Пример #1
void SampleAudioSource::init(
    const String& filename, int loops,
    SampleTime begin, SampleTime end, SampleTime length,
    Envelope* gain, Envelope* pan, float sampleRate, int channels) {
    source_ = getReader(filename, begin, end, sampleRate, channels);
    if (source_) {
        length_ = SampleTime(source_->getTotalLength() * loops);
        if (length >= 0)
            length_ = jmin(length_, length);
    } else {
        const char* error = File(filename).exists() ?
                "Don't understand file format for " :
                "File doesn't exist: ";
        error_ = (error + filename).toStdString();
    panGainPlayer_ = make_unique<PanGainPlayer>(gain, pan);
Пример #2
void raytrace(int argc, char **argv)
  int x, y, *tmpsamp, i, sampleno=CELLX*CELLY;
  Pixel *tmppix;
  Float usertime, systime, lasttime, upos, vpos;
  Float samples[CELLX*CELLY*2];
  Pixel acc, tmp;

   * If this is the first frame,
   * allocate scanlines, etc.
  if (Options.framenum == Options.startframe)
   * The top-level ray TopRay always has as its origin the
   * eye position and as its medium NULL, indicating that it
   * is passing through a medium with index of refraction
   * equal to DefIndex.
  TopRay.pos = Camera.pos;
  TopRay.media = (Medium *)0;
  TopRay.depth = 0;

  lasttime = 0;
  for (y=0; y < Screen.ysize; y++) {

	for (x = 0; x < Screen.xsize; x++) {
		jitter(CELLX, CELLY, samples);
		acc.r = acc.g = acc.b = acc.alpha = 0;
		for (i=0 ; i<sampleno ; i++) {
	   		vpos = y + Screen.miny + samples[(i<<1)+1];
			upos = x + Screen.minx + samples[i<<1];
			TopRay.time = SampleTime(0);
			SampleScreen(upos, vpos, &TopRay, &tmp, 0);
			acc.r += tmp.r;
			acc.g += tmp.g;
			acc.b += tmp.b;
		pix[x].r = acc.r/sampleno; /* box filter, or average */
		pix[x].g = acc.g/sampleno; 
		pix[x].b = acc.b/sampleno; 
		pix[x].alpha = 0;
  	PictureWriteLine(pix); /* write the scanline */

	if ((y+Screen.miny-1) % Options.report_freq == 0) {
		fprintf(Stats.fstats,"Finished line %d (%lu rays",
		if (Options.verbose) {
			* Report total CPU and split times.
			RSGetCpuTime(&usertime, &systime);
			fprintf(Stats.fstats,", %2.2f sec,", usertime+systime);
			fprintf(Stats.fstats," %2.2f split", usertime+systime-lasttime);
			lasttime = usertime+systime;
//	AUPulseDetector::AUPulseDetectorKernel::Process
//		pass-through audio
//		do spike detection
void AUPulseDetector::AUPulseDetectorKernel::Process(const Float32 	*inSourceP,
                                                    Float32		 	*inDestP,
                                                    UInt32 			inFramesToProcess,
                                                    UInt32			inNumChannels,
                                                    bool			&ioSilence )
	if (GetParameter (kDoPulseDetection) == 0) {
		memset (inDestP, 0, (inFramesToProcess * sizeof(Float32)));
	switch (mWhichMode)
		case kDetectMode:
			Float64 now = SampleTime();
			Float64 sampleRate = GetSampleRate();

			if ((now - mPulseStartTime) > (sampleRate * GetParameter (kPulseRestTime))) {
				mDoneClean = 0;
				mWhichMode = kCleanMode;
				mWasSuccessful = false;
				mParentObject->PropertyChanged (kAUPulseMetricsPropertyID, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0);

			float pulseThreshold = GetParameter (kPulseThreshold);
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inFramesToProcess; ++i) 
				Float32 inputSample = inSourceP[i];
				if(fabs(inputSample) >= pulseThreshold) {
					mLastMeasurement = UInt32(now + i - mPulseStartTime);
					mTotalMeasurements += mLastMeasurement;
					mTotalMeasurementsSquared += pow (mLastMeasurement, 2);
					if (mLastMeasurement > mMaxTime)
						mMaxTime = mLastMeasurement;
					if (mLastMeasurement < mMinTime)
						mMinTime = mLastMeasurement;
					mDoneClean = 0;
					mWhichMode = kCleanMode;
					mLastFrames = inFramesToProcess;
					mWasSuccessful = true;
					mParentObject->DetectedPulse (mPulseStartTime, mLastMeasurement);
			memset (inDestP, 0, (inFramesToProcess * sizeof(Float32)));

		case kCleanMode:
			if (mDoneClean == 0) {
				float secs = GetParameter (kPulseRestTime);
				mDoneClean = SInt32(secs * GetSampleRate());
			memset (inDestP, 0, (inFramesToProcess * sizeof(Float32)));
			ioSilence = true;
			mDoneClean -= inFramesToProcess;
			if (mDoneClean <= 0)
				mWhichMode = kEstablishMode;
		case kEstablishMode:
			memset (inDestP, 0, (inFramesToProcess * sizeof(Float32)));
			unsigned int pulseLength = (unsigned int)GetParameter (kPulseLength);
			if (pulseLength > inFramesToProcess)
				pulseLength = inFramesToProcess;

			for (unsigned int i = (inFramesToProcess - pulseLength); i < inFramesToProcess; ++i)
				inDestP[i] = 1.0;
			ioSilence = false;
			mWhichMode = kDetectMode;
			mPulseStartTime = SampleTime() + inFramesToProcess - pulseLength;