Пример #1
void omxComputeNumericDeriv::initFromFrontend(omxState *state, SEXP rObj)
	super::initFromFrontend(state, rObj);

	/*if (state->conListX.size()) {
		mxThrow("%s: cannot proceed with constraints (%d constraints found)",
			name, int(state->conListX.size()));

	fitMat = omxNewMatrixFromSlot(rObj, state, "fitfunction");

	SEXP slotValue;

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("iterations")));
	numIter = INTEGER(slotValue)[0];
	if (numIter < 2) mxThrow("stepSize must be 2 or greater");

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("parallel")));
	parallel = Rf_asLogical(slotValue);

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("checkGradient")));
	checkGradient = Rf_asLogical(slotValue);

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("verbose")));
	verbose = Rf_asInteger(slotValue);

		ProtectedSEXP Rhessian(R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("hessian")));
		wantHessian = Rf_asLogical(Rhessian);

	Rf_protect(slotValue = R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("stepSize")));
	stepSize = GRADIENT_FUDGE_FACTOR(3.0) * REAL(slotValue)[0];
	if (stepSize <= 0) mxThrow("stepSize must be positive");

	knownHessian = NULL;
		ScopedProtect(slotValue, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("knownHessian")));
		if (!Rf_isNull(slotValue)) {
			knownHessian = REAL(slotValue);
			SEXP dimnames;
			ScopedProtect pdn(dimnames, Rf_getAttrib(slotValue, R_DimNamesSymbol));
				SEXP names;
				ScopedProtect p1(names, VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 0));
					int nlen = Rf_length(names);
					khMap.assign(nlen, -1);
					for (int nx=0; nx < nlen; ++nx) {
						const char *vname = CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, nx));
						for (int vx=0; vx < int(varGroup->vars.size()); ++vx) {
							if (strEQ(vname, varGroup->vars[vx]->name)) {
								khMap[nx] = vx;
								if (verbose >= 1) mxLog("%s: knownHessian[%d] '%s' mapped to %d",
											name, nx, vname, vx);

	numParams = 0;
	totalProbeCount = 0;
	numParams = 0;
	recordDetail = true;
	detail = 0;
Пример #2
void omxCompleteExpectation(omxExpectation *ox) {
	if(ox->isComplete) return;

	if (ox->rObj) {
		omxState *os = ox->currentState;
		SEXP rObj = ox->rObj;
		SEXP slot;
		{ScopedProtect(slot, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("container")));
		if (Rf_length(slot) == 1) {
			int ex = INTEGER(slot)[0];
			ox->container = os->expectationList.at(ex);

		{ScopedProtect(slot, R_do_slot(rObj, Rf_install("submodels")));
		if (Rf_length(slot)) {
			int numSubmodels = Rf_length(slot);
			int *submodel = INTEGER(slot);
			for (int ex=0; ex < numSubmodels; ex++) {
				int sx = submodel[ex];
				ox->submodels.push_back(omxExpectationFromIndex(sx, os));

	omxExpectationProcessDataStructures(ox, ox->rObj);

	int numSubmodels = (int) ox->submodels.size();
	for (int ex=0; ex < numSubmodels; ex++) {


	if(ox->computeFun == NULL) {
		if (isErrorRaised()) {
			Rf_error("Failed to initialize '%s' of type %s: %s", ox->name, ox->expType, Global->getBads());
		} else {
			Rf_error("Failed to initialize '%s' of type %s", ox->name, ox->expType);

	if (OMX_DEBUG) {
		omxData *od = ox->data;
		omxState *state = ox->currentState;
		std::string msg = string_snprintf("Expectation '%s' of type '%s' has"
						  " %d definition variables:\n", ox->name, ox->expType,
		for (int dx=0; dx < int(od->defVars.size()); ++dx) {
			omxDefinitionVar &dv = od->defVars[dx];
			msg += string_snprintf("[%d] column '%s' ->", dx, omxDataColumnName(od, dv.column));
			for (int lx=0; lx < dv.numLocations; ++lx) {
				msg += string_snprintf(" %s[%d,%d]", state->matrixToName(~dv.matrices[lx]),
						       dv.rows[lx], dv.cols[lx]);
			msg += "\n  dirty:";
			for (int mx=0; mx < dv.numDeps; ++mx) {
				msg += string_snprintf(" %s", state->matrixToName(dv.deps[mx]));
			msg += "\n";

	ox->isComplete = TRUE;