qboolean S_AL_Init( soundInterface_t *si )

	qboolean enumsupport, founddev = qfalse;

	if( !si ) {
		return qfalse;

	// New console variables
	s_alPrecache = Cvar_Get( "s_alPrecache", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alGain = Cvar_Get( "s_alGain", "0.4", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alSources = Cvar_Get( "s_alSources", "96", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alDopplerFactor = Cvar_Get( "s_alDopplerFactor", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alDopplerSpeed = Cvar_Get( "s_alDopplerSpeed", "2200", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alMinDistance = Cvar_Get( "s_alMinDistance", "120", CVAR_CHEAT );
	s_alMaxDistance = Cvar_Get("s_alMaxDistance", "1024", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_alRolloff = Cvar_Get( "s_alRolloff", "2", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_alGraceDistance = Cvar_Get("s_alGraceDistance", "512", CVAR_CHEAT);

	s_alDriver = Cvar_Get( "s_alDriver", ALDRIVER_DEFAULT, CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	// Load QAL
	if( !QAL_Init( s_alDriver->string ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to load library: \"%s\".\n", s_alDriver->string );
		return qfalse;

	// Device enumeration support (extension is implemented reasonably only on Windows right now).
	if((enumsupport = qalcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT")))
		char devicenames[1024] = "";
		const char *devicelist;
		const char *defaultdevice;
		int curlen;
		// get all available devices + the default device name.
		devicelist = qalcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
		defaultdevice = qalcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);

#ifdef _WIN32
		// check whether the default device is generic hardware. If it is, change to
		// Generic Software as that one works more reliably with various sound systems.
		// If it's not, use OpenAL's default selection as we don't want to ignore
		// native hardware acceleration.
		if(!strcmp(defaultdevice, "Generic Hardware"))
			s_alDevice = Cvar_Get("s_alDevice", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH);
			s_alDevice = Cvar_Get("s_alDevice", defaultdevice, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH);

		// dump a list of available devices to a cvar for the user to see.
		while((curlen = strlen(devicelist)))
			Q_strcat(devicenames, sizeof(devicenames), devicelist);
			Q_strcat(devicenames, sizeof(devicenames), "\n");

			// check whether the device we want to load is available at all.
			if(!strcmp(s_alDevice->string, devicelist))
				founddev = qtrue;

			devicelist += curlen + 1;

		s_alAvailableDevices = Cvar_Get("s_alAvailableDevices", devicenames, CVAR_ROM | CVAR_NORESTART);
			founddev = 1;

		alDevice = qalcOpenDevice(s_alDevice->string);
		alDevice = qalcOpenDevice(NULL);

	if( !alDevice )
		QAL_Shutdown( );
		Com_Printf( "Failed to open OpenAL device.\n" );
		return qfalse;

		Cvar_Set("s_alDevice", qalcGetString(alDevice, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER));

	// Create OpenAL context
	alContext = qalcCreateContext( alDevice, NULL );
	if( !alContext )
		QAL_Shutdown( );
		qalcCloseDevice( alDevice );
		Com_Printf( "Failed to create OpenAL context.\n" );
		return qfalse;
	qalcMakeContextCurrent( alContext );

	// Initialize sources, buffers, music
	S_AL_BufferInit( );
	S_AL_SrcInit( );

	// Set up OpenAL parameters (doppler, etc)
	qalDopplerFactor( s_alDopplerFactor->value );
	qalDopplerVelocity( s_alDopplerSpeed->value );

	si->Shutdown = S_AL_Shutdown;
	si->StartSound = S_AL_StartSound;
	si->StartLocalSound = S_AL_StartLocalSound;
	si->StartBackgroundTrack = S_AL_StartBackgroundTrack;
	si->StopBackgroundTrack = S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack;
	si->RawSamples = S_AL_RawSamples;
	si->StopAllSounds = S_AL_StopAllSounds;
	si->ClearLoopingSounds = S_AL_ClearLoopingSounds;
	si->AddLoopingSound = S_AL_AddLoopingSound;
	si->AddRealLoopingSound = S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound;
	si->StopLoopingSound = S_AL_StopLoopingSound;
	si->Respatialize = S_AL_Respatialize;
	si->UpdateEntityPosition = S_AL_UpdateEntityPosition;
	si->Update = S_AL_Update;
	si->DisableSounds = S_AL_DisableSounds;
	si->BeginRegistration = S_AL_BeginRegistration;
	si->RegisterSound = S_AL_RegisterSound;
	si->ClearSoundBuffer = S_AL_ClearSoundBuffer;
	si->SoundInfo = S_AL_SoundInfo;
	si->SoundList = S_AL_SoundList;

	return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Пример #2
qboolean S_AL_Init( soundInterface_t *si )

	qboolean enumsupport, founddev = qfalse;
	int i;

	if( !si ) {
		return qfalse;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_RAW_STREAMS; i++) {
		streamSourceHandles[i] = -1;
		streamPlaying[i] = qfalse;
		streamSources[i] = 0;

	// New console variables
	s_alPrecache = Cvar_Get( "s_alPrecache", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alGain = Cvar_Get( "s_alGain", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alSources = Cvar_Get( "s_alSources", "96", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alDopplerFactor = Cvar_Get( "s_alDopplerFactor", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alDopplerSpeed = Cvar_Get( "s_alDopplerSpeed", "2200", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_alMinDistance = Cvar_Get( "s_alMinDistance", "120", CVAR_CHEAT );
	s_alMaxDistance = Cvar_Get("s_alMaxDistance", "1024", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_alRolloff = Cvar_Get( "s_alRolloff", "2", CVAR_CHEAT);
	s_alGraceDistance = Cvar_Get("s_alGraceDistance", "512", CVAR_CHEAT);

	s_alDriver = Cvar_Get( "s_alDriver", ALDRIVER_DEFAULT, CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	// Load QAL
	if( !QAL_Init( s_alDriver->string ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to load library: \"%s\".\n", s_alDriver->string );
		return qfalse;

	// Device enumeration support (extension is implemented reasonably only on Windows right now).
	if((enumsupport = qalcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT")))
		char devicenames[1024] = "";
		const char *devicelist;
		const char *defaultdevice;
		int curlen;
		// get all available devices + the default device name.
		devicelist = qalcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
		defaultdevice = qalcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);

#ifdef _WIN32
		// check whether the default device is generic hardware. If it is, change to
		// Generic Software as that one works more reliably with various sound systems.
		// If it's not, use OpenAL's default selection as we don't want to ignore
		// native hardware acceleration.
		if(!strcmp(defaultdevice, "Generic Hardware"))
			s_alDevice = Cvar_Get("s_alDevice", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH);
			s_alDevice = Cvar_Get("s_alDevice", defaultdevice, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH);

		// dump a list of available devices to a cvar for the user to see.
		while((curlen = strlen(devicelist)))
			Q_strcat(devicenames, sizeof(devicenames), devicelist);
			Q_strcat(devicenames, sizeof(devicenames), "\n");

			// check whether the device we want to load is available at all.
			if(!strcmp(s_alDevice->string, devicelist))
				founddev = qtrue;

			devicelist += curlen + 1;

		s_alAvailableDevices = Cvar_Get("s_alAvailableDevices", devicenames, CVAR_ROM | CVAR_NORESTART);
			founddev = 1;

		alDevice = qalcOpenDevice(s_alDevice->string);
		alDevice = qalcOpenDevice(NULL);

	if( !alDevice )
		QAL_Shutdown( );
		Com_Printf( "Failed to open OpenAL device.\n" );
		return qfalse;

		Cvar_Set("s_alDevice", qalcGetString(alDevice, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER));

	// Create OpenAL context
	alContext = qalcCreateContext( alDevice, NULL );
	if( !alContext )
		QAL_Shutdown( );
		qalcCloseDevice( alDevice );
		Com_Printf( "Failed to create OpenAL context.\n" );
		return qfalse;
	qalcMakeContextCurrent( alContext );

	// Initialize sources, buffers, music
	S_AL_BufferInit( );
	S_AL_SrcInit( );

	// Set up OpenAL parameters (doppler, etc)
	qalDopplerFactor( s_alDopplerFactor->value );
	qalDopplerVelocity( s_alDopplerSpeed->value );

#ifdef USE_VOIP
	// !!! FIXME: some of these alcCaptureOpenDevice() values should be cvars.
	// !!! FIXME: add support for capture device enumeration.
	// !!! FIXME: add some better error reporting.
	s_alCapture = Cvar_Get( "s_alCapture", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
	if (!s_alCapture->integer)
		Com_Printf("OpenAL capture support disabled by user ('+set s_alCapture 1' to enable)\n");
	else if (cl_useMumble->integer)
		Com_Printf("OpenAL capture support disabled for Mumble support\n");
#ifdef MACOS_X
		// !!! FIXME: Apple has a 1.1-compliant OpenAL, which includes
		// !!! FIXME:  capture support, but they don't list it in the
		// !!! FIXME:  extension string. We need to check the version string,
		// !!! FIXME:  then the extension string, but that's too much trouble,
		// !!! FIXME:  so we'll just check the function pointer for now.
		if (qalcCaptureOpenDevice == NULL)
		if (!qalcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_EXT_capture"))
			Com_Printf("No ALC_EXT_capture support, can't record audio.\n");
			// !!! FIXME: 8000Hz is what Speex narrowband mode needs, but we
			// !!! FIXME:  should probably open the capture device after
			// !!! FIXME:  initializing Speex so we can change to wideband
			// !!! FIXME:  if we like.
			Com_Printf("OpenAL default capture device is '%s'\n",
			alCaptureDevice = qalcCaptureOpenDevice(NULL, 8000, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, 4096);
			Com_Printf( "OpenAL capture device %s.\n",
			            (alCaptureDevice == NULL) ? "failed to open" : "opened");

	si->Shutdown = S_AL_Shutdown;
	si->StartSound = S_AL_StartSound;
	si->StartLocalSound = S_AL_StartLocalSound;
	si->StartBackgroundTrack = S_AL_StartBackgroundTrack;
	si->StopBackgroundTrack = S_AL_StopBackgroundTrack;
	si->RawSamples = S_AL_RawSamples;
	si->StopAllSounds = S_AL_StopAllSounds;
	si->ClearLoopingSounds = S_AL_ClearLoopingSounds;
	si->AddLoopingSound = S_AL_AddLoopingSound;
	si->AddRealLoopingSound = S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound;
	si->StopLoopingSound = S_AL_StopLoopingSound;
	si->Respatialize = S_AL_Respatialize;
	si->UpdateEntityPosition = S_AL_UpdateEntityPosition;
	si->Update = S_AL_Update;
	si->DisableSounds = S_AL_DisableSounds;
	si->BeginRegistration = S_AL_BeginRegistration;
	si->RegisterSound = S_AL_RegisterSound;
	si->SoundDuration = S_AL_SoundDuration;
	si->ClearSoundBuffer = S_AL_ClearSoundBuffer;
	si->SoundInfo = S_AL_SoundInfo;
	si->SoundList = S_AL_SoundList;

#ifdef USE_VOIP
	si->StartCapture = S_AL_StartCapture;
	si->AvailableCaptureSamples = S_AL_AvailableCaptureSamples;
	si->Capture = S_AL_Capture;
	si->StopCapture = S_AL_StopCapture;
	si->MasterGain = S_AL_MasterGain;

	return qtrue;
	return qfalse;