, sizeof(OutCon),&cbOutCon, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT); break; case 3: ret=SQLConnect(hDbc,(SQLCHAR *)ConStr,SQL_NTS,(SQLCHAR *)UID,SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *)PWD,SQL_NTS); break; } // 접속 에러시 진단 정보를 보여준다. if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { while (Ret=SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDbc, ii, SqlState, &NativeError, Msg, sizeof(Msg), &MsgLen)!=SQL_NO_DATA) { wsprintf(str, "(1) SQLSTATE:%s, Diagnosis:%s",(LPCTSTR)SqlState,(LPCTSTR)Msg); //::MessageBox(NULL,str,"진단 정보",0); gWindow.PrintLog(str); ii++; } return FALSE; } // 명령 핸들을 할당한다. ret=SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hDbc,&hStmt); if ((ret != SQL_SUCCESS) && (ret != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) { hStmt=0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static void ReadError(void) { if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, Statement, 1, NULL, NULL, output, sizeof(output), NULL))) { printf("SQLGetDiagRec should not fail\n"); exit(1); } printf("Message: %s\n", output); }
ZBX_ODBC_ROW odbc_DBfetch(ZBX_ODBC_RESULT pdbh) { SQLCHAR err_stat[10], err_msg[100]; SQLINTEGER err_int; SQLSMALLINT err_msg_len; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLSMALLINT i; if(pdbh == NULL) return NULL; clean_odbc_strerror(); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ODBC fetch"); retcode = SQLFetch(pdbh->hstmt); if (retcode == SQL_ERROR) goto lbl_err_exit; if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS && retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) { zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "odbc_DBfetch [end of rows received]"); return NULL; } for(i=0; i < pdbh->col_num; i++) { rtrim_spaces(pdbh->row_data[i]); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Featched [%i col]: %s", i, pdbh->row_data[i]); } return pdbh->row_data; lbl_err_exit: SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, pdbh->hstmt, 1, err_stat, &err_int, err_msg, sizeof(err_msg), &err_msg_len ); set_last_odbc_strerror("Failed data fetching [%s] (%d)", err_msg, err_int); zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "%s", get_last_odbc_strerror()); return NULL; }
char* COdbcDS::GetLastError() { SQLCHAR MsgTxt[300] = ""; SQLSMALLINT MsgLen; SQLRETURN retVal = SQL_SUCCESS; int icount = 1; char* msg = NULL; int length = 0; retVal = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, m_henv, icount++, NULL, NULL, MsgTxt, sizeof(MsgTxt), &MsgLen); while(retVal == SQL_SUCCESS) { length = strlen((const char*)MsgTxt); // New message if (msg == NULL) { msg = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (length + 1)); strcpy(msg, (const char*)MsgTxt); } // Append to message else { int length2 = strlen((const char*)msg); // include room for null and new line. char* tmp = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (length + length2 + 2)); strcpy(tmp, msg); strcat(tmp, "\n"); strcat(tmp, (const char*)MsgTxt); free(msg); msg = tmp; } retVal = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, m_henv, icount++, NULL, NULL, MsgTxt, sizeof(MsgTxt), &MsgLen); } return msg; }