Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int rcRet = 0;
    int i;
    int rc;
    int cIterations = argc > 1 ? RTStrToUInt32(argv[1]) : 32;
    if (cIterations == 0)
        cIterations = 64;

     * Init.
    RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
    rc = SUPR3Init(&pSession);
    rcRet += rc != 0;
    RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3Init -> rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
    char szFile[RTPATH_MAX];
    if (!rc)
        rc = RTPathExecDir(szFile, sizeof(szFile) - sizeof("/VMMR0.r0"));
    char szAbsFile[RTPATH_MAX];
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        strcat(szFile, "/VMMR0.r0");
        rc = RTPathAbs(szFile, szAbsFile, sizeof(szAbsFile));
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
         * Load VMM code.
        rc = SUPR3LoadVMM(szAbsFile);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
             * Create a fake 'VM'.
            PVMR0 pVMR0 = NIL_RTR0PTR;
            PVM pVM = NULL;
            const unsigned cPages = RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(*pVM), PAGE_SIZE) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
            PSUPPAGE paPages = (PSUPPAGE)RTMemAllocZ(cPages * sizeof(SUPPAGE));
            if (paPages)
                rc = SUPR3LowAlloc(cPages, (void **)&pVM, &pVMR0, &paPages[0]);
                rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                pVM->pVMRC = 0;
                pVM->pVMR3 = pVM;
                pVM->pVMR0 = pVMR0;
                pVM->paVMPagesR3 = paPages;
                pVM->pSession = pSession;
                pVM->enmVMState = VMSTATE_CREATED;

                rc = SUPR3SetVMForFastIOCtl(pVMR0);
                if (!rc)

                     * Call VMM code with invalid function.
                    for (i = cIterations; i > 0; i--)
                        rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0(pVMR0, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_SLOW_NOP, NULL);
                        if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS)
                            RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3CallVMMR0 -> rc=%Rrc i=%d Expected VINF_SUCCESS!\n", rc, i);
                    RTPrintf("tstInt: Performed SUPR3CallVMMR0 %d times (rc=%Rrc)\n", cIterations, rc);

                     * The fast path.
                    if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS)
                        uint64_t StartTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
                        uint64_t StartTick = ASMReadTSC();
                        uint64_t MinTicks = UINT64_MAX;
                        for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                            uint64_t OneStartTick = ASMReadTSC();
                            rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Fast(pVMR0, VMMR0_DO_NOP, 0);
                            uint64_t Ticks = ASMReadTSC() - OneStartTick;
                            if (Ticks < MinTicks)
                                MinTicks = Ticks;

                            if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS))
                                RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3CallVMMR0Fast -> rc=%Rrc i=%d Expected VINF_SUCCESS!\n", rc, i);
                        uint64_t Ticks = ASMReadTSC() - StartTick;
                        uint64_t NanoSecs = RTTimeNanoTS() - StartTS;

                        RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3CallVMMR0Fast - %d iterations in %llu ns / %llu ticks. %llu ns / %#llu ticks per iteration. Min %llu ticks.\n",
                                 i, NanoSecs, Ticks, NanoSecs / i, Ticks / i, MinTicks);

                         * The ordinary path.
                        StartTS = RTTimeNanoTS();
                        StartTick = ASMReadTSC();
                        MinTicks = UINT64_MAX;
                        for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                            uint64_t OneStartTick = ASMReadTSC();
                            rc = SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex(pVMR0, NIL_VMCPUID, VMMR0_DO_SLOW_NOP, 0, NULL);
                            uint64_t OneTicks = ASMReadTSC() - OneStartTick;
                            if (OneTicks < MinTicks)
                                MinTicks = OneTicks;

                            if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS))
                                RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex -> rc=%Rrc i=%d Expected VINF_SUCCESS!\n", rc, i);
                        Ticks = ASMReadTSC() - StartTick;
                        NanoSecs = RTTimeNanoTS() - StartTS;

                        RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3CallVMMR0Ex   - %d iterations in %llu ns / %llu ticks. %llu ns / %#llu ticks per iteration. Min %llu ticks.\n",
                                 i, NanoSecs, Ticks, NanoSecs / i, Ticks / i, MinTicks);
                    RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3SetVMForFastIOCtl failed: %Rrc\n", rc);
                RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3ContAlloc(%#zx,,) failed\n", sizeof(*pVM));

             * Unload VMM.
            rc = SUPR3UnloadVMM();
            if (rc)
                RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3UnloadVMM failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
            RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3LoadVMM failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc);

         * Terminate.
        rc = SUPR3Term(false /*fForced*/);
        rcRet += rc != 0;
        RTPrintf("tstInt: SUPR3Term -> rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
Пример #2
 * Allocates a page from the page pool.
 * @returns Pointer to allocated page(s).
 * @returns NULL on failure.
 * @param   pPool   Pointer to the page pool.
 * @thread  The Emulation Thread.
DECLINLINE(void *) mmR3PagePoolAlloc(PMMPAGEPOOL pPool)

     * Walk free list.
    if (pPool->pHeadFree)
        PMMPAGESUBPOOL  pSub = pPool->pHeadFree;
        /* decrement free count and unlink if no more free entries. */
        if (!--pSub->cPagesFree)
            pPool->pHeadFree = pSub->pNextFree;

        /* find free spot in bitmap. */
        const int iPage = ASMBitFirstClear(pSub->auBitmap, pSub->cPages);
        if (iPage >= 0)
            Assert(!ASMBitTest(pSub->auBitmap, iPage));
            ASMBitSet(pSub->auBitmap, iPage);
            return (uint8_t *)pSub->pvPages + PAGE_SIZE * iPage;
        unsigned   *pu = &pSub->auBitmap[0];
        unsigned   *puEnd = &pSub->auBitmap[pSub->cPages / (sizeof(pSub->auBitmap) * 8)];
        while (pu < puEnd)
            unsigned u;
            if ((u = *pu) != ~0U)
                unsigned iBit = 0;
                unsigned uMask = 1;
                while (iBit < sizeof(pSub->auBitmap[0]) * 8)
                    if (!(u & uMask))
                        *pu |= uMask;
                        return (uint8_t *)pSub->pvPages
                            + PAGE_SIZE * (iBit + ((uint8_t *)pu - (uint8_t *)&pSub->auBitmap[0]) * 8);
                    uMask <<= 1;
                AssertMsgFailed(("how odd, expected to find a free bit in %#x, but didn't\n", u));
            /* next */
        AssertMsgFailed(("how strange, expected to find a free bit in %p, but didn't (%d pages supposed to be free!)\n", pSub, pSub->cPagesFree + 1));

     * Allocate new subpool.
    unsigned        cPages = !pPool->fLow ? 128 : 32;
    int rc = MMHyperAlloc(pPool->pVM,
                          RT_OFFSETOF(MMPAGESUBPOOL, auBitmap[cPages / (sizeof(pSub->auBitmap[0]) * 8)])
                          + (sizeof(SUPPAGE) + sizeof(MMPPLOOKUPHCPHYS)) * cPages
                          + sizeof(MMPPLOOKUPHCPTR),
                          (void **)&pSub);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return NULL;

    PSUPPAGE paPhysPages = (PSUPPAGE)&pSub->auBitmap[cPages / (sizeof(pSub->auBitmap[0]) * 8)];
    Assert((uintptr_t)paPhysPages >= (uintptr_t)&pSub->auBitmap[1]);
    if (!pPool->fLow)
        rc = SUPR3PageAllocEx(cPages,
                              0 /* fFlags */,
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            rc = VMSetError(pPool->pVM, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                            N_("Failed to lock host %zd bytes of memory (out of memory)"), (size_t)cPages << PAGE_SHIFT);
        rc = SUPR3LowAlloc(cPages, &pSub->pvPages, NULL, paPhysPages);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
         * Setup the sub structure and allocate the requested page.
        pSub->cPages    = cPages;
        pSub->cPagesFree= cPages - 1;
        pSub->paPhysPages = paPhysPages;
        memset(pSub->auBitmap, 0, cPages / 8);
        /* allocate first page. */
        pSub->auBitmap[0] |= 1;
        /* link into free chain. */
        pSub->pNextFree = pPool->pHeadFree;
        pPool->pHeadFree= pSub;
        /* link into main chain. */
        pSub->pNext     = pPool->pHead;
        pPool->pHead    = pSub;
        /* update pool statistics. */
        pPool->cPages  += cPages;
        pPool->cFreePages += cPages - 1;

         * Initialize the physical pages with backpointer to subpool.
        unsigned i = cPages;
        while (i-- > 0)
            AssertMsg(paPhysPages[i].Phys && !(paPhysPages[i].Phys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK),
                      ("i=%d Phys=%d\n", i, paPhysPages[i].Phys));
            paPhysPages[i].uReserved = (RTHCUINTPTR)pSub;

         * Initialize the physical lookup record with backpointers to the physical pages.
        PMMPPLOOKUPHCPHYS paLookupPhys = (PMMPPLOOKUPHCPHYS)&paPhysPages[cPages];
        i = cPages;
        while (i-- > 0)
            paLookupPhys[i].pPhysPage = &paPhysPages[i];
            paLookupPhys[i].Core.Key = paPhysPages[i].Phys;
            RTAvlHCPhysInsert(&pPool->pLookupPhys, &paLookupPhys[i].Core);

         * And the one record for virtual memory lookup.
        PMMPPLOOKUPHCPTR   pLookupVirt = (PMMPPLOOKUPHCPTR)&paLookupPhys[cPages];
        pLookupVirt->pSubPool = pSub;
        pLookupVirt->Core.Key = pSub->pvPages;
        RTAvlPVInsert(&pPool->pLookupVirt, &pLookupVirt->Core);

        /* return allocated page (first). */
        return pSub->pvPages;

    MMHyperFree(pPool->pVM, pSub);
    if (pPool->fLow)
        VMSetError(pPool->pVM, rc, RT_SRC_POS,
                   N_("Failed to expand page pool for memory below 4GB. Current size: %d pages"),
    AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to expand pool%s. rc=%Rrc poolsize=%d\n",
                     pPool->fLow ? " (<4GB)" : "", rc, pPool->cPages));
    return NULL;
 *  Entry point.
extern "C" DECLEXPORT(int) TrustedMain(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)

     * Init runtime.
    RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);

     * Create empty VM structure and call MMR3Init().
    PVM         pVM;
    RTR0PTR     pvR0;
    SUPPAGE     aPages[RT_ALIGN_Z(sizeof(*pVM) + NUM_CPUS * sizeof(VMCPU), PAGE_SIZE) >> PAGE_SHIFT];
    int rc = SUPR3Init(NULL);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = SUPR3LowAlloc(RT_ELEMENTS(aPages), (void **)&pVM, &pvR0, &aPages[0]);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        RTPrintf("Fatal error: SUP Failure! rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
        return 1;
    memset(pVM, 0, sizeof(*pVM)); /* wtf? */
    pVM->paVMPagesR3 = aPages;
    pVM->pVMR0 = pvR0;

    static UVM s_UVM;
    PUVM pUVM = &s_UVM;
    pUVM->pVM = pVM;
    pVM->pUVM = pUVM;

    pVM->cCpus = NUM_CPUS;
    pVM->cbSelf = RT_UOFFSETOF(VM, aCpus[pVM->cCpus]);

    rc = STAMR3InitUVM(pUVM);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        RTPrintf("FAILURE: STAMR3Init failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
        return 1;

    rc = MMR3InitUVM(pUVM);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        RTPrintf("FAILURE: STAMR3Init failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
        return 1;

    rc = CFGMR3Init(pVM, NULL, NULL);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        RTPrintf("FAILURE: CFGMR3Init failed. rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
        return 1;

    rc = MMR3Init(pVM);
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        RTPrintf("Fatal error: MMR3Init failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc);
        return 1;

     * Try allocate.
    static struct
        size_t      cb;
        unsigned    uAlignment;
        void       *pvAlloc;
        unsigned    iFreeOrder;
    } aOps[] =
        {        16,          0,    NULL,  0 },
        {        16,          4,    NULL,  1 },
        {        16,          8,    NULL,  2 },
        {        16,         16,    NULL,  5 },
        {        16,         32,    NULL,  4 },
        {        32,          0,    NULL,  3 },
        {        31,          0,    NULL,  6 },
        {      1024,          0,    NULL,  8 },
        {      1024,         32,    NULL, 10 },
        {      1024,         32,    NULL, 12 },
        { PAGE_SIZE,  PAGE_SIZE,    NULL, 13 },
        {      1024,         32,    NULL,  9 },
        { PAGE_SIZE,         32,    NULL, 11 },
        { PAGE_SIZE,  PAGE_SIZE,    NULL, 14 },
        {        16,          0,    NULL, 15 },
        {        9,           0,    NULL,  7 },
        {        16,          0,    NULL,  7 },
        {        36,          0,    NULL,  7 },
        {        16,          0,    NULL,  7 },
        {     12344,          0,    NULL,  7 },
        {        50,          0,    NULL,  7 },
        {        16,          0,    NULL,  7 },
    unsigned i;
#ifdef DEBUG
    size_t cbBefore = MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM);
    static char szFill[] = "01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

    /* allocate */
    for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aOps); i++)
        rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, aOps[i].cb, aOps[i].uAlignment, MM_TAG_VM, &aOps[i].pvAlloc);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTPrintf("Failure: MMHyperAlloc(, %#x, %#x,) -> %d i=%d\n", aOps[i].cb, aOps[i].uAlignment, rc, i);
            return 1;
        memset(aOps[i].pvAlloc, szFill[i], aOps[i].cb);
        if (RT_ALIGN_P(aOps[i].pvAlloc, (aOps[i].uAlignment ? aOps[i].uAlignment : 8)) != aOps[i].pvAlloc)
            RTPrintf("Failure: MMHyperAlloc(, %#x, %#x,) -> %p, invalid alignment!\n", aOps[i].cb, aOps[i].uAlignment, aOps[i].pvAlloc);
            return 1;

    /* free and allocate the same node again. */
    for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aOps); i++)
        if (    !aOps[i].pvAlloc
            ||  aOps[i].uAlignment == PAGE_SIZE)
        //size_t cbBeforeSub = MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM);
        rc = MMHyperFree(pVM, aOps[i].pvAlloc);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTPrintf("Failure: MMHyperFree(, %p,) -> %d i=%d\n", aOps[i].pvAlloc, rc, i);
            return 1;
        //RTPrintf("debug: i=%d cbBeforeSub=%d now=%d\n", i, cbBeforeSub, MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM));
        void *pv;
        rc = MMHyperAlloc(pVM, aOps[i].cb, aOps[i].uAlignment, MM_TAG_VM_REQ, &pv);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            RTPrintf("Failure: MMHyperAlloc(, %#x, %#x,) -> %d i=%d\n", aOps[i].cb, aOps[i].uAlignment, rc, i);
            return 1;
        if (pv != aOps[i].pvAlloc)
            RTPrintf("Failure: Free+Alloc returned different address. new=%p old=%p i=%d (doesn't work with delayed free)\n", pv, aOps[i].pvAlloc, i);
            //return 1;
        aOps[i].pvAlloc = pv;
        #if 0 /* won't work :/ */
        size_t cbAfterSub = MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM);
        if (cbBeforeSub != cbAfterSub)
            RTPrintf("Failure: cbBeforeSub=%d cbAfterSub=%d. i=%d\n", cbBeforeSub, cbAfterSub, i);
            return 1;

    /* free it in a specific order. */
    int cFreed = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(aOps); i++)
        unsigned j;
        for (j = 0; j < RT_ELEMENTS(aOps); j++)
            if (    aOps[j].iFreeOrder != i
                ||  !aOps[j].pvAlloc)
            RTPrintf("j=%d i=%d free=%d cb=%d pv=%p\n", j, i, MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM), aOps[j].cb, aOps[j].pvAlloc);
            if (aOps[j].uAlignment == PAGE_SIZE)
                cbBefore -= aOps[j].cb;
                rc = MMHyperFree(pVM, aOps[j].pvAlloc);
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    RTPrintf("Failure: MMHyperFree(, %p,) -> %d j=%d i=%d\n", aOps[j].pvAlloc, rc, i, j);
                    return 1;
            aOps[j].pvAlloc = NULL;
    Assert(cFreed == RT_ELEMENTS(aOps));
    RTPrintf("i=done free=%d\n", MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM));

    /* check that we're back at the right amount of free memory. */
    size_t cbAfter = MMHyperHeapGetFreeSize(pVM);
    if (cbBefore != cbAfter)
        RTPrintf("Warning: Either we've split out an alignment chunk at the start, or we've got\n"
                 "         an alloc/free accounting bug: cbBefore=%d cbAfter=%d\n", cbBefore, cbAfter);
#ifdef DEBUG

    RTPrintf("tstMMHyperHeap: Success\n");
    return 0;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int rc;
    int rcRet = 0;

    RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
    RTPrintf("tstLow: TESTING...\n");

    rc = SUPR3Init(NULL);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
         * Allocate a bit of contiguous memory.
        SUPPAGE aPages0[128];
        void *pvPages0 = (void *)0x77777777;
        memset(&aPages0[0], 0x8f, sizeof(aPages0));
        rc = SUPR3LowAlloc(RT_ELEMENTS(aPages0), &pvPages0, NULL, aPages0);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            /* check that the pages are below 4GB and valid. */
            for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < RT_ELEMENTS(aPages0); iPage++)
                RTPrintf("%-4d: Phys=%RHp Reserved=%p\n", iPage, aPages0[iPage].Phys, aPages0[iPage].uReserved);
                if (aPages0[iPage].uReserved != 0)
                    RTPrintf("tstLow: error: aPages0[%d].uReserved=%#x expected 0!\n", iPage, aPages0[iPage].uReserved);
                if (    aPages0[iPage].Phys >= _4G
                    ||  (aPages0[iPage].Phys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK))
                    RTPrintf("tstLow: error: aPages0[%d].Phys=%RHp!\n", iPage, aPages0[iPage].Phys);
            if (!rcRet)
                for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < RT_ELEMENTS(aPages0); iPage++)
                    memset((char *)pvPages0 + iPage * PAGE_SIZE, iPage, PAGE_SIZE);
                for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < RT_ELEMENTS(aPages0); iPage++)
                    for (uint8_t *pu8 = (uint8_t *)pvPages0 + iPage * PAGE_SIZE, *pu8End = pu8 + PAGE_SIZE; pu8 < pu8End; pu8++)
                        if (*pu8 != (uint8_t)iPage)
                            RTPrintf("tstLow: error: invalid page content %02x != %02x. iPage=%u off=%#x\n",
                                     *pu8, (uint8_t)iPage, iPage, (uintptr_t)pu8 & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK);
            SUPR3LowFree(pvPages0, RT_ELEMENTS(aPages0));
            RTPrintf("SUPR3LowAlloc(%d,,) failed -> rc=%Rrc\n", RT_ELEMENTS(aPages0), rc);

         * Allocate odd amounts in from 1 to 127.
        for (unsigned cPages = 1; cPages <= 127; cPages++)
            SUPPAGE aPages1[128];
            void *pvPages1 = (void *)0x77777777;
            memset(&aPages1[0], 0x8f, sizeof(aPages1));
            rc = SUPR3LowAlloc(cPages, &pvPages1, NULL, aPages1);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                /* check that the pages are below 4GB and valid. */
                for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++)
                    RTPrintf("%-4d::%-4d: Phys=%RHp Reserved=%p\n", cPages, iPage, aPages1[iPage].Phys, aPages1[iPage].uReserved);
                    if (aPages1[iPage].uReserved != 0)
                        RTPrintf("tstLow: error: aPages1[%d].uReserved=%#x expected 0!\n", iPage, aPages1[iPage].uReserved);
                    if (    aPages1[iPage].Phys >= _4G
                        ||  (aPages1[iPage].Phys & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK))
                        RTPrintf("tstLow: error: aPages1[%d].Phys=%RHp!\n", iPage, aPages1[iPage].Phys);
                if (!rcRet)
                    for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++)
                        memset((char *)pvPages1 + iPage * PAGE_SIZE, iPage, PAGE_SIZE);
                    for (unsigned iPage = 0; iPage < cPages; iPage++)
                        for (uint8_t *pu8 = (uint8_t *)pvPages1 + iPage * PAGE_SIZE, *pu8End = pu8 + PAGE_SIZE; pu8 < pu8End; pu8++)
                            if (*pu8 != (uint8_t)iPage)
                                RTPrintf("tstLow: error: invalid page content %02x != %02x. iPage=%p off=%#x\n",
                                         *pu8, (uint8_t)iPage, iPage, (uintptr_t)pu8 & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK);
                SUPR3LowFree(pvPages1, cPages);
                RTPrintf("SUPR3LowAlloc(%d,,) failed -> rc=%Rrc\n", cPages, rc);

        RTPrintf("SUPR3Init -> rc=%Rrc\n", rc);

    return rcRet;