void UniformHelmholtzGreens
( ElementalMatrix<Complex<Real>>& A, Int n, Real lambda )
    typedef Complex<Real> C;
    const Real pi = 4*Atan( Real(1) );
    const Real k0 = 2*pi/lambda;
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    // Generate a list of n uniform samples from the 3D unit ball
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,VR> X_STAR_VR(3,n,g);
    for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<X_STAR_VR.LocalWidth(); ++jLoc )
        Real x0, x1, x2;
        // Sample uniformly from [-1,+1]^3 until a point is drawn from the ball
        while( true )
            x0 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            x1 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            x2 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            const Real radiusSq = x0*x0 + x1*x1 + x2*x2;
            if( radiusSq > 0 && radiusSq <= 1 )
        X_STAR_VR.SetLocal( 0, jLoc, x0 );
        X_STAR_VR.SetLocal( 1, jLoc, x1 );
        X_STAR_VR.SetLocal( 2, jLoc, x2 );
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> X_STAR_STAR( X_STAR_VR );

    A.Resize( n, n );
    for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<A.LocalWidth(); ++jLoc )
        const Int j = A.GlobalCol(jLoc);
        const Real xj0 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(0,j);
        const Real xj1 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(1,j);
        const Real xj2 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(2,j);
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<A.LocalHeight(); ++iLoc )
            const Int i = A.GlobalRow(iLoc);
            if( i == j )
                A.SetLocal( iLoc, jLoc, 0 );
                const Real d0 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(0,i)-xj0;
                const Real d1 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(1,i)-xj1;
                const Real d2 = X_STAR_STAR.GetLocal(2,i)-xj2;
                const Real gamma = k0*Sqrt(d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2);
                const Real realPart = Cos(gamma)/gamma;
                const Real imagPart = Sin(gamma)/gamma;
                A.SetLocal( iLoc, jLoc, C(realPart,imagPart) );
void UniformHelmholtzGreens( Matrix<Complex<Real>>& A, Int n, Real lambda )
    typedef Complex<Real> C;
    const Real pi = 4*Atan( Real(1) );
    const Real k0 = 2*pi/lambda;

    // Generate a list of n uniform samples from the 3D unit ball
    Matrix<Real> X(3,n);
    for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
        Real x0, x1, x2;
        // Sample uniformly from [-1,+1]^3 until a point is drawn from the ball
        while( true )
            x0 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) ); 
            x1 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            x2 = SampleUniform( Real(-1), Real(1) );
            const Real radiusSq = x0*x0 + x1*x1 + x2*x2;
            if( radiusSq > 0 && radiusSq <= 1 )
        X(0,j) = x0;
        X(1,j) = x1;
        X(2,j) = x2;
    A.Resize( n, n );
    for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
        const Real xj0 = X(0,j);
        const Real xj1 = X(1,j);
        const Real xj2 = X(2,j);
        for( Int i=0; i<n; ++i )
            if( i == j ) 
                A(i,j) = 0;
                const Real d0 = X(0,i)-xj0;
                const Real d1 = X(1,i)-xj1;
                const Real d2 = X(2,i)-xj2;
                const Real gamma = k0*Sqrt(d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2);
                const Real realPart = Cos(gamma)/gamma;
                const Real imagPart = Sin(gamma)/gamma;
                A(i,j) = C(realPart,imagPart);
Пример #3
glm::vec4 BRDF::sampleColor(FastStack<Ray> & rays, const Ray ray, const Intersection & result, Scene * scene) {
    glm::vec4 position = result.surface->worldTransform * result.surface->samplePosition(result.index, result.coord);
    glm::vec4 normal = glm::normalize(
            result.surface->worldTransformIT * result.surface->sampleNormal(result.index, result.coord));

    float p = SampleUniform();
    glm::vec4 totalColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

    if (p < emissiveProbability) {
        totalColor = emissiveIntensity * emissiveColor / emissiveProbability;
    else if (ray.depth < maxDepth) {
        glm::vec4 strength = ray.strength * diffuseColor;
        glm::vec4 outgoing = SampleHemi(normal);
        Ray reflected(ray.depth + 1, position, outgoing, strength, PAC_EPSILON);
    else {
        totalColor.a = 1.f;

    return totalColor * ray.strength;
void BayesUnfoldingExample641()

#ifdef __CINT__ // Avoid CINT badness
  Printf("Please compile this script (root BayesUnfoldingExample641.C+) "
         "or use ROOT 6.");

  if (!gROOT->IsBatch())
    Printf("Several canvases coming...adding -b flag.");


  if (gSystem->Getenv("TMPDIR"))

  TRandom3 ran;
  TStopwatch watch; // Watch starts here. A call to Start() would reset it.

  TObjArray *cList = new TObjArray(); // List of drawn canvases --> PDF file

  // Set up the problem
  double bins[Nt+1] = {0};
  for (int j=0; j<=Nt; j++)
    bins[j] = 500*TMath::Exp(0.15*j);

  TestProblem testprob = AtlasDiJetMass(Nt, Nr, bins, bins,
                                        apar, bpar, nevts, evtWeight);
  TH2D *hM   = testprob.Response;
  TH1D *hT   = testprob.xTruth;
  TH1D *hTmc = testprob.xTruthEst;
  TH1D *hMt  = testprob.xIni;
  TH1D *hD   = testprob.bNoisy;
  TH1D *heff = testprob.eff;

  TMatrixD M   = MatrixUtils::Hist2Matrix(hM);
  TVectorD T   = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hT);   // \hat{T}
  TVectorD Tmc = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hTmc); // \tilde{T}
  TVectorD D   = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hD);
  TVectorD eff = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(heff);
  TVectorD Pt  = MatrixUtils::ElemDiv(MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hMt), eff); // P(t)
  TMatrixD Prt = MatrixUtils::DivRowsByVector(M, Pt);  // P(r|t)

  // Compute initial sampling volume and do MCMC sampling
  TGraphAsymmErrors *box = HyperBox(hTmc);
  SetGraphProps(box, kGreen+2, kNone, kSpring, kFullSquare, 1.0);

  // Likelihood functor
  LogPoissonLikeFn llfunc(Prt, D);

  // Curvature regularization.
  // Note that this is not directly penalizing curvature of the solution.
  // Instead it smooths the solution divided by the trial spectrum.
  std::vector<double> regpars;
  regpars.push_back(alpha);  // Regularization strength
  for (int i=0; i<box->GetN(); i++)

  CurvatureRegFn regfunc(regpars);

  TTree *tmcmc = SampleMH(nMcmcSamples, 1e4, 0.01, box, llfunc, regfunc);

  // Create marginal prob. distributions from MCMC
  std::cout << Form("Marginalizing parameters from Markov chain...")
            << std::flush;

  TH1D *hMCMC[Nt];
  for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
    double tlo = box->GetY()[t] - box->GetEYlow()[t];
    double thi = box->GetY()[t] + box->GetEYhigh()[t];
    hMCMC[t] = new TH1D(Form("hMCMC%d",t),"",nMcmcBins, tlo, thi);
    hMCMC[t]->SetTitle(Form("MCMC - point %d;"
                            "Marginal posterior probability",t));

    // Marginalize with unit weight when using MCMC, weight by
    // likelihood if sampling was uniform.
    tmcmc->Draw(Form("T%d >> hMCMC%d",t,t), "", "goff");
    hMCMC[t]->Scale(1./hMCMC[t]->Integral(1, nMcmcBins));
    SetHistProps(hMCMC[t], kBlack, kYellow, kBlack, kFullCircle, 1.0);
  Printf("Done marginalizing MCMC.");

  // Now compute reduced sampling volume, and do uniform sampling
  TGraphAsymmErrors *rbox = ReducedSamplingVolume(hMCMC, box);
  SetGraphProps(rbox, kBlack, kNone, kNone, kFullSquare, 1.0);
  TH1D *hFlat[Nt];
  if (doUniformSampling)
    TTree *tflat = SampleUniform(nFlatSamples, D, Prt, rbox);
    std::cout << Form("Marginalizing parameters from uniform volume...")
              << std::flush;

    for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
      double tlo = rbox->GetY()[t] - rbox->GetEYlow()[t];
      double thi = rbox->GetY()[t] + rbox->GetEYhigh()[t];
      hFlat[t] = new TH1D(Form("hFlat%d",t),"",nFlatBins, tlo, thi);
      hFlat[t]->SetTitle(Form("Uniform sampling - point %d;"
                              "dijet mass (GeV/c^{2});"
                              "Marginal posterior probability",t));

      tflat->Draw(Form("T%d >> hFlat%d",t,t), "L", "goff");
      SetHistProps(hFlat[t], kBlack, kOrange, kBlack, kFullCircle, 1.0);
    Printf("Done marginalizing uniform volume.");

  // Unfolded spectrum from MCMC
  TGraphErrors *unf1 = new TGraphErrors();
  SetGraphProps(unf1, kBlue, kNone, kBlue, kOpenSquare, 1.5);
  for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
    MaxDensityInterval mdi = GetMDI(hMCMC[t], 0.68);
    unf1->SetPoint(t, hD->GetBinCenter(t+1), mdi.u);
    unf1->SetPointError(t, 0.48*hD->GetBinWidth(t+1), mdi.du);

  // Unfolded spectrum from uniform sampling after volume reduction
  TGraphErrors *unf2 = 0;
  if (doUniformSampling)
    unf2 = new TGraphErrors();
    SetGraphProps(unf2, kRed, kNone, kRed, kOpenSquare, 1.5);

    for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
      MaxDensityInterval mdi = GetMDI(hFlat[t], 0.68);
      unf2->SetPoint(t, hD->GetBinCenter(t+1), mdi.u);
      unf2->SetPointError(t, 0.47*hD->GetBinWidth(t+1), mdi.du);

  Printf("Drawing results...");
  DrawObject(hM, "colz", "matrix", cList, 550, 500);
  gPad->SetLogx();  gPad->SetLogy();  gPad->SetLogz();

  DrawObject(heff, "", "efficiency", cList);

  // Draw marginal dists. from MCMC
  for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
    DrawObject(hMCMC[t], "", Form("post_%d", t), cList);

    if (doUniformSampling)
      hFlat[t]->Scale(1./hFlat[t]->Integral(1, nFlatBins,"width"));

    double ymin = hMCMC[t]->GetMinimum();
    double ymax = hMCMC[t]->GetMaximum();
    double yDraw = 0.25*(ymax-ymin);
    DataPoint(hD, hMCMC[t], t, 0.75*yDraw)->Draw("ep same");
    TruePoint(hT, hMCMC[t], t, yDraw)->Draw("p same");
    MD68Point(hMCMC[t], yDraw)->Draw("ep same");

  // Result!
  hT->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.002, 101*nevts*evtWeight);
  DrawObject(hT, "ep", "result", cList);
  box->Draw("e5 same");
  if (doUniformSampling || drawReducedVolume)
    rbox->Draw("e5 same");
  hD->Draw("ep same");
  unf1->Draw("ep same");
  if (unf2)
    unf2->Draw("ep same");

  if (printPDFs)
    PrintPDFs(cList, "pdfs"); // Print individuals into ./pdfs dir
    PrintPDF(cList, "pdfs/mcmc_unfold_example"); // Multipage PDF

  Printf("All done.");

Пример #5
inline BigInt FindFactor
( const BigInt& n,
        DynamicSieve<SieveUnsigned>& sieve,
  const PollardPMinusOneCtrl<SieveUnsigned>& ctrl )
    const double twoLog = Log( 2. );
    const double nLog = double( Log( BigFloat(n) ) );
    const BigInt zero(0), one(1);

    // Keep all of the generated primes
    sieve.SetStorage( true );

    SieveUnsigned smooth1 = ctrl.smooth1;
    SieveUnsigned smooth2 = ctrl.smooth2;
    SieveUnsigned smooth1Bound = Max( Pow(10ULL,9ULL), 8ULL*smooth1 );
    SieveUnsigned smooth2Bound = Max( Pow(10ULL,10ULL), 8ULL*smooth2 );

    // Ensure that we do not have a GCD of n appear too many times despite
    // separately checking the powers of two
    bool separateOdd=false;
    Int maxGCDFailures=10;
    Int numGCDFailures=0;

    BigInt smallPrime, gcd, tmp, diffPower;
    while( true )
        // Ensure that we have sieved at least up until smooth1
        bool neededStage1Sieving = ( sieve.oddPrimes.back() < smooth1 );
        if( ctrl.progress && neededStage1Sieving )
            ("Updating sieve from ",sieve.oddPrimes.back()," to ",smooth1);
        sieve.Generate( smooth1 );
        if( ctrl.progress && neededStage1Sieving )
            Output("Done sieving for stage 1");

        // Uniformly select a in (Z/(n))*
        // (alternatively, we could set a=2)
        BigInt a = SampleUniform( zero, n );
        while( GCD( a, n ) != one )
            a = SampleUniform( zero, n ); 

        if( !separateOdd )
            // Handle 2 separately
            unsigned smallPrimeExponent = unsigned(nLog/twoLog);
            for( Int i=0; i<smallPrimeExponent; ++i )
                // a = a^2 (mod n)
                a *= a;
                a %= n;
        auto smooth1End = 
          ( sieve.oddPrimes.begin(),
            smooth1 );
        for( auto iter=sieve.oddPrimes.begin(); iter<smooth1End; ++iter )
            auto smallPrime = *iter;
            double smallPrimeLog = double(Log(double(smallPrime)));
            unsigned smallPrimeExponent = unsigned(nLog/smallPrimeLog);
            for( Int i=0; i<smallPrimeExponent; ++i )
                // a = a^smallPrime (mod n)
                PowMod( a, smallPrime, n, a );

        // gcd := GCD( a-1, n )
        tmp = a; 
        tmp -= 1;
        GCD( tmp, n, gcd );
        if( gcd > one && gcd < n )
            if( ctrl.progress )
                Output("Found stage-1 factor of ",gcd);
            return gcd;

        if( separateOdd )
            unsigned twoExponent = unsigned(nLog/twoLog);
            for( Int i=0; i<twoExponent; ++i )
                // a = a*a (mod n)
                a *= a;
                a %= n;

                //gcd = GCD( a-1, n );
                tmp = a;
                tmp -= 1;
                GCD( tmp, n, gcd );
                if( gcd > one && gcd < n )
                    if( ctrl.progress )
                        Output("Found separate stage-1 factor of ",gcd);
                    return gcd;

        if( gcd == n )
            if( separateOdd )
                if( numGCDFailures >= maxGCDFailures )
                    ("Too many GCD failures despite separately checking "
                     "powers of two");
                separateOdd = true;
                if( ctrl.progress )
                    Output("GCD was n; will separately check powers of two");
        else // gcd == one
            if( ctrl.progress )
                Output("Proceeding to stage-2");
        // Run stage-2
        // ----------- 

        // Store all powers of a^{d_i}, where d_i is the difference between
        // primes p_{i+1} and p_i, where smooth1 < p_{i+1} <= smooth2
        bool neededStage2Sieving = ( sieve.oddPrimes.back() < smooth2 );
        if( ctrl.progress && neededStage2Sieving )
            ("Updating sieve from ",sieve.oddPrimes.back()," to ",smooth2);
        sieve.Generate( smooth2 );
        if( ctrl.progress && neededStage2Sieving )
            Output("Done sieving for stage 2");

        // NOTE: stage1End has potentially been invalidated due to reallocation
        auto stage2Beg =
          ( sieve.oddPrimes.begin(),
            smooth1 );
        auto stage2End =
          ( stage2Beg,
            smooth2 );
        std::map<SieveUnsigned,BigInt> diffPowers;
        for( auto iter=stage2Beg; iter<stage2End; ++iter )
            SieveUnsigned diff = *iter - *(iter-1);
            auto search = diffPowers.find( diff );

            const size_t whichPrime = (iter-sieve.oddPrimes.begin())+1;
            Output("  ",whichPrime,": ",*iter," - ",*(iter-1)," = ",diff);
            if( search == diffPowers.end() )
                PowMod( a, diff, n, diffPower );
                diffPowers.insert( std::make_pair(diff,diffPower) );
                Output("    Stored ",a,"^",diff,"=",diffPower);
                Output("    diff=",diff," was redundant");

        // Test each stage two candidate
        for( auto iter=stage2Beg; iter<stage2End; ++iter )
            SieveUnsigned diff = *iter - *(iter-1);
            a *= diffPowers[diff];
            a %= n;
            //gcd = GCD( a-1, n );
            tmp = a;
            tmp -= 1;
            GCD( tmp, n, gcd );
            if( gcd > one && gcd < n )
                if( ctrl.progress )
                    Output("Found stage-2 factor of ",gcd);
                return gcd;

        if( gcd == n )
            if( separateOdd )
                if( ctrl.progress )
                    Output("GCD failure ",numGCDFailures);
                if( numGCDFailures >= maxGCDFailures )
                    ("Too many GCD failures despite separately checking "
                     "powers of two");
                separateOdd = true;
                if( ctrl.progress )
                    Output("GCD was n; will separately check powers of two");
        else // gcd == one
            if( smooth1 >= smooth1Bound )
                ("Stage-1 smoothness bound of ",smooth1Bound," exceeded");
            if( smooth2 >= smooth2Bound )
                ("Stage-2 smoothness bound of ",smooth2Bound," exceeded");
            smooth1 *= 2;
            smooth2 *= 2;
            if( ctrl.progress )
                ("Increased stage-1 smoothness to ",smooth1," and stage-2 "
                 "smoothness to ",smooth2);