Пример #1
 * Compares two sets of lines from the two files.
 * @returns true if they matches, false if they don't.
 * @param   pState              The diff state.
 * @param   iLeft               Where to start in the left stream.
 * @param   iRight              Where to start in the right stream.
 * @param   cLines              How many lines to compare.
static bool scmDiffCompareLines(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, size_t iLeft, size_t iRight, size_t cLines)
    for (size_t iLine = 0; iLine < cLines; iLine++)
        SCMEOL      enmEolLeft;
        size_t      cchLeft;
        const char *pchLeft  = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft,  iLeft + iLine,  &cchLeft,  &enmEolLeft);

        SCMEOL      enmEolRight;
        size_t      cchRight;
        const char *pchRight = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iRight + iLine, &cchRight, &enmEolRight);

        if (!scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight))
            return false;
    return true;
Пример #2
 * Prints a range of lines with a prefix.
 * @param   pState              The diff state.
 * @param   chPrefix            The prefix.
 * @param   pStream             The stream to get the lines from.
 * @param   iLine               The first line.
 * @param   cLines              The number of lines.
static void scmDiffPrintLines(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, char chPrefix, PSCMSTREAM pStream, size_t iLine, size_t cLines)
    while (cLines-- > 0)
        SCMEOL      enmEol;
        size_t      cchLine;
        const char *pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pStream, iLine, &cchLine, &enmEol);

        RTStrmPutCh(pState->pDiff, chPrefix);
        if (pchLine && cchLine)
            if (!pState->fSpecialChars)
                RTStrmWrite(pState->pDiff, pchLine, cchLine);
                size_t      offVir   = 0;
                const char *pchStart = pchLine;
                const char *pchTab   = (const char *)memchr(pchLine, '\t', cchLine);
                while (pchTab)
                    RTStrmWrite(pState->pDiff, pchStart, pchTab - pchStart);
                    offVir += pchTab - pchStart;

                    size_t cchTab = pState->cchTab - offVir % pState->cchTab;
                    switch (cchTab)
                        case 1: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "."); break;
                        case 2: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, ".."); break;
                        case 3: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[T]"); break;
                        case 4: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[TA]"); break;
                        case 5: RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[TAB]"); break;
                        default: RTStrmPrintf(pState->pDiff, "[TAB%.*s]", cchTab - 5, g_szTabSpaces); break;
                    offVir += cchTab;

                    /* next */
                    pchStart = pchTab + 1;
                    pchTab = (const char *)memchr(pchStart, '\t', cchLine - (pchStart - pchLine));
                size_t cchLeft = cchLine - (pchStart - pchLine);
                if (cchLeft)
                    RTStrmWrite(pState->pDiff, pchStart, cchLeft);

        if (!pState->fSpecialChars)
            RTStrmPutCh(pState->pDiff, '\n');
        else if (enmEol == SCMEOL_LF)
            RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[LF]\n");
        else if (enmEol == SCMEOL_CRLF)
            RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[CRLF]\n");
            RTStrmPutStr(pState->pDiff, "[NONE]\n");

Пример #3
 * Checks if the given line is empty or full of white space.
 * @returns true if white space only, false if not (or if non-existant).
 * @param   pStream             The stream.  Must be in read mode.
 * @param   iLine               The line in question.
bool ScmStreamIsWhiteLine(PSCMSTREAM pStream, size_t iLine)
    SCMEOL      enmEol;
    size_t      cchLine;
    const char *pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pStream, iLine, &cchLine, &enmEol);
    if (!pchLine)
        return false;
    while (cchLine && RT_C_IS_SPACE(*pchLine))
        pchLine++, cchLine--;
    return cchLine == 0;
Пример #4
 * Get a line from the stream.
 * A line is always delimited by a LF character or the end of the stream.  The
 * delimiter is not included in returned line length, but instead returned via
 * the @a penmEol indicator.
 * @returns Pointer to the first character in the line, not NULL terminated.
 *          NULL if the end of the stream has been reached or some problem
 *          occurred.
 * @param   pStream             The stream.  Must be in read mode.
 * @param   pcchLine            The length.
 * @param   penmEol             Where to return the end of line type indicator.
const char *ScmStreamGetLine(PSCMSTREAM pStream, size_t *pcchLine, PSCMEOL penmEol)
    if (!pStream->fFullyLineated)
        return scmStreamGetLineInternal(pStream, pcchLine, penmEol);

    size_t      offCur   = pStream->off;
    size_t      iCurLine = pStream->iLine;
    const char *pszLine  = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pStream, iCurLine, pcchLine, penmEol);
    if (   pszLine
        && offCur > pStream->paLines[iCurLine].off)
        offCur -= pStream->paLines[iCurLine].off;
        Assert(offCur <= pStream->paLines[iCurLine].cch + pStream->paLines[iCurLine].enmEol);
        if (offCur < pStream->paLines[iCurLine].cch)
            *pcchLine  -= offCur;
            *pcchLine   = 0;
        pszLine        += offCur;
    return pszLine;
Пример #5
 * Resynchronize the two streams and reports the difference.
 * Upon return, the streams will be positioned after the block of @a cMatches
 * lines where it resynchronized them.
 * @returns pState->cDiffs (just so we can use it in a return statement).
 * @param   pState              The state.
 * @param   cMatches            The number of lines that needs to match for the
 *                              stream to be considered synchronized again.
static size_t scmDiffSynchronize(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, size_t cMatches)
    size_t const iStartLeft  = ScmStreamTellLine(pState->pLeft)  - 1;
    size_t const iStartRight = ScmStreamTellLine(pState->pRight) - 1;
    Assert(cMatches > 0);

     * Compare each new line from each of the streams will all the preceding
     * ones, including iStartLeft/Right.
    for (size_t iRange = 1; ; iRange++)
         * Get the next line in the left stream and compare it against all the
         * preceding lines on the right side.
        SCMEOL      enmEol;
        size_t      cchLine;
        const char *pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iStartLeft + iRange, &cchLine, &enmEol);
        if (!pchLine)
            return scmDiffReport(pState, 0, iStartLeft, ~(size_t)0, iStartRight, ~(size_t)0);

        for (size_t iRight = cMatches - 1; iRight < iRange; iRight++)
            SCMEOL      enmEolRight;
            size_t      cchRight;
            const char *pchRight = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iStartRight + iRight,
                                                        &cchRight, &enmEolRight);
            if (   scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLine, cchLine, enmEol, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight)
                && scmDiffCompareLines(pState,
                                       iStartLeft  + iRange + 1 - cMatches,
                                       iStartRight + iRight + 1 - cMatches,
                                       cMatches - 1)
                return scmDiffReport(pState, cMatches,
                                     iStartLeft,  iRange + 1 - cMatches,
                                     iStartRight, iRight + 1 - cMatches);

         * Get the next line in the right stream and compare it against all the
         * lines on the right side.
        pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iStartRight + iRange, &cchLine, &enmEol);
        if (!pchLine)
            return scmDiffReport(pState, 0, iStartLeft, ~(size_t)0, iStartRight, ~(size_t)0);

        for (size_t iLeft = cMatches - 1; iLeft <= iRange; iLeft++)
            SCMEOL      enmEolLeft;
            size_t      cchLeft;
            const char *pchLeft = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iStartLeft + iLeft,
                                                       &cchLeft, &enmEolLeft);
            if (    scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchLine, cchLine, enmEol)
                && scmDiffCompareLines(pState,
                                       iStartLeft  + iLeft  + 1 - cMatches,
                                       iStartRight + iRange + 1 - cMatches,
                                       cMatches - 1)
                return scmDiffReport(pState, cMatches,
                                     iStartLeft,  iLeft  + 1 - cMatches,
                                     iStartRight, iRange + 1 - cMatches);