Пример #1
EXPORT_C void CHuiTexture::SetSize(const TSize& aSize)
    // if there are multiple
    // segments already defined we have to recalculate (rescale)
    // the logical sizes and offsets for the individual segments
    // to match the new logical size
    if (SegmentCount()>0 && iSize.iWidth > 0 && iSize.iHeight > 0)
        for (TInt s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++)
            TSize oldSize(SegmentSize(s));
            TSize newSize(oldSize.iWidth * aSize.iWidth / iSize.iWidth,
                          oldSize.iHeight * aSize.iHeight / iSize.iHeight);
            TPoint oldOffset(SegmentOffset(s));
            TPoint newOffset(oldOffset.iX * aSize.iWidth / iSize.iWidth,
                             oldOffset.iY * aSize.iHeight / iSize.iHeight);
            SetSegmentSize(s, newSize);
            SetSegmentOffset(s, newOffset);

    // assign new logical size
    iSize = aSize;

Пример #2
EXPORT_C TInt CHuiTexture::ClearL(const TSize& aSize, const TRgb& aColor)
    // Always assign new logical size

    // if there are no segments, configure them based on the given size!
    ASSERT(SegmentCount() != 0 || (aSize.iWidth > 0 && aSize.iHeight > 0));
    if(SegmentCount() == 0)
        SetupSegmentsL(aSize, aSize);
    // clear all segments..
    for(TInt segment = 0; segment < SegmentCount(); ++segment)
        TRAPD(err, SegmentClearL(segment, EFalse, aColor, 0) );
        if(err == KErrNoMemory)
            HUI_DEBUG2(_L("CHuiTexture::Clear() - Out of memory trying to clear segment %i from \"%S\"."),
                       segment, &ImageFileName());
            return err;
        else if(err != KErrNone)
            HUI_DEBUG1(_L("CHuiTexture::Clear() - SegmentClearL failed with error code %i."), err);
            return err;
            // for PC lint
    // succeeded!
    return KErrNone;
    for( int s1 = 0; s1 < SegmentCount(); s1++ )
        for( int s2 = s1 + 1; s2 < SegmentCount(); s2++ )
            const VECTOR2I s2a = CSegment( s2 ).A, s2b = CSegment( s2 ).B;

            if( s1 + 1 != s2 && CSegment( s1 ).Contains( s2a ) )
                INTERSECTION is;
                is.our = CSegment( s1 );
                is.their = CSegment( s2 );
                is.p = s2a;
                return is;
            else if( CSegment( s1 ).Contains( s2b ) &&
                     // for closed polylines, the ending point of the
                     // last segment == starting point of the first segment
                     // this is a normal case, not self intersecting case
                     !( IsClosed() && s1 == 0 && s2 == SegmentCount()-1 ) )
                INTERSECTION is;
                is.our = CSegment( s1 );
                is.their = CSegment( s2 );
                is.p = s2b;
                return is;
                OPT_VECTOR2I p = CSegment( s1 ).Intersect( CSegment( s2 ), true );

                if( p )
                    INTERSECTION is;
                    is.our = CSegment( s1 );
                    is.their = CSegment( s2 );
                    is.p = *p;
                    return is;

int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::FindSegment( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        if( CSegment( s ).Distance( aP ) <= 1 )
            return s;

    return -1;
void FileBundleWriter::CreateSegment() {
  std::string seg_name = khMakeNumericFilename(kSegmentFilePrefix,
  if (SegmentCount() >= kSegmentFileCountMax) {
    throw khSimpleException
    ("FileBundleWriter::CreateSegment: max segment file count exceeded");

  FileBundle::AddSegment(new FileBundleWriterSegment(file_pool(),
                                                     mode_ & ~kExecuteMode));

  notify(NFY_DEBUG, "FileBundleWriter::CreateSegment added %llu: %s",
         static_cast<long long unsigned>(SegmentCount() - 1), seg_name.c_str());
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Length() const
    int l = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        l += CSegment( i ).Length();

    return l;
Пример #7
EXPORT_C TUint CHuiTexture::SegmentName(TInt aSegment) const
    ASSERT(aSegment < SegmentCount());
        return iPlaceholder->SegmentName(aSegment);

    return iSegments[aSegment].iName;
Пример #8
EXPORT_C TPoint CHuiTexture::SegmentOffset(TInt aSegment) const
    ASSERT(aSegment < SegmentCount());
        return iPlaceholder->SegmentOffset(aSegment);

    return iSegments[aSegment].iOffset;
Пример #9
EXPORT_C TSize CHuiTexture::SegmentTextureSize(TInt aSegment) const
    ASSERT(aSegment < SegmentCount());
        return iPlaceholder->SegmentTextureSize(aSegment);

    return iSegments[aSegment].iTextureSize;
Пример #10
bool ON_Polyline::ClosestPointTo( const ON_3dPoint& point, double *t, int segment_index0, int segment_index1 ) const
    bool rc = false;
    int segment_index;
    double segment_t, segment_d, best_t, best_d;
    best_t = 0.0; // to keep lint quiet
    best_d = 0.0; // to keep lint quiet
    if ( t ) {
        if ( segment_index0 < 0 )
            segment_index0 = 0;
        if ( segment_index1 > SegmentCount() )
            segment_index1 = SegmentCount();
        for ( segment_index = segment_index0; segment_index < segment_index1; segment_index++ ) {
            double seg_length = m_a[segment_index].DistanceTo(m_a[segment_index + 1]);
            if (seg_length < ON_EPSILON)
                segment_t = 0.0;
            else {
                const ON_3dVector D = SegmentTangent(segment_index);
                const int i = ( point.DistanceTo(m_a[segment_index]) <= point.DistanceTo(m_a[segment_index+1]) ) ? 0 : 1;
                segment_t = (point - m_a[segment_index+i])*D/seg_length;
                if ( i ) {
                    segment_t = 1.0 + segment_t;
                if ( segment_t < 0.0 )
                    segment_t = 0.0;
                else if (segment_t > 1.0 )
                    segment_t = 1.0;
            segment_d = point.DistanceTo((1-segment_t)*m_a[segment_index] + segment_t*m_a[segment_index+1]);
            if ( !rc || segment_d < best_d )
                best_t = segment_t + ((double)segment_index);
                best_d = segment_d;
            rc = true;
    if (rc)
        *t = best_t;
    return rc;
Пример #11
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Distance( const VECTOR2I& aP, bool aOutlineOnly ) const
    int d = INT_MAX;

    if( IsClosed() && PointInside( aP ) && !aOutlineOnly )
        return 0;

    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        d = std::min( d, CSegment( s ).Distance( aP ) );

    return d;
Пример #12
// Test if all segments of the polyedge are surface edges
bool ON_PolyEdgeCurve::ContainsAllEdges() const
  int i, count = SegmentCount();
  for( i = 0; i < count; i++)
    ON_PolyEdgeSegment* segment = SegmentCurve(i);
    if( NULL == segment || NULL == segment->Edge())
      return false;
  return true;
Пример #13
void CHuiTexture::GenerateBlobL(const TSize& aSize)
    // calculate parameters for the segments..
    SetupSegmentsL(aSize, aSize);


    TSize textureSize = SegmentTextureSize(0);
    TUint8* buffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[
                         textureSize.iWidth * textureSize.iHeight * 4];
    CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );

    /** @todo  This is too slow. Just load a pregenerated texture. */

    TUint8* ptr = buffer;
    for(TInt y = 0; y < textureSize.iHeight; y++)
        for(TInt x = 0; x < textureSize.iWidth; x++, ptr += 4)
            ptr[0] = ptr[1] = ptr[2] = 255;

            TReal32 dx = TReal32(x) - textureSize.iWidth/2.f;
            TReal32 dy = TReal32(y) - textureSize.iHeight/2.f;
            TReal32 src = dx * dx + dy * dy;
            TReal trg = 0;

            if(dx != 0 || dy != 0)
                Math::Sqrt(trg, src);

            trg = trg / (textureSize.iWidth/2.0f);
            if(trg < 0)
                trg = 0;
            if(trg > 1)
                trg = 1;

            ptr[3] = (TInt) ((1 - trg) * 255);

    // Upload the solid color buffer.
    SegmentUploadL(0, EHuiTextureFormatRgba8888, textureSize, buffer);

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buffer );
Пример #14
int ON_PolyEdgeCurve::FindEdge( const ON_BrepEdge* edge) const
  int rc = -1;
  if ( 0 != edge )
    int i, count = SegmentCount();
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++)
      ON_PolyEdgeSegment* segment = SegmentCurve(i);
      if ( 0 != segment && edge == segment->Edge() )
        rc = i;
  return rc;
Пример #15
const VECTOR2I SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::NearestPoint( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
    int min_d = INT_MAX;
    int nearest = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        int d = CSegment( i ).Distance( aP );

        if( d < min_d )
            min_d = d;
            nearest = i;

    return CSegment( nearest ).NearestPoint( aP );
Пример #16
int ON_PolyEdgeCurve::FindTrim( const ON_BrepTrim* trim) const
  int rc = -1;
  if ( 0 != trim )
    int i, count = SegmentCount();
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++)
      ON_PolyEdgeSegment* segment = SegmentCurve(i);
      if ( 0 != segment && trim == segment->Trim() )
        rc = i;
  return rc;
Пример #17
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Intersect( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aChain, INTERSECTIONS& aIp ) const
    BOX2I bb_other = aChain.BBox();

    for( int s1 = 0; s1 < SegmentCount(); s1++ )
        const SEG& a = CSegment( s1 );
        const BOX2I bb_cur( a.A, a.B - a.A );

        if( !bb_other.Intersects( bb_cur ) )

        for( int s2 = 0; s2 < aChain.SegmentCount(); s2++ )
            const SEG& b = aChain.CSegment( s2 );
            INTERSECTION is;

            if( a.Collinear( b ) )
                is.our = a;
                is.their = b;

                if( a.Contains( b.A ) ) { is.p = b.A; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                if( a.Contains( b.B ) ) { is.p = b.B; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                if( b.Contains( a.A ) ) { is.p = a.A; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                if( b.Contains( a.B ) ) { is.p = a.B; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                OPT_VECTOR2I p = a.Intersect( b );

                if( p )
                    is.p = *p;
                    is.our = a;
                    is.their = b;
                    aIp.push_back( is );

    return aIp.size();
Пример #18
int ON_PolyEdgeCurve::FindCurve( const ON_Curve* curve) const
  int rc = -1;
  if ( 0 != curve )
    int i, count = SegmentCount();
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++)
      ON_PolyEdgeSegment* segment = SegmentCurve(i);
      if (    0 != segment 
           && (curve == segment || curve == segment->ProxyCurve() || curve == segment->Edge()) )
        rc = i;
  return rc;
Пример #19
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::PathLength( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
    int sum = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG seg = CSegment( i );
        int d = seg.Distance( aP );

        if( d <= 1 )
            sum += ( aP - seg.A ).EuclideanNorm();
            return sum;
            sum += seg.Length();

    return -1;
Пример #20
bool SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Collide( const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance ) const
    BOX2I box_a( aSeg.A, aSeg.B - aSeg.A );
    BOX2I::ecoord_type dist_sq = (BOX2I::ecoord_type) aClearance * aClearance;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG& s = CSegment( i );
        BOX2I box_b( s.A, s.B - s.A );

        BOX2I::ecoord_type d = box_a.SquaredDistance( box_b );

        if( d < dist_sq )
            if( s.Collide( aSeg, aClearance ) )
                return true;

    return false;
Пример #21
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Intersect( const SEG& aSeg, INTERSECTIONS& aIp ) const
    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        OPT_VECTOR2I p = CSegment( s ).Intersect( aSeg );

        if( p )
            INTERSECTION is;
            is.our = CSegment( s );
            is.their = aSeg;
            is.p = *p;
            aIp.push_back( is );

    compareOriginDistance comp( aSeg.A );
    sort( aIp.begin(), aIp.end(), comp );

    return aIp.size();
Пример #22
bool SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::CheckClearance( const VECTOR2I& aP, const int aDist) const
    if( !PointCount() )
        return false;

    else if( PointCount() == 1 )
        return m_points[0] == aP;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG s = CSegment( i );

        if( s.A == aP || s.B == aP )
            return true;

        if( s.Distance( aP ) <= aDist )
            return true;

    return false;
Пример #23
const VECTOR2I SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::PointAlong( int aPathLength ) const
    int total = 0;

    if( aPathLength == 0 )
        return CPoint( 0 );

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG& s = CSegment( i );
        int l = s.Length();

        if( total + l >= aPathLength )
            VECTOR2I d( s.B - s.A );
            return s.A + d.Resize( aPathLength - total );

        total += l;

    return CPoint( -1 );
void FileBundleWriter::AllocateBlock(size_t block_size,
                                     FileBundleWriterSegment **segment,
                                     off_t *seg_position,
                                     uint64 *bundle_position) {
  assert(block_size <= segment_break());

  khLockGuard lock(modify_lock_);

  // Check for adequate room in current segment; if not, create a new
  // segment
  FileBundleSegment *cur_seg = LastSegment();
  if (cur_seg->data_size() + block_size > segment_break()) {
    cur_seg = LastSegment();

  assert(cur_seg->SegmentType() == FileBundleSegment::kWriterSegment);
  *segment = reinterpret_cast<FileBundleWriterSegment*>(cur_seg);
  *seg_position = cur_seg->data_size();
  *bundle_position = (SegmentCount() - 1) * segment_break() + *seg_position;
Пример #25
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Split( const VECTOR2I& aP )
    int ii = -1;
    int min_dist = 2;

    int found_index = Find( aP );

    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        const SEG seg = CSegment( s );
        int dist = seg.Distance( aP );

        // make sure we are not producing a 'slightly concave' primitive. This might happen
        // if aP lies very close to one of already existing points.
        if( dist < min_dist && seg.A != aP && seg.B != aP )
            min_dist = dist;
            if( found_index < 0 )
                ii = s;
            else if( s < found_index )
                ii = s;

    if( ii < 0 )
        ii = found_index;

    if( ii >= 0 )
        m_points.insert( m_points.begin() + ii + 1, aP );

        return ii + 1;

    return -1;
Пример #26
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::EdgeContainingPoint( const VECTOR2I& aPt, int aAccuracy ) const
    if( !PointCount() )
		return -1;

	else if( PointCount() == 1 )
	    VECTOR2I dist = m_points[0] - aPt;
	    return ( hypot( dist.x, dist.y ) <= aAccuracy + 1 ) ? 0 : -1;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG s = CSegment( i );

        if( s.A == aPt || s.B == aPt )
            return i;

        if( s.Distance( aPt ) <= aAccuracy + 1 )
            return i;

    return -1;
Пример #27
bool ON_Polyline::ClosestPointTo( const ON_3dPoint& point, double *t ) const
    return ClosestPointTo( point, t, 0, SegmentCount() );
Пример #28
EXPORT_C TBool CHuiTexture::HasContent() const
    return (SegmentCount() > 0);
Пример #29
ON_BOOL32 ON_PolyEdgeCurve::IsClosed(void) const
  //if ( m_is_closed_helper == 1 )
  //  return true;
  //if ( m_is_closed_helper == 2 )
  //  return false;

  ON_BOOL32 rc = ON_PolyCurve::IsClosed();

  if ( !rc && SegmentCount() > 1 )
    // Since the segments that make up a ON_PolyEdgeCurve
    // cannot have their ends matched (becuase the curves
    // belong to objects alread in the rhino model), 
    // the IsClosed() test has to tolerate gaps.
    // There are two situations.  If the start and end
    // segments are edges that belong to the same brep, 
    // then they "join" if and only if they share a vertex.
    // Otherwise, the current value of Rhino tolerance
    // is used.
    const ON_PolyEdgeSegment* seg0 = SegmentCurve(0);
    const ON_PolyEdgeSegment* seg1 = SegmentCurve(SegmentCount()-1);

    const ON_BrepEdge* edge0 = seg0->Edge();
    const ON_BrepEdge* edge1 = seg1->Edge();
    if ( edge0 && edge1 && edge0->Brep() == edge1->Brep() )
      // check for topological closure
      // Do NOT add a test for sloppy geometric closure here.
      // If the edges are in the same brep and they don't 
      // meet topologicially, then there is something in the
      // brep that is separating the edges.
      int evi0 = seg0->ReversedEdgeDir() ? 1 : 0;
      int evi1 = seg1->ReversedEdgeDir() ? 0 : 1;
      double et0 = seg0->EdgeParameter(seg0->Domain()[0]);
      double et1 = seg1->EdgeParameter(seg1->Domain()[1]);
      if ( et0 != ON_UNSET_VALUE && et1 != ON_UNSET_VALUE )
        ON_Interval edom0 = edge0->Domain();
        ON_Interval edom1 = edge1->Domain();
        if ( et0 == edom0[evi0] && et1 == edom1[evi1] )
          // The polyedge starts at the (evi0?end:start) of edge0
          // and ends at the (ev1?end:start) of edge1.
          if ( edge0->m_vi[evi0] == edge1->m_vi[evi1] )
            // the polyedge start/ends at a common vertex
            rc = true;
        else if ( edge0 == edge1 
                  && fabs(et0-et1) <= ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE 
                  && edom0.Includes(et0,true)
                  && edom1.Includes(et1,true)
          // The start/end of the polyedge is an interior point
          // of a single edge.  (This happens when the "seam" gets
          // adjusted to be inside of an edge.)  It is unlikely that
          // ON_PolyCurve::IsClosed() would return false in this
          // case, but this check should keep everybody happy.
          rc = true;
      // check for sloppy geometric closure
      // It is important that this test is NOT used when
      // edge0 and edge1 belong to the same brep.
      ON_3dPoint p0 = PointAtStart();
      ON_3dPoint p1 = PointAtEnd();
      double d = p0.DistanceTo(p1);
      double tol = ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE; //RhinoApp().ActiveDoc()->AbsoluteTolerance();
      if ( d <= tol )
        rc = true;

  //const_cast<ON_PolyEdgeCurve*>(this)->m_is_closed_helper = (rc) ? 1 :2;

  return rc;
Пример #30
ON_BOOL32 ON_PolyEdgeCurve::ChangeClosedCurveSeam( double t )
  //int saved_is_closed_helper = m_is_closed_helper;

  if ( SegmentCount() == 1 )
    // A ON_PolyEdgeSegment cannot have its start/end
    // changed. Split it into two segments and let 
    // ON_PolyCurve::ChangeClosedCurveSeam() do the work.
    if ( !IsClosed() )
      return false;

    ON_Interval crvd = Domain();
    double s = crvd.NormalizedParameterAt(t);

    if ( s <= ON_SQRT_EPSILON || s >= (1.0 - ON_SQRT_EPSILON) )
      s = fmod(s,1.0);
      if ( s < 0.0 )
        s += 1.0;
      if ( fabs(s) <= ON_SQRT_EPSILON || fabs(1.0-s) <= ON_SQRT_EPSILON )
        // split parameter is at start/end of this segemnt
        if ( t != crvd[0] )
          SetDomain(t,t+crvd.Length() );
          //m_is_closed_helper = saved_is_closed_helper;
        return true;
      return false;

    ON_PolyEdgeSegment* left_seg = SegmentCurve(0);
    if ( 0 == left_seg )
      return false;


    ON_Curve* left = left_seg;
    ON_Curve* right = 0;
    double segt = SegmentCurveParameter(t);
    if ( !left_seg->Split(segt,left,right) )
      return false;
    ON_PolyEdgeSegment* right_seg = ON_PolyEdgeSegment::Cast(right);
    if ( 0 == right_seg )
      return false;

    double st[3];
    st[0] = crvd[0];
    st[1] = t;
    st[2] = crvd[1];
    SetParameterization( st );

  // ON_PolyCurve::ChangeClosedCurveSeam works fine on
  // two or more segments.
  ON_BOOL32 rc = ON_PolyCurve::ChangeClosedCurveSeam(t);
  //if ( saved_is_closed_helper )
  //  m_is_closed_helper = saved_is_closed_helper;

  return rc;