Пример #1
TYPE *STARPU_PLU(reconstruct_matrix)(unsigned size, unsigned nblocks)
//	fprintf(stderr, "RECONSTRUCT MATRIX size %d nblocks %d\n", size, nblocks);

	TYPE *bigmatrix = calloc(size*size, sizeof(TYPE));

	unsigned block_size = size/nblocks;

	int rank;
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

	unsigned bi, bj;
	for (bj = 0; bj < nblocks; bj++)
	for (bi = 0; bi < nblocks; bi++)
		TYPE *block;

		int block_rank = get_block_rank(bi, bj);
		if (block_rank == 0)
			block = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(bi, bj);
		else {
			MPI_Status status;

			if (rank == 0)
				block = calloc(block_size*block_size, sizeof(TYPE));

				int ret = MPI_Recv(block, block_size*block_size, MPI_TYPE, block_rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
			else if (rank == block_rank) {
				block = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(bi, bj);
				int ret = MPI_Send(block, block_size*block_size, MPI_TYPE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		if (rank == 0)
			unsigned j, i;
			for (j = 0; j < block_size; j++)
			for (i = 0; i < block_size; i++)
				bigmatrix[(j + bj*block_size)+(i+bi*block_size)*size] =

			if (get_block_rank(bi, bj) != 0)

	return bigmatrix;
Пример #2
static STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block_upper)(unsigned size, unsigned nblocks,
				 TYPE *block_data, TYPE *sub_x, TYPE *sub_y)
	unsigned block_size = size/nblocks;

	/* Take a copy of the upper part of the diagonal block */
	TYPE *upper_block_copy = calloc((block_size)*(block_size), sizeof(TYPE));
	STARPU_PLU(extract_upper)(block_size, block_data, upper_block_copy);
	STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block)(block_size, upper_block_copy, sub_x, sub_y);
Пример #3
/* x and y must be valid (at least) on 0 */
void STARPU_PLU(compute_ax)(unsigned size, TYPE *x, TYPE *y, unsigned nblocks, int rank)
	unsigned block_size = size/nblocks;

	/* Send x to everyone */
	int bcst_ret;
	bcst_ret = MPI_Bcast(&x, size, MPI_TYPE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	/* Create temporary buffers where all MPI processes are going to
	 * compute Ai x = yi where Ai is the matrix containing the blocks of A
	 * affected to process i, and 0 everywhere else. We then have y as the
	 * sum of all yi. */
	TYPE *yi = calloc(size, sizeof(TYPE));

	/* Compute Aix = yi */
	unsigned long i,j;
	for (j = 0; j < nblocks; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
			if (get_block_rank(i, j) == rank)
				/* That block belongs to the current MPI process */
				TYPE *block_data = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(i, j);
				TYPE *sub_x = &x[i*block_size];
				TYPE *sub_yi = &yi[j*block_size];

				STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block)(block_size, block_data, sub_x, sub_yi);

	/* Compute the Sum of all yi = y */
	MPI_Reduce(yi, y, size, MPI_TYPE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	fprintf(stderr, "RANK %d - FOO 1 y[0] %f\n", rank, y[0]);

Пример #4
static void display_grid(int rank, unsigned pnblocks)
	if (!display)

	//if (rank == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "2D grid layout (Rank %d): \n", rank);

		unsigned i, j;
		for (j = 0; j < pnblocks; j++)
			for (i = 0; i < pnblocks; i++)
				TYPE *blockptr = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(i, j);
				starpu_data_handle_t handle = STARPU_PLU(get_block_handle)(i, j);

				fprintf(stderr, "%d (data %p handle %p)", get_block_rank(i, j), blockptr, handle);
			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Пример #5
void STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(TYPE *data, unsigned blocksize)
	if (!STARPU_PLU(display_flag)())

	fprintf(stderr, "DISPLAY BLOCK\n");

	unsigned i, j;
	for (j = 0; j < blocksize; j++)
		for (i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
			fprintf(stderr, "%f ", data[j+i*blocksize]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	fprintf(stderr, "****\n");
Пример #6
void STARPU_PLU(compute_lu_matrix)(unsigned size, unsigned nblocks, TYPE *Asaved)
	TYPE *all_r = STARPU_PLU(reconstruct_matrix)(size, nblocks);

	unsigned display = STARPU_PLU(display_flag)();

	int rank;
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

	if (rank == 0)
	        TYPE *L = malloc((size_t)size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        TYPE *U = malloc((size_t)size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        memset(L, 0, size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        memset(U, 0, size*size*sizeof(TYPE));
	        /* only keep the lower part */
		unsigned i, j;
	        for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
	                for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
	                        L[j+i*size] = all_r[j+i*size];
	                /* diag i = j */
	                L[j+j*size] = all_r[j+j*size];
	                U[j+j*size] = 1.0;
	                for (i = j+1; i < size; i++)
	                        U[j+i*size] = all_r[j+i*size];
		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(L, size);
		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(U, size);
	        /* now A_err = L, compute L*U */
	        CPU_TRMM("R", "U", "N", "U", size, size, 1.0f, U, size, L, size);
		if (display)
			fprintf(stderr, "\nLU\n");

		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(L, size);
	        /* compute "LU - A" in L*/
	        CPU_AXPY(size*size, -1.0, Asaved, 1, L, 1);
	        TYPE err = CPU_ASUM(size*size, L, 1);
	        int max = CPU_IAMAX(size*size, L, 1);
		if (display)
			fprintf(stderr, "DISPLAY ERROR\n");

		STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(L, size);
	        fprintf(stderr, "(A - LU) Avg error : %e\n", err/(size*size));
	        fprintf(stderr, "(A - LU) Max error : %e\n", L[max]);
		double residual = frobenius_norm(L, size);
		double matnorm = frobenius_norm(Asaved, size);
		fprintf(stderr, "||A-LU|| / (||A||*N) : %e\n", residual/(matnorm*size));
Пример #7
void STARPU_PLU(compute_lux)(unsigned size, TYPE *x, TYPE *y, unsigned nblocks, int rank)
	/* Create temporary buffers where all MPI processes are going to
	 * compute Ui x = yi where Ai is the matrix containing the blocks of U
	 * affected to process i, and 0 everywhere else. We then have y as the
	 * sum of all yi. */
	TYPE *yi = calloc(size, sizeof(TYPE));

	fprintf(stderr, "Compute LU\n");

	unsigned block_size = size/nblocks;

	/* Compute UiX = Yi */
	unsigned long i,j;
	for (j = 0; j < nblocks; j++)
		if (get_block_rank(j, j) == rank)
			TYPE *block_data = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(j, j);
			TYPE *sub_x = &x[j*(block_size)];
			TYPE *sub_yi = &yi[j*(block_size)];

			STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block_upper)(size, nblocks, block_data, sub_x, sub_yi);

		for (i = j + 1; i < nblocks; i++)
			if (get_block_rank(i, j) == rank)
				/* That block belongs to the current MPI process */
				TYPE *block_data = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(i, j);
				TYPE *sub_x = &x[i*(block_size)];
				TYPE *sub_yi = &yi[j*(block_size)];

				STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block)(size/nblocks, block_data, sub_x, sub_yi);

	/* Grab Sum Yi in X */
	MPI_Reduce(yi, x, size, MPI_TYPE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	memset(yi, 0, size*sizeof(TYPE));

	unsigned ind;
//	if (rank == 0)
//	{
//		fprintf(stderr, "INTERMEDIATE\n");
//		for (ind = 0; ind < STARPU_MIN(10, size); ind++)
//		{
//			fprintf(stderr, "x[%d] = %f\n", ind, (float)x[ind]);
//		}
//		fprintf(stderr, "****\n");
//	}

	/* Everyone needs x */
	int bcst_ret;
	bcst_ret = MPI_Bcast(&x, size, MPI_TYPE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	/* Compute LiX = Yi (with X = UX) */
	for (j = 0; j < nblocks; j++)
		if (j > 0)
		for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
			if (get_block_rank(i, j) == rank)
				/* That block belongs to the current MPI process */
				TYPE *block_data = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(i, j);
				TYPE *sub_x = &x[i*(block_size)];
				TYPE *sub_yi = &yi[j*(block_size)];

				STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block)(size/nblocks, block_data, sub_x, sub_yi);

		if (get_block_rank(j, j) == rank)
			TYPE *block_data = STARPU_PLU(get_block)(j, j);
			TYPE *sub_x = &x[j*(block_size)];
			TYPE *sub_yi = &yi[j*(block_size)];

			STARPU_PLU(compute_ax_block_lower)(size, nblocks, block_data, sub_x, sub_yi);

	/* Grab Sum Yi in Y */
	MPI_Reduce(yi, y, size, MPI_TYPE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Пример #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int rank;
	int world_size;

	 *	Initialization
	int thread_support;
	if (MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, &thread_support) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr,"MPI_Init_thread failed\n");
	if (thread_support == MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED)
		fprintf(stderr,"Warning: MPI only has funneled thread support, not serialized, hoping this will work\n");
	if (thread_support < MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED)
		fprintf(stderr,"Warning: MPI does not have thread support!\n");

	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);

	starpu_srand48((long int)time(NULL));

	parse_args(rank, argc, argv);

	int ret = starpu_init(NULL);
	STARPU_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(ret, "starpu_init");

	/* We disable sequential consistency in this example */

	starpu_mpi_init(NULL, NULL, 0);

	STARPU_ASSERT(p*q == world_size);


	int barrier_ret = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	 * 	Problem Init


	fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d: allocated (%d + %d) MB = %d MB\n", rank,

	display_grid(rank, nblocks);

	TYPE *a_r = NULL;
//	STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(a_r, size);

	TYPE *x, *y;

	if (check)
		x = calloc(size, sizeof(TYPE));

		y = calloc(size, sizeof(TYPE));

		if (rank == 0)
			unsigned ind;
			for (ind = 0; ind < size; ind++)
				x[ind] = (TYPE)starpu_drand48();

		a_r = STARPU_PLU(reconstruct_matrix)(size, nblocks);

		if (rank == 0)
			STARPU_PLU(display_data_content)(a_r, size);

//		STARPU_PLU(compute_ax)(size, x, y, nblocks, rank);

	barrier_ret = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	double timing = STARPU_PLU(plu_main)(nblocks, rank, world_size);

	 * 	Report performance

	int reduce_ret;
	double min_timing = timing;
	double max_timing = timing;
	double sum_timing = timing;

	reduce_ret = MPI_Reduce(&timing, &min_timing, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	reduce_ret = MPI_Reduce(&timing, &max_timing, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	reduce_ret = MPI_Reduce(&timing, &sum_timing, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	if (rank == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Computation took: %f ms\n", max_timing/1000);
		fprintf(stderr, "\tMIN : %f ms\n", min_timing/1000);
		fprintf(stderr, "\tMAX : %f ms\n", max_timing/1000);
		fprintf(stderr, "\tAVG : %f ms\n", sum_timing/(world_size*1000));

		unsigned n = size;
		double flop = (2.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;
		fprintf(stderr, "Synthetic GFlops : %2.2f\n", (flop/max_timing/1000.0f));

	 *	Test Result Correctness

	if (check)
		 *	Compute || A - LU ||

		STARPU_PLU(compute_lu_matrix)(size, nblocks, a_r);

#if 0
		 *	Compute || Ax - LUx ||

		unsigned ind;

		y2 = calloc(size, sizeof(TYPE));

		if (rank == 0)
			for (ind = 0; ind < size; ind++)
				y2[ind] = (TYPE)0.0;

		STARPU_PLU(compute_lux)(size, x, y2, nblocks, rank);

		/* Compute y2 = y2 - y */
		CPU_AXPY(size, -1.0, y, 1, y2, 1);

		TYPE err = CPU_ASUM(size, y2, 1);
		int max = CPU_IAMAX(size, y2, 1);

		fprintf(stderr, "(A - LU)X Avg error : %e\n", err/(size*size));
		fprintf(stderr, "(A - LU)X Max error : %e\n", y2[max]);

	 * 	Termination

	barrier_ret = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);


#if 0

	return 0;