 * Obtain the timestamp of signer 'signerIndex' of a CMS message, if
 * present. This timestamp is an authenticated timestamp provided by
 * a timestamping authority.
 * Returns errSecParam if the CMS message was not signed or if signerIndex
 * is greater than the number of signers of the message minus one.
 * This cannot be called until after CMSDecoderFinalizeMessage() is called.
OSStatus CMSDecoderCopySignerTimestamp(
                                       CMSDecoderRef		cmsDecoder,
                                       size_t				signerIndex,        /* usually 0 */
                                       CFAbsoluteTime      *timestamp)			/* RETURNED */
    OSStatus status = errSecParam;
	SecCmsMessageRef cmsg;
	SecCmsSignedDataRef signedData = NULL;
    int numContentInfos = 0;
    require(cmsDecoder && timestamp, xit);
	require_noerr(CMSDecoderGetCmsMessage(cmsDecoder, &cmsg), xit);
    numContentInfos = SecCmsMessageContentLevelCount(cmsg);
    for (int dex = 0; !signedData && dex < numContentInfos; dex++)
        SecCmsContentInfoRef ci = SecCmsMessageContentLevel(cmsg, dex);
        SECOidTag tag = SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(ci);
        if (tag == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA)
            if ((signedData = SecCmsSignedDataRef(SecCmsContentInfoGetContent(ci))))
                if (SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerInfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(signedData, (int)signerIndex))
                    status = SecCmsSignerInfoGetTimestampTime(signerInfo, timestamp);
    return status;
 * Obtain the email address of signer 'signerIndex' of a CMS message, if
 * present.
 * This cannot be called until after CMSDecoderFinalizeMessage() is called.
OSStatus CMSDecoderCopySignerEmailAddress(
                                          CMSDecoderRef		cmsDecoder,
                                          size_t				signerIndex,
                                          CFStringRef			*signerEmailAddress)	/* RETURNED */
	if((cmsDecoder == NULL) ||
	   (signerEmailAddress == NULL) ||
	   (cmsDecoder->signedData == NULL) ||			/* not signed */
	   (signerIndex >= cmsDecoder->numSigners) ||	/* index out of range */
	   (cmsDecoder->decState != DS_Final)) {
		return errSecParam;
	SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerInfo =
    SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(cmsDecoder->signedData, (int)signerIndex);
	if(signerInfo == NULL) {
		/* should never happen */
		dprintf("CMSDecoderCopySignerEmailAddress: no signerInfo\n");
		return errSecInternalComponent;
	 * This is leaking memory in libsecurityKeychain per Radar 4412699.
	*signerEmailAddress = SecCmsSignerInfoGetSignerEmailAddress(signerInfo);
	return errSecSuccess;
 * Obtain the certificate of signer 'signerIndex' of a CMS message, if
 * present.
 * This cannot be called until after CMSDecoderFinalizeMessage() is called.
OSStatus CMSDecoderCopySignerCert(
                                  CMSDecoderRef		cmsDecoder,
                                  size_t				signerIndex,
                                  SecCertificateRef	*signerCert)			/* RETURNED */
	if((cmsDecoder == NULL) ||
	   (signerCert == NULL) ||
	   (cmsDecoder->signedData == NULL) ||			/* not signed */
	   (signerIndex >= cmsDecoder->numSigners) ||	/* index out of range */
	   (cmsDecoder->decState != DS_Final)) {
		return errSecParam;
	SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerInfo =
    SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(cmsDecoder->signedData, (int)signerIndex);
	if(signerInfo == NULL) {
		/* should never happen */
		dprintf("CMSDecoderCopySignerCertificate: no signerInfo\n");
		return errSecInternalComponent;
	*signerCert = SecCmsSignerInfoGetSigningCertificate(signerInfo, NULL);
	/* libsecurity_smime does NOT retain that */
	if(*signerCert == NULL) {
		/* should never happen */
		dprintf("CMSDecoderCopySignerCertificate: no signerCert\n");
		return errSecInternalComponent;
	return errSecSuccess;
Пример #4
OSStatus createTSAMessageImprint(SecCmsSignedDataRef signedData, CSSM_DATA_PTR encDigest, 
    SecAsn1TSAMessageImprint *messageImprint)
    // Calculate hash of encDigest and put in messageImprint.hashedMessage
    // We pass in encDigest, since in the verification case, it comes from a different signedData
    OSStatus status = SECFailure;
    require(signedData && messageImprint, xit);
    SECAlgorithmID **digestAlgorithms = SecCmsSignedDataGetDigestAlgs(signedData);
    require(digestAlgorithms, xit);

    SecCmsDigestContextRef digcx = SecCmsDigestContextStartMultiple(digestAlgorithms);
    require(digcx, xit);
    require(encDigest, xit);
    SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(signedData, 0);  // NB - assume 1 signer only!
    messageImprint->hashAlgorithm = signerinfo->digestAlg;

    SecCmsDigestContextUpdate(digcx, encDigest->Data, encDigest->Length);
    require_noerr(SecCmsDigestContextFinishSingle(digcx, (SecArenaPoolRef)signedData->cmsg->poolp,
        &messageImprint->hashedMessage), xit);
    status = SECSuccess;
    return status;
Пример #5
static void debugShowSignerInfo(SecCmsSignedDataRef signedData)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    int numberOfSigners = SecCmsSignedDataSignerInfoCount (signedData);
    dtprintf("numberOfSigners : %d\n", numberOfSigners);
    int ix;
    for (ix=0;ix < numberOfSigners;ix++)
        SecCmsSignerInfoRef sigi = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(signedData,ix);
        if (sigi)
            CFStringRef commonName = SecCmsSignerInfoGetSignerCommonName(sigi);
            const char *signerhdr = "      signer    : ";
            if (commonName)
                char *cn = cfStringToChar(commonName);
                dtprintf("%s%s\n", signerhdr, cn);
                if (cn)
                dtprintf("%s<NULL>\n", signerhdr);
 * Obtain an array of the certificates in a timestamp response. Elements of the
 * returned array are SecCertificateRefs. The caller must CFRelease the returned
 * array. This timestamp is an authenticated timestamp provided by
 * a timestamping authority.
 * Returns errSecParam if the CMS message was not signed or if signerIndex
 * is greater than the number of signers of the message minus one. It returns
 * errSecItemNotFound if no certificates were found.
 * This cannot be called until after CMSDecoderFinalizeMessage() is called. 
OSStatus CMSDecoderCopySignerTimestampCertificates(
                                                   CMSDecoderRef		cmsDecoder,
                                                   size_t				signerIndex,            /* usually 0 */
                                                   CFArrayRef          *certificateRefs)       /* RETURNED */
    OSStatus status = errSecParam;
	SecCmsMessageRef cmsg = NULL;
	SecCmsSignedDataRef signedData = NULL;
    int numContentInfos = 0;
    CFIndex tsn = 0;
    bool good = false;
    require(cmsDecoder && certificateRefs, xit);
	require_noerr(CMSDecoderGetCmsMessage(cmsDecoder, &cmsg), xit);
    numContentInfos = SecCmsMessageContentLevelCount(cmsg);
    for (int dex = 0; !signedData && dex < numContentInfos; dex++)
        SecCmsContentInfoRef ci = SecCmsMessageContentLevel(cmsg, dex);
        SECOidTag tag = SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(ci);
        if (tag == SEC_OID_PKCS7_SIGNED_DATA)
            if ((signedData = SecCmsSignedDataRef(SecCmsContentInfoGetContent(ci))))
                if (SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerInfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(signedData, (int)signerIndex))
                    CFArrayRef certList = SecCmsSignerInfoGetTimestampCertList(signerInfo);
                    require_action(certList, xit, status = errSecItemNotFound);
                    CFMutableArrayRef certs = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFArrayGetCount(certList), certList);
                        //reorder certificates:
                        tsn = CFArrayGetCount(certs);
                        good = tsn > 0 && Security::CodeSigning::isAppleCA(SecCertificateRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(certs, tsn-1)));
                        if ( good == false )
                            //change TS certificate ordering.
                            for (CFIndex n = 0; n < tsn; n++)
                                if (SecCertificateRef tsRoot = SecCertificateRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(certs, n)))
                                    if ((good = Security::CodeSigning::isAppleCA(tsRoot))) {
                                        CFArrayExchangeValuesAtIndices(certs, n, tsn-1);
                        *certificateRefs = CFArrayCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, certs);
                        status = errSecSuccess;
        return status;
 * Obtain the status of a CMS message's signature. A CMS message can
 * be signed my multiple signers; this function returns the status
 * associated with signer 'n' as indicated by the signerIndex parameter.
OSStatus CMSDecoderCopySignerStatus(
                                    CMSDecoderRef		cmsDecoder,
                                    size_t				signerIndex,
                                    CFTypeRef			policyOrArray,
                                    Boolean				evaluateSecTrust,
                                    CMSSignerStatus		*signerStatus,			/* optional; RETURNED */
                                    SecTrustRef			*secTrust,				/* optional; RETURNED */
                                    OSStatus			*certVerifyResultCode)	/* optional; RETURNED */
	if((cmsDecoder == NULL) || (cmsDecoder->decState != DS_Final)) {
		return errSecParam;
	/* initialize return values */
	if(signerStatus) {
		*signerStatus = kCMSSignerUnsigned;
	if(secTrust) {
		*secTrust = NULL;
	if(certVerifyResultCode) {
		*certVerifyResultCode = 0;
	if(cmsDecoder->signedData == NULL) {
		*signerStatus = kCMSSignerUnsigned;	/* redundant, I know, but explicit */
		return errSecSuccess;
	ASSERT(cmsDecoder->numSigners > 0);
	if(signerIndex >= cmsDecoder->numSigners) {
		*signerStatus = kCMSSignerInvalidIndex;
		return errSecSuccess;
	if(!SecCmsSignedDataHasDigests(cmsDecoder->signedData)) {
		*signerStatus = kCMSSignerNeedsDetachedContent;
		return errSecSuccess;
	 * OK, we should be able to verify this signerInfo.
	 * I think we have to do the SecCmsSignedDataVerifySignerInfo first
	 * in order get all the cert pieces into place before returning them
	 * to the caller.
	SecTrustRef theTrust = NULL;
	OSStatus vfyRtn = SecCmsSignedDataVerifySignerInfo(cmsDecoder->signedData,
                                                        * FIXME this cast should not be necessary, but libsecurity_smime
                                                        * declares this argument as a SecKeychainRef
    /* Subsequent errors to errOut: */
	 * NOTE the smime lib did NOT evaluate that SecTrust - it only does
	 * SecTrustEvaluate() if we don't ask for a copy.
	 * FIXME deal with multitudes of status returns here...for now, proceed with
	 * obtaining components the caller wants and assume that a nonzero vfyRtn
	 * means "bad signature".
	OSStatus ortn = errSecSuccess;
	SecTrustResultType secTrustResult;
	OSStatus evalRtn;
	if(secTrust != NULL) {
		*secTrust = theTrust;
		/* we'll release our reference at the end */
		if (theTrust)
	SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerInfo =
    SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(cmsDecoder->signedData, (int)signerIndex);
	if(signerInfo == NULL) {
		/* should never happen */
		dprintf("CMSDecoderCopySignerStatus: no signerInfo\n");
		ortn = errSecInternalComponent;
		goto errOut;
	/* now do the actual cert verify */
	if(evaluateSecTrust) {
		evalRtn = SecTrustEvaluate(theTrust, &secTrustResult);
		if(evalRtn) {
			/* should never happen */
			CSSM_PERROR("SecTrustEvaluate", evalRtn);
			dprintf("CMSDecoderCopySignerStatus: SecTrustEvaluate error\n");
			ortn = errSecInternalComponent;
			goto errOut;
		switch(secTrustResult) {
			case kSecTrustResultUnspecified:
				/* cert chain valid, no special UserTrust assignments */
			case kSecTrustResultProceed:
				/* cert chain valid AND user explicitly trusts this */
			case kSecTrustResultDeny:
			case kSecTrustResultConfirm:
				dprintf("SecTrustEvaluate reported confirm\n");
				/* get low-level TP error */
				OSStatus tpStatus;
				ortn = SecTrustGetCssmResultCode(theTrust, &tpStatus);
				if(ortn) {
					CSSM_PERROR("SecTrustGetCssmResultCode", ortn);
				else {
					tpVfyStatus = tpStatus;
				CSSM_PERROR("TP status after SecTrustEvaluate", tpVfyStatus);
		} 	/* switch(secTrustResult) */
	}		/* evaluateSecTrust true */
	if(certVerifyResultCode != NULL) {
		*certVerifyResultCode = tpVfyStatus;
	/* cook up global status based on vfyRtn and tpVfyStatus */
	if(signerStatus != NULL) {
		if((vfyRtn == errSecSuccess) && (tpVfyStatus == CSSM_OK))  {
			*signerStatus = kCMSSignerValid;
		else if(vfyRtn != errSecSuccess) {
			/* this could mean other things, but for now... */
			*signerStatus = kCMSSignerInvalidSignature;
		else {
			*signerStatus = kCMSSignerInvalidCert;
	return ortn;
Пример #8
 * SecCmsSignedDataEncodeAfterData - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
 *     after all the encapsulated data was passed through the encoder.
 * In detail:
 *  - create the signatures in all the SignerInfos
 * Please note that nothing is done to the Certificates and CRLs in the message - this
 * is entirely the responsibility of our callers.
SecCmsSignedDataEncodeAfterData(SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd)
    SecCmsSignerInfoRef *signerinfos, signerinfo;
    SecCmsContentInfoRef cinfo;
    SECOidTag digestalgtag;
    OSStatus ret = SECFailure;
    OSStatus rv;
    CSSM_DATA_PTR contentType;
    int certcount;
    int i, ci, n, rci, si;
    PLArenaPool *poolp;
    CFArrayRef certlist;
    extern const SecAsn1Template SecCmsSignerInfoTemplate[];

    poolp = sigd->cmsg->poolp;
    cinfo = &(sigd->contentInfo);

    /* did we have digest calculation going on? */
    if (cinfo->digcx) {
	rv = SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple(cinfo->digcx, (SecArenaPoolRef)poolp, &(sigd->digests));
	if (rv != SECSuccess)
	    goto loser;		/* error has been set by SecCmsDigestContextFinishMultiple */
	cinfo->digcx = NULL;

    signerinfos = sigd->signerInfos;
    certcount = 0;

    /* prepare all the SignerInfos (there may be none) */
    for (i=0; i < SecCmsSignedDataSignerInfoCount(sigd); i++) {
	signerinfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(sigd, i);
	/* find correct digest for this signerinfo */
	digestalgtag = SecCmsSignerInfoGetDigestAlgTag(signerinfo);
	n = SecCmsAlgArrayGetIndexByAlgTag(sigd->digestAlgorithms, digestalgtag);
	if (n < 0 || sigd->digests == NULL || sigd->digests[n] == NULL) {
	    /* oops - digest not found */
	    goto loser;

	/* XXX if our content is anything else but data, we need to force the
	 * presence of signed attributes (RFC2630 5.3 "signedAttributes is a
	 * collection...") */

	/* pass contentType here as we want a contentType attribute */
	if ((contentType = SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeOID(cinfo)) == NULL)
	    goto loser;

	/* sign the thing */
	rv = SecCmsSignerInfoSign(signerinfo, sigd->digests[n], contentType);
	if (rv != SECSuccess)
	    goto loser;

	/* while we're at it, count number of certs in certLists */
	certlist = SecCmsSignerInfoGetCertList(signerinfo);
	if (certlist)
	    certcount += CFArrayGetCount(certlist);

    /* Now we can get a timestamp, since we have all the digests */

    // We force the setting of a callback, since this is the most usual case
    if (!sigd->cmsg->tsaCallback)
        SecCmsMessageSetTSACallback(sigd->cmsg, (SecCmsTSACallback)SecCmsTSADefaultCallback);
    if (sigd->cmsg->tsaCallback && sigd->cmsg->tsaContext)
        CSSM_DATA tsaResponse = {0,};
        SecAsn1TSAMessageImprint messageImprint = {{{0},},{0,}};
        // <rdar://problem/11073466> Add nonce support for timestamping client

        uint64_t nonce = 0;

        require_noerr(getRandomNonce(&nonce), tsxit);
        dprintf("SecCmsSignedDataSignerInfoCount: %d\n", SecCmsSignedDataSignerInfoCount(sigd));

        // Calculate hash of encDigest and put in messageImprint.hashedMessage
        SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(sigd, 0);    // NB - assume 1 signer only!
        CSSM_DATA *encDigest = SecCmsSignerInfoGetEncDigest(signerinfo);
        require_noerr(createTSAMessageImprint(sigd, encDigest, &messageImprint), tsxit);
        // Callback to fire up XPC service to talk to TimeStamping server, etc.
        require_noerr(rv =(*sigd->cmsg->tsaCallback)(sigd->cmsg->tsaContext, &messageImprint,
                                                     nonce, &tsaResponse), tsxit);
        require_noerr(rv = validateTSAResponseAndAddTimeStamp(signerinfo, &tsaResponse, nonce), tsxit);

            It is likely that every occurrence of "goto loser" in this file should
            also do a PORT_SetError. Since it is not clear what might depend on this
            behavior, we just do this in the timestamping case.
        if (rv)
            dprintf("Original timestamp error: %d\n", (int)rv);
            rv = remapTimestampError(rv);
            goto loser;
    /* this is a SET OF, so we need to sort them guys */
    rv = SecCmsArraySortByDER((void **)signerinfos, SecCmsSignerInfoTemplate, NULL);
    if (rv != SECSuccess)
	goto loser;

     * now prepare certs & crls

    /* count the rest of the certs */
    if (sigd->certs != NULL)
	certcount += CFArrayGetCount(sigd->certs);

    if (certcount == 0) {
	sigd->rawCerts = NULL;
    } else {
	 * Combine all of the certs and cert chains into rawcerts.
	 * Note: certcount is an upper bound; we may not need that many slots
	 * but we will allocate anyway to avoid having to do another pass.
	 * (The temporary space saving is not worth it.)
	 * XXX ARGH - this NEEDS to be fixed. need to come up with a decent
	 *  SetOfDERcertficates implementation
	sigd->rawCerts = (CSSM_DATA_PTR *)PORT_ArenaAlloc(poolp, (certcount + 1) * sizeof(CSSM_DATA_PTR));
	if (sigd->rawCerts == NULL)
	    return SECFailure;

	 * XXX Want to check for duplicates and not add *any* cert that is
	 * already in the set.  This will be more important when we start
	 * dealing with larger sets of certs, dual-key certs (signing and
	 * encryption), etc.  For the time being we can slide by...
	 * XXX ARGH - this NEEDS to be fixed. need to come up with a decent
	 *  SetOfDERcertficates implementation
	rci = 0;
	if (signerinfos != NULL) {
	    for (si = 0; signerinfos[si] != NULL; si++) {
		signerinfo = signerinfos[si];
		for (ci = 0; ci < CFArrayGetCount(signerinfo->certList); ci++) {
		    sigd->rawCerts[rci] = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(CSSM_DATA));
		    SecCertificateRef cert = (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(signerinfo->certList, ci);
		    SecCertificateGetData(cert, sigd->rawCerts[rci++]);

	if (sigd->certs != NULL) {
	    for (ci = 0; ci < CFArrayGetCount(sigd->certs); ci++) {
		sigd->rawCerts[rci] = PORT_ArenaZAlloc(poolp, sizeof(CSSM_DATA));
		SecCertificateRef cert = (SecCertificateRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sigd->certs, ci);
		SecCertificateGetData(cert, sigd->rawCerts[rci++]);

	sigd->rawCerts[rci] = NULL;

	/* this is a SET OF, so we need to sort them guys - we have the DER already, though */
	SecCmsArraySort((void **)sigd->rawCerts, SecCmsUtilDERCompare, NULL, NULL);

    ret = SECSuccess;


    dprintf("SecCmsSignedDataEncodeAfterData: ret: %ld, rv: %ld\n", (long)ret, (long)rv);
    return ret;
Пример #9
 * SecCmsSignedDataEncodeBeforeStart - do all the necessary things to a SignedData
 *     before start of encoding.
 * In detail:
 *  - find out about the right value to put into sigd->version
 *  - come up with a list of digestAlgorithms (which should be the union of the algorithms
 *         in the signerinfos).
 *         If we happen to have a pre-set list of algorithms (and digest values!), we
 *         check if we have all the signerinfos' algorithms. If not, this is an error.
SecCmsSignedDataEncodeBeforeStart(SecCmsSignedDataRef sigd)
    SecCmsSignerInfoRef signerinfo;
    SECOidTag digestalgtag;
    CSSM_DATA_PTR dummy;
    int version;
    OSStatus rv;
    Boolean haveDigests = PR_FALSE;
    int n, i;
    PLArenaPool *poolp;

    poolp = sigd->cmsg->poolp;

    /* we assume that we have precomputed digests if there is a list of algorithms, and */
    /* a chunk of data for each of those algorithms */
    if (sigd->digestAlgorithms != NULL && sigd->digests != NULL) {
	for (i=0; sigd->digestAlgorithms[i] != NULL; i++) {
	    if (sigd->digests[i] == NULL)
	if (sigd->digestAlgorithms[i] == NULL)	/* reached the end of the array? */
	    haveDigests = PR_TRUE;		/* yes: we must have all the digests */

    /* RFC2630 5.1 "version is the syntax version number..." */
    if (SecCmsContentInfoGetContentTypeTag(&(sigd->contentInfo)) != SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA)

    /* prepare all the SignerInfos (there may be none) */
    for (i=0; i < SecCmsSignedDataSignerInfoCount(sigd); i++) {
	signerinfo = SecCmsSignedDataGetSignerInfo(sigd, i);

	/* RFC2630 5.1 "version is the syntax version number..." */
	if (SecCmsSignerInfoGetVersion(signerinfo) != SEC_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_VERSION_ISSUERSN)
	/* collect digestAlgorithms from SignerInfos */
	/* (we need to know which algorithms we have when the content comes in) */
	/* do not overwrite any existing digestAlgorithms (and digest) */
	digestalgtag = SecCmsSignerInfoGetDigestAlgTag(signerinfo);
	n = SecCmsAlgArrayGetIndexByAlgTag(sigd->digestAlgorithms, digestalgtag);
	if (n < 0 && haveDigests) {
	    /* oops, there is a digestalg we do not have a digest for */
	    /* but we were supposed to have all the digests already... */
	    goto loser;
	} else if (n < 0) {
	    /* add the digestAlgorithm & a NULL digest */
	    rv = SecCmsSignedDataAddDigest((SecArenaPoolRef)poolp, sigd, digestalgtag, NULL);
	    if (rv != SECSuccess)
		goto loser;
	} else {
	    /* found it, nothing to do */

    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeInteger(poolp, &(sigd->version), (long)version);
    if (dummy == NULL)
	return SECFailure;

    /* this is a SET OF, so we need to sort them guys */
    rv = SecCmsArraySortByDER((void **)sigd->digestAlgorithms, 
				(void **)sigd->digests);
    if (rv != SECSuccess)
	return SECFailure;
    return SECSuccess;

    return SECFailure;